Colombia, CAT, A/59/44 (2003) 33 at paras. 62, 68 and 69.


62. The Committee notes with satisfaction the State party's adoption of a number of domestic laws of relevance to the prevention and suppression of torture and ill-treatment, in particular:


(a) The new Penal Code (Act No. 599/2000), which defines the offences of torture, genocide, forced disappearance and forced displacement and states that due obedience will not be considered as justifying those offences;


(b) The new Military Penal Code (Act No. 522/1999), which excludes the offences of torture, genocide and forced disappearance from the jurisdiction of the military criminal courts and regulates the principle of due obedience;


68. The Committee...expresses its concern at:


(d) The allegations and information indicating:


(iii) The fact that the military courts are allegedly still, despite the promulgation of the new Military Penal Code and the Constitutional Court's decision of 1997 that crimes against humanity did not fall within the jurisdiction of the military courts, investigating offences that are totally excluded from their competence, such as torture, genocide and forced disappearance in which members of the police or armed forces are suspected of having been involved;


69. The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to prevent the acts of torture and ill-treatment that are being committed in its territory, and in particular that it:


(g) Respect the provisions of the Military Penal Code that exclude cases of torture from the jurisdiction of the military courts and ensure that those provisions are respected in practice;



          Germany, CAT, A/59/44 (2004) 45 at para. 90.


90. The Committee welcomes:


(f) The State party’s passage of legislation to implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which comprehensively codifies crimes against international law, including torture in the context of genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity;


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