List of issues : Iceland. 27/11/95.
CRC/C.11/WP.8. (List of Issues)
Eleventh session
Pre-sessional Working Group
20-24 November 1995


List of issues to be taken up in connection
with the consideration of the initial report of

General measures of implementation
(Arts. 4, 42, 44 para. 6 of the Convention)

In light of the contents of the World Conference on Human Rights' Declaration and Plan of Action, please provide information on whether the Government is considering reviewing its reservations to the Convention on the Rights of the Child with a view to their possible withdrawal.

With reference to para. 4 of the State party report, please indicate the status of the proposed revision of the human rights chapter in the Constitution. In addition, please provide information, in the light of the suggestions and recommendations contained in paras. 11 and 12 of the Comments adopted by the Human Rights Committee following its consideration of the report of Iceland, on the extent to which this revision adequately reflects and incorporates the provisions of human rights instruments, including those of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. (See CCPR/C/79/Add.26).

In the light of the information contained in para. 69 of the report, what further steps are planned for creating more widespread awareness among adults and children alike about the principles and provisions of the Convention. Have publications about the Convention been prepared especially for children, if so, are they widely distributed on a regular basis?

Is specific attention given to the principles and provisions of the Convention in the training programmes of professionals working with and for children, such as social workers, doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers and law enforcement and prison officials? In addition, what further steps have been taken to support and educate members of the Child Welfare Committees to be better able to deal with difficult child welfare cases and situations? (Para. 17 of the report).

In view of the recent adoption by the General Assembly of resolution 49/148 proclaiming the United Nations Decade of Human Rights Education, how is the Government using this opportunity to incorporate education about the Convention on the Rights of the Child into the curricula of school and higher educational establishments?

With reference to paras. 64 and 68 of the report, what issues, if any, has the Children's ombudsman recently brought to the attention of the Government?

Please provide more details about the cooperation between the Government and non-governmental organizations in dealing with children's issues in general and, more particularly, the extent to which non-governmental organizations were involved in the preparation of the State party report.

Please describe the policy in place in relation to the implementation of article 4 of the Convention with regard to the allocation "to the maximum extent of (...) available resources" for the rights of the child. What guarantees exist to ensure that local authorities are also guided by this principle in their policy decision making?

To what extent is international cooperation designed to foster the implementation of the Convention? What proportion of international aid is allocated to programmes for children?

Please describe the results of the standardized information which was gathered on the work of the child welfare committees (Para. 17 of the report). Has this information been analysed and, if so, what conclusions have been drawn from it?

In light of paras. 74 and 75 of the report, please indicate whether national legislation implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child always applies to both "children" and "young persons".

Definition of the child
(Article 1 of the Convention)

Please provide clarification as to the age at which a child may request medical counselling without parental consent and the age of sexual consent.

Do the child welfare committees' activities cover the issues relating to "young persons"?

General principles
(Arts 2, 3, 6 and 12 of the Convention)

With reference to paras. 94-97 of the report, please provide information of any further measures taken to prevent racial discrimination.

Please indicate any further steps or measures being taken or envisaged to facilitate the integration of immigrant children in schools, especially in ensuring that the language of instruction in educational establishments is not an obstacle to accessing various levels of education and therefore not a factor of discrimination. (Para. 348 of the report).

What measures are being taken to prevent and reduce the number of accidents involving children?

Please indicate whether and in what cases "children" and "young persons" have the right to appeal decisions of the child welfare committees?

Civil rights and freedoms
(Arts. 7, 8, 13-17 and 37 (a) of the Convention)

In the cases where it appears that a differentiation is made on the grounds of the gender of the parent in relation to a child's acquisition of nationality, particularly in situations where the child is born out of wedlock and/or one parent is non-national, how is national legislation ensuring its conformity with the articles of the Convention, particularly the provisions of its articles 2, 3 and 7? Please provide clarificaiton as to the measures in place to ensure the right of every child to a nationality at birth?

As regards freedom of thought, conscience and religion, how are the child's views taken into account in practice with respect to decisions on a child's joining or leaving a religious denomination? (Para. 122 of the report.)

Family environment and alternative care
(Arts. 5, 18 paras. 1 and 2, 9-10, 27 para. 4, 20-21, 11, 19 and 39, and 25 of the Convention)

What measures have been taken for the development of a comprehensive campaign to prevent and combat the neglect, ill-treatment and abuse of the child within the family?

Has the Government considered the possibility of introducing compulsory maternity and paternity leave?

Please comment on any further steps taken to implement articles 9 paras. 1 and 4, 10, 11 and 21 of the Convention, including with respect to the stated intention of the Government to ratify the international and regional instruments mentioned in paras. 255 and 260 of the report.

Has any evaluation been undertaken recently with respect to the adequacy of the systems and procedures for providing support and training to families offering foster care and to so-called "support families" as well as for monitoring the care given to children in foster homes or similar arrangements?

What procedures exist for children to lodge complaints of abuse or neglect?

Basic health and welfare
(Arts. 6 para. 2, 23, 24 26 and 18 para. 3 and 27 paras. 1-3 of the Convention)

What are the steps being taken to provide adequate support for families with disabled children?

What practical difficulties, if any, are being encountered with regard to the implementation of article 18 para. 3 of the Convention, including with respect to the legal obligation placed on local authorities to establish and run nursery schools and to ensure, as far as possible, the availability of places in such schools? (Para. 303 of the report).

Education, leisure and cultural activities
(Arts. 28, 29 and 31 of the Convention)

With reference to para. 306 of the report, please provide information on the progress achieved so far in achieving the goal of single-session primary schools in Iceland.

To what extent are children involved in school teaching plans? Do children take part in the running of the school?

Please provide more information on the facilities and activities provided to ensure school children's enjoyment of their right to rest and leisure, especially during their summer vacations.

Do children whose mother tongue is not Icelandic have the possibility to be taught in their mother tongue at school?

Special protection measures
(Arts. 22, 30, 32-40 of the Convention)

With reference to the information contained in para. 344 of the report in which it is indicated that there is a need to draw up a comprehensive policy in Iceland regarding refugees and a coordinated refugee policy in the Nordic countries, please indicate the conclusions of the working group appointed to address these matters. In addition, please provide details of the measures taken or planned to ensure that the Government's policy and procedures governing refugee children and asylum-seeking children are consistent with the provisions of the Convention, including its general principles relating to non-discrimination, best interests of the child, the right to life, survival and development and respect for the views of the child.

With regard to the system of administration of juvenile justice in the State party, please provide information on the functioning of programmes developed as an alternative to imprisonment for children aged between 15 and 18 who have committed an offence. Please provide further information on the measures taken for the prevention of juvenile delinquency.

In the light of articles 37, 39 and 40 of the Convention, please provide further information on the changes being contemplated in the provision of therapeutic services, including with respect to the division of responsibilities between the State and local authorities. (Para. 245 of the report.)

In light of para. 82 of the report, is there an intention to accede to ILO Convention No. 138?

What measures are being taken to address the problem of youth unemployment, mentioned in para. 36 of the report?

Please furnish additional information on the measures taken to prevent any form of sexual abuse of children. Furthermore, has there been a study undertaken on measures designed to prevent sexual offenses committed against children? Is there legislation prohibiting the possession of pornographic material involving children? Can citizens in Iceland be prosecuted for exploiting children abroad for purposes of prostitution or other illegal sexual practices?

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland