




Convention on the Elimination

of All Forms of Discrimination

against Women






                                                                                                                     27 January 1998


                                                                                                                     ORIGINAL: ENGLISH/SPANISH






Tenth meeting

New York, 17 February 1998

Item 5 of the provisional agenda Footnote



Election, in accordance with article 17, paragraphs 4 and 5,

of the Convention, of twelve members of the Committee

to replace those whose terms are due to expire on

31 December 1998


Note by the Secretary-General





1.       In compliance with article 17, paragraph 3, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Secretary-General invited the States parties to the Convention to submit their nominations by 15 December 1997 for election of 12 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. The 22 nominations that were received by that date were published in document CEDAW/SP/1998/3. The Secretary-General has now received one additional nomination as follows:


          Rosa Rita Alvarez - Dominican Republic


2.       The curriculum vitae of the above-mentioned candidate, as furnished by her Government, is annexed hereto.








[Original: Spanish]



Date of birth:                             23 June 1953


Place of birth:                            Santiago, Dominican Republic


Marital status:                           Married


National identity

card:                                           No. 001-0062425-3


Address:                                    C/ Hermanos Deligne No. 56, Apto. 4, 2da. Planta Gazcue, Santo Domingo


Telephone:                                687-6312


Degrees and diplomas


Specialist in Marriage and Sex Counselling, Instituto APEC de Educación Sexual


Licenciatura in Clinical Psychology (magna cum laude), Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU)


Expert in Psychometrics, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU)


Bachiller (secondary school diploma) in Science and Letters, Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, Santiago, Dominican Republic


Language studies


Workshop for Teachers of English, Instituto Cultural Dominico-Americano


Advanced English courses, Instituto Cultural Dominico-Americano


Basic English courses (honours), Instituto Cultural Dominico-Americano


Professional experience


Executive Director, Mujeres en Desarrollo Dominicana, Inc. (MUDE), 1991-present


Director, Department of Communication and Education, PROFAMILIA, 1987-1991


Supervisor of Education and Training, PROFAMILIA, 1986-1987


Head of Sex Education Programmes, PROFAMILIA, 1983-1986


Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Maternidad Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia, 1980-1986


Director, Centre for Adolescents, PROFAMILIA, 1980-1983


Expert, Department of Psychology, Ministry of Education, 1979-1980


Coordinator, Department of Psychology, Ministry of Education, 1980


Expert, Department of Educational and Vocational Guidance,           Ministry of Education, 1975-1979


Psychological monitoring of children born of high-risk pregnancies, Maternidad Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia, Santo Domingo, 1978-1980


Psychologist, Multidisciplinary Team in Support of Athletes, Ministry of Sports, 1978


Radio and television programmes


          (a)      Various programmes on the situation of rural women and on the activities of Mujeres en Desarrollo Dominicana (MUDE), 1980-1997


          (b)     Programmes on sexuality and reproduction, 1980-1997




Articles and reports on sexuality, the family, women, psychology and adolescence in the national and international press, 1990-1997




"Estudio descriptivo sobre la homosexualidad en Santo Domingo" ("Descriptive study of homosexuality in Santo Domingo"), 1984.


"Conocimientos y actitudes acerca de la virginidad, relaciones sexuales, anticoncepción y aborto en estudiantes de los liceos de Los Minas" ("Knowledge and attitudes on virginity, sexual relations, birth control and abortion in high school students in Los Minas"), 1984.


"Estilos de vida psicopáticos. Estudio comparativo con el I.M.P.M." ("Psychopathic lifestyles: comparative study with IMPM"). Presence of psychopathic symptoms and other mental disturbances or illnesses in criminals, thieves, members of religious orders and athletes. Thesis, Licenciatura degree in Psychology. Graded as "outstanding", 1977.


"Los Psicólogos desalmados" ("Cruelty among psychologists"). Studies on mental illness, especially of a particular group of the mentally ill. Monograph for the degree of Expert in Psychometrics, 1976.




"Guía educativa sobre SIDA para Latinoamerica" ("Educational guide to AIDS for Latin America"). Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), 1990.


"Análisis del Programa National de Educación Sexual en la República Dominicana, 1985-1989" (Analysis of the national sex education programme in the Dominican Republic, 1985-1989"). Dominican Republic's baseline document for presenting the findings of Latin American projects financed by the Pathfinder Fund.


"Diseño, elaboración y redacción del 'Manual de Educación Sexual'" ("Design, elaboration and editing of the 'Sex Education Manual'"). Text used in the country's secondary schools for preparation of the sex education module under the SEEBAC-PROFAMILIA agreement.




"Silver Circle", Jaycees, 1996.


Plaque awarded by the Office for the Advancement of Women (DGPM) for support to that Office, 1992.


Plaque awarded for efforts on behalf of the education of Dominican youth, 1991.


"Highest Silver" award for outstanding youth of 1985, granted by Jaycees International.


Recognition for work on behalf of the secondary students of the Dominican Republic, by the Department of Guidance and Psychology of the Ministry of Education.


Honorary Citizen of the City of Santa Cruz, recognition granted by the Mayor of the city of Santa Cruz.


Membership in institutions, commissions and delegations


Member of the Commission of Women Advisers to the Chamber of Deputies. Current.


Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) consultant on sexually transmitted diseases for the Women's Unit, programme of work carried out by President Patricio Aylwin in the country, October 1997.


Member of the Inter-Agency Council on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Santo Domingo, 1997-present.


Member of the NGO Alliance Consortium (Vice-President), 1997-present.


Member of the Board of Directors of the National "Quisqueya Verde" Plan, a joint body of the Government, the private sector and non-governmental organizations, 1997 to present.


Member of the Committee on Transfer of Agricultural Technology, Ministry of Agriculture, 1997-present.


Official delegate, Commission of the World Food Summit, Rome, 1996.


Member of the Board of Directors of the Democratic Initiatives Programme, 1996-present.


Member of the Advisory Board of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 1996-present.


Member of the Honorary Commission of Women Advisers to the Senate, 1994-present.


Member of the delegation to Dominican Republic Week in the United States of America, 1995, 1996 and 1997.


Adviser to the official delegation to the Fourth World Conference on Women, 1995.


Member of the Board of Directors (Vice-President and Treasurer) of the Pro-Nature Fund (PRONATURA), 1992-present.


Member of the Expert Council of Administration and Shareholders of TEMPO Publicistas Asociados, S.A., 1990-1993.


Member of the Expert Council of the Centre for Guidance of Adolescents (CORA), Mexico City, 1989-1990.


Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Human Sexuality (ISH), attached to the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, 1986.


Member of the National Sex Education Institute (INSAPEC), sponsored by APEC, 1986.


Seminars and congresses


          (a)      Papers


"Mujer rural en República Dominicana" ("Rural women in the Dominican Republic"). Presented to staff members of international agencies. Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Washington, D.C., 1996.


"Mujer rural y financiamiento" ("Rural Women and Finance"). Pre-assembly seminar, Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Santo Domingo, 1992.


"Seminario sobre gerencia ejecutiva" ("Management Seminar"), Santo Domingo, organized by the Technical Training Institute (INFOTEC).


"Actividades escolares para la prevención de SIDA/ETS en la República Dominicana" ("Student activities for the prevention of AIDS/STD in the Dominican Republic"), meeting on behavioural interventions in schools, for the prevention of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), organized by PAHO, Washington, D.C., 1990.


"Valor de la consejaría en los programas de planificación familiar" ("Value of counselling in family planning programmes"), in a postgraduate course offered on updating family planning prior to the Perinatology Congress, Santo Domingo, 1989.


"La psicología en República Dominicana" ("Psychology in the Dominican Republic"), International Women's Day, organized by the Ministry of Education, Santo Domingo, 1989.


"Situación de la mujer en el país" ("Situation of women in the Dominican Republic"), International Women's Day, organized by the Ministry of Education, Santo Domingo, 1989.


"La familia ante la crisis actual" ("The family in crisis"), panel organized by Jaycees International, Santo Domingo, 1988.


"Educación sexual para adolescentes en República Dominicana" ("Sex education for teenagers in the Dominican Republic"), round table on sexuality and education, Fourth National Meeting on Sexology, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, 1986.


"La libertad sexual y sus límites" ("Sexual freedom and its limits"), Fourth National Meeting on Sexology, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, 1986.


"Características, sentimientos y vivencias homosexuales en Santo Domingo" ("Homosexual characteristics, feelings and experiences in Santo Domingo"), Seminar on Dominican Sexual Behaviour, Santo Domingo, 1996.


"Educación sexual para adolescentes. Una experiencia nueva en América Latina" ("Sexual education for teenagers: a new experience in Latin America"), First International Meeting on Reproductive Sexual Health of Teenagers and Youth, Mexico City, 1985.


"Es la adolescente apta para la reproducción?" ("Are teenagers suited for parenthood?"), Plenary Symposium on Adolescence in Gynaecology/Obstetrics, Fourth Dominican Congress on Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Santo Domingo, 1985.


"La psicología deportiva y su importancia" ("Sports psychology and its importance"), First National Course for Soccer Coaches, Santo Domingo, 1976.


"La psicología deportiva y su importancia" ("Sports psychology and its importance"), training course for weightlifters, Santo Domingo, 1976.


          (b) Participation


Conference on Gender and Sexually Transmitted Disease, HIV/AIDS, organized by Family Health International/AIDS Control and Prevention Project (FHI/AIDSCAP), Arlington, VA, 1997.


Strategic Planning Course, organized by Development Associates, Santo Domingo, 1995.


WordPerfect Course, organized by Mujeres en Desarrollo Dominicana (MUDE), Santo Domingo, 1993.


Total Quality Course, organized by INFOTEC, Santo Domingo, 1993.


Seminar on Rural Women and Development, organized by SOLIDARIOS, Santo Domingo, 1993.


Management Seminar, organized by INFOTEC, Santo Domingo, 1992.


Introduction to Computers, organized by Citibank, Santo Domingo, 1988.


Information, Education and Communications Workshop, organized by the International Health Program, University of California, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, California, 1987.


Course/workshop on Managerial Development, organized by CEDOIS, Santo Domingo, 1987.


Qualitative Evaluation Technique for Family Planning Programmes, organized by PROFAMILIA-Pathfinder Fund, Jarabacoa, 1986.


The Administrative Process for Mid-level Executives of PROFAMILIA, taught by INFOTEC, Santo Domingo, 1985.


Workshop on Recovery of Costs, organized by PROFAMILIA, Santo Domingo, 1985.


Demography and its Many Uses, taught by experts from the Population Studies Institute, Santo Domingo, 1985.


Workshop on Appropriate Methodology in Sex Education for Children, taught by the APEC Sex Education Institute, Santo Domingo, 1984.


Workshop on Presentation of Social Projects, organized by Dominican Industrial Psychology, Santo Domingo, 1981.


Seminar on Adolescent Fertility Management, taught by the International Center for Training in Population and Family Health, Chicago, Illinois, 1981.


Course on the "Portage" Early Stimulation Programme, Rehabilitation Centre, Santo Domingo, 1978.


Course on the "Pata Negra" Test, organized by Advisory Assistance and Research in Psychology and Guidance, Santo Domingo, 1978.


First Dominican Symposium on Educational Psychology, organized by the Dominican Psychology Association (ADOPSI), Santo Domingo, 1977.


Course on Psychodrama, organized by Casa Abierta, Santo Domingo, 1975.


First Dominican Symposium on Psychiatry, organized by the Dominican Neurological Psychiatry Society, Santo Domingo, 1975.




Sra. Gilka de Chez

Oficial de Programación del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas

Av. Anacaona #9, Telephone: 533-6111


Sr. Adán Méndez

Asistente de Programación

Organizacion de las Naciones Unidas

  para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO)

Telephone: 531-3680/3609


Sr. Frank Rodríguez

Secretario de Estado

Secretaría de Estado de Agricultura (CEA)

Telephone: 547-3888


Sra. Gladys Gutiérrez

Secretaría de Estado

Dirección General de Promoción de la Mujer

Telephone: 685-3755





          Ms. Alvarez has seven years' experience directing one of the few non-governmental organizations in the Dominican Republic whose aim it is to contribute to the integral development of rural women.


          In this period, she has helped raise the living standard of rural women and promote their participation on an equal footing in society, offering them access to credit, primary health care, training and other social services to strengthen them individually and as a group.


          She has encouraged support for an increasing number of rural workers' organizations (284 women's groups in 19 municipalities), and assistance to over 7,000 women in their efforts at self-managed development.


          She has also promoted investment by the agency which runs production projects in agriculture and rural micro-enterprises in the form of credit amounting to RD$ 44,884,895, which has directly benefited 2,200 women; and technical assistance to over 3,000 women, which has enabled them to earn income to improve their personal and family lives and has created around 5,000 jobs for the benefit of the community.


          She has launched education programmes on ecology and the environment, including criteria of sustainability, and has promoted the establishment of women's ecology groups to help raise awareness and monitor the environment in the areas where they live.



          She has also encouraged the building of aqueducts and latrines (four aqueducts and 750 latrines so far) with active grass-roots participation, thereby benefiting rural areas where the inhabitants had no access to drinking water and were therefore exposed to disease.


          She has contributed, through advocacy, to the advancement of women in our society, and has participated in the revision and amendment of laws that benefit Dominican women.


          Ms. Alvarez believes that the development of women contributes to the country's development and the strengthening of democracy.


