Convention on the

Rights of the Child







15 December 1998



Original:  ENGLISH/FRENCH/                  SPANISH






Seventh Meeting

New York, 16 February 1999

Item 5 of the provisional agenda




                       DUE TO EXPIRE ON 28 FEBRUARY 1999

                         Note by the SecretarynGeneral

1. In conformity with article 43 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the 6th meeting of the States parties to the Convention will be convened by the SecretarynGeneral at United Nations Headquarters on Tuesday, 16 February 1999, for the purpose of electing five members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child from a list of persons nominated by States parties, to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 28 February 1999 (see annex I).  The names of the other five members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 28 February 2001 appear in annex II.

2. In accordance with the procedure set out in article 43, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the SecretarynGeneral, in a note verbale dated 18 September 1998, invited the States parties to submit their nominations for the election of five members of the Committee within two months, i.e. by 15 November 1998.

3. In compliance with the provisions of article 43, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the SecretarynGeneral has the honour to list below, in alphabetical order, the names of the persons nominated for election to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, indicating the States parties which have nominated them.  Biographical data of the persons nominated, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in annex III to the present document.

GE.98n05044  (E)

Name of candidate                                     Nominated by

Ibrahim Bin Abdul Aziz ALnSHEDDI                      Saudi Arabia

Mustapha DENIAL                                       Morocco

Tedla DIRESSIE                                        Ethiopia

Phetsile Kholekile DLAMINI                            Swaziland

Jacob Egbert DOEK                                     Netherlands

Abdussalam Bashir DUWEBY                              Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Amina Hamza EL GUINDI                                 Egypt

Mira JANGARACHEVA*                                    Kyrgyzstan

Judith KARP                                           Israel

Yury M. KOLOSOV                                       Russian Federation

Nihad HANBALI                                         Syrian Arab Republic

Lina B. LAIGO                                         Philippines

Awa N'Deye OUEDRAOGO                                  Burkina Faso

Ahmad Abdel Halim MOHAMED                             Sudan

Tirtha Man SHAKYA                                     Nepal

Nazhat SHAMEEM                                        Fiji

RitanFélicité SODJIEDO HOUNTON                        Benin

Marjorie Elaine TAYLOR                                Jamaica

Deborah THOMASnFELIX                                  Trinidad and Tobago

Elisabeth TIGERSTEDTnTÄHTELÄ                          Finland

Osvaldo I. TORRES GUTIÉRREZ                           Chile

Jorge Alberto VALLADARES VALLADARES                   Honduras


*  Biographical data will be issued in an addendum to the present document when received.

                                    Annex I


                    WHOSE TERMS EXPIRE ON 28 FEBRUARY 1999

Name of member                                  Country of nationality

Mrs. Judith Karp                                Israel

Mr. Yury Kolosov                                Russian Federation

Ms. Sandra Prunella Mason                       Barbados

Mrs. Awa N'Deye Ouedraogo                       Burkina Faso

Mrs. Lisbeth Palme                              Sweden

                                   Annex II


                    WHOSE TERMS EXPIRE ON 28 FEBRUARY 2001

Name of member                                  Country of nationality

Mr. Francesco Paolo Fulci                       Italy

Ms. Nafsiah Mboi                                Indonesia

Mrs. Esther Margaret Queene Mokhuane            South Africa

Mr. Ghassan Salim Rabah                         Lebanon

Mrs. Marilia Sardenberg Zelner Gonçalves        Brazil

                                   Annex III

                         BIOGRAPHICAL DATA OF NOMINEES

                       Ibrahim bin Abdul Aziz ALnSHEDDI

                                (Saudi Arabia)

Date and place of birth:  July 1951, Saudi Arabia.

Working languages:  Arabic and English.

Current position/function

Deputy Minister of Education for Cultural and External Relations.

Secretary General of Saudi National Commission for Child Welfare.

Main professional activities

1971n1973      Teacher in intermediate school.

1981n1983      Technical Supervisor in Saudi National Commission for UNESCO.

1984ntill now  Secretary General of Saudi National Commission for UNESCO.

1984ntill now  Secretary General of Saudi National Commission for Child Welfare.

1989           Permanent Delegate of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to UNESCO.

1990n1995      Assistant Deputy Minister of Education for Technical Affairs.

1995n1997      Assistant Deputy Minister of Education for Cultural and External Relations.

1997ntill now  Deputy Minister of Education for Cultural and External Relations.

Educational background

Degree in the Arabic language, College of the Arabic language, Riyadh.

Diploma in Educational Administration, Oklahoma University,

United States of America.

M.A. in Educational Administration, Oklahoma University.

Training programme in international organizations, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris.

Ph.D. in the domain of international organizations, Imam Mohammed Bin Saud Islamic University.

Other relevant activities

VicenPresident of Saudi National Commission for Child Welfare, 1991 to the present.

Secretary General of Saudi National Commission for Child Welfare.

Chairman of the committee preparing the report of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on measures adopted for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Most recent publications in the field

A number of articles published in Saudi newspapers and magazines.

A number of educational and cultural research papers presented to local and international conferences.

A book, at press, on Educational Plans of Regional and International Educational Organizations.

Participation in international conferences

Chairman of Saudi delegation to the General Conference of UNESCO, twentynsixth session, November 1992, Paris.

Chairman of Saudi delegation to International Education Conference, fortynthird session, September 1993, Geneva.

Member of Saudi delegation to the General Conferences of UNESCO from 1983 until the present, Paris.

Member of Saudi delegation to the General Conferences of ALECSO from 1982 to the present, Tunis.

Member of Saudi delegation to General Conferences of Ministers of Education in the Gulf States, from 1982 to the present.

Member of Saudi delegation to the international Education Conference in Geneva, from 1984 to the present.

In addition to participation in several regional and international seminars and meetings.

                                Mustapha DENIAL


Date and place of birth:  10 August 1952, Casablanca.

Working languages:  Arabic, English, French.

Current position/function

Doctor specializing in parasitic and tropical diseases, Public Health.

Executive Director, National Children's Rights Observatory.

General Secretary, Moroccan UNICEF Association.

International expert in matters relating to the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Main professional activities

In charge of National Immunization Programme.

Coordinator, Maghreb Immunization Board.

EditorninnChief, Espace Enfant.

Responsible for setting up and following up on the children's parliament.

Various international expert assessments in the fields of health, education, the rights of the child and Islam, children at risk and street children (Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, Djibouti, International Immunization Committee, Geneva).

Educational background

Doctor specializing in parasitic and tropical diseases.

Other main activities in the field of children's rights

Member of the Moroccan Committee assigned to introduce the national report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child (1996).

Assigned by the ministries concerned to defend the Plan of Action for Children at the UNICEF Executive Board, New York.

Former General Secretary, Regional Council of the Order of Medical Practitioners (northnwest region).

Member, national bureau, Moroccan Society of Medical Sciences.

Most recent publications in the field of children's rights

Study on the situation and needs of children in the communes.

                                Tedla DIRESSIE


Date and place of birth:  1 February 1946, North Shoa, Ethiopia.

Working languages:  Amharic, English.

Current position/function

Head of Children, Youth and Family Affairs Department in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Coordinates research and studies pertaining to children, youth and the family.

National focal person for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Submits to the Government overall policy proposals concerning children, youth and the family.

Coordinates governmental and nonngovernmental organizations working for the survival, protection and development of children.

Main professional activities

Presented papers on the situation of Ethiopian children in Harare, Zimbabwe, 1992; Dakar, Senegal, 1992; Nairobi, Kenya, 1993; Mbarara, Uganda, 1994; Tunis, Tunisia, 1995.

Participated in international conferences such as those against sexual exploitation of children in Stockholm, Sweden, 1996; child labour in Oslo, Norway, 1997; Youth Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, 1998.

Presented a paper on children in especially difficult circumstances in five Italian cities 1998.

Went on experience sharing tours to such countries as the United States, England, Scotland, the Netherlands, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand and Saudi Arabia.

Organized awareness creation workshops and symposia for local participants.

Presented papers on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Ombudsman to peoples' representatives (Parliamentarians) and representatives of other concerned bodies.

Educational background

BA in Educational Psychology, Addis Ababa University.

Diplomas in:  Accounting, School Administration and Supervision, Pedagogy, and a certificate in Management.

Other main relevant activities

Participated in the task force formed to prepare guidelines for the committees on the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Ethiopia.

Initiated and worked on the establishment of network of governmental and nonngovernmental organizations concerned with the survival, protection and development of children.

Served as a board member of three nonngovernmental organizations working with children.

Served as a chairman of the National Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Coordinated the activities of the governmental and nonngovernmental organizations working to alleviate the problem of child prostitution.

Most recent publications in the field

A research paper on AChildren in especially difficult circumstances in Ethiopia@, June 1998.

A study paper on AThe Convention on the Rights of the Child in relation to the laws in Ethiopia@, September 1988.

                          Phetsile Kholekile DLAMINI


Date and place of birth:  6 March 1949, Mbukwane, Swaziland.

Working language:  English.

Current position/function

Member of Parliament.

Cabinet Minister for Health and Social Welfare, responsible for preventive, promotive, protective, curative, rehabilitative and palliatory health services.  Also responsible for welfare issues especially as they relate to children in difficult circumstances, such as the abandoned, orphaned, abused, addicted to drugs and other substances, the destitute and children with disabilities.

Main professional activities

Medical doctor who has specialized as a paediatrician.

Activities involve, but are not limited to, caring for all children both sick and well, taking care of the welfare of children at home, school and society at large.  Issues of concern and challenge at the national level at present include those of teenage pregnancies, school dropnouts, drug and substance abuse and addiction, HIV/AIDS, socially destitute children and babies.  Involved with governmental and nonngovernmental organizations in the promotion and advancement of the status of children and youth.

Educational background

1986                Fellow of the College of Physicians (with paediatrics), South Africa.

1985                Master of Medicine with Paediatrics, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.

1981                Diploma in Child Health, South Africa.

1975                Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, University of Ghana.

1970                Bachelor of Science, Lesotho.

Other relevant main activities

Chairperson of the National Committee for Children and advising the Prime Minister.

Influencing Parliamentary debates and decisions on survival, development and protection of children in Swaziland.

Advocacy role and liaising between the stakeholders involved in children's issues, e.g. magistrates, prosecutors, social workers, health workers on children's health, welfare, rights, education and general prospects, respect and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Disseminating information widely on the role of the United Nations based on personal experience as a representative of the Government of Swaziland to the Cairo Conference on Population and Development, to the Third Committee of the General Assembly in 1994 and the World Health Assembly.

Most recent publications in the field

Public presentations on protection and promotion of children and women in many local and international forums.

                               Jacob Egbert DOEK


Date and place of birth:  1 May 1942, Emmen (Netherlands).

Working languages:  English, French, Dutch.

Current position/function

Professor of Family and Juvenile Law.

Director, Office of International Relations, both at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

Deputy Juvenile Court Judge, District Court, The Hague.

Main professional activities

Teaching and research, including presentations at international conferences and contacts with partner law schools in South Africa, Canada, the United States and Europe.

Member (Presidentnelect) of the European Law Faculties Association.

(The Law Faculty in Amsterdam is willing to allow Mr. Doek to participate fully in the work of the Committee if he is elected.)

Educational background

Gymnasium, 1955n1961 (Emmen).

Law Faculty, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam 1961n1967 and Doctor's Degree 1972.

Visiting Scholar, Georgetown University Law School (five months) and Michigan University Law School (four months) in 1993.

Other relevant main activities

Founding member of Defence for Children International (Geneva); member of Board 1979n1986.

Founding member of the International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse; Board member 1977n1992; President 1982n1984; Vice President, developing countries, 1984n1992.

Involved in establishing African Network for Prevention and Protection of Child Abuse and Neglect.

Board member, International Association for Family and Juvenile Court Magistrates, 1982n1986.

Member of the International Working Group on Child Labour, 1992n1997; final report published in June 1998 based on 34 country studies.

List of most recent publications in the field

AChild abuse and neglect, article 19 CRC@, The Intern. Journal of Children's Rights, vol. 2 (1994), pp. 88n96.

AThe juvenile court:  an endangered species?@ European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, vol. 2 (1994), pp. 42n56.

Children on the Move.  How to implement their Rights to Family Life, Jaap Doek, Hans van Loon and Paul Vlaardingerbroek (eds.), General Report, pp. 221n229, Kluwer Law Intern. 1996.

AThe nuclear family.  Who are the parents?@ in The Changing Family, pp. 545n552, John Eekelaar and others (eds.), Hail Publishing, 1998.

AChild sexual abuse and the Dutch Government's Policy@, in Child Abuse and Neglect.  What can Governments do?  (forthcoming; Kluwer Law Intern.).

                           Abdussalam Bashir DUWEBY

                           (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)

Date and place of birth:  1948, Tripoli, Libya

Working languages:  Arabic, English, French

Current position/function

Since 1990, Professor in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tripoli, Libya.  Teaching and researching.

Main professional activities

1972n1975   Ministry of Social Affairs, Tripoli, social worker.

1975n1978   Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Security, Tripoli, Head of Social Planning Department.

1984n1989   Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Tripoli, Dean of the Faculty.

1990n1998   Faculty of Social Sciences, Tripoli, Sociology Professor.

Educational background

1968n1972   Garyounis University in Benghazi, Libya

B.A. in Sociology and Social Planning.

1978n1982   Northern Colorado University in Greeley, United States.

M.A. in Sociology and Social Planning.

1971        Faculté de Sciences Humaines in Grenoble, France

Diploma of French language.

Other relevant main activities

1997        Partntime consultant, UNICEF and UNDP, Tripoli

1988        Arab Centre for Security Studies and Training, and UNIFEI Tokyo, Japan; teaching and research.

Member of the Arab Committee of Sociology (Tunisia)

Member of the Committee of Social Workers (Libya)

Most recent publications in the field

ASustainable human development in Libya@ (UNDP report); AThe socioneconomic status of Libyan women@ (UNDP report); ASocial Problems@ (textbook), High Institute of Social Work; AChild Labour in Libya@ (a field study), UNICEF; Deprived Children, Arab Institute for Development, Beirut, Lebanon; Childhood in Islam Dar Al Moultaka, Cyprus; Childhood and Socialization, Amanat Al Adel Public and others.

                             Amina Hamza EL GUINDI


Date and place of birth:  18 September 1942, Cairo.

Working languages:  Arabic, English

Current position/function

Secretary General, The National Council for Childhood and Motherhood.

Rapporteur of the National Commission for Woman.

Member of Shura Assembly.

Head of Child and Woman Programmes Committee, Radio and Television Union.

Member of the Board of Directors of the Higher Council for PrenUniversity Education.

Other main relevant activities

Formulating a national plan for the development of the Egyptian child, followingnup its implementation with the concerned ministries and inserting the concept of gender in the national plan of the State.

Issuing child law and the procedures related to its implementation.

Setting up an information system and compiling indicators relating to childhood conditions.

Studying the conditions of children in difficult circumstances (child labour, juveniles, delinquents, handicap and those deprived of family care).

The female child, her problems, and the right ways of facing these problems.

Changing negative concepts towards childhood and the position of the female child.

Educational background

1987:       Ph.D. in Sociology, Alexandria University.

1978:       M.A. in Social Planning, Helwan University.

1963:       B.Sc. in Social Work, Helwan University.

Other main relevant activities

Supervising the formulation of strategies, policies and programmes, and coordination between the concerned ministries and organizations regarding the promotion of childhood and motherhood.

Most recent relevant publications

Document on childhood and motherhood development strategy in Egypt, 1991.

Conceptual framework for childhood and motherhood component in the Fourth FivenYear Plan for SocionEconomic Development (1997/1998n2001/2002), 1996.

A study entitled AChildren in difficult circumstances@.

A study on the actual state of the female child.

Cultural studies regarding the transformation of concepts and approaches towards women and children.

                                  Judith KARP


Date and place of birth:  28 October 1937, Jerusalem

Working languages:  Hebrew, English.

Current position

1995npresent:  VicenChairperson of the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Deputy Attorney General of the State of Israel, with special responsibilities for legislation, policy coordination and liaison within the Government and with related organizations in the fields of criminal law and the criminal justice system, law enforcement, human rights, children's rights including juvenile justice; as well as other responsibilities within the purview of the Office of the Attorney General; involvement in the legislative process of preparing the Israeli Constitution (Basic Laws).

Main professional activities

Chairperson and member of various committees dealing with:  law enforcement, criminal law and procedure, law of evidence, police work, modes of punishment, criminal records, victims of crime, drug abuse and money laundering, domestic violence, commercial sexual exploitation, social intervention within the framework of law enforcement and the status of women and children.  Specific areas of responsibility concerning children and youth include:  Legislation and policy coordination within Government Ministries (including Justice, Police Department and Prison Authorities, Labour and Welfare, Health and Education).  Liaison with various nonngovernmental organizations and lobby groups for Children's Rights, including in the field of Juvenile Justice System, commercial sexual exploitation, victims of crime, child abuse and neglect; consent to medical treatment, children's right to legal representation; drugs; children's welfare; special rules of evidence and court procedures for abused children.  Member of group of experts appointed by the Minister of Justice for the harmonization of Israeli legislation with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.  Chairperson of multidisciplinary committee on commercial sexual exploitation of children.

Educational background

1957n1961      Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, LL.M. (summa cum laude).

1961n1962      Clerkship with Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel.

1964           British Council fellowship for foreign professionals.

1979           International Cultural Agency grant, United States of America.

1981           Salzburg Seminar on American Law.

1985           Eisenhower exchange fellowship, United States (three months).

Other main relevant activities

Chairperson, first meeting of the United Nations Coordination Panel on Technical Assistance in Juvenile Justice, Vienna, 25n26 June 1998.

Participation as an expert in the following:

Expert Consultation on Preventing Violence in the Family, Geneva, 7n9 October 1998 (representing the Committee on the Rights of the Child).

Seventh session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Vienna, April 1998 (representing the CRC).

UNICEF Seminar on Reporting Processes for the Baltic Region, Riga, Lithuania, 23n25 March 1998.

Out From the Shadows:  International Seminar on Sexually Exploited Youth, Victoria, B.C., Canada, 7n12 March 1998.

Fourth United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power in the International Setting, Washington, D.C., 26n27 February 1998.

Second Defence for Children International (DCI) Forum on Children's Rights and International Monitoring Mechanisms in the Context of Sexual Exploitation, Geneva, 17 January 1998 (representing the Committee on the Rights of the Child).

Most recent publications and presentations in the field

APreventing violence in the family n CRC's perspective@ (a presentation to an expert consultation on preventing violence in the family, Geneva, 7n9 October 1998).

Intervention on behalf of the Committee on the Rights of the Child at the seventh session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Vienna, 21n30 April 1998).

ACombating Sexual Exploitation n The Role of the Committee on the Rights of the Child@ (paper presented at the International Seminar on Sexually Exploited Youth, Victoria, March 1998).

AThe Convention on the Rights of the Child n Children's Human Dignity@ (paper presented at Barcelona, Seminar on Ending All Physical Punishment of Children in Europe, 19 October 1997).

AAn analysis of the system of State reporting n Reporting and the Committee on the Rights of the Child, Commentary@(presented on the occasion of a conference on enforcing international human rights law, in Toronto, Canada, 21n29 June 1997).

AThe best interest of the child@ (Collected papers of the Conference on AThe Best Interest of the Child in the European Union@, the Swedish Parliament, Stockholm, 28n29 May 1997).

                                 Yury KOLOSOV

                             (Russian Federation)

Date and place of birth:  7 September 1934, USSR

Working languages:  Russian, English

Current position/function

Holder of the Chair of International Law, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) since 1987.

Main professional activities

Diplomatic service, 1966n1987 (last position, Deputy Chief, Department of Humanitarian and Cultural Relations, USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs).

1966        Diplomatic rank of Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

1970n1973   Senior Researcher, State and Law Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences.

Educational background

1959        Graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

1976        Ph.D. degree.

1982        Professor of International Law.

Other main relevant activities

Member, Committee on the Rights of the Child (1991nto date).

Director of the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Democracy attached to MGIMO (since 1994).

Member, Board of Governors, Russian Children's Foundation (since 1994).

Member, Executive Board, Russian Association of International Law (since 1988).

Most recent publications in the field

AInternational cooperation in the sphere of human rights@, Moscow, 1993 (documents and materials with commentary).

AInternational humanitarian law@, Moscow, 1995 (documents with commentary).

AThe juridical significance of the Convention on the Rights of the Child@; AThe Committee on the Rights of the Child:  stocktaking and new challenges@ n chapters in the book Understanding Children's Rights, University of Ghent, 1997.

                                 Nihad HANBALI

                            (Syrian Arab Republic)

Date and place of birth:  11 February 1942, Damascus.

Working languages:  Arabic, English

Current position/function

Member of Director Council of Syrian Familynplanning Association, Member of Women's Committee (IPPS) n Arabnspeaking region.

Researcher in the Arab Council for Childhood and Development (Cairo).

Main professional activities

Teacher of Psychology, Director of the Centre for Population and Social Studies and Research (Bureau of Statistics) (1979n1988).

Taking a major role in the population and housing census; evaluating the results (1981).

Supervisor of many surveys (Follownup, demography survey; family size and family health survey; world fertility, family size and family health survey; services available to childhood.  Writing many studies.  Attending several regional and international conferences.

Member of International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Belgium.

Educational background

Diploma from Teachers' Institute, 1963.

B.A. from Damascus University in Philosophy and Social Studies, 1967.

Certificate in Population and Development Planning, from Population Council (Damascus) 1977.

Certificate in Censuses and Surveys from IST Washington D.C., 1979.

Other main relevant activities

Preparing statistics data and indicators relevant to childhood to be used by the Syrian Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Active in the field of child rights, especially in rural areas.

Active in the field of family planning (mother and child health).

Active in the field of services related to children.

List of most recent publications in the field

ASocial care for Syrian children under 15 years old@.  Study prepared for the Arab Council for Childhood and Development (this study used the results of a field survey, 1994).

Report on services available to Syrian children.

1976n1979, Follownup pregnancy study in Syria.

                                 Lina B. LAIGO


Date and place of birth:  14 January 1943, Capiz, Philippines

Working language:  English

Current position/function

Consultant, Council for the Welfare of Children:  supervises the development of the Philippine National Development Plan for Children for the period 2000n2025.

Consultant, Philippine Women's University:  reviews and improves the curriculum of the Department of Social Work and Psychology, vital in child welfare programmes.

For the City of Manila:  technical assistance to social welfare development programmes.

Main professional activities

For the Plan for Children:  mobilizes different sectors to provide inputs and to integrate new concepts, the Convention on the Rights of the Child; outputs of various sectors; supervises preparation and packaging of the Plan.  Technical assistance to the Council for the Welfare of Children in the preparation of orientation materials and an aggressive advocacy campaign on child rights, mobilizing media and advertising groups, civic, religious and business sectors.

For the Philippine Women's University:  reviews and improves curriculum for social work and psychology students; and organizes consultation workshops to ensure maximum participation of stakeholders and acceptability of the curriculum.

For the City of Manila:  improvement and development of social welfare programmes.

Educational background

Bachelor of Arts, major in Psychology, Philippine Women's University, 1965.

Master's Degree in Social Science, University of Chicago, 1974.

Training in child welfare and development.

Other main relevant activities

As consultant to the Philippine Women's University:  setting up of the Family Life Institute which will focus on strengthening family life through effective parenting; prevention of domestic violence, especially wife battering and child abuse.

Assists UNICEF in the implementation of the CPC V, especially regarding the possibility of focusing on some provinces and developing local plans for children.  This will be a follow through of the Philippine National Development Plan for Children at the local level.  It will ensure the provision of opportunities for children to enjoy their rights at the subnational level.

                              Awa N=Deye OUEDRAOGO

                                (Burkina Faso)

Date and place of birth:  3 September 1954, Bobo-Dioulosso

Working languages:  French, English (moderate)

Current position/function

Teacher of linguistics, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

United Nations B Specialized Agencies Service, Department of Multilateral Cooperation, Central Directorate for Multilateral Cooperation.

Main professional activities

In charge of matters relating to UNICEF, UNIFEM, INSTRAW, UNHCR, human rights.

Cultural adviser at the Embassy of Burkina Faso to the United States of America.

Cultural adviser at the Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso to the United Nations, attended the General Assembly from 1989 to 1997, notably meetings of the Third Committee.

Attended preparatory meetings for the World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna).

Attended preparatory meetings for the World Conference on Population and Development (Cairo).

Attended preparatory meetings for the World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen).

Attended preparatory meetings for the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing).

Research and design of teaching materials for primary education and literacy training.

Educational background

Maîtrise and Diploma of Advanced Studies in Linguistics, University of Paris III, Sorbonne.

Degree in Linguistics, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Primary and secondary education in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Other main activities in the field of children=s rights

Attended the World Summit for Children and the preparatory meetings.

Attended the preparatory meetings for the International Conference on Assistance to African Children, Dakar.

Attended meetings of the UNICEF Executive Board from 1989 to 1996.

Member, UNICEF Executive Board.

Vice-Chairman, UNICEF Executive Board (1995) Bcoordinator for the UNICEF African Group.

Attended the first to fifth meetings of the States parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Attended the international conference on the rights of the child, Indianapolis (November 1997).

Attended the Western and Central Africa regional seminar on reporting.

Most recent publications in the field of children=s rights

Preparation of reports for the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Role of non-governmental organizations in the presentation of reports.

Introduction to the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

                           Ahmad Abdel Halim MOHAMED


Date and place of birth:  15 April 1933, Wad Medani, Sudan

Working languages:  Arabic and English

Current position/function

Ambassador of Sudan to the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Permanent Representative at the League of Arab States in Cairo.

Main professional activities

Professor of Education.

Librarian at the University of Khartoum.

Director of the School of ExtranMural Studies, University of Khartoum.

Professor of Adult Education, University of Juba, Sudan.

Parliamentarian.  Leader of the National Assembly.

Permanent UndernSecretary, Ministry of Youth, Sports and Social Affairs.

Minister of Culture and Information.

Adviser to UNICEF in Mena.  Education for All.

Expert in social development.

Educational background

B.Sc. Economics and Political Science.  University of Alexandria, Egypt ALA.  The British Library Association.  Registered Chartered Librarians.

Academic PostnGraduate Diploma in Librarian Studies.  University of London.

Other main relevant activities

Adviser to UNICEF.  Sudan country office and Mena region.

Adviser and expert on rights of the child.  Government of the Sudan, League of Arab States, ESCWA.

Member of United Nations Commission for Social Development.

President or member of committees of numerous NGOs in the field of child protection, welfare, human rights and human development.

Writer and presenter of radio and TV programmes.

Most recent publications in the field

Editor and chairman of the drafting committee:  Sudan Comprehensive National Strategy (1992n2001), including child, youth, women and voluntary work strategies.

Sudan Plan for the Survival Protection and Development of the Child.

Sultanate of Oman Child Plan (Social Dimension).

Arab Regional Plan for the Survival, Protection and Development of the Child

Draft Arab charter on social development.

                               Tirtha Man SHAKYA


Date and place of birth:  21 July 1944

Working languages:  English, Nepali

Current position/function

Secretary to the Ministry of Law and Justice of His Majesty's Government of Nepal.

MembernSecretary, Human Rights Year 1998 National Committee, Nepal.

Member, Nepal Law Reform Commission.

Chairman, Nepal Judicial Services Training Centre Board, Nepal.

Main professional activities

Drafting laws and providing consultation for the establishment of acts, ordinances, rules and orders.

Providing opinions on legal issues and constitutional questions to His Majesty's Government.

Making recommendations to His Majesty's Government on the policy and principles to be formulated on public and private international legal matters.

Providing opinions, suggestions or advice to His Majesty's Government on the signature, ratification, accession, approval or acceptance of bilateral or multilateral treaties, including human rights conventions to which the Kingdom of Nepal or His Majesty's Government is to be a party.

Educational background

Master of Commerce (M. Com.) and Bachelor of Laws (B.L.) (both from Tribhuvan University, Nepal).

Participant in the Training Programme on Human Rights Reporting; National Capacity Strengthening, Turin ILO Training Centre (1995).

Development Lawyer's Course, International Development Law Institute (IDLI), Rome (1985).

Government Legal Advisers' Course, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London (1978n1979).

Other main relevant activities

1.    Leader of the Nepalese delegation to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child for the Presentation of initial report thereon (Geneva, May 1996).

2.    Chairperson of the National Committee on the preparation of initial report on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1996).

3.    Drafter of the human rightsnrelated legislative bills like the Children's Act, 1992, Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1998, National Human Rights Commission Act, 1997, etc.

Most recent publications in the field

Various papers presented at national and international conferences, especially the following:

AJuvenile Justice System in Nepal@ (1997);

AAn Overview of Laws on Child Labour@ (1996);

AImplementation of Recommendations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child@ (1996);

ALegislative Measures for the Enforcement of the Rights of the Child@(1995);

Author of the book The Drafting of Laws (in the Nepali language).

                                Nazhat SHAMEEN


Date and place of birth:  16 November 1960

Working language:  English

Current position/function

Director of Public Prosecution (since 1994)

Main professional activities

Criminal prosecutions, including appeals to the High Court and Court of Appeal.

Lecturing at the Police Academy on the law and practice.

Training of junior State Counsel as Pupil Master.

Administration of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution.

Editorial Committee of Fiji Law Talk, the only magazine published locally for legal practitioners.

In her capacity as Director of Public Prosecution, responsible for all criminal prosecutions in the country.

Educational background

B.A. in Law (Honours), 1981, Sussex University, United Kingdom.

LL.M., 1982, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.

M.Phil. (Criminology), 1988, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Other main relevant activities

Chairperson of the Children's Conordinating Committee n a committee set up by the Government of Fiji to implement the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Fiji, 1994.

Chairperson of the Beattie Implementation Committee n a committee set up to implement the recommendations of Sir David Beattie in the Commission of Inquiry into the Fiji Court System, 1994n1995.

Chairperson of the Fiji Copyright Committee na committee set up to look into the laws regarding copyright and trademarks in Fiji with a view to recommending changes, 1994n1995.

Most recent publications in the field

APolice questioning@, in Poltracol (magazine of Fiji Police Academy), 1985.

Criminal Justice in Fiji, Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI), resource mateials, 1988.

AChild abuse in Fiji@, Daily Post (Fiji), 14 November 1992.

Book review of Claudia Orange's Treaty of Waitangi, published in New Zealand, Landfall, 1989.

Report on disciplinary proceedings in Fiji Prisons Service for the Ministry of Home Affairs, Fiji, August 1992.

                        Rita Félicité SODJIEDO HOUNTON


Date and place of birth:  18 December 1955, Cotonou, Benin

Working languages:  French, English

Current position/function

Magistrate in 1981; currently Director, Children's and Juvenile Legal Protection, Ministry of Justice, Legislation and Human Rights, Cotonou; from 1981 to 1997, held a variety of judicial appointments:  investigating magistrate in 1982; Deputy Public Prosecutor in 1984; Deputy Prosecutor‑General in 1988; Court of Appeal, Cotonou, 1990; Magistrate for Social Affairs, 1992; Judge at the Court of Appeal

Main professional activities

The object of the Children's and Juvenile Legal Protection Office is to protect and educate children and teenagers who are delinquent or in moral danger and keep an eye on all the related judicial and institutional files, nationally and internationally.  The Office takes part in all child‑related events and gatherings, promotes training in children's rights; brings the initial report of Benin on the Convention on the Rights of the Child to the attention of the public in all departments of the country; promotes training in children's rights, alerts the public to and mobilizes it against drugs and their consequences for young people in Benin.  The Office participates in activities by the Children at Risk Cell, is on the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) National Committee, and chairs the Board of the Benin National Committee for UNESCO

Educational background

1979:  Master's degree in Legal Sciences

1981:  Magistrate's training course

1996:  Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in human rights, Institut des droits de l'homme (IDHL), Lyon, France.  Diploma thesis:  ABenin yesterday and today in the light of the Convention on the Rights of the Child@

1996 to date:  thesis on AChild labour:  the case of children placed in Benin under the 'vidomegon' system@(in progress), Institut des droits de l'homme, Lyon

Other main activities in the field of children's rights

Training, alerting and mobilizing people in favour of the rights of the child with a view to effective enjoyment of those rights in Benin, by means of a variety of activities:  lectures, seminars, conferences, interviews with the press (e.g. Le Point, 16 June 1998)

Instruction in the rights of children and women Battendance at international, regional and national gatherings on the protection of children's rights, such as child labour and trafficking in children

Responsibilities:  Coordinator, National Coalition for the Rights of the Child; Vice‑President, Defence for Children International (DEI) for Africa; General Secretary, DEI ‑ Benin; Lecturer at the Institute of Human Rights in Cotonou Bsubject:  children's rights and women's rights

Most recent publications in the field of children's rights

1998:  Les enfants delinquants, sont‑ils en conflit avec la loi ou avec la société? (Delinquent children:  in conflict with the law or with society?)

Le trafic des enfants à partir du Bénin? (Trafficking in children out of Benin?)

1997:  L'administration de la justice pour mineurs au Bénin.  (Administration of juvenile justice in Benin)

Engagements des Etats en application de la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant(States' commitments pursuant to the Convention on the Rights of the Child)

1996:  Le Bénin d'aujourd'hui face à la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant (memoire IDHL) (Modern Benin in the light of the Convention on the Rights of the Child)

ALes droits de l'enfant, methodologie et pedagogie de leur enseignement en milieu scolaire et prescolaire@, (The Rights of the Child:  Methodology and pedagogy of children's education in a pre‑school and school environment) in:  Droits et devoirs du citoyen, instruction civique et morale à l'école:  Seminaire‑atélier sur l'application de l'article 40 de la Constitution du 11 décembre 1990 dans les établissements scolaires et universitaires et par les médias, (éds. Flammarion, December 1996)

1994:  La communauté, instrument indispensable pour la surveillance des droits de l'enfant (The community, indispensable monitoring instrument for children's rights)

                            Marjorie Elaine TAYLOR


Date and place of birth:  7 June 1950, Kingston, Jamaica

Working language:  English (mother tongue)

Current position/function

Ambassador, Special Envoy for Children's Affairs with responsibility for preparation of Child Care and Protection Act; Coordinating role for all government agencies dealing with children:  Children's Services Division, Adoption Board, Child Support Unit; children's homes (public and private), day‑care centres.  Government liaison with intervention agencies, e.g. UNICEF, Inter‑American Children's Institute; NGOs dealing with children's affairs

Main professional activities

Supervision of Jamaican government agencies responsible for children's affairs; representative of Jamaica to CARICOM (Caribbean Community); Leader of Jamaican delegation to meetings of UNICEF Executive Board at United Nations Headquarters, New York (usually once or twice yearly); representative of Jamaica at the InternAmerican Children's Institute annual meeting

Educational background

1984n1986:  University of the West Indies (Mona, Kingston, Jamaica), Certificate in Public Administration

1977n1979:  University of Technology (formerly College of Arts, Science and Technology) Kingston, Diploma in Building Inspection

1961n1969:  Camperdown High School, Kingston, Jamaica

Other main relevant activities

Ambassador Taylor is the mother of five children (all adopted).  In her current professional activities, she draws on her vast experience in the field of public policy, including as the former Minister of State in the Ministry of Health, responsible for children's affairs and primary health care.  She was also a Senator and a Member of Parliament

Ambassador Taylor has also been Senior Government Representative on women's issues, and has represented Jamaica at regional and international women's meetings, including the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing

List of most recent publications in the field

(Coordinated the preparation and publication of):

Jamaica National Plan of Action for Children

Jamaica's National Policy on Children

                             Deborah THOMASnFELIX

                             (Trinidad and Tobago)

Date and place of birth:  21 January 1962, Port of Spain

Working languages:  English, with an understanding of French and Spanish

Current position/function

Senior Magistrate, Trinidad and Tobago, with responsibility for the district of St. George West, Port of Spain

Administrative duties:  in charge of general administration of the Magistrate's Court, Port of Spain

Judicial duties:  Chairperson of Licensing Committee of the district of St. George West, presiding as magistrate in all narcotic matters, rape, fraud and wounding

Main professional activities

1997npresent:  Provides on an ongoing basis advice to the task force which is currently preparing a structure for the establishment of a family court in Trinidad and Tobago

1994:  Head of committee investigating street children in Trinidad and Tobago

1993:  Participant in the joint task force between the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and UNICEF investigating children in special circumstances in Trinidad and Tobago

Panellist at Rights of the Child Seminars held in 1989 and 1993 organized by the steering committee with responsibility for ratification by Trinidad and Tobago of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

1990n1992:  President, Business and Professional Women's Club of Trinidad and Tobago

Educational background

1998n :  Welham Law School, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada n Judicial Educator Certificate

1984n1986:  Hugh Wooding Law School, Trinidad n Certificate of Legal Education (LEC)

1981n1984:  University of the West Indies (St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, and Cave Hill, Barbados) nBachelor of Laws (LL.B)

Other main relevant activities

Instrumental in the establishment of and President of the Family Court in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Foundation member of the CREDO Foundation for Justice, a Trinidad and Tobago nonngovernmental organization whose objective is the protection of children at risk and in difficult circumstances

Attendance at United Nations Caribbean Conference on the Rights of the Child, Belize, 1996

Delivery of papers at public forums in the Caribbean on subjects relevant to family law, domestic violence and the rights of the children

Structuring, organization and implementation of ongoing programme for juveniles and street children, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Most recent publications in the field

Street children and crime (a closer look), 1993

Juvenile delinquencies:  a situation analysis (prepared in collaboration with UNICEF)

Child abuse in the Caribbean, with special emphasis on sexual abuse in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

                         Elisabeth TIGERSTEDTnTÄHTELÄ


Date and place of birth:  12 October 1933, Helsinki

Working languages:  Finnish, Swedish, English, German

Profession:  Ambassador (retired 1 November 1998)

Main professional activities

Judicial trainee and deputy judge at Närpes circuit court 1960n1961, Legal assistant at the Mental Health Department of the National Board of Health 1962n1965, Freelance journalist for YLB (Broadcasting Authority) in Switzerland and Belgium 1965n1969 (human dimension programmes), Secretary of the City Council and City Board of Kauniainen 1969n1970, Senior Ministerial Secretary at the Ministry for Social Affairs and Health 1970n1979 (on leave 1975n1976); posted at Ministry for Foreign Affairs 1978

At the Ministry for Foreign Affairs:  Social attaché at the Embassy of Finland, Stockholm 1975n1976, Head of section in the Political Department and Head of Consular Affairs in the Legal Department 1978n1985, Minister Counsellor at the Embassy in Beijing 1985n1988, Ambassador to Hanoi (and Viet Nam) 1988nend 1989, Ambassador to Cairo (and Khartoum) 1990n1992, Inspector of Embassies 1992n1995, Head of Department for Human Rights and Consular Affairs 1995n1997, Ambassador to Zagreb 1997n1998

Educational background

Master of Laws, 1960, University of Helsinki

Qualified to function as judge 1964

German language studies at University of Hamburg 1951n1952

English language studies at University College, London, 1952n1953

Other main relevant activities

Member of the Board of the Finnish League for Human Rights (NGO), Advisory Committee for Migration Matters 1970n1982, Committee on Woman's Year 1975, Nordic Socionpolitical Committee 1975, FinnishnSwedish Cultural Fund n representative of Finland 1978n1983, Committee on Refugee Matters 1979, Committee on International Adoptions, Chairperson of the Committee on the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing 1995, In charge of matters concerning equality between women and men at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs 1997

Numerous international meetings of the Nordic Council and Minister Council, International Labour Organization, United Nations, Economic and Social Council and subcommittees, Council of Europe Human Rights Committee, with emphasis on developing and implementing international human rights instruments

Founder and member of an unofficial group of five women for planning policies to improve the rights of children with special emphasis on alternative solutions for establishing dayncare legislation, 1970n1974

                          Osvaldo I. TORRES GUTIERREZ


Date and place of birth:  19 August 1953, Santiago

Working languages:  Spanish, English

Current position/function


President, Chilean Pro United Nations Association (NGO) (projects to improve children's lives)

Executive Secretary, PRODENI Corporation

In charge of the AAl Habla@ project:  an innovative experiment in integrated development for children and teenagers (financed by EEC, sponsored by the Ministries of Planning and Cooperation and of Education)

Responsible for the project AChildhood and Adolescence Network - RIA@- Rädda Barnen, Sweden, and Chilean National Service for Minors

Main professional activities

Director, ASchool participation@ project with the Ministry of Education

Project adviser/evaluator, APN, Norway

Director, AZapping the future@ project:  vocational guidance and information CD-ROM for secondary school students

Member, National Committee for the Abolition of Child Labour

Fellow, School of Psychology, Central University

UNICEF adviser on the National Plan of Action for Children

Adviser, National Service for Minors (SENAME) national headquarters

Educational background

BA in anthropology, University of Chile

Economics graduate

Other main activities in the field of children's rights

Member of the committee drafting the report on implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Director, ALa Pichanga@ (AFriendly match@) supplement on children's rights (La Nacion newspaper), 1993-1994

Executive Secretary, Defensa de los Niños Internacional, Chile, 1985-1991

Series of workshops on AChild abuse and abandonment@at the University of Chile and the University Blas Cañas, 1992

University of Chile research team member, diagnostic study of the situation of minors at ordinary protection centres for the Interamerican Development Bank and the Ministry of Planning and Cooperation, 1995-1996

Most recent publications in the field of children's rights

AMi Mundo Privado@, essay on children's conversations, August 1997

Diagnostic study of the situation of minors at ordinary protection centres, University of Chile

El maltrato a niños y jovenes desde un enfoque cultural(Child abuse from a cultural viewpoint), Fundacion Ide, January 1996

Los derechos del ni­ño, manual para educadores (The Rights of the Child, a manual for teachers), with M.L. De La Noi, C. Richards, P. Pizarro and M.L. Gumicio, 1993

Los ni­ños abandonados, herencia del regimen militar(Abandoned children, a legacy from the military regime), 1990



Date and place of birth:  16 January 1968, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Working languages:  Spanish, English (reading knowledge)

Current position/function

Executive Director, Honduran Institute for Childhood and the Family (established by Legislative Decree No. 199-97)

Main professional activities

Executive Director, Honduran Institute for Childhood and the Family

Educational background

Degree in legal and social sciences (orientation:  administrative law), Honduras National Autonomous University

Other main activities in the field of children's rights

Has held the following appointments: 

Chief, Children's Rights Department, Office of the National Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman), 1993-1994

Officer-in-charge, UNICEF Children in Especially Difficult Circumstances Programme, Honduras, 1994

Executive Director, Human Rights Research and Promotion Centre (CIPRODEH), 1995

Chief, UNHCR Office, Honduras, 1996-1997

Most recent publications in the field of children's rights

Hacia un nuevo derecho del niño y la niña (Towards a new child law)

Los derechos fundamentales (Basic rights), co-authored with Alejandro Aplicano

Commentaries on the Children's Code

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