List of issues : Liberia. 13/02/2004.
CRC/C/Q/LIB/1. (List of Issues)

Convention Abbreviation: CRC
Thirty-sixth session
Pre-sessional Working Group
2-6 February 2004


List of issues to be taken up in connection with the consideration of the initial report of LIBERIA (CRC/C/65/Add.24)
Part I

Under this section the State party is requested to submit in written form additional and updated information, if possible, before 5 April 2004:

Taking into account the recent years of serious armed conflict, the conclusion of a comprehensive Peace Agreements in August 2003 and the establishment of a Transitional Government, the Committee on the Rights of the Child kindly request the State party to provide the following information in preparation of the dialogue with the Committee scheduled during its 36th session (17 May – 4 June 2004).
General Measures of Implementation

1. Please provide an update of all statistical data provided in the report and if available other statistical data relevant to the implementation of the Convention of Rights of the Child.

2. Please indicate the priorities that the National Transitional Government of Liberia is pursuing with regard to the implementation of the Convention, in particular with regard to the consequences of the civil war affecting children.

3. Please provide specific information on the current situation and on planned activities/changes regarding
a) legislative review and measures taken to implement the Convention on the Rights on the Child;
b) the coordination of governmental activities for the implementation of the CRC (which ministry is responsible, what is the mandate, human and financial resources, etc.);
c) the (drafting of a) National Plan of Action for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and as a follow up to the UNGASS special session on children in May 2002;
d) the activities of the Human Rights Commission (see report para. 44) and particularly its mandate to deal with individual complaints from children and its capacity (human and financial resources);
e) data collection and budget allocations;
f) the role of (inter)national non-governmental organisations, their relationship with government (cooperation, joint projects, etc.) and the coordination of their activities;
g) measures to raise awareness and conduct training for professionals on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.4. Please provide information about laws, policies, programmes, and other measures taken for the:
a) establishment of an effective system of birth registration, including for those children who were not registered in the past;
b) demobilization, disarmament, and rehabilitation of child soldiers, including psychological assistance;
c) medical and psychological treatment of children victimized during the war;
d) family reunification or alternative care for children, who were separated from their parents or have lost their parents;
e) relocation and repatriation of children and their families who have been displaced during civil war;
f) refugee children both coming from neighbouring countries to Liberia and fleeing from Liberia to neighbouring countries in order to bring them back into the country of their choice or to integrate them in Liberia;
g) children with disabilities, living with parents or in institutions, and their access to, and attendance (or non-) of, regular or special schools;
h) rebuilding of an adequate system of health services for children of all ages, in particular with the view to the reduction of infant and maternal mortality;
i) rebuilding of the educational system with the view to bring children back to a school that is free and compulsory, and for increasing attendance and preventing drop out, and
j) establishment of a juvenile justice system that takes into account the requirements as defined in the Convention and other relevant international. Instruments.5. Please provide data on the case load with respect to every issue addressed in previous para., under a) to i) and disaggregate data by age, gender, ethnic group, and nationality, if possible and appropriate. Please also provide actual data on all children under 18 years of age for the years 2001, 2002, and 2003 living in the State party, disaggregated by gender, ethnic group, and nationality.
Part II

Please provide copies of the text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in all official languages of the State party as well as in other languages or dialects, when available. If possible, please submit these texts in electronic form.

Part III

Under this section, the State party is to briefly (3 pages maximum) update the information provided in its report with regard to:

- new bills or enacted legislation
- new institutions
- newly implemented policies
- newly implemented programmes and projects and their scope

Part IV

The following is a preliminary list of major issues (that does not contain issues already covered in Part I) that the Committee intends to take up during the dialogue with the State party. They do not require written responses. This list is not exhaustive as other issues might be raised in the course of the dialogue.

1. Child soldiers and their rehabilitation.
2. Refugee and internally displaced children, inter alia, children of refugees abducted from refugee camps.
3. Trafficking of children for the purposes of economic or sexual exploitation.
4. Discrimination in particular with respect to girls, ethnic groups and children with disabilities.
5. Child participation, including the right to be heard in judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child and in policymaking.
6. Poverty.
7. Child abuse and neglect, including reporting mechanisms, investigations and the provision of counselling and recovery services for child victims.
8. Adoption.
9. Child health.
10. Adolescent health, including reproductive health.
11. The education system.
12. The administration of juvenile justice and rehabilitation policies and programmes for juvenile offenders.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland

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