Convention on the

Rights of the Child









8 December 2000







Eighth Meeting

New York, 26 February 2001

Item 5 of the provisional agenda





Note by the Secretary-General


1.         The present addendum contains additional nominations for election to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, received after 25 October 2000, which was the date referred to by the Secretary-General in his note verbale dated 25 August 2000, in conformity with article 43, paragraph 4, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.  Biographical data of the persons concerned, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in the annex to the present document.  All nominations submitted before 25 October 2000 are contained in document CRC/SP/29.

GE.00-46577  (E)

Name of candidate                                                                           Nominated by

Atsede GUTA                                                                                  Ethiopia

Corazon Alma G. de LEON                                                             Philippines

Rosa María ORTIZ                                                                          Paraguay

Rita Félicité SODJIEDO HOUNTON                                              Benin

Sandra VILCANE                                                                           Latvia

Hayat Malhas YAGHI                                                                      Jordan

Atsede GUTA


Date and place of birth:  29 July 1952, Ghimbi, Wollega

Working languages:  English

Current position/function

1999 to date    A/Head, Children, Youth and Family Affairs Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Main professional activities

1991-1997      A/Head, Social Welfare Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

1990-1992      A/Senior Expert, Department of Women's Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

1984-1990      Head, Social Defence Division, Addis Ababa Region Labour and Social Affairs Bureau.

1981-1984      Junior Expert in Department of Social Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Educational background

M.A. in Women and Development, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands.

B.A. in Social Work, Addis Ababa University.

Diploma of Haile Sellasie I Teachers Training Institute, Addis Ababa.

Special training

2000                Certificate in Strategic Planning and Management in Ethiopia, ABANTU for Development.

1999                Certificate in Gender and Poverty Alleviation and Human Development in Sub‑Saharan Africa, The University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia.

1997                Certificate in Strategic Management and Planning.

1997                Certificate in Participatory Urban Appraisal Training (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs).

1997                Certificate in the Training of Trainers and Consultancy Skill Course, (Lusaka, Zambia).

1996                Certificate in General Management Training.

1996                Computer literacy training.

1992                Certificate in Family and Development at the Golda Meir International Training Center, Mount Carmel, Haifa, Israel.

1984                Certificate in Development, Planning and Management:  an African Perspective, Eastern and Southern Africa Management Institute, Arusha, Tanzania.

Other relevant activities

Board member Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia.

Treasurer to Ethiopian National Red Cross Society.

Board Chairperson of FADE and SOS Infants Ethiopia (NGOs).

Chairperson of National Joint Steering Committee for Protection, Rehabilitation and Prevention, Street Children and Street Mothers Programme.

Chairperson of Forum on Child Labour.

Co-evaluator of the Good Shepherd Family Care Service health and nutrition programme (December 1996).

Co-evaluator of Cheshire Foundation/Ethiopia integrated health and community development programme (December 1996).

Co-evaluator of primary health-care programme, Radda Barnen, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (1996).

Member of evaluation team for water development project mid-term evaluation, 1995‑1996.

Most recent publications in the field

"Women in development vis-à-vis gender and development concept", a paper presented for the Training Manual on Gender and Social Development, February 1996.

Presented paper on gender and child development to different workshops.

Participation in international conferences

Attended the Ninth International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children.

Participated in Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on the Impact of Economic and Social Changes on the African Family (Addis Ababa, January 1994).

Participated in OAU Labour Commission, Seventh Ordinary Session, 18-24 April 1994, Addis Ababa.

Participated in Adolescent Health Programme Planning and Counseling Skills (3‑15 October 1994, Swaziland).

Participated in Sahara and Sahel Observatory Scientific and Technical Council meeting (25‑27 October 1994, Cairo).

Participated in OAU Council of Ministers, sixty-third ordinary session, 26-28 February 1996, Addis Ababa.

Delegate to Pan African Conference on Youth and Development, 18-22 March 1996, Addis Ababa.

Corazon Alma G. de LEON


Date and place of birth:  6 August 1941, Paranaque City, Philippines

Working languages:  English, French, Spanish

Current position/function

1995 to date    Chairman, Civil Service Commission, Philippines

1996 to date    Member, International Civil Service Commission, New York

Main professional activities

1993-1995      Secretary, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

1992-1993      Acting Secretary, DSWD.

1991-1992      Undersecretary for External Affairs, DSWD.

1989-1991      Undersecretary for Interdepartmental and Special Concerns, DSWD.

1988-1989      Undersecretary for Field Operations, DSWD.

1987-1988      Assistant Secretary for Field Operations, DSWD.

1986-1987      Coordinator, Proclamation 20 Secretariat, DSWD.

1985-1986      Acting Regional Director, Social Development Affairs, Office of the Prime Minister.

1974-1985      Regional Director, Ministry of Social Services and Development.

1972-1974      Acting Director, Bureau of Family Welfare, Department of Social Welfare (DSW).

1969-1972      Social Welfare Specialist, Bureau of Family Welfare, DSW.

1968-1969      Regional Community Welfare Supervisor, Social Welfare Administration (SWA).

1966-1968      Community Welfare Supervisor, UNICEF assisted social project, SWA.

1966-1968      Caseworker, Queens Casework Unit, New York Youth Board.

1965-1968      Camp Counselor, Camp Italian Board of Guardians, New York.

1962-1963      Teaching Assistant, Department of Social Work, University of the Philippines.

Educational background

B.A. in Social Work, University of the Philippines, 1962.

M.A. in Social Work, Catholic University of America, 1965.

Doctorate Program in Public Administration, University of the Philippines, currently enrolled.

Other relevant activities

1964-1965      Queen Isabella Foundation scholarship, Catholic University of America.

1971-1972      USAID-NEDA Fellowship in Public Health, United States.

1978                British Council-Columbia Plan Fellowship, short course on planning services to offenders, United Kingdom.

2000                Outstanding University of the Philippines Alumna 2000, University of the Philippines.

Participation in international conferences

2000                Fifty‑first session of the International Civil Service Commission, Vienna.

2000                First annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Thailand.

2000                Partnerships in Governance:  Common Responses to Challenges to Globalization (a high level seminar sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), France.

1999                10th ASEAN Conference on Civil Service Matters, Thailand.

1999                Brainstorming Workshop on Democratic Governance and UNDP, Sweden.

1999                Fiftieth session of the International Civil Service Commission, New York.

1999                World Conference on Good Governance, Manila.

1999                Forty-ninth session of the International Civil Service Commission, Geneva.

1999                Eighth meeting of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, Thailand.

1998                40th Anniversary of the International Social Service, Hong Kong.

1999                45th Executive Council Meeting and Seminar of EROPA on "Administration in transition", Macau.

1998                Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management Biennial Conference, Malaysia.

1998                Forty-eighth session of the International Civil Service Commission, New York.

1998                Informal meeting of ASEAN civil service heads, Singapore.

1998                Intergovernmental Conference on Emergency Telecom, Finland.

1998                Forty-seventh session of the International Civil Service Commission, Italy.

1997                EROPA 17th General Assembly and Conference, Malaysia.

1997                ASEAN Governance Innovation Network Program Advisory Committee meeting, Canada.

1997                Governance and Private Investment in East Asia, Japan.

1997                7th National Conference on Volunteering, Australia.

1997                9th ASEAN Conference on Civil Service Matters, Singapore.

1997                13th Meeting of Experts on the United Nations Programme in Public Administration and Finance, New York.

1997                Pilot Project Advisory Committee for CAGIN, Malaysia.

1997                Forty-fifth session of the International Civil Service Commission, Paris.

1997                Leadership Coalition for Global Business Protection meeting, New York.

1997                International Conference on the Integration of Public Administration and the Science of Disasters, Beijing.

Rosa María ORTIZ


Date and place of birth: 28 September 1952, Asunción

Working languages:                   Spanish, English

Current position/function

1998-2000      Deputy Director of GLOBAL Infancia:  follow-up of decentralized childcare system projects through municipal and departmental authorities.  Promotion and implementation of the Comprehensive Child Protection Network covering various sectors dealing with children.  Preparation of joint intervention proposals.

Main professional activities

Preparation and promotion of the new Adoption Law.  Promoted the creation of the Adoption Centre.  Entrusted by the NGO Coordinator with the commentary on the Paraguayan Government's supplementary report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child concerning implementation of the Convention.  Assisted in coordinating the revision and amendment of the preliminary draft of the Code on Infants and Adolescents.

Establishment of the GLOBAL NGO.  Developed the Municipal Councils for Children's Rights (CODEMI) programme in 67 municipalities.

Deputy Director of GLOBAL.

Preparation of the "The rights of boys and girls" chapter in the publication Derechos Humanos en Paraguay (Human Rights in Paraguay). 

Educational background

Degree in social communication, Catholic University of Asunción.

Professorship in English, International Institute of London.

Other main activities in the field of children's rights

Marandu project, Catholic University.

Preparation of communication and education materials for indigenous projects. 

In charge of the publications of the Committee of Churches for Emergency Assistance.

Member of the team that initiated the Ayoreo project (reservation for this indigenous population of Chaco Paraguayo).

Collective investigations into children working in the street, Asunción.

Most recent publications in this field

Co-author of the book En la Calle (In the Street) on children working in the streets of Asunción.

Publication of the book Adopción Internacional o Tráfico de Niños (International Adoption or Trafficking in Children) in English and Spanish.

Preparation and presentation of the report on implementation of the rights of the child in Paraguay.



Date and place of birth: 18 December 1955, Cotonou, Benin

Working languages:                   French, English

Current position/function

Magistrate in 1981; currently Director, Children's and Juvenile Legal Protection, Ministry of Justice, Legislation and Human Rights, Cotonou; from 1981 to 1997, held a variety of judicial appointments:  investigating magistrate in 1982; Deputy Public Prosecutor in 1984; Deputy Prosecutor-General in 1988; Court of Appeal, Cotonou, 1990; Magistrate for Social Affairs, 1992; Judge at the Court of Appeal.

Main professional activities

The object of the Children's and Juvenile Legal Protection Office is to protect and educate children and teenagers who are delinquent or in moral danger and keep an eye on all the related judicial and institutional files, nationally and internationally.  The Office takes part in all child‑related events and gatherings, promotes training in children's rights; brings the initial report of Benin on the Convention on the Rights of the Child to the attention of the public in all departments of the country; promotes training in children's rights, alerts the public to and mobilizes it against drugs and their consequences for young people in Benin.  The Office participates in activities by the Children at Risk Cell, is on the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) National Committee, and chairs the Board of the Benin National Committee for UNESCO.  She is Permanent Secretary of the National Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Educational background

1979:               Master's degree in Legal Sciences.

1981:               Magistrate's training course.

1996:               Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in human rights, Institut des droits de        l'homme (IDHL), Lyon, France.  Diploma thesis:  "Benin yesterday and today in

                        the light of the Convention on the Rights of the Child".

1996 to date:    Thesis on "Child labour:  the case of children placed in Benin under the

'vidomegon' system" (in progress), Institut des droits de l'homme, Lyon.

Other main activities in the field of children's rights

Training, alerting and mobilizing people in favour of the rights of the child with a view to effective enjoyment of those rights in Benin, by means of a variety of activities:  lectures, seminars, conferences, interviews with the press (e.g. Le Point, 16 June 1998).

Instruction in the rights of children and women - attendance at international, regional and national gatherings on the protection of children's rights, such as child labour and trafficking in children.

Responsibilities:  Coordinator, National Coalition for the Rights of the Child; Vice‑President, Defence for Children International (DEI) for Africa; General Secretary, DEI - Benin; Lecturer at the Institute of Human Rights in Cotonou - subject:  Children's rights and women's rights; legal protection of the child.

Most recent publications in the field of children's rights

1998:               Les enfants delinquants, sont-ils en conflit avec la loi ou avec la société?

(Delinquent children:  in conflict with the law or with society?)

Le trafic des enfants à partir du Bénin?  (Trafficking in children out of Benin?)

1997:               L'administration de la justice pour mineurs au Bénin (Administration of juvenile

justice in Benin).

Engagements des Etats en application de la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant au Bénin (States' commitments pursuant to the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Benin).

1996:               Le Bénin d'hier et d'aujourd'hui face à la convention relative aux droits de

l'enfant (memoire IDHL) (Benin yesterday and today in the light of the Convention on the Rights of the Child).

"Les droits de l'enfant, methodologie et pedagogie de leur enseignement en milieu scolaire et prescolaire" (The Rights of the Child:  Methodology and pedagogy of children's education in a pre-school and school environment) in:  Droits et devoirs du citoyen, instruction civique et morale à l'école:  Seminaire-atelier sur l'application de l'article 40 de la Constitution du 11 décembre 1990 dans les établissements scolaires et universitaires et par les médias (éds. Flammarion, December 1996).

1994:               La communauté, instrument indispensable pour la surveillance des droits de                      l'enfant (the community, indispensable monitoring instrument for children's                     rights).



Date and place of birth: 13 May 1968, Riga

Working languages

Latvian (mother tongue), Russian (fluent), English (fluent), French (fair), Swedish (fair).

Current position/function

Deputy Director, Latvian national Human Rights Office, with responsibility for:

            Investigating the situation with regard to the observance of human rights in the country;

            Human rights education, consultation and review structures;


            Preparation of programmes for the promotion of human rights and coordination of such


Analysis of legislative acts of Latvia and their compliance with the commitments of Latvia to observing international human rights norms;

Inquiring into any individual complaints, relating to the violation of human rights.

Main professional activities

Modelling and developing of children's rights protection system (1995); formation of State Children's Rights Protection Centre.

Preparation of materials for the report on the situation with regard to the protection of children's rights in Latvia, in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1996-1998).

Development and preparation of the Law on Children's Rights Protection (1998) of the Republic of Latvia, in accordance with the Convention.

Deputy Chairperson of the Children's Rights Protection Commission of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Preparation of the report for the World Congress on Sexual Exploitation of Children (Stockholm, 1998).

Educational background

1990-1994       Pedagogy and Psychology.

1995-1996       University of Latvia, Master's degree in Pedagogy and Psychology.

1999                UNDP Training Workshop on Human Rights and Development, Kazakhstan.

1999                OSCE seminar, "Human rights:  the role of field missions", Poland.

Other main activities in the field

1995-1996       Director, State Children's Rights Protection Center.

1996-1999       Deputy Director, State Children's Rights Protection Center.

Children's Rights Protection Work Group, Latvian National Human Rights Office.

Processing and preparation of international seminars on sexual exploitation of children for children's rights protection inspectors (1998) financed by EC and Ministry of Social Affairs of Denmark.

Preparation and compilation of methodological materials on the Convention regarding the rights of the child.

Children's rights protection system in Denmark, November-December 1998.

Lectures conducted for teachers, provision of international documents.

Training for staff of Crisis Telephone.

Project for the continued education of teachers in the field of human rights.

List of most recent publications

Forming an understanding of human rights in schools, methodological article (1999).

Child abuse, article for specialists concerned with children's rights issues.

Right to education for people with special needs - problems and possibilities for solution journal (1999).

Care of children outside the home, street children (1999).

Human rights and social work, article (1999).

Police work with juveniles, article (2000).

Hayat Malhas YAGHI


Date and place of birth: 1933, Jordan

Working languages:                   Arabic and English

Current position/function

General Coordinator of the National Task Force for Children (NTFC), a non-governmental organization established pursuant to a Royal Decree in 1995 after the ratification by Jordan of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1991.  NTFC serves as the coordinating agency for national efforts aimed at the improvement of current levels of achievement on child-related issues, ensuring that children continue to receive first call.  The main functions of the General Coordinator consist of activating and monitoring the general mandate of NTFC to monitor the status of children in Jordan and working on the implementation of the Convention through cooperation and coordination with other NGOs, governmental organizations and international agencies and bodies (such as UNICEF, ILO, UNESCO, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, etc.) working for the well-being of children and the promotion of children's rights.

1.         Overall supervisory and managerial activities relating to the implementation of the NTFC mandate in regard to the promotion of the Convention and raising awareness through training sessions and programmes with policy makers, legislators, academicians and service providers.

2.         Initiating and participating in the preparation of the Jordanian NGOs' report for the years 1990 to 1998 to the Committee on the Rights of the Child and in the preparation of the report to be submitted to the Committee in 2003 in cooperation with UNICEF/Jordan.

3.         Participating in the preparation of the draft of the Jordanian Child Rights Act in coordination with UNICEF and other concerned NGOs.

4.         Representing Jordanian NGOs in pre-sessional meetings of the Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva.

5.         Cooperating and coordinating with UNICEF, ILO, IPEC in the implementation of children's programmes and activities.

6.         Member of the UNICEF and UNFPA Youth Steering Committee, the UNICEF Steering Committee for the Preparation of the National Report to the World Summit for Children.

7.         Establishing and launching the National Coalition for Children (NCC) which acts as an umbrella for all organizations (non-governmental, governmental, international) involved in and concerned with the well-being of children in Jordan, as well as parents and children themselves.

8.         Establishing the Research and Database Unit (RDU) within the NTFC specialized in child‑related research.

9.         Participated in the preparation of regional conferences on "Child labour" and on "Children's rights and realities in Jordan".

10.       Establishing cooperation with ECPTA, MENA, DCI, IPEC and Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago with which NTFC is currently working on combined projects in the area of child sexual exploitation, the elimination of the worst forms of child labour, child protection from abuse and child poverty.

Publications in the field

"Children's creative play", UNRWA, UNESCO, Jordan, 1982.

UNDP assignment report on "Pilot experimental project for an integrated approach to education for rural development for women", UNESCO, Paris, 1985.

Designed with a group of specialists a pilot project for Remedial Education Programmes, UNRWA, UNESCO, 1992.

"A Manual for Educational Games for Children with Special Needs:  for children in the basic elementary cycle and their parents", UNRWA, UNESCO, 1982.

Educational background

1997 - till present         Post-graduate study for Ph.D. in Sociology, American University, Washington D.C.

1994                            M.A. Degree in Educational Psychology, Counselling and Guidance, University of Jordan, Amman.

1970                            Normal Diploma in Education, University of Jordan, Amman.

1955                            B.A. in Sociology (major) and Psychology (minor), American University of Beirut, Lebanon.

1952                            Associate of Arts, American University College, Beirut, Lebanon.

Other relevant activities

Worked with a number of United Nations organizations:  UNESCO, UNRWA, UNICEF, ILO, for 25 years in the areas of social relief affairs, the promotion of educational programmes (e.g. children with special needs), youth vocational training programmes, community development and income-generating programmes for young women.

Counselling and guidance programmes for parents and adolescents.

Conducted a study to measure Jordanian public awareness and knowledge of children's rights, NTFC, 1999.

Designed an intensive multi-media campaign to promote public awareness of children's rights, NTFC, 1999.
