
International Convention

on the Elimination

of all Forms of

Racial Discrimination





Comment                                                                                                               Distr.




                                                                                                              14 November 1995



                                                                                                              Original: ENGLISH/SPANISH


Sixteenth Meeting

New York, 16 January 1996








Note by the Secretary-General


1.         In pursuance of article 8, paragraph 4, of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Sixteenth Meeting of States Parties to the Convention will be convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters on 16 January 1996 to elect nine members of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 19 January 1996 (see annex I). The names of the other nine members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 19 January 1998 appear in annex II.


2.         In accordance with article 8, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Secretary-General in a note verbale dated 28 July 1995 invited the States parties to submit their nominations for the election of nine members of the Committee within two months. Listed below in alphabetical order are the nominees, with the States parties which have proposed them indicated in parenthesis.


            Mr. Theodoor van BOVEN                             (Netherlands)

            Mr. Ion DIACONU                                            (Romania)

            Mr. Eduardo FERRERO COSTA                    (Peru)

            Mr. Ivan GARVALOV                                      (Bulgaria)

            Mr. George Odartey LAMPTEY                      (Ghana)

            Mr. Youri RECHETOV                                     (Russian Federation)







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            Mrs. Shanti SADIQ ALI                                   (India)

            Mr. Censu TABONE                                        (Malta)

            Mr. Joaquin TACSAN                                     (Costa Rica)

            Mrs. Nina VAJIC                                             (Croatia)

            Mr. Luis VALENCIA RODRIGUEZ                 (Ecuador)

            Mr. Mario Jorge YUTZIS                                 (Argentina)

            Mrs. ZOU Deci                                                 (China)


3.         Biographical data of the nominees, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in annex III. Any further nominations and biographical data which may be received by the Secretary-General will be brought to the attention of the States parties in addenda to the present document.





The nine members of the Committee whose

terms expire on 19 January 1996


Mr. Theodoor van BOVEN                             (Netherlands)


Mr. Ion DIACONU                                            (Romania)


Mr. Eduardo FERRERO COSTA                    (Peru)


Mr. Ivan GARVALOV                                      (Bulgaria)


Mr. Youri A. RECHETOV                                (Russian Federation)


Mrs. Shanti SADIQ ALI                                   (India)


Mr. SONG Shuhua                                          (China)


Mr. Luis VALENCIA RODRIGUEZ                 (Ecuador)


Mr. Mario Jorge YUTZIS                                 (Argentina)







List of the other nine members who will continue

to serve on the Committee until 19 January 1998



Mr. Mahmoud ABOUL-NASR                         (Egypt)


Mr. Hamzat AHMADU                                     (Nigeria)


Mr. Michael Parker BANTON                         (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)


Mr. Andrew R. CHIGOVERA                          (Zimbabwe)


Mr. Régis DE GOUTTES                                (France)


Mr. Carlos LECHUGA HEVIA                         (Cuba)


Mr. Agha SHAHI                                              (Pakistan)


Mr. Michael E. SHERIFIS                                (Cyprus)


Mr. Rüdiger WOLFRUM                                 (Germany)







Theodoor Cornelis van Boven (Netherlands)


Born: 1934


University degrees


            1959                Master of Laws, University of Leiden, Netherlands


            1960                Master of Comparative Law, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, United States


            1967                Doctor of Law, University of Leiden, Netherlands


Previous positions


Official of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1960-1977)


Lecturer in Human Rights Law, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (1967-1977)


Netherlands representative on the Commission on Human Rights (1970-1975)


Director of the Division of Human Rights of the United Nations (1977-1982)


Visiting Professor at Harvard School of Law (1987) and New York University School of Law (1990)


Member of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (1975-1976, 1986-1991)


Special Rapporteur of the Sub-Commission on the right to restitution, compensation and rehabilitation for victims of gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms (1990-1993)


Member of the Group of Independent Experts of the International Labour Organization to monitor sanctions and other measures against apartheid (1990-1993)


Registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (1994)


Present positions


Professor of Law at the University of Limburg, Maastricht, Netherlands (former Dean of the Law Faculty, 1986-1988)


Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


Vice-President of the International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg


Member of the International Commission of Jurists


Member of the Board of Trustees of the European Human Rights Foundation


Member of the International Council of International Alert, London


Member of the Board of the International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism, Tokyo


Chairman of the Advisory Board of SOS-Torture, Geneva


Member of the Advisory Council of the International League for Human Rights (New York), the International Human Rights Group (Washington), and International Service for Human Rights (Geneva)


Member of the Advisory Committee on Human Rights and Foreign Policy of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Principal publications


International Protection of Religious Liberty, Assen, 1967


People Matter, Views on International Human Rights Policy, Amsterdam 1982


Study concerning the right to restitution, compensation and rehabilitation for victims of gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms (Final report 1993 in document E/CN.4/Sub.2/1993/8)


General Course on Human Rights, collected courses of the Academy of European Law, 1993, vol. IV-1




Laureate of the Louise Weiss Prize, Strasbourg (1982)


Doctor honoris causa of the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (1982), the Erasmus Universiteit of Rotterdam, Netherlands (1988) and the University of New York at Buffalo, United States of America (1991)


Recipient of the Right Livelihood Honorary Award, Stockholm (1985)



Ion Diaconu (Romania)


Born on 23 October 1938


Married, two children




            1956-1960       Faculty of Law, Bucharest


            1965-1968       Doctoral studies at the Institut de Hautes Etudes Internationales of Geneva


            1971                Doctor ès science politique of the University of Geneva, thesis on "Imperative norms in international law (jus cogens)"


Professional activities


            1960-1980       Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Legal Matters and Treaties


            1965-1968       Doctoral studies in Geneva


            1980-1981       Counsellor at the Embassy of Romania in Brussels


            1981-1986       Minister counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations in New York; vice-chairman of the Sixth Committee in 1983, chairman of working group of the Committee


            1986-1990       Deputy director in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Economic External Relations, Treaties and International Organizations


            From 1990      Director of the Department of Legal Affairs and Treaties


Professor of International Law at the National School of Political Science, University of Bucharest


            1962-1991       Member of Romanian delegations to various international meetings of the United Nations, UNESCO, FAO, WHO and CSCE; to conferences of codification of international law; to United Nations, UNESCO and CSCE meetings of experts on human rights and humanitarian issues


            1988-1991       Member of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities


            From 1990      Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration


            From 1972      Member of the Romanian Association for International Law and Relations


            1992-1995       Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


            1990-1993       Professor of International Law, National School of Public Administration and Private Universities, Bucharest




Les normes impératives en droit international (jus cogens), thèse de doctorat, Genève, 1971; revised edition (in Romanian), 1977, Bucharest


Human Rights (in Romanian), 1993, Bucharest


Articles on international law in various Romanian and foreign journals and publications


Course on public international law, 1993, 2nd edition, 1994, Romania



Eduardo Ferrero Costa (Peru)


Born:              Lima, 26 October 1946


Academic qualifications


            Bachelor of Law (1970)


            Admission to the Bar (1970)


            Doctor of Law (1974)


Current positions


Executive President of the Peruvian Centre for International Studies (CEPEI) (1983 to present)


Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


Member of various Peruvian and foreign institutions connected with international law and international relations


            A full list of memberships may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


Teaching and research


Principal Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, Catholic University of Peru


            A full list of teaching assignments, lecturing and research activities may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


Other previous relevant activities


Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Legal Adviser (1981-1982); member of the Advisory Committee on Foreign Affairs (1986-1992)


Permanent Representative of Peru to the Legal Committee of the Permanent South Pacific Commission (1978-1982)


Adviser of the Peruvian delegation to the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (1979-1982)


Member of various national commissions in the public sector and honorary adviser to official Peruvian delegations at international conferences (1975 to present)


Peruvian National Planning Institute: Member of the National Planning Advisory Board (1986-1989)


Organization of American States (OAS): International observer and adviser to the Secretary-General of OAS at elections in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Colombia


International conferences: Speaker at numerous academic seminars and international events, in Peru and abroad, on questions of international law and international relations (1972 to present)


            A full list of positions held may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.




            Among Mr. Ferrero Costa's publications are the following:


Derecho Internacional Público: Casos y Materiales de Enseñanza (Public international law: cases and teaching materials), 2 vols., Catholic University of Peru (1972)


Relaciones del Perú con los Estados Unidos (Peru's relations with the United States) (co-author and editor), CEPEI, 440 pp., 1987


Relaciones del Perú con los Países Vecinos (Peru's relations with its neighbours) (co-author and editor), CEPEI, 220 pp., 1988


América Latina, el Perú y la Nueva Estructura de las Relaciones Económicas Internacionales (Latin America, Peru and the new structure of international economic relations) (co-author and editor), CEPEI, 320 pp., Lima, 1988


América Latina, el Perú y los Cambios del Sistema Internacional (Latin America, Peru and the changes in the international system) (editor), CEPEI, 280 pp., 1989


Relaciones del Perú con Chile y Bolivia (Peru's relations with Chile and Bolivia) (co-author and editor), CEPEI, 200 pp., 1989


La Reinserción del Perú en el Sistema Financiero Internacional (Peru's reintegration into the international financial system) (co-author and editor), CEPEI, 320 pp., 1990


La Seguridad del Perú frente al Nuevo Contexto Internacional (The security of Peru in the new international context) (co-author and editor), CEPEI, 1991


Relaciones del Perú con Ecuador (co-author and editor), CEPEI, 1994


Hacia una Agenda Nacional de Politica Exterier (co-author and editor), CEPEI, 1995


            Mr. Ferrero Costa has also published some 40 academic articles.


            A full list of publications may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


Ivan Garvalov (Bulgaria)


Born in Sofia, 1930




Graduate of St. Kliment Ohridsky, Sofia University


Diplomatic career


Served tenures at Bulgaria's embassies in New Delhi, Djakarta, Cairo and twice at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bulgaria to the United Nations in New York, including as Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative from 1982 until 1989


            1989-1990       Director of the Human Rights Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


            1990                Director of the United Nations and Disarmament Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


            1991                First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs


            1992                Retired as Ambassador


Activity at the United Nations


            1970-1990       Member of the Bulgarian delegations at the regular sessions of the General Assembly; member of Bulgarian delegations at General Assembly special sessions and conferences on disarmament, international economic relations, racial discrimination, youth, women, etc.


            1978-1982       Representative of Bulgaria to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights


            1986-1987       Deputy representative of Bulgaria to the Security Council


Positions in United Nations bodies


            1973                Rapporteur of the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (decolonization)


            1974                Vice-Chairman of the Special Committee on Decolonization


            1980                Chairman of the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (social and humanitarian issues)


            1982                Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights


            1983                Chairman of the Special Committee on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Non-Use of Force in International Relations


            1985                Vice-President of the Economic and Social Council, Chairman of the Social Committee


            1988-1996       Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


            1994-1996       Chairman of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


            1994                Chairman of the Fifth Meeting of Chairpersons of the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies



George O. Lamptey (Ghana)


Date of birth:                          12 November 1929


Place of birth:                         Accra




Louis A. Grimes School of Law and Government (LL.B) and Harvard University Law School (LL.M). At Harvard he was editor-in-chief of the Harvard International Law Journal. In 1963-1964 attended the Carnegie Endowment seminars in diplomacy at the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University


Recent career (Full career details may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat)


            1989-1994                   Ambassador to Italy and Turkey; High Commissioner to Malta; Permanent Representative to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


            1994-to present          Permanent Representative to the United Nations


            1995-to present          High Commissioner to Barbados and Belize; Ambassador to Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica


Conferences etc. 


Has had considerable international conference experience and in 1965 played a major role in the formulation and drafting of the implementation clauses and the adoption of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Has served recently as:


            1987                            Member of the High-Level Economic Mission to Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden


            1988                            Chairman of CERD for the second time


            1988                            Lecturer, Seminar on Human Rights for Portuguese-speaking Participants, Lisbon


            1988                            Participant, Fortieth Anniversary Celebration of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, Paris


            1989-1993                   Member of the Ghana Delegation to the Council of FAO


            1989                            Vice-Chairman, ninety-seventh session of the FAO Council


            1989                            Member of Nominations Committee of the twenty-fifth session of the FAO Conference


            1989                            Vice-Chairman of Commission III (Legal and Constitutional) of the twenty-fifth session of the FAO Conference


            1991                            Vice-Chairman, hundred and first session of the FAO Council


            1991                            Chairman of the Resolutions Committee of the twenty-sixth session of the FAO Conference


            1992                            Vice-Chairman of the African Group to FAO


            1993                            Chairman of the African Group to FAO


            1993                            Member of the General Committee of the twenty-seventh session of the FAO Conference


            1993                            Member of the Executive Board of IFAD


            1989-1993                   Leader of the Ghana Delegation to the session of the World Food Programme


            1990-1993                   Member of the Ghana Delegation to IFAD Governing Council sessions


            1992-1993                   Member of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (CFA)


            1992-1993                   Member of the Sub-Committee on Projects of the World Food Programme


            1994                            Leader of the Ghana delegation to the Inaugural Meeting of the International Seabed Authority, Kingston, Jamaica


            1994                            Deputy leader of the Ghana delegation to the forty-ninth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations; Chairman of the Sixth (legal) Committee; Member of the General Committee


            November 1994          Chairman of the African Group


            1994-1995                   Chairman of the Review Committee of the Administrative Tribunal


            1994                            Chairman of the Advisory Committee on the United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law


            1995                            Deputy leader of the Ghana Delegation to the Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Commemoration of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference, Bandung, Indonesia


            A full list of activities may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.



Youri Rechetov (Russian Federation)


Date of birth:                          1935


Place of birth:                         Gorky




            1953-1959                   Moscow Institute for International Relations


            1969-1971                   High Diplomatic School of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics




            1959-1975                   Ministry for Foreign Affairs; Treaty and Law Department and Department of Scandinavian Countries; participation in delegations to the United Nations General Assembly and Commission on Human Rights; preparation of several universal instruments and Helsinki Final Act of the CSSE; stationed at embassies of the USSR in Iceland and Denmark


            1975-1980                   Chief of the Section on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the Human Rights Division, United Nations Office at Geneva; Secretary of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities


            1980-1986                   Senior researcher at the State and Law Institute of the USSR Academy of Science


            1986                            Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the USSR and later Russian Federation


            1989                            Director of the Department for International Humanitarian Cooperation and Human Rights: dealing with different humanitarian problems and working to bring internal legislation into conformity with international obligations


            1990                            Head of the USSR delegations to the Copenhagen CSCE Human Dimension meeting, to the forty-seventy session of the Commission on Human Rights, the Third Committee and the Economic and Social Council


            1992-present              Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Iceland


            1988-present              Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination




Defended dissertation on "Family relations in Sweden", 1972


Defended dissertation on "International crimes", 1984


"International Responsibility for Human Rights Violations" (M. 1979, 100 p.)


"Prevention of International Crimes against Peace and Security" (M. 1983, 224 p.)


Chapters in "Course of International Law" (M. Second Ed.)


Chapters in "The Nuremburg Trial and International Law" (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht 1990)


Author of more than 150 publications on different issues of international law (human rights, race relations, prevention of racial discrimination, minority rights, citizenship, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, international responsibility, terrorism, the United Nations, the CSCE and Soviet and Russian legislation)




United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Israel, Iceland, etc.




English, French, German, Swedish, Danish, Icelandic


Shanti Sadiq Ali (India)


Born 18 November 1924




            1940-1942       Vasant College

                                    Theosophical Society,

                                    Banaras, Uttar Pradesh, India


            1942-1944       Women's College, Banaras

                                    Hindu University, Varanasai, India


Joined Masters Degree course. Discontinued studies to join students' movement in freedom struggle under Indian National Congress. Drafted to All India Congress Committee Office (AICC), Allahabad, New Delhi




            1953-1954       Awarded United Nations Fellowship on recommendation of Government of India in recognition of work for refugees from Pakistan and particularly resettlement of abducted women in camps under the Indian National Congress. Visited Geneva, United Kingdom, France and Greece


Experience in international affairs


            1963-1972       Drafted as Executive Secretary to Indian Council for Africa (established in 1960 and now Indian Centre for Africa under the Indian Council for Cultural Relations)


Supervised publication of Africa Quarterly. Organized and participated in seminars. Commentator on African Affairs on All India Radio, Doordarshan (TV)


            1977-1982       Member, Governing Body, Indian Council for Cultural Relations as an authority on African affairs


            1978                India's representative at the 1978 United Nations Symposium on the Exploitation of Blacks in South Africa and Namibia and on prison conditions in the South African jails, Lesotho; elected Rapporteur


            1978-1979       Member, Indian National Committee to observe the United Nations International Anti-Apartheid Year and Convener of the Maharashtra State Committee


            1979                Member of the Indian delegation to the thirty-fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly


            1979-1981       Executive Editor, Africa Quarterly, organ of the Indian Centre for Africa, Indian Council for Cultural Relations


            1980-1995       Elected to Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination for four-year term; re-elected in 1984, 1988 and 1992. Rapporteur of CERD. Represented CERD and presented papers at the following seminars/conferences:


United Nations Regional Seminar, Bangkok, 2-13 August 1982. Presented paper on "The universal relevance of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination"


United Nations International Seminar, 20 June-1 July 1983 at the Palais des Nations, Geneva. Presented paper on "Experience in developing public awareness of the provisions of international standards on human rights" (working paper)


Colloquium on the "International Protection of Human Rights Institutions and Reality", Thessalonika, Greece, 28-30 September 1984. Presented paper on "Human rights in the socio-economic environment of a developing country: India, a case study"


            1980                Chairman of the Committee for International Seminar on "India and East African Littoral, Hinterland and Indian Ocean Island States: Areas of Co-operation" held in Goa. Co-author of edited papers of Seminar


            1984-1993       Elected first President, African Studies Society of India (registered in May 1982)


            1987                Elected Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the African Studies Society of India


            1992-1994       Vice-Chairman, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


            1993                Author of General Recommendation XIII (42) on the training of law enforcement officials


            1994                Author of recommendation on the establishment of national human rights along with Mr. Shahi and M. de Gouttes


            1995                "Human rights in India: The challenge" at Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg University, Germany, 28 July 1995


Positions held


Member, Indian Council of World Affairs. Member, Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis


Honorary Member, Seminar Committee, Area Studies Centre in the Indian Ocean Region, Osmania University, Hyderabad


Member, Board of School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi


Member, Advisory Panel on Africa, Centre for Africa, Indian Council for Cultural Relations


Founder President, Bal Varsha Prathisthan (International Year of the Child), Bombay


Founder President, Spastic Society of Tamilnadu, Madras in Commemoration of the International Year of the Disabled




India and the Western Indian OceanAllied Publishers

Studies: Towards Regional Co-operation

            Development. Co-authored with

            Prof. R.R. Ramchandani


            India and Africa Through the Ages                                       National Book Trust


African Problem of Economic Growth andSterling Publishers

            Development. Co-authored with

            Prof. Anirudha Gupta


            African Dispersal in the Deccan Region                               Orient Longman, 1995

            from Medieval Times


Selected list of recent papers (A full list is available for inspection in the files of the Secretariat)


"Namibia: A unique internationalIndian and Foreign

            responsibility"                                                                         Review, May 1985


            "American Policy in Southern Africa"                                  World Focus, April 1986


            "United Nations Role in South Africa"                                  Indian Quarterly


            "South Africa: West's regional surrogate"                          World Focus, August 1986


            "Minority rule in Burundi"                                                      Conflict Situations in Africa, Bombay University, 1995




            A list of pamphlets and lectures may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


Academic association


            1981                Member, Selection Committee, Bombay University for post of Lecturers, Centre of East African Studies


            1986                Member, Board of School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi


Censu Tabone (Malta)


            Dr. Censu Tabone was born in Victoria, Gozo on 30 March 1913 and was educated at St. Aloysius College and the University of Malta where he graduated as a Pharmacist in 1933 and as Doctor of Medicine in 1937.


            During the Second World War he joined the Royal Malta Artillery and served as a regimental Medical Officer, as a general duty officer and later as a trainee ophthalmic specialist at the Military Hospital, Mtarfa. He was awarded the War Medals and, on 15 April 1992, was presented with the Malta George Cross Fifteenth Anniversary Medal. In 1946 he obtained the Diploma in Ophthalmology of the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. Later he obtained the Diploma in Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery of the Conjoint Board of the Royal College of Physicians of London and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 


            Since 1947 he has been engaged in ophthalmic practice in Malta and has held senior posts in various hospitals. In 1945 he was entrusted with the anti-trachoma campaign in Gozo, with the result that in due course the disease was practically eliminated from the island. This campaign was in many ways a pioneer project as were those of the World Health Organization which he helped launch in many countries, notably in Taiwan (Province of China), Indonesia and Iraq. He was elected Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1949. From 1956 he served as a member of the International Panel of Trachoma Experts of WHO and was a consultant with this organization for many years.


            In 1954 he founded the Medical Officers Union, now the Medical Association of Malta (MAM) and for many years was its President. In 1953 he obtained a Diploma in Medical Jurisprudence of the Society of Apothecaries of London. Dr. Tabone has also been a member of the Council of the University of Malta, a member of the Faculty Board of Medicine from 1957 and lecturer in Clinical Ophthalmology in the Department of Surgery.


            Dr. Tabone has been active in politics since the early 1960s and in 1961 became a member of the Nationalist Party's (NP) Executive Committee. From 1962 to 1972, he was Secretary-General and from 1972 to 1977 the first Deputy Leader of the NP. In 1978 he was elected President of the Executive Committee. He held this post up to August 1985.


            Dr. Tabone contested the General Elections for the first time in the interests of the NP in 1962. In 1966 he was elected a Member of Parliament and became Minister of Labour, Employment and Welfare. He was re-elected in 1971, 1976, 1981 and 1987 and the districts he represented included Msida, St. Julians, Sliema and Gzira. He represented the Nationalist Parliamentary Group in the Council of Europe since 1973 and was Party Spokesman on Foreign Affairs since 1978. He was a member of various Council of Europe committees for several years and rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee, of the Committee of Health and Social Affairs, and of the Committee for European Non-Member Countries of which he has also been President. He was the Founder of the "Akkademja Ghall-izvilupp ta' i-Ambject Demokratiku" (AZAD) and was its President from 1976 to 1988.


            After the election of May 1987, he was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs. In 1968, when he was then Minister of Labour, Employment and Welfare, he made a proposal at the United Nations in New York for greater attention to the ageing population of the world which in time led to the Vienna Action Plan on Ageing, and in 1988 the establishment of the United Nations Institute of Ageing in Malta. In September 1988 he made a proposal in the United Nations in New York that climate should be considered as a common heritage of mankind. Within three months this led to the drafting of a United Nations resolution on Climate Change and on action to be taken to reduce man-made actions which are at the root of such a change.


            On 16 March 1989, Dr. Tabone tendered his resignation as Minister for Foreign Affairs and as a member of the House of Representatives; and on 4 April of the same year he was elected by Parliament as the fourth President of Malta. On 4 April 1994 his term as President of Malta ended.


            From 15 April 1995                Visiting Professor in International Affairs, University of Malta


Decorations and awards


            1989                Awarded testimonial by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in recognition of his dedicated service in support of the United Programme on Ageing


            1989                Degree of Doctor of Laws LL.D (Hons. Causa) by the University of Malta


            1990                Companion of Honour of the Order of Merit, Malta


            1990                Special Grade of Grand Cross of the Order of Merit, Federal Republic of Germany


            1991                "Pro Merito" medal from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


            1991                Presidential Gold Medal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh


            1991                Grand Collar of the Order of Makarios III, Cyprus


            1991                Cavaliere di Gran Croce decorato con Gran Cordone al Merito, Italy


            1991                M.D. (Hon. Causa) by the Beijing Medical College, China


            1992                Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, Great Britain (G.C.B.)


            1992                Collare dell'Ordine al Merito Melltense (SMOM)


            1994                Gold Medal Award - Mérite Européen for his contribution to the peoples of Europe. Given by the Fondation du Mérite Européen


            1995                Cavaliere di Collare dell'Ordine Piano

Joaquín Tacsan (Costa Rica)


University education


            J.S.D./Ph.D                             Juris Scientiae Doctor, University of California, Berkeley, 1991, cum laude, 1991 Bustamante Prize in International Law. Degree recognized by CONESUP in December 1992


            LL.M.                                       Master of Laws, University of California, Berkeley, 1989


            Special fields                          Papers on human rights and international law,

of study                                   University of Costa Rica, 1986


            Bachelor of Laws                   Bachelor of Laws, University of Costa Rica, 1978


Honours (A full list is available for consultation in the files of the secretariat)


Certificate of Merit for Creative Scholarship, American Society of International Law, 1993. Best creative book in 1993 in the field of law and international relations


Foreign Student Council Scholarship to the International Leadership Seminar, USIA, Washington D.C., Summer 1988


Associate Editor, International Tax and Business Lawyer, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, 1988


Fulbright/Hays grant for doctoral studies in the United States, 1987-1990


Honour roll, postgraduate studies in human rights and international law, postgraduate studies programme, Faculty of Law, University of Costa Rica, 1986


Professional experience (Full details may be inspected in the files of the secretariat)


            1994-present                          Director, Centre for Peace and Reconciliation, Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress


            1991-1994                               Centre for Peace and Reconciliation, Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, Executive Adviser to Mr. Oscar Arias, former President of Costa Rica and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 1987


            1995-present                          Professor of Human Rights and International Security, Diplomatic Institute of Costa Rica


            1994-present                          Counsellor on human rights and international law, Costa Rican Ministry of Foreign Affairs


            1994-1995                               General Coordinator of the final evaluation team for the Development Programme for Displaced Persons, Refugees and Returnees in Central America


            1993                                         Associate Professor of Law, University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Division of Marine Affairs


            1992                                         Legal adviser to the Government of Suriname in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights


            1992-present                          Latin American University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Law, Doctoral Programme, Professor of Public International Law and Human Rights


            1991-1992                               Professor of Human Rights and International Law, University of San José, Costa Rica


            1989-1990                               University of California, Berkeley, Associate researcher in international law and human rights


            1986-87                                   Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica. Lawyer, Advisory Committee, in the Border and Transborder Armed Actions case, Nicaragua v. Costa Rica, International Court of Justice


            1986                                         University of Costa Rica, Professor of Public and Private International Law


Principal publications


Book "The Dynamics of International Law in Conflict Resolution", Martinus Nijhoff Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands (1992). Certificate of Merit, American Society of International Law, best creative book of the year, 1992-1993


Textbook, Course on international public law and human rights, vols. I and II, ULACIT, San José, Costa Rica, 1992


Textbook, International security and human rights, Manuel María Peralta Diplomatic Institute, San José, 1995


Mr. Tacsan is the author of several academic articles published in various periodicals in Costa Rica and abroad. Copies may be requested from him


Selected publications


            A complete list is available for consultation in the files of the secretariat.



Other recent international activities


Conference on Human Security and Militarism, Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, February 1995


Presentation of final evaluation report on the Development Programme for Displaced Persons, Refugees and Returnees in Central America, Trusteeship Council, United Nations, New York, February 1995


"Imagining a post-war Guatemala", Vesper International/Arias Foundation, El Presidio, San Francisco, September 1994


Conference on Global Governability, Academic Council of the United Nations System (ACUNS), San José, Costa Rica, January 1994


Conference on Demobilization, Demilitarization and Democratization in Central America, Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, San José, Costa Rica, August 1993


ACUNS Summer Workshop, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, United States, July-August 1993


International Consultation Network (INN) Consultation, The Carter Center, 1991 and 1993


Demobilization and Security in Central America, Collège Militaire Royal de Saint-Jean, Montreal, Canada, December 1992


Security issues in Central America, USIP/Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, November 1993


United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, as a special guest of UNCED, Rio de Janeiro, June 1992


Symposium on Sovereignty Issues, Life and Peace Institute, Sweden, May 1992


Reconciliation of Environmental and Economic Policies, Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations, Geneva, October-November 1991


International Law Seminar, United Nations, Geneva, June 1990


United States foreign policy summer courses, United States Information Agency, Washington D.C., July 1988


Summer courses, International Law Institute, Washington D.C., July 1987


Public and Private International Law Certificate, The Hague Academy of International Law, summer 1986


Regular attendance at annual meetings of the American Society of International Law, Washington D.C.


Professional organizations


Member of Costa Rican Bar Association since 1978


Founding President and Vice-President of the Sino-Costa Rican Lawyers' Association (1981-1992)


Member of the American Society of International Law since 1985


Coordinator of the interest group on the theory of international law, and member of the human rights interest group


Member of the American Bar Association, International Law and Practice Section, since 1987



Mrs. Nína Vajić (Croatia)


Place and date of birth: Zagreb, Croatia, 5 February 1948




            1996-1971       Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

B.A. in Law


            1971-1973       Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

Postgraduate Studies in Public and Private International Law and International Relations

LL.M. in International Law


            1978-1980       Graduate Institute of International Studies (Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales), University of Geneva

Diploma Programme in International Law


            1984                Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

J.S.D. in International Law




Croatian, English, German, French (fluent)

Italian, Spanish (reading knowledge)


Current appointment


Professor of Public International Law at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (1991-present)


Previous appointments


Instructor 1971-1978, Assistant 1978-1985, Assistant Professor 1985-1991 of Public International Law at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law


Director of the Institute of International and Comparative Law of the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb 1991-1994


Fields of specialization


Public International Law in general, with emphasis in human rights, peaceful settlement of disputes, law of treaties, law of international organizations, United Nations European Community Law


Other relevant experience


Adviser with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia


Member of the Croatian delegation to the CSCE Expert Meeting on Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, Geneva 1992; Member of the Croatian delegation to the CSCE Review Conference and Summit Meeting, Budapest 1994


Consultant to governmental bodies (in Croatia) on questions of international law


Member of the OSCE Dispute Settlement Mechanism and Alternate Arbitrator of the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Convention on Conciliation and Arbitration within the CSCE (now OSCE)


Guest lecturer: Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik (Croatia); Universities of Osijek, Rijeka (Croatia), Parma (Italy), Vienna (Austria), Iberoamerican University, Mexico City (Mexico)


Participation in numerous research projects and expert conferences


Editing the periodical "Contributions to the study of comparative and international law" in Croatian, English, French


Professional organizations


Croatian Society of International Law (President)


International Law Association


The Croatian European Community Studies Association


International Institute of Space Law


Publications (selection)


United Nations General Assembly Resolutions as a Source of International Law, (in Croatian), LL.M. thesis, Zagreb, 1977, 99 p.


Direct Broadcasting by Satellites and International Law (in Croatian), doctoral thesis, Zagreb, 1984, 402 p.


"Les résolutions des organisations internationales", Jugoslovenska revija za meunarodno pravo, vol. 27, No. 1, 1980, pp. 42-59


"Conclusion of treaties by the European Economic Community", (in Croatian), Godišnjak Pravnog fakulteta u Banjaluci, No. 7, 1983, pp. 87-107


"The law of outer space and the law of the sea: A joint contribution to the emergence of the common heritage of mankind concept", Essays on the New Law of the Sea ed. B. Vukas, Prinosi za poredbeno proučavanje prava i meunarodno pravo, vol. 18, No. 21, 1985, pp. 537-556


"The United Nations and the development of space law" (in Croatian), Jugoslovenska revija za meunarodno pravo, vol. 32, No. 1-2, 1985, pp. 403-415


"The geostationary orbit", (in Croatian), Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 35, No. 5-6, 1985, pp. 635-644


"Interpretative Declarations to Multilateral Treaties", (in Croatian), Jugoslovenska revija za meunarodno pravo, vol. 34, No. 1-2, 1987, pp. 152-167


"Good-neighbourly relations and the United Nations", (in Croatian), Aktuelni trendovi u razvoju meunarodnopravnih formi pogranične suradnje u Evropi, Pravna fakulteta u Ljubljani, Institut za meunarodne odnose, Ljubljana, 1988, pp. 1-13


"Freedom of information and international law", (in Croatian), Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 39, Nos. 5-6, Supplement, 1989, pp. 699-712


"The adjustment of the Yugoslav legal order to universal and European conventions on human rights", presented at the Round Table: Similarities and Differences between Universal and European Standards in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights, Institut za menarodnu politiku i privredu and the Council of Europe, Belgrade, 10-11 December 1990, 18 p.


"Perceptions and demands from outside: what kind of political union? View from Yugoslavia: political union to avoid nineteenth century foreign policy", Toward Political Union: Planning a Common Foreign and Security Policy in the European Community, ed. R. Rummel, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 1992, pp. 255-260. (Aktuelle Materialien zur internationalen Politik, Bd. 30)


"Right to self-determination within the framework of the United Nations referring to the current situation in Croatia", Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 41, No. 6, 1991, pp. 569-575


"United Nations peace-keeping operations, the Blue Helmets", (in Croatian), Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 41, No. 6, 1991, pp. 541-555


"Succession of States - Selected problems of international law", (in Croatian), Zakonitost, vol. 46, No. 4, 1992, pp. 570-577



Luis Valencia Rodriguez (Ecuador)


Born: Quito, Ecuador, 5 March 1926


Academic studies and qualifications


Higher studies at the Faculty of Law of the General University of Ecuador (Quito)


Fifth Special Course for Government Legal Advisers, London (1968-1969)


Degree in Public and Social Sciences (Central University of Ecuador, Quito)


Qualified barrister in the Ecuadorian courts and Doctor of Jurisprudence at the Central University, Quito




English, French, Portuguese and Russian


Principal assignments in the Foreign Service of Ecuador


Head of the Political Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1951)


Director of the OAS (Organization of American States) Section (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) (1955)


Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations (16 July 1959-30 October 1963)


Minister Plenipotentiary at the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations (31 October 1963-8 March 1964)


Under-Secretary for Diplomatic and Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (9 March 1964-16 March 1964)


Promoted to Ambassador on 25 August 1965


Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs (on various occasions between July and December 1965)


Minister for Foreign Affairs (two terms: 14 December 1965-31 March 1966 and 4 November 1981-9 August 1984


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ecuador to Argentina (1989-1991)


Permanent Representative to the United Nations (1994-...)


            A full list of positions held may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


Main official assignments


Head of delegation to the eighteenth session of the United Nations General Assembly (1963)


Representative to the Fifth World Conference of the Society for Interntional Development (New York, 1963)


Representative to the fifth session of the Inter-American Council of Jurists (San Salvador, 1965)


Head of delegation to the twenty-first regular session of the United Nations General Assembly (1966)


Member of the Ecuadorian delegation to the second session of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties (Vienna, 1969)


Head of the Ecuadorian delegation to the thirtieth session of the United Nations General Assembly (1975)


Head of the Ecuadorian delegation to the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth regular sessions of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (1981, 1982 and 1983)


Head of the Ecuadorian delegation to the thirty-seventh regular session of the United Nations General Assembly (1982)


Chairman of the First Committee, forty-ninth session of the United Nations General Assembly (1994)


            A full list of participation in international conferences may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


Other posts and assignments


Member, in a personal capacity, of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (1970-1986). Three terms as Chairman of the Committee (1972-1974, 1984-1986 and 1992-1994)


OAS representative assigned to observe the elections in Grenada (December 1984)


Independent Expert of the Commission on Human Rights (1991)


            A list of teaching assignments and lecturing and other activities may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.



Official missions


As Ecuadorian Minister for Foreign Affairs or as a member of offical Ecuadorian delegations, has travelled on official missions to Argentina, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Panama, the Republic of Korea, St. Lucia, Spain, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Uruguay, the Vatican, Venezuela, the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the European Economic Community and the Latin American Integration Association.


            A full list of official missions may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.




Fundamentos y propósitos de las Naciones Unidad (Bases and purposes of the United Nations) (1970)


Principios de las Naciones Unidad (Principles of the United Nations) (1972)


Protección de los Derechos Humanos (Protection of human rights) (1972), sole prizewinner in an international competition organized by the World Peace through Law Centre


Los derechos humanos de los trabajadores migrantes (The human rights of migrant workers) (1975)


Cumplimiento del artículo 6 de la Convención Internacional sobre la Eliminación do Todas las Formas de Discriminación Racial (Compliance with article 6 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) (1977)


Visión del Ecuador (A vision of Ecuador) (1982)


Various legal and literary studies


            A full list of publications may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


Decorations and honours


Awarded the "Bien de la Patria" decoration by decision of the National Constituent Assembly of Ecuador in November 1966


Grand Cross of the "Al Mérito" National Order of Ecuador


Grand Cross of the "Al Mérito" National Order of Italy


Grand Cross of the "Cóndor de los Andes" Order of Bolivia


Grand Cross of the "Cruzeiro do Sul" Order of Brazil


Grand Cross of the "Rubén Darío" Order of Nicaragua


"Francisco de Miranda Primera Clase" decoration of Venezuela


Grand Cross of the "Boyacá" Order of Colombia


Grand Cross of the "Libertador San Martín" Order of Argentina


Grand Cross of the "Rio Branco" Order of Brazil


Grand Cordon of the "Libertador" Order of Venezuela


Grand Cross of the "Orden del Sol" of Peru


Grand Cross of the Gwanghwa Order of Merit for Diplomatic Service of Korea


Grand Cross of the "José Matías Delgado" Order of El Salvador


Grand Cross of the Order of Duarte, Sánchez and Mella of the Dominican Republic


Grand Cross of the "Ponche Verde" Order of Río Grande do Sul, Brazil


Grand Cross of the "Orden de Mayo", Argentina



Mario Jorge Yutzis (Argentina)


Born: Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26 July 1936


Vicar of the United Lutheran Church in Argentina


Master of Theology, José C. Paz Lutheran Faculty of Theology, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Doctor of Religious Sciences, Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of Strasbourg, France


University studies in Psychology and Anthropology, Montevideo and Buenos Aires


Student Chaplain, Student Christian Movement of Argentina (1960)


Studies Secretary of the Latin American Executive Committee of the World Student Christian Federation (1973-1976)


Member of the Executive Committee of the World Student Christian Federation


Human Rights Adviser to the Lutheran World Federation (1978-1979)


Co-editor of the Newsletter "Human Rights Concern" of the Lutheran World Federation (1978-1979)


Professor of Latin American Reality (ISEDET)


Professor of Philosophical Anthropology at the Buenos Aires Higher Evangelical Institute for Theological Education (ISEDET)


Professor of Contemporary Ideologies at ISEDET (1977-1978)


Professor of Christian Ethics at the José C. Paz Lutheran Faculty of Theology, Buenos Aires (1963-1964)


Professor of Fundamental Psychology, Young Men's Christian Association of Argentina (1983-1986), Professor of the Permanent Course for Senior Officials


Visiting Professor, Hamma School of Theology, Springfield, Ohio (1969)


Visiting Professor, St. Paul Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota (1985)


Visiting Professor, Dayton University, Columbus, Ohio (1969)


Visiting Professor, Washington Ecumenical Consortium (1981)


Visiting Professor, School of Theology, Vancouver, Canada (1984)


Visiting Professor, Ecumenical Institute of Bossey (Céligny, Vaud, Switzerland (1978-1979)



Member, Mission to Monitor Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh, organized by the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization


Member of the Anti-Racism Information Service


Board member, International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism


Assistant Professor in the Adult Education Service of the University of Geneva, Switzerland (1978-1979)


Member of CERD (1984-1996)


Vice-Chairman of CERD (1986-1990)


Selected publications (A full list is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.)


La noción de la persona en la antropología de Unamuno (The notion of person in Unamuno's anthropology), Salamanca


La construcción social de la enfermedád (The social construction of illness), Buenos Aires


Identidad nacional y democracia (National identity and democracy)


Derecho internacional, multilateralismo y la paz en el mundo (International law, multilateralism and world peace), Buenos Aires


Derechos humanos y la hermenéutica de la fe cristiana (Human rights and the hermeneutics of Christian faith), Buenos Aires


Ideología y cambio social (Ideology and social change), Geneva


Algunas reflexiones en torno al lenguaje de la fe cristiana (Some reflections on the language of Christian faith), Buenos Aires


Les Naciones Unidas y los derechos humanos (The United Nations and human rights), Buenos Aires


Martin Lutero: Una teologia de la libertad de la palabra (Martin Luther: A theology of the freedom of the word), Buenos Aires


Daniel Bell and the question of the individual in the post-industrial society, ISEDET, 1993


Democracy, underdevelopment and governability in Latin America, paper presented on the occasion of the jubilee of the Church of Sweden




            Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Italian


Zou Deci (China)


Date of birth:                         December 1932


Place of birth:                         Shanghai, China


Nationality:                             Chinese




            1950                            Enrolled in Peking University Law School


            1952                            Transferred to Beijing Institute of Political Science and Law from Peking University Law School


            1954                            LL.B., Beijing Institute of Political Science and Law


Main positions


            1954-1972                   Teaching International Law at Beijing Institute of Political Science and Law


            1972-1980                   Associate Professor, Beijing Second Institute of Foreign Languages


            1980-1982                   Visiting Scholar, Denver University Law School, Denver, Colorado, United States


            1982-1987                   Legal Adviser to State Oceanic Administration


            1987-1994                   Director-General, Department of International Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice


Concurrently, Professor of Law at Wuhan University, China University of Political Science and Law and Zhongnan College of Political Science and Law


            1994-...                        Executive Governor, China Law Society


Academic and social positions


Member, China Research Institute of Human Rights


Vice-President, Institute of Procedure Law, China Law Society (1991-...)


Member, Legal Advisers Committee, All China Association for Overseas Chinese


Council Member, Chinese Society of International Law


Vice-President, Chinese Society of Private International Law (1991-)


Standing Council Member, China Institute for Law of the Sea


Member of Executive Committee, All China Women's Federation (1988-1993)


Adviser, China Women Judges Association (1994-)


Council Member, Western Returned Scholars Association of China; Deputy Secretary-General, US Chapter, WRWA (1995-)


Main international activities


Alternate or Representative of the Chinese delegation to the first to fifth sessions of the United Nations Preparatory Commission for the International Sea-bed Authority and International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, 1983-1987.


Member of the Chinese delegation for the bilateral negotiations for agreements on civil and criminal judicial assistance with such countries as: Mongolia, Italy, Romania, Turkey, Cuba, Russian Federation, Spain, Egypt, Thailand, Canada, Greece.


Representative of the Chinese delegation to the eighth session of the United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Treatment of Offenders, as well as the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference.


Member of the Chinese delegation to the fourteenth and fifteenth sessions of the Conference on World Peace through Law.


Facilitator for the Workshop on Violence Against Women in the NGO Forum for the Fourth United Nations Conference on Women, 1995.


Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Organizing Committee for the 14th LAW ASIA Biennial Conference.


Main publications


China's Judicial System


Survey on China's System of National Regional Autonomy


Protection of the Rights of Ethnic Minorities in China's Judicial System


International Judicial Assistance in China


Commentary on the Provisions on Judicial Assistance in China's Law on Civil Procedure


Role of International Judicial Assistance in the Process of Reform and Opening to the Outside World


Commentary on the Work of the Preparatory Commission on International Sea-bed Authority and International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea


Editor-in-Chief, Collection of Treaties on International Judicial Assistance


Editor-in-Chief, Selections of Laws on Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zones of the Countries Concerned.


