List of issues : Eritrea. 07/02/2003.
CRC/C/Q/ERI/1. (List of Issues)

Convention Abbreviation: CRC
Thirty-third Session
Pre-sessional Working Group
3-7 February 2003


List of issues to be taken up in connection with the consideration of the initial report of Eritrea (CRC/C/41/Add.12)

Part I

Under this section the State party is requested to submit in written form additional and updated information, if possible, before 4 April 2003:

A. Data and statistics, if available

1. Please provide disaggregated data (by gender, age group, ethnic group, urban or rural areas) covering the period between 2000 and 2002 on the number and proportion of children under 18 living in the State party.

2. In light of article 4 of the Convention, please provide additional disaggregated data (by region) for 2001-2003, budget allocations and trends (in percentages of the national and regional budgets or GDP) allocated to the implementation of the Convention, evaluating also the priorities for budgetary expenditures given to the following:
a) Education, including pre-school, primary, secondary and special;
b) Health care, including primary, adolescent and other child related health services;
c) Social welfare and support programmes for families, including returnees and families displaced by the conflict;
d) Protection of children who are in need of alternative care including the support of care institutions;
e) Juvenile justice;
f) Please also indicate the percentages of these allocations derived from international sources.

3. Please provide disaggregated data (by gender, age, urban or rural areas) covering the period 2000-2002 on the:
a) Total number of children with disabilities;
b) Number of children with disabilities of school age that do not attend school;
c) Budget allocation in favour of children with disabilities.

4. With reference to child abuse, including sexual abuse, please provide disaggregated data for the period 2000-2002 (by age, gender and types of violations reported), on the:
a) number of cases of child abuse reported to police or social or other services;
b) number and proportion of victims that have received counselling and assistance in recovery.

5. Please provide disaggregated statistical data (including by gender, age, region) on adolescent health, including early pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), mental health, suicide, drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse as well as rates of infant and child mortality and of malnutrition covering the period between 2000 and 2002. Also, please provide numbers of health professionals working in the health care services for children.

6. Please provide disaggregated statistical data (including by gender, age groups, region) for 2000-2002 on children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, as well as information on programmes implemented to address the problems of these children.

7. Please provide statistical data (including, where relevant, by gender, age, type of crime) covering the period between 2000 to 2002 on the:
a) number of minors who allegedly committed a crime reported to the police;
b) number of minors subject to criminal procedures who were sentenced by Courts to sanctions, and the nature of sanctions (community service; detention; other types of sanctions);
c) number of juveniles detained and imprisoned, the location of their detention or imprisonment (e.g. police station, juvenile detention center, adult prison or other);
d) number of suspended sentences;
e) percentage of recidivism cases.

8. With reference to special protection measures please provide, and evaluate, statistical data (including by gender, age, region and municipality, per year) between 2000 and 2002 on:
a) Number of children involved in sexual exploitation, including prostitution, pornography and trafficking, and the number of children provided with access to rehabilitation and other assistance;
b) Number of children involved in child labour (formal and informal sector).

B. General Measures of Implementation

1. Please provide updated information on newly enacted legislation and efforts to harmonize existing legislation, including customary laws, with the Convention.

2. Please provide additional information on the implementation of the National Plan of Action for Children for 2002-2006.

3. Please provide additional information on any new or planned mechanisms for the coordination of the implementation of the Convention, and any plans or initiatives to establish an independent monitoring body.

4. Please provide additional information on efforts to develop a mechanism to collect data on children under 18 in all areas covered by the Convention.

5. Please provide additional information on how governmental institutions cooperate with non-governmental organisations, especially with reference to the participation of representatives of civil society in the design and implementation of policies and programmes for children.

6. Please indicate the issues affecting children that the State party considers to be priorities requiring the most urgent attention with regard to the implementation of the Convention, in particular issues related to strengthening peace and reconstruction processes and demobilization.

Part II

Please provide copies of the text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in all official languages of the State party as well as in other languages or dialects, when available. If possible, please submit these texts in electronic form.

Part III

Under this section, the State party is to briefly (3 pages maximum) update the information provided in its report with regard to:

- new bills or enacted legislation
- new institutions
- newly implemented policies
- newly implemented programmes and projects and their scope

Part IV

The following is a preliminary list of major issues (that does not contain issues already covered in Part I) that the Committee may take up during the dialogue with the State party. They do not require written answers. This list is not exhaustive as other issues might be raised in the course of the dialogue.

1. Coordination of the implementation of the Convention.
2. Monitoring of children's rights, and individual complaints mechanisms for children.
3. Birth registration.
4. Corporal punishment in the family, schools and institutions.
5. Child abuse, including sexual abuse.
6. Access to health services, maternal health care, and infant feeding practices.
7. Children with disabilities.
8. Harmful traditional practices, in particular female genital mutilation and early marriage.
9. Gender disparities in school enrolment, access to early childhood education, and teacher training.
10. Children affected by armed conflict, including displaced and returnee children.
11. Economic exploitation and children living and working on the street.
12. Sexual exploitation of children.
13. Juvenile justice.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland

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