Convention on the

Rights of the Child









18 December 2002







Ninth Meeting

New York, 10 February 2003

Item 5 of the provisional agenda







Note by the Secretary-General




1.         The present addendum contains additional nominations for election to the Committee on the Rights of the Child received after 2 November 2002, which was the date referred to by the Secretary-General in his note verbale dated 2 September 2002 and in conformity with article 43, paragraph 4 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.  All nominations submitted before 2 November 2002 are contained in document CRC/SP/33.  Biographical data of the persons nominated, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in the annex to the present document.


Name of candidate

Nominated by

Gabriela COMAN




Ksenofon KRISAFI







GE.02-46338  (E)    130103    150103





Gabriela COMAN (Romania)


Date of birth:                                       30 January 1954


Working languages:                            English, French, German


Current position/function:                   Secretary of State, National Authority for Child Protection and Adoption, Government of Romania


President of the Romanian Committee for Adoption


Main professional activities


June 2001-present                               Secretary of State, National Authority for Child Protection

and Adoption, Government of Romania


January 2001-June 2001                      Secretary-General, National Authority for Child Protection

and Adoption, Government of Romania


January 2000-January 2001                  Director, National Agency for the Protection of Children's

Rights, Government of Romania


September 1999-January 2000 Head of the Division of Strategies and Programmes,

Department for Child Protection


March 1992-September 1999             Government Expert, Division of Strategies and

Programmes, Department for Child Protection, Government of Romania


Educational background


Graduate of the "PHARE Decentralized Implementation System - Procurement of Services and Supplies" course, European Commission delegation in Romania


Master's Degree in Socio-psychopedagogy (Social Assistance), Glasgow University, United Kingdom and University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy


Graduate of "Management of the non-profit sector - governmental and non-governmental sector" course, Strathclyde University, United Kingdom


Bachelor's Degree, Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest, Romania



Other relevant activities


Member of the Interministerial Committee for European Integration, Government of Romania


Senior Project Officer of PHARE Programmes:  RO 9803.02 - Support for Child Protection and RO 9905.02 - Development of Child Protection Services


Programme coordinator:  World Bank - IDF Grant, RO 27589


Member of the Association pour le soin des enfants ayant des anomalies de development (APICAD)


Most recent publications in the field


Articles published in the periodic newsletter of the National Authority for Child Protection and Adoption


Co-author of "Early prevention and education in the field of the development of the child", in cooperation with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", Bucharest and the University Hospital, Geneva


A number of educational and cultural research papers presented to local and international conferences




Ksenofon KRISAFI (Albania)


Date of birth:                          13 June 1947


Working languages:               French, English, Italian, Russian


Education:                               1993 PhD

1984 Pedagogical-scientific degree, Assistant Professor

1980 Scientific degree "Candidate of Sciences"

1969 Graduated as a lawyer, Faculty of Political and Juridical Sciences, University of Tirana


Present position:                    2002 (August), Diplomatic Adviser to the Prime Minister

of the Republic of Albania


Professional experience


April 2002-August 2002           General Secretary, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania


9 April 2001-April 2002           Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Albania

to the World Trade Organization


November 1998-April 2002     Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Albania

to the United Nations Office at Geneva


October 1997-                                    Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Tirana

November 1998                     


October 1997-                                    Professor, International Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of

November 1998                      Tirana


1994-1997                              Professor, International Public Law, School of Journalism,

University of Tirana


1985-1991                               Professor of International Public Law for post-graduate courses in

Diplomacy and External Trade


1971-1984                               Assistant Professor, International Public Law, Faculty of Political

and Juridical Sciences, University of Tirana


1995-1998                              Member, Albanian Helsinki Committee and member of its Board

of Directors


1997-1998                               Member, Board of Directors, "For Juridical Culture" Foundation


1997-1998                               Member, Board of Directors, "Urban Integration" Foundation

1994                                        Founding member and member of Board of Directors, Economic

and Social Studies Centre


1993-1997                               Director of the Supervising Council "Group 4 Securitas

Albania‑SHA" Company, Tirana


1992-1993                               Lawyer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1990-1992                               Director in the Directorate of Juridical and Consular Issues and

International Treaties, MFA


1983-1990                               Head of the Juridical Bureau, MFA


1971-1983                               Scientific Officer in the Scientific Department, Faculty of Political

and Juridical Sciences, University of Tirana


Participation in international activities


Diplomatic activities


Member of more than 400 important State delegations, the majority of them chief of delegation or chief negotiator for the Albanian party


Member or chief of Albanian delegations to about 500 diplomatic meetings and conferences


Scientific activities in Geneva, Bari, Rome, Monopoli, Lece, Sasari, Milan, Budapest, Strasbourg, Paris, Stockholm, Upsala, Athens, Thessaloniki, Prishtine


Scientific research projects


"Balkan Cooperation", organized in the Economic and Social Studies Centre, Tirana


"Co-existence of different ethnic groups in South Albania", organized by the Economic and Social Studies Centre, Tirana


"Emigration of the Albanian intellectual elite during the transition period", organized by the Economic and Social Studies Centre, Tirana


"Plan of Action for the Albanian Judiciary System (1999-2005)" organized by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Albania and the United Nations


"European profile of the new Albanian draft constitution", organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana, and the Economic and Social Studies Centre, Tirana


Publications(partial list)




Issues of State History and the Law, co-author with A. Luarasi and A. Anastasi, "Luarasi" publishing house, Tirana, 1998 (reprinted in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002)


Emigration of the Albanian Intellectual Elite during the Transition Period, co-author with I. Gedeshi, H. Mara and R. Dhimitri, "Luarasi" publishing house, Tirana, 1999


Author of "18 voices of juridical and historical characters" in The Albanian Encyclopaedic Dictionary, Tirana, 1986


The History of the State and the Law in Albania, vol. I, co-author with Z. Ballanca, Tirana 1981


International Public Law, vol. III, co-author with A Puto, Tirana 1981


Unpublished works


Juridical - international responsibility of the state, Tirana, 1979


Some issues of the law of the sea, Tirana, 1982-1983


International law and war, Tirana, 1977


International humanitarian law, Tirana, 1976


National minorities in international law, Tirana, 1976


International organizations, Tirana 1978


Albania in the Peace Conference at the end of the First World War, Tirana, 1975


The diplomatic activity of Fan S. Noli, Tirana, 1974


Reparations for the damages caused in Albania during the Second World War, Tirana


Author of many studies on important political and diplomatic issues such as:  the war with Greece; the peace treaty with Italy; Paris Peace Conferences in 1919-1920 and 1946;  problems of territorial waters and the continental shelf; the most-favoured nation clause in trade; the right of diplomatic and political shelter; international organizations, the Convention on the Rights of the Child; armed conflicts and children, etc.


More than 30 scientific articles published in Albanian and foreign journals and magazines


Carlos Emilio LOPEZ HURTADO (Nicaragua)


Date of birth:                                      7 April 1968


Working languages:                           Spanish and English


Current position/function:                  Special Procurator for Children and Young People,

Republic of Nicaragua, a post created under the Office of the Procurator for the Protection of Human Rights Act.  This Act assigns to him the task of promoting and defending the realization of the rights of children and young people and monitoring the efforts of the State in this field


Main professional activities


Promotion and protection of the rights of children and young people


Formulation, and advice in the formulation, of the main programmes, projects and laws on children, adolescents and young people in Nicaragua


University professor in juridical sociology, human rights, theory of ideologies, juvenile criminal law and theology


Researcher and author of books and essays on development, human rights, children and young people


Consultant to local and international agencies dealing with human rights, children and young people


Creator and advocate of programmes of community development


Academic titles


Degree in Sociology


Degree in Law


Diploma in Bible studies and theology


Post-graduate degree in Project formulation, evaluation and management


Post-graduate degree in Formulation and management of education policies


Post-graduate degree in Philosophy of science and technology


Post-graduate degree in Municipal law

Other main activities


Lecturer locally and internationally on children, young people, sociology and human rights


Tutor and panel member for evaluation of theses submitted for university degrees in various higher educational establishments


Formerly, adviser to the parliament on children, adolescents and young people


Author of articles and essays in local magazines and newspapers


Formerly, head of organizations working with children, young people, human rights and development.  Proponent of projects in the field of education, social integration and advancement of the individual.


Most recent publications




Políticas Públicas de Juventud, FMS, 1996


Chavalas y Chavalos en Primera Plana, Save the Children, 1999


Juventopia, Save the Children - UNFPA, 2001


Joint author


Diagnóstico de Jóvenes Discapacitados, Dos Generaciones, 1992


Estado, situación y perspectiva del Consejo de la Juventud, 1993


Violencia En Nicaragua, UNDP, 1994


Juventud y Cultura de Paz, CSUCA, 1995


¿Culpables o Víctimas? CENIDH, 1996.


Entre el olvido y la esperanza, 1998


Coordinator of published books


Código Comentado de la Niñez y la Adolescencia, PDDH, UNICEF, Save the Children, 2000


Justicia Penal Especial para Adolescentes, PDDH, Plan Nicaragua, 2001


El Pupitre Vacío, Investigación sobre el derecho a la educación gratuita de niñas, niños y adolescentes en Nicaragua, PDDH, UNICEF, Save the Children, 2001


Así vemos … Así queremos Nicaragua, Investigación sobre las percepciones que tiene las niñas, niños y adolescentes del país, PDDH, UNICEF, Save the Children, Italian aid, 2002


Cara o Sol? Investigación sociojurídica sobre los adolescentes privados de libertad en el ámbito preventivo, PDDH, UNICEF, Save the Children, Italian aid, 2002



Assumpta KANURAHE-NANIWE (Burundi)


Date of birth:                          15 August 1951


Working languages:               French, English


Current position/function


2002                                        Burundi.  Consultant to an evaluation mission.

Social analysis of the situation of orphans (study under way).  Permanent Secretariat of the National Council to Combat AIDS (CNLS)


2001-2002                               Burundi.  Consultant to an identification mission.  Survey

of the numbers and needs of disabled children aged 0-18.  UNICEF-Burundi


2000-2002                               Management of an action research project.  Two-year study

designed to define the main principles to govern a play-centred activity ("games and rules or the rules of the game") among children in a humanitarian crisis situation (Enfants Réfugiés du Monde, ERM)


Main professional activities


2001                                        Rwanda.  Consultant to a training mission, ERM


2000                                        Guinea.  Consultant to a training mission, ERM


Since 1999                               Burundi.  Coordinator of the community development

associations support programme, Luxembourg aid to Burundi


1997-1999                               Burundi.  Consultant in project evaluation.  Evaluation of

the Luxembourg projects carried out as part of emergency assistance provided to Burundi by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


Since 1996                               Member of the Centre for Education, Documentation,

Research and Action on Children's Injuries (CEDRATE)


1995-1996                               Burundi.  Project Coordinator.  National Plan for Social



1994-1995                               Consultant to UNICEF projects for child victims of



1993-1995                               Burundi/Rwanda.  Consultant to "SOS Children's Villages"

Since 2001                               Visiting professor at the University of Western Brittany,



Since 1991                               Lecturer/professor, University of Burundi, Faculty of

Psychology and Educational Sciences


1981-1984                               Assistant, University of Burundi, Faculty of Psychology

and Educational Sciences


1978-1981                               Researcher and educational adviser at the research office

on secondary education curricula (BEPES) in Bujumbura


1971-1974                               Professor in the Institute of Administrative Techniques

(INTA) in Bujumbura




1984-1990                               Doctorate in Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences,

ULB, Belgium, Doctor in Psychopedagogy (highly distinguished)


1974-1978                               Degreein Educational Sciences, University of Burundi



October-December 1997         Further training in university pedagogy at the Catholic University

of Louvain, Belgium


Apri1 1990                              Induction training in techniques and methods relating to the

development of intelligence in children, organized by the Association Mondiale de Prospective Sociale, Cotonou


January-July 1980                    Further training in experimental pedagogy at the University of

Liège, Belgium


Other main activities relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned


16 and 17 June 2000                Participation in the international colloquium organized by

UNESCO on adolescents in war.  Paris.  Lecturer on the topic "Adolescents as victims of violence:  Growing up after horror"


15 and 16 May 2000                France.  Participation in the training of volunteers for progress,

Paris.  Lecturer on the topic "Relationship between civil society and the State"


1999                                       Switzerland.  "Participation in the fifty-fifth session of the

Commission on Human Rights.  Lecturer on the topic "The psychological dimension of reconciliation" as a part of the Bangwe project, a women's initiative for peace, reconciliation and non‑violence in the Grands Lacs region


List of the candidate's most recent publications in this field


Enfants de la guerre:  une génération sacrifiée, Sud-Nord, injuries issue, December 1999


March 1991:  "Perspective on deafness".  Article published in cooperation with Dr. Harlan Lane.  Professor at Northeastern University, United States


March 1990:  Une société sans pédagogie des sourds commence a éduquer les sourds.  Paper presented at the International Congress on Sign Language Research and Application, Hamburg, Germany


July 1989:  Le statut de l'enfant sourd dans la société burundaise.  Paper presented at the world congress on the deaf in society (International Conference on Deaf Culture), Gallaudet College, Washington, United States


