List of issues: Iceland. 11/10/2002.
CRC/C/Q/ICE/2. (List of Issues)

Convention Abbreviation: CRC
32nd Session
Pre-sessional Working Group
7-11 October 2002


List of issues to be taken up in connection with the consideration of

the second periodic report of Iceland (CRC/C/83/Add.5)


Under this section the State party is requested to submit in writing additional and updated information, if possible before 29 November 2002:

A. Please provide data and statistics disaggregated by age and sex for the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, if available.

1. Demographic data of the under-18 population.

2. Budgetary allocation and spending for social needs, as percentages of total central and local government expenditures. In particular, how much was spent on:

a) education (pre-primary, primary and secondary education, teachers salaries, preservation of school buildings, etc.);
b) health (primary health care, vaccinations, adolescent health care and other health care services for children);
c) day-care facilities;
d) child protection (e.g. foster care);
e) juvenile crime prevention and rehabilitation;
f) children with disabilities; and
g) other social services.

3. For children deprived of a family environment and separated from parents, the number of children that are:

a) separated from their parents; and
b) placed in short, and long-term foster care.

4. The net enrolment ratio and completion rates (according to the type of school, i.e. public, and private) in percentages in:

a) pre-primary;
b) elementary;
c) intermediate;
d) secondary;
e) vocational; and
f) drop-outs and repetition.

5. The number of children with disabilities that are:

a) living with their families;
b) in institutions;
c) attending regular schools; and
d) attending special schools.

6. The number of children:

a) who allegedly committed a crime which was reported to the police;
b) who were sentenced by courts to sanctions, and the nature of the sanctions imposed (e.g. fines, imprisonment, community service, other);
c) number of suspended sentences;
d) where the sanction is deprivation of liberty, please specify the period of imprisonment; and
e) the percentage of recidivism cases.

B. General Measures of Implementation1. i) With respect to the implementation of the Convention please indicate how the following are achieved:
a) intersectoral co-ordination and co-operation on child rights at the central government level, as well as between the central and local levelsof government; and

b) the collection and analysis of disaggregated data, in order to design and evaluate policies and programmes affecting all persons under 18 years.
ii) If any overlap or duplication exists in the areas of competence what is done to remedy this?

iii) Please provide details, if any, of a comprehensive national plan of action to implement the Convention.2. Please provide information on resource allocation (i.e. human and financial) to the Office of the Ombudsman for Children.

3. Please provide information on the effectiveness of the State party's public awareness campaigns of the Convention, particularly for professionals working for and with children (e.g. of Government officials, community-based organisations, the mass media), and the public-at-large, including children themselves.


Please provide the Committee with copies of the text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in all official languages of the State party as well as in other languages or dialects, when available. If possible, please submit these texts in electronic form.


Under this section, States parties are invited, whenever appropriate, to briefly (3 pages, maximum) up-date the information provided in their report with regard to:

- new bills or enacted legislation
- new institutions
- newly implemented policies
- newly implemented programmes


The following is a preliminary list of major issues that the Committee intends to take-up during the dialogue with the State party - THEY DO NOT REQUIRE WRITTEN RESPONSES. This list is not exhaustive as other issues may be raised in the course of the dialogue.

The dialogue with the State party might include issues such as:

1. Definition of the child and minimum-age requirements.

2. Non-discrimination and children of immigrants.

3. Wage discrimination of women, and its impact on children; and poverty reduction strategies, and other measures to assist parents to provide an adequate standard of living for their children.

4. The implementation of the right of the child to express his/her views and have them duly taken into consideration (article 12 of the Convention).

5. Accident prevention programmes.

6. Measures to address abuse and ill-treatment of children, and domestic violence, such as physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of children.

7. Family environment and alternative care, including short and long-term foster care.

8. Measures to address adolescent health issues, including teenage pregnancies, HIV/AIDS, and substance abuse.

9. Student performance, such as drop-out rates, and the school environment, including bullying.

10. Commercial sexual exploitation, including child prostitution and pornography (Efforts to strengthen awareness, prevention and rehabilitation, legislative initiatives against perpetrators).

11. Asylum-seeking and refugee children (policies and programmes to promote and protect their rights).

12. Juvenile justice concerns, including separation of children from adults.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland