Article 14.3(b) and (d), ICCPR

Article 14


3. In the determination of any criminal charge against him, everyone shall be entitled to the following minimum guarantees, in full equality:


(b) To have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence and to communicate with counsel of his own choosing;


(d) To be tried in his presence, and to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing; to be informed, if he does not have legal assistance, of this right; and to have legal assistance assigned to him, in any case where the interests of justice so require, and without payment by him in any such case if he does not have sufficient means to pay for it...


          Article 6.1 and 6.3, CAT

Article 6


1. Upon being satisfied, after an examination of information available to it, that the circumstances so warrant, any State Party in whose territory a person alleged to have committed any offence referred to in article 4 is present shall take him into custody or take other legal measures to ensure his presence. The custody and other legal measures shall be as provided in the law of that State but may be continued only for such time as is necessary to enable any criminal or extradition proceedings to be instituted.


3. Any person in custody pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article shall be assisted in communicating immediately with the nearest appropriate representative of the State of which he is a national, or, if he is a stateless person, with the representative of the State where he usually resides.


          Article 37(d), CRC

Article 37

            State Parties shall ensure that:


(d) Every child deprived of his or her liberty shall have the right to prompt access to legal and other appropriate assistance, as well as the right to challenge the legality of the deprivation of his or her liberty before a court or other competent, independent and impartial authority, and to a prompt decision on any such action.


          Article 40.1 and 40.2(b)(ii), CRC

Article 40


1. States Parties recognize the right of every child alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law to be treated in a manner consistent with the promotion of the child's sense of dignity and worth, which reinforces the child's respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of others and which takes into account the child's age and the desirability of promoting the child's reintegration and the child's assuming a constructive role in society.


2. To this end, and having regard to the relevant provisions of international instruments, States Parties shall, in particular, ensure that:


(b) Every child alleged as or accused of having infringed the penal law has at least the following guarantees:


(ii) To be informed promptly and directly of the charges against him or her, and, if appropriate, through his of her parents or legal guardians, and to have legal or other appropriate assistance in the preparation and presentation of his or her defence...


          Article 16.7, CMW

Article 16


7. When a migrant worker or a member of his or her family is arrested or committed to prison or custody pending trial or is detained in any other manner:


(a) The consular or diplomatic authorities of his or her State of origin or of a State representing the interests of that State shall, if he or she so requests, be informed without delay of his or her arrest or detention and of the reasons therefor;


(b) The person concerned shall have the right to communicate with the said authorities. Any communication by the person concerned to the said authorities shall be forwarded without delay, and he or she shall also have the right to receive communications sent by the said authorities without delay;


(c) The person concerned shall be informed without delay of this right and of rights deriving from relevant treaties, if any, applicable between the States concerned, to correspond and to meet with representatives of the said authorities and to make arrangements with them for his or her legal representation.


          Article 18.3(b) and 18.3(d), CMW

Article 18


3. In the determination of any criminal charge against them, migrant workers and members of their families shall be entitled to the following minimum guarantees:


(b) To have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of their defence and to communicate with counsel of their own choosing;


(d) To be tried in their presence and to defend themselves in person or through legal assistance of their own choosing; to be informed, if they do not have legal assistance, of this right; and to have legal assistance assigned to them, in any case where the interests of justice so require and without payment by them in any such case if they do not have sufficient means to pay;



          Article 23, CMW

Article 23


Migrant workers and members of their families shall have the right to have recourse to the protection and assistance of the consular or diplomatic authorities of their State of origin or of a State representing the interests of that State whenever the rights recognized in the present Convention are impaired. In particular, in case of expulsion, the person concerned shall be informed of this right without delay and the authorities of the expelling State shall facilitate the exercise of such right.

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