



10 November 1993









Fifteenth Meeting

New York, 12 January 1994









Note by the Secretary-General


1.In pursuance of article 8, paragraph 4, of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Fifteenth Meeting of States Parties to the Convention will be convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters on 12 January 1994 to elect nine members of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 19 January 1994 (see annex I). The names of the other nine members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 19 January 1996 appear in annex II.


2.In accordance with article 8, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Secretary-General in a note verbale dated 8 September 1993 invited the States parties to submit their nominations for the election of nine members of the Committee within two months. Listed below in alphabetical order are the nominees indicating the States parties which have proposed them:


Mr. Mahmoud ABOUL-NASR(Egypt)


Mr. Michael P. BANTON(United Kingdom of Great Britain

 and Northern Ireland)


Mrs. Hadassa BEN-ITTO(Israel)




GE.93-19242 (E)




Mr. Régis DE GOUTTES(France)


Mr. George O. LAMPTEY(Ghana)


Mr. Carlos LECHUGA HEVIA(Cuba)


Mr. Saeed T. MOKBIL(Yemen)


Mr. Jorge RHENAN SEGURA(Costa Rica)


Mr. Agha SHAHI(Pakistan)


Mr. Michael E. SHERIFIS(Cyprus)


Mrs. Nina VAJIC(Croatia)


Mr. Rüdiger WOLFRUM(Germany).


3.Biographical data of the nominees, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in annex III to this document. Any further nominations and biographical data which may be received by the Secretary-General will be brought to the attention of the States parties in addenda to this document.





The nine members of the Committee whose

terms expire on 19 January 1994


Mr. Mahmoud ABOUL-NASR(Egypt)


Mr. Hamzat AHMADU(Nigeria)


Mr. Michael Parker BANTON(United Kingdom of Great Britain

 and Northern Ireland)


Mr. Régis DE GOUTTES(France)


Mr. George O. LAMPTEY(Ghana)


Mr. Carlos LECHUGA HEVIA(Cuba)


Mr. Agha SHAHI(Pakistan)


Mr. Michael E. SHERIFIS(Cyprus)


Mr. Rüdiger WOLFRUM(Germany)





List of the other nine members who will continue

to serve on the Committee until 19 January 1996


Mr. Theodoor van BOVEN(Netherlands)


Mr. Ion DIACONU(Romania)


Mr. Eduardo FERRERO COSTA(Peru)


Mr. Ivan GARVALOV(Bulgaria)


Mr. Yuri A. RECHETOV(Russian Federation)


Mrs. Shanti SADIQ ALI(India)


Mr. SONG Shuhua(China)




Mr. Mario Jorge YUTZIS(Argentina)







Mahmoud ABOUL-NASR (Egypt)


Born:Cairo, 1931.


1952:Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Cairo University.


1952:Joined the Egyptian Bar Association.


1953-1954:Studied International Law at the University of Paris.


1955-1961:Served in the Egyptian Embassies in France, Italy and Albania.


1964-1968:Member of the Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations in New York. Represented Egypt during this period in the Sixth and Third Committees.


1968-1970:Head of the Human Rights Section in the International Organization Department of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry. Represented Egypt in the Committee on Human Rights of the League of Arab States.


1970-1974:Member of the Egyptian Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva. During this period attended many meetings and conferences including the diplomatic conference on the reaffirmation and development of international humanitarian law application in armed conflict.


1970-1978:Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.


1974-1976:Director of the International Organization Department in the Egyptian Foreign Ministry. Represented Egypt in many international and regional meetings and conferences including those of the Non-Aligned States, the Organization of African Unity and the Organization of the Islamic Conference.


1976-1983:Seconded to the Government of Oman and served during this period as its Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York.


1984-1985:Returned to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry and was nominated director of the International Organization Department.


1986-1990:Ambassador of Egypt to Spain.


1986-present:Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.


1990-1991:Assistant Foreign Minister for Arab Affairs and Permanent Representative of Egypt to the League of Arab States.


1991:Member of the Egyptian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid.


1992-present:Representative of the League of Arab States to the United Nations in New York.


Languages:Arabic, English and French.


Decorations:Order of Merit, First Class (Egypt)


Order of Noman, First Class (Oman)


Order of Isabela Catolica (Spain).



Michael Parker BANTON (United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland)




Born 1926; married; four children.




1965-1992:Professor of Sociology at the University of Bristol.


1985-1988:Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Bristol.


1987-1989:President of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.


1970-1971:President of the Sociology section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.


1985-1986:President of the Anthropology section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.


1970-1978:Director of the Social Science Research Council Research Unit on Ethnic Relations.


1990-1994:President of the section of the International Sociological Association concerned with Racial and Ethnic Relations.




1966- :Justice of the Peace in Bristol.


1978-1981:Member of Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure.


1978:Member of the Royal Commission on Civil Disorders on Bermuda.



1980-1985:Member of the United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO.




1962-1963:Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


1971:Wayne State University of Detroit.


1981:Australian National University.


1982:Duke University, North Carolina.




Professor Banton has published extensively on race relations and has specialized in the study of racial discrimination and the administration of criminal justice. Recently he has published several articles on the scope and effectiveness of legal measures for the reduction of discrimination and their influence in changing racial attitudes.




Professor Banton was first elected to the Committee in 1986 and was re-elected in 1990. He served as the Committee's Rapporteur from 1990-1992 and was re-elected for a further term from 1992-1994. He undertook the editorial work for the Committee's progress report, entitled The First Twenty Years, published in 1991. He has drafted a variety of memoranda for the Committee and has undertaken several assignments for the United Nations Centre for Human Rights.



Hadassa BEN-ITTO (Israel)


Born in Poland, immigrated to Palestine as a child.


Served as officer in the war of liberation in 1948.


Graduated law school in Israel. Attended post-graduate courses in law and criminology in the United States (Northwestern University in Chicago and University of Denver).


Admitted to the Bar in Israel in 1955 and practised law for five years.


Served as judge for 31 years in courts of all levels, including a temporary appointment as acting justice to the Supreme Court of Israel, in Jerusalem.


Served twice as member of Israel's delegation to the United Nations General Assembly, representing Israel in the Third Committee: once in 1965, when the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination was drafted, and again in 1975 when resolution 3379 (XXX) equating Zionism with racism was adopted.


Represented Israel at various international events, including the UNESCO conference on human rights held in Paris in 1982.


Headed two committees: one, to study the problems of prostitution in Israel, by appointment of the Minister of Justice, and one to prepare a bill of rights for patients, by appointment of the Minister of Health.


Served as member of committees dealing with penal reform and probation.


Spent three months in France as guest of French Government to make a comparative study of the penal systems of France and Israel.


Invited by the United States Information Agency to observe the operation of the American legal system (one month).


Taught criminal procedure at the Law Faculty of the University of Bar-Ilan.


Visited various countries on speaking tours.


Since 1988 President of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists.


Retired from the bench in 1991, before mandatory retirement age. Currently engaged in writing a book on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.



Régis de GOUTTES (France)


Born on 26 October 1940, Paleville (Tarn), married, four children.


Chevalier, Ordre National de la Légion d'Honneur.


Chevalier, Ordre National du Mérite.


Law graduate. Graduate in Higher Studies on Private Law, Comparative Law and Criminal Science. Graduate, Institute for Political Science, Toulouse. National Judicial Training School (top of class 1968). Graduate, International Faculty for Teaching Comparative Law.


Present functions (1993)


Advocate-General, Court of Cassation (since 19 May 1993).


Member, National Advisory Commission on Human Rights (since 1990).


Member, Steering Committee for Human Rights, Council of Europe (since 1990).


Member, United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (since 1990).


Member, Board of Trustees, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (since 1990).


Former member, European Committee on Crime Problems, Council of Europe.


Member, International French-Language Legal Institute (IDEF).


Member, French International Law Society.


Member, European Penal Research Association.




Technical cooperation: Legal Adviser, Ministry of Justice of Lao People's Republic, at Vientiane.


14 September 1966, Junior Magistrate.


15 February 1969, Magistrate, Central Administration, Ministry of Justice.


25 August 1972, Deputy Attorney-General in Nouméa, then from 9 March 1973 to November 1974 in Versailles.


6 February 1978, Official representative, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Legal Adviser to the Legal Affairs Department.


January 1981, Chief of F2 Bureau (international and European criminal law), Criminal Legislation Section, Criminal Affairs and Pardons Department, Ministry of Justice.


12 April 1983, Assistant Director, Office of the Minister of Justice (Mr. Robert Badinter).


8 September 1983, Official representative, Director of Criminal Affairs and Pardons, Ministry of Justice.


11 May 1984, Deputy-Director of Criminal Justice, Criminal Affairs and Pardons Department, Ministry of Justice.


5 June 1984, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Central Administration, Ministry of Justice.


1 June 1985, Deputy-Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


December 1989, Advocate-general, Paris Court of Appeal.


6 May 1991, Appointed to establish the European and International Affairs Service, Ministry of Justice.


2 October 1992, Deputy Advocate-General, Court of Cassation.


19 May 1993, Advocate-General, Court of Cassation.


Recent publications


"La préparation des rapports français devant les organes mondiaux de protection des Droits de l'Homme" (The Preparation of French Reports in World Human Rights Protection Organizations), article published by CEDIN (Nanterre International Law Centre), documents of the colloquium held on 12-13 October 1989 on international law and human rights, under the direction of Hubert Thierry and Emmanuel Decaux (1990).


"Variations sur l'espace judiciaire pénal européen" (Variations on a European system of criminal law), in Dalloz, 1990, Chron. 245.


"Vers un espace judiciaire pénal para-européen?" (Towards a para-European system of criminal law?), in Dalloz, 1991, Chron. 154 (6 June 1991).


"Le Comité des Nations Unies pour l'élimination de la discrimination raciale" (The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination), article in a Revue de Science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé (July-September 1991).


"La Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme et la justice française en 1992" (The European Convention on Human Rights and the French Courts in 1992), keynote address for the new session of the Paris Court of Appeal, on 7 January 1992, published in the Gazette du Palais, No. 66-67, 6-7 March 1992 and in the magazine "Droit et Société", No. 20-21, 1992.


"Activité du Comité des Nations Unies pour l'élimination de la discrimination raciale" (Activities of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination), update in issue No. 1/92 of the Revue Générale du Droit International Public.


"De l'espace judiciaire pénal européen à l'espace judiciaire pénal para-européen" (From a European to a Para-European system of criminal law), contribution to the Miscellany for Georges Levasseur on criminal law and European law - LITEC 1992.


Contribution to the collective work on the European Convention on Human Rights, to be published by Professor Emmanuel Decaux and Edmond Pettiti and Pierre-Henri Imbert (Editions Economica).


"La Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme et le juge national: vers une consolidation de la mission et du statut du juge?" (The European Convention on Human Rights and French Judges: Towards a Consolidation of the Judge's Task and Status?), article in Gazette du Palais, No. 1-5 of 15 January 1993 and in Annonces de la Seine, of 3 December 1992, No. 85.


"Présentation de la Convention européenne d'entraide judiciaire en matière pénale et de son Protocole additionnel" (Presentation of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and the Additional Protocol), article in the Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique, No. 2, 1993 (Geneva).


"Vers un droit pénal européen?" (Towards a European Criminal Law?), article to appear in the magazine Science Criminelle et de Droit Pénal Comparé) (1993-94).


George O. LAMPTEY (Ghana)


Date of birth:12 November 1929


Place of birth:Accra, Ghana


Marital Status:Married


Education:Louis A. Grimes School of Law and Government (LL.B) and the Harvard University Law School (LL.M). At Harvard he was editor-in-chief of the Harvard International Law Journal. In 1963-1964 attended the Carnegie Endowment seminars in diplomacy at the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University




1962Desk Officer for the Western Europe and the Americas Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1962-1966Second Secretary (Administration and Political) and later First Secretary (Political), Washington D.C.


1966-1969Acting Director of the Research and Policy Planning Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1969-1972First Secretary (Information) and later Counsellor (Political), London


1972-1976Special Duties Assistant to the Principal Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1974-presentMember of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)


1976-1978Supervising Director, Bureau of Europe and the Americas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1979Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ghana to Senegal and Mauritania and High Commissioner to The Gambia


1981-1989Director, Economic Relations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1990-presentAmbassador of Ghana to Italy


Conferences etc.Has had considerable international conference experience and in 1965 played a major role in the formulation and drafting of the implementation clauses and the adoption of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Has served as:


1965Member of Ghana delegation to the twentieth session of the United Nations General Assembly. Served on the Third and Sixth Committees


1967Member of the Ghana delegation to the twenty-second session of the United Nations General Assembly. Served on Third and Sixth Committees


1967Chairman of the Special Committee on Technical Assistance to Promote the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law, New York


1968Member of the Ghana delegation to the first session of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, Vienna (1968). Served on the Drafting Committee


Member of the Ghana delegation to the United Nations Special Committee on the Definition of Aggression, Geneva. Elected Rapporteur of the Committee


Member of the Ghana delegation to the twenty-third session of the United Nations General Assembly. Served on the Drafting Committee of the Special Missions Convention


Member of the Special Committee on Technical Assistance to Promote the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law, New York


1969Member of the Ghana delegation to the second session of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, Vienna. Served on the Drafting Committee


1970Member of the Ghana delegation to the United Nations Special Committee on Principles of International Law Relating to Friendly Relations and Cooperation Among States, Geneva


Member of the Ghana delegation to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Singapore


1972Leader of the Ghana delegation to the Officials Meeting on Consular Relations within the Commonwealth, London


1973Member of the Ghana delegation to the sixth session of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Geneva


Member of the Ghana delegation to the sixth session of the United Nations Special Committee on the Question of Defining Aggression, Geneva





Member of the Ghana delegation to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Ottawa


Has several times represented Ghana on the Council of the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization, London


1976Elected as Vice-Chairman of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination for a two-year term


1976Member of Ghana delegation to the thirty-first session of the United Nations General Assembly


1977Member of the Minister of Foreign Affairs' official delegation to the Netherlands, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Norway and Italy


1977Member of Ghana delegation to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, London


1977Member of Minister of Foreign Affairs' official delegation to Cuba.


1978Elected Chairman of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


Member of Minister of Foreign Affairs' official delegation to Yugoslavia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and Poland


Represented CERD at the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, Geneva


1979Member of Ghana delegation to the 5th Council of Ministers Conference of the ECOWAS, Dakar


Member of the Ghana delegation to the Summit Conference of the ECOWAS, Dakar


Lecturer, 22nd International Seminar for Diplomats, Kleshein Council, Salzburg


Participant - Second Armand Hammer Conference on "Peace and Human Rights - Human Rights and Peace", Rossevelt Campobello International Park, Canada


Leader of the Ghana delegation to the First Extraordinary Session of the Fourth Ministerial Conference of West and Central African States on Maritime Transport, Dakar


Member of the Ghana delegation to the Council of Ministers Conference of the ECOWAS, Dakar


Member of the OAU Committee of Experts to draft an African Charter on human rights and people's rights, Dakar


1980Represented CERD at the United Nations Seminar on Political, Economic, Cultural and other Factors underlying situations leading to Racism, including a survey of the increase or the decline of Racism and Racial Discrimination, Nairobi, Kenya


1980-1981Member of the Ghana delegation to the first and second sessions of the Plenipotentiary Meetings of the Law Ministers on the OAU Draft African Charter on Human and People's Rights, Banjul, The Gambia


1981Armand Hammer Conference on "Peace and Human Rights - Human Rights and Peace", Aix-en-Provence, France




Ambassador Carlos Lechuga Hevia was born in Havana on 28 February 1918. He worked as a journalist until the triumph of the Revolution in 1959, when he entered the diplomatic corps. From February to July 1959, he was Special Envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United Nations in New York.


On 18 July 1959, he was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Cuba to Chile and attended the fourteenth session of the United Nations General Assembly in 1959.


On 28 December 1959, he was appointed Ambassador on Special Mission in Latin America.


On 2 March 1960, he took up his post as Permanent Representative of Cuba to the Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American Economic and Social Council in Washington. He took part as Adviser to the Cuban delegation at the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth consultative meetings of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Latin American Republics.


From 23 May 1961 to 28 February 1962, he was Director of the Department of International Organizations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba.


On 12 April 1962, he was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Mexico.


In late 1962, he was transferred to New York as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations and later headed the Cuban delegation to the eighteenth session of the United Nations General Assembly.


On 29 July 1964, he was appointed Chairman of the National Cultural Council of Cuba and member of the Council of Ministers.


He took part in official special missions in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.


He held the post of Political Director for Africa and Asia in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, in January 1970, was appointed Cuban General Commissioner at the World Fair in Japan.


From 22 January 1971 until 1978, he was based in Geneva as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations and specialized agencies in Switzerland.


He led the Cuban delegations to the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts in 1974, 1975 and 1977; the GATT Ministerial Meeting held in Tokyo from 12 to 14 September 1973; and the Conference of Developing Countries on Raw Materials held in Dakar from 3 to 8 February 1975.



He represented the Governmental Group of the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in the Governing Board of the International Institute for Labour Studies and was the head of the Cuban delegation to the ILO Conferences.


He was a member of the Cuban delegation to the third, fourth and fifth United Nations Conferences on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).


He was Coordinator of the Group of 77 during the fifth Conference in Manila, Philippines.


Delegate to the seventh Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly and to the thirty-fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly.


Representative of Cuba to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and Vice-Chairman of the Commission at the 1976 session.


In 1978, he was appointed Director of International Organizations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba.


Member, in a personal capacity, of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Studies, which advises the Secretary-General of the United Nations.


Also took part as delegate of Cuba to the 1973 and 1977 International Sugar Conferences, various meetings of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries and was Secretary of the Political Committee of the Sixth Non-Aligned Summit Conference.


Ambassador of Cuba to Portugal from 1981 to 1984. In 1981, he headed a delegation of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries which visited Lebanon.


From 1984 to 1989, served as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Cuba to the United Nations and specialized agencies in Switzerland and was based in Geneva.


Vice-Chairman, First Committee, United Nations General Assembly, forty-eighth session. Chairman, Committee on Radiological Weapons, Conference on Disarmament, 1986.


Author of the book Itinerario de una Farsa. Is preparing a book on the 1962 nuclear missile crisis.


Member of Cuban delegation, Paris Conference on Chemical Weapons, 1989.


Headed the observer delegation on the withdrawal of Vietnamese troops from Cambodia.


Member, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 1990-1994


Mr. Saeed MOKVIL (Yemen)


Date and place of birth:1951, Lahej, Yemen




Marital status:Married, two children


Languages:Arabic, English, Russian


Education:Master in International Relations, obtained from College of International Law and International Relations, Kiev University


Diploma, Journalism, obtained from International Institute of Journalism, Berlin


Present position:Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Yemen to the United Nations and other international organizations, Geneva


Work experiences,1969-1972: Press Department, Ministry of Education

conferences and

sessions:1973-1974: Third Secretary, Press Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1974-1975: Second Secretary, Yemen Embassy to Somalia


1976-1982: Sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Kiev University for specialization in the field of international relations


1982-1986: Deputy Director, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1986-1988: Counsellor, Chargé d'affaires, Yemen Embassy to the Republic of Ethiopia


1988-1990: Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Yemen to the United Nations and other international organizations, Geneva and Vienna


1990: Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Yemen to the United Nations and other international organizations, Geneva


Member of Yemeni delegation to the Ministerial and the Seventh Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries, New Delhi, 1983


Member of Yemeni delegation to the Ministerial and Fifth Conference of Heads of State of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Casablanca, Morocco, 1984


Member of Yemeni delegation to the Foreign Ministerial Conference of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Fez, Morocco, 1985


Member of the Yemeni delegation to the United Nations General Assembly, forty-third session (Third Committee), New York, 1988


Head of delegation to the Conference on the Treaty to Control the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes, Basel, Switzerland, 1989


Head of delegation to the General Conference of UNIDO, Vienna, 1989


Member of the observer Yemeni delegation to the Economic and Social Council, Geneva, summer session, 1989-1993


Member of Yemeni delegation to the International Labour Conference, forty-sixth and forty-seventh sessions, Geneva, 1989, 1990


Member of the Yemeni delegation to the World Health Assembly, Geneva, 1989, 1990 and 1992


Member of the observer Yemeni delegation to the sessions of the Executive Committee of UNHCR, Geneva, 1989-1992


Member of the Yemeni delegation to the Fourth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Geneva, 1990


Member of the Yemeni delegation to the eleventh World Meteorological Congress, Geneva, 1991


Member of observer Yemeni delegation to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, forty-fifth to forty-ninth sessions, Geneva, 1989-1993


Member of the Yemeni delegation to the Preparatory Committee meetings for the World Conference of Human Rights



Participated as an observer in different meetings of committees on human rights, such as the Committee against Torture, the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


Head of the Yemeni delegation to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, forty-first session, 1992.

Jorge RHENAN SEGURA (Costa Rica)


Date and place of birth: 6 October 1956, San José, Costa Rica


Higher education


La Sorbonne, University of Paris:


Doctorate in Political Sciences (summa cum laude)


Master's Degree of the Institute of Latin American Studies, Paris III


University of Geneva:


Master's Degree of the Institute of European Studies


Studies in human rights and humanitarianism


University of Costa Rica:


Degree in Public Law


Degree in Political Sciences


Master's Degree in History of International Relations


Notary public


Autonomous University of Central America:


Degree in Journalism


Present post


Career diplomat in Costa Rica's Foreign Service, currently with rank of Ambassador


Ambassador. Deputy Resident Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Ambassador to the Conference on Disarmament


Member of the Academic Committee (Committee on Migration) of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy (since 1990)


Previous functions


Assistant, Faculty of Social and Legal Science, University of Costa Rica (1974-1979).


Researcher and lecturer, International Politics Centre, School of Political Science, University of Costa Rica (1979-1982).


Lecturer, School of International Relations (international law and economic relations), University of Costa Rica (1979-1982).


Director, Office of International Affairs, School of International Relations, University of Costa Rica (1981)


Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations (1982-1987).


Alternate member, Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (1988-1990).


Expert member, United Nations Working Group on Non-Self-Governing Territories of the Pacific and Indian Oceans (1988-1992).


Expert member, United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (1988-1992)


A full list of professional assignments may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat


Diplomatic activities


Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the Commission on Human Rights (1983-1993).


Technical Adviser, International Labour Conferences (1983-1988), and Deputy Head of Delegation of the LXXV and LXXVI International Labour Conferences (1990-1991).


Head of Delegation to the ILO Governing Body (1990-1993) and Coordinator of the Governmental Group at ILO (1990-1993).


Legal Adviser, Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, International Organization for Migration and the Red Cross (1983-1990).


Representative of Costa Rica at the sessions of the Economic and Social Council (1983-1993).


Head of the Delegation of the Government of Costa Rica for the presentation of the second periodic report to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1990), the delegation for the presentation of the third report to the Human Rights Committee (1990), the second report to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the initial report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child (1993).


Representative of Costa Rica at meetings of the Working Group to draft the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1983-1989).


Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Organization for Migration (1991) and Chairman of the Executive Committee (1991-1992).


Deputy Head of the Delegation of Costa Rica to the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 1993.


A full list of diplomatic assignments may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.


Membership of associations, etc.


Member of the Costa Rican Bar Association and the Costa Rican Political Science Association.


Member, Costa Rican Association of Authors of Scientific and Literary Works.


Former member, International Advisory Board of the International Association against Torture.


Member, Committee of Experts on the Prevention of Torture in the Americas (CEPTA).


Contributor to the Costa Rican newspaper, La Nación (international politics and economic problems).


Participant in numerous meetings, seminars, colloquiums and round tables on human rights and international politics at the Universities of Costa Rica, Geneva, Aix-en-Provence, Paris (La Sorbonne), Seville and San Marcos de Lima.


Lecturer at the International Institute of Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy, in courses on racial discrimination, and the role of the police and human rights (1988), and at the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, in the course on racial discrimination (1989).


A list of teaching assignments and other activities may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.




Dr. Rhenán Segura is the author of several books on international politics and international law and of several dozen articles on human rights and international politics which have appeared in specialized reviews. A full list of these publications may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.



Mr. Agha SHAHI (Pakistan)


Present position:President of the Islamabad Council of World Affairs and member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination since 1978


Experience:1944-1951Served in the provincial government of Sind


1951Appointed to the Foreign Service of Pakistan


1951-1954Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1955-1958Minister in the Embassy of Pakistan, Washington D.C.


1958-1961Deputy Permanent Representative, Pakistan Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York


1961Promoted to the rank of Ambassador


1961-1964Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1964-1967Additional Foreign Secretary, Government of Pakistan


1967-1972Permanent Representative, Pakistan Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York


1972-1973Ambassador of Pakistan to the People's Republic of China


1973-1977Foreign Secretary (Permanent Under-Secretary), Government of Pakistan


January 1978Adviser for Foreign Affairs, Government of

to May 1980Pakistan


May 1980 toMinister for Foreign Affairs, Government of

February 1982Pakistan


Mr. Agha Shahi has served as Leader/Member of Pakistan delegations to many sessions of the United Nations General Assembly and other international conferences, such as the Bandung Conference (1955), the Non-Nuclear-Weapon States Conference (1968), the Islamic Summit Conference, the Havana Non-Aligned Summit Conference (1979), etc. He was the Chairman of the Islamic Foreign Ministers' Conference held in Islamabad in 1980 and Leader of the Pakistan Delegation to the World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna in June 1993.



He has also served in various capacities on a number of United Nations organs and bodies, namely as member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) (1956-1962), representative of Pakistan in the United Nations Security Council (1968-1969), Chairman of the General Assembly's First Committee (1969), President of the UNDP Governing Council (1969), Chairman of the Pakistan delegations to the United Nations General Assembly (1977-1981), Chairman of the United Nations Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Disarmament Studies (1979-1982), Chairman of the Board of Trustees, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) (1982).


He is active in public affairs and has participated in many international seminars since 1978.


His publications include Pakistan's Security and Foreign Policy (1988) and a number of articles on security, disarmament and humanitarian issues.



Michael E. SHERIFIS (Cyprus)


Born:Famagusta, Cyprus - 18 November 1937


Married:to Rossella Franchini-Sherifis, former member of the Italian Diplomatic Service.


Academic Qualifications:


University of Athens: he graduated from the Faculty of Political Science and Economics (1959) and from the Law School (1962).


Languages:Greek, English, French.



He joined the Cyprus Diplomatic Service in 1961.


1961-1962 Consul in Athens.


1963 Political Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


1964 Consul-General in Alexandria, Egypt.


1965-1970 Member of the Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the United Nations, New York.


1970-1972 Deputy Chief of Mission in Paris and Deputy Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, Strasbourg.


1973-1976 Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations Office at Geneva and to the specialized agencies in Switzerland.


1976-1979 Director of Human Rights, Director of Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


1980-1982 Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York; also accredited as Ambassador to Suriname and High Commissioner to Grenada.


1983-1985 Ambassador to Yugoslavia, also accredited to Algeria.


1985-1989 Ambassador to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also accredited to Finland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic.


1989-1993 Ambassador to the United States of America, also accredited to Canada, Brazil, Ecuador, Jamaica, the Bahamas.





He has been at the head of Cyprus delegations to numerous international conferences. He has specialized in human rights issues and in this capacity he served as:


(a)Leader of the delegation of Cyprus to the World Conference Against Apartheid, held in Lagos in 1977;


(b)Deputy Leader of the delegation of Cyprus to the Conference on Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts held at Geneva from 1974-1977, which resulted in the adoption of two Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions;


(c)Leader or Deputy Leader of the delegation of Cyprus to several sessions of the Commission on Human Rights;


(d)Representative of Cyprus to the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly in 1968, 1969, 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979.


He has been a Vice-Chairman of the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, of which he is an elected member since January 1982. He is actively involved in the work of the Committee and he has repeatedly chaired a number of its working groups.


He participated in numerous seminars and lectured extensively in American universities, think-tanks and Councils of Foreign Affairs on issues relating to human rights and international relations.



Mrs. Nína VAJIĆ (Croatia)


Place and date of birth: Zagreb, Croatia, 5 February 1948




1966-1971:Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

B.A. in Law


1971-1973:Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

Postgraduate Studies in Public and Private International Law and International Relations

L.L.M. in International Law


1978-1980:Graduate Institute of International Studies (Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales - IUHEI), University of Geneva

Diploma Programme in International Law


1984:Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

J.S.D. in International Law




Croatian, English, German, French (fluent)

Italian, Spanish (reading knowledge)


Current appointment


Professor of Public International Law at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (1991-present)


Director of the Institute of International and Comparative Law of the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (1991-present)


Previous appointments


Instructor 1971-1978, Assistant 1978-1985, Assistant Professor 1985-1991 of Public International Law at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law


Fields of specialization


Public International Law in general, with emphasis in human rights, peaceful settlement of disputes, law of treaties, law of international organizations, United Nations European Community law


Other relevant experience


Part-time cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia;


Consultant to governmental bodies on questions of international law;


Member of a CSCE Dispute Settlement Mechanism (nominated by Croatia);


Guest lecturer: Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik (Croatia); Universities of Osijek, Rijeka (Croatia), Parma (Italy), Vienna (Austria), Iberoamerican University, Mexico City (Mexico);


Participation in numerous research projects and expert conferences;


Editing the periodical "Prinosi za poredbeno proučavanje prava i meďunarodno pravo" ("Contributions to the Study of Comparative and International Law") in Croatian, English, French.


Professional organizations


Croatian Society of International Law


International Law Association


The Croatian European Community Studies Association


International Institute of Space Law




Dr. Vajić has authored many articles on issues in international law and international relations. A list of those publications may be consulted at the Secretariat.



Rüdiger WOLFRUM (Germany)


BornBerlin, 13 December 1941


1964-1969Study of Law at the Universities of Bonn and Tübigen


18 January 1969First State Examination


1969-1973Junior barrister


29 June 1973Graduation, Dr. iur.


14 September 1973Second State Examination


From 1973Assistant professorship, Institute of International Law, University of Bonn


1 August 1977Research fellow at the Center for Oceans Law and

to 31 July 1978Policy of the University of Virginia; scholarship from the German Research Foundation


July/August 1980Participation at the Third United Nations Law of the

March/April 1981Sea Conference (alternate)

March/April 1982Representative of the German delegation and Adviser to the Ministry of Economics


28 November 1980Habilitation, venia legendi for national, public and international public law


6 May 1982Professor, Chair of National, Public and International Public Law, University of Mainz, Faculty of Law and Economics


From 2 December 1982Professor, Chair of Public and International Public Law, University of Kiel, Law Faculty, Director of the Institute of International Law


June 1983-May 1988Participation at the 4th Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting concerning Antarctic mineral resource activities, Member of the German delegation and Chairman of the Legal Working Group (beginning in 1985)


August/September 1983Participation at the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany)


From 29 April 1986Judge at the Court of Appeals for Administrative Matters for the States of Niedersachsen and Schleswig-Holstein


August/September 1987Visiting professor at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis


January 1990Election as member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


Since 1 June 1990Vice-rector of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität at Kiel


August/September 1990Visiting professor at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Law School


Since 1 May 1993Director of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg


Author of a large number of books and articles published in German and English, a list of which is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.


