International Convention on

the Elimination

of all Forms of

Racial Discrimination








23 October 2001






Nineteenth Meeting

New York, 17 January 2002






Note by the Secretary-General

1.         In pursuance of article 8, paragraph 4, of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Nineteenth Meeting of States Parties to the Convention will be convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters on 17 January 2002 to elect nine members of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 19 January 2002 (see annex I).  The names of the other nine members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 19 January 2004 appear in annex II.

2.         In accordance with article 8, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 6 July 2001, invited the States parties to submit their nominations for the election of nine members of the Committee within two months.  Listed below in alphabetical order are the nominees, with the States parties which have proposed them indicated in parenthesis:

1.      Mr. Mahmoud Aboul-Nasr                         (Egypt)

2.      Mr. Nourredine Amir                                      (Algeria)

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3.      Mr. Mohamed CHEDDADI                              (Morocco)

4.      Mrs. Agnieszka DABROWIECKA                    (Poland)

5.      Mr. Régis de GOUTTES                                    (France)

6.      Mr. Kurt HERNDL                                            (Austria)

7.      Mr. Morten KJAERUM                                     (Denmark)

8.      Mr. Miran KOMAC                                          (Slovenia)

9.      Mr. José Augusto LINDGREN ALVES             (Brazil)

10.    Mr. Robbie SABEL                                           (Israel)

11.    Mr. Agha SHAHI                                               (Pakistan)

12.    Mr. Michael E. SHERIFIS                                 (Cyprus)

13.    Mr. Linos Alexander SICILIANOS                    (Greece)

14.    Mr. Patrick THORNBERRY                              (United Kingdom of Great Britain

                                                                                   and Northern Ireland)

3.         Biographical data of the nominees, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in annex III.


List of the nine members of the Committee whose

terms of office expire on 19 January 2002

1.         Mr. Mahmoud ABOUL-NASR                                  (Egypt)

2.         Ms. Gabriele BRITZ                                                   (Germany)

3.         Mr. Régis de GOUTTES                                            (France)

4.         Mr. Carlos LECHUGA HEVIA                                  (Cuba)

5.         Mrs. Gay McDOUGALL                                           (United States of America)

6.         Mr. Peter NOBEL*                                                    (Sweden)

7.         Mr. Agha SHAHI                                                       (Pakistan)

8.         Mr. Michael E. SHERIFIS                                          (Cyprus)

9.         Mr. Patrick THORNBERRY                                      (United Kingdom of Great Britain

                                                                                              and Northern Ireland)


List of the nine members of the Committee whose

terms of office expire on 19 January 2004

1.         Mr. Marc BOSSUYT                                                 (Belgium)

2.         Mr. Ion DIACONU                                                    (Romania)

3.         Mr. François Lonsény FALL                                       (Guinea)

4.         Ms. Patricia Nozipho JANUARY-BARDILL              (South Africa)

5.         Mr. Raghavan Vasudevan PILLAI                              (India)

6.         Mr. Yuri A. RESHETOV                                            (Russian Federation)

7.         Mr. Luis VALENCIA RODRIGUEZ                          (Ecuador)

8.         Mr. TANG Chengyuan                                               (China)

9.         Mr. Mario Jorge YUTZIS                                           (Argentina)


Biographical data of the nominees

MahmoudABOUL-NASR (Egypt)

Date and place of birth:

23 June 1931, Cairo


Working languages:

Arabic, English, French


Current position/function:

Former ambassador


Member of the Council on Foreign Relations


Adviser, External Relations Committee of the National Council on the Status of Women


Main professional activities:

Member of the Egyptian diplomatic missions in France, Italy, Albania and Spain and of the Permanent Missions to the United Nations in New York and Geneva from 1964 to 1985, where he was involved in human rights work


Former Chairman of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


Former assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs


Educational background:

Licence en droit, 1952, Cairo


Institute of Graduate International Studies, Faculty of Law, Paris, 1954


Other main activities in the field

relevant to the mandate of the

treaty body concerned:


Took part in the drafting of several human rights instruments at the United Nations and the Arab League


Took part in the work of the Commission on Human Rights, the Sub-Commission and several specialized agencies


Noureddine AMIR*(Algeria)

Date of birth:

5 December 1940


Spoken and written languages:

Fluent Arabic, English, French and Spanish



Minister plenipotentiary


Educational background:

Preparatory course:  general literature certificate (University of Algiers)


Hispano-American civilization certificate (University of Algiers, 1970)


Licence in rural and urban sociology (University of Algiers, 1980)


Advanced studies diploma (DEA) in political science, international relations, Paris I, Sorbonne


Advanced studies diploma (DEA) in political science, defence policy, Paris I, Sorbonne


Doctorate in political science, prepared under the guidance of Mrs. Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, Kremlinologist and member of the Académie française


Posts held:


1963-1974 - Officer in charge of press and information, Algerian Embassy, Washington D.C.


1964-1966 - Attaché, Algerian Embassy, Pakistan


1966-1970 - Southern Asia officer, Asia-Americas Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1971-1975 - Cultural affairs officer, Algerian Embassy, Switzerland


1976-1980 - International economic and financial institutions officer


1980-1981 - Algerian affairs officer, EEC


1983-1986 - Officer in charge of the Strategic and Disarmament Affairs Office


1986-1990 - Consul General of Algeria, Strasbourg


1992-1993 - Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, studies and summaries officer


1994-1998 - Minister Counsellor, Algerian Embassy, Rabat


University posts:

1984-1986 - Professor of political science,

University of Algiers


Professor of diplomatic law and diplomatic drafting, National School of Administration (ENA), Algiers



La dernière des relations internationales:  les

conflits dans le monde, (The last international relations:  world conflicts), published by the National School of Administration (ENA), Algiers, 2000


Les Accords de Schengen (The Schengen Agreements) (awaiting publication)


Les Accords de Barcelone (The Barcelona Agreements) (awaiting publication)


L'Algérie de la période numide à ce jour (Algeria from the Numidian period to the present) (awaiting publication)

Mohamed CHEDDADI (Morocco)

Educational background:

Diploma of advanced studies, 1956.  One year training course (1956-1957), Training and Studies Institute, French Ministry of Justice


Main professional activities:

In 1958, he became a member of the judiciary, where he held positions of responsibility, particularly in the courts of first instance and the courts of appeal


In September 1971, he joined the central administration of the Ministry of Justice and was appointed Director of Criminal Cases and Pardons, a post he occupied until October 1979 


As a senior judge, he was President of a division of the Supreme Court


He taught civil procedure, criminal procedure and introduction to law at the Fès Faculty of Sharia Law for 5 years; he was a professor at the Management Training School of the Ministry of Interior (criminal law) for 2 years and at the National Judicial Studies Institute, where he taught civil and criminal procedure, for 10 years


He has taken part in over 100 Arab and international conferences, symposia and meetings and in the work of specialized technical committees and has chaired several of them.  In December 1977, he was elected Rapporteur of the first Conference of Arab Ministers of Justice.  He also led the Moroccan delegation to the negotiations on the signing of several conventions on judicial cooperation with third countries


For several years, he held the post of Secretary‑General of the Moroccan Judges' League and represented the League in the Central Council of the International Union of Judges and its technical committee for about 10 years



Since 1970, he has been a member of the Royal General Commission on the Codification and Revision of the Law and related sub‑committees


On 26 October 1979, he was unanimously elected Secretary‑General of the Arab Social Defence Organization for a six-year term.  He also became the director and editor-in‑chief of the Revue Arabe de défense sociale


At the third Conference of Arab Ministers of the Interior, held in Riyadh from 26 to 28 August 1980, he was appointed for two years to the post of Secretary‑General of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior, an Arab League body.  Starting in July 1980, he held the post of permanent member of the Board of Directors of the Arab Centre for Security Studies in Riyadh for five years and took part as an Arab criminal justice expert in some specialized United Nations activities


He became the head of the Technical Secretariat of the second Conference of Arab Ministers of Justice and the preparatory meeting of the Ministerial Commission of the Seven, which was established by the first conference


At the request of the United Nations Secretariat, he took part in the work of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control as of 1981 and in the preparations for the United Nations Congresses on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders


Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

He was appointed as a member of the Arab League High Commission on the Global Social Development Strategy and took part for six years in the work of the Arab Coordination Commission (as from November 1979).  He also took part as a member in the work of the Coordination Commission's technical committee, which was set up to consider the amendment of the Charter of the Arab League


He participated in several Arab summit conferences, in various meetings of the Council of the League and in most of the sessions of the Arab Economic and Social Council held since 1980.  He also took part in the work of some sessions of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior and the Council of Arab Ministers of Social Affairs


In September 1981, he was appointed as Deputy Secretary‑General of the International Society of Social Defence for a four-year term.  In September 1985, he was reappointed for a new term of office.  In May 1982, he was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of the Revue internationale de défense sociale


On 2 April 1983, he was unanimously appointed as Secretary‑General of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice for a three-year term


For about three years, he held the post of director and editor-in-chief of the Revue Arabe du Fiqh et de la justice


He was also a standing member of the Board of Directors of the Arab Legal and Judicial Research Centre, in accordance with the Centre's statutes


He is the author of several studies and research papers on criminal law and private law.  He has prepared working papers for a number of Arab and international meetings


On 9 June 1992, he was appointed by His Majesty King Hassan II as a member of the National Election Commission and reappointed on 5 May 1997


On 7 October 1997, he received the Charequa Prize for his valuable contribution to the enrichment of Arab thought


He was decorated with the Wissam Errida (highest category), the Wissam Al Arch (chevalier) and the Wissam Al Arch (officer)

Agnieszka DABROWIECKA (Poland)

Date of birth

2 February 1970


Foreign languages



Present post

Head of International Cooperation Division at the Ministry of Justice


Professional career

Since May 1998 - Head of International Cooperation Division at the Ministry of Justice


January 1996 - May 1998 - Public Prosecutor, expert at the International Cooperation and European Law Department at the Ministry of Justice


1993-1995 - Public Prosecutor's training in Gdansk and Warsaw


Other professional activities

Giving lectures for NGO representatives and judges and prosecutors on governmental reporting obligations under United Nations conventions


Professional background

Department of Law at the University of Gdansk (1988-1993)


Specialization - International Law, Human Rights


Post-graduate studies in Human Resources (1999‑2000)



Human Rights Law and Practice Programme (3‑month scholarship organized by the University of Birmingham)

Régis de GOUTTES (France)

Date and place of birth:


26 October 1940 at Paleville (France)

Working languages:

French (mother tongue), English, Spanish


Current position/function:*

Senior Advocate-General, Court of Cassation,

December 2000


Elected member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, since 1990


Member and former Chairman of the European Steering Committee for Human Rights (Council of Europe)


Member of the French National Advisory Commission on Human Rights, since 1990 (Vice‑Chairman of the Subcommittee on International Affairs)


Member of the French International Law Society (Vice‑Chairman of the Human Rights Section, since 1997


President of the Central Authority for Inter‑Country Adoption (1990-2001)


Main professional activities:*

Advocate-General, then Senior Advocate-General, Court of Cassation (1993-2001)


Advocate-General, Paris Court of Appeal (1989‑1993)


Deputy Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1985-1990)


Deputy Director of Criminal Justice (1984-1985) and Chief, International Criminal Law Bureau, Ministry of Justice (1981‑1983)




*  Further details are available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.


Member, European Steering Committee on Criminal Problems (1985-1989)


Member, Board of Trustees, United Nations

Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute

(UNICRI) (1990-1994)


Judge, Ministry of Justice (1970-1983)


Educational background:

Law degree


Advanced studies diplomas in private law, criminal science and comparative law


Diploma, Political Science Institute (Toulouse)


National Judicial Training School (CNEJ) (finished top of class in December 1968)


Certificate of proficiency in Spanish, Toulouse Chamber of Commerce



"Droit pénal et droits de l'homme", Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé, January 2000


"Le rôle du Comité des Nations Unies pour l'élimination de la discrimination raciale", Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme, Bruylant, special issue on law and the rise of racism and xenophobia, March 2001


Contribution to the Miscellany for Edmond Pettiti:  "A propos du conflit entre le droit à la liberté d'expression et le droit à la protection contre le racisme", Bruylant, 1998


Contribution to the publication by the Mission for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Documentation française, 1998


Records of the symposium of 6 and 7 July 2000 of the National Advisory Commission on Human Rights:  "Contre le racisme:  un combat quotidien"

Kurt HERNDL* (Austria)

Date and place of birth:

8 November 1932, Villach (Austria)


Working languages:

English, French, German


Current position/function:

Austrian Ambassador (retired)


Lecturer at the University of Salzburg (Law Faculty) and the Diplomatic Academy (Vienna)


Acting President of the Administrative Tribunal of the Council of Europe


Main professional activities:

After graduating from the Law Faculty (LL.D) of the University of Innsbruck in 1956, he was appointed Assistant Lecturer of International Law at that Faculty


Entered the Austrian Diplomatic Service in 1962, where he successively held the following functions:


  • Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva
  • Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office in Vienna (Head of the Legal Department)
  • Deputy Head of the Political Department and Head of the International Organizations Division
  • Ambassador to Canada


Was seconded to the United Nations Secretariat where he held successively the following functions:


  • Director of the Security Council and Political Committees Division
  • Director of the Executive Office of the Secretary‑General
  • Assistant Secretary‑General for Human Rights


*  Further details are available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.

Educational background:

LL.D (University of Innsbruck)


1959/60:  specialized studies at the University of Paris


Participation in the regular courses of the Academy of International Law (The Hague) several times and at the Study and Research Centre of the same Academy (in 1960 and 1962) on topics dealing with international law


Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

1991-1994:  member of the Human Rights Committee


1995-1999:  member of the European Commission on Human Rights


As Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, he was responsible, inter alia, for providing the appropriate secretariat services to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and is therefore familiar with the Committee's activities and working methods


List of most recent publications in the field:

Reflections on the Role, Functions and Procedures of the Security Council, Recueil des Cours, volume 206 (1987)


The "forgotten" competencies of the Security Council, Liber amicorum Rudolf Kirchläger, 1990


Zur Frage des rechtlichen Status der Entscheidungen eines Staatengemeinschaftsorgans : die "views" des Menschenrechtsausschusses, Liber amicorum Karl Zemanek, 1994


The Case Law of the European Commission of Human Rights as Regards the Right to Free Elections, Liber amicorum Carl Aage Norgaard, 1998


The Rights to Participate in Elections - A genuine Human Right?  Liber amicorum Konrad Ginther, 1999

Morten KJAERUM (Denmark)

Date and place of birth:

30 March 1957, Denmark


Working languages:

English, French, Danish


Current position/function:

Director-General of the Danish Centre for Human Rights since 1991; the Danish Centre for Human Rights has 80 professional staff members and is operating domestically as well as internationally


Main professional activities:

Morten Kjaerum is an expert within the field of international human rights law and refugee law and has published extensively on these issues in Danish, Nordic and international journals.  His first article on racism was published in 1982.  He has a global network due to his:


Membership of a number of local, regional and international organizations, including the European Coordination Group of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights where he holds a position as Deputy Chairman;


Participation in human rights missions to a variety of countries such as China, the United Republic of Tanzania, southern Africa, Guatemala and the Russian Federation.  Initiator of the European Coordination Group of National Institutions and the Euro‑Mediterranean Human Rights Network.  Has delivered keynote speeches at conferences, universities etc. all over the world

Educational background:

LLM from the University of Aarhus, Denmark, January 1984


Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned:

Head of the asylum department in the Danish Refugee Council from 1984-1991


Has worked on a practical level with issues related to racism, including legal advice and initiating new initiatives in Denmark since 1980




Deputy Chair of the Board for Ethnic Equality in Denmark since 1997


Member of the Society for International Development - Future of Asylum and Migration since 1999


Host of two international conferences in 2000 and 2001 in preparation for the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban


Active participation in formulating the final statement for the conference of national human rights institutions and spoke on behalf of the European national human rights institutions at the conference


Good collaboration with Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


Coorganized several meetings on racism with the Council of Europe


List of most recent publications in the field:

"Human Rights Implications of the Development of the Concept of Temporary Asylum in the Nordic Countries", Nordic Journal of International Law, 64, 1995


"Human rights in the new Europe and a globalised world", Grundloven og menneskerettigheder I et dansk og europaeisk perspektiv, 1997 (in Danish)


"Racial discrimination and other forms of discrimination", Social kritik, nr. 55. København: Selskabet til fremme af social debat, 1998 (in Danish)


"Article 14" in:  Gudmundur Alfredsson and Asbjørn Eide (eds.), The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:  A Common Standard of Achievement, The Hague, Martinus Nijkoff Publishers, 1999




"Refugee law and human rights:  the non‑refoulement article in the Convention against Torture", in:  EU-ret & menneskeret, 6. årgang, nr. 2. København:  Jurist - og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 1999 (in Danish)


"Protection of refugees between national interests and human rights", in:  Juristen, September 2001.  København:  Danmarks Jurist - og Økonomforbund (in Danish but to be published shortly in Human Rights Quarterly)

Miran KOMAC (Slovenia)


José Augusto LINDGREN ALVES (Brazil)

Date and place of birth:

22 June 1946, Niterói, Brazil


Working languages:

English, French and Spanish


Current position/function:

A career diplomat, Mr. Lindgren Alves was promoted to the rank of Ambassador in June 2000. He has held the post of Consul General of Brazil in San Francisco, United States of America since July 1997


Main professional activities:

Having started his diplomatic career in 1970, Mr. Lindgren Alves was posted at several Brazilian Embassies (Vienna, Belgrade, Prague, Tunis, Maputo, Bridgetown, Caracas and Windhoek), and in the Brazilian Permanent Missions to the United Nations, both in New York (1985-88) and Geneva (1997)


In Brasilia, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after having worked in the Eastern Europe (1970‑73) and Africa (1979-85) desks, his latest positions were those of Head of the United Nations Division (1990-95) and first Director-General of the newly established Department of Human Rights and Social Issues (1995-96)


Educational background:

Graduate of the Law School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1969)


Graduate of the Diplomatic Academy of the Brazilian Government (Instituto Rio-Branco, 1969)


PhD by the Higher Studies Course of the Brazilian Diplomatic Academy with a dissertation on "The United Nations and Human Rights" (1989)


Lecturer on human rights and international relations in many universities in Brazil and abroad (Berkeley, Stanford, University of San Francisco, Georgetown, Kaduna and Thessaloniki)


Other main activities in the field:

Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly (Third Committee) from 1985 to 1987 and from 1991 to 1995 (New York)

Delegate to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights from 1986 to 1988 and from 1991 to 1996 (Geneva)


Delegate to the World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, 1993), the International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo, 1994), the World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen, 1995), the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995), the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Istanbul, 1996) and the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (Durban, 2001)


Member of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (1994-98)


In Brazil, he was a member of the National Council for the Defence of the Rights of the Human Person (1990-96) and of the Inter‑ministerial Working Group for the Advancement of the Black Population (1995-96)


List of most recent publications in the field:



Os direitos humanos como tema global (Human rights as a global issue), S. Paulo, 1994


A arquitetura internacional dos direitos humanos (The international architecture of human rights), S. Paulo, 1997


Relações internacionais e temas sociais:  a década das conferências (International relations and social issues:  the decade of conferences), Brasília, 2001




"The U.N. Social Agenda Against 'Postmodern' Unreason", Thessaloniki, 1999


"The Declaration of Human Rights in Post‑modernity", Human Rights Quarterly, May 2000

Robbie SABEL (Israel)

Date and place of birth:

1941, United Kingdom


Working languages:

Hebrew, English, French (reading only)


Current position/function:

Visiting professor of international law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Main professional activities:

Counsellor for Political Affairs, Israeli Embassy, Washington


Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem


Ambassador of Israel to Canada


Foreign Ministry Coordinator for combating worldwide anti-Semitism


Deputy Director-General for Disarmament and Arms Control, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem


Educational background:

Carmel College, Wallingford, Berks., England


Hebrew Gymnasia, Jerusalem, Israel


LL.B, LL.M, PhD, Hebrew University, Jerusalem


UN Fellow, The Hague Academy of International Law


Senior Visiting Scholar, George Washington University


Visiting Professor, Bar Ilan University


Other main activities in the field:

Personal rank of Ambassador


Delegate for Israel at the Taba arbitration negotiations with Egypt


Legal Adviser, Israeli delegation to the United Nations General Assembly



Member of Israeli delegation for negotiations with the Palestinians in Washington


Member of Israeli delegation, humanitarian law conferences, international civil aviation conferences


Head of Israeli delegation, United States-Israel Status of Forces Agreement; United Nations Conference on the Use of International Watercourses


Representative of Israel to the Committee on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination and editor of a number of Israel's reports to CERD


Arbitrator on the Appeals Panel of the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims (The "Eagleburger Commission")


List of most recent publications in the field:

The Political Offence in Extradition, World Peace Through Law Center, 1979


"Terrorism and the Law", International Society of Barristers Quarterly 274, 1982


"The Role of the Legal Advisor in Diplomacy", Diplomacy and Statecraft, vol. 8, No. 1, March 1997, pp. 1-9


Procedure in International Conferences, Cambridge University Press, 1997 (the book was awarded the Annual Award of the American Society of International Law)


The Enforcement in Israel of International Human Rights Norms, volume commemorating 50 years of the Israel Supreme Court (to be published by the Law Faculty of the Hebrew University)

Agha SHAHI (Pakistan)

Current position/function:

President of the Islamabad Council of World Affairs (an NGO) and member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination since 1978


Main professional activities:

1944-51:  After being selected on the basis of the all‑India competitive examination to the Indian Civil Service, served in the provincial government of Sind


1951:  Appointed to the Foreign Service of Pakistan


1951-54:  Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1955-58:  Minister in the Embassy of Pakistan, Washington, D.C.


1958-61:  Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations


1961:  Promoted to the rank of Ambassador


1961-64:  Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1964-67:  Additional Foreign Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1967-72:  Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations


1968-69:  Representative of Pakistan at the United Nations Security Council


1972-73:  Ambassador of Pakistan to the People's Republic of China


1973-77:  Foreign Secretary, Government of Pakistan


1977-82:  Foreign Minister



1993:  Head of the Pakistani delegation to the World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna


1988:  President, Islamabad Council of World Affairs


2000:  Chairman, Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad


Other main activities in the field:


He was a member of Pakistani delegations to many sessions of the United Nations General Assembly and to international conferences - the Bandung Conference (1955), the Non-Nuclear-Weapons States Conference (1968), the Islamic Summit Conference (1974), the Havana Non-Aligned Summit (1979)


He was also the Head of the Pakistani delegation to the United Nations General Assembly (1977‑1981), Chairman of the United Nations Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters (1979-1982), Chairman of the Board of Trustees, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) (1982), United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)


He was the Chairman of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in 1991 for a two-year term.  He has also served in various capacities on a number of United Nations bodies


He is active in public affairs and has participated in many international seminars since 1982


As President of the Islamabad Council of World Affairs, he has organized seminars with the participation of foreign scholars on contemporary international matters


List of most recent publications in the field:

His publications include Pakistan's Security and Foreign Policy (1988) and articles on security, disarmament and non-proliferation, and human rights issues

Michael E. SHERIFIS (Cyprus)


He speaks Greek, Italian, English and French


Current position/function:

He is currently the Chairman of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD).  He also served twice as Vice-Chairman.  He is actively involved in the work of the Committee and he has repeatedly chaired a number of its working groups.


Main professional activities:

In June 2001 he was elected Chairman of the meeting of persons chairing the United Nations treaty bodies meeting in Geneva.


Educational background:

He has university degrees in Law, as well as in Political and Economic Sciences.


Other main activities in the field:

Specifically, with reference to humanitarian issues, he has held, among others, the following assignments:


Leader of the delegation of Cyprus to the World Conference against Apartheid, held in Lagos in 1977;


Deputy Leader of the delegation of Cyprus to the Conference on Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts held in Geneva from 1974 to 1977, which resulted in the adoption of two Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions;


Leader or deputy leader of the delegation of Cyprus to several sessions of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights;


Representative of Cyprus to the Third (Humanitarian, Social and Cultural) Committee of the General Assembly in 1968, 1969, 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979;

He was a member of the Commonwealth Inter‑governmental Committee on the establishment of a new Global Humanitarian Order in 1994-1995, the report of which was adopted by the Commonwealth Summit meeting in New Zealand in September 1995;


He was the Chairman of the Commonwealth Inter‑governmental Committee on Refugees and Displaced Persons, the report of which was unanimously adopted by the Commonwealth Heads of State in November 1997;


He participated in numerous seminars and lectured extensively in various universities, think-tanks and Councils of Foreign Affairs on issues relating to human rights and international relations;


Prior to his retirement from the Civil Service in December 1997, he served as Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 1983‑1985, to Moscow from 1985-1989, to Washington from 1989-1993 and to Italy from 1994-1997.  He was also non-resident Ambassador to several countries including Canada, Brazil, Ecuador, Malta, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Finland, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Switzerland;


He has extensive experience within the United Nations system, having served as Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva for four years and as Ambassador-Deputy Permanent Representative in New York from 1980 to 1983.

Linos-Alexander Sicilianos(Greece)

Date and place of birth:

9 May 1960, Athens (Greece)


Working languages:

English, French, Greek - working knowledge of German and Italian


Current position/function:

Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Athens;


Vice-President, First Section, Greek National Commission on Human Rights;


Vice-President, International Institute on Human Rights (Strasbourg);


Vice-President, Committee of Experts of the Council of Europe for the improvement of procedures for the protection of human rights;


Member of the Athens Bar.


Main professional activities:

Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Athens:  international protection of human rights; public international law; international organizations;


Guest professor at the following institutions:  International Institute on Human Rights (Strasbourg, 1994, 2001); The Hague Academy of International Law (1996, 2000); Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva, 1997);

Faculty of Law, University Robert Schuman (Strasbourg, 1998); Faculty of Law, University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II, 1999); Faculty of Law, University Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I, 1999);


International human rights expert frequently invited by the Council of Europe, UNESCO and other bodies:  missions to Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Côte d'Ivoire, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Morocco, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Switzerland and Ukraine;


Member of the Greek delegation at the fifty-first- fifty‑fifth sessions of the United Nations General Assembly (New York, 1996-2000);


Practising lawyer with the Greek Supreme Civil and Criminal Court and the Supreme Administrative Court, the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg) and the European Court of Justice (Luxembourg).


Educational background:

Diploma in Law, University of Athens (1983, with honours);


Masters degree (DEA) in International Law, University Robert Schuman, Strasbourg (France) (1984, with honours);


Doctor iuris, University Robert Schuman, Strasbourg (1990, laureatus of the Faculty, international Paul Guggenheim prize, 1991);


Habilitation (authorization) to direct scientific research, University Robert Schuman, Strasbourg (1990).


Other main activities in the field:

General co-rapporteur at the Conference of the Council of Europe and the French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights on the subject "The combat against racism and xenophobia:  priorities and means for a European harmonization" (Strasbourg, November 1994);


Organizer of an international expert seminar in collaboration with UNESCO on New Forms of Discrimination (Olympia, Greece, May 1994), proceedings published by Pedone (Paris) with a foreword by Federico Mayor; Greek delegate at the international Seminar on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, organized by the United Nations Centre for Human Rights in the framework of the Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (United Nations Office at Geneva, 1996), member of the Drafting Committee of the document adopted;




Organizer of an international conference in collaboration with the Human Rights Directorate of the Council of Europe on The Protection of Minorities in Europe (Athens, May 1996), proceedings published with a foreword by D. Tarschys, then Secretary-General of the Council of Europe;


Rapporteur of the Greek National Commission on Human Rights on the issue of religious communities in Greece (2000-2001);


Course in the post-graduate programme of international law at the University of Athens on The Prohibition of Discrimination:  the International Protection of Vulnerable Groups (1999-2001).


List of most recent publications in the field:

New Forms of Discrimination/Nouvelles formes de discrimination (editor), foreword by Federico Mayor, Director-General of UNESCO, Paris, Pedone, 1995;


General conclusions of the international conference on "The combat against racism and xenophobia:  priorities and means for a European harmonization", in collaboration with Professor E. Decaux, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, in Ce racisme qui menace l'Europe, Paris, La documentation française, 1996,

pp. 233-255;


The protection of minorities in Europe:  the Framework Convention of the Council of Europe for the Protection of National Minorities

(co-editor), foreword by Daniel Tarschys, Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Athens, A.N. Sakkoulas, 1997;


L'ONU et la démocratisation de l'Etat:  systèmes régionaux et ordre juridique universel, (The UN and the democratization of States:  regional systems and universal legal order), Paris,

Pedone, 2000, 321 pp., foreword by

Boutros Boutros-Ghali; The Prevention of

Human Rights Violations (editor), foreword by Mary Robinson, Athens/The Hague,

A.N. Sakkoulas/Martinus Nijhoff, 2001.

Patrick THORNBERRY (United Kingdom)

Date and place of birth:

12 December 1944


Foreign languages:

Italian, French and Spanish


Current position/function:

2001 - Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)


Elected by members of the Committee in March 2001.  At the forthcoming August session, Professor Thornberry will act as country rapporteur for Croatia and Cyprus.


1999 - Chairman of the Minority Rights Group (MRG).  This involves presiding over biannual MRG Council meetings; acting as trustee for the organization; general policy advice and guidance to the organization in relation to publications, programmes and other aspects of MRG's work; involvement in training in human rights for activists from various countries, and the launching of new MRG reports.


1995 - Professor of International Law, Keele University.  Subjects taught:  international law, international human rights, and the philosophy of law


1995 - Faculty member, The George Washington University Joint Programme in International Human Rights Law, New College, University of Oxford


Main professional activities:

1993-present - Consultant to the Council of Europe


1998 - Member of mission of experts to Riga on the draft Law on the State Language


1997 - Rapporteur of mission to Croatia on the draft Law on Education in the Languages of Minorities


1993 - Member of mission of experts to Riga to scrutinize legislation on the rights of non-nationals.  Involved in written advice on the Estonian Law on Cultural Autonomy and the Estonian Language Law.



Member of many other expert commissions for the Council of Europe, including currently a study of the relationship between territorial autonomy and minority rights, and a legal assessment of State responsibilities under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.


1997-present - Member of the Advisory Council of the European Centre for Minority Issues


1996-present - Chairman of the Programmes and Publications Committee of MRG


1994-present - Member of the International Council of MRG


1994-1996 - Member of a team of experts to Hungary and Slovakia on behalf of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) High Commissioner on National Minorities


1994 - Appointed by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to the list of six United Kingdom experts for the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Human Dimension Mechanism


1994 - Observer of the Hungarian local self‑government elections, at the invitation of the Government (December 1994)


1993-1995 - Visiting professor at the Academy of European Law, European University Institute, Florence (lectured on the protection of minorities in international and European law)


1990-1995 - Senior lecturer in Law, Keele University


1973-present - Barrister of Lincoln's Inn


Educational background:

London University:  LLB (1968); Keele University:  LLM (1976);


Keele University:  PhD (1986):  Thesis title:  Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities in Contemporary International Law



Books and monographs:


Consultant/writer on the World Encyclopaedia of Minorities (Fitzroy Dearborn), 2001 - responsibility for the entry "The United Nations and Minorities";


International Law and the Rights of Minorities (Oxford University Press, 1991), 451 pp.  OUP has requested a second updated edition;


The World Directory of Minorities (Minority Rights Group 1997):  legal consultant, appendix on international legal instruments, legal essay;


Minorities and Human Rights Law, Minority Rights Group, London, 1987, revised in 1991;


The Council of Europe and Minorities (written with the assistance of M. Amor Martin Estebanez, University of Amsterdam), Council of Europe, September 1994.

Books in press:


Indigenous Peoples and the Discourses of Human Rights, Manchester University Press;


The Council of Europe and Minorities:  A Critique of Instruments and Procedures (with M. Amor Martin Estebanez), Council of Europe Press.




Over 40 articles and essays including the following for 1998‑2000 only:


"Images of Autonomy, etc.", in M. Suksi (ed.), Autonomy:  Applications and Implications (Dordrecht:  Kluwer Law International, 1998), 97-124;
"Who is Indigenous?", in F. Horn (ed.), Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the Sami (Rovaniemi:  University of Lapland, 1998), 1-37;


"Indigenous Peoples and Minorities:  Reflections on Definition and Description", in B.K. Roy Burman and B.G. Verghese (eds.), Aspiring to Be:  The Tribal/Indigenous Condition (Delhi:  Konark Publishers PVT Ltd., 1998), 53-71;


"In the Strongroom of Vocabulary", in P. Cumper and S. Wheatley (eds.), Minority Rights in the 'New' Europe (Dordrecht:  Kluwer Law International, 1999), 1-14;
"International Law in Kosovo", in K. Drezov, B. Gokay and D. Kostovicova (eds.), Kosovo:  Myths, Conflict and War (Keele:  KERC Southeast Europe Series, 1999), 75-91;


"Ethnic Dimensions of International Human Rights", in A. Hegarty and S. Leonard (eds.), Human Rights:  An Agenda for the 21st Century (London and Sydney:  Cavendish Publishing Limited, 1999), 355-77;


"Human Rights, Minorities and Indigenous Peoples:  A Perspective on the Development of International Law", in Instituto de Derechos Humanos, Los Derechos Humanos en un Mundo Dividido (Bilbao:  Universidad de Deusto, 1999), 163-85;


*  Further details are available for consultation in the Secretariat's files.

"Hungarian Bilateral Treaties and Declarations", in A. Bloed (ed.), Protection of Minority Rights Through Bilateral Treaties (Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1999), pp. 127-61;


"Minority Rights:  a Reflection on European Experience and its Implications", in M. Nowak and Xin Chunying (eds.), EU‑China Human Rights Dialogue (Vienna:  Verlag Osterreich, 2000), 124-34;
"Self-Determination and Indigenous Peoples:  Objections and Responses", in P. Aikio and M. Scheinin (eds.), Operationalizing the Right of Indigenous Peoples to Self‑Determination (Turku/Abo:  Abo Akademi University, 2000), 39-64.


*  Mr. Peter Nobel resigned from the Committee with effect from 1 March 2001 and Sweden did not appoint another expert from among its nationals to serve for the remainder of Mr. Nobel's term, in accordance with rule 13 of the Committee's rules of procedure.

*  Further details are available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.