Azerbaijan, ICCPR, A/57/40 vol. I (2002) 47 at para. 77(22).


(22) The Committee is concerned at the extensive limitations on the right to freedom of expression of the media. While noting the explanations given by the delegation with regard to this issue, the Committee remains concerned at reports of harassment and criminal libel suits used to seek to silence journalists critical of the Government or public officials, as well as the closure of print media outlets and the imposition of heavy fines, aimed at undermining freedom of expression (art. 19).


The Committee urges the State party to take the necessary measures to put an end to direct and indirect restrictions on freedom of expression. Criminal defamation legislation should be brought into line with article 19 by ensuring a proper balance between the protection of a person's reputation and freedom of expression.


          Togo, ICCPR, A/58/40 vol. I (2002) 36 at para. 78(17).


17. The Committee is concerned at reports that opposition political parties lack practical access to public audio-visual and sound media and that the members of such parties are the target of continuous public slander campaigns in the media (articles 19 and 26 of the Covenant).


The State party should guarantee the fair access of political parties to public and private media and ensure that their members are protected against slander...


          Serbia and Montenegro, ICCPR, A/59/40 vol. I (2004) 68 at para. 75(22).


(22) The Committee is concerned at the high number of proceedings initiated against journalists for media-related offences, in particular as a result of complaints filed by political personalities who feel that they have been subject to defamation because of their functions.


The State party, in its application of the law on criminal defamation, should take into consideration on the one hand the principle that the limits for acceptable criticism for public figures are wider than for private individuals, and on the other hand the provisions of article 19 (3), which do not allow restrictions to freedom of expression for political purposes.


          Albania, ICCPR, A/60/40 vol. I (2004) 25 at para. 82(19).


(19) The Committee is concerned about instances of harassment and physical violence against journalists as well as about threats of defamation suits against them, and with the lack of information provided by the State party about those situations (art. 19).


The State party should fully guarantee and protect the right of freedom of opinion and expression of journalists and media representatives and introduce legal mechanisms and practical measures to that effect, and should prosecute and punish perpetrators of interference with those rights.


          Tajikistan, ICCPR, A/60/40 vol. I (2005) 70 at para. 92(22).


(22) The Committee is concerned about the existence in the State party’s Criminal Code of broadly worded crimes such as “injuring the honour and dignity of the President” and “attempt against the constitutional order”, which may lend themselves to manipulation and limitation of freedom of speech (art. 19).


The State party should bring its law and practice governing freedom of expression into line with the provisions of article 19 of the Covenant.


          Thailand, ICCPR, A/60/40 vol. I (2005) 83 at para. 95(18).


(18) The Committee is concerned about reports of intimidation and harassment against local and foreign journalists and media personnel as well as of defamation suits against them, originating at the highest political level. It is also concerned at the impact of the Emergency Decree on Government Administration in States of Emergency which imposes serious restrictions on media freedom (art. 19, para. 3).


The State party should take adequate measures to prevent further erosion of freedom of expression, in particular, threats to and harassment of media personnel and journalists, and ensure that such cases are investigated promptly and that suitable action is taken against those responsible, regardless of rank or status.



          Syrian Arab Republic, CRC, CRC/C/132 (2003) 116 at paras. 560 and 561.


560. The Committee is concerned that the reference in the report to information contained in the initial report indicates that very little or no progress has taken place with respect to the implementation of articles 13 to 17 of the Convention on these matters.


561. The Committee recommends that the State party actively promote the implementation of these rights by, among other things, making children more aware of these rights and by facilitating their active use in daily practice...

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