List of issues : Egypt. 15/12/92.
CRC/C.3/WP.2. (List of Issues)
Third session
Pre-sessional Working Group
14 to 18 December 1992


List of issues to be taken up in connection
with the consideration of the initial report of Egypt

General measures of implementation
(articles 4, 42 et 44, para. 6, of the Convention)

1. Can the provisions of the Convention be invoked before the courts?

2. What is the result of the draft legislation on behalf of children submitted to the National Assembly in November 1992?

3. Please describe in detail the report preparation process. Was the public involved in this process?

4. Please provide more information about the implementation of article 4 of the Convention in regard to the allocation "to the maximum extent of available resources" for the rights of the child. What proportion of the national budget is devoted to social expenditures (including health and education) for children? What consideration is being given to the social needs of children in the process of "structural adjustment"?

5. To what extent is international cooperation designed in such a manner as to enhance the implementation of the Convention?

6. What concrete measures are being taken to make the report widely available to the public at large?

General principles

Non-discrimination (art. 2)

7. Please indicate to what extent article 2 of the Convention is covered in Egyptian legislation in regard to all possible grounds for discrimination spelled out in that article.

8. Please indicate the specific measures taken to combat discrimination against girls and rural children, including nomads and children belonging to minorities.

9. What efforts are being made to obtain gender-specific statistical data on aspects relating to the Convention?

Best interests of the child (art. 3)

10. Please give clarifications on the way in which this concept is perceived in Egyptian legislation.

Respect of the views of the child (art. 12)

11. Is the view of the child taken into account in the family?

12. Under what circumstances are the views of the child taken into account in practice in matters relating to maternal custody?

13. Please provide further information on the possibilities of obtaining medical consultations without parental approval.

14. What concrete measures have been taken to sensitive public opinion to the need to encourage children's participatory rights, in particular in the case of the girl child?

Civil rights and liberties
(arts. 7, 8, 13-17 et 37 (a) of the Convention)

15. What specific measures have been taken to encourage the population to register births in rural areas and to mobilize public opinion in this regard?

16. Are there any legislative measures for protecting the identity of the child in accordance with article 8 of the Convention?

17. Please give clarifications on the exercise of the right to freedom of religion, particularly with regard to minorities, and on the Koranic schools.

18. Is parental consent required for the establishment of associations formed by children?

19. Does the legislation adequately provide for the protection of the child from information and material injurious to his or her well-being, in conformity with article 17 (e) of the Convention?

20. Please provide information on procedures under which complaints about alleged cases of ill-treatment or disappearances of children in custody can be made and investigated.

21. What concrete steps have been taken to prevent the beating of children in detention centres for juveniles? Is this aspect covered in the Codes of Conduct for Law Enforcement Personnel and in their training?

Family environment and alternative care
(arts. 5, 18, paras. 1 & 2, arts. 9, 10, 11, 27, para.4, arts. 19, 20, 21, 25 & 39 of the Convention)

22. What is the Personal Status legislation with regard to religions minorities?

23. Who is responsible for the welfare of the child in the event of negligence on the part of the father? What legislative measures are taken in regard to this and the protection of the privacy of the child?

24. Have any women become heads of families after being widowed or divorced? If so, are there any specific measures for the protection of this category of women?

25. Are the views of the child taken into account in matters relating to the right of visit in the case of separation of the parents?

26. What facilities exist for family counselling and parental education?

27. What procedures exist for intervention by the authorities in, cases when a

child needs protection from serious abuse within the family? Can children lodge complaints concerning abuse or neglect?

28. What other steps are being taken to ensure the implementation of article 19 of the Convention?

29. Please give clarifications on reception centres for children in distress and on what happens to such children. Is there any system for integrating. them into society when they reach majority, particularly with regard to employment?

30. What system is there for the regular monitoring of institutions of alternative care? What steps are being taken to ensure that staff working in such institutions are sufficiently trained and are informed about the Convention?

31. Is it envisaged to increase the allowances for needy families?

32. Please comment on the reservation entered by Egypt with regard to article 21 of the Convention.

33. Please indicate how the "kafalah" of Islamic law is implemented.

Right to health
(art. 6, para. 2, art. 18, para. 3, arts. 23, 24, 26 of the Convention)

34. What concrete measures are being taken to remedy the problems with regard to health? What progress has been made and what major difficulties encountered?

35. What steps have been taken to limit the incidence of bilharzia, what progress has been made and difficulties encountered?

36. Are there any specific incentives offered to private medicine to support public medicine?

37. What measures are taken to combat traditional practices affecting the health of young girls, such as excision, infibulation and sexual mutilation?

38. What specific measures are envisaged regarding the education of handicapped children?

Education, leisure and cultural activities
(arts. 28, 29 et 31 of the Convention)

39. What is the State budget for education?

40. What measures are taken to remedy inequalities between girls and boys and between urban and rural areas with regard to education?

41. What measures are planned to improve the teaching system?

42. Are school disciplinary measures in conformity with the relevant provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

43. Are the penalties laid down for parents' neglect of their children's education or child abuse actually applied? What is the recommended procedure?

44. Is there a State system for teaching the rights of the child at the various levels of education, including pre-school level?

Special protection measures

Children in situations of emergency

45. Please provide information on the situation of refugee children.

46. In the event of a natural disaster or emergency, what humanitarian assistance measures, other than those referred to in the report, are envisaged to safeguard the physical and mental health of children and reintegrate them into society?

Children in conflict with the law

47. Please provide further information on the situation of children in prison and the system of supervision. Are there specific measures applying to the police and prison staff for the better protection of children who have committed offences?

Children in situations of exploitation

48. Please describe concrete measures envisaged or taken for the protection of child workers, in particular for those employed in private family activities.

49. Please indicate whether programmes for vocational training or special education are implemented for street children.

50. Does Egypt envisage ratifying the ILO Convention No. 138 and other ILO Conventions on minimum age, as well as other standards related to the protection of children and young persons at work?

51. Has the Government envisaged consulting the ILO on the revision of its legislation on minimum age and on the implementation of this legislation?

52. What specific measures are taken to ensure observance of the minimum working age, reduce child labour and protect working children?

Children belonging to a minority or an indigenous group

53. Please indicate what legislative measures have been taken or envisaged to ensure that children belonging to religions and other minorities are able to enjoy their own culture.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland