
Convention on the

Rights of the Child









                                                                                                                          28 December 1995


                                                                                                                          Original: ENGLISH







New York, 12 December 1995



Financial implications of the proposed amendment to article 43,

paragraph 2, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child


Statement by the Secretariat


1.         In accordance with article 50, paragraph 1, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Government of Costa Rica on 17 April 1995 proposed the following amendment to article 43, paragraph 2, of the Convention:


"2.The Committee shall consist of eighteen experts of high moral standing and recognized competence in the field covered by this Convention. The members of the Committee shall be elected by States Parties from among their nationals and shall serve in their personal capacity, consideration being given to equitable geographical distribution, as well as to the principal legal system."


2.         The Committee on the Rights of the Child currently consists of 10 members and normally holds 3 annual sessions of 3 weeks' duration each at Geneva. A pre-sessional working group also meets in Geneva for one week approximately two to three months in advance of each session. Travel and subsistence expenses are paid in connection with the participation of all 10 members of the Committee, at the pre-sessional working groups and annual sessions. In addition, honoraria are payable to the 10 members of the Committee, at the rate of US$ 3,000 per annum for 9 members and US$ 5,000 per annum for the Chairman of the Committee.


3.         Provision for the expenses mentioned in paragraph 2 above has been made under section 21, Human rights, of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 1996-1997: US$ 617,800 for travel and subsistence and US$ 64,000 for honoraria, amounting to a total of US$ 681,800 for the biennium.






GE.95-14912 (E)


4.         The requirements related to the enlargement of the membership of the Committee on the Rights of the Child from 10 to 18 members are estimated, on a full cost basis, at $518,000 per biennium as follows:


United States dollars


1996 1997


            Travel and per diem                                                                               235 000 235 100

            Honoraria                                                                                                24 000 24 000

                        Total                                                                                           259 000 259 100



5.         Article 50, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Convention states:


"2.An amendment adopted in accordance with paragraph 1 of the present article shall enter into force when it has been approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations and accepted by a two-thirds majority of States Parties.


"3.When an amendment enters into force, it shall be binding on those States Parties which have accepted it, other States Parties still being bound by the provisions of the present Convention and any earlier amendments which they have accepted."


6.         Thus, until the amendment is approved by the General Assembly and accepted by a two-thirds majority of States Parties, the Committee on the Rights of the Child will continue to consist of 10 members in accordance with the existing text of the Convention.


7.         No additional provision would be sought at this stage for an enlarged Committee. When this amendment is accepted by a two-thirds majority of States Parties, the Secretary-General will request the necessary additional resources from the General Assembly through the appropriate channels.

