List of Issues : Grenada. 17/09/99.
CRC/C/Q/GREN/1. (List of Issues)
Twenty-third Session
Pre-sessional Working Group
13-17 September 1999


List of Issues to be taken up in connection with the consideration of
the initial report of Grenada (CRC/C/3/Add.55)

(Arts. 4, 42, and 44, para.6 of the Convention)

1. Please indicate the exact status of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in relation to the Constitution and other domestic legislation. Please also indicate whether the Convention can be invoked in courts and if so, please provide examples of its use in this regard.

2. With reference to information provided in paragraph 8 of the report, please provide an update on the status of the Family Court Act and indicate whether the Family Life Issues Committee has completed its review and submitted its recommendations concerning the relevance of the Family Court Act in protecting and strengthening family relations in Grenada. Please also indicate whether these recommendations have been implemented and if so, please provide examples in this regard.

3. Please provide an update of the recent activities/programmes undertaken by the National Coalition on the Rights of the Child to facilitate the implementation of the Convention. Please also provide information on the resources, both financial and human, allocated to the Coalition and highlight any constraints faced in implementing its mandate.

4. In light of article 4 of the Convention, please provide information on the measures taken to implement economic, social and cultural rights to "the maximum extent of [...] available resources and, where needed, within the framework of international cooperation" for the rights of children. Additionally, please specify the percentage of the national budget allocated to children's programmes.

5. Please indicate whether any recent measures have been taken or are envisaged to develop indicators and collect disaggregated data on the status of children, especially those belonging to vulnerable groups. Further, please describe the extent to which these indicators and data are currently used in the formulation of policies and programmes for the effective implementation of the Convention.

6. Please provide information on the measures taken and/or envisaged to ensure that the principles and provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child are disseminated at all levels of society.

(Art. 1 of the Convention)

7. Please provide information on the measures taken to address the inconsistency between domestic legislation and with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, concerning the definition of the child.

8. With reference to information provided in paragraphs 39 and 53 of the report, please highlight the measures taken or envisaged to increase the minimum age of criminal responsibility.

(Arts. 2 ,3, 6 and 12 of the Convention)

9. In light of article 2 of the Convention, please indicate whether discrimination and disparities exist in practice, specifically as regards gender, disability, social origin, and circumstances of birth. With reference to information provided in paragraph 179 of the report, please outline the measures taken or envisaged to ensure equal legal protection of boys against sexual exploitation and abuse.

10. Please provide further information on specific measures taken and/or envisaged to ensure that the principles of the best interests of the child (article 3) and respect for the views of the child (article 12) are reflected in legislation as well as actions taken by social welfare institutions, courts of law and administrative authorities. Please also provide some examples of implementation of these principles by courts and/or administrative bodies.

(Arts. 7, 8, 13-17 and 37 (a) of the Convention)

11. Please provide information on the de facto enjoyment of civil and political rights by children under the age of 18 years. In this regard and in light of article 7 of the Convention, please also outline the educational and other programmes undertaken and/or envisaged to encourage parents to name and register their children at birth.

12. Please indicate whether there have been any reported cases of police brutality and/or unlawful use of force by the police, particularly as regards children on the streets and/or in conflict with the law.

(Arts. 5, 18(1) and (2), 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27 (4), and 39)

13. Please provide information, including statistical data, on marriage, common law unions and single parent families, particularly female headed families. Additionally, please outline the specific problems faced by these families and the measures taken to assist them in their child rearing responsibilities. Further, please provide information on the situation of boys within the family environment and generally within society and indicate whether measures have been taken or are envisaged to promote achievement motivation among boys.

14. Please indicate whether a code of standards has been developed or envisaged for children's homes and alternative care institutions in Grenada which addresses issues such as size, occupancy rates, sanitation as well as programming. Please provide information on the policy and administrative arrangements regarding foster care in Grenada. Additionally, please indicate whether procedures have been established to guarantee the periodic review of the placement of children in alternative care, including those in foster care, in light of article 25 of the Convention.

15. Please provide an explanation for the relatively high number of intercountry adoptions in comparison to domestic adoptions in Grenada.

16. With regard to the information provided in table 7, please indicate whether strategies have been developed to prevent child abuse, including sexual abuse within the family, and neglect. Please also indicate whether mechanisms have been established to adequately assist both the victims and perpetrators of abuse. Please provide an explanation for the sharp increase of child abuse and neglect reported in 1995 and indicate whether there has been any further increase to date.

17. Please provide information on the use of corporal punishment in families, schools, care institutions, and the juvenile justice process. Additionally, please indicate whether there is an intention to prohibit by law all forms of corporal punishment.


(Arts. 6, para. 2, 23, 24, 26, and 18, para. 3, and 27, paras.1-3)

18. With reference to information provided in paragraph 98 of the report, please describe any legal or other measures taken and/or foreseen, to guarantee and protect the rights of children with disabilities. Further, please provide additional information, including statistical data, on children with disabilities including their access to education and vocational training and highlight any recent initiatives taken to increase and improve facilities for their rehabilitation. In this connection, please describe the measures taken to increase the level of resources allocated to the 'Early Intervention Programme for Children with Disabilities'. Additionally, please also describe the activities undertaken to facilitate an increase in public awareness regarding persons with disabilities.

19. Please provide additional information, including statistical data, on adolescent health, including sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV/AIDS, early pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, violence, suicide and mental health concerns. Please identify the policies and programmes implemented and/or foreseen to educate adolescents and promote public awareness about adolescent health problems and to provide treatment and care for adolescents faced with these concerns.

20. Please provide information on environmental health policies and indicate whether steps have been taken to address the situation of waste disposal in the country.

21. Please provide information on the legal and other measures taken or envisaged to facilitate greater access to social security for children.

(Arts. 28, 29 and 31 of the Convention)

22. Please provide information on the status of the draft new Education Act (1998). Further, please provide updated information, including statistical data, on the general status of education, including truancy and dropout rates, and indicate whether equal opportunities and access exist at all levels of the system, especially at the secondary level, for children residing in all regions of the country. Additionally, please provide information on the methods of teaching and the availability of qualified teachers, relevant learning material, and other resources.

23. Please indicate whether human rights, including the rights of the child, are incorporated in the curricula at school. Further, please also indicate whether training is available for school managers, administrators and teachers on the principles and provisions of the Convention.

24. Please provide information on the participatory rights of children within the school system, including their involvement in student councils and disciplinary proceedings and indicate whether a complaints procedure has been established within the school system for students whose rights have been violated. Additionally, please indicate whether there is a concern with respect to violence in school.

25. Please provide information on the policy and other measures taken to ensure that children, outside of the school system, are provided access to leisure and cultural activities.

(Arts. 22, 30 and 32-40 of the Convention)

26. With regard to information provided in paragraph 162 of the report, please outline the measures taken and/or foreseen to facilitate the enactment of legislation specific to the special needs of children in conflict with the law. Please also provided information on the outcome of the juvenile justice workshop conducted in 1995 by the NCH Action for Children (Grenada) and indicate whether the recommendations from the workshop have been implemented.

27. Please provide information, including statistical data, on children between the ages of 7- 12 years and 12-16 years currently within the justice system, particularly as regards their pre-trial detention, imprisonment and flogging.

28. Please provide information, in light of articles 37, 40 and 39 of the Convention, in particular on:

(b) the possibility to have prompt access to legal or other appropriate assistance, as well as for challenging the legality of the deprivation of liberty before a court or other competent, independent and impartial authority, and of having a prompt decision thereon;

(c ) the measures taken to protect the privacy of children in conflict with the law.

29. Please provide further information on the treatment of children in conflict with the law, in particular on the following:

(a) the measures taken to ensure contact between the child and his/her family;

(b) how the conditions of children in detention are monitored;

(d) educational, health and social services facilities; (g) the use of flogging as a sanction.

30. Please provide updated information on any concrete measures taken, other than legislative ones, to combat the sale and use of drugs by children and to assist in their physical and psychological recovery. Please also provide information on alcohol abuse.

31. Please provide additional information on the sexual abuse and exploitation of children, child prostitution, child pornography and sale and trafficking of children for commercial sexual exploitation. Additionally, please highlight the measures taken and/or foreseen to prevent and combat these concerns.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland