Meeting of States parties to the Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women

Eleventh meeting

New York, 31 August 2000

Item 5 of the provisional agenda*




                 Election, in accordance with article 17, paragraphs 4 and
5, of the Convention, of eleven members of the Committee
to replace those whose terms are due to expire on
31 December 2000



                     Note by the Secretary-General






1.        In compliance with article 17, paragraph 3, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Secretary-General invited the States parties to the Convention to submit their nominations by 15 July 2000 for election of 11 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. The 21 nominations that were received by that date were published in document CEDAW/SP/2000/3. The Secretary-General has now received two additional nominations as follows:

           Satou Adamou Moussa (Niger)

           Gaudence Rwamaheke (Burundi)



         * CEDAW/SP/2000/1.

2.        The curriculum vitae of the above-mentioned candidates, as furnished by their Governments, are annexed hereto (see annexes).

Annex I


                     Curriculum vitae



                     Satou Adamou Moussa (Niger)



Date of birth:                                                   c. 1958 at Doutchi (Dosso)

Marital status:                                                 Married, mother of five (5) children

Identification No.:                                           59 165/N

Function:                                                          Magistrate, 3rd grade, 5th level


                            School and university qualifications


1965-1971                                                         Niamey Girls’ Missionary Primary School (CEPE)

1972-1975                                                         CEG Niamey III (BEPC)

1976-1979                                                         Kassai Secondary School, Niamey (Baccalaureate)

1980-1986                                                         University of Niamey (Master’s degree in Private Law)

1986-1987                                                         National Civil Service

January 1988-July 1989                       Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, International Section (Paris), ENM diploma







                            Professional training course


January 1988                                                    Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, International Section (Paris)


                            Area of competence




                            Professional course


February 1986-July 1987                                National Civil Service, Tillabéry Subregional Development Council

October 1989-October 1994                Judge, Court of First Instance, Niamey

November 1994-September 1996                  Judge responsible for Civil and Customary Matters, Commune III, Niamey; simultaneously President of the Niamey Subregional Elections Commission, Commune III, Niamey

7 October 1996-10 May 1999              Director for Human Rights, Ministry of Justice

11 May 1999 to present                       Vice-President of the Niamey Court


                            Seminars and training courses


September 1988-June 1989: Jurisdictional training course, Court of Major Jurisdiction, Bourges, France

1-10 June 1992: Seminar at Niamey: Justice in a State of Law

22-24 November 1994 Seminar: Rights and Duties of Women in a State of Law

May 1994: Seminar at Kollo on the Draft Family Code

4-7 February 1997: International Symposium: Establishment of Juvenile Courts in Niger

Symposium on the Elimination of Legal Impediments to Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Countries of French-speaking Africa, Cotonou, Benin, 24, 25 and 26 March 1997

Study trip to the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Togo (Lomé), 22 April-9 May 1997

Participation in the Twenty-eighth Education Session organized by the International Institute of Human Rights on the theme “Precautionary Measures to Enhance Respect for Human Rights”, Strasbourg, France, 29 June-25 July 1997

10-14 April 1998 Seminar: Human Rights Training, organized by the Association Nigérienne de Défense des Droits de l’Homme (ANDDH) and the International Federation of Human Rights Leagues (IFHR), Niamey

Participation in the Seventh Summer University at Tours, France, 6 June-25 July 1998. Theme: Training of Human Rights Educators

Democratic Elections, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 7 September-2 October 1998

International Symposium on Human Rights. Theme: “The State of Law and African Realities”, Niamey, 15-17 November 1998 (ANDDH), Danish Centre for Human Rights


                            For the record


Member of the Association des Femmes Juristes du Niger (AFJN)

Member of ANDDH

Member of the Syndicat Autonome des Magistrats du Niger (SAMAN)

Annex II


                     Curriculum vitae



                     Gaudence Rwamaheke (Burundi)



                   1.     Personal data


Mailing address:  Bujumbura, Burundi, B.P. 2747

Telephone number:         (257) 22 4247 (Office)

                                           (257) 21 2957 (Home)

Fax number:                     (257) 22 4247 (Office)

                                           (257) 22 6716 (Office)

                                           (257) 22 7512 (Home)

Date of birth:                   1958


                   2.     Education


                 2.1     Studies



Field of study and institution

Certificate or diploma





Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Department of French Language and Literature, University of Burundi

First degree in French language and literature


Humanities (higher level), Gitega Ecole
Normale for Girls

Full humanities certificate and teacher’s diploma


Humanities (lower level), Jenda “Etoile des Montagnes” High School

Core curriculum certificate


Jenda Primary School

National primary education certificate



                 2.2     Other training




Name and place of institution




26-30 June 2000

Designing projects to combat HIV/AIDS/STDs in Burundi under the “Rights” approach

National Programme to Combat AIDS (PNLS), Bujumbura, Burundi

11-30 May 1998

Third international training session on “Gender, population and development”

Research, Documentation and Information Centre (CREDIF), Tunis, Tunisia

17-19 December 1997

Training in peaceful settlement of conflicts

IMSA Effective Dispute Resolution (South Africa), Bujumbura, Burundi

28 October-
15 December 1996

Annual training programme in educational planning and administration (1996-1997 session)

Modules followed:
Diagnostics in the education sector
Information system for educational planning
Design of policies, plans, approaches and methods
Projection methods and techniques
Implementation of plan and programmes: feasibility studies, steering and evaluation

International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris, France

17-29 July 1989

Training of trainers “Pedagogical practice and support for educational systems”

Lyons, France



                   3.     Professional skills and expertise


(a)      Field of expertise: social sciences

       – Between 1992 and 1996, I successfully directed the largest high school in the country at the height of a crisis.

       – Since 1977, I have chaired a number of follow-up committees for social projects.

       – I chair the “Think Tank” on Sustainable Human Development in Burundi.

       – I have participated in the preparation of the national reports of Burundi on the implementation of international conventions.

(b)      Skills in information technology:

       – I hold a certificate issued by SOMECA-BURUNDI (Société pour la mécanisation des entreprises en Afrique).

Application programmes:         Windows 95 Environment; Word processing: Microsoft Word 97; Spreadsheet: Microsoft Excel 97.

                   4.     Relevant professional experience






Type of organization


Principal responsibilities








Director-General for Social Action and the Advancement of Women

Civil Service

Ministry for Social Action and the Advancement of Women


Conceived, prepared and implemented national policies for social action and the advancement of women

Coordinated, evaluated and directed the activities of various contributors in the areas of social action and the advancement of women

Mobilized financing for projects in the areas of social action and the advancement of women

Organized advocacy sessions for the promotion and protection of the rights of women and children


Director, Lycée du Lac Tanganyika

Civil Service

Ministry of Education


Supervised pedagogical activities and ensured full implementation of programmes

Managed human resources


Director, Lycée Rohero

Civil Service

Ministry of Education


Organized cultural and other nurturing activities for the school community


Préfet des études (course supervisor), Lycée Rohero

Civil Service

Ministry of Education


Organized courses


Teacher, Athénée Secondaire de Bujumbura

Civil Service

Ministry of Education


Offered French-language courses



                   5.     Publications






Date of publication





Elaboration de la politique nationale de population: population et protection sociale (Preparing a national population policy: population and social welfare)


Collaborated on one chapter

February 2000

Rapport national du Burundi sur la mise en application du plan d’action de suivi de Beijing (National report of Burundi on the implementation of the follow-up to the Beijing Plan of Action)



Collaborated in data collection and editing


Rapport initial du Burundi sur l’évaluation de la mise en application de la convention sur l’élimination de toutel les formes de discrimination à l’égard des femmes (Initial report of Burundi on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women)



Editing the entire document


Premier rapport du Burundi sur le développement humain (First report of Burundi on human development)



Collaborated on one chapter


Rapport initial du Burundi sur la mise en application de la convention relative aux droits

de l’enfant (Initial report of Burundi on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child)


Collaborated on one chapter


Plan d’action national de suivi de Beijing (National plan of action for follow-up to Beijing)






                   6.     Languages


       – Kirundi: Very good (spoken, written, reading)

       – French: Very good (spoken, written, reading)

       – English: Good (spoken, written, reading)


                   7.     References


       – Minister Romaine Ndorimana: Tel. (257) 21 0376

                                                                           Fax (257) 21 6102

                                                                           B.P. 2690

       – Minister Liboire Ngendahayo:           Paris, France

       – Eugène Ndaro: BPE Burundi   Tel. (257) 23 1926

                                                                           Fax (257) 23 1566

                                                                           B.P. 2250 or 5428



                   8.     Further statement


           I certify that all information contained in this curriculum vitae is authentic and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the United Nations to verify the information contained in this curriculum vitae.