Convention on the

Rights of the Child






13 January 1997










Sixth meeting

New York, 18 February 1997

Agenda item 5




                       DUE TO EXPIRE ON 28 FEBRUARY 1997

                         Note by the SecretarynGeneral


1. The present addendum contains additional nominations for election to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, received after the submission by the SecretarynGeneral of the list of candidates in document CRC/SP/21.  Biographical data of the persons nominated, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in the annex to the present document.

Name of candidate                      Nominated by

Mr. Tedla Diressie               Ethiopia

Mrs. Hayat Malhas Yaghi                Jordan

Mrs. Nanitom Motoyam             Chad

Mr. Horacio David Pacheco        Argentina

Mr. Tirtha Man Shakya                  Nepal

GE.97n15046  (E)


                         BIOGRAPHICAL DATA OF NOMINEES

                         Mr. Tedla Diressie (Ethiopia)


Date of birth        31 March 1948

Marital status       Married, with children


Graduated from Addis Ababa University with a BA in psychology

Diploma in Accounting

Diploma in Directors and Supervisors course given by the Education   Faculty of the University

Graduated from Teachers Training Institute with a diploma

Research in relation to child psychology

Mental and emotional development of children in kindergarten

The effect of nicknames on the development of children

Emotional vs. biological development of adolescents

Guidance and counselling for primary school children

Measurement and evaluation in learning behaviour

Experimental psychology

Conflict and conflict resolution


General Manager, Children and Youth Affairs Organization

Main duties:

(a)      Liaise with international governmental and nonngovernmental organizations as well as national institutions to facilitate the mental and physical development of children in Ethiopia;

(b)      Responsible for the implementation of all such programmes of collaboration;

(c)      Coordinating the efforts of Department heads in the interpretation and implementation of policy guidelines set up by international conventions and the Government of Ethiopia with respect to children's rights, family and youth welfare;

(d)      Sign bilateral and multilateral agreements with local and international organizations catering for the wellnbeing of children and youth, including monitoring of their respective performances.

Additional responsibilities:

(a)   Chairman of the Steering Committee for the Preparation of the National Programme of Action for Children and Women in Ethiopia;

(b)   Chairman of the National Committee to follow up the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

(c)   Secretary of the National Committee for the follownup of the implementation of the National Programme of Action for Children and Women in Ethiopia.


A.    Abroad

1.    Technical Workshop on the preparation of a National Programme of Action (NPA) for children, organized by the UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office, Harare, June 1992.  Presented a paper on the situation of children in Ethiopia and the National Programme of Action.

2.    International Conference on Assistance for African Children, organized by the Organization of African Unity, Dakar, 24n27 November 1992.

3.    Workshop on NPA Planning, Implementation and Monitoring, organized by UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office, Nairobi, Kenya, 25n27 August 1993.  Presented a paper on the situation of children in Ethiopia and the status of NPA.

4.    Technical Workshop on NPA decentralization and implementation in Eastern and Southern Africa organized by UNICEF, Mabarara, Uganda, 16n19 November 1994.

5.    African Conference on the Monitoring of the Child Situation in Africa, organized by OAU, Tunis, 11n13 January 1995.  Presented a paper on the situation of children in Ethiopia and the status of NPA.

6.    A twonweek work and experiencensharing visit to Bangladesh in relation to Mother and Child Health and Family Planning organized by USAID, 2 Mayn 5 June 1995.

7.    World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children organized by the Government of Sweden, UNICEF and NGO groups, Stockholm, 13n27 August 1996.

8.    Experiencensharing visits organized by partner NGOs:

Jeddah, November 1991

Khartoum, November 1994.

B.    Ethiopia

1.    Workshop on Children in Difficult Circumstances organized by the Ethiopian Chapter of the African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN) Addis Ababa, 23n24 January 1992.  Presented a paper on child abuse and neglect in Ethiopia.

2.    Workshop on the Convention on the Rights of the Child organized by the UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office aimed at giving basic training and programming, advocacy, monitoring and strategies relating to the implementation of the Convention, Addis Ababa, 28 Septembern2 October 1992.

3.    Workshop on Child Prostitution organized by Swedish Save the Children, Addis Ababa, 11n12 October 1993.

4.    Workshop on Population and SocionEconomic Development organized by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Nazareth, 21n25 December 1993.

5.    Workshop on NonnFormal Education for Disadvantaged Children organized by Christian Relief, the Development Association of Concerned NGOs and government institutions, 29n30 September 1994.

6.    Workshop on Youth Health organized by the Ministry of Health, Debreziet, December 1994.  Presented paper on the implementation of the Convention and its reporting mechanisms.

7.    Symposium on Famine in Ethiopia organized by ECA and the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, Addis Ababa, 15n18 March 1995.

8.    National workshop on the follownup to the implementation of the Convention, organized by the Children and Youth Affairs Organization and Save the Children Federation (UK).  Presented a paper on the implementation of the Convention and its reporting mechanism.

9.    Regional workshop on the follownup to the implementation of the Convention in Region 3 of Ethiopia, Bahir Dar, November 1995.  Presented a paper on children in especially difficult circumstances.

10.   Workshop on the problems of streetism organized by the Forum on Street Children, July 1995.  Presented a paper on the situation of street children in Ethiopia and the available services.

11.   Participated in a research project on the state of children in conflict with the law and the administration of juvenile justice.

12.   National workshop on the situation of children and adolescents in Ethiopia organized by Addis Ababa University research groups, Addis Ababa University, 9n10 August 1996.  Presented a research paper on children in especially difficult circumstances.

Mrs. Hayat Malhas Yaghi (Jordan)


Marital status:   Married with four children.

Languages:        Arabic mother tongue

English (spoken, written, comprehension).


1992npresent:  Post graduate study for Ph.D. in Sociology.

1974:  M.A. Educational Psychology (Counseling and guidance), University of Jordan, Amman.

1970:  North Diploma in Education, University of Jordan, Amman.

1955:  B.A. Major SociologynMinor Psychology, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon.

1952:  A.A.  (Sophomore Degree), Beirut College for Women, Beirut, Lebanon.

1950:  High School diploma, American School for Girls Beirut, Lebanon.


February 1996npresent

Coordinator, National Task Force for Children (NTFC), Chaired by H.M. Queen Noor, assisted technically by UNICEFnJordan.  Implementing and coordinating the Convention on the Rights of the Child in educational curricula and preparing the draft of the Jordan Child Act.

October 1992n1994

Consultant for remedial education for children with special needs.  UNRWAnUNESCO, Amman, Jordan.  Designing special programmes and preparing educational packages for children victims of violence and wars.


Deputy Field Education Officer and General School Education Officer.  UNRWAnUNESCO, Amman, Jordan.  Responsible for UNRWA education programmes from elementary to community college cycles.


Principal of UNRWAnUNESCO Amman Training College, a community college for vocational and teacher training of young male and female students.  Supervised 150 staff and 800 trainees.  Responsible for the overall technical and  administrative operation of the College.  Responsible for UNRWA's contacts with Ministry of Higher Education and other relevant ministries in Amman.

December 1981nApril 1982

Seconded from UNRWA to UNESCO, International Programmes Division, Paris, as UNESCO consultant for women's education and development in rural areas in Iraq.


Assistant Principal and Dean for Students' Affairs at UNRWAnUNESCO Amman Training College.  Responsible for registration operations and achievement evaluation records, student life on campus, including the boarding sections for men and women students, concurricula and club activities and community service programmes.


Social work and relief jobs with UNRWA in West Bank and Jordan.  Teaching of psychology and sociology at the UNRWA Ramallah Women's Training College in the West Bank.  Teaching of Music and English in various schools in Kuwait and in Beirut, for elementary and preparatorynlevel children.


December 1981nApril 1982

Seconded from UNRWA to UNESCO, International Programmes Division, Paris, as consultant for a pilot experimental project for an integrated approach for women and development in rural areas in Iraq.

A list of projects designed and implemented is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.

UNRWAnUNESCO consultancy 1992n1994 for remedial education programmes for children with special needs (slownlearning and gifted) in UNRWA host countries (Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza Strip).

Delegated by UNRWA for fundnraising campaign in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Jordan during 1988, for the purpose of offering university education scholarships in Middle East universities for outstanding young men and women.  The programme is still functioning.

Delegated by UNRWAnUNESCO to chair a feasibility study committee in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries for the purpose of introduction and deletion of vocational and technical courses, in accordance with the market needs in those countries, at UNRWAnUNESCO vocational education colleges in the host countries (1984).

A list of membership of professional societies is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.


Represented UNRWA in international and national conferences on subjects related to women and child affairs in Vienna, France, United States of America, United Kingdom, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syrian Arab Republic, Iraq and Jordan.

Represented the World YWCA at the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women NGO Conference, Nairobi, 1985.  Presented a paper APortrait of a Palestinian refugee woman@.

Organized and implemented workshops on remedial education for children with learning problems in Jordan, Lebanon, Syrian Arab Republic, West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1992.

Organized and implemented incomengenerating projects for women and youth in Jordanian camps and at UNRWA schools on traditional industries and crafts such as embroidery, pottery, glass, wood, brass and straw works, production of children's clothes, uniforms for workers in hotels, hospitals and household staff.

Organized, implemented and established a carpentry workshop for the production of educational games for children at UNRWA schools in Jordan.  Teachers and children participated in the production of these games.

Attended six managerial training seminars for UNRWA senior staff in Cyprus.


AProblems of Palestinian refugees in camps in Jordan@.  (M.A. thesis), University of Jordan Library, 1974.

Participated in writing a book along with a group of medical doctors and provided a chapter on AChildren's Creative Play@.  The book was edited by Dr. T. Dabbagh, UNRWA, Jordan, 1970.

UNDP/IRO/77/006 assignment report on AA pilot experimental project for an integrated approach to education for rural development@.  This report was published by UNESCO, Paris, for circulation in UNESCO areas of operation, 1982.

Participated in drafting a research study report, upon request of UNRWA headquarters, Vienna, on Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries' employment market for the purpose of employment of UNRWA vocational education college graduates.

Designed, with a group of specialists, a pilot project for remedial education programmes at UNRWA schools in Jordan, West Bank, Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Syrian Arab Republic.

                          Mrs. Nanitom Motoyam (Chad)

Date and place

of birth:           28 November 1959 at Bédaya (MoyennChari)

Marital status:     Married

Languages:          French


University of Chad, 1984n1987, law degree in 1987;

Ecole Nationale d'Administration et de Magistrature (ENAM).  Magistrate's diploma.


Magistrate (Grade 3, step 6);

Judge in the Court of First Instance, N'Djamena, 1991n1994;

President, Labour and Social Security Tribunal, N'Djamena, by Decree No. 061/PR/MJ/94 of 31 March 1994;

Director of Child Welfare, by Decree No. 422/PR/MJ/95 of 12 June 1995.


President, Commission on Family and Property Law, Chadian Association of Women Jurists;

OfficerninnCharge, Interministerial Committee responsible for monitoring implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

                     Mr. Horacio David Pacheco (Argentina)

Date of birth:    3 October 1941

Civil status:     Married

Languages:        Spanish, English


A.  Prior to graduation from university

December 1958, Secondarynschool diploma at the Colegio Nacional de Santos Lugares, Province of Buenos Aires.

March 1959, entered the Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Buenos Aires.

Practice in the Department of Hygiene and Prophylaxis.

Practice in shanty towns.

Practice in hospitals:  Abel Zubizarreta in the Federal Capital, San Martín and Villa Ballester Polyclinic, Province of Buenos Aires.

B.  After graduation from university

August 1965, qualified as a doctor in the School of Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Buenos Aires.

November 1965 to December 1968, intern in the Paediatrics Department, Luisa C. De Gandulfo Hospital, Lomas de Zamora, Province of Buenos Aires.

December 1968, salaried intern on shortnterm contract, following competitive examination and theoretical and practical test in the same department.

1969, salaried intern with tenure, through the same selection procedure and in the same department.

1967 and 1968, Chief intern in the same department.

1969, Chief, Outnpatient Surgery, in the same department.

Paediatrician, Fracture Centre, Child Surgery Department, Luisa C. De Gandulfo Hospital.

Deputy Director, Dr. Pedro Chutro Primary Care Centre, Lomas de Zamora.

Founder member, Chief of Volunteers, Treasurer and President (successively) of the Association of Paediatricians, Luisa C. De Gandulfo Hospital.

Intern in the X-ray Department, Pedro de Elizalde Children's Hospital (Casa Cuna), Federal Capital.

Radiology Specialist, Ministry of Public Health and the Environment of the Nation.

Founder member and director, Children's Sanatorium, Lomas de Zamora.

Chief, X-ray Department, in the same sanatorium.

Teacher of Puericulture and Paediatrics, Nurses' Training College, Argentine Red Cross.

Teacher of Paediatrics and Identification of Newborn Infants, School of Special Studies, Argentine Red Cross.

Counsellor, Second District, Association of Doctors, Province of Buenos Aires.

Representative of the Second District to the General Assembly of the Medical Insurance and Welfare Fund, Province of Buenos Aires.

Medical auditor, Second District, Association of Doctors, Province of Buenos Aires.


A.    Municipal level

Various offices held in the social and health sectors in the district of Lomas de Zamora, Province of Buenos Aires.  This municipality is situated in the inner suburbs of the city of Buenos Aires; it is 90 square kilometres in area and has a population of 680,000. 

Offices held from 1983 to 1989:  Director, Children and Family Department, UndernSecretary for Public Health, Secretary for Social Welfare.

B.    National level

1.    Offices held in 1989 and 1990:  Secretary of State for Human Development and the Family.

2.    1990 and 1991:  UndernSecretary for Prevention and Care of Addictions, subordinate to the Office of the President of the Nation.

C.    Provincial level

Offices held in 1992:  President, Institute of Medical Welfare Activities (IOMA);

President, Council for Provincial Social Services and Activities of the Argentine Republic (COSSPRA).

2.    1993n1994: 

Minister of Health and Social Welfare;

Minister for the Family and Human Development.

3.    1995 and at present:

President, Institute for SocionFamily Studies;

Adviser on Human Rights to the Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Mr. Eduardo A. Dubalde.

                         Mr. Tirtha Man Shakya (Nepal)

Date of birth:            21 July 1944

Marital status:           Married

Academic qualification:   M.com/B.L.

Position:                 Member Secretary, Nepal Law Reform Commission HMG/Nepal (1992ndate)

Specialization:           Legislative drafting

(Involved in drafting of almost all important legislation including laws relating to the human rights, rights of woman, labour, child labour, refugees, breastnfeeding, human trafficking, iodized salt, drugs, etc.)

Publication:              A book The Drafting of Laws in Nepal

Training:                 Government Legal Advisers' Course (GLA), 1978/79, University of London, United Kingdom

Development Lawyers' Course (DLC), 1985, International Development Law Institute, Rome

Seminars/meetings:        PetroleumnPromotional Meeting (1985) London and Houston (member of the delegation)

International Petroleum Agreement Negotiation Seminar (1986), Washington, D.C.

Loan NegotiationnHill Community Forest (1987) World Bank, Washington, D.C. (member of the delegation)

United Nations Conference on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1988), Geneva (leader of the delegation)

Harmonizing the drug laws in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Countries (1989), New Delhi (leader of the delegation)

Petroleum Promotional Meeting (1990), World Bank, Washington, D.C. (member of the delegation)

Loan NegotiationnWater Supply (1990), World Bank, Washington, D.C. (member of the delegation)

SouthnEast Asia Ministerial Meeting on the Rights of the Child (1990), Bangkok (member of the delegation)

Finalizing the draft of SAARC Convention on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (1990), Sri Lanka (leader of the delegation)

SAARC Ministerial Conference on Rights of SouthnAsian Children (1992) Sri Lanka (member of the delegation)

1994 Comparative Legislatures Seminar, Philippines and New Zealand

International Seminar on Globalization and Harmonization of Commercial and Arbitration Law (1995), New Delhi

Human Rights Reporting:  National Capacity Strengthening, Geneva and Turin, ILO Training Centre (1995)

Presentation of initial report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, Geneva, May 1996 (leader of the delegation)

Working papers:           ALegislative measures to curb child prostitution@ presented at Consultative Meeting with Academics, Writers and Journalists on Gender Exploitation and Women of Nepal, Kathmandu, August 1993

AJuvenile justice:  laws, policies and practices in the Kingdom of Nepal@ presented at Regional Training Programme on Juvenile Justice and the Rights of the Child:  A Challenge for the Twentynfirst Century, Bangkok, December 1994

ALegislative measures for the enforcement of the rights of the child@presented at UNICEF Orientation Workshop, Kathmandu, April 1995

AProspects for ratification of ILO Convention Nos. 87 and 98" presented at National Tripartite Workshop on International Labour Standards, Kathmandu, April 1995

AUnited Nations Convention on Rights of the Child (CRC) and its Implementation@ presented at Workshop on CRC and Role of the Member of Parliament, Kathmandu, August 1996

AChild development and implementation of the law@presented at Workshop on the Role of Journalists, Banspa, Janakpur and Chitavan, AugustnSeptember 1996

AImplementation of the recommendation of the Committee on CRC@presented at an NGO workshop in Kathmandu in October 1996

AAn overview of laws on child labour@ presented at a workshop organized for judges, public prosecutors and advocates in Kathmandu and Biratragar in SeptembernOctober 1996

AChild rights and implementation of the law@ presented at Workshop on Early Childhood Development and Rights of the Child organized by Nepal Jaycees in Bharatpur in December 1996

Other activities: Actively involved in the preparation of the initial report under the Convention as a Chairman of the Preparation Committee

Actively involved in the preparation of the initial report under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women as a Chairman of the Preparation Committee

Actively involved in the preparation of SAARC Code on Breastnfeeding as leader of the Nepali team

Previous positions:       Section Officer, Supreme Court, Nepal (1971n1972)

Section Officer, Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, HMG/Nepal (1973/1978)

Under Secretary, Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, HMG/Nepal (1978n1986)

Joint Secretary n Drafting Division, Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, HMG/Nepal (1986n1992)

MembernSecretary, Law Books Management Board, HMG/Nepal (1981n1992) (The Board is responsible for regular publication of the Statutory Laws of Nepal)

Guest lecturer:           Judicial Service Training Centre, Nepal Administrative Staff College, Nepal Law Campus

A list of social activities is available for consultation in the Secretariat's files.

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