Convention on the

Rights of the Child









15 November 2000







Eighth Meeting

New York, 26 February 2001

Item 5 of the provisional agenda





Note by the Secretary-General

1.         In conformity with article 43 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the 6th meeting of the States parties to the Convention will be convened by the Secretary‑General at United Nations headquarters on Monday, 26 February 2001, for the purpose of electing five members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child from a list of persons nominated by States parties, to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 28 February 2001 (see annex I).  The names of the other five members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 28 February 2003 appear in annex II.

2.         In accordance with the procedure set out in article 43, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary‑General, in a note verbale dated 25 August 2000, invited the States parties to submit their nominations for the election of five members of the Committee within two months, i.e. by 25 October 2001.  This document includes all nominations submitted before the established date. 

GE.00-45810  (E)
3.         In compliance with the provisions of article 43, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary‑General has the honour to list below, in alphabetical order, the names of the persons nominated for election to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, indicating the States parties which have nominated them.  Biographical data of the persons nominated, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in annex III to the present document.

Name of candidate                                                                   Nominated by

Ibrahim Abdul Aziz AL-SHEDDI                                             Saudi Arabia

Ghalia Mohd Bin Hamad AL-THANI                                        Qatar

William TORO CABRERA                                                       Peru

Luigi CITARELLA                                                                    Italy

Abdussalam Bashir DUWEBY                                                  Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Driss IDRISSI BICHR                                                              Morocco

Dalibor JILEK                                                                          Czech Republic

Noromalala Lydia Clairette RAKOTO JOSEPH                       Madagascar

Yuri Mikhailovich KOLOSOV                                                  Russian Federation

Hatem KOTRANE                                                                   Tunisia

Magali G. MARIN                                                                    Belize

Ghassan Salim RABAH                                                             Lebanon

Tirtha Man SAKYA                                                                  Nepal

Marilia SARDENBERG                                                            Brazil

Irina MOROIANU-ZLATESCU                                              Romania

Annex I



Name of member                                                                      Country of nationality

Mr. Francesco Paolo FULCI                                                    Italy

Ms. Lily RILANTONO                                                            Indonesia

Mrs. Esther Margaret Queene MOKHUANE                           South Africa

Mr. Ghassan Salim RABAH                                                      Lebanon

Mrs. Marilia SARDENBERG Zelner Gonçalves                        Brazil

Annex II



Name of member                                                                                  Country of nationality

Mr. Jacob Egbert DOEK                                                                     Netherlands

Mrs. Amina Hamza EL GUINDI                                                          Egypt

Mrs. Judith KARP                                                                                Israel

Mrs. Awa N'Deye OUEDRAOGO                                                      Burkina Faso

Mrs. Elisabeth TIGERSTEDT-TÄHTELÄ                                            Finland

Annex III


Ibrahim Abdul Aziz AL-SHEDDI

(Saudi Arabia)

Date and place of birth:  July 1951, Saudi Arabia.

Working languages:  Arabic and English.

Current position/function

Deputy Minister of Education for Cultural and External Relations.

Secretary-General of Saudi National Commission for Child Welfare.

Main professional activities

1971-1973       Teacher in intermediate school.

1981-1983       Technical Supervisor in Saudi National Commission for UNESCO.

1984-till now    Secretary-General of Saudi National Commission for UNESCO.

1984-till now    Secretary-General of Saudi National Commission for Child Welfare.

1989                Permanent Delegate of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to UNESCO.

1990-1995       Assistant Deputy Minister of Education for Technical Affairs.

1995-1997       Assistant Deputy Minister of Education for Cultural and External Relations.

1997-till now    Deputy Minister of Education for Cultural and External Relations.

Educational background

Degree in the Arabic language, College of the Arabic language, Riyadh.

Diploma in Educational Administration, Oklahoma University, United States of America.

M.A. in Educational Administration, Oklahoma University.

Training programme in international organizations, UNESCO headquarters, Paris.

Ph.D. in the domain of international organizations, Imam Mohammed Bin Saud

Islamic University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Other relevant activities

Member of several joint committees between Saudi Arabia and other countries.

Vice-Representative of Saudi Arabia in Executive Board of UNESCO, 1995 till now.

Vice-President of Saudi National Commission for Child Welfare, 1991 till now.

Chairman of Saudi Delegation to the General Conference of UNESCO, twenty-sixth session, November 1992, Paris.

Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Executive Board of Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States 1983-till now.

Vice-President of Saudi National Commission for Child Welfare, 1991 to the present.

Chairman of the committee preparing the report of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on measures adopted for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Most recent publications in the field

A number of articles published in Saudi newspapers and magazines.

A number of educational and cultural research papers presented to local and international conferences.

A number of researches on childhood.

A book on Educational Plans of Regional and International Educational Organizations.

Participation in international conferences

Chairman of Executive Board of Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO).

Chairman of Saudi delegation to International Education Conference, forty-third session, September 1993, Geneva.

Member of Saudi delegation to the General Conferences of UNESCO from 1983 until the present, Paris.

Member of Saudi delegation to the General Conferences of ALECSO from 1982 to the present, Tunis.

Member of Saudi delegation to General Conferences of Ministers of Education in the Gulf States, from 1982 to the present.

Member of Saudi delegation to the International Education Conference in Geneva, from 1984 to the present.

In addition to participation in several regional and international seminars and meetings.

Ghalia Mohd Bin Hamad AL-THANI


Date of birth:  7 November 1964.

Working languages:  Arabic and English.

Current position/function

Chairperson of Paediatrics Department, 1996, till present.

Main professional activities

Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, 2nd Qatari International Paediatric Conference, 3‑5 April 2000.

Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, 1st Qatari International Paediatric Conference, 15‑17 December, 1997.

Chairperson, General Committee for Training, Medical Education and Scholarship, October 1995 till February 1998.

Reappointed as Director of Medical Education and Scholarship, 7 December 1998 till present.

Chairperson of Medical Board for Treatment Abroad, 21 May 1997-April 1998.

Arab Board Representative for Paediatrics in the State of Qatar, 13 November 1993 till present.

Elected Teacher of the Year 1992-1993.

Senior Specialist, 1 March 1994-1 March 1996.

Paediatric Specialist, 18 April 1992-28 February 1994.

Educational background

Beirut School for girls, Lebanon, 1972-1976.

Amna Bint Wahab (High School), 1976-1980, Doba.

MB.B.S., Jordan University, 1980-1987.

Membership Royal College of Physicians (UK), January, 1992.

Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 1998.

Institute of Child Health (London)

Queen Elizabeth      18 months

West Middlesex     12 months

Queen Charlotte     6 months (Neonatal Unit).

Other relevant activities

Academic achievements

Diet in Acute Diarrhoea (First Paediatric Nutrition Conference, January 1993).

Cystic Fibrosis in Qatar (Gastroenterology Conference, February 1993).

Established Paediatric Gastro-Intestinal (GI) Unit in Hamed General Hospital in 1994.

Rapporteur for Implementation of Cystic Fibrosis Services, Report of a Joint

WHO/International Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis) Association Meeting, held in

Bahrain, 18 and 19 November 1995.

Clinical work

In addition to general paediatrics and hepatology, I have been working in paediatric gastroenterology since 1994.

Established unit and perform the following procedures:

Upper and lower diagnostic endoscopy;

Therapeutic upper GI endoscopy;

Percutaneous endoscopic gastroslomy;

Percutaneous liver biopsy.


Elected as a member of the British Paediatric Association, May 1995.

Elected as a Fellow of the Royal College for Paediatrics and Child Health (FRCPCH), March 1998.

Community work

Chairperson of the committee for special needs which has achieved the following:

Member of the National Committee for Special Needs as of June 1998.

Chairperson of the National Committee for Special Needs as of 15 June 1999.

Member of the Advisory Committee Supreme Council for Family Affairs.



Date and place of birth:  16 June 1957, Cajamarca, Peru.

Working languages:  Spanish and English.

Current position/function

Vice-Minister for the Advancement of Women and Human Development; American Secretary ad interim on Children and Social Policy; Peruvian Government representative to the Inter‑American Children's Institute; Peruvian Government representative to the Indigenous Fund and Chairman of the Commission on Indigenous Affairs; Senior Lecturer in the Department of Human Medicine, Federico Villarreal National University.

Main professional activities

Medical officer for the Peruvian Navy.

Director of local hospital, Tumbes, Peru.

Director of Tumbes Office of Forensic Medicine, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Peru.

Director-General of Technical Support for the Regional Directorate, Chavin, Peru.

Regional Health Director for the Chavin Region, Huaraz.

Director of the "E. Guzman Barron" local health unit, Chimbote, Peru.

Associate Professor, University of Santa Chimbote, Peru.

Associate Professor, Department of Human Medicine, Federico Villarreal National University, Lima, Peru.

Educational background

Master's degree in "Management and Public Policies", University of Chile.

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) scholarship.  Department of Industrial Engineering, Santiago, Chile.

Master's degree in research and university teaching, Garcilazo de la Vega Inca University, Faculty of Education, Lima, Peru.

Surgical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Rosario National University, Argentina.

Other main activities relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

Directing and supervising the national system of comprehensive care for children and adolescents, and actions for the promotion and encouragement of human development of the public, giving priority to children and adolescents at risk, women, older and disabled persons, indigenous people and illiterates; chairing the multisectoral commission responsible for organizing the eighth session of the Regional Conference on the Integration of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean; heading the National Commission on Coordination of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Policies (COORDIPLAN); chairing the multisectoral commission responsible for organizing the Fourth American Ministerial Meeting on Children and Social Policy; heading the Peruvian delegation at sessions of the United Nations Commission on Population and Development, UNFPA; chairing the group for promoting homes free of family violence, GRUPFAM; monitoring implementation of the goals of the Lima Agreement signed by Latin American and Caribbean countries participating in the Fourth American Ministerial Meeting on Children and Social Policy.

Most recent publications in the field

Contribution on the text of the Lima Agreement (1998).

Contribution for the national end-of-decade report on implementation of the goals of the World Summit for Children and the Lima Agreement (2000).

Contribution for the American regional report on progress towards the goals of the World Summit for Children and ministerial meetings (2000).

Contribution to the information kit "Fulfilling the promises for the year 2000 goals", in conjunction with UNICEF (2000).



Date and place of birth:  22 August 1931 - Naples (Italy).

Working languages:  English, French.

Current position/function

Secretary-General of the Interministerial Committee for Human Rights (Ministry of Foreign Affairs); member of the Italian delegation to the General Assembly of the United Nations, Third Committee (since 1986); member of the Italian delegation to the Commission for Human Rights of the United Nations (since 1986).

Main professional activities

Professor of Human Rights, Post-graduate courses, Faculty of Political Science, University of Rome (La Sapienza); Professor of Human Rights, Centre for Studies and Research in Human Rights, Free International University for Social Studies (LUISS), Rome; Professor of Human Rights, Ad hoc training courses for high ranking personnel, High School of the Ministry of Interior and Academy of the Carabinieri.

Educational background:

Ph.D in Law (1952), University of Milan (Italy).

Other main activities relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

Italian delegate to the inter-sessional working group of the Commission on Human Rights on the draft optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict; Italian delegate to the Human Dimension Meeting on Human Rights and Inhuman Treatment or Punishment of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) (2000); responsible for the drafting of the first and second periodic reports of Italy on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the latter in co-operation with the Department of Social Affairs; member of the Interministerial Coordinating Committee for the special session of the United Nations General Assembly on the rights of the child.

Most recent publications in the field

Handbook on the International Aspects of Family Law (Poligrafico dello Stato) (Italian).

Abdussalam Bashir DUWEBI

(Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)

Date and place of birth:  7 September 1948, Tripoli, Libya.

Working languages:  Arabic, English, French.

Current position/function

Vice-President of the Higher Committee of Childhood.

Main professional activities

1972-1975       Ministry of Social Affairs, Tripoli, social worker.

1975-1978       Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Security, Tripoli, Head of Social Planning               Department.

1984-1989       Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Tripoli, Dean of the Faculty.

1990-1998       Faculty of Social Sciences, Tripoli, Sociology Professor.

Since 1990       Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tripoli, Libya,

                        Teaching and researching.

Educational background

1968-1972       Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya.

                        B.A. in Sociology and Social Planning.

1978-1982       Northern Colorado University, Greeley, United States.

                        M.A. in Sociology and Social Planning.

Ph.D in Foundation of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Morocco.

1971                Faculté de sciences humaines, Grenoble, France.

                        Diploma of French language.

Other relevant main activities

1997                Part-time consultant, UNICEF and UNDP, Tripoli.

1988                Arab Centre for Security Studies and Training and UNIFEI, Tokyo, Japan;                   teaching and research.

Member of the Arab Committee of Sociology (Tunisia).

Member of the Committee of Social Workers (Libya).

Most recent publications in the field

"Sustainable human development in Libya" (UNDP report); "The socio-economic status of Libyan women" (UNDP report); Social Problems (textbook), High Institute of Social Work; "Child Labour in Libya" (a field study - 1997), UNICEF; Deprived Children, Arab Institute for Development, Beirut, Lebanon; Childhood in Islam Dar Al Moultaka, Cyprus; Childhood and Socialization, Amanat Al Adel Public and others; "Childhood rights and care", 1988.



Date and place of birth:  26 November 1947, Rabat.

Working languages:  Arabic, French and English.

Current position/function 

President of a Division of the Supreme Court - Director of Civil Affairs in the Ministry of Justice.

Main professional activities

1970-1972:      Judge at the Sadad Court in Rabat dealing with cases relating to maintenance allowances and minors.

1972-1974:      President of the Social Court in Rabat.

1974-1978:      President of the Social Division of the Court of First Instance in Rabat.

1978-1982:      Senior lecturer at the National Institute of Judicial Studies concerned with the social field (protection of minors).

1982-1986:      Elected member of the Higher Council of the Magistrature.

Educational background

Graduate of the Law Faculty of Rabat, Juridical Sciences.

Other main activities relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

Expert, representative of Morocco at The Hague Conference on Private International Law (participation in the drafting of conventions relating to the rights of the child).

Expert working for the Arab Centre for Juridical and Judicial Research, Lebanon (field of adoption and kafala).

Expert working for the League of Arab States.

Chairman of the commission entrusted with the elaboration of unified Arab law on the protection of minors.

Chairman of the mixed advisory commissions on family law and on the law of custody.

List of most recent publications in the field

Author of numerous articles in various branches of private law, especially social law and law concerning children:  on kafala, adoption, children from divorced families, relinquishment and mixed marriage.

Dalibor JILEK

(Czech Republic)

Date and place of birth:  2 July 1953, Brno, Czech Republic.

Working languages:  English, Russian.

Current position/function

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of International Public Law (1995-); Head (1997-), International and European Law Department, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University; Head (1996‑), Humanitarian Law Department, Military University of Ground Forces; Consultant (1993-), Human Rights Information Centre, Directorate General of Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg; Member (1994-), Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague; Member (1994-), International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo; Member (2000-), American Society of International Law; Vice President (1997-), Association of Lawyers for the Protection of Financial Interests of EU.

Main professional activities

Chairman of the Academic Senate of Faculty of Law, Masaryk University (1990-1991); Vice‑Dean, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University (1991-1997); Member (1994-1997), Scientific Council of Masaryk University; Member (1991-), Scientific Council of Faculty of Law, Masaryk University; Member (1996-), Scientific Council of Faculty of Defence of the State, Military University of Ground Forces.

Academic disciplines taught:  international public law, human rights law, refugee law, children's rights law, minority law; lecturer (1993), Centre for Post-graduate Studies of Teachers, Masaryk University:  children's rights law; lecturer (1998-), Higher Judicial School, Kromĕříž, Ministry of Justice:  human rights law; Chairman (1994-), Appellate Commission for Asylum Procedure of the Minister of Interior, Prague; Member (1998-), Advisory Committee to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Strasbourg; Member (1993-), Board of Editors, Journal for Legal Science and Practice, contributions in the field of international law.

Educational background

Faculty of Law, J.E. Purkynĕ University (1997); Doctor of Law (1979), Faculty of Law, J.E. Purkynĕ University; Candidate of Science (1985), Faculty of Law, J.E. Purkynĕ University, Associate Professor (1995), Faculty of Law, Masaryk University.  Summer courses:  The Hague, Thessaloniki, Strasbourg, Florence, Vienna; study stays:  ICRC, Geneva; UNHCR, Geneva; Vienna University; University of Paris (XI);  United States of America (New York School of Law; Fordham University School of Law, New York; Washington College of Law; Intercultural Center, Georgetown University; Stanford School of Law; Santa Clara School of Law; School of Law at Southern Methodist University, Dallas).

Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

Elaboration of expertise for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - freedom of movement and international obligations (240 pp.), principle of non-discrimination (6 pp.); for the Ministry of Interior - the 1999 Asylum Act (9 pp.), the 1999 Aliens Act (8 pp.); for the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic - the draft Minority Act (9 pp.).  Participation in recent international conferences and seminars in the field of human rights:  First Periodical Meeting of International Humanitarian Law, Geneva, 1998; International Legal Aspects of the Position of National Minorities in Europe, Brno, 1999; Implementation of the 1995 Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Chisinau, 1999; National Minorities in the Czech Republic, Prague, 2000; Education - Gateway to European Integration, Brno, 2000; Theory of Human Rights in the Fight against Racism, Brno, 2000, Creating a Multicultural Society in the Czech Republic and Countries in Central Europe, Opava, 2000.

List of most recent publications in the field

"On the draft articles on the rights of the child" (9 pp.); "Concise analysis of the international protection of the child" (12 pp.); Concept of the family in international law"; "Remarks on the Convention on the Rights of the Child" (22 pp.); "Child Labour - Is it a Part of the Market Economy?" (9 pp.); "Invocation of multicultural education and the 1995 Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities" (10 pp.); "Multiculturalism and the 1995 Framework Convention" (11 pp.): "Persons belonging to the national minorities as homo individualis" (12 pp.); "The refugee in the Czech Republic:  legislative and migratory context (76 pp.); "Contemplation of human rights" (8 pp.); "Casus Trahunt"  (6 pp.); "Casus Docent" (4 pp.).

Noromalala Lydia Clairette RAKOTO JOSEPH


Date and place of birth:  18 March 1954 at Ambondrona.

Working languages:  French.

Current position/function

2000:               Director ad interim for children (May-September).

1997:               Director for Women.

1995:               Head of the service on action for the benefit of children (adoption - wardship - sponsorship).

1994:               Coordinator of the basic urban services project for children in difficult situations - Antananarivo and Fianarantsoa.

1992:               Responsible for teaching at the Training Centre for Early Childhood Educators

coming from all regions.

Main professional activities

Promotion of the enhanced socio-legal status of women and children, and especially the girl child.

Advocacy of respect for the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (updating the instruments in force in the light of the two conventions).

Design of models, brochures and technical guidance for studies relating to the protection of children.

Promotion of the child to child approach to improve children's integration within the community.

Promotion and raising awareness of the system of sponsorship of children in difficult situations (care by nationals).

Awareness raising and advocacy for community care of the child.

Monitoring of inter-country adoption. 

Educational background

1985:               Master's degree in private law.

1982:               Baccalaureate in law.

1980:               Degree in German.

1979:               German Zeugnis (attestation).

1975:               Secondary education at the Lycée Jules Ferry.

Other main activities relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned

Analysis of the application in Madagascar of articles 26 and 27 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Development of policy on rules and regulations concerning the social protection of children who are orphaned, abandoned, disabled or placed in social centres.

Codification of the laws concerning child protection.

Advocacy to facilitate the development of the national strategy for the protection of children.

Broad dissemination of messages on the registration of births.

Facilitating the preparation of a training manual on the rights of the child in Madagascar.

Drawing attention to customs that hinder respect for the rights of the child with a view to changing attitudes.       

Support for the Inter‑Ministerial Committee on Inter‑country Adoption to draw up and implement legal and administrative measures arising from the ratification by Madagascar of The Hague Convention.

List of the most recent publications in the field

Under the auspices of the Ministry for Population, the Status of Women and Children (MPCFE), studies and publications undertaken with UNICEF and research associations or offices:

            of births and on the functioning of civil registry services (MPCFE March 2000);

Study and analysis of the rights of children in difficult situations in the towns of

            Fianarantsoa, Majunga, Antsirabe and Antarananrivo (MPCFE, July-December 1999).

Yuri Mikhailovich KOLOSOV

(Russian Federation)

Date and place of birth:  7 September 1934 in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) Region, Russia.

Working languages:  Russian, English.

Current position/function

1987 to date:    Head, Department of International Law, Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations.

Main professional activities

1959-1963:      Legal adviser of the Department for Foreign Relations, USSR, Ministry of Civil Aviation.

Diplomatic service, 1966-1987 (last position:  Deputy Chief, Department of Humanitarian and Cultural Relations, USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs).

1973-1987:      Diplomatic service, Legal and Treaty Department, Department of Humanitarian and Cultural Relations, USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

1996:               Diplomatic rank of Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

Educational background

1959:               Graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

1963-1966:      Post-graduate course at Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

1966:               Ph.D degree.

1982:               Professor of international law.

Other main relevant activities

Member, Committee on the Rights of the Child (1991-1999).

Member, Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague (since 1990).

Member, International Academy of Astronautics (since 1980).

Member, International Institute of Space Law (since 1980).

Director of the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Democracy, Moscow (since 1994).

Member, Board of Governors, Russian Children's Foundation (since 1994).

Member, Executive Board, Russian Association of International Law (since 1988).

Vice-President, Moscow Association of International Law (since 1992).

Editor-in-Chief, Moscow Journal of International Law (1991-1997), since 1998 President of the Editorial Board.

Most recent publications in the field

"International cooperation in the sphere of human rights", Moscow, 1993 (documents and materials with commentary).

"International humanitarian law", Moscow, 1995 (documents with commentary).

"Current International Law", vol. I-III, Moscow, 1996-1997 (documents with commentary, co‑editor).

International Law.  (textbook), Moscow, 2000 (author of several chapters and co-editor).

Participation in international events

Lecturing on different issues of international law at the universities of Montreal, Vienna, Thessaloniki, Milan, Florence, Ghent.

Member of Soviet (Russian) delegations to various organs at several sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, the Geneva meeting of the CSCE, the Vienna meeting of the CSCE, the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its Legal Subcommittee, UNESCO meetings, diplomatic conferences on The Hague and Montreal conventions against unlawful interference into civil aviation, establishment of INMARSAT, Joint Consultative Group on the Reduction of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, III Peace Conference of 1999, etc.



Date and place of birth:  25 July 1954 at Tunis.

Working languages:  Arabic, English and French.

Current position/function

Professor - Director of the Department of Private Law in the Faculty of Juridical, Political and Social Sciences, University of Tunis.

Main professional activities

1993-2000      Expert consultant for UNICEF, in particular providing support for the drafting of State reports to the Committee on the Rights of the Child in Tunisia (1994 and 1999), to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1997) and to Oman (1998); and at numerous seminars on various subjects related to the rights of the child (Beirut, 1997; Riyadh, 1997; Muscat, 1998; Tehran, 2000).

Director of the National Institute of Labour and Social Studies (INTES), University of Tunis 3, 1991-1997.

Professor of private law since 1988.

Senior lecturer in private law since 1984 (passed the agrégation competitive examination in private law, session of 1984).

Assistant lecturer in private law since 1982.

Educational background

Doctorate in social law, 1982, University of Paris 1, Panthéon‑Sorbonne, thesis on the subject of public order in international social law.

Diplôme d'études approfondies (D.E.A.) in private international law and international commerce, 1981, University of Paris 1, Panthéon‑Sorbonne.

Diplôme d'études approfondies (D.E.A.) in social law, 1978, University of Paris 1, Panthéon‑Sorbonne.

Degree in private law, 1977, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Tunis.

Other relevant activities

Scientific and legal adviser of the Arab Institute of Human Rights (since 1999).

President of the Conference of Arab States on the Management of Social Transformations (MOST) programme, UNESCO, Tunis, 1996.

Founding member and Vice‑President of the Tunisian Association of Social Law (1985-1995).

General Rapporteur of the Conference of French-speaking Countries, in preparation for the World Conference on Human Rights, Libreville (Gabon), 1993.

Member of the official delegation of Tunisia to the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 1993.

Member of the Higher Committee on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (since 1991).

Visiting professor at the Montesquieu University of Bordeaux IV (1989), and the University of Nice (1990), and associate professor at the University of Paris 7 (1991).

Executive member of the International Society for Labour Law and Social Security (since 1987).

Most recent publications in the field

2000                Le droit tunisien du travail et les mutations internationales, in Mélanges Habib Ayadi, CPU, Tunis.

1998                La clause sociale, vue d'en bas, in "Dimension sociale de la mondialisation de l'Economie", Comptrasec publication, Montesquieu University of Bordeaux IV.

Magali G. MARIN


Date and place of birth:  18 November 1971, Belize.

Working languages:  Spanish and English.

Current position/function

Associate Attorney-at-Law

Years employed:  1997 to present

Barrow and Williams, Belize City, Belize.

Main professional activities

Intern Attorney-at-Law

Years employed (summers 1995-1997)

Barrow and Williams, Belize City, Belize.

Educational background

Bachelor of Arts, Political Science and Sociology, 1992

University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA

Graduated with special distinction (4.0 GPA)

Tutored social statistics to fellow students

Tutored minority students in political science.

Bachelor of Laws, 1995

University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados

Awarded First Place in Year I

Received Most Outstanding Student Award in Real Estate Law

Graduated with Honours (Upper Second Class)

Certificate of Legal Education, 1997

Norman Manley Law School, Mona Campus, Kingston, Jamaica

Received Most Outstanding Belizean Student Award for 1996 and 1997, Norman Manley Law School

Received award for Outstanding Belizean Student for 1996 and 1997, Belize Bar Association.

Other relevant activities

Conducted several seminars on issues related to:

Custody of children;

Legal Adviser to Belize Organization for Women and Development (BOWAND).

Member of the National Women's Commission of Belize (NWC).

Chairperson of Belize Sugar Labour Welfare Fund Committee.

Legal Adviser to the National Committee for Families and Children (NCFC).

Updated Belize's Report on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, 1999, and acted as legal adviser to the Belize delegation that presented the report to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in June 1999.

Chairperson of Belize Sugar Labour Welfare Fund Committee.

Lectured on Belize's Families and Children's Act of 1998.

Most recent publications in the field

Authored chapter on taxation and investment in Belize, the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBDF), The Netherlands, 1998, and subsequent revisions thereto.

Consultant editor for the International Corporate Law Bulletin, Kluwer Law International, part of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), The Hague, London and Boston.

Ghassan Salim RABAH


Date and place of birth:  27 September 1949, Beirut.

Working languages:  Arabic, English.

Current position/function

Professor in the two faculties of law and social sciences in the Lebanese and American universities.

Professor in the field of juvenile justice (higher studies).

Main professional activities

Head of the Criminal Court in southern Lebanon, 1993-1997.

Adviser to the Minister of Justice on matters relating to international human rights conventions.

Head of several judicial committees dealing with the rights of the child in Arab countries.

Educational background

Faculty of Law in the Lebanese University.

Degree in law, 1973.

Two diplomas of higher studies, 1983.

Doctorate in law, 1987.

Diploma of the Institute of Judicial Studies, 1987.

Other relevant activities

Chair of the Committee for the Protection of Juveniles in Lebanon (established in 1939), which is concerned with the protection of juvenile delinquents and young persons vulnerable to delinquency; restored houses of correction in Lebanon after the civil war.

Supervisor-General of houses of correction for juveniles in Lebanon since 1990.

Secretary-General of the Union of Childhood and Motherhood in Lebanon.

Member of the Organization of Juvenile Judges (headquarters in Canada).

Adviser to the Parliamentary Committee for the Rights of the Child in the Lebanese Parliament.

Most recent publications in the field

Phenomenon of crimes in the Two Years' War (1979).

The death penalty:  a solution or a problem? (1987).

Law on economic sanctions and traders' crimes (1989).

Modern approaches in the laws on juvenile delinquents in the Middle East (1991).

Amnesty law (1992).

History of social laws and regulations (1993).

Modern law on drugs and their mental effects (1999).

Law on the protection of literary and artistic property and computer crimes (2000).

Participation in international conferences

Conference in Sofia (Bulgaria) dealing with the legal, social and economic status of prisoners under 18 years of age (1999).

London conference on juvenile crime, the causes and the treatment (1999).

Cairo conference on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1999); represented the Committee on the Rights of the Child and delivered a speech on its behalf in the presence of Egyptian officials and about 2,000 Egyptian children from various regions.

Conference in Newcastle (United Kingdom) on violence and sexual abuse against children and means for their rehabilitation (May 2000).

Conference in Bangkok (Thailand) on racism and the rights of kidnapped children throughout the world (September 2000).

As well as organizing various conferences and workshops relating to human rights in cooperation with UNICEF in Geneva and Beirut.

Tirtha Man SAKYA


Date of birth:  21 July 1944.

Working languages:  English, Nepali.

Current position/function

Chief Secretary to the Cabinet Secretariat of His Majesty's Government of Nepal (HMG/N).

Main professional activities

Draft rules, regulations, policies and plans necessary to implement the functions of HMG/N and transmit the same to the Cabinet for approval.

Certify the decision of the Cabinet and send the same for implementation to the concerned ministries.

Supervise, monitor and evaluate the process of implementation of the decision of HMG/N.

Transmit the proposals to the Cabinet for its decision.

Work as head of the civil service of HMG/N and supervise the works performed by it.

Advise the Prime Minister and other ministers upon receiving requests on any matters of day-to-day administration.

Hold and chair the meetings of the Secretaries of the ministries and give necessary directions on the matters related to their functions.

Educational background

Master of Commerce (M.Com.) and Bachelor of Laws (B.L.) (both from Tribhuvan University, Nepal).

Participant in the Training Programme on Human Rights Reporting; National Capacity Strengthening, Turin, ILO Training Centre (1995).

Development Lawyer's Course, International Development Law Institute (IDLI), Rome (1985).

Government Legal Adviser's Course, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London (1978-1979).

Other main relevant activities

Leader of the Nepalese delegation to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child for the presentation of initial report thereon (Geneva, May 1996).

Chairperson of the National Committee on the preparation of initial report on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1996).

Drafter of the human rights-related legislative bills like the Children's Act, 1992, Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1998, National Human Rights Commission Act, 1997, etc.

Most recent publications in the field

Various papers presented at national and international conferences, especially the following:

"Juvenile Justice System in Nepal" (1997);

"An Overview of Laws on Child Labour" (1996);

"Implementation of Recommendations to the Committee on the Rights of the Child" (1995);

Author of the book The Drafting of Laws.



Born in Curitiba, State of Paraná, Brazil.

Married, one daughter, one son.

Working languages

Spanish, English and French.

Current position/function

Minister in the diplomatic service, since 1997.

Director-General of the Department for Scientific, Technical and Technological Cooperation in the Ministry of External Relations, Brasília, DF, since 1999.

Educational background

Bachelor of Arts, Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Career diplomat, Diplomatic Academy of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations (Instituto Rio-Branco), 1972, Brasília, DF.

Special training course for Brazilian diplomats, Diplomatic Academy of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations (Instituto Rio-Branco), 1989, Brasília, DF.

Master's Degree in High Studies, Diplomatic Academy of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations (Instituto Rio-Branco), 1995, Brasília, DF.

Main professional activities

As a career diplomat, she was mostly involved with human rights activities, children's and women's rights, in particular, as:

Alternate member, of the Sub-Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (1990-1994; 1994-1998; 1998-2002);

Delegate to the Inter-American Commission on Women (CIM) of the Organization of American States (1992-1994);

Delegate to the Working Group of the Commission on Human Rights on the question of a convention on the rights of the child (1988-1989);

Elected and re-elected member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (1993-1997; 1997‑2001);

Acting Chairperson (1999) and Vice-Chairperson (1995-1997); 1997-1999) of the Committee on the Rights of the Child;

Founding member of the National Council on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent (CONANDA) in Brazil (1992-1994), and participant in the Pact for Childhood, a successful UNICEF effort for raising awareness on children's rights in the country;

Delegate to the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna (1993);

Delegate to the Commission on Human Rights, Geneva (1988; 1989; 1990);

Member of the Brazilian National Committee for Beijing+5, Brasília, DF, (1999-2000);

Delegate to the special session of the General Assembly "Women 2000:  gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century", New York (2000);

Delegate to the Commission on the Status of Women (1991; 1994);

UNICEF Award "Child and peace", Brasília, DF (1994).

Other relevant activities

As acting Chairperson, she delivered a statement on behalf of the Committee on the Rights of the Child at the commemoration by the General Assembly of the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, New York (1999).

As a member of the Committee, she has participated in various international and regional meetings and seminars in the field of children's rights, such as, among others:

Speaker at the Seminar "End to corporal punishment for children", Human Rights Commission, Brazilian Parliament, (Brasília, DF 2000);

Speaker at the Conference on Children's Rights and Religion at a Crossroads (Nazareth,

Israel, 1999);

Chair of the Roundtable on the Reporting Process as a Catalyst for Domestic Review and Debate, as part of the Committee's celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Convention (Geneva, 1999);

Speaker at the International Forum for the Operational Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (The Hague, Netherlands, 1999);

Chair of the Panel on Judicial and Administrative Cooperation in Family Law Matters (The Hague, Netherlands, 1998);

Observer at the meeting of the Global Advisory Committee of the Childwatch Monitoring Children's Rights Project, (Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1998);

Speaker at a training course organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on strengthening national capacity on human rights reporting obligations (Quito,

Ecuador, 1997).

Most recent publications in the field

Child Poverty and Deprivation in Industrialised Countries:  1945-1995, Giovanni Andrea Cornia and Sheldon Danziger (eds.):  A book review, in The International Journal of Children's Rights 7:  207-210, 1999.

Statement by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, in Combating the Most Intolerable Forms of Child Labour:  A Global Challenge (Report) Appendix 6, 95-98, 1997.

Committee on the Rights of the Child:  basic processes, in Symposium on Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, in Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, A Journal of the University of Iowa College of Law, vol. 6, No. 2, 263-286, Fall 1996.

Grupos Vulneráveis:  Aspectos relacionados com a Discriminção de Gênero e com as Crianças, in A Incorporação das Normas Inernacionais de Proteção dos Direitos Humanos no Direito Brasileiro, Antõnio Augusto Cançado Trinidade, Editor, 413-421, 1996.

Die Menschenrechtssituation der Kinder in der Welt, in Aktuelle gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen und ihre Einflusse auf die Polizei die Situation Jugendlicher, Internationales Seminar, Polizei‑Fuhrungsakademie 63-75, 1996.



Date and place of birth:  13 June 1950 in Ploiesti, Romania.

Working languages:  English and French.

Current position/function

Director, Romanian Human Rights Institute (since 1994).

Main professional activities

Editor, senior editor, column coordinator of Revista Românặ de Drept (Romanian Law Magazine) and Dreptul (The Law).

Barrister, Bar of Bucharest.

Professor at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest (course of comparative law; comparative public law).

Professor of the Law Faculty, Romanian-American University of Bucharest (course on Family law).

Professor at the Law Faculty of the Spiru Haret University of Bucharest (courses on legal protection of human rights and institutional community law); Professor with the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (course on legal protection of human rights and institutional community law), since 1991.

Professor at the Ecological University of Bucharest (course on legal protection of human rights and institutional community law), since 1997.

Deputy Dean of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, since 1999.

Coordinator of UNESCO Chairs for democracy, human rights, peace and tolerance, since 1998.

Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest (post-graduate university course on constitutional institutions and public institutions).

Deputy Director of the Romanian Institute for Human Rights (IRDO), 1991-1994.

Expert with the United Nations Group for Freedom and Development.

Expert with the United Nations Group for Freedom and Development in relation to women's rights issues; UNDP.

Expert in economic freedom and development.

Expert in minority issues - OSCE.

OSCE expert with human dimension mechanism issues.

Course director and lecturer with the Black Sea University, Human Rights - post-Vienna Overview - a course organized by the Romanian Institute for Human Rights and the Black Sea University of Costineşti (25-31 July 1993).

Course director and lecturer with the International University of Human Rights, organized by IRDO every year since its inception (1995) up to present.

Educational background

Diploma, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest.

Professional journalist certificate.

High Diploma in Comparative Law, International Faculty of Comparative Law, Strasbourg.

Doctor in Law, University of Bucharest.

Other relevant activities

"Women in the national development and family law" - International School of Bordeaux.

"Arbitration between the State and private persons"; training by the International Academy of Law of the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

"Democratic institutions in Eastern Europe" - NATO training; training course for drafters of laws.

United Nations training courses related to the protection and the promotion of human rights (rapporteur).

Member of the Romanian Society of Comparative Law (former scientific secretary of the Society).

Member of the French Society of Comparative Law.

Member of the Steering Committee of the International Institute of Law of French Expression and Inspiration (IDEF).

Bureau Member of the Association of Students and Former Students in Comparative Law - Strasbourg 1981-1989 and 1997.

Scientific Secretary with the International Law Department, Jurists' Association (1978-1980).

Member of the International Association of Law and International Relations.

President of the Romanian Association for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Secretary‑General  of the Romanian National Committee for the Decade of Human Rights Education.

Member of the Romanian National Committee for the Decade of Human Rights Education.

Member of the international committee for the launching of the Decade of Human Rights

Education of the international association Ius Primi Viri (Italy), since 1993.

Council member of the Academic Association for European Integration.

Most recent publications in the field

Author and/or co-author of over 60 volumes, numerous works, 12 supplements of the magazine Dreptul (The Law) and the magazine Revista Românặ de Drept (The Romanian Magazine of Law), over 300 articles, numerous forewords to scientific volumes, numerous critiques and summaries.

Author of numerous advisory opinions on drafts of law.

Participation in international conferences

Participation as rapporteur in a large number of congresses, colloquies and seminars, national and international, such as the Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Greece, 1994; United Kingdom, 1998; the IDEF Congresses of Egypt, 1997; Lebanon, 1999; Egypt, 2000; etc.
