Convention on the

Rights of the Child









17 November 2000


Original:  ENGLISH



Eighth Meeting

New York, 26 February 2001

Item 5 of the provisional agenda





Note by the Secretary‑General


1.         The present addendum contains additional nominations for election to the Committee on the Rights of the Child received after 25 October 2000, which was the date referred to by the Secretary‑General in his note verbale dated 25 August 2000 and in conformity with article 43, paragraph 4, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.  All nominations submitted before 25 October 2000 are contained in document CRC/SP/29.  Biographical data of the persons nominated, as furnished by the State parties concerned, are contained in the annex to the present document.

Name of candidate                                                       Nominated by

Mohammad ASHOURI                                                Islamic Republic of Iran

Saisuree CHUTIKUL                                                   Thailand

Elchin EFENDIYEV                                                     Azerbaijan

Harkristuti HARKRISNOWO                          Indonesia

GE.00-46108  (E)



Mohammad ASHOURI

(Islamic Republic of Iran)

Date and place of birth:  11 April 1942, Ghazvin, Iran

Working languages:  Arabic, English and French

Current position/function

Professor of Penal Law and Criminology, Tehran University (Faculty of Law)

Director of Penal and Criminology Research Institute of Tehran University

Member of Research Committee of UNESCO in Iran

Main professional activities

Vice-Dean of Faculty of Law of Tehran University

Head of Penal and Criminology Department of Tehran University

Managing several research programmes in criminology (i.e. juvenile delinquency in the city of Tehran; immigration and its effects on delinquency in the city of Karaj; the alternatives to the detention; human rights and notions of fairness, justice and equity, in collaboration with the United Nations; and domestic murders)

Educational activities:  criminology, penal procedure, comparative law and juvenile delinquency in the last 25 years

Educational background

LL.L (in Law) in 1962 from Tehran University

LL.M (Master of Law) from Aix-en-Provence University in France (in 1967)

Diploma of Comparative Laws (Strasbourg, France in 1968)

Doctorat d'Etat in Criminal Sciences (LL.D) (Paris, 1970)

Other relevant activities

Member of the Elaboration of the Procedural Rules in the field of Juvenile Delinquency Commission

Participation in various congresses, conferences and workshop (e.g. International Workshop on Juvenile Justice at the University Kurt Bösch, June 1999, Switzerland)

Active participation in different national workshops on juvenile delinquency

Most recent publications in the field

Delinquent Juvenile Procedure in the Process of Penal Justice in the light of United Nations Documents

Evolutions in Juvenile Offences Procedure in Iranian positive law

New Judicial Policies about Adolescents, Aims and Challenges in the Islamic Republic of Iran



Date and place of birth:  2 March 1935, Bangkok

Working languages:  English

Current position/function

            Member, National Commission on Women's Affairs; Member, National Youth Commission; Member, National Education Commission; Chairperson, Committee on Eradication of Trafficking in Children and Women; Chairperson, Task Force on Revision of Laws related to the Rights of the Child; Adviser, National Committee on the Rights of the Child; Chairperson, Committee on National Review of the Plan of Action of the World Summit for Children; Member, National Committee on Drafting the National Policy and Plan of Action on Human Rights for Thailand (responsible for chapters on children's rights, women's rights and human rights education).

Main professional activities

            As a Cabinet minister (1991‑1992) (responsible for children, youth, women, education and social development), she initiated the changes in many laws/regulations, inter alia increasing maternity leave from 45 days to 90 days with full pay; revising the nationality law whereby children born of Thai mothers and foreign fathers can become Thai citizens automatically; changing regulations to allow children who are without birth certificates and registration to be able to enter any public school; campaigning on breastfeeding; rescuing Thai and Myanmar children who were forced into prostitution; revising the Prostitution Law to assist children under 18 years of age and to increase the penalty to proprietors, pimps, and parents who sent children into prostitution.

            As a senator (1996‑2000) (also chairing the Standing Senate Committee on Women, Children and Youth and the Elderly), she initiated various clauses in the revised Labour Law, e.g. on gender equality in employment, forbidding sexual harassment in the workplace, and monitoring of child labour.  Further work included:  advocacy for child's rights; encouraged police to set up units for protection of children and women; helped set up the mechanism to assist the elderly at the national level within the Office of the Prime Minister.

            As a member of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) (1989‑2000), activities in Thailand included advocacy for women's rights, the emphasis on the girl child, formulated research programmes related to children and women (e.g. gender‑based analysis of school curriculum, the impact of having a single parent on children, women's studies programmes), decentralizing women's development projects to the rural areas, seeking assistance for girl children at risk (for prostitution and labour).

Other main activities

            Other activities included:  organizing seminars and training courses for police and social workers on child abuse and violence against children and women; establishing units for protecting children in hospital; advocating the implementation of a multidisciplinary team to help children who have been exploited and abused; initiated the memorandum of understanding among the government agencies related to trafficking in children and women and continues to formulate MOUs between the Government and NGOs; formulated law related to court procedure to make it more child friendly.

            Adviser to the Committee preparing the second report on the Convention on the Rights of the Child for Thailand.

            Organizing training courses for medical personnel, social workers, police officers, immigration officers on trafficking in children and women; working on a MOU between the Governments of Thailand and Cambodia to help children and women who have been trafficked.

            Advising the Institute for Early Childhood Education on child development, the learning process, parental education; developing standards for child‑care centres and care‑givers; helps formulate national policy and plan of action for early childhood development.

            Head of the official delegations to present Thailand's report on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Geneva) and to present its report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in New York.

            Member of the official delegations to:  World Summit for Children (New York); Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing); World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen); and World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (Stockholm); at present participating in the follow‑up activities of all these conferences.

            Other activities included formulation of programmes and projects for children's rights in collaboration with UNICEF, International Labour Organization (ILO), International Organization for Migrants (IOM) and NGOs.

Educational background

B.A. in Music (cum laude) Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington

B.Ed., Whitworth College

M.S. in Educational Administration - Indiana University

Ed.D in Educational Psychology and Guidance - Indiana University

Certificate:  National Defence College - Ministry of Defence

List of most recent publications

The Girl Child, Japan Global Forum, 2000

The Learning Process of Young Children, 2000

Children's Rights, Women's Rights and Human Rights Education, in National Policy and Plans on Human Rights, 1999

Trafficking in Women and Children, ESCAP, 1999

Towards the Elimination of Child Labour in Thailand, ILO, 1998

Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Child Rights Management, 1998

Disadvantaged Groups and Equity Considerations with Special Reference to Children, Youth and Women's Development, UNESCO/ACEID (Asia‑Pacific Centre of Educational Innovation for Development), 1998

            Other papers/publications included keynote presentations/panels at various international and regional meetings on children/women such as those organized by the Mekong Region Law Center, End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism (ECPAT), International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (IPSCAN), ILO and UNICEF.



Date and place of birth:  1943, Baku

Working languages:  Russian and English

Current position/function

Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Commission on the Issues of Adolescence under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan 

Main professional activities

Activities in the field of education, culture, science, social sphere, protection of the rights of the child in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Literary activity

Scientific activity (Ph.D. Philology)

Educational background

1998           Ph.D. Philology

1969           Post-graduate courses, Institute of Languages and Literature, Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan

1965           Graduated from the Faculty of Philology, Baku State University

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

Chairman of the Commission on the Issues of Adoption under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan

List of most recent publications

Over 30 stories and novels for children

Films (including documentaries, movies, cartoons) which cover the problems of children

Articles on the problems of adolescents



Place/date of birth:  Bogor, 25 January 1956

Present position

Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia

Chair, Criminal Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia

Member, Commission of the Legal Science, Board of Higher Education

Member, National Law Commission for Indonesia

Chair, Human Rights Study Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia

Deputy Minister for Justice and Human Rights Affairs

Main professional activities

1999‑2000           Chair, Task Force for Drafting Witness and Victim Protection Act, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia

1999‑1999           Chair, Task Force for Preparing Proposals of Legal Section of the GBHN Garis‑Garis Besat Haluan Negara (guidelines for State policy):  a University of Indonesia Contribution

1998‑now            Chair, Task Force for Preparing Quality Undergraduate Education, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia

1998‑1998           Chair, Strategic Planning Design, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia

1997‑now            Lecturer, Graduate Programme for Social Studies, University of Indonesia

1997‑now            Lecturer, Graduate Programme for Law, University of Sriwijaya, Palembang

1998‑now            Lecturer, Graduate Programme for Law, University of Udayana, Denpasar

2000‑now            Lecturer, Graduate Programme for Law, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung

1996‑now            Lecturer, National Police Academy, Jakarta

1990‑1993           Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia

Educational background

1991                    Ph.D., College of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, USA

1986                    M.A., College of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, USA

1985                    Summer Course, Georgetown University Law Centre, Washington, D.C., USA

1982                    Master of Law Programme, Graduate Programme, University of Indonesia, Jakarta

1979                    SH, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia

Other relevant activities

1999‑2000           Witness Protection in the Criminal Justice Process, Principal Investigator

1999-now            Building up the Professional Competence of the Prosecutor, Research Associate

1996-now            Torture in Criminal Investigation Process from the Perspective of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; Principal Investigator

1997‑1998           Consumer Protection Policies and Issues; Research Associate

1997‑1998           Company Registration; Research Associate

1997‑1998           Child Protection against Harmful Toys; Principal Investigator

1996‑1997           Reimbursement of State Property in Corruption Cases; Research Associate

1995‑1996           Legal Empowerment for Crime Prevention; Research Associate

1994‑1995           Perception and Practice of Healthy Reproduction in Seven Provinces; Research Associate

1993‑1993           Evaluation on National Land Reform Policies, Research Associate

1993‑1995           Developing Human Resources in the Legal Education Institutions; Principal Investigator

Most recent publications in the field

Oct. 1999             The Urgency of Witness Protection Act in Indonesia

                            Kompas, 11 October 1999

Oct. 1999             Law and the Ethics of Political News Reporting

                            Workshop on Reporting the General Assembly Meeting 1999, held by Association of Television Journalists of Indonesia in Jakarta

Oct. 1999             Legal Reform of the Post‑Reform Government:  A Proposal

                            Discussion on Legal Reform Platform of the Post‑Reform Government, held by Media Indonesia in Jakarta

Oct. 1999             Law Enforcement in Indonesia

                            Merdeka, 6 October 1999

Sept. 1999           Criminal Law and Violence against Women

                            Workshop on Violence against Women from a Legal Perspective, held by Corruption Watch, Women Studies Centre, University of Indonesia, in Jakarta

Sept. 1999           Child Protection against Violence

                            Workshop for Child Protection, held by National Commission for Children in Jakarta

Sept. 1999           Combating Drugs:  A Legal Perspective

                            National Seminar on The Role of Parents in Higher Education, held by Trisakti University in Jakarta

Aug. 1999            Gender in Legal Perspective

                            National Meeting of the Women Studies Centre of the National Islamic Studies Institutes (IAIN), held in Jakarta

Aug. 1999            Measures toward A Clean and Professional Judiciary:  The Code of Ethics of Judges Workshop on a Draft of the Code of Ethics of Judges, held by Indonesia Judges Association in Jakarta

Aug. 1999            Violence against Women:  A Proposal for Reform in the Criminal Justice System

                            Workshop on Criminal Justice Issues for Elimination of Violence against Women, held in Jakarta

June 1999             Civil Society in the Third Millennium from the Perspective of Legal Development, held in Depok

Dec. 1998            Legal Analysis on Crime Victims, in Seminar on the Position and Protection toward Rape Victims in Indonesian Criminal Justice System, held in Bandar Lampung

Nov. 1998            Violence against Women, in Training for Lecturers on Criminal Law and Criminology, held in Semarang

Oct. 1998             Women and Human Rights, in Seminar on Women and Violence, held in Jakarta

Oct. 1998             Legal Person/Natural Persons in Environmental Law, in Training for Investigative Casework, held in Jakarta

Aug. 1998            Violence against Children and The Action Plan, Seminar on Child Violence, held in Surabaya

July 1998              Children's Rights and the Child Court Law, in Seminar on the Rights of the Child in Jakarta
