

6 December 1996

Original: ENGLISH

Election of Five Members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child : . 06/12/96.
CRC/SP/21. (Meeting of States Parties)

Convention Abbreviation: CRC
Sixth Meeting
New York, 18 February 1997
Agenda item 5


Note by the Secretary-General

1. In conformity with article 43 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the 6th meeting of the States parties to the Convention will be convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters on Tuesday, 18 February 1997, for the purpose of electing five members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child from a list of persons nominated by States parties, to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 28 February 1997 (see annex I). The names of the other five members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 28 February 1999 appear in annex II.

2. In accordance with the procedure set out in article 43, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 16 September 1996, invited the States parties to submit their nominations for the election of five members of the Committee within two months, i.e. by 15 November 1996.

3. In compliance with the provisions of article 43, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary-General has the honour to list below, in alphabetical order, the names of the persons nominated for election to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, indicating the States parties which have nominated them. Biographical data of the persons nominated, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in annex III to the present document.

  Name of candidateNominated by
Waheeba G. Fare'e Al-FakihYemen
Ibrahim Bin Abdul Aziz Al-SheddiSaudi Arabia
Nana Araba AptGhana
Hoda BadranEgypt
Rodrigo Crespo ToralEcuador
Natallya DrozdBelarus
Flora C. EufemioPhilippines
Francesco Paolo FulciItaly
Adam LopatkaPoland
Seidou Adamou MazouNiger
Nafsiah MboiIndonesia
Ahmed Abdel Halim MohamedSudan
Esther Margaret Queen MokhuaneSouth Africa
Swithun Tachiona MombeshoraZimbabwe
Nancy Ngom NdiayeSenegal
Rolando Quiros FonsecaCosta Rica
Ghassan Salim RabahLebanon
Anita RektinaLatvia
Marilia Sardenberg Zelner GonçalvesBrazil
Omar Tumi ShebaniLibyan Arab Jamahiriya
Bernard Mulunda SimpokolweZambia
Jorge Vila DespujolBolivia
Atalay YörükogluTurkey

Annex I


  Name of memberCountry of nationality
Mrs. Hoda BadranEgypt
Mrs. Flora Corpuz EufemioPhilippines
Mr. Swithun Tachiona MombeshoraZimbabwe
Mrs. Marta Santos PaisPortugal
Mrs. Marilia Sardenberg Zelner GonçalvesBrazil

Annex II


  Name of memberCountry of nationality
Mrs. Akila BelembaogoBurkina Faso
Mr. Thomas HammarbergSweden
Mrs. Judith KarpIsrael
Mr. Youri KolosovRussian Federation
Miss Sandra Prunella MasonBarbados

Annex III


Waheeba G. Fare'e Al-Fakih (Yemen)


Date and place of birth: 22 August 1954, Taiz, Yemen

Married with five children

Languages: Arabic (standard, dialects), English, French

Positions held

Professor of Educational Planning and Development, Faculty of Education Sana'a University, 1987-1990

Professor of Sociology, Philosophy of Education, Department of Foundation of Education, Faculty of Education, Sana'a University, 1990-1994

Professor of Women's Education, Sociology Department, Faculty of Arts, Sana'a University, 1994/1995

Dean of Yemen International Language Institute, 1989-1995

Rector of ARWA University, 1996


Ph.D., Foundations of Education, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 1987

M.A., Education, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 1983

B.A. in Arabic and Islamic Literature, Faculty of Arts and Education, Sana'a University, 1976

Other activities

Member and advisor for many Yemeni non-governmental organizations and associations

Member and advisor for many Yemeni governmental organizations

Member of Advisory Committee to SWAY in Yemen

Member of World Council for Curriculum and Instruction

Member of Arab Curricula Association

Member of Educational Arab Union

Member of Yemeni Women National Preparation Committee to the World Conference on Women in China, 1995

Founded the Women's Education Department, Ministry of Education Sana'a, 1976

Founded the Yemen International Language Institute, Sana'a, 1989

Established the M.A. in Higher Education at the Faculty of Education, Sana'a University, 1990

Founded the Women Studies Center at the Faculty of Arts, Sana'a University, 1992

Founded Queen ARWA University, Sana'a, 1995

Founded the International Development Center, 1994

Written work

Ph.D. dissertation, "Basic education in Yemen according to the social needs and new educational trends", 1987

M.A. dissertation, "Girl's education in Yemen: between reluctance and equal educational opportunity", 1983

50 newspaper articles on different subjects, 1983-1994

10 papers on women roles in Yemen, prepared for different workshops in and outside Yemen, 1984-1994

12 studies on women's education in Yemen

2 papers on higher education in Yemen

3 papers on curricula in the Yemeni educational system

2 papers on education and development in Yemen

4 educational reports for: UNICEF, UNESCO, the World Bank and the Embassy of the Netherlands, Radda Barnen, Sana'a.

Papers prepared for special conferences: available upon request.

Employment experience

Lecturer on Foundations of Education (Sociology, Philosophy, Planning) Sana'a

Ibrahim Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Sheddi (Saudi Arabia)

Personal information

Date of birth: 1951


1971 Bachelor in Arabic Literature, University of Riyadh

1979 Degree in Pedagogy, University of Oklahoma, United States of America

1980 Master in Pedagogy, University of Oklahoma

A doctorate thesis on international organizations is pending submission to the Islamic University of Al Imam Mohammad bin Saudi.

Professional experience

1970-1972 Teacher in secondary schools

1974-1978 Member of the Saudi educational mission to Afghanistan

1979-1980 Study in the United States of America

1981-1982 Technical supervisor to the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science

1984-1990 General Secretary of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science

1984-1990 General Secretary of the Saudi National Commission for Childcare

1990-1995 Assistant Deputy, Ministry of Education, for technical affairs

1995 until now Assistant Deputy, Ministry of Education, for culture and external relations

Participation in international conferences

Member of the Executive Committee of the Middle-East Office for The Blind

Member of the Executive Council of the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science

Deputy Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the UNESCO Executive Council

Chief of the delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the 26th session of the UNESCO General Conference in 1991

Chief of the delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the 43rd session of the International Educational Conference in 1992

Participation in various international conferences since 1981

Nana Araba Apt (Ghana)

Date of birth: 26 October 1942

Place of birth: Shama, Ghana

Present position and work address

Director, Centre for Social Policy Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, University of Ghana, Legon


Head, Social Work Program, Department of Sociology, University of Ghana, Legon

Educational background

Queen's University, Canada : B.A. (Philosophy, Psychology, English), 1965

University of Toronto, Canada : M.S.W. (Social Work), 1967

University of Ghana : Ph.D. (Sociology), 1989

Professional career

Canada: 1968-1970

Counsellor, Big Sisters Counselling Services

Ghana: 1970-1996


Department of Social Welfare and Community Development, 1970-1979

Community development officer (Women's work programme)

Senior community development officer responsible for departmental statistical reporting

Head, Research and Evaluation Unit

Coordinator, Integrated rural development projects

(Aowin/Amenfi and Ejisu/Bosomtwe) sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Other professional experience, 1972-1979

Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana's field workers training evaluation

Consultant, YWCA youth programmes

Member, National Advisory Committee on Social Welfare

Editor, The Social Worker Journal of the Ghana Association of Social Workers

Academic career: 1979-1996

University of Ghana, Sociology Department

Lecturer, 1979-1984

Senior Lecturer, 1984-1989

Coordinator, Social Administration Unit, 1986-1989

Head, Social Work Programme, 1989-1996

Director, Centre for Social Policy Studies, 1996

Professorship requested, 1995

A detailed account of subjects taught and teaching appointments is available for consultation in the Secretariat's files.

Other academic activities

Reviewer and referee for journals:

Cross-Cultural Journal of Anthropology

Journal of Social Development in Africa

Southern African Journal of Gerontology

Professional affiliations

A list of professional affiliations and memberships of boards and committees is available for consultation in the Secretariat's files.

Areas of publication and research

The family as a support system

Gender and gender roles

The family at risk

Children at risk


Girls' education

Distance education

Teacher performance

Business education of women

Ageing and old age

The human life course

Culture and ageing

Inter-generational relationships

Social change and ageing

Gender and ageing



PLAN International, Ghana

Action Aid, Ghana

UN Social Development Section, New York and Vienna

WHO, Copenhagen, Geneva and Brazzaville


Save the Children Fund, United Kingdom

Overseas Development Agency, United Kingdom

World Bank, Washington, D.C.

Organization of African Unity

A list of consultant's reports is available for consultation in the Secretariat's files.



Journal articles and chapters

Author of numerous articles and chapters, the full list of which is available for consultation in the Secretariat's files.

A full list of presentations, papers, working papers presented and conferences attended within and outside Ghana is available for consultation in the Secretariat's files.

Hoda Badran (Egypt)


Present positions


1993-1995 Regional Coordinator for NGO preparation for the NGO Forum on Women, Beijing, 1995

1988-1993 Secretary-General, National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, Egypt

1980-1984 UNICEF representative in Sri Lanka and Maldives

1974-1980 Regional Advisor for children and women's programmes in the Arab region, UNICEF, Lebanon

1971-1974 Urban Development Advisor, UNICEF, Egypt

1967-1974 Professor of Social Development, Helwan University, Cairo

1965-1967 Research consultant for the National Urban League, New York, United States of America

1963-1965 Graduate assistant for the "Ford Project on the Aged" Case Western Reserve University, United States of America

Membership in NGOs

Global Fund for Women - USA

Federation for Arab Women

Society for Social Studies

Society for Social Work

Most recent papers and publications

"Participatory rights for children", paper presented to the meeting on child's rights, Salamanca, Spain, 1996

"Children under armed conflict in the Arab region", paper presented to the UNICEF meeting on armed conflict, Cairo, 1995

"Female heads of households", paper presented to the National Conference on the Family, Cairo, The Population Council, 1994

"The child's rights in a new international order", paper presented to the Royal Academy, London, 1993

"The road from Beijing" (unpublished paper)

"Rural women and sustainable development", paper presented to the Conference on Rural Sustainable Development, Alexandria, Egypt, 1992

Rural Development in the Arab World, study sponsored and financed by the United Nations University, 1992.

Rodrigo Crespo Toral (Ecuador)

Degree: M.D. Speciality Board Certification: Paediatrics

Present office: President of the National Council on the Handicapped (CONADIS)

Professional experience

1980-1988 : Director-General Inter-American Children's Institute (Organization of American States) Montevideo, Uruguay

1975-1980 : Medical Doctor Great Oaks Mental Retardation Centre, Maryland, United States of America

1968-1970 : Paediatrician in the Lynchburg General and Marshal Lodge, Emergency Room and Hospital, Lynchburg, Va., Paediatrics Service, United States of America

1968-1970 : Medical Doctor, Lynchburg Training School and Hospital for the Mentally Retarded, Lynchburg, Va., United States of America

1957-1960 : Paediatrician, Social Assistance Maternal and Child Clinic, Guayaquil, Ecuador

1963-1968 : Director of the Male Children Ward (school age), Leon Becerra Children's Hospital, Guayaquil

1957-1963 : Staff Paediatrician, Infants' Service, Leon Becerra Children's Hospital, Assistant Director, Guayaquil


1953 : Doctor of medicine , University of Guayaquil

1951-1953 : Paediatrics Intern, Leon Becerra Children's Hospital Guayaquil

1954-1955 : Intern, Lebanon Hospital, Bronx, New York, United States of America

1955-1956 : Paediatrics Resident, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, Bronx, New York

1959 : Paediatrics Fellowship, Des Enfants Malades Hospital and Troussau Hospital, Paris, France

1967 : Certificate, Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates, United States

1969 : Certificate, Postgraduate Course on Mental Retardation, Letchworth Village, United States

Academic positions

1986 to date : Associate Professor of Paediatrics, Georgetown University Medical School, Washington D.C.

1977-1980 : Founder and Director of the Clinic for Spanish-speaking Children, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

1975-1978 : Director of the Georgetown University-Pan-American Health Organization Training Programme Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

1978-1980 : Director of Special Affairs and Medical Coordination, Child Development Centre, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

1972-1978 : Director of the Paediatrics Division, University Affiliated Programme for Child Development, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

1978-1986 : Associate Professor of Paediatrics, Georgetown University Medical School

1970-1978 : Assistant Professor of Paediatrics, Georgetown University Medical School

1970-1972 : Director of Paediatrics, Hospital for Sick Children, Washington, D.C.

1959-1965 : Professor of Paediatrics, University of Guayaquil Nursing School, Guayaquil, Ecuador

1949-1968 : Professor , Rita Lecumberri College, Guayaquil

Professional and honorary associations:

Member of the Ecuadorian Society of Paediatrics since 1957

Member of the American Academy of Paediatrics since 1960

Member of the Panamerican medical Association since 1960

Honorary member of the Paediatrics Society of Uruguay since 1981

Secretary-General of the First Ecuadorian Paediatrics Congress

A full list of memberships and honorary memberships of professional associations is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.


Author of a number of books, studies and articles, a list of which may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.

Natallya Drozd (Belarus)

Born: 18 February 1950, Region of Grodno, Republic of Belarus; married, one child.


1971-1975 Minsk Institute of Foreign Languages, English Department

1982-1984 Moscow State University, Legal Department

1983-1986 Belarusian State University, Post-Graduate Department

Advanced studies

1993 United Nations Human Rights Centre, Geneva

1993 International Institute of Law, Strasbourg, France

1994 Centre for Political and Diplomatic Studies, London

Academic career

1975-1977 Lecturer at the Minsk Institute of Foreign Languages

1978-1982 Lecturer at the Institute of National Economy, Minsk

1987 Ph.D.

1991 Professor, Central Michigan University, United States

1987-1992 Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the International Students Department, Belarusian State University

Career highlights

1970-1991 Activities in the missions of the USSR abroad
(1970-1973: Egypt 1978-1980: Nigeria, 1990: France)

1992-1993 Second Secretary, Division of Information, Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1993-1994 Head, Division for Humanitarian Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Since 1994 Director, Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1992-1994 Member, delegation of Belarus to the United Nations General Assembly

1993-1994 Member, National Preparatory Committee for the International Year of the Family

1993-1994 Member, delegation of Belarus to the United Nations Commission for Social Development

1993-1996 Representative of the Republic of Belarus to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, Deputy Chairperson of the Commission

1994 Observer in the Steering Committee on Social Policy of the Council of Europe

Since 1994 Observer in the Steering Committee on Human Rights of the Council of Europe

1995 Member, delegation of Belarus to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights

1995 Member, delegation of Belarus to the World Summit for Social Development

1995 Secretary-General of the Interministerial Council on Cooperation with the Council of Europe, Deputy Head of the Working Group on Human Rights of the Council

Since 1995 Member, National Committee on the Rights of the Child

Affiliated activities

Member of the League of Women of Belarus

Member of the Union of Women of Belarus

The manifold issues related to the protection and promotion of human rights at the national and international levels are the most important responsibilities of Dr. Drozd. In particular, this relates to the coordination of the efforts aimed at improving children's welfare. She participated in numerous seminars and workshops on human rights problems. She took an active part in the elaboration of the initial report of Belarus submitted under article 44 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its consideration by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. She is permanently involved in the implementation of national policies in the field of the rights of the child. She closely cooperated with UNICEF representatives during the preparation of the report "Children and Women of Belarus: Today and Tomorrow" and actively participated in the implementation of other UNICEF projects.

She has a perfect command of English, French and Russian.

She is the author of a number of publications and articles on human rights issues.

Flora Corpuz Eufemio (Philippines)

Profession: Social Worker, Licensed (Board of Social Workers)


Postgraduate Studies: Master of Social Work, 1967
University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines

Certificate of Child Welfare, Supervision: 1963
London School of Economics, United Kingdom (Fellowship,Colombo Plan)

Baccalaureate: Bachelor of Arts, 1950
(Major concentration in English Minor in Political Science)
Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines

Employment record and professional experience:

May 1995 to February 1997; September 1991 to February 1993: Vice-Chairperson of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (elected by members of the Committee)

1993-1995 : Member of the Board of Examiners for Social Workers, Professional Regulation Commission

1988-1991 : Under-Secretary, Department of Social Welfare and Development

1987-1988 : Assistant Secretary, Department of Social Welfare and Development

1974-1987 : Director, Bureau of Family and Child Welfare, Ministry of Social Welfare and Development

1968-1974 : Assistant Director, Bureau of Family and Child Welfare, Department of Social Welfare

1963-1968 : Head Social Worker I, UNICEF Assisted Social Services Project, Social Welfare Administration

1952-1955 : Welfare Officer, Division of Public Assistance, Social Welfare Administration

1951-1952 : Social Worker, Division of Public Assistance, Social Welfare Administration

Citations for professional competence

21 June 1996 : Outstanding Professional in Social Work, awarded by the Professional Regulation Commission, Republic of the Philippines

25 March 1996 : For advancing the Status of Women and the Girl-children, awarded by the Soroptimist International of San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines

1993 : For contribution and unrelenting efforts for the promotion of Filipino children in particular and world's children in general, awarded by the Council for the Welfare of the Children, Republic of the Philippines

1991 : Citation for unstinting and thorough technical and management guidance and judicious leadership as Chairperson of the Technical and Management Committee of the Council for the Welfare of Children, 1988-1991, awarded by the Council for the Welfare of Children

1989 : For contribution to the national consultations on children under armed conflict, awarded by UNICEF, Philippines

Francesco Paolo Fulci (Italy)

Born in Messina, Italy on 19 March 1931

Law Degree "cum laude" in 1953 at the University of Messina. As a Fulbright Scholar, obtained a Masters Degree in Comparative Law at Columbia University in New York (1954-1955) under Professor Philip Jessup. He later received the Diploma of the Hague Academy of International Law and also attended the College of Europe in Bruges (1955-1956) on an Italian government scholarship.

Entered the Italian foreign service in November 1956

Has covered the following assignments abroad:

New York:

First Vice Consul at the Consulate General of Italy (1958-1961).

Assistant to Hon. Gaetano Martino, former Foreign Minister, Chief of the Italian Delegation to the fifteenth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.


Second Secretary at the Italian Embassy (1961-1963)

United Nations:

Member of the Italian Delegation to the twentieth session of the General Assembly presided by the Italian Foreign Minister, the Hon. Amintore Fanfani (1965)


Counsellor and, later, First Counsellor at the Italian Embassy (1968-1974)


Minister Counsellor of the Italian Embassy (1974-1976)


Ambassador of Italy (1980-1985)


Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Italy to the North Atlantic Council in Brussels (1985-1991).

In March 1990, became Dean of the Ambassadors of NATO

United Nations:

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Italy (1993-present)

In this capacity, since April 1993, has had frequent and intense contacts with UNICEF, representing the Italian Government on the Executive Board, participating in many meetings promoted by UNICEF, and providing daily instructions to the members of the Italian delegation who follow the agency's activity.

Has assiduously followed the work of the Third Committee of the General Assembly on issues relative to the rights of the child, contributing, in 1995, to the drafting of the landmark resolution 50/153 for a comprehensive treatment of these issues.

Led the 1994 Italian initiative for a moratorium on the application of the death penalty, which calls in particular for the exclusion of juveniles from capital punishment.

Has represented Italy in the Security Council since January 1995. President of the Council in September 1995, coinciding with the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations. In this capacity, has repeatedly raised the issue of protecting children caught up in various conflicts (where United Nations peace-keeping forces have intervened), taking a special interest in the children who are suffering and dying in Iraq, and supporting measures to alleviate their plight. Has systematically denounced the policies of some factions in Liberia and Sierra Leone that recruit child-soldiers, and made sure that strong condemnations of this practice were inserted in the pertinent resolutions.

In Italy he has held the following positions:

Foreign Ministry:

Attaché at the Directorate General for Economic Affairs, North American Desk (1956-1958)

First Secretary at the Directorate General for Political Affairs, Soviet and Eastern European Desk (1963-1965)

Liaison Officer with Parliament in the Cabinet of the Foreign Minister (1965-1968). In 1967, set up the headquarters in Rome of the Italian-Latin American Institute, established by the 20 Latin American republics and Italy.

Italian Senate:

Chief of Cabinet of the President of the Senate (1976-1980)

Honorary Doctorate of Law from the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 1981

Admitted to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, as Knight of Honour and Devotion, 1989

Honorary Doctorate of Law from St. Thomas Aquinas College, United States, 1996

A list of decorations received is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.

Fluent in English and French, working knowledge of Spanish.

He and his wife, born in Lima, Peru, have three children.

Adam Lopatka (Poland)

Professor Ordinarius at the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Dean of School of Government and Foreign Service at the Independent College of Business and Administration, where he lectures on fundamentals of jurisprudence, encyclopaedia of law and international law on human rights.

Born on 10 November 1928 in Szlachcin, Poland.

In 1951, graduated from the School of Law and Economics of Poznañn University as a Master of Law. He received a doctor's degree at the same School in 1958 and habilitation (doctor habilitatus) in the discipline of theory of state and law in 1962. He became Professor Extraordinarius in 1968 and Professor Ordinarius in 1973.

In 1950, commenced his professional career as a second assistant at the Department of Theory of State and Law. Promoted to first assistant and senior assistant. After habilitation in 1962 he became an assistant professor and then Head of the Department in the same year, appointed Vice-Dean of the School of Law and Administration at the Poznaán University and two years later, in 1964, Dean. In 1967, established the Institute of Political Studies at the Poznan University and for three years held the post of Director. In 1969, appointed Director of the Academy's Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Held this position from 1969 to 1987.

President of the Board of the Association of Polish Jurists, 1971-1981; remains a member of the Association.

In 1976 and 1980, elected member of Parliament. In Seym, headed the Committee for Legislative Proceedings and then the Committee for Social Self-government Affairs. In mid-May 1982 elected Minister by Seym - Director of Department of Denominations. Held the office until the middle of 1987. In the same year appointed First Chairman of the Supreme Court by the Polish State Council (collective president) and held this office until the middle of 1990. Member of the Legislative Council.

Polish delegate to the General Assembly of the United Nations (Third Committee), 1977. Represented Poland in the Commission on Human Rights, 1978-1983. Deputy Chairman of the Commission, 1978. In the same year he introduced a draft of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. From 1979 to 1989, was annually elected Chairman-Reporter of the working group made responsible by the Commission for developing the draft of the Convention. Unofficially, was called the "godfather" of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In 1984, headed the United Nations Seminar on the encouragement of understanding, tolerance and respect in matters relating to freedom of religion or belief. In 1988, received United Nations Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Human Rights.

Has taken part in numerous conferences and seminars organized by UNESCO, UNICEF and NGOs focusing on promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and participated actively in conferences devoted to the rights of the child organized in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa.

Contributed to works on publication of the Commentary to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as publication of the legislative history of the convention.

He has carried out scientific research and lectured at universities in Mexico, France, Yugoslavia, Russia, the United States, Japan and China.

His scientific interest centres on the philosophy of law, constitutional law, human rights and political studies. Has published several books and over 200 scientific articles in Poland and abroad. Chief organizer of numerous international conferences in Poland and a participant at scientific congresses abroad. Has also arranged conferences on the rights of the child.

Member of the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, the International Academy of Comparative Law, the International Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (for 16 years was a member of the Executive Committee of the Association), and the Academy of Social Sciences of the Russian Federation. In 1980, the University of Gainesville in Florida, United States, granted him the degree of doctor honoris causa.

Adam Lopatka is married. His wife is a doctor of medicine. They have two sons and four grandchildren.

Seidou Adamou Mazou (Niger)

Date of birth: 13 December 1955

Place of birth: Niamey, Niger

Marital status: Married


Bachelor's degree in law: University of Benin (Togo), 1979

Master's degree in law: Legal studies, University of Benin (Togo)

Diploma, National

School of the Judiciary: Paris, 1982

Professional experience

September 1996 Procurator General, Niamey Appeal Court

1982-1984 District judge, Arlit

1984-1988 President, Court of First Instance, Zinder

1985-1988 Examining magistrate, Special Court

1988-1989 Vice-President, Court of First Instance, Niamey Judge, Special Court

1989-1990 President, Control Division, State Security Court
Deputy Procurator General, Niamey Appeal Court

1990-1992 President, Court of First Instance, Niamey

1992-1994 Judge, Niamey Appeal Court

1994-1996 Director, Judicial Affairs Department, Ministry of Justice. This Department is responsible, inter alia, for collecting evidence and compiling files in civil, commercial and criminal cases, without prejudice to the powers vested in the courts

May 1996 Secretary-General, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

Specialized training course

October-November 1993 : Commercial litigation (National School of the Judiciary, Paris)

Seminars and symposia

International Humanitarian Law Seminar, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, May 1991, on the topic "International humanitarian law and Africa"

Regional seminar on human rights, Lomé, Togo, October 1992

Meeting of ECOWAS Legal Experts, Lagos, Nigeria, April 1994

Second Symposium on the Promotion of Human Rights in the Context of Structural Adjustments, OMCT/SOS Torture, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, June 1994

Harmonization of commercial law in Africa, meeting of Ministers of Justice, assisted by experts, Lomé, October 1994

Harmonization of commercial law in Africa, meeting of Ministers of Justice, assisted by experts, October 1995

Ninth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Cairo, April/May 1995

Harmonization of commercial law in Africa, meeting of Ministers of Justice, assisted by experts, N'Djamena, April 1996

Workshop on the strategic plan to computerize Niger's economy, Niamey, December 1995

Sixth Summit Meeting of French-Speaking Countries, Cotonou, Benin, December 1995

Seminar organized by the National School of the Judiciary, Paris, on the administration of justice and justice departments, Paris, May 1996

Subregional Seminar on Intellectual Property, for judges from French-speaking Africa, organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization, Abidjan, August 1996


Member of the Commission set up to Amend the Judicial Organization Act, the Supreme Court Act and the Order on the Status of the Judiciary

Member of the Commission to Draft the Code of Commerce, books I, II and III, completed and adopted

Member of the Commission set up to amend criminal legislation

President of the Credentials Commission, National Conference, 29 July 1991

Vice-President of the Election Monitoring Commission, Regional Branch of the Niamey urban community

Member of the Commission of Inquiry on the crash of the NAS Cessna 337D 5U-ABS, which occurred at Azéghouei on 15 December 1995

Chairman of the National Coordinating Committee to Combat Drug Abuse


Member of the Niger Association of Human Rights

Nafsiah Mboi (Indonesia)

Profession: Paediatrician

Occupation: Member of Parliament, Republic of Indonesia

Place/Date of birth: Sengkang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, 14 July 1940


1958-1984: University of Indonesia, Jakarta. Faculty of Medicine, (M.D., 1964)

1968-1971: University of Indonesia, Jakarta. Faculty of Medicine. Specialization in Paediatrics (Paediatrician, 1971)

1981: Senior Staff College. Department of Health, Government of Indonesia. Senior management training.

1989-1990: Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium. International course on health development. (Master of Public Health)

1990-1991: Research Fellow, Harvard University. Takami Program in International Health, Harvard School of Public Health

Professional experience

Civil Service:

1964-1968: Director, General Hospital, Ende, Floras

1968-1971: Assistant in Paediatrics, Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta

1973-1974: 1. Staff, Provincial Health Service, Prov. of Nusa Tenggar Timur (NTT)

2. Deputy Director, General Hospital, Kupang, NTT

3. Head of Paediatrics

1978-1985: Head, Community Health Services Division, Department of Health, NTT

1985-1988: Senior specialist (Paediatrics), General Hospital, Kupang, NTT

1988-1992: Staff, Secretary General, Ministry of Health

1992 to Senior researcher, National Institute of Health Research and October: Development, Ministry of Health

Private practice of medicine

1964-1967: General practice in Enda, Floras

1968-1978: General practice in Jakarta

1972-1974: Paediatric practice in Kupang, NTT

1975-1978: Established/ran two private maternity clinics in Jakarta

Other health related assignments

1971-1972: Assistant in paediatrics, Academisch Ziekanhuis, Gent, Belgium

1973-1974: Director, Blood Transfusion Service, Indonesian Red Cross, Kupang, NTT

1975-1978: Seconded full-time to the Indonesian Red Cross: Director, Blood Transfusion Service of the Red Cross for Metropolitan Jakarta

1978-1986: Director, Blood Transfusion Service, Indonesian Red Cross, Province of NTT

Legislative experience

1982-1997: Member of People's Consultative Assembly, highest Indonesian representative body (three terms)

1992-1997: Member of Parliament RI

A full list of training, seminars, study visits, as well as lecturing activities since 1992 may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.

Recent selected consultancies and other projects

1991: Programme review of the Comprehensive and Integrated Reproductive Health Care Program (WKBT) of the Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association (IPPA) commissioned by the International Women's Health Coalition, New York, and carried out in Indonesia

1992: South-East Asia regional coordinator: "Urban research in the developing world: towards a research agenda for the 1990s" and author of research paper on urban research in Indonesia. World project managed by the University of Toronto. Funded by the Ford Foundation.

Project advisor: World Bank study of community management of household water supply in rural settings with particular attention to roles of women in management systems

1992-1997: Project leader: five-country study of health of poor urban women working in the informal sector (Brazil, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa)

1993: Training team member: "AIDS advocacy and education", basic AIDS training for "Kancil", a public service group of advertising professionals

1995: Facilitator: Needs assessment workshop for women members of provincial and district Council, Province of Nusa Tanggara Timur. Output: design for three year program of capacity building "women in politics"

Major community activity 1978-1988

Chair, Dharma Wenita, Province of NTT (organization of wives of Indonesian civil servants)

Chair, Action Team of PKK in NTT (village family welfare movement)

Chair, Provincial Board for Coordination and Development of Non-Governmental Social Development Activity

Chair, NTT branch of Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association

Chair, Koparasi Serba Usaha "Wanita Candana" (women's cooperative), Kupang

Chair, Board of Advisors for Coordinating Board of Provincial Women's Organizations, Kupang

Other activity

1964-present: Member, Indonesian Medical Association

1971-present: Member, Indonesian Paediatric Association

1983-1993: Vice Chair, Indonesian National Council of Handicrafts

1989-present: Associate, The Synergos Institute, New York

1992-present: Member, International Advisory Board, Project on International Mental and Behavioral Health, Harvard Medical School, Department of Social Medicine

1993-1997: Vice Chair, Global Commission on Women's Health, established by World Health Assembly (1992)

1993-present: Member: Advisory Committee for World Vision International/ Indonesia

Member, Editorial Board, The Journal of Urban Health, Indonesia

1994-present: Member, Board of Trustees of US-Indonesia Society

Member, National Working Group on AIDS

1996-2000: Member, Board of Directors, International Women's Health Coalition


Author of numerous articles and conference papers prepared for international meetings/programmes, a list of which may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


1982: Indonesian Red Cross: silver medal for 10 voluntary blood donations

1984: Honoured by Minister of Education for distinguished service in the field of non-formal education

1986: Magsaysay Award for Government Service. Awarded by the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation

1989: Satya Lencana Bhakti Sosial, awarded by President of Indonesia

1993: Chosen 1993 Fellow of the Australia-Indonesia Institute

Languages: Indonesian, Dutch, English, various local Indonesian languages

Ahmed Abdel Halim Mohamed (Sudan)

Date of birth: 15 April 1933

Marital status: Married with four children

Academic and professional qualifications

1958 B.Sc. Economics and Political Science, University of Alexandria

1961 A.L.A., The British Library Association, Registered Chartered Librarians

1962 Academic Post-Graduate Diploma in Librarianship, University of London

Awarded the Cowley Prize for the best bibliographical research, submitted to the University of London (School of Librarianship and Archives), the first foreigner to be awarded this prize. An Annotated Bibliographicy of Islam and the Arab World (1961-1987).

1968-1969 Ph.D. in Education, Edinburgh

Registered for this degree and was in residence at the University and wrote the substantive part of the thesis, but was called back by the Government of the Sudan to help in establishing the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Social and Religious Affairs

Career and professional experience

1958-1962 Library Assistant, University of Khartoum

1962-1964 Assistant Librarian of the University of Khartoum (in charge of the University Library Administration, the Arabic Library, the periodicals section, the Sudan Library, and the Central Library reading rooms, successively). The main contribution was the reorganization of both the Arabic Library and the Sudan Library that housed rare collection of books, manuscripts, papers and official reports.

1964-1969 Director of School of Extra-Mural Studies, University of Khartoum

1969-1971 Undersecretary of the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Social and Religious Affairs

1971-1972 Deputy Minister of Culture and Information

1975-1976 Minister of Culture and Information

1975-1977 President of the National Press Council

1975-1977 President of the National Cinema Corporation

1978-1981 Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Ayyam Printing and Publishing House

1979 Secretary to the High National Committee for Regional Rule

1980-1988 Director of Khartoum International Institute of Arabic, and Head of the Department of Documentation, Library and Publication (1980-1989) (Assistant Director General of ALESCO) This is a post-graduate teaching and research institute for the preparation of specialists in teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers, established by the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALESCO)

1989 Social Development Advisor to the President of the Republic of the Sudan

1989 UNICEF consultant and resource person (child development, education, and social development)

1990 Professor of Adult Education, University of Juba

1994 Leader of the Transitional National Assembly

1995-1996 Ambassador, Director of the European Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Khartoum

1996 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan to Austria

Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Sudan to the International Organizations in Vienna

Membership of the Peoples Assembly (parliament) 1973-1978 and National Assembly 1992-1996

Member of the First and Second Assemblies

Leader of the People's Assembly, Second Assembly

Member of the Transitional Assembly

Leader of the Assembly


Author of a number of books, learned periodical articles and basic documents issued by the League of Arab States, ALESCO, including Arab Youth Policy, Status and Conditions of the Arab Child, Draft Charter of the Arab Child

Participated in drafting Arab Charter for Social Work, Arab Strategy for Social Work and Arab Charter for Comprehensive Social Development.

ALESCO First Mid-Term Plan of Action, co-editor

Arab document on the child, World Summit for Children

Author of the Arab Charter on the Rights of the Child

Member of drafting committee for the African Charter for Child Rights and Development

Arab Regional Plan for the Survival, Protection and Development of Child

Editor-in-Chief, Arab Journal of Language Studies

Mass media contributions

May be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.

Membership of boards, committees, commissions and associations (1957-1995)

Assumed various high ranking positions in a number of national, regional and international institutions. A list of these positions may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


Organized and attended tens of conferences, seminars, workshops and symposia in the Sudan and at the regional and international levels, held in the Arab World, Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States of America. Had the opportunity to chair some of them, to act as secretary, or Rapporteur to others, to present papers and documents to many of them, and to edit the papers and proceedings of a few. Recent examples are:

Decorations and honours

The list of decorations and honours received is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.

Esther Margaret Queen Mokhuane (South Africa)

Qualification P.Phil et Litt

Ph.D., (pending corrections) UNISA

Present position Head of Department of Clinical and applied Psychology, Medical University of Southern Africa (MEDUNSA)

Born in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg

Educated at Lourdes Primary School and Immaculata High School, Alexandra Township, Johannesburg

Academic and work history

Began academic career at the University of Zululand, proceeded to the University of Natal and University of South Africa.

1971-1973 : B.A. degree, University of Zululand

1974 : Bibl. University of Zululand

1975-1978 : Worked as a librarian at the University of Zululand

1976-1977 : Obtained Hons. Psychology degree, University of Zululand

1978-1979 : Pursued a M.A. degree in Clinical Psychology, completed internship in Clinical Psychology, Fort Napier Psychiatric Hospital, Pietermaritzbug

Thesis title : Socio-cultural factors in Schizophrenia

1980 : Clinical psychologist, George Stegmann Hospital, Saulspoort

1981-1983 : Clinical psychologist/lecturer, Ga-Rankuwa Hospital and Department of Psychiatry, MEDUNSA

1984-1989 : Senior Clinical Psychologist, Senior Lecturer -Department of Clinical and Applied Psychology (MEDUNSA)

1990 : Head, Department of Clinical and Applied Psychology, MEDUNSA

Teaching psychology to medical and paramedical students since 1981

Involved in the training of clinical psychologists since 1986

Established Child Guidance Clinic, Ga-Rankuwa Hospital

Pioneered and developed psychological services at Ga-Rankuwa Hospital

Director of psychological services, Ga-Rankuwa Hospital

Committee member and advisor

Nov. 1989-Jan. 1990 : Committee member: investigation of high failure rate among MEDUNSA students

1990/91 : Member of Advisory Group to the Kelloggs Foundation on community based training for health personnel

1992 : Chairperson, Senate Committee, MEDUNSA

1992 : Committee and advisory member, Psychopathy - is it mental illness or not?

1993- : Chairperson, Gender Equity, Committee of Senate, MEDUNSA

1993- : Chairperson, Jan Robbertze Youth Trust

1994 : Advisory member, Department of Psychological Services, South African National Defence Force. Our brief was to assist in the use of psychological tests with former freedom fighters and the integration of Mkoto We Sizwe (MK) and APLA-soldiers in the former South African National Defence Force

1994 : Advisory member, Women's Health Project, University of the Witwatersrand and contributor to a book and women's health

1995 : Committee member, Mental Health

Overseas visits

1985 : Visited university clinics at the United States University of Wisconsin, Madison, to learn more about pain

1990 : Toured the United States with a group of 10 academics as one of the advisory members of the Kelloggs Foundation project on community partnership in health personnel training

External examiner for a number of M.Sc examinations and theses, a list of which may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


Mental health research project, Psychological Association of South Africa (PASA)

16PF tests, The understanding of the English language by Blacks (Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC))

Self-concept test for adolescents (HSRC Project)

Building Nation Project: Parenting, (SOWETAN newspaper, 1990-1993)

SOS (Mamelodi) Tsosolotso Place of Safety (Soshanguve)

Neo School for the Intellectually Impaired (Ga-Rankuwa, Mabopane and Brits)

Child welfare, (Atteridgeville) Pabalelo Place of Safety (Ga-Rankuwa)

Executive Committee Member, Board of Management, MEDICOS School for Intellectually Impaired Children (Shoshanguve)

Advisory group member, University of the Witwatersrand, women's mental health project (1994)

Mkhoto We Sizwe (MK) Integration with South African National Defence Force (Military Psychology Group) (1994)

Has supervised a number of research theses, a list of which may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


Disorder of cognition in children, Educational Practice 4, 13-20, 1983

Bonding between mothers and children with congenital deformities, Journal of Children Psychiatry and Allied Professions

A place called school - heaven or torture, Journal of Social Work Practice

Marital bliss or marital glory, Institute of Family Therapy Memograph

The psychology of the disabled: Crippled Care Monographs

Psychology and the school, Journal of Social Work Practice, 1989

Neuropsychological learning problems in young schoolgoing children, Journal of Social Work, Pretoria, 1991

A full list of papers presented at conferences and in television appearances is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.

Director of research projects

Former Director of the following completed research projects:

Swithun Tachiona Mombeshora (Zimbabwe)

Date of birth 20 August 1945

Place of birth Mhondoro Communal Area, Chegutu


1967-1972 University College of Rhodesia medical course; awarded University of Birmingham Medical Degree (MB.ChB)

Employment history

1973 Housemanship, Harare Hospital

January-June 1974 Senior House Officer, Department of Radiology

July-December 1974 Hospital Medical Officer, Mpilo Central Hospital

1975 Senior House Officer in Paediatrics, then Obstetrics and Gynaecology

1976 Government Medical Officer at Marondera Hospital

1976-1980 Full-time private medical practitioner, Mabvuku and Mbare

1980 Member of Parliament

1981-1985 Deputy Minister of Agriculture

1985-1988 Deputy Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement

March 1988-August 1990 Deputy Minister of Health

August 1990-April 1995 Minister of State for Local Government, Rural and Urban Development

May 1995-April 1996 Provincial Governor/Resident Minister, Mashonaland West Province

May 1996 to date Minister of Mines

Other positions

Trustee of Nyami-Nyami Wildlife Trust

Chairman of Red Cross - Mashonaland West Chapter and

Member of the National Executive

Patron, Mangula Football Club

Member, Committee on the Rights of the Child since its inception in February 1991

Political position

Member of Parliament for Makonde Constituency

Member of the ZANU-PF Central Committee and

Chairman of ZANU-PF Mashonaland West Province

Nancy Ngom Ndiaye (Senegal)

Born 10 January 1945 in Dakar, Senegal

Married, 6 children


Baccalaureate, A4 series

B.A. in arts and letters (history and geography)

M.A. in law (public law)

Diploma from the National School of the Judiciary

Specialized training

Diploma in human resources management

Diploma from the training course on the rights of the child, Bordeaux International School, France

Diploma from the training course on action to combat drug abuse

Seminar on the rights of the child, Montreal Institute of Law of the French-Speaking Countries

Defence for Children International Seminar on prevention in relation to the rights of the child, Burkina Faso

Seminar held in Mali with the Canadian International Cooperation Centre on Human Rights

Training seminars on the rights of the child organized by UNICEF

Training seminar on the rights of the child organized by the Réseau africain

Training seminar on the rights of the child organized by Child Watch

Seminar on immigration organized by the Judicial Protection Department, (Ministry of Justice), France

Seminar on integration organizations with the International Institute of Law of the French-Speaking Countries



Professor of history and geography

1973-1975 Lycée Abdoulaye Sadji Rufisque (Dakar)

1975-1977 Annexe Lycée Delafosse (Dakar)

1977-1978 Lycée Faidherbe de Saint-Louis


Deputy Prosecutor

1980-1982 Dakar Regional Court

1980-1985 Thiès Regional Court

1985-1987 Kaolack Regional Court

1987-1989 Dakar Regional Court

Specialized education

1989 to present Director of Correctional Education and Social Protection

Special criteria

Consultant with the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees for one month

Ability to travel extensively in any situation, as required

Great ability to establish and maintain interpersonal relations


French, English, Spanish

Rolando Quirós Fonseca (Costa Rica)


1955 B.A., Business Administration, University of Illinois, United States

1971 Diploma, Graduate School of Banking, University of Wisconsin, United States

Other postgraduate courses:

Main posts held

Director, Office of the First Lady, Office of the President of the Republic, Costa Rica

Director General, Latin American Studies and Research Foundation, Costa Rica

Manager of AID financial projects, Costa Rica

Adviser, Ministry of Justice, Costa Rica

Founder and General Coordinator, Network for Children and the Family, Latin America and the Caribbean, Costa Rica

Director General, Latin American Studies and Research, Mexico


Research projects

Population Council, Women and self-help building projects, Mexico

CONYCIT, Problems of rural migrant families, Mexico

Other activities

President, Defence for Children International, Costa Rica

Member, Committee to Review the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Boards and governing councils

A full list of memberships of boards and governing councils is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.

Ghassan Salim Rahah (Lebanon)

Married, with two children

Born in Beirut in September 1949

University education

Faculty of Law, Lebanese University

B.A. in law, 1973

Two diplomas of higher studies, 1983

Diploma of Doctor of Laws, 1987

Diploma of the Institute of Legal Studies, 1987

Professor in the Faculties of Law and Business Administration of the Lebanese University

Legal posts

President, Court of First Instance, southern Lebanon, until the present

Social work

President of the Association for the Protection of Minors in Lebanon (founded in 1939), which provides care for delinquent or potentially delinquent minors


The Problem of Crime during the Two-Year War, 1979

Is Capital Punishment a Solution or a Problem?

Commercial Criminal Law, 1989

Modern Trends in Juvenile Justice, 1991

History of Social Welfare Legislation and Regulations, 1993

Research and articles published by specialized reviews in Lebanon and abroad in Arabic and in English

Participation in local, Arabic and international conferences, including:

Conference of the Organization of Friends of Prisoners in the World, held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in September 1993: Legal situation of prisoners aged under 18 years

Conference in Amman, Jordan, on children of war

Conference in Washington D.C. on minors and their rights and obligations

London Conference: Juvenile crime, reasons and treatment

Participation in the drafting of legislation on delinquent minors, with the most important provisions relating to the raising of the minimum age for admission to employment of children from 8 to 13 years, automatic legal assistance during proceedings and not referring to sentences against minors in their records

Anita Rektina (Latvia)

Born on 1 January 1953 in Riga

Education 1972-1979 Latvian University, Faculty of Law

1961-1971 Riga High School Nr. 50

Work experience Since 1991, Law Offices "Rektina un Mieze", sworn advocate

1989-1991 State Inspection for Monument Protection, lawyer

1979-1989 Prosecutor's Office of Lenina district, Riga, prosecutor's assistant.

Public activities Law consultant and member of the Board of the Latvian "Save the Children" organization since 1991

Member of the International Bar Association, Committees of Human Rights, Family Law and Human Rights Institute since 1993

Participation in conferences:

Stockholm 1992, Seminar on children's rights protection issues

Strasbourg (Council of Europe) 1992, participation in the work of Custody Committee

London 1992, Conference on children's rights protection issues

Vienna 1994, United Nations women's regional conference, on human rights issues

New Orleans 1993, IBA Conference, participation in the work of Human Rights Committee

1992-1995, member of governmental committee for children's rights protection

Family status Married, two children

Marilia Sardenberg (Brazil)

Born in Curitiba, State of Paranà, Brazil

Bachelor of Arts, Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Diplomat, Diplomatic Academy of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations (Instituto Rio-Branco), 1972, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Special training course for Brazilian diplomats, Diplomatic Academy of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations, 1989, Brasilia, DF

Master's Degree, Diplomatic Academy of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations, (Instituto Rio-Branco), 1995, Brasilia, DF

Married, one daughter and one son

Present assignment

Deputy Consul-General of Brazil in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, since 1994

Recent assignments

Elected member, Vice-Chairperson of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, 1993-1997

Alternate member, Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1990-1994, 1994-1998

Alternate to the Brazilian delegate to the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) of the Organization of American States (OAS), Washington, D.C., 1992-1994

Executive Coordinator, Office of the Brazilian Minister for External Relations, Brasilia, DF, 1993-1994

Representative of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations on the National Council on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent (CONANDA). Brasilia, DF, 1992-1994

Executive Coordinator, Office of the Secretary-General of the Brazilian Ministry for External Relations, Brasilia, DF, 1992-1993

Counsellor-Adviser to the Secretary-General of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations, Brasilia, DF, 1990-1992

First Secretary, Brazilian delegation for disarmament and human rights, Geneva, 1987-1990

Adviser to the Under-Secretary-General for Multilateral Political Affairs, Brazilian Ministry for External Relations, Brasilia, DF, 1985-1986

Adviser to the Under-Secretary-General for Coordination and Planning, Brazilian Ministry for External Relations, Brasilia, DF, 1985

International/regional meetings and seminars in the field of the rights of the child

Committee on the Rights of the Child, regular sessions, Geneva, 1993-1996

Committee on the Rights of the Child pre-sessional working group meetings, Geneva, 1993-1996

Committee on the Rights of the Child informal meeting, Katmandu, Nepal, 1995

Committee on the Rights of the Child, members visit to Pakistan, 1995

Preparatory meeting for the Symposium on Education and Training concerning the Rights of the Child, Bethlehem, July 1996

European Conference on Street Children Worldwide, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 1996

Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements - (Habitat-II), Istanbul, June 1996

Meeting of the Mediterranean Group on Education for Development: what is the role of women for the future of the new generations? Catania, Italy, April 1996

Seminar against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in the Americas, preparatory Inter-American meeting for the Stockholm Congress on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Brasilia, DF, Brazil, April 1996

United Nations Panel on the Convention on the Rights of the Child - CEDAW: the links? United Nations Headquarters, New York, March 1996

International Seminar on Current Social Trends and their Implications for Policing - the situation of juveniles, Polizei-Fuhrundsakademie, Munster, Germany, February 1996

Centre for Human Rights, expert group meeting on the human right to adequate housing, Geneva, January 1996

Centre for Human Rights, expert group meeting on the development of gender-sensitive guidelines for integration into human rights activities and programmes, Geneva, July 1995

Seminar on "Human rights after Vienna: the incorporation of the international provisions into Brazilian Law - vulnerable groups", Brasilia, DF, 1993

Conference-discussion on the draft United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, BICE/UNESCO, Paris, 1989

Brazilian representative at the UNICEF Seminar on the Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child for Portuguese-speaking Countries, Lisbon, 1988

Brazilian delegate to the Working Group on the question of a convention on the rights of the child, Geneva, 1988-1989

A list of other meetings attended is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.

Selected papers and presentations

"A City for all - General perceptions on human development and children's rights", Institute for Social Studies, The Hague, July 1996

"The Convention on the Rights of the Child and the work of its monitoring body, the Committee on the Rights of the Child", European Conference on Street Children Worldwide, Amsterdam, June 1996

"After Beijing: Problems and hopes for Women and the girl child", Mediterranean Group meeting, Catania, Italy, April 1996

"The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: the links? Preliminary considerations and topics for discussion", The Hague, March 1996

"Human rights and the children of the world - the current situation", International Seminar on Current Social Trends and their Implications for Policing - the situation of juveniles, Munster, Germany, February 1996

"A Criança e seus direitos, novo tema internacional. Avaliaçào e Perspectivas da Atuaçào Diplomàtica Brasileira", High Studies Course of the Diplomatic Academy of the Brazilian Ministry for External Relations (Instituto Rio-Branco), Brasilia, DF, November 1995

"A Criança e o Adolescents nos Acordos Internacionais de Proteçào dos Direitos Humanos", University of the State of Rio de Janairo (UERF), Brazil, June 1994

"Grupos vulneràveis: os direitos da Mulher e da Criança em Viena", Seminàrio sobre os Direitos Humanos apos Viena, Instituto Interamericano de Direitos Humanos, Brasilia, DF, November 1993

"O Itamaraty e a Questào da Criança: o àngulo da cooperaçào internacional", Brazilian Ministry for Social Welfare and Assistance, Brasilia, DF, April 1993

"Les enjeux de la Convention pour un pays d'Amérique Latine", Conference-discussion on the draft United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, BICE/UNESCO, Paris, 1989


Rio-Branco Order of Merit, Brazil, 1990, 1994

UNICEF "Child and Peace" Prize, Brasilia, DF, 1994

Omar Tumi Shebani (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)

Born in Misurata, Libya, 25 April 1930


Doctorate in Education (Ed.D) from the George Washington University, Washington, D.C., February 1963

M.A. in Education from the American University, Washington, D.C., June 1959

Higher Diploma in Education and Psychology, from the Higher Institute of Education, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 1956

Higher Diploma in Islamic History from the College of Dar Al-Ulum, Cairo University, Cairo, 1956 and College of Dar Al-Ulum, Cairo University, 1955


Arabic, English and Italian


Full professor of Education from 1975 up to now

Associate professor of Education from 1972 to 1975

President of the Libyan University, then Tripoli University, 1969-1974

Undersecretary of youth care and Guidance, Libyan Ministry of Youth and Sports, 1967-1969

Secretary of the Higher Council of Education, Libyan Ministry of Education, 1966-1967

Vice Dean of the Higher College of Teacher Training, Tripoli, Libya, 1965-1966

Lecturer in Education and Psychology at the College of Liberal arts and Education, Libyan University, Benghazi, Libya, 1962-1965

Demonstrator in Education from 1957-1962

Teacher of Education and Psychology in a teacher training institutue, 1956-1957

Teaching experience

Amongst the subjects and courses taught at the university level are the following: formal logic, Islamic philosophy, philosophy, philosophy of Islamic education, foundations of education, philosophy of education, history of education, comparative education, educational sociology, education and social and economic development, educational planning, methods of teaching, methods of teaching the Arabic language and Islamic studies, methods of educational research, educational statistics, general psychology, educational psychology, social psychology, human relations, mental health, school administration and administrative psychology, vocational guidance.

Research work and academic and cultural contribution

Participated in field research related to the (utilization of knowledge in Libya) with another Libyan colleague and two American professors from the Department of Sociology at the University of Pittsburg, United States

Headed a research team surveying and studying the needs of Libyan children and youth at the national level; the study was completed in 1987

Wrote a number of books, most of them are used as textbooks

A selected list of books written is available for consultation in the Secretariat's files.

Translated the following books from English to Arabic:

Your Doctor is Talking to You, 1978

Palestine and the Holy Book, 1978

Wrote more than 70 articles on education and related subjects published in Libyan magazines and in some other Arabic professional and cultural magazines in various Arab countries (Tunisia, Algeria and Lebanon).

Prepared a number of studies for regional and international organizations.

Participated in more than 65 Scientific conferences and seminars.

Bernard Mulunda Simpokolwe (Zambia)

Personal details

Date of birth 7 June 1949

Marital status Married with six children


1972-1974 Natural Resources Development College, Lusaka; Diploma in Agricultural Education, with Credit

1980-1990 Phillip Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia; Bachelor of Arts Degree with distinction in Youth Affairs and Public Administration.

Work experience

1975-1979 Secondary school teacher, Agricultural and General Sciences, Kafue U.C.Z. Secondary School

1980-1981 Regional Manager, Zambia Horticultural Products Limited, Chipata and Mongu

1981-1988 Senior Youth Development Officer and Deputy Commissioner of Youth, Ministry of General Education, Youth Sport and Child Development

1988-1990 Whilst training in Australia, and as part of the training, the following work related experience:

January 1995 Part-time lecturer at the Natural Resources Development College, Lusaka, in Sociology and Education for Development

Membership of voluntary and professional bodies

1972-1979 Zambia Association for Agricultural Science Teachers

1980-1988 Young Men's Christian Association

1981-1988 Outward Bound Association of Zambia

1988-1990 Youth Affairs Council of Victoria, Australia

1989-1990 Chairperson, Community Aid Abroad, Southern African Sub-Committee, Victoria, Australia

Unpublished research documents and reports

A short history of youth work in Zambia (1988)

Youth income: A study of income distribution among young people in Victoria, Australia (1990)

Youth and community work: A study tour report of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and New Zealand (1989)

Youth participation in national development in Zambia - a paper on policy and programme direction for the United National Independence Party (UNIP). This paper was written in partnership with Mr. A.B. Matongo, Lecturer at the University of Zambia, 1987

Planning HIV/AIDS Prevention Programmes by Youth in Africa, a manual for youth workers and youths with HIV/AIDS in Africa, to be published soon by the Commonwealth Youth Programme

Jorge Vila Despujol (Bolivia)


Date and place of birth: 21 May 1941, Barcelona

Status: Single. Joined the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) on 24 September 1960


Degrees in philosophy and theology


1965-1987 Secondary school teacher

1971-1972 Rural parish priest (Charagua)

1982-1990 Teacher of Jesuit students

1987 to present Director, Defence for Children International (DNI), Bolivia

Professional experience

1973-1988 Member of the Human Rights Association, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba

1977 Chairman of the Santa Cruz Human Rights Association

1985 Founder, DNI-Bolivia

1985 to present National President, DNI-Bolivia

Since 1989 Member, International Executive Council of DNI (world level)

Since 1992 Vice-President of DNI for Latin America and the Caribbean

1988 to 1995 Member, Executive Committee of the National Coordinating Body for work with children and adolescents

1992 to present Member of the Latin American Collective for the Rights of the Child

1991 Author of the non-governmental report to the Commission on the implementation of the United Nations Convention

1993 Representative of DNI to UNITAS, Bolivia

1994 Organizer of the second Latin American Forum on the Implementation of the Convention, held in Cochabamba

1995 Member of the Latin American Platform on Human Rights, Democracy and Development

1995 Representative of DNI for an agreement with the Andean Parliament-DNI

Participation in meetings

As a representative

1988 First Seminar on Legal and Social Problems, Cochabamba

1988 Seminar on the Rights of the Child, organized by Caritas Netherlands in Amsterdam

1988 Analysis of the future Convention on the Rights of the Child in Latin America, Buenos Aires

1990 Seminar on the situation of children in Latin America, held in Uruguay

1991 Analysis of the situation of children in the countries of the South, organized by INDRA (University of Amsterdam)

1989 First Latin American Seminar: Governments-NGOs on political exchanges on behalf of children, Argentina

1993 Third Latin American Seminar: Governments-NGOs on political exchanges on behalf of children, Brazil

1995 Fourth Latin American Seminar: Governments-NGOs on political exchanges on behalf of children, Bolivia

1992 First Latin American Forum with grass-roots coordinators and organizations on the situation of children in Ecuador

1994 First Latin American Forum with grass-roots coordinators and organizations on the situation of children in Cochabamba

Seminars and world assemblies organized by DNI in:

1986 Mexico

1989 Finland

1992 Spain

1996 Latin American seminar on the elimination of child labour by the year 2000 (Colombia)

1996 Seminar on child and adolescent labour (Paraguay)


All issues of Nuestros Derechos since 1988

Sale of and Traffic in Children in Bolivia, 1987

Granja de Chimoré: Rehabilitation? Production? Extinction? 1987

Abandoned Children in Cochabamba, 1987

Street Children in the City of Cochabamba, 1988

Legal and Social Problems of Minors, 1989

Child Workers in the City of Cochabamba, 1989

Life and experiences of Children Raised in Children's Homes, 1990

Ill-Treatment in Bolivia, 1991

Girl and Adolescent Domestic Employees, 1992

What do Latin American Children Think of the Family?, 1993

Do Children Enjoy Their Rights, 1995

Ten Years of History, 1995

Minors' Code (in force), Children's and Adolescents' Code (draft) Comparative Analysis, 1996

Atalay Yörükoglu (Turkey)

1929 Born in Bogazliyan, Turkey

1946 Graduated from Gazi High School in Ankara, Turkey

1953 Graduated from Istanbul University Medical School with an M.D. Degree

1953-1958 Practice of general medicine in different institutions and services in the Turkish Army

1958-1959 Rotation internship at Doctor's Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio

1959-1962 Residency training in General Psychiatry at Western Psychiatric Institute of Pittsburgh University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

1962-1964 Training in child and adolescent psychiatry at the Children's Psychiatric Hospital, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan

1964-1972 Staff member of the Medical Faculty of Hacettepe University, Ankara

1972-1974 Guest lecturer at the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Miami Medical School, Miami, Florida

1974-1996 Professor of Child Psychiatry, Chief of The Division of Child Psychiatry at the Medical School of Hacettepe University, Ankara

January 1996- Emeritus Faculty Member at the Medical School of
present Hacettepe University, Ankara


Present: President, Turkish Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Past: Research expert on rights of children under protection, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France (1971)

Publications in English


Chapters in books

Books in English in which Prof. Yörükoglu's works are cited

A list of books and articles in English in which Dr. Yörükoglu's works are cited is available for consultation in the Secretariat's files.

Books in Turkish

1. "Child mental health", 1978 (20th Edition)

2. "Adolescence", 1985

3. "Child and family in a changing world", 1983

4. "Mental health and emotional disorders", 1980

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