
Convention on the

Rights of the Child









                                                                                                           5 January 1995



                                                                                                           Original: ENGLISH/FRENCH


Fifth meeting

New York, 21 February 1995

Agenda item 3







Note by the Secretary-General




1.         The present addendum contains additional nominations for election to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, received after the submission by the Secretary-General of the list of candidates in document CRC/SP/14. Biographical data of the persons nominated, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in the annex to the present document.


            Name of candidate                                                                              Nominated by


            Mrs. Suzanne Aho                                                                               Togo


            Mrs. Nana Araba Apt                                                                          Ghana


            Mrs. Fatoumata Diaraye Diaby                                                           Guinea


            Mrs. Ida E.P. Lisk                                                                                Sierra Leone


            Mrs. Victoria Nwabuaku Okobi                                                          Nigeria


            Mr. Jean Christophe Tchouatieu Tchadjou*                                     Cameroon




            * Biographical data will be issued in an addendum to the present document when received from the nominating Government.


GE.95-15035 (E)






Mrs. Suzanne Aho (Togo)


[Original: French]


Date and place of birth:                    21 August 1952, Saigon


Nationality:                                         Togolese (by marriage)


Professional training:                       Social worker


Secondary studies:                           Argentat (France)


1973                                                    Baccalauréat - Series A-4, Philosophy


1976                                                    Diploma in social work, Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)


Languages spoken:                          German, English


Professional experience: 


19 August 1977 to 1979:                   Department for the Protection and Advancement of Youth of the Office for Social Affairs


19 February 1979 to 1992:                Head of Social Service (founded by herself and others) at the Court of Lomé for:


- juvenile delinquents

- street children

                                                            - children of divorced parents

                                                            - adoption

                                                            - civil prisoners


16 April 1993:                                     Director, Protection and Advancement of the Family (Office of Social Welfare)


Travel and periods spent abroad - Conferences attended:


19-22 March 1980                              Conference of Arab and African Ministers for the

(Yaoundé)                                          Protection of Children and Young People


25 February-2 March 1985                Forum on street children and young people



13-18 December 1987                        First Inter-African Meeting of street educational

(Dakar)                                                outreach workers and youth leaders (ENDA)


12-17 December 1988                        Second ENDA meeting



8-13 December 1986                          International symposium on children, education and

(Kinshasa, Zaire)                               delinquency (International Centre for Comparative Criminology)


31 August-3 September 1989           European conference of parliamentarians and NGOs

(Porto Novo, Benin)                          on North-South interdependence and solidarity


8-14 January 1990                             Third ENDA meeting



19-23 November 1990                       Seminar on underprivileged urban children



4-23 February 1990                            First training session for urban educational

(Dakar)                                                outreach workers and youth leaders on "How to involve young people in the search for solutions"


25-26 March 1991                              Symposium on democracy and development in Africa:

(Dakar)                                                the experience of the African countries of the ACP Group (Council of Europe)


8-26 July 1991                                    Second training session for urban educational

(Bingerville,                                        outreach workers and youth leaders, "The

Côte d'Ivoire)                                     urban explosion"


8-28 March 1992                                Third training session for urban educational

(Cotonou)                                           outreach workers and youth leaders, "The right of children to development"


22-24 April 1992                                 Symposium on "Democracy and human rights"



29 June-3 July 1992                          The Victims of Crime and the Prevention of

(Kampala)                                           Victimization (UNAFRI)


26-29 October 1992                           Symposium on "Youth, the City and Employment:

(Paris)                                                 What Future for African Youth?"


5-7 April 1993                                     Democracy and Human Rights, the Role of Women in

(Lisbon)                                              an Interdependent World


8-9 July 1993                                      Preparatory Meeting for the Conference of

(Dakar)                                                Ministers responsible for Children in French-speaking countries


22-23 July 1993                                  Conference of Ministers responsible for

(Dakar)                                                for Children in French-speaking countries


Mrs. Nana Araba Apt (Ghana)


Date of birth:                                      26 October 1942


Marital status:                                    Married, one daughter


Educational background:                 B.A. (Philosophy, Psychology, English) Queen's University, Canada, 1965

M.S.W. (Social Work) University of Toronto, 1967

                                                            Ph.D (Sociology) University of Ghana, Legon, 1989

Phd. Thesis: Impact and Consequences of Social Change on Ageing in Ghana: A Study of the Central Region (to be published by Avebury: title yet to be decided, 1995)


Areas of research                              Ageing and old age


The family




Employment history:


1970-1979                                           Department of Social Welfare and Community Development, Government of Ghana


                                                            1.   Community Development Officer responsible for the supervision of Women's Vocational Training Institutes of the Department nationwide


                                                            2.   Head, Research and Evaluation Unit


                                                            3.   Coordinator, Joint Integrated Rural Development projects of the Department and Friedrich Ebert Foundation of West Germany with assistance from EEC Mico Projects programme


1979-present                                      University of Ghana, Department of Sociology. Professorship requested


At present Senior Lecturer and Coordinator (five years) of Social Work and Social Administration Programme


Other professional experiences:


1970-1975                                           Responsible for the evaluation of field workers' training courses of Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana


Consultant, YWCA Youth Programme


Member, National Advisory Committee on Social Welfare


Editor of The Social Worker, the journal of the Ghana Association of Social Workers


1972-1975                                           Member, National Council on Social Welfare


1992 onwards                                    Manuscript reviewer and assessor for Ghana Universities Press in the area of gerontology and social development


1993 onwards                                    UNICEF Ghana resource person


1994                                                    Chief Researcher, Child to Child Project (British ODA/Ministry of Education Project)


Teaching experience in other universities:


Between 1990 and 1993, lectured as a Visiting Professor at the following universities outside Ghana:


The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor School of Social Work, United States of America


San Diego State University, Centre on Ageing, United States of America


Case Western Reserve University, Department of Anthropology, United States of America


University of South Africa, Department of Social Work, Johannesburg, South Africa


Research and projects:                    Researches undertaken to date are as follows:


1971                                                    Socio-economic conditions of the aged in Ghana


1972                                                    The role of the family in the care of the aged


1974                                                    A study of Osu Children's Home


1980                                                    Rural ageing: the case of Ejisu/Bosomtwe District of Ashanti


1982                                                    Ageing profiles


1984                                                    Education and the elderly: the Ghanaian experience


1987                                                    The role of grandparents in the care and upkeep of children


1992                                                    Street children in Accra


1993                                                    Bearing the weight: "Kayayoo" Ghana's girl street child


1994                                                    The situation of elderly women in Ghana


Funded projects:


1974                                                    Responsible for the evaluation of social development joint projects of the Catholic Secretariat of Ghana and the Misereor Foundation of West Germany


1985                                                    Responsible for the evaluation of social development projects for rural women's groups and peasant farmers in Attebubu district in the Brong Ahafo region


1991                                                    Prepared a policy document on the aged and disabled at the request of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Social Sector Division, Government of Ghana


1992/93                                               Responsible for the evaluation of Energy Saving Stove Project - a joint project of the Department of Community Development and GTZ (German Technical Assistance)


Responsible for the organization of several colloquia on social policy development for public service personnel


Responsible for a project of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning with German technical assistance


1993/94                                               University College of Wineba/British ODA project


Carried out Distance Education Audience Survey to make recommendations for the implementation of a B.Ed. distance education programme at the University College of Education, Winneba


Selected publications:


            Books, published reports and special issues of learned journals:


Forthcoming 1995: Coping with Old Age in a Changing Africa: Social Change and the Elderly Ghanaian, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom


Editor, special issue of Southern African Journal of Gerontology, "The family and ageing", 1995


Street Children in Accra for Save the Children, United Kingdom, Accra, 1992


Recent journal articles and chapters:


Urbanization, Caring for the Elderly and the Changing African Family: the Challenge to Social Welfare and Social Policy. Forthcoming 1994: International Social Security Review, Geneva


Gender and Intergenerational Support: Comparative Issues for South Africa. Forthcoming: Southern African Journal of Gerontology, October 1994


Care of the Elderly in Ghana: An Emerging Issue. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 8, 1993: 301-312


Elderly Women's Economic Participation: Problems and Prospects in Africa. BOLD, vol. 2, No. 1, 1992, pp. 30-36


Ageing in the Community: Trends and Prospects in Africa. Community Development Journal, vol. 27, No. 2, Oxford University Press, April 1992, pp. 130-139


The Storm Clouds are Grey, In Ken Tout (ed.), Elderly Care: A World Perspective, Chapman Hall, London, 1992, pp. 10-12


Family Support to Elderly People in Ghana, In H. Kendig, A. Hashimoto and L.C. Coppard (eds.) Family Support for the Elderly: The International Experience, Oxford University Press, New York, 1992, pp. 203-212


Family care giving in developing countries. Proceedings of the first Indian Federation on Ageing Global Conference on Ageing: Select Papers, Pune: India, 1992, pp. 298-322


Changing Family Patterns and their Impact on Ageing in Africa, In Social Security and Changing Family Structures Studies and Research No. 29, International Social Security Association, Geneva, 1992, pp. 77-88


Who is Caring for the Aged in Ghana? BOLD, vol. I, No. 4, 1991, pp. 5-10


Ghanaian youth on ageing: a survey report. BOLD, vol. 1, No. 3, May 1991


Activities, Care and Support of Ageing Women in Africa: A Ghanaian Case Study, In Irene Hoskins (ed.), Older Women as Beneficiaries of and Contributors to Development: International Perspectives, American Association of Retired Persons, Washington, 1991, pp. 87-99


The Role of the Family in the Care of the Elderly in Developing Countries, In Robert L. Kane, J. Grimley Evans and David Macfadyen (eds.), Improving the Health of Older People: A World View, Oxford University Press, 1990, pp. 362-380


Mrs. Fatoumata Diaraye Diaby (Guinea)


Civil status:


Date and place of birth:                4 October 1956, Dakar


Matrimonial status:                       Married with one daughter


Occupation:                                   Lawyer, Rank A


Present post:                                 Assistant National Director for the Advancement of Children/Head of the Division for the Protection of Children in the Ministry for the Advancement of Women and Children


University studies:


1976-1981                                       Bachelor of Law

                                                        University of Conakry


1981-1982                                       Internship

                                                        Ministry of Transport


Professional experience:


1981-1986                                       Conakry Court of First Instance


1986-1988                                       Director, Legal and Litigation Division

                                                        (Ministry of Health and Social Affairs)


1988-1992                                       Head of the Section for the Protection of Children

                                                        (Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment)


1992-1994                                       Assistant National Director for the Advancement of Children/Head of the Division for the Protection of Children in the Ministry for the Advancement of Women and Children, to present.


UNICEF Consultant in an emergency project for refugee children from Liberia and Sierra Leone (November/December 1990).


Consultant for the Guinean Family Welfare Association (AGBEF).


Study tour in conjunction with the Programme for the Development of the Family Code in Guinea (1 to 12 June 1992) in the countries of the West African subregion.


Participation in conferences and seminars as a resource person regarding the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Participation in seminars on general and community care for young children held at Conakry in conjunction with UNICEF.


Legal adviser to the AGBEF National Office.


Member, National Steering Committee of the African Network for Integrated Development (RADI-GUINEE), an NGO.


Member of the Coordinating Council of women's NGOs in Guinea.


Further training:


Training course in public administration at the College of Public Administration (Calabria, Italy) (15 January to 14 July 1991).


Follow-up seminar on public administration (4 to 8 March 1992, Dakar).


Training seminar on the management of family planning programmes Yaoundé, (15 to 30 March 1993).


Training course in integrated management for foreign staff (National School of Public Administration, University of Quebec, Canada) (30 April to 10 June).




Documentary research on Guinean family rights (October to November 1992).


Participation in the development of a draft code on individuals and the family in Guinea (1993 to 1994).


Participation in the development of a draft decree on the establishment of the Guinean follow-up Committee on the protection and defence of the rights of the child (October to November 1994).


Position paper on the organizational project entitled "Follow-up and coordination of child protection services in Guinea" (30 April to 10 June 1994), Quebec, Canada.




Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Guinea, Conakry, June 1992.


The Convention on the Rights of the Child and Childhood in Crisis in Guinea (Round Table, UNICEF, Conakry, June 1993).


Convention on the Rights of the Child/Women and Follow-Up Committee; June 1994, Conakry (Review of the Information, Education and Communication Programme of the Guinean Government/UNICEF).

Ida Elvira Lisk (Sierra Leone)


Date of birth:                                 17 December 1950


Marital status:                               Married with two sons and a daughter.


Academic record


Legal education


Undergraduate education: 


1970-1973                                       Bachelor of Law

                                                        University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne




1973-1974                                       Diploma in Advanced Legal Studies

                                                        University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne


1974-1975                                       Bar Finals

                                                        Council of Legal Education, London


1979-1980                                       Master of Law

London University, University College and School of Oriental and African Studies


Legal experience:


1975                                                Post-Final Practical Course


Enrolled as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of Sierra Leone on 15 December 1975




1979-1980                                       City of London, England, Ince & Co.


1975-1982                                       Freetown, Sierra Leone,

                                                        Gooding & Gooding


1983-date                                       Lisk & Partners: Senior Partner


Work includes litigation, Chambers, Administration.


Academic experience:


1988-present Lecturer                 Appointed Lecturer by the University of Sierra Leone on 12 December 1988


                                                        Subjects lectured include Land Law

                                                        (Final Hons. I)


Family Law and International Trade Law (Final Hons. II)


Areas of expertise:                       Maritime and international trade law expertise


Legal status of women and children and their roles in society


Papers and dissertations:


1.         "Black Foster Children in England - A legal tussle". Presented as a thesis for the Diploma in Advanced Legal Studies at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1974.


2.         "The Formation and role of a Development/Financial Institution in the assistance of small and medium-scale enterprises in Sierra Leone." Consultancy report - United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 1984


3.         "Can an illegitimate person be next-of-kin within the meaning of Chapter 45 of the Laws of Sierra Leone?" Sierra Leone Bar Association Journal.


4.         "The Adoption Act of Sierra Leone." Journal of African Law 1992, Vol. 36, No. 1.


5.         Preparation of the National Report on Violence against Women for the Preparatory Meeting to the World Conference on Women to be held in Beijing, China, in 1995.


6.         Is there a concept of matrimonial assets in Sierra Leone; Submitted to the International Journal of Law and Society 1995.


7.         Sexual and other exploitation of children: Is this in the best interests of the child? Paper delivered at a joint seminar of UNICEF and the Sierra Leone Bar Association - December 1994.


8.         Women and Violence: Paper delivered at a seminar on Women and the Law: December 1994.


Conferences and seminars attended:


1.         Seminar on recent developments in International Trade Law, Vienna, Austria, June 1988.


2.         Judicial and Legal Reform Workshop: 10-11 March 1994, Freetown, Sierra Leone


3.         Preparatory Workshop for Fourth World Conference on Women, 14-15 April 1994, - Freetown, Sierra Leone (non-governmental organization).


4.         Families Across Frontiers - 8th World Conference of the International Society of Family Law. 28 June 1994-2 July 1994, Cardiff, Wales.


5.         Diocese of Freetown, Mother's Union Conference, August 1994. Paper delivered on Family Law - Broad Perspectives.


6.         Seminar on "Women and the Law in Africa" and "Women in Economic Development": 3 May 1994.


7.         Sensitization Seminar on the Status of Women in preparation for the Dakar Summit: Freetown - September 1995.


8.         Joint One Day Advocacy Seminar with UNICEF and the Sierra Leone Bar Association to review the laws of Sierra Leone vis-à-vis the Convention on the Rights of the Child - December 1994.


9.         Seminar on Women and the Law, University of Sierra Leone - December 1994.

Mrs. Victoria Nwabuaku Okobi (Nigeria)


Date of birth:                                 19 October 1945


Marital status:                               Married, four children


University education:                   Bachelor of Arts Degree, Howard University, Washington, D.C., United States of America, 1968


                                                        Major - Sociology

                                                        Minor - Psychology/Economics


Certificate Community Mental Health, Rochester Institute of Technology, United States of America, 1970


Academic qualification:                B.A. Hons, Sociology/Psychology, Economics


Recent employment experience:


Sept. 1992-Present                        Director, Child Welfare Department, National Commission for Women


Duties:                                            Establishment of the Child Welfare Department in the National Commission for Women. Formulating policies and programmes to enhance the quality of life of the child and promoting the maximum development of the potentials of the child including the handicapped, towards national development.


Promoting actions and activities to reduce all forms of child abuse and neglect and initiating advocacy and enlightenment programmes for children.


Provision and expansion of recreational facilities for children and provision of appropriate health and nutritional education, genetic and family counselling services to improve the child's health and well-being. Organizing and coordinating inter- and intra-State cultural activities as well as children's exchange visits, holiday camps and children's day activities.


Promoting early childhood education and coordinating the programmes of institutions involved in child care and development, initiating collaboration, coordination and liaison with relevant Government Ministries, Departments and agencies, national and international non-governmental organizations and the private sector on matters concerning child welfare and development.


Relating and liaising with United Nations and other intergovernmental bodies.


1990-September 1992:                  Director, Better Life Programmes Department, National Commission for Women


Duties:                                            Formulating policies and programmes for the advancement of women.


Promoting actions and activities to improve the education and development of women in civic, political, socio-cultural and economic sectors as well as responsible motherhood, maternal and child health.


Initiating and reviewing appropriate social legislations relating to women.


Coordinating, evaluating and monitoring the activities of women's organizations.


Encouraging the purpose and essence of cooperative societies among women and stimulating in them creative entrepreneurship.


Promoting, developing and concretizing income generation and employment for women.


Organizing and coordinating national and international Women's Day celebrations.


Liaising with relevant government departments, United Nations bodies and intergovernmental agencies.


World conferences and

  meetings attended:                      International Labour Organisation meeting, Geneva, 1975.


Mid-Decade United Nations Conference on Women, Copenhagen, 1983.


Delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women acting as preparatory body for the end of Decade United Nations Conference, Vienna, 1984 and 1985.


Commonwealth meeting of officials responsible for Women's Bureaux, London, April 1984.


Commonwealth meeting of Ministers responsible for women's affairs, Nairobi, July 1985.


United Nations end of Decade Conference, Nairobi, July 1985.


Commonwealth Regional Meeting of Permanent Secretaries and Heads of Women's Bureaux, Ghana, 1986.


Fourth and Sixth sessions of Board of Trustees of INSTRAW, January 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990.


Commonwealth Meeting of Minsters responsible for Women's Affairs, Harare, August 1987.


Hunger Project Award Receiving Team, London, July 1991.


International Fund for Agricultural Development Conference of First Ladies, Geneva, February 1992.


Meeting of Africa Regional Coordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development, Addis Ababa, April 1992.


Membership of Boards:                Two-term member, Board of Trustees, United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women.


Member, Board of Trustees, Human Foundation of Nigeria.


Member, Primary Health Care Board.


Member, Nigerian Child Rights Implementation Committee.


Membership of voluntary

  organizations:                              National Council of Women's Societies, Nigeria Association of Social Workers, Inner Wheel Club, Soroptimist, Ladies League Federated, Old Girls' Association, Maternal and Child Care Association, Age Concern Nigeria.


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