Meeting of States parties to the Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women

Eleventh meeting

New York, 31 August 2000



         * CEDAW/SP/2000/1.

Item 5 of the provisional agenda*




                 Election, in accordance with article 17, paragraphs 4 and 5, of the Convention, of eleven members of the Committee, to
replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 2000



                     Note by the Secretary-General



1.        In accordance with article 17, paragraph 4, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Secretary-General will convene the eleventh meeting of States parties at United Nations Headquarters on 31 August 2000, for the election of 11 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women from a list of persons nominated by States parties to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 2000 (see annex I). The names of the other 12 members, who will continue to serve on the Committee until 31 December 2000, appear in annex II.

2.        In compliance with article 17, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 9 December 1999, invited the States parties to submit their nominations for the election of 11 members of the Committee not later than 15 July 2000. The Secretary-General has prepared the following list, in alphabetical order, of all persons nominated by 15 July 2000, indicating the States parties that had nominated them.

           Candidate                                                                  Nominated by

           Feride Acar                                                      Turkey
           Sjamsiah Achmad                                           Indonesia
           Maria Martha Fernandez de Escoto            Honduras
           Françoise Gaspard                                                    France
           Maria Yolanda Ferrer Gómez                         Cuba
           Aída González Martínez                                 Mexico
           Rena Ibrahimbekova                                                 Azerbaijan
           Sultana Kamal                                                            Bangladesh
           Alix Boyd Knights                                                    Dominica
           Fatima Kwaku                                                            Nigeria
           Raquel Macedo de Sheppard                       Uruguay
           Göran Melander                                                         Sweden
           Asha Rose Mtengeti Migiro                         United Republic of Tanzania
           Sanji Mmasenono Monageng                      Botswana
           Rookmeenee Narainamah Narayen              Mauritius
           Ahoua Ouedraogo                                                    Burkina Faso
           Oleksandra M. Rudnyeva                                        Ukraine
           Hanna Beate Schöpp-Schilling                               Germany
           Heisoo Shin                                                                Republic of Korea
           Kirana Sumawong                                                     Thailand
           Regina Tavares da Silva                                           Portugal

3.        The curricula vitae of the above candidates, as furnished by their Governments, are contained in annex III

Annex I


                     List of the eleven members of the Committee whose terms expire on 31 December 2000



Member                                                                                 Country of nationality

Feride Acar                                                                 Turkey
Carlota Bustelo Garcia del Real                                          Spain
Silvia Rose Cartwright                                              New Zealand
Maria Yolanda Ferrer Gómez                                    Cuba
Aída González Martínez                                           Mexico
Salma Khan                                                                           Bangladesh
Yung-Chung Kim                                                       South Korea
Ahoua Ouedraogo                                                               Burkina Faso
Anne Lise Ryel                                                                     Norway
Hanna Beate Schöpp-Schilling                                          Germany
Kongit Sinegiorgis                                                               Ethiopia

Annex II


                     List of the twelve members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 31 December 2002



Member                                                                                 Country of nationality

Charlotte Abaka                                                                   Ghana
Emna Aouij                                                                 Tunisia
Ivanka Corti                                                                          Italy
Feng Cui                                                                                China
Naela Gabr                                                                  Egypt
Savitri Goonesekere                                                             Sri Lanka
Rosalyn Hazelle                                                                    Saint Kitts and Nevis
Rosario Manalo                                                                    Philippines
Mavivi Myakayaka-Manzini                                   South Africa
Zelmira Regazzoli                                                       Argentina
Carmel Shalev                                                                       Israel
Chikako Taya                                                                        Japan



Annex III*


                     Curricula vitae of candidates


                 Feride Acar (Turkey)


Prof. Dr. Feride Acar - Turkey
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Middle East Technical University (METU)
Ankara, 06531, Turkey


                 María Martha Fernandez de Escoto (Honduras)



[Original: Spanish]


           I.   General information



Age:                                             50

Marital status:                            Married

Nationality:                      Honduran

Profession:                       Licencia en ciencias jurídicas y sociales (first degree in law and juridical sciences), concentration in international law, National Autonomous University of Honduras



          II.   Experience in public administration



1 July 1999-present — Legal adviser, National Women’s Institute (INAM)


                            Functions and activities


       – Coordinating meetings with governmental and non-governmental institutions on matters of interest to the Institute;

       – Preparing draft laws and regulations;

       – Preparing draft conventions;

       – Handling administrative-law matters for the Institute;

       – Providing assistance and guidance to women applying to INAM;

       – Coordinating with other institutions on issues of domestic violence and women’s rights;

       – Issuing expert opinions;

       – Representing the Executive Presidency by delegation;

       – Acting as legal representative and proxy, where necessary;

       – Adviser on women’s issues to the Governing Council of INAM.

1 October 1998-30 June 1999 — Technical assistant, Government Office for Women


                            Main functions


       – Providing legal advice to the authorities of the Office;

       – Providing training on domestic violence to the various sectors involved in implementing the Domestic Violence Act (police);

       – Counselling women who applied to the Office with a problem of a different nature;

       – Other activities delegated by a higher authority.

1 March 1995-31 September 1998 — Administrative secretary of the Council on the Judiciary


                            Main functions


       – Reception and legal review of claims;

       – Convening meetings of the Council;

       – Submitting previously reviewed cases for the consideration of the Council;

       – Preparing judicial decrees, communications, inspections, summonses, minutes, reports and draft decisions, execution of evidence and carrying out the necessary steps connected with proceedings;

       – Holding consultations.

February 1993-May 1994 — Oficial Mayor (Secretary-General), Secretariat of Economic Affairs and Trade


                            Main functions


       – Officer in charge of the administrative services of the Secretariat;

       – Assisting the Secretary and the Under-Secretary in the discharge of their duties in accordance with the regulations in force;

       – Ensuring compliance with the Act on Administrative Procedure and the Act on the Public Administration;

       – Taking decisions on matters delegated for review by the Secretary and the Under-Secretaries;

       – Preparing agreements, decisions, decrees and draft laws and regulations on matters within the purview of the Secretariat;

       – Providing legal advice to the directoratés general;

       – Appointed by the Governor of Honduras as representative to the Central American Bank for the drafting of amendments to the regulations on the organization and administration of the Central American Bank.

1991-1992 — Sub-Oficial Mayor (Deputy Secretary-General), Secretariat of Economic Affairs and Trade


                            Main functions


       – Providing assistance to the Oficial Mayor and carrying out the latter’s duties and obligations in his absence.

Legal adviser, Secretariat of Economic Affairs and Trade


                            Main functions


       – Review and legal handling of all matters falling within the purview of the Office of the Legal Adviser of the Secretariat.

1989-1990 — Legal adviser, Directoraté General of Internal Trade


                            Main functions


       – Providing legal assistance to the Directorate and the Sub-Directorate on the implementation of the laws administered by those bodies;

       – Helping to draft amendments to the Consumer Protection Act;

       – Drafting amendments to the Act on Representatives, Distributors and Agents of National and Foreign Companies;

       – Drafting agreements and decisions issued by the Directorate;

       – Preparing the draft decree creating the Consumer Ombudsman’s Office.

1977-1988 — Legal adviser, Directoraté General of Industries, Secretariat of Economic Affairs and Trade


                            Main functions


       – Providing legal assistance to the economists and administrators of companies in implementing the laws administered by the Directorate;

       – Providing legal advice to the Directorate and the Sub-Directorate;

       – Helping to prepare the draft law on industrial processing zones;

       – Helping to draft the temporary importation regime;

       – Drafting agreements and decisions.

1977 — Attorney, Commission of the Central District Metropolitan Council


                            Experience in the private sector


1971-1975                                               Gutierrez Falla law firm

1976-1977                                               Montes Matamoros law firm

                 Special consultant in the preparation of study materials for the First Seminar on the Legislative Branch and the Function of Representatives (legislative branch and the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development).



        III.   Courses and seminars



       – Administrative course for mid-level managers;

       – Quality control course I;

       – Quality control course II;

       – Meetings Division course;

       – Course in the basic administration programme for mid-level managers;

       – Basic programme course.

Ahoua Ouedraogo



[Original: Spanish]



Date and place of birth: 2 March 1948, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

Nationality:                      Burkina Faso

Professional title:            Adviser on social affairs

Position held:                             Technical adviser to the Ministry of Social and Family Activities

Address:                                     01 BP 942 Ouagadougou 01






BEPC (certificate of secondary education), 1965

Baccalauréat (high school diploma), 1968

Diploma in community development, 1970

State diploma in early childhood education, Centre Pédagogique France, 1977

Masters degree in philosophy (elective in social and political philosophy), University of Central Africa, 1984



                 Areas of specialization



Community development, Israel, 1972

Management of social services, École Internationale de Bordeaux, 1973

Teaching, France, 1975

Gender and development/integration of women in development, 1990



                 Areas of competence



Adult education

Community development

Integration of women in development/gender and development

Formulation and evaluation of projects and programmes for vulnerable groups (women, children)

Formulation of strategies for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women

Training of trainers in family life education

Training of trainers in participatory methods


                 Professional activities



Twenty years of expeience in social work.

1971-1974                         Official in charge of the Zecko Mané Women’s Centre, Province of Sanmatenga, Burkina Faso. Training and guidance of women for grass-roots development.

1974-1977                         Social worker at the Ouidi Social Centre, Ouagadougou. Social assistance to the family, advancement of women and reintegration of social cases.

1978-1981                         Official at the Child Protection Service of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Status of Women.

1982-1984                         Teacher at the Bangui Social Service School, Central African Republic.

1986-1989                         Research assistant with UNDP, Ouagadougou, for the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).

May 1989-                                   Director for the Advancement of Women and the Family.

April 1997                         Study of the socio-economic situation of women in Burkina Faso with a view to the formulation of a national action plan. Indentification and elimination of social and cultural bottlenecks impeding the welfare of famililies, with particular emphasis on the advancement of women.

                                           –        Design of programmes to promote income-generating activities for women.

                                           –        Design of a policy for alleviating women’s domestic tasks in order to promote their participation in other activities.

                                           –        Design of family live information and education programmes; protection of the rights of women.

                                           –        Formulation of strategies to combat practices harmful to the health and development of women.






Juvenile Delinquency in Upper Volta, June 1977.

The Situation of Preschool Education, Ouagadougou, 1979.

Analysis of the Socio-Economic Situation of Women in Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, UNDP/UNIFEM, 1987.

Survey of the Nutritional Situation in Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, FAO, 1988.

                 International seminars



Seminar on the development of day nurseries in Africa, Tunis, 1979.

Seminar on the Nairobi, Forward-looking Strategies, Abuja, November 1989.

Training seminar on the promotion of the role of women in drinking water supply and sanitation, Abidjan, October 1990; Bamako, June 1990.

World Congress on the Promotion of the Family in Arab and African Societies, Benghazi, March 1990.

Commemorative seminar on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Kiev, September 1990.

Presentation of the initial report of Burkina Faso to the tenth session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Vienna, January 1991.

Consultant to the Ministry for the Advancement of Women of Guinea-Bissau for the drafting of that country’s initial report on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, October 1991.

Training seminar on gender and development in Botswana, October 1992.

Fifth African Regional Conference on Women, November 1994.

Fourth World Conference on Women, September 1995.



                 National Seminars



Chairperson of the organizing committee of a conference on “What Kind of Training for Young People?”, Ouagadougou, January 1989.

Chairperson of the organizing committee of a seminar on “One Woman, One Income”, Ouagadougou, November 1990.


Chairperson of the organizing committee of a workshop on drafting the report on the status of women in Burkina Faso, March 1994.


Chairperson of the organizing committee of a workshop on drafting the report on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, 1996.