
Convention on the

Rights of the Child









                                                                                                           13 December 1994



                                                                                                           Original: ENGLISH/FRENCH/



Fifth meeting

New York, 21 February 1995

Agenda item 5








Note by the Secretary-General


1.         In conformity with article 43 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the 5th meeting of the States parties to the Convention will be convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters on Tuesday, 21 February 1995, for the purpose of electing five members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child from a list of persons nominated by States parties, to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 28 February 1995 (see annex I). The names of the other five members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 28 February 1997 appear in annex II.


2.         In accordance with the procedure set out in article 43, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 15 September 1994, invited the States parties to submit their nominations for the election of five members of the Committee within two months, i.e. by 15 November 1994.


3.         In compliance with the provisions of article 43, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary-General has the honour to list below, in alphabetical order, the names of the persons nominated for election to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, indicating the States parties which have nominated them. Biographical data of the persons nominated, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in annex III to the present document.

GE.94-70422 (E)

Name of candidate


Mgr. Luis A. Bambaren Gastelumendi

Mrs. Amna Mohamed Abdel-Karim Bedri

Mrs. Akila Belembaogo

Mr. Marcelo Cantón Pombo

Mr. Moussa Couguere

Mr. Rodriguo Crespo Toral

Mr. Ali Abdul Fattah

Mr. Victor Manuel Guisa Cruz

Mr. Thomas Hammarberg

Ms. Judith Karp

Mr. Yuri M. Kolosov

Mrs. Blanca Lizzeth Rivera de Paz

Mr. Mainassara Maidagi

Ms. Sandra Prunella Mason

Mrs. Martina Mathurin

Mr. Vitit Muntarbhorn

Mrs. Natalia Petrova

Mr. Jesmond Schembri

Mrs. Félicité Christine J.A. Talon

Mr. Omar Mohamed Zentani

Nominated by




Brukina Faso




Syrian Arab Republic




Russian Federation




Saint Lucia





Libyan Arab Jamahiriya


Annex I




Members whose terms expire on 28 February 1995


Name of Member


Mr. Luis A. Bambaren Gastelumendi

Mrs. Akila Belembaogo

Mr. Thomas Hammarberg

Mr. Yuri Kolosov

Ms. Sandra Prunella Mason

Country of Nationality



Burkina Faso


Russian Federation



Annex II




Members whose terms expire on 28 February 1997


Name of Member


Mrs. Hoda Badran

Mrs. Flora Corpuz Eufemio

Mr. Swithun Tachiona Mombeshora

Mrs. Marta Santos Pais

Mrs. Marilia Sardenberg Zelner Goncalves

Country of nationality








Annex III




Luis Armando Bambaren Gastelumendi (Peru)


1.         PERSONAL DATA


Date of birth: 14 February 1928


Place of birth: Yungay, Ancash, Peru




University studies in humanities and letters, Lima, Peru

University studies in philosophy, Charmartín de la Rosa, Madrid, Spain

University studies in education, Lima, Peru

University studies in theology, Granada, Spain

Studies on the problems and situation of juveniles and the family in Peru and Latin America (Legal and Social Peace Mission Institute, Lima, Peru)




Degrees and titles:


Bachelor of Arts and Letters

Master's in Philosophy

Master's in Theology

Ordination as a priest, 15 July 1958, Spain




"Núnez de Balloa", awarded by the Government of Panama

"Amauta", awarded by the Ministry of Education of the Government of Peru




Teaching in the Jesuit Colegio de la Inmaculada, Lima

Prefect in the Jesuit Colegio de la Inmaculada, Lima

Rector of the Jesuit Colegio San Ignacio, Piura (1965-1967)




Consecrated Bishop on 7 January 1968




Recommended as Head Bishop of Sertei

Auxiliary Bishop of Lima, in charge of shanty towns: 1 December 1967

First Bishop of the Diocese of Chimbote: 9 April 1983

President of the Social Action Department of CELAM (1979-1983)

President of Caritas for Latin America (1983-1987)

Vice-President of Caritas International, accountable to the Holy Father, John Paul II

Member of the Board of Caritas, Peru (since 1983)

President of the Peruvian Shanty Towns Office (1968-1975)

President of the Episcopal Social Action Committee: in charge of religious and social work for the development of man and society (1968-1988)

President of the Episcopal Family Committee: in charge of religious and social work in favour of juveniles and the family in Peru (since 1988)

Honorary President of the Legal and Social Peace Mission Institute

President of the Apostolate of the Sea, Peruvian Bishops' Conference

Honorary Chairman of "Mision Juridica y Social de Paz" Institute

Chairman of the Sea Apostleness, Peruvian Episcopal Conference

Member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (1991-1995)




Author of a number of books and articles, a list of which may be consulted in the files of the secretariat


8.         LANGUAGES


Spanish, French and Latin




Responsible of the Latin American Conference of "Puebla" (1979)

Caritas Latin American Congress, Quito, Ecuador (1983)

Conference "Responsible Parenthood and Social Problems of Unmarried Mothers" (1984), organized by the National Institute on Family Welfare

Conference "Family and the Civil Code", organized by the Peruvian Bar of Social Workers (1984)

Conference "Concubinage in the Peruvian Law - High Level Course of Law" (1987) organized by the Association for the Development of Law Research (1987)

Conference "Artificial Human Reproduction" during the conference organized by the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Peru and "Themis" magazine (1987)

Conference "The Family in the Peruvian Constitution" XLI Seminar-Workshop for the Presentation of the Peruvian Political Constitution and Human Rights, organized by the Ministry of Justice (1987)

Caritas Latin American Congress, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (1987)

Caritas European Congress, Luxemburg (1988)

Conference "The Sources of the National Law on Family: Civil Code (1984)" organized by Lima's Attorneys Bar and the Centre on High Studies on Law of San Martin de Porres University (1988)

Conference "The Family and its Educational Mission" during the course of the School for Parents Programme, organized by Giordano Bruno School (1989)

A number of congress convened by the Justice and Peace Commission of the Holy See

A number of congress convened by the Holy See's Pontifical Council for the Family in Mexico City, Manila, Arome Quito and Rio de Janeiro (1992-1994)




"Mision Juridica y Social de Paz" Institute, Lima

Rural and Technical Institute for Training, Piura

Home of Peace for Abandoned Children, Chimbote

Centre of Special Education for Handicapped, Chimbote

Pedagogic Superior Institute for Primary and Secondary School Teachers

Private University "San Pedro"

Home "Luchito" for Worker Children

"Tasiru", Workshops for Handicapped


Amna Mohammed Abdel-Karim Bedri (Sudan)


Personal information


Birth:              13 June 1953, Omdurman, Sudan


Marital status:            Married with three children


Languages: Arabic, English, French




University of Khartoum - Faculty of Arts, 1971-1977, B.A. Honours Degree in English language and literature

Diploma in French language, Language of Toura, France, 1972 - University of Poitiers

Postgraduate Diploma of Linguistics and English Language Teaching, Moray House College of Education, Edinburgh, 1987

M.A. Tesol (Teaching English to speakers of other languages)

Diploma in Time Management, Sudan Academy for Administrative Studies, Khartoum, 1993




Secretary-General, National Council for Child Welfare, 1992

Lecturer of Head of English Department, Girls College, Omdurman Islamic University, 1991-1992

Coordinator of Childhood Programmes, Ministry of Social Welfare, 1989-1991

Lecturer of English Language and Literature, Girls College, Omdurman Islamic University, 1984-1989

Part-time lecturer in English Literature, College of Education, University of Khartoum, 1988-1992

Part-time lecturer in English Literature, Omdurman Ablia College, 1988-1992

Part-time English Language Teacher, Abfad College for Girls, 1988-1991

Part-time Demonstrator in Spoken Arabic, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Edinburgh, 1987

Conference Officer and Translator, Friendship Hall, Khartoum, 1979-1982

Teacher of English, Ahfad Secondary School, Omdurman, 1977-1979


Organizations and National Committees


1973-1974/                  University of Khartoum Students Union



1983-1986                   The Union of University Lecturers - Islamic University, Sudan


1986-1988                   Muslim Students Union in Moray House College, Edinburgh


1990                            National Steering Committee for World Summit for Children


1990-1992                   Sudanese Women's Union - Secretary-General of Social Secretariat


1990-1994                   Board of Directors of Sudan House for Publishing and Printing


1990-present              Board of Directors of the Organization of Homeless Children


1990-present              Board of Directors of El Nileen Centre


1994                            Board of Directors of the African Charitable Society for Mothers and Child Welfare


1994                            National Committee for the Preparation of the International Conference on Population and Development


1993-                           National Steering Committee for the Fourth Conference on Population and Development, Khartoum


1993-1994                   National Committee for the International Year of the Family


1993-1994                   National Committee for the Fourth World Conference on Women in China 1995


1994-                           National Committee for the preparation for the World Summit for Social Development


1994-                           Committee of Experts preparing Sudanese Population Strategy


1992-                           Conference on the National Strategy - Sub-group preparing strategy for children


Participation in Conferences


Conference on Sudanese Children, Present and Future Prospects as Head of Secretariat

World Summit for Children as member of the official delegation

All sectoral conferences held in Sudan between 1990-1994, e.g. conferences on women, displaced population, social development, higher education in Sudan, issues concerning the media, etc.

Member - Conference on the Role of NGOs in Implementing the CRC, Khartoum, 1990

Member - Conference on the Role of NGOs in Caring for Orphans, 1994

Member - NGO Forum in Amman, Jordan, 1993

Participant - Conference for Arab Plan of Action, Cairo, representing Sudan

Conference on the Follow-up of Arab Plan of Action, Cairo, 1993

Participant - Workshop on Gender Training, Khartoum

Discussant in the Second Conference of Sudanese Red Crescent

Member of official delegation, Dakar, 1992

Member - Conference on the Elimination of Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, 1990

Member - Round Table on the Elimination of Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, 1994

Speaker to the Workshop on Handicapped Children

Seminar on the Role of NGOs in the Extended Immunization Programme, Khartoum, 1989

Conference on Teaching Women's Studies in Sudanese Universities, Khartoum, 1988


Contributions relevant to children


Preparing report of Sudan to Committee on the Rights of the Child and follow-up report

Paper on Mother and Child Health for the Fourth Conference on Population and Development, Khartoum

Paper for a Training Workshop on Social Mobilization for Children's Needs, El-Obied, Sudan

Paper for a Training Workshop for Coordinators of Children's Committees in the Provinces of the Central State

Paper on the Role of the National Council of Child Welfare in Monitoring the CRC for CRC TRaining Workshop

Editing Situation Analysis on Women and Children in Sudan

Translating many articles on child welfare for the use of the Council and for decision-makers

Articles on issues concerning women and children in Sudanese and foreign newspapers and magazines (e.g. monthly editorial for the women's magazine Azza)



Akila Belembaogo (Burkina Faso)


Date and place of birth:                     14 December 1954, Tunis (Tunisia)




1977:               Law degree - judicial experience

                        Faculty of Law - Algiers (Algeria)


1979:               Diploma in advanced applied-law studies

                        University of Paris XII (France)




French, Arabic, English


Professional experience


October 1985 to June 1986: Lecturer in family-law, Social Workers' School, Ouagadougou


February 1986 to September 1987: Director for Children, Ministry of Family Advancement and National Solidarity, Ouagadougou


October 1987 to March 1988: Secretariat. Ministry of Family Advancement and National Solidarity, Ouagadougou


March 1988 to date: Technical Adviser to the Secretary of State for Social Action, in charge of the sector for children, social reintegration and judicial questions


February 1992 to date: Member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (1993: Vice-Chairman of the Committee)


September 1991: Adviser to the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court


June 1992:      Minister with responsibility for Social Action and the Family


March 1994: Minister for Social Action and the Family


Other experience


1989:               Founding member of the Burkina Faso Association for the Protection of Children (NGO)


Founding member of the Burkina Faso Movement for Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples (NGO)


Missions abroad


1988:               Head of the Burkina Faso delegation to the second General Assembly of the Association of West African Women (AFAO)


1992:               Head of delegation to the International Conference on Assistance to African Children


1993:               Head of delegation to the session of the OAU Working Committee on Social Affairs, Cairo (Egypt)


1994:               Head of delegation to the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, (Egypt), 3-13 September.


Publications and studies




1983:               Study on the situation of minors imprisoned in Ouagadougou Civil Prison


1986:               Co-author of a study on the legal and social status of women in four Sahel countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Senegal, under the direction of Mr. Kader Boye, a lawyer


1990:               Co-author of a case study of Burkina Faso: How can children's rights be better integrated into the work of UNICEF?


1994:               Co-author of an international study on the overriding interest of the child, UNICEF


1994:               Drafting of a manual on the rights of the family, Centre for Human Rights (in progress).




1987:               Legal status of women's associations in Burkina Faso


1989:               Code of individuals and the family,

Bulletin d'épidémiologie et d'informations socio-sanitaires, Ministry of Health and Social Action


Experience of day-care centres in Burkina Faso

Review of the Centre for International Advanced Training in Social Development


Social work and development, University of Aix, Marseille II


Regulations for the benefit of handicapped persons,

Bulletin d'épidémiologie et d'informations socio-sanitaires, Ministry of Health and Social Action


1990:               Developments in legislation on family planning in Burkina Faso, Bulletin d'épidémiologie et d'informations socio-sanitaires, Ministry of Health and Social Action


The Convention on the Rights of the Child, Bulletin d'épidémiologie et d'informations socio-sanitaires, Ministry of Health and Social Action


1991:               Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Bulletin d'épidémiologie et d'informations socio-sanitaires, Ministry of Health and Social Action


1992:               Data sheets on the Convention on the Rights of the Child at national and international level, UNICEF




13 April 1984:                         Lecture and discussion on the law and women in Burkina Faso, for third-year law students, School of Advanced Legal Studies, Ouagadougou


28 October 1984:                    Lecture and discussion on the role of information in development, United Nations Information Centre, Ouagadougou


11 May to                                Series of discussion papers on the Code of Persons and

24 August 1990:                     the Family, for the staff of Kadiogo provincial office of Social Action (Ouagadougou), Department of Social Action


22 January 1991                     Lecture and discussion on the Convention on the Rights

and                                          of the Child for third-year law students, Faculty of Law

21 January 1992:                    and Political Science, University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso


25 November 1991:                Round table on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, international forum of NGOs, UNICEF, Kadoma, Zimbabwe


20 November 1993:                Tragic situation of teenage mothers, Seventh international conference on children and the future of society, Rome, Italy


30 November 1993:                Convention on the Rights of the Child, workshop for African artists and communicators on the child and development, Alliance of African Artists, Intellectuals and Communicators (UNICEF/WCARO), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Marcelo Canton Pombo (Uruguay)


Date of birth:              4 April 1955


Intergovernmental and non-governmental conferences, symposia and other events


            Took part in the twenty-sixth International Law Seminar held at the European headquarters of the United Nations, Geneva, 1990.


            Took part as a special appointee of the Supreme Court of Justice of Uruguay in the Symposium on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law in Uruguay organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay with the participation of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Montevideo, September 1989.


            Represented the Inter-American Children's Institute (specialized agency of the Organization of American States) in the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, February-March 1989.


            Represented the Inter-American Children's Institute in the Working Group which prepared the draft Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was later adopted by the Commission on Human Rights.


            Represented the Inter-American Children's Institute in the meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Non-Governmental Organizations of an International Character held with a view to the formulation and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Geneva.


            A full list of participation in international conferences and symposia may be consulted in the files of the secretariat.


Professional experience


            Adviser in international humanitarian law to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay since 1992.


            Chairman of the National Commission on Humanitarian Law, formed in March 1994, and Chairman of its predecessor which functioned during 1992. The two Commissions had, and have, an interagency character, being made up of representatives of the Ministries of Education, Culture, National Defence, the Interior, Foreign Affairs and Public Health, as well as representatives of the Faculty of Law, the Judiciary and the Uruguayan Red Cross.


            Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Central Committee of the Uruguayan Red Cross since 1992.


            Lecturer in Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of the Republic, Montevideo, since 1991.


            Participated in the work of the Commission on Legal Deontology of the Faculty of Law, University of the Republic, Montevideo, 1992-93.


            Led the debate generated by his own lecture on the family and human rights which was part of a preparatory series for the International Year of the Family, organized by the Association of Professional and Business Women, held at the University Union, June 1993.


            Member of the working group which drew up the human rights syllabus for the Faculty of Law, University of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Montevideo, 1989.


            Spoke on the Convention of the Rights of the Child as part of the workshops organized by the Inter-American Children's Institute and UNICEF, Montevideo, 1989.


            At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, lectured on a number of topics including the status of minors in armed conflicts, in the light of international humanitarian law, School of Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay, 1988.


            Spoke at the workshops on the problem of the family and adolescence organized by the Institute of Family and Juvenile Law and the Inter-American Children's Institute for judges, lawyers and related staff and held at the town hall, Maldonado, 1986.


            Spoke on a number of occasions at meetings and round tables on humanitarian law organized by the Uruguayan Red Cross.


            Taught a class on the sociological aspects of the procedure for providing advice or information on family and juvenile law, as part of the training course for community development workers organized by the Uruguayan Red Cross, Montevideo, July 1985.


            Taught the multidisciplinary course on jurisdiction in juvenile and family cases organized by the Inter-American Children's Institute and the Faculty of Law for judges, lawyers and related staff and held at the Faculty of Law, Montevideo 1984.


            Assistant professor of philosophy, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences.


            Associate professor of fundamental concepts of law.


            A full list of teaching assignments and lecturing activities may be consulted in the files of the secretariat.


Publications, papers and scientific reports


            Article on the background and drafting of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, requested by the administration of the Inter-American Children's Institute (OAS specialized agency), shortly to be published by the Institute.


            Article on the guiding principles and drafting of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, being published by the Diplomatic Review, whose editorial board has already approved its publication.


            "Actio popularis in Inter-State Procedures of a Judicial or Quasi-Judicial Character Applicable to International Human Rights Law", submitted to the Seminar on the international protection of human rights, led by Professor Meron, Geneva, 1989.


            Article on the special protection of children in armed conflicts, submitted to the Seminar led by Professor K. Samson, Geneva, 1988.


            A full list of publications may be consulted in the files of the secretariat.


Education and degrees


            Diploma in international law and comparative human rights law from the Strasbourg International Institute of Human Rights, July 1988 (this is not simply an attendance certificate, but involved passing many tests after attending courses and lectures).


            Academic activities in the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, 1987-1990.


            Became a candidate for a professorship of public international law, Faculty of Law, 1987.


            Appointed Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Montevideo, 1987.


            Studied education science in the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences.


            Obtained a Doctorate in law and social science, Faculty of Law, Montevideo, 1981.


            Sociology studies, Social Science Institute, University of the Republic, 1979-1981.


            Became university administrator, Faculty of Law.


            Bachelor's degree in economics, 1976.


            Bachelor's degree in law, 1973.


            International Baccalaureate Diploma, Geneva, July 1972.


            General Certificate of Education in History and Geography, University of London.





            Alternate member of the Committee on Human Rights Programmes, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences.


            Associate member of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law.


            Consulting lawyer, Central Bank of Uruguay.


            Law practice from 1981 to 1987.


            Member of the Public International Law Institute, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences.


            A full list of memberships may be consulted in the files of the secretariat.



Moussa Couguere (Chad)


Date and place of birth: 30 March 1950, Kelo (Tandjile)


Marital status: Married


Position: Counsellor, first class, in foreign affairs


Languages: French, Russian, English


Education and training


            Higher education


            Preparatory Faculty, State University of Tashkent (Uzbekistan)


            State University of Kiev (Ukraine)




            Certificate in primary studies, June 1971


            Certificate in junior secondary studies (BEPC), June 1977


            Baccalaureat, second level, series A (BAC A4), August 1981


            Russian language teaching certificate


            Diploma in advanced studies in international relations


Professional experience


1981-1983:                      Teacher at the Pala High School


November 1989:             Recruited into Civil Service under order No. 4325/PR/MFP/DFP-R/1331, with the grade of trainee counsellor first class in foreign affairs and assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Civil defence volunteer under order No. 285/MEN/SE/DG/DES/89


1990:                               Head of international disputes section


Dealing with disputes connected with human rights, protection of the interests of Chadians living abroad and those providing services to diplomatic missions and accredited international organizations in Chad, introduction of data sheets for the preparation of international conferences


July/August 1992: Training in the field of human rights, Geneva-Strasbourg


1993:                              Head of international treaties division


Follow up, drafting and ratification of international agreements and treaties concluded in the context of international cooperation


Negotiation and interpretation of texts and international agreements to which Chad is a party


Participation in the work of major inter-ministerial and intergovernmental joint commissions


Participation in the work of the Preparatory Committee for the World Conference on Human Rights, Geneva, 19-30 April


1994:                               Participation in the WIPO Conference on Development Cooperation Related to Copyright and Neighbouring Rights, Geneva, 24-27 May


Rodrigo Crespo Toral (Ecuador)


Degree:                       M.D. Specialty Board Certification: Paediatrics


Present office:           President of the National Council on the Handicapped (CONADIS)


Professional experience


1980-1988               Director-General                           Inter-American Children's Institute (Organization of American States) Montevideo (Uruguay)


1975-1980               Medical Doctor                              Great Oaks Mental Retardation Centre, Maryland (United States of America)


1968-1970               Paediatrician in the                       Lynchburg General and Marshal Lodge

                                Emergency Room and                  Hospital, Lynchburg, Va.

                                Paediatrics Service                       (United States of America)


1968-1970               Medical Doctor                              Lynchburg Training School and Hospital for the Mentally Retarded, Lynchburg, Va. (United States of America)


1957-1960               Paediatrician                                 Social Assistance Maternal and Child Clinic, Guayaquil (Ecuador)


1963-1968               Director of the Male                      Leon Becerra Children's Hospital,

                                Children Ward                               Guayaquil (Ecuador)

                                (school age)


1957-1963               Staff Paediatrician,                       Leon Becerra Children's Hospital,

                                Assistant Director                         Guayaquil (Ecuador)

                                Infants' Service


Education, undergraduate and graduate programmes, and titles


1953                        Doctor of medicine                       University of Guayaquil (Ecuador)


1951-1953               Paediatrics Intern                          Leon Becerra Children's Hospital Guayaquil (Ecuador)


1954-1955               Intern                                              Lebanon Hospital, Bronx, New York (United States of America)


1955-1956               Paediatrics Resident                    Bronx Municipal Hospital Centre, Bronx, New York (United States of America)


1959                        Paediatrics Fellowship                 Des Enfants Malades Hospital and Troussau Hospital, Paris (France)


1967                        Certificate                                      Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) (United States of America)


1969                        Certificate                                      Postgraduate Course on Mental Retardation-Letchworth Village (United States of America)


Academic positions


1986 to date           Adjunct Professor                         Georgetown University Medical School

                                of Paediatrics                                (United States of America)


1977-1980               Founder and Director of               Georgetown University,

                                the Clinic for Spanish-                  Washington D.C.

                                speaking Children                         (United States of America)


1975-1978               Director of the                               Georgetown University,

                                Georgetown University-               Washington D.C.

                                Pan-American Health                    (United States of America)

                                Organization Training



1978-1980               Director of Special                        Child Development Centre

                                Affairs and Medical                       Georgetown University,

                                Coordination                                 Washington D.C.

                                                                                        (United States of America)


1972-1978               Director of the                               University Affiliated Programme for

                                Paediatrics Division                      Child Development, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (United States of America)


1978-1986               Associate Professor of                 Georgetown University Medical

                                Paediatrics                                     School (United States of America)


1970-1978               Assistant Professor of                  Georgetown University Medical

                                Paediatrics                                     School (United States of America)


1970-1972               Director of Paediatrics                  Hospital for Sick Children, Washington, D.C. (United States of America)


1959-1965               Professor of Paediatrics               University of Guayaquil Nursing School, Guayaquil (Ecuador)


1949-1968               Professor                                       Rita Lecumberri College, Guayaquil (Ecuador)


Professional associations:


  -          Fellow of the Ecuadorian Society of Paediatrics. Since 1957.


  -          Fellow of the American Academy of Paediatrics. Since 1960.


  -          Fellow of the Panamerican Medical Association. Since 1960.


  -          Honorary member of the Paediatrics Society of Uruguay. Since 1981.


  -          Secretary-General of the First Ecuadorian Paediatrics Congress.


  -          Co-founder of ASENIR (First Ecuadorian Association for the Care of the Mentally Retarded).


            A full list of memberships and honorary memberships of professional societies is available for consultation in the files of the secretariat.




            Author of a number of books, studies and articles, a list of which may be consulted in the files of the secretariat.


Ali Abdul Fattah (Syrian Arab Republic)


Born in 1943 in Al-Keswa (Damascus)


1963 - Graduated as teacher from the Teachers' Institute in Damascus


Between 1963 and 1968 - Teacher in elementary schools (Syria)


Between 1964 and 1969 - Student at Damascus University where he obtained a B.A. in Social and Philosophy.


1970 - Followed one academic year of high studies in education at Damascus University.


Between 1970 and 1974 - Teacher of sociology and education in secondary schools in Syria.


1974 - Nominated at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in Damascus as Assistant Head of Section at the Child Welfare Department.


1977 - Assistant Director of the Social Welfare Department at the Ministry, Head of the Social Survey Department.


1979 - Participated in several surveys on women and juvenile delinquency.


End of 1979 - Nominated Head of Charitable Societies Department.


Between 1982 and 1986 - Assistant Director of training centre of personnel working in social welfare field.


1986 - Advisor at the Deaf-Mute Children's Institute in Damascus.


1987 - Head of Social Welfare Section, responsible for children in private institutions and societies.


Since 1988 - Director of Social Welfare Department at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the responsible authority to supervise and plan services provided to children, in addition to all private societies and institutes taking care of children. Supervision and guidance of all day-care centres for children of working women, juvenile delinquency, beggars, in addition to other related social matters.


Participated in several training courses, symposia and conferences at local and regional levels.


Victor Manuel Guisa Cruz (Mexico)


Date of birth: 8 February 1946


Marital status: Married




Professional qualifications


1965-1970: School of Advanced Medical Studies, National Polytechnic Institute


Professional diploma issued by the Department of Public Education, National Polytechnic Institute, on 4 June 1976


Positions held


1981-1986: Head of evening shift, Dr. Juan N. Navarro, Children's Psychiatric Hospital


1980: "A" medical specialist at the Federal District Children's Hospital


1983-1988: Head of Psychiatric Service, National Mental Health Institute, Federal District


Professor at the National Polytechnic Institute and at Mexico City Autonomous University


1987-1994: Director of the National Mental Health Institute, National System for Overall Family Development


General Coordinator of the "School for Fathers", Federal District


Representative of Mexico at the Pan-American Congress on Children of the Organization of American States (OAS)


Representative of Mexico at the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting for the International Year of the Family




Mexican Association of Child Psychiatry (AMPI)


Mexican Psychiatric Association (APM)


Mexican Society for Mental Health (SMSM)


Council for Action on the Ill-Treatment of Minors (founder member)


Mexican Society for the Study of Autism


Hispano-Mexican Medical Society

Thomas Hammarberg (Sweden)


Born 1942 in Ornsköldsvik, northern Sweden. Swedish citizen. Graduated from Stockholm School of Economics. Worked as teacher, journalist, Secretary-General of Amnesty International, Secretary-General of Swedish Save the Children (Rädda Barnen), Adviser to SIDA, Member of Committee on the Rights of the Child




1994- :                                   Coordinator, Swedish multilateral project for Palestinian children, Middle East Multilateral Peace Process, Refugee Working Group


1992- :                                   Special Adviser, Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)


1986-1992:                               Secretary-General of Rädda Barnen


1980-1986:                               Secretary-General of Amnesty International


1979-1980:                               Columnist on foreign affairs, weekly Vi. Teacher


1976-1979:                               Foreign correspondent, Swedish Broadcasting


1973-1976:                               Foreign editor, daily Expressen




Sida Board for Humanitarian Aid, 1977-1980, 1986-


Swedish UNESCO National Committee, 1977-1980


Swedish UNICEF Committee, 1986-1990


Swedish Commission on International Humanitarian Law, 1988-


Index on Censorship, Advisory Council; 1992-


UNICEF Innocenti Centre, Children's Rights Advisory Council; 1992-


UN Study on the Impact on Children of Armed Conflict, Technical Advisory Group; 1994-


UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, member; 1991-


UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, vice-chair; 1993-





Swedish delegate at UNESCO General Conferences 1978 and 1979


Amnesty International delegate to UNESCO, United Nations Human Rights Commission and United Nations General Assembly 1980-1986


Expert delegate at United Nations Conference on Juvenile Delinquency, Beijing, 1988


Observer for Rädda Barnen in the United Nations Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1987-1989


UNICEF Executive Board, 1991, Swedish representative


UN Conference on Juvenile Delinquency, Beijing, 1988, Expert Delegate


UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Region Consultation on the Rights of the Child, Beijing, 1992, Expert delegate


World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 1993, representative of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child


Missions to various countries - including Cuba, Viet Nam, Iraq, Soviet Union, Ethiopia, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Chile, Argentina and Brazil - for fact-finding and discussions with governmental authorities on human rights and/or the rights of the child; 1977-1994


Books, articles:


Publications in Swedish on refugee policy, human rights and foreign reporting. Paper for UNESCO on media, 1978. The Convention on the Rights of the Child - an analysis, 1990.


Several newspaper and magazine articles in Sweden, as well as in English-speaking press, including the International Herald Tribune, on issues relating to human rights and the rights of the child.


Conference papers and publications in English on the rights of the child, 1979-





Los Angeles Foreign Affairs Council Lecture, 1983


Arab Lawyers Union Congress, Sousse, 1984


Human Rights Lecture, New Delhi, 1986


Benigno Aquino Human Rights Lecture, Yale University, 1989


Comenius lecture, Prague; 1992


Conference on the Rights of the Child in Armed Conflict, International Dialogues Foundation, Amsterdam; 1994


International Human Rights Colloquium, Gaza Centre for Rights and Law, Gaza City; 1994



Judith Karp (Israel)


Date of birth:                           28 October 1937


Birthplace:                               Jerusalem, Israel


Personal status:                     Married; two children


Present position:

(since 1978)                             Deputy Attorney General, Ministry of Justice, Jerusalem with special responsibilities for: legislation, policy coordination and as a government liaison in the fields of criminal law (including a new criminal code) and the criminal justice system, law enforcement, constitutional and civil rights (including Israel's Constitution and Bill of Rights), and issues concerning victims of crime.


Specific areas of responsibility involving children and youth include: legislation and policy coordination within government ministries (police, district attorneys and prisons and welfare services) concerning juvenile delinquency and the welfare and rights of minors and the helpless.


Chairperson and member of various committees on various subject matters including: law enforcement, criminal law and procedure, police, modes of punishment, victims of crime, crimes within the family, social intervention within the framework of law enforcement and the status of women and children.


August 1990                            Head of Israel's Delegation to the 8th United Nations Conference on Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, held in Havana, Cuba.


Previous positions:


1972-1978                                Director, Department of Public Legislation, Ministry of Justice


1963-1972                                Senior Counsel to the Attorney-General, Ministry of Justice


1961-1963                                Teaching Assistant, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Law (Constitutional Law)


Professional training:


1957-1961                                Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, LL.M. (summa cum laude)


1961-1969                                Clerkship with Deputy Chief Justice Agranat of the Supreme Court of Israel


1964                                         British Council Fellowship for Foreign Professionals


1979                                         International Cultural Agency Grant - USA


1981                                         Salzburg Seminar on American Law


1985                                         Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship - USA (three months)


1987                                         National Council of Jewish Women - Scholar-in-Residence (Australia-New Zealand)


Memberships:                         Israel Bar Association


                                                 President, Israel Association of University Women


Executive Board, World Society for the Reform of Criminal Law


Executive Board, Association for the Protection of Children


Board, Israel Council for the Rule of Law


Board, Association for Public Law


Board, Council of the Drug Control Authority


Chairperson, Sub-Committee on Drug Law Enforcement


Israel Victim Assistance Services Association


Israeli Association of Criminology






1.       Draft proposal for a programme to introduce legal literacy to schoolchildren (in association with the Van Leer Institute) (1991).


2.       "Early Release of Prisoners", (1991) (p. 132).



3.       "An Overview of Recent Crime Prevention Legislation in Israel" - from a report prepared on the occasion of the eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, Cuba, August 1990.


4.       "Policy for Investigation and Prosecution in the Field of Marital Violence", (1989), (p. 80). 


5.       "Overcrowded Prisons", (1987), (p. 18).


6.       "Police Investigations - Complaints of Arabs against Israelis in Judea and Samaria", (1982) (p. 30).




1.       "Israeli Statement of Reasons Law", American Journal of Comparative Law, 12, 1963.


2.       "Judicial Control over Administrative Actions", Report to the 7th International Congress of Comparative Law (Jerusalem, 1966).


3.       "Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty - A Biography of Power Struggle" (Hebrew).


4.       "Questions on Human Dignity within the Framework of the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty" (Hebrew).


5.       "The Constitutionalization of Criminal Law within the Framework of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty" (Hebrew).


6.       Many other articles published in Hebrew.



Yuri M. Kolosov (Russian Federation)


          Born 7 September 1934 in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) Region, Russia (USSR).


1959                                         Graduate of Moscow State Institute of International Relations


1959-1963                                Legal Adviser to the Department for Foreign Relations, USSR Ministry of Civil Aviation


1963-1966                                Post-graduate course at Moscow State Institute of International Relations


1966                                         L.L.D. degree


1966-1970                                Diplomatic service, USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs


1970-1973                                Senior Researcher, State and Law Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences


1973-1986                                Counsellor, Legal and Treaty Department, USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs


1976                                         Ph.D degree


1982                                         Professor of International Law


1983                                         Diplomatic Rank - 1st Class Counsellor


1986-1987                                Deputy Chief, Department of Humanitarian and Cultural Relations, USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs


1987-to date                            Holder of the Chair of International Law, Moscow State Institute of International Relations


Social activities at present:


International Academy of Astronautics, member.


Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague (member since 30 April 1990).


International Institute of Space Law, member.


Vice-President, Moscow Association of International Law (since January 1992).


Committee on the Rights of the Child.


Editor-in-Chief of the Moscow Journal of International Law (since 1991).


UNESCO Chair of Human Rights and Democracy, Director (since 1994).


Board of Governors of the Children's Fund of Russia, member.


Principal Publications:


"International Responsibility", Moscow, 1975 (in Russian, also published in Slavonic in Bratislava).


"Working towards Peaceful Outer Space", Moscow, 1968 (in Russian).


"International Space Law", New York, 1984 (co-author with Gennady Zhoukov).


"Mass Media and International Law", Moscow, 1974 (in Russian, also published in German in Leipzig).


"Working towards Peaceful Outer Space", Moscow, 1984 (in Russian, co-author with Sergei Stashevsky).


"International Law" (text book), Moscow, 1994 (author of several chapters and editor-in-chief in partnership with Valery Kouznetsov).


"The USSR and International Co-operation in the Sphere of Human Rights" (Documents and materials with commentary, co-editor), Moscow, 1989 (in Russian).


"International Co-operation in the Sphere of Human Rights" (Documents and materials with commentary, co-editor), Moscow, 1993 (in Russian).


"International Law in the Contemporary World", Moscow, 1991 (co-author and editor).

Blanca Lizzeth Rivera de Paz (Honduras)


Date of birth:                           3 July 1949


Personal status:                     Married


Languages:                             Spanish, English, French


Education:                               Institution Chateau


                                                 Lausanne, Switzerland


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras


                                                 Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras


                                                 Université des Sciences Sociales

                                                 Toulouse, France


                                                 Université de Paris I


                                                 Paris, France


Degrees achieved:                  Ph. in Public Law, Toulouse, France


                                                 Master in Fundamental Public Law, Toulouse, France


B.S. in Social and Juridical Sciences, Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras


B.S. in French

                                                 Lausanne, Switzerland


                                                 Special Courses on Human Rights

                                                 and Public Liberties and International Law

                                                 and Political Theory


English Learning

                                                 Verona, New Jersey


Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras

                                                 Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras



Professional experience:


1968-1970                                Secretary and Treasurer of the

                                                 "French Alliance"

                                                 Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras


1971-1975                                English Professor

                                                 Instituto "Sagrado Corazón"

                                                 Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras


                                                 Office Clerk

                                                 First Civil Court

                                                 Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras


1976                                         Legal Investigator on the National

                                                 Cadastral Office

                                                 Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras


1978-1980                                Supervisor of Practical Works on Administrative Law

                                                 University of Social Sciences of Toulouse.


1981-1994                                Titular Professor on Public Law

                                                 School of Law, University of Honduras


July 1981                                 Instructress on the Basic Course

                                                 of Administrative Law

                                                 San Pedro Sula, Honduras


November 1981-1994              Founder Member of the "Paz Aguilar Law Office"

                                                 Specialized in Family, International and

                                                 Administrative Law.

                                                 Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras


September 1982-                     Legal Adviser in the Public Credit Department

August 1986                            Ministry of Treasury

                                                 Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras


Active participation over government loans,

with international financial organisms (DIB, BCIE, KFW, OECF, EEC, among others)


August 1986-                           Sub-Secretary of Treasury

September 1989                      Ministry of Finance

                                                 Tegucigalpa M.D.C., Honduras


October 1989-                         Executive President of the National

January 1990                           Corporation of Investments (CONADI)



Professional memberships:


Honduras Lawyers Association


Legal and Social Studies Association of Honduras (AHJES)


"French Alliance" of Tegucigalpa


Supporting Group to the "National Board of Social Welfare"


Association of Diplomatic Ladies of Honduras (Honorary President)


Research work and publications:


"The Theory of the Separation and Powers according to Honduran Legislation". Thesis for B.S. in Law


"Public Liberties in Honduras". Thesis for Ph.D. in Public Law


"Moral Injury and the Responsibility of Public Power". Essay


"The Legal Situation of the Honduran Woman". Essay


"The Role of Women in the Development Process". Essay


"Administrative Law Principles". Essay


"The Idea of Taxes". Essay


"The Practice of Treasury Power". Essay


"The Law of Public Credit".


Counselling activities:


1993             Legal Adviser to the Housing Social Fund (FOSOVI)


1994             Legal Adviser to the Presidency of the Republic for the Programme of Reformation of the Public Administration


1994             Legal Adviser to the Review of the Honduran Family Code (Law)


1994             Geoconsultant. Legal and Financial Adviser to the Programme of Development of the Nacaome Valley Hydro Resources



Mainassara Maidagi (Niger)


Born circa 1949


Married, five children


Profession: Magistrate




October 1974: Certificate in Law


June 1976: University General Studies Diploma (DEUG)


            June 1977: Bachelor of Law


June 1978: Master's Degree in Law (Judicial careers)


June 1980: Diploma of the National School for the Judiciary, Paris,



Positions held


July 1980: President of the Zindar Court


September 1981: President of the Tahoua Court


October 1984: President of the Maradi Court


October 1986: President of the Niamey Court


October 1988: Adviser to the Niamey Court of Appeal


March 1990: Legal Adviser to the Prime Minister


August 1990 to date: President of the Niamey Court of Appeal


17 January 1992 to 31 March 1993: In addition to being President of the Niamey Court of Appeal, Chairman of the Commission for the Drafting of Fundamental Texts (set up following the Sovereign National Conference)


25 August 1992 to 31 March 1993: In addition to being President of the Commission for the Drafting of Fundamental Texts, Permanent Secretary of the National Commission for the Monitoring and Supervision of the Constitutional Referendum and Elections (COSUPEL)


Official (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of the Niger Association for the Protection of Human Rights (ANDDH), in which capacity, attended the Constituent Congress of the Inter-African Union of Human Rights, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 2 to 4 July 1992




Seminar-workshops and meetings (not exhaustive)


29 September to 10 October 1986: Seminar-workshop on the drafting and presentation of national reports provided for under the various human rights conventions, Dakar


12 to 16 October 1987: Regional seminar on intellectual property for magistrates of States members of WIPO, Niamey


21 to 26 March 1988: Seminar on cooperation in anti-drug legislation, Paris and Bordeaux


27 November to 2 December 1988: Seminar on subregional cooperation in anti-drug legislation, Lomé


24 April to 2 May 1989: Training course on Developing National Strategies and Mechanisms for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Africa, Banjul


13 to 22 November 1991: Seminar on intellectual property for magistrates of French-speaking African countries, Geneva and Paris


23 November to 4 December 1992: International development seminar on support programme for democracy, Quebec (Canada)


2 April 1991 to 1 April 1997: Designated by the Government of the Republic of Niger for inclusion in the list of arbitrators kept by the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes



Sandra Prunella Mason (Barbados)


Date of birth:                17 January 1949


Marital status:              Single


Dependants:                 Son, Matthew Raymond Goodin, aged three


Education and qualifications


University:                    1970 to 1973, University of the West Indies,

Cave Hill Campus, Barbados:

- LL.B (Honours)


Professional:                1973 to 1975, Hugh Wooding Law School, Trinidad:

- Certificate of Legal Education


Employment history


January 1993-Present:                                   Ambassador to Venezuela and Colombia (resident in Caracas),

Ambassador-Designate to Brazil

and Chile


March 1991-December 1992:                         Magistrate, District "C" Court,

District "A" - Family Court


October 1988 to February 1991:                    Chief Magistrate


October 1978 to December 1992:                  Magistrate, Juvenile Court


October 1977 to May 1983:                            Tutor, Family Law, University of the West Indies, Barbados


February 1977 to September 1978:               Attorney at Law, Private Practice and Legal Counsel, Barbados Development Bank


October 1976 to January 1977:                     Barclays Bank Finance Corporation of Barbados Ltd.


April 1976 to September 1976:                      Trust Administrator, Barclays Bank of Jamaica Ltd.


October 1975 to March 1976:                        Trust Administrator, Barclays Bank Trustee Division, Barbados


April 1969 to September 1970:                      Clerk, Barclays Bank, DCO


September 1968 to March 1969:                   Teacher, Princess Margaret Secondary School






Other activities


Vice-Chairperson, United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.


Member, West Indian Commission - 1991-1992.


Chairman, National Committee for International Year of the Family (1994) - 1991 - 1992.


Member, Child-Care Board and Chairman, Child Month Planning Committee.


Chairman, St. George Secondary School.


Chairman, Visiting Committee, Her Majesty's Prisons.


Chairman, Advisory Board, School of Continuing Studies, University of the West Indies, formerly Extra-Mural Department.


Member, Advisory Board, Barbados Youth Council.


Past President and Director of Board of Barbados.


Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA).


Member, Executive Council, Barbados Boys Scouts Association.


Member, Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association.


Member, Barbados Cricket Association.


Member, Government Committee on Penal Reform, 1980.


Member, Government Committee to investigate conditions at Government Industrial Schools (Reform Schools) 1980.


Member, National Legislation Review Committee established to examine all domestic legislation with a view to making necessary modifications or improvement required by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Group Leader, UNICEF/Barbados Child-Care Board Symposium on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.




May 1975                           Development of the Trade Union in Barbados - Thesis for LL.B Degree


October 1980                    Juveniles in the Barbados Society published in Commonwealth Caribbean

Legal Essays - University of the West Indies Law Faculty Decennial (1970-1980) Lectures


April 1989                          Due Process, Human Rights and the Administration of Juvenile Justice - A Comparative Study of the Juvenile Systems in the Region, prepared for UNICEF and presented at Caribbean Conference on Juvenile Justice, Barbados


May to June 1990             (1)        Measure to Prevent Crime and Delinquency


                                           (2)        Perspectives on Due Process, papers presented at Seminar for Caribbean Probation Officers,




Martina Mathurin (Saint Lucia)


Personal data


Date of birth:                22 December 1945


Marital status:              Married, two children




1991           Certificate in Public                                                University of the West Indies

                   Administration                                                        School of Continuing Education, Saint Lucia


1986           Degree in Social Work                                            UWI Jamaica


1972           Certificate in Social Work                                      UWI Jamaica


1969           Nursery Nursing Certificate                                   Child Welfare Training Centre, Saint Vincent


1967           High School Diploma                                              High School, Canada


Work situation


Present position:              Coordinator, National Child Day-Care Programme, 1979 to date


Major tasks


Supervision:                     Coordinator of day-to-day operations, staff training and deployment of Child Day-Care Personnel


Management:                    Accountability for budget preparation and overseeing expenditure, to include programme expansion and maintenance


Technical/                         Organizing national parenting sessions in eight (8)

Professional:                    regions, for the observation of the International Year of the Family, for 39 Government and Non-government Child Day-Care Centres. Topics in focus were the Rights of the Child and Protection of Children for abuse. Collaboration at the inter- and intra-ministerial levels was solicited in the implementation of programmes


Policy:                               Involvement in the preparation of a Child Day-Care Policy which is now used as a white paper


Membership in professional organizations


Past Chairperson of the International Year of the Child Committee, 1979


Member of the Committee for the National Plan of Action for the Protection of Women and Children, 1990

Vitit Muntarbhorn (Thailand)


Personal data:                Born 22 November 1952


Qualifications:                M.A. (Oxon) 1974

B.C.L. (Oxon) 1975

Licencié Spécial en Droit Européen (University of Brussels) 1978

of Middle Temple, Barrister 1977


Positions:                       Former Lecturer in Law, Reading University, England

Former Special Lecturer in Law, Thammasat University, Thailand

Former Special Lecturer in Law, Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

                                         Professor, Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University


Other experience:          Member of the Working Group on Current Problems in the International Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons in Asia under UNHCR Auspices 1981.


Rapporteur General, Workshop of the International Handicrafts Conference CONEX 1981.


Co-Rapporteur, UNU-UNHCR-UNESCO Symposium on the Promotion, Dissemination and Teaching of Fundamental Human Rights of Refugees 1981.


Secretary, Programme Planning Committee, International Council on Social Welfare Conference for the Asia and Western Pacific Region 1983. Also Rapporteur-General and Editor of the Proceeding of the Conference.


Coordinator, UNHCR-Chulalongkorn University Joint Seminar on "The Legal Aspects of Asylum-Seekers in Thailand", Bangkok, 1983.


Rapporteur-General, UNESCO Regional Consultation on the Teaching and Research in International Law in the Asia and Pacific Region, 1984.


Co-organizer, Conference on "Stop Traffic in Women (Forced Prostitution)", Bangkok, 1984.


Coordinator, Chulalongkorn University - Ford Foundation - Asia Foundation Conference on "Legal Dissemination in Rural Thailand", Bangkok, 1984.


Coordinator, Chulalongkorn University and Thammasat University Legal Dissemination Project in Chachoengsao province, Thailand, 1984-85.


Coordinator for 10 workshops concerning legal dissemination in Thailand, 1984-85.


Coordinator, Seminar on "300 Years of Franco-Thai Relations", organized by the French Embassy, Bangkok, 1985.


Coordinator, Conference on "Investment Law in Thailand: National and International Dimensions", Bangkok, 1985.


Coordinator, Workshop on "Current Perceptions of Asylum in Thailand: The Problem of Refugees and Displaced Persons", Bangkok, 1985.


Rapporteur-General, Conference on Implementation of United Nations Convention and OAU Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, University of Oxford, 1986.


United Nations University Fellow at the Refugee Studies Programme, University of Oxford, 1985-86.


Consultant, Social Development Division, United Nations (ESCAP) 1985.


Editor, International Law - News and Information, UNESCO (1985-1993).


Adviser to the Thai Delegation, 26th session of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee, Bangkok, 1987.


Co-Rapporteur-General, UNESCO International Congress on Human Rights Teaching, Documentation and Information, Valletta, Malta, 1987.


Coordinator, Chulalongkorn University - Ford Foundation Project on "Rights and Duties in Contemporary Thailand", 1987-88.


Co-organizer, Seminar on Women's Studies, Bangkok, 1987.


Coordinator, Seminar on Human Rights, Consumer Protection and Thai Youth, Bangkok, 1987.


Coordinator, Conference on "Thailand's Frontiers and Beyond: Conflict or Confluence?", organized by the International Studies Centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Law Association of Thailand, Bangkok, 1987.


Lecturer, Training Programme on Human Rights Teaching for the Asia-Pacific Region, organized by the United Nations Centre for Human Rights (Geneva) in Bangkok, 1987.


Co-Rapporteur-General, 2nd Asian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Bangkok, 1988.


Rapporteur-General, 11th World Conference on Therapeutic Communities, Bangkok, 1988.


Member of the International Human Rights Law Group delegation to observe the presidential election in the Republic of Korea, December 1987.


Lecturer, Annual Summer Course on Human Rights organized by the Canadian Human Rights Foundation, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 1988-1991.


Lecturer, International Training Course on "Human Rights Information Handling in Developing Countries" organized by HIRUDOCS, Manila, 1988.


Coordinator, Seminar on Rights and Duties in Contemporary Thailand, Bangkok, 1988.


Coordinator, Seminar on Law and Technology Transfer, Bangkok, 1988.


Rapporteur-General, National Seminar on the Rights of the Child, Bangkok, 1988.


Asian rapporteur, Red Cross Seminar on Information and Dissemination of International Humanitarian Law as a Contribution to Peace, Leningrad, 1988.


Consultant, United Nations Seminar on the Effects of Racism and Racial Discrimination on the Social and Economic Relations between Indigenous Peoples and States, Geneva, 1989.


Consultant, UNESCO Seminar on "Asia's Future", Bangkok, 1989.


Coordinator, Regional Conference on Legal Literacy in Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, 1989.


United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children, 1990-1994.


Chairperson, National Subcommittee on the Rights of the Child.


Executive Director, Child Rights ASIANET.


Contributing editor, the Nation newspaper and occasional columnist of the Bangkok Post.



Lecturer, Salzburg Seminar, Salzburg, 1994.


Lecturer, International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, 1993.


Member, Executive Council, Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women, Thailand.


Member, International Law Association (London Branch).


Founder and Secretary-General (1984-1993), International Law Association of Thailand.


Editor, Thailand Yearbook of International and Comparative Law.



Natalia Petrova (Ukraine)


Born:                               9 October 1955


Marital status:                Married, two children


Languages:                    Ukrainian (native), Russian, English


Education:                      1981:                                          Kyiv State University, Kyiv, Ukraine

                                         Department of Law,                                          Bachelor of Jurisprudence


Work experience:           1989 to present: Defence Lawyer (Attorney at Law) Member of the Kyiv City Bar, Kyiv, Ukraine


1981 to 1989: Chair of the Legal Department of the Kyiv City Social Security Service Kyiv Ukraine. I was responsible for supervising the proper implementation of legislation in Kyiv


Extracurricular:              1993 to present: Chair of the All-Ukrainian Committee for Children's Rights (NGO)


July 1993: Attended a three-week training programme sponsored by the Canadian Foundation for Human Rights in Sherbrooke, Quebec


September-November 1994: Attended a three-month training programme "Human Rights Law and Practice" at Birmingham University (England) held by Institute of European Law sponsored by the Council of Europe


Jesmond Schembri (Malta)


Age:                                 28 years


Marital status:                Married


Education:                      1992-1993: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - Social Studies (University of Malta). Included supervised Residential Social Work Practical Placement overseas at "Othona Children's Home", Nugent Care Society of the Catholic Diocese of Liverpool, United Kingdom


1989-1992: Bachelor of Arts (General) - Social Studies and Psychology (University of Malta). Included: psychology practicum with the Department of Psychiatry of the Health Division within the Ministry of Home Affairs and Social Development; work phase with the "Resource and Development Services" within the Department for Family and Social Welfare of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Social Development. Roles included: developing a service for young persons with learning difficulties, involved in an initial committee to draft on Children's Act, collating of a dossier on child-care related issues


1989-1992: Diploma in Applied Social Studies - Social Work (University of Malta)


Work experience:           September 1994: Employed as Family Protection Officer with the Social Welfare Development Programme within the Child Protective Services Unit


October 1994: Part-time assistant lecturer with the Institute for Social Welfare of the University of Malta


October 1994: Occasional lecturing with the Department of Sociology of the University of Malta


July 1993-August 1994: Employed as Registered Social Worker I with the Department of Social and Family Welfare


Voluntary work               March 1994: Member on the Advisory Commission for the experience:                     Children's Homes of the Archdiocese of Malta


September 1993: Secretary of the Maltese Association of Social Workers


1991-1993: Treasurer of the Forum of Maltese Catholic Lay Movements


1992: Treasurer of a Missionary Movement. Organized and participated in missionary work camps in Malta



1991-1992: Editor of Ricerka (Research), a university periodical issued by the University Students Catholic Movement


1990-1991: Committee member, University Students Catholic Movement, a branch of the International Catholic Students Association


August 1989: Doing maintenance work in leper camps in Egypt


June-July 1988: Group work with children and family visits in the town of Zejtun


Félicité Christine J.A. Talon (Benin)


Date and place

of birth:                                      10 July 1952, Cotonou (Republic of Benin)


Marital status:                           Married, five children


Military training:                        Patriotic, ideological and military units 1978-1979, class 79, No. Mle 1205


Education:                                 1978: University diploma in general legal studies (DEUJG)

Master of legal sciences, 1981 academic year


Professional training:               Judicial training course 1981 to 1982

Training course at the National School for the Judiciary (ENM), Paris, International Section, 1990-1991


Admission to the                      Date: 20 April 1983, by Decree No. 83-155, valid as

judiciary:                                   of 29 October 1982


Professional                              Juvenile judge in the Courts of First Instance of

experience:                               Cotonou and Ouidah simultaneously from 1984 to April 1988.


Juvenile judge in the Cotonou court only until August 1990.


Judge responsible for approving family counsellor reports, 1984.


Judge responsible for attachment of wages and salaries, 1986 to August 1990.


Magistrate representing the Minister of Justice on the National Board of Film Censors, 1984 to 1990.


Substitute for the Attorney General, August 1990.


Currently adviser to the Court of Appeal, since March 1992 (2nd Civil, Commercial and Social Division).


United Nations Expert on questions concerning the rights of the child (Centre for Human Rights, Geneva) since June 1993.



Other experience:                     Temporary lecturer at the National School of Administration (ENA) in 1989-1990. Course taught: Abandoned children.


Temporary lecturer at the Human Rights Institute, Cotonou, Benin, since October 1993. Course taught: Court protection for children in the Republic of Benin.


Seminars attended:                  November 1987 Cotonou, National seminar on the protection of abandoned children for harmonious social development in the Republic of Benin.


November 1988: International symposium on the Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child, Dakar.


Symposium of artists, intellectuals and communicators in preparation for the World Summit for Children, attended by Heads of State and Government, 29 and 30 September.


Late October-early November 1991: International forum of NGOs in Harare, Zimbabwe, for the updating in Africa of the commitments made by Heads of State and Government at the World Summit on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children.


4-6 February 1992: Preparation of the national seminar on publicizing the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


October 1992: Seminar organized by the National Union of Nursery and Primary School Teachers (SYNEMB).


November 1992: Seminar on the Radio and Television Authority.


March 1993: Preparation and organization of the national seminar on publicizing the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


April 1993: Workshops on the creation of legal and social advice centres.


May 1993: Seventeenth session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law on the drafting of the Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.



November 1993: Attendance from 30 November to 3 December 1993, as an expert, at the Seminar on Human Rights and the Administration of Justice organized by the United Nations Centre for Human Rights for judges, lawyers and prosecutors in Romania.


17-21 October 1994: Meeting of the Special Commission of the Hague Conference.


24-28 October: Attendance, as an expert, at the seminar on the rights of the child organized by the Romanian authorities.


Omar Mohamed Zentani (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)


Personal information


Date of birth:                             19 March 1949


Marital status:                           Married, four children


Languages:                               Arabic, English, French




1969-1972                                  University of Libya "Benghazi"

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Philosophy and Sociology


1979-1980                                  ELS Language Service Denver, Colorado, USA

Proficiency in English Language


1980-1982                                  University of Missouri, Colombia (UMC), USA Master of Science in Community Development (Social Sciences) with emphasis area in Youth Agency Administration


1983                                           University of Missouri, Colombia (UMC), USA

Educational Specialist Degree


1986                                           University of Missouri, Colombia (UMC), USA

PhD in Higher and Adult Education (Youth Care)


Professional experience


1972-1977                                  Youth Specialist, Ministry (Secretariat) of Youth and Social Affairs, Tripoli


1978-1979                                  Head of Department of External Relations, Secretariat of Youth and Sports, Tripoli


1979-1986                                  Higher Education (M.S.Ed Specialist, PhD), USA


1986-1988                                  Assistant Professor at:


- the Higher Institute of Social Work

- Faculty of Physical Education


1988-1989                                  Director General, General Administration of Social Research and Studies, Tripoli


1989-1991                                  Director General, General Administration of Social Welfare, Tripoli


1991-1994                                  Professor at the Faculty of Human Science University of Alfateh, Tripoli

Deputy Coordinator of the High Committee for Children, Tripoli


Other activities                          Member of the Administrative Committee of the Libyan Family Organization (NGO)


Member of the Governing Board of the African Centre for Applied Research and Training in Social Development (1988-1991)


Member of the General Council of the International Union of Family Organization (NGO), (IUFO) Paris (since 1989)


Member of the Legal and Administrative Committee of the IUFO, Paris, since 1990


Vice President of the Maghrebian Union Associations for the Welfare of Children (Morocco) since 1990 (NGO)


Member of the Administrative Board of the Arab Family Organization (NGO)


Assistant General Secretary (Tunisia) since 1990


Member of the National Preparatory for the International Year of the Family, since 1991


President of the General Council of "Hanaa Orphans Organization" since 1992 (NGO)


Member of the Administrative Board for the General Committee of Social Affairs 1993 (NGO)


Member of the Executive Committee of the INFO, Paris 1993


Participant in the First Ordinary Session for the Economic and Social Council, Social Commission, New York 1989


Participant in the 25th International Conference on Social Welfare: "the Human Dimension of Local Development Accepting the Challenge", Morocco 1990


Participant in the World Conference on "Global Family and Family Rights", Moscow 1990


Participant in the World Conference on "the Social Rights of Families", Cyprus 1991


Participant in the "Arab High Level Meeting on the Future of the Arab Child", Tunisia 1990


Participant in the Arab Conference on the Arab Organization of the Family, "the Preparation for the International Year of the Family", Tunisia 1993
