List of issues : Senegal. 23/06/95.
CRC/C.10/WP.1. (List of Issues)
Tenth session
Pre-sessional Working Group
12-16 June 1995


List of issues to be taken in connection with the
consideration of the initial report of Senegal

General measures of implementation
(Arts. 4, 42 and 44 para. 6 of the Convention)

Please provide more details about the process of preparing the report, including about governmental coordination and non-governmental involvement.

Please indicate the concrete measures taken or foreseen to make the report widely available to the public at large, in the light of article 44 para.6 of the Convention.

Please indicate whether any study has been undertaken to review national legislation and its compatibility with the principles and provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and of any follow-up to the recommendations it contains.

Please indicate any difficulties encountered in the implementation of existing legislation with a view to ensuring full respect for the rights of the child.

Please describe the national institutions which exist or have been created to ensure coordination of action on behalf of children and to monitor the implementation of the Convention, both at the national and local levels. To what extent and in what ways do these institutions relate to the non-governmental organisations in the country?

Please provide information on the measures taken to develop mechanisms for the determination of appropriate indicators as well as to collect statistical data and other information on the status of children as bases for designing programmes to implement the Convention.

Please describe the policy in place in relation to the implementation of article 4 of the Convention with regard to the allocation to the maximum extent possible of...available resources for the implementation of the economic, social and cultural rights of children. What guarantees exist to ensure that local authorities are also guided by this principle in their decision-making? What consideration has been given to the social needs of children in the context of the structural adjustment plan implemented in Senegal?

In the light of paras. 20 and 21 of the report, please provide further information on the extent to which international cooperation is designed to foster the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and please indicate the proportion of international aid allocated to programmes for children.

With reference to information contained in paras. 209 to 211 of the report, please indicate the further measures which have been adopted to create more widespread awareness about the principles and provisions of the Convention among adults and children, including in the different languages spoken in the country.

In view of the recent adoption by the General Assembly of resolution 49/184 proclaiming the United Nations Decade of Human Rights Education, has the Government considered the possiblity of using this opportunity to make room in school curricula for the teaching of issues relating to the Convention?

Please provide information on the measures taken to provide professional groups working in the field of children's rights with training about the Convention.

Definition of the child
(Article 1 of the Convention)

Please provide information on the minimum age for legal and medical counselling without parental consent, the minimum age for marriage, the minimum age for access to employment and the age of completion of compulsory education.

General principles
(Arts. 2, 3, 6 and 12 of the Convention)

Please indicate to what extent the provisions of article 2 of the Convention, with regard to all possible grounds for discrimination covered by this article, are covered in national legislation.

What efforts have been made to collect disaggregated data on the basis of age, gender, ethnic or social origin, rural and urban groups in relation to the situation of children?

Please provide information on the steps taken to prevent and eliminate discriminatory attitudes or prejudices and to ensure an effective protection against discrimination, including towards girls, children born out of wedlock, children in rural areas and poor children.

Please provide further information on the measures taken to ensure the enrolment of girls in schools and to improve the rate of their school attendance. Please indicate the efforts made to protect the girl child against the harmful effects of traditional practices or customs.

Please indicate in what way the best interests of the child, as recognised by article 3 of the Convention, are taken into consideration in legislation and in other actions undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law or administrative authorities.

Please provide information on the ways in which the respect for the views of the child is reflected in legislation and is taken into account in judicial and administrative proceedings concerning the child, including in the case of the change in the name of a child within the framework of an adoption procedure (as referred to in para. 76 of the report).

Please indicate the concrete measures which have been taken to sensitize public opinion and professional groups to the need to encourage children's participatory rights in school and social life.

Please indicate how the views of the child are taken into account within the framework of family life.

Civil rights and freedoms
(Arts. 7, 8, 13-17 and 37 (a) of the Convention)

Please provide information on the way the fundamental freedoms recognized by the Convention are enjoyed by children and on the possible difficulties encountered in their implementation.

Please provide information on the way birth registration is ensured in rural areas. What efforts have been made to sensitize public opinion to the need to register births as well as to train adequate registry personnel?

In the light of the information provided in para. 73 of the report, please indicate the further measures which have been adopted to prevent and investigate cases of the physical or mental ill-treatment of children. Are procedures available for children to complain about such abuse?

Please indicate whether corporal punishment is allowed in schools and institutions for children and whether any measures have been adopted to sensitize and educate personnel working in schools and institutions about the issues of child neglect, abuse or ill-treatment.

Family environment and alternative care
(Arts. 5, 18 paras. 1 and 2, 9, 10, 27 para. 4, 20, 21, 11, 19, 39 and 25 of the Convention)

Please provide further information on the way articles 9 and 10 of the Convention are implemented, including in relation to the way personal relations and direct contacts are maintained on a regular basis between the child and his or her parents in the case of their separation.

With reference to the information provided in paras. 49 to 52 of the report and in the light of the provisions of article 11 of the Convention, please indicate whether any measure has been adopted with a view to combating the illicit transfer and non-return of children.

Please provide information on the measures taken to enforce parental responsibility for the maintenance of the child, especially when one of the parents is not living with the child.

Please indicate whether any measures have been adopted to prevent and combat the abandonment of children.

Please indicate the measures adopted or envisaged to ensure the implementation of a legal framework for the effective protection of children in cases of inter-country adoption, as set forth in article 21 of the Convention.

Basic health and welfare
(Arts. 6, para. 2, 23, 24, 26, 18 para. 3 and 27 paras. 1-3 of the Convention)

Please indicate the proportion of the national budget allocated to child health care and the trends in the allocation of resources to this sector since the ratification of the Convention.

Please provide information on the measures adopted to ensure that there is an effective access to health care services as well as an equitable distribution of services, medical equipment and professional personnel to health units in rural and urban areas.

Please provide information on the measures adopted to ensure that all groups in society, including parents and children, have access to appropriate information and knowledge on child health and nutrition, as well as on family planning. What measures have been adopted with a view to preventing early pregnancy?

In the light of the information provided in para. 116 of the report, please indicate whether information and education campaigns have been launched as a means to prevent discrimination against children with HIV-infection. Please provide information on the measures taken to address the situation of children orphaned by HIV-AIDS.

Education, leisure and cultural activities
(Arts. 28, 29 and 31 of the Convention)

Please indicate how the right to education is ensured in practice on the basis of equal opportunity in relation to children living in rural and urban areas and children belonging to the most disadvantaged groups in society, including poor children and children living and working in the street.

Please indicate the measures taken to improve the quality of education and teaching as well as to ensure that educational and vocational education and guidance is made available and accessible to all children, thus preparing them for a responsible life in a free society.

Please provide further information disaggregated by gender and rural and urban areas on the level of school enrolment, school attendance and drop-outs since the State party's ratification of the Convention. In addition, please provide an assessment of the trends in budgetary allocations to the educational sector for the same period.

Special protection measures
(Arts. 22, 30, 32-40 of the Convention)

Please provide information on the measures taken or envisaged by the Government at the legislative and procedural levels, which are guided by the principle of the best interests of the child, to address the situation of refugee and asylum-seeking children.

Please provide information on the steps taken or envisaged with regard to the consideration of the establishment of a minimum age below which children shall be presumed not to have the capacity to infringe the penal law, in the light of article 40 para. 3 (a) of the Convention.

Please provide information on the number of existing institutions for the placement of children in conflict with law, as well as on the number of, and reasons for, children being deprived of liberty.

Please provide further information on the treatment of juvenile offenders, particularly with respect to the following matters:

- what are the measures taken to ensure contact between the detained child and his or her family?

- how are the conditions in institutions for the detention of juveniles supervised and what educational and health services are provided there?

- are complaints procedures available in case of ill-treatment?

- what measures have been taken to train the staff in those institutions about the principles and provisions of the Convention and other United Nations standards adopted in the field of the administration of juvenile justice?

In the light of article 32 of the Convention, please provide information on the way the provisions adopted for the protection of children from economic exploitation are effectively implemented.

Please provide information on the measures undertaken or envisaged to protect children working in the informal sector. What are the measures adopted by the Government to prevent the exploitation of children working as domestics?

Please provide information on the measures adopted to combat the problem of drug abuse and the progress made in that regard.

What measures have been taken to protect children from all forms of sexual abuse or sexual exploitation, including child prostitution and child pornography?

Please provide information on the measures adopted to protect and ensure respect for the rights of children living, working and begging in the street, including their right to education, as well as on the measures adopted to prevent such situations from arising.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland