




Convention on the Elimination

of All Forms of Discrimination

against Women






                                                                                                                                     11 January 1998


                                                                                                                                     ORIGINAL: ENGLISH






Tenth meeting

New York, 17 February 1998

Item 5 of the provisional agenda Footnote







Note by the Secretary-General



1.       In accordance with article 17, paragraph 4, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Secretary-General will convene the tenth meeting of States parties at United Nations Headquarters on 17 February 1998, for the election of 12 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women from a list of persons nominated by States parties to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 1998 (see annex I). The names of the other 11 members, who will continue to serve on the Committee until 31 December 2000, appear in annex II.


2.       In compliance with article 17, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 9 October 1997, invited the States parties to submit their nominations for the election of 12 members of the Committee within two months of the invitation. The Secretary-General has prepared the following list, in alphabetical order, of all persons nominated by 15 December 1997, indicating the States parties that had nominated them.


Candidate                                                                                      Nominated by


Charlotte Abaka                                                                            Ghana


Emna Aouij                                                                                   Tunisia


Ivanka Corti                                                                                   Italy


Feng Cui                                                                                        China


Haydée Deutsch                                                                          Venezuela


Hansine Napwaniyo Donli                                                           Nigeria


Miriam Estrada Castillo                                                                Ecuador


Naela Gabr                                                                                    Egypt


Ana Isabel Garcia Quesada                                                         Costa Rica


Savitri Wimalawathie

Ellepola Goonesekere                                                                  Sri Lanka


Sunaryati Hartono                                                                        Indonesia


Rosalyn Hazelle                                                                            Saint Kitts and Nevis


Rosario G. Manalo                                                                        Philippines


Miria Matembe                                                                              Uganda


Mavivi Lillian Yvette

Myakayaka-Manzini                                                                      South Africa


Ernest Njara                                                                                  Madagascar


Mamosebi Theresia Pholo                                                           Lesotho


Eugénie Nakpa Polo                                                                    Togo


Rokmeenee Narainamah

Ramana Narayen                                                                          Mauritius


Zelmira M. E. Regazzoli                                                                Argentina


Carmel Shalev                                                                              Israel


Chikako Taya                                                                                Japan


3.       The curricula vitae of the above candidates, as furnished by their Governments, are contained in annex III.


Annex I






Member                                                                                         Country of nationality


Charlotte Abaka                                                                            Ghana


Emna Aouij                                                                                   Tunisia


Tendai Ruth Bare                                                                          Zimbabwe


Désirée Patricia Bernard                                                            Guyana


Miriam Estrada Castillo                                                                Ecuador


Ivanka Corti                                                                                   Italy


Aurora Javate de Dios                                                                 Philippines


Sunaryati Hartono                                                                        Indonesia


Ginko Sato                                                                                    Japan


Carmel Shalev                                                                              Israel


Lin Shangzhen                                                                              China


Mervat Tallawy                                                                              Egypt



Annex II






Member                                                                                         Country of nationality


Ayse Feride Acar                                                                          Turkey


Carlota Bustelo García del Real                                                Spain


Silvia Cartwright                                                                           New Zealand


Yolanda Ferrer Gómez                                                                Cuba


Aída González                                                                            Mexico


Salma Khan                                                                                   Bangladesh


Yung-Chung Kim                                                                          Korea


Ahoua Ouedraogo                                                                        Burkina Faso


Anne Lise Ryel                                                                              Norway


Hanna Beate Schöpp-Schilling                                                   Germany


Kongit Sinegiorgis                                                                       Ethiopia



Annex III








[Original: English]


Date of birth                              15 August 1941.




1955-1959                                  Holy Child Secondary School.


1960-1965                                  University of Marburg/Lahn, Federal Republic of Germany.


1965-1967                                  University of Frankfurt, Main, Federal Republic of Germany.


Qualification                              Dental Surgeon, February 1967.




1967-1968                                  Department of Dentistry at the University Hospital in Frankfurt am Main, Federal Republic of Germany.


1968-1971                                  Private dental practitioner in Nürnberg, Federal Republic of Germany.


1971-1974                                  Dental surgeon at the Komfo Anokye Hospital in Kumasi, Ghana.


1974-1975                                  Dental surgeon-in-charge at Manhyia Polyclinic in Kumasi, Ghana.


1976                                           Dental surgeon at Mampong District Hospital, Ghana.


1976                                           Dental surgeon-in-charge at Dunkwa Hospital, Ghana.


1977-present                             Private dental practitioner-in-charge, ENEC Dental Clinic, Kumasi, Ghana.



International experience


1989-1991                                  President of African Regional Coordinating Committee (ARCC) for the Integration of Women in Development within the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).


November 1989                         Leader of Ghana's delegation to the Fourth ECA/OAU Regional Conference of the African Regional Coordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development, in Abuja.


May 1990                                   Eleventh meeting of the African Regional Coordinating Committee, Tripoli.


May 1990                                   In capacity as ARCC President participated in the ECA Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole (TEPCOW) meeting in Tripoli.


October 1990                             Member of Ghana's delegation to the Commonwealth Conference of Ministries responsible for Women's Affairs in Ottawa.


October 1990                             Workshop for the Heads of Commonwealth National Machineries in Ottawa.


1990                                           Elected member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.


December 1991                         Member of Ghana's delegation to the International Forum on Health in Accra.


March 1992                                Head of delegation of Ghana to the thirty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, Vienna.


June 1992                                  Member of Ghana's delegation to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro.


February 1994                           Re-elected as Member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.


1994                                           Member of international expert group that drafted an Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Maastricht, the Netherlands.


November 1994                         Member of Ghana's official delegation to the Fifth African Regional Conference on Women, Dakar.


February 1995                           Elected Africa's representative on the five-member joint Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women/United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) task force.


August/September 1995           Member of Ghana's official delegation to the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing.


March 1996                                Member of Ghana's delegation to the fortieth session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.


July 1996                                   Leader of Ghana's delegation to the General Assembly meeting of the Association of West Africa Women, a body of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).


September 1996                        Participant at a round-table conference on women's reproductive health and rights organized by the Commonwealth Medical Association, Toronto, Canada.


December 1996                         Participant at a Round-table Conference of Representatives of all United Nations human rights bodies and relevant United Nations bodies on women's reproductive health and rights.


March 1997                                Member of Ghana's delegation to the forty-first session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.


At the national level


1978-1984                                  National Treasurer of the National Catholic Laity Council.


1978-1987                                  Member of National Catholic Ethics Commission.


1978-1989                                  Member of National Catholic Justice and Peace Commission.


1980-1987                                  Chairperson of the Management Board of St. Louis Training College, Kumasi, Ghana.


1985-present                             Chairperson of Manhyia Polyclinic Interim Management Committee.


1985-present                             Member of the 31st December Women's Movement, a non-governmental organization committed to women's equality.


1987-1989                                  Vice-Chairperson of the Ashanti Region Consultative Council.


1989                                           Member of Kumasi Technical Institute Management Board.


1990                                           Chairperson of the Management Board of the Special School for the Physically and Mentally Disabled, Kumasi, Ghana.


1989-1990                                  Acting Chairperson of the National Council on Women and Development (National Women Machinery).


1990-April 1993                         Chairperson of the National Council on Women and Development.


November 1993                         Member of the National Council on Women and Development.


1996-present                             Chairperson of the National Subcommittee on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (an independent body to monitor implementation of the Convention and the Beijing Platform for Action.


1997                                           Focal person for Ghana on the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.


Lectures and publications


"Culture as a unifying force for national development".


"The March towards popular participation".


"The Role of women in Ghanaian contemporary art".


"The Programme to constitutional rule: Youth awareness and involvement".


"What is the legal and social situation of Ghanaian women working in a family enterprise?"


"The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: The Women's human rights Convention".


"Women and environment".


"Violence against women: Its relevance to the Ghanaian Woman".


"Discrimination against Women".


"The Woman as a Worker".


"The Informal Sector: Issues in policy reform and programmes".


"The Role of Christian women in the current political process".


"Women and the insurance industry".


"Guide on dental care".


"The need for gender equality at all decision-making levels".


"Women's rights as human rights".


"Women's rights and the United Nations Convention on discrimination against women".


"Inequality between men and women in power".


"The Role of women in the development of church and society".


"The Importance of vocational education of young women".


"The Role of Muslim women in nation-building".


"The Status of the Ghanaian woman and the impact of the United Nations Convention on women's rights on their lives".




Horticulture, music, walking, social duties to the needy, and reading.






[Original: French]


Date and place

of birth                                       1 May 1942, Tunis


Nationality                                 Tunisian


Marital status                            Married


Number of children                   Three


Spouse's position                     Company chairman


Address and telephone            7, rue Haroun Errachid

                                                   Mutuelleville, Tunis

                                                   Tel.: 785733/Fax: 797285


Academic activities


Diplomas obtained




French and Tunisian

Brevet du deuxième cycle

Baccaluréat, 1962




Licence en droit, Faculté de Tunis, 1966 

Graduate of the École National d'Administration


Additional studies


Diploma from the Centre National d'Études Judiciares,

Paris, 1966-1968


Professional activities


First woman judge in Tunisia


Date of entry into the

Ministry of Justice                    October 1968




1968                                           Juvenile Magistrate Judge for cases relating to personal law.


1978                                           Judge, the Court of Appeal


1986                                           International Conventions Office, Ministry of Justice


1989                                           Judge, Court of Cassation


Political responsibilities


Elected as a representative of the Rassemblement Constitutionnel Démocratique (RCD) in the Chambre des Députés, April 1989.


Member of the Parliamentary Commission on Political and Foreign Affairs.


Meetings of the Women's Socialist International (WSI) and of the National Union of Tunisian Women (NUTW) at the Women's Socialist International, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992.


Member of the Parliamentary Commission on the Evaluation and Development of Women's Rights, established on the initiative of the Head of State, for the purpose of proposing the necessary legislative reforms.


Member of the Parliamentary Commission on Women and Development, established at the time Tunisia's Eighth Development Plan was being prepared and adopted for the purpose of studying and making specific proposals regarding changes in the status of women.


Chairman of the Women's Commission within the RCD regional structure in the city of Tunis.


Training officer in the RCD Federation (subregional structure), 1990-1991.


Member of the National Council on Women and the Family, December 1991.


Re-elected to the Chambre des Députés as a RCD representative for the City of Tunis, April 1994.


International duties


Elected to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), January 1990.


Vice-Chairman of WSI for North Africa representing RCD.


Member of the official delegation to the World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, June 1993); spoke on behalf of Tunisia to the Committee of the Whole on the topic: means of strengthening international cooperation in the field of human rights.


Re-elected to CEDAW for another term, representing Africa and Vice-Chairman of the Committee, 1994-1996.


Member of the official delegation to the Fourth World Conference on Women, September 1995, and panelist at two meetings: CEDAW/UNESCO and CEDAW/UNICEF/Inter-Parliamentary Union.


Member of the official delegation to the Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, April 1996 and 1997.


Representative of parliament at the forty-ninth session of the United Nations General Assembly, Third Committee.


Associations (non-governmental organizations)


Member of the Executive Bureau of NUTW, a non-governmental organization of RCD.


NUTW regional delegate of the Gouvernorat of Tunis.


Chairman of the Committee on Women's Rights within the Executive Bureau of NUTW.


Founder and director of the Working Woman's Club for recreational, cultural and training activities, Tunis Centre.


Founding member of the Essalem Association (for social work).


Member of the Executive Board of the National Union of Social Solidarity.


Founder and coordinator of a Tunisian women's NGO network established to prepare for the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995.


Active participation in international seminars


Congress of the Federation of Judicial Career Women.


Multinational Programming and Operational Centres: Addis Ababa and Tangier, April 1986 and 1987.


Women's Action Committee (IWRAW) at Vienna, March 1985.


Inter-Parliamentary Union, Geneva, November 1989.


Euro-Arab Conference of Parliamentary Women on Middle East Peace Prospects, European Parliament, Brussels, 1 and 2 October 1991. Statement on "The role of Europe in implementing a peaceful settlement in the Middle East".


International conference on spousal violence, United Nations, New York, January 1992.


Seminar on women's solidarity, EEC and the Maghreb, Tunis, February 1992.


Statement on the topic "Emigration and human development".


International seminars organized by the RCD in commemoration of 7 November 1987 (1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991) with statements on selected topics: development challenges in the new democracies (extremism, fanaticism, social discussions).


Seminar organized by the Pablo Iglesias Foundation; statement on the topic: Spanish and Maghrebian women.


Preparatory meeting for the International Year of the Family organized by the United Nations for the countries of Africa and central Asia; statement on the topic: The role of the family in Africa, Tunisia, 29 March-2 April 1993.


Studies and research


Founder, director and editor of the monthly bulletin ECHOS de la femme.


Miscellaneous writings and press articles:


                     Delinquent children;

                     Personal law;

                     Women's organizations;

Women's political education: Scope of amendments of August 1992 in Tunisia;


Study on women's rights, in the collection "Tunisia and human rights", published by the Agence Tunisienne de Communication Extérieure;


Initiator of the study of spousal violence in Tunisia;


Author of background paper on women's rights in Tunisia;


Lecturer at an international training course (over 23 leading Africans took part in the courses and programmes at each session, December 1996 and May 1997) on the legal aspects of gender, population and development. Organized by the Centre for Research, Study, Documentation and Information on Women, part of the Tunisian Ministry of Women and the Family, with UNFPA assistance.










          Officier de l'Ordre de la République






[Original: English]


Degree in French language and literature and English literature.


Doctorate in French literature.


Completed the biennium of Law Studies at the Faculté de droit, Sorbonne.


Diploma in art history at the Ecole du Louvre, Paris.


Speaks Italian, French, English, Russian, Serbian and Croatian.


* * *


Elected as expert to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women for the first time in 1987 and re-elected in 1990 and 1994.


Elected Chairperson of the Committee for 1993-1994 biennium.


Re-elected Chairperson by acclamation for 1995-1996 biennium.


Member of Italian Prime Minister's Commission for Human Rights since 1996.


Elected Chairperson of the 7th meeting of the persons chairing the human rights treaty bodies (September 1996).


Activities in Italy


Member of Executive Board of the Italian Social Democratic Party, in charge of international policy, and Deputy Chairperson of Party's women's organization. Takes active part in the following important Italian civil rights committees:


Committee for the adoption of a new family code.


Referendum Committee for the right to divorce.


Committee in favour of a law on safe abortion to combat unsafe abortions.


Committee "Toward Equality" for the improvement of women's presence in the political parties' decision-making bodies.


Member of several NGOs: National Federation of Professional and Business Women (affiliated with IFBPW); member of the Executive Board of the Italian Association for Women and Development (AIDOS); founding member of Italian Association for Women's Right to Health and founding member of Italy's Women's Caucus.


Member of Italian Prime Minister's Advisory Commission for Equality and Equal Opportunities (1984-1994).


International activities


Member of the official Italian delegation to the United Nations World Conference on Women (Nairobi 1985).


Head of the Italian delegation to the thirty-sixth session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.


Representative of the Italian Social Democratic Party to the Bureau of the Socialist International (1978-1992); Member of the Bureau of the European Socialist Party (1980-1992).


Deputy Chairperson of Socialist International Women (SIW) (1980-1986).


Participated (1987-1992) in various international conferences on women's human rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and international human rights instruments in several Italian cities and abroad (Brussels, Strasbourg, Paris, Stockholm, Vienna, Caracas, Sao Paulo, Dakar, Tunis).


Activities as chairperson of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women


Represented the Committee at sessions of the Commission on the Status of Women in 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996, and in the Third Committee of the General Assembly in 1995 and 1996.


Represented the Committee at the Preparatory Committee of the World Conference on Human Rights (Geneva, 1993).


Represented the Committee at the Vienna Conference on Human Rights and NGO forum (June 1993).


Invited by the International Association of Women Judges, participated in the celebration of Women's Suffrage Centenary, Wellington, New Zealand.


At the invitation of Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1993), gave several lectures (Tokyo, Osaka, Saitama) and was the keynote speaker at the "National Conference for the Advancement of Women - Towards the Year 2000" (Tokyo).


Represented the Committee at the annual session of the Human Rights Commission (Geneva, February 1994).


At the invitation of the Mediterranean Women's Studies Institute, participated in a seminar on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the preparation of reports of States parties for the representatives of the Eastern European countries (Bratislava, 1994).


At the invitation of the Human Rights Steering Committee of the Council of Europe, held a hearing on the Convention, work of the Committee and progress in different countries after ratification (Strasbourg, 1994).


At the invitation of four international NGOs on refugees and displaced women (SIGI, WMS, WID and WILPF), chaired the panel on "Refugees and displaced women in times of conflict" (Athens, 1994).


Taught courses at the ILO Centre in Turin on the Convention and the preparation of reports of States parties for participants from Latin American and African countries.


Represented the Committee at the Conference on Population and Development and took part in different events at the NGO forum (Cairo, 1994).


At the invitation of the Government of Argentina represented the Committee at the National Women's Conference for the official presentation of the national report for the Beijing Conference (Buenos Aires). In Santa Fe attended the session of the Constituency, which discussed the elaboration of the new Constitution (Argentina, 1994).


As a special guest, participated in the High Level Regional meeting of the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) (Vienna, October 1994).


On the occasion of Human Rights Day dedicated to the proclamation of the Decade for Human Rights Education, participated with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the panel "The importance of human rights education for a new culture at the end of century" (New York, December 1994).


On behalf of the Committee, participated in the preparatory session of the Commission on the Status of Women for the Beijing Conference (March 1995).


Took part in the first meeting of the chairpersons of the human rights treaty bodies with the Secretary-General of the United Nations (June 1995).


At the invitation of Saitama Prefecture (Japan), was keynote speaker at the Conference for Women Leaders in International Affairs. Title: "Beijing Conference on Women: A hope for the real recognition of women's human rights" (Saitama, June 1995).


On the same occasion, at the invitation of the Ministry for Women's Affairs of Japan, participated in the celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the Japanese ratification of the Convention (Tokyo, June 1995).


Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, participated in several official panels ("Violence against women in wartime", "Women in decision-making posts"; "The Women's Convention"). Together with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Director-General of UNESCO, presented the joint UNESCO/Committee document, the first active cooperation with a specialized agency: "The Manifesto on gender-inclusive culture through education", published in seven languages.


At the invitation of the Women's Department of UNESCO, participated in the celebration of 8 March, Women's Day: panel on "Violence against women" (Paris, March 1996).


At the invitation of the French Ministry of Justice, delivered a statement on "Violence against women: a worldwide phenomenon - diversities and similarities" (Paris, March 1996).


At the invitation of the Tunisian organization "Women-Mothers", participated in the international Conference on "Mothers' Rights" and demonstrated mothers' rights at the Convention (Tunis, August 1996).


At the 7th meeting of persons chairing the human rights treaty bodies, was elected chairperson (Geneva, September 1996).


At the invitation of UNICEF, participated in the first joint field visit between the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (Cairo, November 1996).


Upon the candidate's initiative, UNFPA organized the first meeting of all human rights treaty bodies, specialized agencies and NGOs on "Women's health as a human right with particular focus on reproductive and sexual rights"; delivered the introductory speech (Glen Cove, N.Y., December 1996).


Participated in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th meetings of the persons chairing the human rights treaty bodies.


Represented the human rights treaty bodies in her capacity as chairperson, to the Commission on Human Rights (Geneva, April 1997).


In the same capacity, on the invitation of the High Commissioner, participated in the Fourth Meeting of Special Rapporteurs (representatives/experts and working groups of the Commission on Human Rights) (Geneva, May 1997).


Taught two courses on the Convention at the Turin ILO Centre for a group from Central America and an African group (June 1997).


At the invitation of the International Commission of Jurists, participated in the National Seminar on the Internal Implementation of International Norms; presented and chaired the panel on the Convention (Rabat, October 1997).


At the invitation of Japanese Association of International Women's Rights participated in the national conference on "The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: progress and obstacles for its implementation"; Keynote speaker; Participated in an international round-table discussion, "Mainstreaming of women's human rights in Japan, the United States of America and Italy" (Tokyo, 1997).




Published the book Tempo di crisi (Time of Crisis) with a foreword by Mario Soares, the former President of Portugal.


Published studies, articles and essays in newspapers, magazines, and specialized reviews.


Articles include the following:


"Women: An integral part of development" (Development).


"The Development aid programmes have to integrate women" (Development).


"Complementarity of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women" (Women in the World).


"How to overcome women's growing unemployment" (The World Tomorrow).


"Empowerment: A new strategy for women in the next century" (Foreword to La Mujer en el Mundo de Hoy, Madrid, Escuela Libre Editorial, 1996).


"Partnerships for the future" (IFBPW publication).


"Can sustainable development be reached without integration of a gender perspective worldwide?" (South-south magazine).


"Beijing 1995: Mainstreaming and empowerment - New concepts for future societies" (International Affairs).


Gave numerous interviews to Italian and foreign dailies and weeklies.







                                                       [Original: Chinese]


Date of birth:                14 February 1940


Place of birth:               Henan, China


Marital status:              Married




1958-1963                     Beijing Foreign Language Institute

                                      Major: international relations


1984-1987                     Participated in international training course on disarmament

                                      WIPO training courses on intellectual property, Geneva




1996-present                Member of the Secretariat, Director-General of the International Liaison Department, All-China Women's Federation.

Deputy Director, General Office of the State Council Working Committee on Women and Children.

Member of the Standing Committee of the China Society for Human Rights Studies.


1991-1996                     Counsellor, Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations, in charge of Economic and Social Council affairs.


1989-1991                     Division chief, Office of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


1984-1988                     First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva, in charge of specialized agencies, Red Cross, NGOs, etc.



(January-October)       Translator, United Nations Office at Geneva.


1980-1982                     Officer of the Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


1978-1980                     Officer of the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


1975-1978                     Officer of the China National Tourist Administration.


1963-1975                     Officer of the Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Participation in major international conferences and events


1997                              Head of Chinese delegation to the forty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

Observer for the All-China Women's Federation at the fifty-third session of the Commission on Human Rights.


1996                              Head of the Chinese women's delegation to the Celebration of the One-year Anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women.


1995                              Deputy delegate, Chinese delegation to the World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen.

Member of the Chinese delegation to the Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Member of the Chinese delegation to the session of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations.

Member of Chinese delegation to the Fourth World Conference on Women.

Expert at the seminar on the role of civil society in follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development, organized by the United Nations Secretariat.


1994                              Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the thirty-eighth session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the Economic and Social Council.

Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the forty-ninth session of the General Assembly.


1993                              Member of the Chinese delegation to the Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna.

Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the Economic and Social Council.

Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the forty-eighth session of the General Assembly.


1992                              Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the forty-eighth session of the Commission on Human Rights.

Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the Economic and Social Council.

Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the forty-seventh session of the General Assembly.

Alternate representative, Chinese delegation to the Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


1991                              Adviser, Chinese delegation to the forty-sixth session of the General Assembly.


1990-1991                     Adviser, Chinese delegation to the 13th and 14th Meetings of the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group.

Expert at the expert meetings on defence issues and the establishment of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal.


1984-1988                     Adviser, Chinese delegation to conferences of ILO, WMO, WHO, WIPO, ITU, Red Cross, etc.


1981                              Adviser, Chinese delegation to the International Conference on Cambodia, New York.


1980                              Adviser, Chinese delegation to the thirty-fifth session of the General Assembly.






[Original: English]


          Lawyer enrolled in Central University of Venezuela, 1970-1976. Postgraduate in Social Welfare, 1977-1979. Specialist in the trade union area. Consultant in the prevention/solution of labour conflicts and lawsuits pertaining thereto. Lecturer at Andrés Bello University and at the Central University of Venezuela at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels since 1984.


          Thesis Adviser: 1985. Situation of Central Union of Venezuelan Workers with regard to salary increases, 1987. Position of the organized trade unions with regard to the Basic Law for the Prevention of Environmental Effects in the Labour Law, 1988. Work on the preliminary draft of the Basic Labour Law, 1989. Study of workers' socio-economic benefits in the draft Basic Law of 11 August 1988 and its modifications up to June 1989. Evolution of the participation of women's trade unions; a comparative and descriptive analysis at the executive level of the Confederación de Trabajadores de Venezuela, Centra Única de los Trabajadores de Venezuela, Confederación de sindicatos anónimos; the CODESA trade union model, since the Fifth National Congress in March 1991; social welfare system for civil servants in Venezuela, with special reference to the Ministry of Education's Administration Sector, 1994. Maternity Labour Protection in Venezuela. Innovation in current labour law: extent of acceptance of external flexibility in working relationships at the employee level. Strategic investments and public opinion. 1996: Model Theory (IPPCN, Maraven case). Privatization, partnerships and economic benefits for workers in Venezuela. Labour conditions and working relationships of musicians belonging to the Musicians' Association of Distrito Federal and Miranda State. Negotiations concerning the social security system in Venezuela (1989-1996). Walton McKersie theory. Also participated as thesis judge at the higher levels.


          Having extensive experience in the Apostolic area, exercised responsibilities at various levels. President of the Catholic Young Women's Workers Movement, 1964-1969. Member of the Confederation of Autonomous Unions of Venezuela, committed to the promotion and organization of unions; discussion of the founding of the seamstress' union; women's branch of EFESIN, furthering the national training programme to incorporate women in institutions of union power. In 1981, elected General Secretary of CODESA which was without precedent at the time in Venezuela and in South America. Re-elected for the period 1985-1990, when named National President of the Confederation until May 1996.


          Member of the executive body of the Education Union of the Distríto Federal, and General Secretary to the National Educational Federation of Autonomous Unions of Venezuela (FENASATREV), and served as National President until 1996. Between 1970-1973, was a member of the Advisory Team to the Ministry of Labour, concerning the employment of women and minors. Congresswoman (substitute), 1984-1989, and member of the special bicameral Congressional commission, which proposed Title VI of the current labour law covering maternity and family protection. Member of the National Political Advisory Commission to the Women's Ministry of the Family, 1989. Have participated as lecturer, arbitrator and exhibitor at various events covering trade unionism and the working woman. Have been interviewed on various media: radio, television, etc.


          In performing the above functions, was placed in charge of international activities, which allowed me to serve in different areas and participate in the work of important organizations, e.g., International Labour Organization (ILO), where I participated from 1983 to 1995 in the annual conferences, Working Groups 70a, 71a, 72a, 73a, 74a, 75a, 76a, 77a, 78a, 79a, 80a, 81a, 82a and in 1996 in Governments group 83a. Attended the First and Second Regional Conferences held in Venezuela; seminars on working conditions, child labour and international standards. From 1983, participated in the integration of the Andean region - Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela - via the Secretariat of the Cartagena-Junac Agreement. Co-Founder of the Latin American and Caribbean Council for Self-Management (CLA), Andean Section, Labour Advisory Board, served as Vice-President. Director of the Venezuela chapter of the Labour Institute of the Andean Countries in Latin America (ILA) until 1996. Participated in events in the Andean countries, especially in the drafting of the Andean Social Legislation: resolution pertaining to women's rights.


International activities in the area of women's rights, 1964-1996


World Conference of Catholic Women's Organizations: Seminar for the young women workers of Latin America, Quito.


Latin American seminar on the problems of the working woman. World Conference of the Working Woman (Milan); World Council of the Working Woman (Brussels).


Seminar on work and culture (Baghdad); Regional Conference on the participation of the women in the development of Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL).


Seminar on the conditions of the workplace and the consequences for workers' health (Montreal).


Reunion and decennial evaluation of women's progress/United Nations (Havana).


Regional encounter of government and non-governmental agencies working in support of women in Latin America (UNICEF).


International Congress on the Woman and the Quinquennial Meeting of the Two Worlds, 1492-1992.


Activities at the national level, 1964


First Advisory Assembly on the Working Woman and Minors; First Seminar-Conference of the Working Woman; First and Second Venezuelan Congresses of Women.


First meeting on women's production and workmanship. First national workshop on Venezuelan family. Forum: "Women take the Stage". Meeting on "Strategy and sexual roles". Fortieth anniversary of Venezuelan women's achieving Constitutional political rights. Forum: "Strategies for overcoming poverty". Round table: "Situation and perspectives of women's leadership in the trade union movement". Forum: "Women in the twentieth century".


Adviser to the Congressional Commission to draft the equality of opportunity for women. Round table: "Women union leaders, situation and prospectives in the trade union movement".


Meeting on the women's preparation for the vast changes, expansion and democratization of employment. First National Conference for direct action on early pregnancy.


International and national activities in the trade union area/ecclesiastical and professional, 1964-1996


Courses/seminars/forums and conferences/meetings and international forums


Workers and the church movement, world trade unionism and development (Belgrade); CMT Congress on social welfare, education and culture (Manila).


International Worker's Day (Managua); Popular Participation/United Nations (Ljubljana).


Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour (Santo Domingo).


Technical Union of Worker's Rights (Buenos Aires).


World Trade Union Federation Congress (Moscow/Berlin).


Rights and Privileges of the Worker in the face of Liberalism (Havana); Joint programmes (Mexico).


Political evaluation in the Caribbean (Venezuela).


Democracy in Venezuela and Latin America (Venezuela).


Inter-American Congress of Public Ministries of Labour Relations (Venezuela).


Courses/seminars/forums/conferences in Venezuela


          Trade union instructors; Politic/social action of Christians/apostolic advancement/Church social doctrine/Work and life/meeting with Pope John Paul II, Elements of the cooperative society. Historical and contemporary problem's of the workers' movement/unions in the election of 1988/Social strategies, work and unemployment/management efficiency/quality management.


          Philosophy East-West/Demining/collective bargaining skills; alternatives to poverty; Social security and social contributions; social welfare in industrial organizations and human resources. In the majority of the above-mentioned activities I have participated as a promoter, organizer, coordinator, chairman, lecturer or narrator.





[Original: English]


Marital status 


Married with four children.


Education institutions attended


Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1981-1983.


Nigeria Law School, Lagos, 1973-1974


Ahmadu Bello University, 1968-1973.


Women Teachers College, 1962-1967.


Anglican Girls' School, Kaduna, 1959-1961.


St. Michael's School, Kaduna, 1956-1958.




LL.M course work in criminal procedure and Islamic family law, 1983.


LL.B degree, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1973.


Called to the Nigerian Bar, 1974.


Diploma in Law certificate, 1970.


Teachers Grade Two certificate, 1967.


First Leaving School certificate, 1961.




Present position


High Court Judge, Kaduna, 1987-present.


Former positions


Chairman, Kafanchan Religious Disturbances Tribunal, Kaduna, 1987.


Chairman, Miscellaneous Offences Tribunal, Kaduna Zone, 1989-1994.


Attorney-General, Kaduna State, 1984-1987.


Chief Magistrate Grade II, 1978-1981.


Magistrate Grade I, 1977-1978.


State Counsel Ministry of Justice, Kaduna, 1975-1977.


International conferences attended as Attorney-General and High Court Judge


Sixth Commonwealth Law Conference, Lagos, 1983.


Peace through Law Conference, Berlin, 1985.


International Law Conference, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, September 1986.


International Law Conference, New York, September 1986.


Peace through Law Conference, Seoul, September 1987.


Peace through Law Conference, Spain, 1991.


International Conference on the Reform of Evidence, Vancouver, Canada, August 1992.


International Meeting of Experts in Criminal Law, Portland, Oregon, United States, March 1994.


Meeting of criminal law experts on the use of criminal sanctions in the protection of the environment internationally, domestically and regionally, Portland, Oregon, United States, 1994.


National conferences attended as Attorney General


International Bar Association Conference, Lagos, 1985.


Nigerian Law Reform Commission Workshop on the pre-1900 Statute of General Application, Lagos, 1986.


Nigerian Bar Association National Conference, Port Harcourt, 1985.


Nigerian Bar Association Conference, Jos, 1980.


Annual Conference of the Kaduna State Magistrates Association, Zaria, 1981.


Annual Conference of the Nigerian Magistrates Association, Bauchi, 1983.


Papers written and presented at conferences


"Socio-legal consequences of child abuse", at the National Conference on Better Protection for Women and Children, Owerri, Nigeria, 24 October 1989.


1992 Workshop on Uniform Rules of Procedures - Judgement and Enforcement.


"The position of the child under the Criminal Law", 6-8 August 1991, Nike Lake Resort Hotel, Enugu.


Paper on Drug Abuse at Third Pharmacy Week Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, 1989.


Paper on land matters presented at seminars/lectures for Magistrates and Area Court Judges, 1990, Kaduna.


"Use of criminal sanctions in the protection of the environment internationally, domestically and regionally", 6 November 1996, Kaduna.


"Wills and women, the statutory and case law position".


          The paper on Wills and Women contains, among others, the function of women, article 18, paragraph 3, of the African Charter of Human and People's Rights which requests that "the State shall ensure the protection of the rights of women and children as stipulated in international declarations and conventions". It also considers:


          -         Statutory marriage and its legal consequences: inheritance;


          -         Observance of obnoxious customs such as mourning rites which women must observe;


          -         Wills and testamentary disposition of the property of the deceased;


          -         Features of wills and the necessity of same;


          -         The position of Islamic law of inheritance in relation to women and female children;


          -         Wills and their interpretation by the courts.


"On the Family Support Programme (FSP) and the administration of the Family Economic Advance Programme (FEAP):


          -         Activities of the First Lady of Nigeria in the protection of the masses in FSP and FEAP;


          -         Progress in the implementation of FEAP;


          -         The position and rights of the child and family under the programmes;


          -         Gender issues: equality and empowerment;


          -         Child welfare and youth development and the activities of UNICEF;


          -         FSP, FEAP and women in development.




Award of Honour, as a distinguished Child Rights Advocate, by the African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN), 27 November 1996.


Award of Honour by the Law Students of Usman Dan Fodio University, Sokoto, Nigeria, 1990.


Membership in Associations


          Member of the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, an international, non-governmental association of judges, legislators, academics and governmental officials who have come together to work actively for the improvement of criminal law and the administration of criminal justice both nationally and internationally. (The society participates as a professional organization in the work of the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme).


Positions held in an Association


President, Magistrates Association of Nigeria, Kaduna State Branch, 1981-1983.


Secretary, National Association of Women Judges, Nigeria, 1997 to present.






[Original: Spanish]


Personal data


Date of birth:                                                                    29 June 1950


Place of birth:                                                                  Guayaquil


Marital status:                                                                  Divorced


Languages:                                                                      Spanish and English (speak, read and write)




Primary:                              Sagrados Corazones private school (grades 1-6)


Secondary:                        American school of Guayaquil (levels 1-6)


Higher:                                University of Guayaquil, Faculty of Law and Social and Political Science


Degrees:                              Licenciada (holder of a Bachelor's degree) in social and political science;


Doctor of law


Private practice


Practised law since 1977


Professional experience


President of the National Juvenile Court

Ministry of Social Welfare


Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Social Welfare


National Director for Child Protection, Ministry of Social Welfare


Member of the Legal Commission of the National Council on Youth, Ministry of Social Welfare


Regional Director and Founder of the Technical Department of Adoptions, Ministry of Social Welfare


Founding Director of the Legal Aid Office of the Faculty of Law of the University of Guayaquil


Organizer and founder of the Technical Department of Adoptions of Litoral, Ministry of Social Welfare


President of the First Juvenile Court of Guayas


General Coordinator of Cultural Affairs of the University of Guayaquil


Lawyer for the Society of Authors and Composers of Ecuador (SAYCE)


Legal secretary at the Faculty of Law of the University of Guayaquil


Senior Clerk at the First Provincial Court of Guayas


Advisory work


General adviser on social policies, Office of the President of the National Congress


Permanent adviser to the Commission on Women, Children and Families, National Congress


Legal adviser to the State Comptroller General, Office of the State Comptroller General


Legal adviser to the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Ministry of Energy and Mines


Advisory services to the National Council on Youth, Ministry of Social Welfare


Advisory services to the National Bureau of Child Protection, Ministry of Social Welfare


Legal adviser on social policy, Ministry of Social Welfare


Advisory services to the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Guayaquil (human rights education in Ecuador)


Adviser on children's and women's policies, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Social Welfare


Adviser on child adoption and youth rehabilitation policies, National Bureau of Child Protection


Adviser on the establishment of the Bureau for the Defense of Children and Handling of Child Abuse and Mistreatment at General Police Headquarters


Honorary adviser to the Commission on Women, Children and Families


Adviser to the forum of non-governmental organizations working for children and youth in Ecuador


Adviser to the Permanent National Forum of Ecuadorian Women


Adviser to the Association of Ecuadorian Women Lawyers


Adviser to the United Front of Ecuadorian Women




Consultant/drafter of the new Children's Code and reforms of Ecuadorian laws on children - UNICEF


Consultant/regulator of the legal situation of institutionalized children in Ecuador, Ministry of Social welfare and Foundation for Development and Auto-suggestion


Consultant on passage from the administration of juvenile justice to the judicial function; programme to modernize the administration of justice in Ecuador; Office of the President of the Supreme Court of Justice - UNICEF


Consultant/creator of the National Bureau for the Defense of Children; Juvenile Brigade of the National Police, Ministry of the Interior


Consultant/drafter of Ecuador's first Family Code


Academic experience


Professor of the philosophy of law at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Guayaquil


Principal professor of general philosophy at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Guayaquil


Academic activities


Member of the Board of Governors of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Guayaquil (three times)


Member of the Cultural Commission, Guayas Lawyers' Association (1983-1987)


Member of the Committee for the Protection and Legal Defense of Children, Guayas Lawyers' Association (1985-1987)


Member of the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Guayas chapter, Legal Science Unit (1979-present)


Member of the Council on Youth until 1995


Member of the National Population Council (1993)


International experience


United Nations: expert on women's issues and women's rights (Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Vice-Chairperson)


UNICEF: expert on children, Latin America and the Caribbean


The Hague Conference on Private International Law: Secretary of the Permanent Bureau drafting international treaties on women, children and the family


United Nations: expert member of the group organizing the Fourth World Conference on Women


United Nations: member of the committee organizing the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education


UNICEF (New York) created the Latin American general curriculum for the teaching of children's rights


The Hague Conference on Private International Law, Secretary of the conventions on child adoption and abduction


Academic honours


"University of Guayaquil" prize for best doctoral thesis, for its contribution to legal science


"Contenta" prize, University of Guayaquil


Guayas Philanthropic Society prize (University College)


Honours diploma from the Board of Governors of the Faculty - six years of study


American school of Guayaquil: diploma of excellence to the best high school graduate


Journalistic activities


Channel 3 (TV): half hour weekly programme on social problems in the country


Contributor to the newspaper El Universo (columnist)




La Situacion de los Niños en Latinoamerica (Amsterdam, 1994)


Hacia la Reivindicacion Integral de los Menores Ecuatorianos (Buenos Aires, 1996)


Derechos y Arte: Estudios y Comentarios sobre la Ley de Derechos de Actor in el Ecuador


Las Victimas de la Revolucion Silenciosa (in publication)


Por el Futuro, Ahora (unpublished)


Tratado General de Derecho de Menores (unpublished)




[Original: English]


Current occupation


Deputy Assistant Minister for Human Rights and Social Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Egypt, since September 1992.


Previous positions


1988-1992               Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations, Geneva.


1985-1988               Member in the Cabinet of Ossama El-Baz, First Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Head of the President's Cabinet for Political Affairs.


1980-1985               Member of the cabinet of Mr. El-Baz.


1973                        Attaché, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Activities and work experience


Substantive preparation (including the drafting of national reports) at the national and international levels and in coordination with the competent authorities and NGOs for the following world events:


                                -         World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction, Yokohama, Japan, May 1994;


                                -         World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, March 1995;


                                -         Ninth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Cairo, April 1995;


                                -         International Year of the Family, 1994.


Participation as a member of the Egyptian delegation in international conferences


Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, September 1995.


World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, March 1995.


World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, June 1993.


United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Geneva (sessions in 1988-1992 and 1995-1997).


United Nations Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, Geneva (1988-1992).


Representing Egypt, participation in panels and presentation of papers at conferences


International Conference on Social Development and Poverty, Mexico, September 1993.


Conference on Women in Europe and the Mediterranean, Morocco, May 1994.


Conference on Terrorism and the Atlantic Region, Brussels, April 1997.


Asia/Africa Forum on the Economic Empowerment of Women, Bangkok, July 1997.


Responsible for substantive cooperation with UNICEF, UNHCR, the United Nations Office of the Emergency Relief Coordinator, UNDP and the Centre for Human Rights.


Focal point in the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding issues related to women, children and social development.


Responsible for the preparation of periodic reports, in cooperation with the various authorities, to the six treaty monitoring bodies, namely:


          -         Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women;


          -         Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination;


          -         Committee against Torture;


          -         Committee on the Rights of the Child;


          -         Human Rights Committee (political and civil rights);


          -         Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.




1980             Master's Degree in political science (international relations) under the supervision of Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, University of Cairo.


1977             Master of Arts in French literature, University of Brno, Czechoslovakia.


1971             B.Sc. in political sciences, University of Cairo.




(Costa Rica)


[Original: English]


Personal data


Place of birth:                   San Jose, Costa Rica


Date of birth:                    8 October 1960


Languages:                       Spanish, English, German


Address:                           Post Office Box 74-2015, San Jose, Costa Rica


Telephone:                        (506) 234-1033


Academic preparation


Bachelor's degree in Science of Mass Communication, with emphasis in journalism, University of Costa Rica (1978-1982).


Magistra in communications for peace, University for Peace, 1986-1987.


Master's degree in sociology (MSc), Central American Postgraduate Programme in Sociology, University of Costa Rica (1991-1994).


Professional experience


May 1994 to present. Executive Director of the National Mechanism for Promotion of Women in Costa Rica, National Center for the Development of Women and Family (CMF).


May 1996-May 1998. General Coordinator for the Network of Governmental Organizations or National Mechanisms for Women in Latin America and the Caribbean.


January-May 1994. Focal point for UNIFEM in Costa Rica.


February 1993-May 1994. Coordinator for UNIFEM's subregional project, "Support for Activities with Women in the Framework of the International Conference on Central American Refugees (CIREFCA), in coordination with the UNHCR/UNDP, CIREFCA Joint Support Unit involving seven countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua.


June 1991-June 1992. National investigator for Costa Rica for PAHO/WHO subregional project, "The Health-Illness Situation of Central American Women at the beginning of the 1990s. A Gender Approach"; subregional programme for women, health and development.


May 1990-December 1992. Subregional Coordinator for the research project carried out by the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), "Latin American Women in Numbers" (sponsored by the Institute on Women of Spain) for nine countries: Costa Rica (principal researcher), Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Dominican Republic.


September 1988-December 1989. General Coordinator for the FLACSO subregional research project, "Central American Women Confront Crisis, War and the Peace Process", carried out by FLACSO, the Consejo Superior de Universidades de Centroamérica (CSUCA) and the University for Peace, Costa Rica, and sponsored by the Norwegian Government, for five countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.


August 1988-December 1989. Coordinator for studies on women and peace, University for Peace.


August 1987-August 1988. Researcher for the FLACSO, CSUCA and University for Peace subregional research project, "Esquipulas II Follow-Up", five countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.


June-July 1987. Assistant to the Counsellor of the Vice-Chancellor of the University for Peace.


February-May 1987. Director of Public Relations, University for Peace.


January 1982-January 1983. Assistant to the Director of the Centre for Latin American Demographic Studies (CEDAL), Friedrich Ebert Foundation of Germany (Costa Rican branch).


Participation in non-governmental initiatives on women


Founding member of the Service for News on Women (SEM) for the International News Agency


          This non-governmental organization was founded in 1992 in Costa Rica and is an informational service on topics of interest for and about women in Latin American countries (including Spanish-speaking women in the Caribbean). SEM provides material for mass informational media throughout the world.


Founding member of the Gender and Society Foundation (GESO)


          This organization was created in Costa Rica in 1993 for the purpose of research, training, dissemination and promotion of equal opportunity between genders. Since then, it has published an annual directory of governmental and non-governmental organizations, both national and international, which develop actions related to gender and society in the Central American region (seven countries). The directory is updated each year and distributed to each of the registered organizations.




          Consultant for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in the preparation of: (a) a consultative bibliography of recent publications on the general situation of Costa Rican women, and (b) "Diagnostic Study on the Employment Situation of Costa Rican Women" and the effect of the Programme of Structural Adjustment on this situation. May-July 1992.


Consultant for the PAHO/WHO subregional programme on environment and health in the Central American Isthmus (MASICA) to produce research for a proposal on a conceptual framework on women and environment in Central America. April-June 1992.


Consultant for the Regional Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) Programme, "Women, Health and Development", for research on "The Health-Illness Situation of Women in Costa Rica". February-May 1992.


Consultant for CIDA in the preparation of a directory of organizations working with women in Costa Rica focusing on women and development. August-October 1990.


Consultant-Instructor for the OAS Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture (IICA), in the subregional course on "Women and Communication". March 1990.


Consultant for the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women in the preparation of a case study on women's participation in decision-making on peace and security in Costa Rica. February-September 1990.


Other consulting and advisory affiliations


The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)


National Centre for Development of Women and Families (CMF), Costa Rica


Costa Rican Legislative Assembly


Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), Central American environment and integrated health programme (MASICA) and the project on integrated health for Central American women (SIMCA)


Federation of Cooperatives of the Caribbean and Central America (CCC-CA)


United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)


Publications Footnote




Central American Women in Confrontation with Crisis, War and the Peace Process. Two volumes (San Jose, FLACSO/CSUCA/UPAZ, 1989). Co-author.


Women in the Decision-Making Process. Monographic Study on Costa Rica (New York, United Nations publication, Sales No. S.91.IV.5), 1991.


The Situation of the Costa Rican Woman and Integration in the Country's Economic and Social Development. Costa Rica's official report to the Fifth Regional Conference on the Integration of Women in Economic and Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean; prepared for the National Centre for Development of Women and Family (CMF) (San Jose, CMF, 1991). Co-author.


Proposal for a Conceptual Framework on Women and Environment in Central America (San Jose, PAHO/HPE/Masica, 1992). Author.


The Health-Illness Situation of Central American Women at the Beginning of the 1990s. A Gender Approach (San Jose, PAHO/WHO, 1994). Co-author as national researcher for Costa Rica.


Latin American Women in Numbers. Nine books. (Santiago, FLACSO/Women's Institute of Spain, 1994-1997). Co-author as principal researcher for Costa Rica, and research coordinator for Cuba, El Salvador (in publication), Guatemala, Honduras (in publication), Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic.


Women's Participation in Decision Making on Peace and Security, Nicaragua: 1986-1990 (San Jose, FLACSO, 1996) (in publication).


"Women define the future." In: UNITAR/New Society, América Central hacia el 2000 (Caracas, 1989). Co-author.


"Women and Participation in Decision Making." In: Mujeres y poder (San Jose, Editorial Mujeres, in 1996) (in publication).


"General Situation of Central American Women." In: Hacia la concertación de géneros en el movimiento cooperativo (San Jose, CCC-CA, 1992). Co-author and editor.


"Participation of women in the decision-making on peace in Costa Rica (1978-1990): A matter of power." La mujer latinoamericana ante el reto del siglo XXI in: Instituto Universitario de Estudios de la Mujer de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, 1993).


"Women, population and development: Analysis of the situation of women in Latin America with emphasis on Central America and the Caribbean." In: Cooperativismo y población (San Jose, FNUAP/CCC-CA, 1994).


"General situation of Central American women." In: Rivera, Tirza (editor). Las juezas en Centro América y Panamá. Memoria Seminario "Mujeres Jueces en Centroamérica y Panama", San Jose, 22-24 May 1991 (San Jose, Centro para la Justicia, 1991).


Documents and reports


Women's Participation in Processes of Decision Making and Disarmament (Security). The Case of Costa Rica. Study for the Division for the Advancement of Women, Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, United Nations Office, Vienna. San Jose, 1990.


Directory of Organizations Working with Women in Costa Rica - Women and Development. Research report for the Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA). San Jose, 1990.


Diagnostic Study of the Situation of Women in Central America and Panama. Report to the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and FLACSO. San Jose, 1990.


Organizations Working with Women in Costa Rica. Survey and Research Report for FLACSO and the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress. San Jose, 1990.


Youth and Development: The Different Situation of Women in Central America and Panama. Presented to the Cátedra Eugenio Fonseco Tortós, Department of Social Sciences, University of Costa Rica. San Jose, 1990.


Situation of Central American Women within the Framework of the PAHO Programme on Women, Health and Development. Presented for use in training courses for PAHO personnel in Costa Rica. San Jose, 1990-1991.


Costa Rica: Women's Participation in Decision-Making Processes on Peace and Security. FLACSO, Working Documents No. 8/91. San Jose, 1991.


Women, Work and Development: An Approximation of the Situation in Latin America. Document for the seminar "Parlamentarios y Parlamentarias ante la Sociedad Latinoamericana del Siglo XXI", San Jose, 2-6 December 1991. Inter-American Institute of Human Rights-Costa Rican Legislative Assembly. San Jose, 1991.


Diagnostic Study on the Situation of Women in the Costa Rican Economy - 1992. Research report for the Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA), San Jose, 1992.


Annotated Bibliography. Recent publications on the condition of Costa Rican women. Research report for the Canadian Agency for International Development (CIDA). San Jose, 1992.




(Sri Lanka)


[Original: English]



Personal data


Date of birth:                       7 April 1939.


Address:                             304/5, Park Road, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka.


Civil Status:                        Married.


                                             Husband's name:               R. K. W. Goonesekere

                                                                                          LL.B. (Cey.), B. C. L. Oxon,


                                                                                          Supreme Court of Sri Lanka



LL.B. (Cey.), LL.M. Harvard


Supreme Court of Sri Lanka


Academic distinctions


University of Colombo, scholarship for best performance in Faculty of Arts (1958).


First Class Honours, Bachelor of Laws degree, University of Ceylon, Peradeniya (1961).


Smith-Mundt Fulbright scholar to Harvard Law School, United States, from Sri Lanka 1962/63.


Commonwealth Universities Commission Fellowship for Senior Academic Staff, Commonwealth Universities (1972).


Winner of National Literary Award for book on family law published in Sri Lanka (1980).


Association of Commonwealth Universities Fellowship (1987).


Guest lecturer, seminar for Ph.D. students, Women and Autonomy Centre (VENA) Rijksuniversiteit, Leiden, Netherlands (November 1993).


Visiting Fellow, Human Rights Programme, Harvard Law School, United States (1994).


Work experience


1963-1977                            Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Ceylon, Peradeniya/Colombo.


1977-1982                            Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.


1982                                     Consultant, Law and Development Division, Marga Institute, Sri Lanka.


1983                                     Foundation Professor of Law, Head of Department of Law, Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala.


1987-1990                            Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Open

1992-1993                            University of Sri Lanka, Nawala.


1992-1993                            Acting Vice Chancellor, Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, on several occasions.


1990-1991                            Senior Research Fellow, UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Florence, Italy.


1992                                     Consultant to ILO Geneva, for Asian Regional Seminar on Eliminating Child Labour, New Delhi.


1993                                     Consultant to UNICEF regional office for South-East Asia, Katmandu, for regional training workshop for UNICEF staff, Varanasi, India.


1992-1995                            Senior Professor of Law, Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala.


November 1995-                 Senior Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, University of

Present                                Colombo.


Consultancies undertaken for UNICEF Colombo, UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Florence, ILO Colombo and Geneva, ESCAP/Bangkok and various national agencies.








Law of Persons in Sri Lanka (M. D. Gunasena, 1980, Sinhala).


Sri Lanka Law of Parent and Child (M. D. Gunasena, Colombo, 1987).



In the press


Children's Law and Justice: A South Asian Perspective (a study of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and issues on children's rights in South Asia) (Sage Publishers, New Delhi). Referred by Professor Upendra Bakshi, Professor of Law and Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi, India.




"Tikiri Banda Panabokke", Lecture No. V, Famous Legal Personalities of Sri Lanka Lecture Series, Law and Society Trust (1985).


Legal Status of Women in Sri Lanka (M. D. Gunasena, Colombo, 1980).


The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Sri Lanka Legal System (Centre for Women's Research, 1991).


Child Labour in Sri Lanka: Learning from the past (ILO, Geneva, 1993).


"Women's rights and children's rights: The United Nations conventions as compatible and complementary". International Treaties. Innocenti Occasional Papers, Child Rights Series No. 1, International Child Development Centre, Florence, Italy (1992).


A Study of Muslim Law in Sri Lanka (1992) (accepted for publication by Muslim Women's Research and Action Group, Colombo).


Journal Articles


"Res Ipsa Loauitur" (1969) Colombo law review, p. 74.


"Damage by Animals - Roman/Dutch Law or Ceylon Law?" Colombo law review, p. 49 (1971).


"Dowry property and dissolution of marriage" Colombo law review, p. 1 (1972).


"Enticement and interdict", Journal of Ceylon law p.272 (1970).


"Some reflections on the tort of false imprisonment", Ahmadu Bellow Law Journal, p. 83 (1983).


"Solemnization of marriage" Moter Sri Lanka, p. 24 (1984).


Teaching texts


Open University of Sri Lanka teaching texts and updates of course materials (LL.B. Programme), 1985-present.


Introduction to the Laws of Sri Lanka, blocks I, II and resource book/study guide.


Legal method: Sources of Sri Lankan Law Teaching text and study guide/resource book.


Family law: block I, II and lessons on matrimonial relief and resource book.


Criminal law: block II, Lesson on violence against women.


Land law - blocks I and II.




Open University, Teaching text, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Law of Delict and Civil Damages.




Editor of course texts on Roman law, public corporation law, Criminal law, block II, labour law, law of trusts.


Audio visual material


Open University of Sri Lanka, audio cassettes on learning the law, and legal education, land law and family law.


Chapters in books and other publications


"Application of the personal Laws in Sri Lanka"; Milani Claude Sansoni Felicitation Volume (Colombo, 1985), p. 77.


"The Impact of the United Nations Decade for Women on the legal statutes of Sri Lankan women"; Progress and Achievements of Women in Sri Lanka (Centre for Women's Research, Colombo, 1985), p. 21.


"The State law and development: Sri Lanka"; in Empowerment and the Law (Ed. M. Schuler), Washington, D.C., OEF International (1986), p. 52.


"Child prostitution in Sri Lanka"; in The Exploitation of the Child Sydney, Australia, Lawasia, (1987), p. 127.


"Industrialization and women workers in Sri Lanka"; Co-author with H. Goonathilake, in Daughters in Industry Kuala Lumpur, Asia and Pacific Development Centre, 1988, p. 184.


"The Convention on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: some aspects of the Sri Lankan situation", Centre for Women's Research (Colombo, 1989).


Children's Rights: The Sri Lankan Experience, China Law Society Beijing, 1989.


"Violence against women: a critique of some aspects of Sri Lankan law"; Papers of the National Convention (Colombo, Centre for Women's Research, 1989).


"Legislative support for improving the economic condition of Sri Lankan women", in Women in Development in South Asia (ed.) (Kanesalingam V, Macmillan India, 1989), p. 65.


"Women in the family law of Sri Lanka"; Kiribamune S. and Samarasinghe V. (ed.), Women at the Crossroads: A Sri Lankan Perspective (Vikas, 1990), p. 153.


"Colonial legislation and Sri Lankan family law: the legacy of history"; in Asian Panorama, Ed. de Silva, K. M., Kiribamune, S. and de Silva, C. R. (Vikea, 1990), p. 193.


"A case study: Sri Lanka", in Report of the Regional Consultation, Asia Pacific Women's Issues, Law and the Development Process, New Delhi (1989) (Kuala Lumpur, 1990), p. 78.


"Worker protection and labour legislation with special reference to foreign domestic workers"; in Heyzer II and others, The Trade in Domestic Workers (Asian and Pacific Development Centre, Kuala Lumpur/Zed. Books Ltd., London and New Jersey, 1994), p. 179.


"Realizing gender equity through law: Sri Lanka's experience in the post-Nairobi decade"; in Facts of Change: Women in Sri Lanka 1986-1995 (Centre for Women's Research, 1995), p. 6.


"Legal literacy: the Sri Lanka experience"; in M. and S. Rajasingham (ed.), Legal Literacy: A Tool for Women's Empowerment (UNIFEM, 1992).


"Ethnic identity and the status of women" (occasional paper) (International Centre for Ethnic Studies, 1986).


"The girl child in the Sri Lanka legal system"; in S. Jayaweera, ed., Half our Future: The Girl Child (Sri Lanka University Women's Federation, 1991).


"Constitutions: State policies and broken promises (a perspective on discrimination and the girl child in South Asia)", published in translation in Dutch in: Jeugd en Samenleving, vol 2/3 (1993), Amsterdam.


"National policies on children's rights and international norms", in S. Asquith and Malcom Hill (ed.), Justice for Children (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1994).


R. K. W. Goonesekere and S. Goonesekere, "Conflict resolution and the contribution of a legal system: the Sri Lanka experience"; in D. Chandraratna, (ed.), Sri Lanka: The Perspectives on the Resolution of Conflict (Indian Ocean Centre for Peace Studies, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Australia, 1993).


"Discrimination, the legal system and the girl child", in S. Jayaweera, ed. Shadows and Vistas (Centre for Women's Research, 1993).


The Best Interests of the Child: A South Asian Perspective P. Allston, ed. (Oxford University Press, 1994).


"Gender relations law and public policy: the experience of a colonized society after independence"; C. Risseau, (ed.), Papers of a Conference on Changing Gender and Kinship in Sub-Saharan Africa, Vena Leiden University, and University of Nairobi, (submitted for publication, Vikas, New Delhi).


"Eliminating child labour: the Sri Lanka experience"; in Report of Asian Regional Seminar on Child Labour, Education and Enforcement of Legislation, New Delhi, 1991 (Geneva, ILO, 1992).


International and Regional Conventions: Recommendations and Processes and the Employment of Children. Report of Regional Training Workshop on the Elimination of Child Labour, Varanasi (1993) (Kathmandu, UNICEF, 1994).


"The Attorney General and the Constitution", Human Rights Lecture Series (Sarvodaya, 1995).


Reports for national, international and regional agencies


Report on Reforms in Sri Lanka. Law on Family Support. Law reform Commission (Sri Lanka, 1988).


Maternal Nutrition and Health Status of Women Plantation Workers: Perceptions of the Sri Lanka Legal System (International Centre for Ethnic Studies, 1988).


Creating Legal Awareness Among Women in Sri Lanka: A Case Study, (Bangkok, ESCAP, 1989).


Child Rights: A Case Study of Sri Lanka (UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Florence, 1990).


Child Labour and Domestic Service (ILO, 1992).


Sexual Harassment and the Law in Sri Lanka Geneva, ILO, (1993).


"Women's Work and Child Rights in South Asia: Conflicting Interests or Complementary Strategies". Paper presented at the Third Innocenti Global Seminar: Women's Work and Child Care". UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Florence, Italy, 1992.


The Status of Women and Nairobi's Forward Looking Strategies: A Study of the Asia-Pacific Region, Bangkok, ESCAP (1994).


Conference papers and unpublished public lectures


"Dowry: the law and social policy". Paper presented to the Royal Asiatic Society, Colombo (1987).


"Continuing legal education in Sri Lanka". International Conference on distance Education, Oslo, 1988.


"Legal education in Sri Lanka", co-author with G. L. Pieris (South Asia Law Dean's Conference, Colombo, 1989).


"The Roman/Dutch law in Sri Lanka: an evaluation". Conference on The Future of Roman/Dutch Law in Sri Lanka, Netherlands Association and the Bar Association of Sri Lanka, 1990.


"Liability for professional negligence". National Convention of the Sri Lanka Bar Association, 1990.


"Family relations in Sri Lanka: legal concepts and social realities". Conference on Changing Family Patterns and Gender Roles in South Asia, Centre for Women's Development/UNESCO, New Delhi, 1990.


"Some policies on nationality, domicile and personal status in the South Asian region and international standards". Law Asia Conference, 1993. Family Law Series, 58, p. 11.


Membership of national committees, Sri Lanka


Member, National Committee on Women, under Women's Charter (1993).


Member, National Committee on the Rights of Children, under Children's Charter (1992).


Member, University Grant Commission (1994).


Membership of official committees, Sri Lanka


Member, Standing Committee on Humanities and Social Sciences, of the University Grants Commission (1990-present); Chairperson (1995-present).


Member, Advisory Committee, Centre for Human Rights, University of Colombo.


Member, Research Committee to Board of Studies, Council of Legal Education (1992).


Member, Committee on Reforms to Legal Education. Appointed by Minister of Justice, 1984.


Member, Committee on Personal Laws; appointed by Minister of Justice, 1984.


Member, Technical Committee of Ministry of Rehabilitation to propose reforms on the Law on Child Abuse and Child Employment; prepared report, proposals for law reform accepted by Cabinet for draft legislation, 1995.


Member, Open University Council (Governing Body), 1987-1991, 1992-1993.


International and regional committees


Member, SAARC Panel of Experts on Children, 1991-present.


Member, External Advisory Committee, UNICEF International Child Development Centre, Florence, Italy, 1992-present.


Member, Expert Panel for review of the programme of the National Law School of India University, 1995.


Chairperson, Committee on Feminism of the International Law Association, United Kingdom, 1992-present.


Member, Law Asia Standing Committee on Legal Education, 1993-present.


Member, Advisory Committee IWRAW Asia-Pacific, 1995-present.






[Original: English]


Place and date of birth:                           Medan, 7 June 1931.


Address:                                                   Jalan Maleo Blok JG II NO. 8

                                                                   Bintaro Jaya Sektor 9

                                                                   Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia




Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, graduated 1955.


Postgraduate Diploma in Law, University College, London University (conflict of law and comparative law), graduated in 1962.


Doctor in Legal Sciences (Ph.D.), Padjadjaran University, Bandung, 1972.


Certificate, Academy of American and International Law, Southwestern Legal Foundation, Dallas, Texas, United States of America, 1976.


Postgraduate course: International business and comparative conflict of laws, International Economic Law, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, United States of America, 1980.


Visiting Scholar, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, United States of America, 1980.


Summer course, Park School of Comparative and International Law, Columbia University: East/West trade; clinical legal education, 1981.


Present occupation


Chairperson, Executive Board, Winaya Dharma Foundation, 1997-present.


Head, National Law Reform Agency, Department of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia, 1988-1996.


Professor of Economic Law and Interdisciplinary Research Methods, Padjadjaran State University (undergraduates), Bandung, 1964-present.


Professor of Conflict of Laws, and Economic Law, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, 1964-present.


Professor of International Economic Law, Padjadjaran State University (Graduate School), 1980-present.


Professor of Development Law and Legal Institutions, and of Capita Selecta of Economic Law (Graduate School), University of Indonesia, 1980-present.


Professor of Development Law and Legal Institutions, and of Capita Selecta of Economic Law, Diponegoro University, 1980-1988.




1994-present:                      Member of Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, United Nations, New York.


1993-1996:                           Head, Economic Law Department, Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran State University, Bandung, Indonesia.


1980-1992:                           Head, Department of Legal and Social Development, Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran State University, Bandung, Indonesia.


1974-1980                            Head (Director), Research Centre for Legal Development and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran State University.


1964-present:                      Professor of Law (Undergraduate and Graduate), Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran State University: Economic Law, Conflict of Laws, Legal Research Methods, Comparative Law and International Economic Law.


1974-1988                            Legal consultant, P. T. Industri Telekomunkasi Indonesia (INTI), Persero, Bandung.


1980-present                       Professor of Law (Graduate Law School), University of Indonesia, Development of Law and Legal Institutions, and Capita Selecta of Economic Law.


1981-present                       Member, Panel of Arbitrators, American Arbitration Association, New York.


1980-present                       Member, Panel of Arbitrators, AALCC Arbitration Association, Kuala Lumpur.


1982-Present                       Member, Panel of Arbitrators, AALCC Arbitration Centre, Cairo.


1958-1964                            Practising Lawyer in Surabaya and Bandung.


1956-1958                            Judge (the first woman in East Java), Country Court (Pengadilan Negeri), Malang, East Java.


1951-1955                            Assistant Librarian, Faculty of Law Library, University of Indonesia.


Organizational and other activities


Co-founder (member) and member of Governing Council, ASEAN Law Association (ALA).


Chairperson, Standing Committee on Legal Education, ALA (1982-1992).


Correspondent, UNIDROIT, Rome (1985-present).


Editorial Staff, Padjadjaran law journal, Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran State University.


Advisor Hukum Nasional Law Journal, National Law Reform Agency, Department of Justice.


Member, Ad Hoc Committee, Framework for Legal Development, Association of Indonesian Lawyers (PERSAHI), Jakarta.


Chairperson, Indonesian Committee for Legal Cooperation with the Netherlands (1988-1992).


Member, Advisory Board on Economic Law and Improved Procurement Systems (ELIPS) Project (1993-present).


Member, Economic Law Development Project, Coordinating Ministry of Economic, Financing and Development Supervision (1993-present).


Member, Human Rights Committee, World Bank Research Project on Legal Development in Indonesia (1995).


Chairperson, Executive Board, Winaya Dharma Foundation (1997-present).


Chairperson, Business Institute of Law Education (1997-present).




(Saint Kitts and Nevis)


[Original: English]


Personal data


Number of children:           Five (5)


Nationality:                         Saint Kitts and Nevis


Academic and professional



1990                                     Certificate in Mediation and Arbitration, Centre for Continuous Learning, University of Toronto, Canada.


1979                                     Master of Arts (Sociology), York University, Toronto, Canada.


1976                                     Bachelor of Social Work, York University, Toronto, Canada.


Present position


1995-present                       Director of Women's Affairs, Ministry of Health and Women's Affairs, Government of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Coordinates, plans, supervises and evaluates all aspects of the Ministry, including the monitoring of policies and programmes undertaken by governmental and non-governmental organizations within Saint Kitts and Nevis which impact upon the status of women.


Major international conferences,

sessions and meetings attended


September/                         Head of delegation, fact-finding mission to Venezuela to

October 1997                      examine programme on teen mothers and homeless children.


September 1997                 Head of delegation, ILO conference on improving the status, terms and conditions of work of domestic workers in the Caribbean, Jamaica.


August 1997                        Head of delegation, CARICOM/ECLAC/UNIFEM post-Beijing encounter, Georgetown, Guyana.


February 1997                     Head of delegation, Training for trainers for gender and development, Bombay.


April 1997                            Head of delegation, First regional conference in follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development, Sao Paulo.


November 1996                  Head of delegation, Twenty-fifth Assembly of Delegates

OAS/Conference of Ministers, Washington.


October/November             Delegate, ECLAC-Caribbean Ministerial Meeting on Poverty

1996                                     Eradication, Trinidad.


October 1996                      Head of delegation, Workshop to review the CARICOM Post-Beijing Regional Plan of Action to 2000 and towards Gender Equality and Justice, Saint Vincent.


July/August 1996               Head of delegation, OAS/Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) subregional meeting on poverty eradication and women in leadership, Saint Lucia.


April 1996                            Head of delegation, fact-finding mission to Argentina to examine horizontal cooperation programme in the areas of violence against women and children, women's health, micro-enterprise and women and the environment.


March 1996                         Head of delegation, Commission on the Status of Women, New York.


October 1995                      Head of delegation, OAS/CIM and UNIFEM subregional meeting on violence against women and women's participation in power and decision-making, Trinidad.


September 1995                 Delegate to the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing.


Other professional experience


1991-1994                            Vice-Chair, Social Assistance Review Board of Ontario, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Canada.


1988-1991                            Member, Rent Review Hearings Board of Ontario, Ministry of Housing, Canada.


1985-1988                            Member, Psychiatric Review Board of Ontario, Canada.


1980-1987                            Community legal worker, Jane-Finch Community Legal Services.


1978-1984                            Member, Advisory Committee on Immigrant Women's Association.


Membership in committees

or organizations


Founder, Voices That Care: Stop Rape, Child Molestation and Domestic Violence.


Executive Officer, Women's Committee, Saint Kitts and Nevis Trades and Labour Union.


Chair, Cabinet-appointed committee on returning teen mothers to school.


Member, National Committee on Policy on Health and Family Life Education.


Vice-Chairperson, National HIV/AIDS Committee.


Chairperson, Committee of Joint Agencies dealing with Sexual Offences, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse.


Chairperson, Information, Education and Communication on HIV/AIDS.






[Original: English]


Under-Secretary for International Economics Relations.


Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) senior officials meeting leader for the Philippines.


Foreign Office Coordinator on Gender and Development.


Academic background


Law and Foreign Service Degrees from the University of the Philippines.


Diplomatic career


1994-1997        Ambassador of the Philippines to Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.


1990-1994        Ambassador of the Philippines to France and Portugal and permanent delegate of the Philippines to UNESCO.


1988-1990        On secondment to UNESCO by the Government of the Philippines, serving in the Cabinet of the Director-General as Adviser.


1985-1987        Ambassador of the Philippines to Belgium and Luxembourg.


1984-1986        Chairperson of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.


1979-1987        Ambassador of the Philippines to the European Economic Community (EEC)


Attended various conferences either as a delegate or a leader of the Philippine delegation in various bilateral meetings as well as at the United Nations, APEC, ASEAN and EC. Various representations relating to gender issues and concerns (see below under "Member/Leader ...").


Participation in national and international bodies


Foreign Office Coordinator on Gender and Development, 1997-


Representative of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs at the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women, 1997-


Commissioner, National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women, 1975-1986.


Member, Federación International de Abogadas (FIDA International).


Member, Women Lawyers' Circle of the Philippines.


Member, ZONTA Philippines, Manila chapter.


Distinctions received




1994     French National Order of Merit, rank of Grand Officer.


1988     Order of King Leopold, rank of Commander.


            Honorary doctoral degrees


1985     Doctor of Laws, by Centro Escolar University, Manila.


            Doctor of Humane Letters, College of New Rochelle, New York.




1993     The Diamond Award for Excellency in the Legal profession, Portia Sorority of the University of the Philippines.


1986     Award of recognition for outstanding contribution to progress and stability as a woman lawyer, Circulo de Abogadas.


1985     The Woman Helping Woman Award, for 1984-1985, Soroptimist International of the Philippines.


1983     The Outstanding Professional Award in International Relations, University of the Philippines Alumni Association.


1983     The Republic Day Award for International Understanding, Civic Assembly of Women in the Philippines.


1977     The Ten Outstanding Women in the Nation's Service (TOWNS) Award for Excellence in Diplomacy, Jaycees Philippines.




Fluent in Pilipino, English, Spanish and French.


Member/Leader/Adviser, Philippine delegation


United Nations/Other International Conferences on Women


1997     Negotiator in the third senior officials meeting for the APEC Ministerial Meeting on Women's Concerns, to be held at Manila in 1998.


International Planning Committee meeting for the 1998 Global Summit of Women, 13 September 1997, Ottawa.


Women Leaders' Network meeting, 13-16 September 1997, Ottawa.


Regional dialogue among women business leaders, key government officials and NGOs/academia, 14-15 August 1997, Bangkok.


1996     Vice-Chairman, Philippine delegation to the World Congress against the Commercial Exploitation of Children, 27-31 August 1996, Stockholm.


1984     ESCAP Regional Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace.


United Nations Decade for Women conferences


1995     Co-leader, Philippine delegation to the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing.


Chairperson, Group of 77 and China, Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing.


1985     Chairperson, Committee on the Forward-Looking Strategies at the Regional and International Conference, World Conference on Women, Nairobi.


Chairperson of the Pre-Conference Consultations, Nairobi.


Vice-Chairperson of the Philippine delegation to the World Conference on Women, Nairobi.


Chairperson of the Third Session of the Commission on the Status of Women acting as the preparatory body for the 1985 World Conference, Vienna, and its resumed third session, New York.


1984     Chairperson of the second session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, acting as a preparatory body for the 1985 World Conference, Vienna.


United Nations commission chairperson, on consultative status to the regional preparatory meetings of ESCAP, Tokyo, and of ECLAC, Havana.


Observer for Commission on the Status of Women to the regional seminar of the OAS Commission of Inter-American Women, Vienna.


Observer for the Philippines at the United Nations Inter-regional Seminar on Rural Women, Vienna.


Adviser to the Philippine delegation at the thirty-ninth session of the General Assembly with special assignment on Women's Issues in the Third Committee.


Philippine representative to the thirtieth regular session of the Commission on the Status of Women acting as a preparatory body for the 1985 World Conference, Vienna.


1982     Leader, Philippine delegation, Conference on Women and Apartheid, Brussels.


1978     Alternate delegate of the Philippines to the second preparatory session for the mid-decade World Conference on Women, Vienna.


1975     Member, Philippine delegation to the first World Conference on Women, Mexico City.


Chairperson of the ASEAN preparatory meeting for the World Conference on Women, Mexico City.


Leader, Philippine delegation to the Seminar on the Integration of Women in Development and to the meeting of ASEAN women leaders, Jakarta.






[Original: English]


Personal data


Marital status: Married with four children.


Experience: Nineteen years of working experience.


Address: c/o Action for Development

                 P.O. Box 16729

                 Kampala, Uganda

                 Tel: 532311, Fax: 530460/530412





Bachelor of Laws (Llb. Hons. degree), Makerere University (1973-1976).


Postgraduate diploma in legal practice, Law Development Centre, Kampala (1976-1977).


Certificate as a trainer of trainers from the Eastern and Southern Management Institute, Arusha (1989).


Certificate in Women Management and Development Planning from the Eastern and Southern Management Institute (ESAMI).


Certificate in the Human Rights of Women, Austria (1993).


Just completed a course at University of Warwick leading to the Masters degree in Law and Development (1996/97).


Government appointment


Leader of government delegation to the World Congress of Women in Moscow, 1987.


Director, Nyanza Textile Board (1987-1989).


Leader of government delegation to the fourth Africa Regional Conference on the Integration of Women in Development and the Implementation of the Arusha Strategies, Abuja (1989).


Member, Commission on the Status of Women, Vienna (1990-1992); head of national delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Canberra (1993).




"How far the women of Uganda have gone in realizing their rights", Dialogue (K.U.L.U. Women and Development, Denmark).


Statement made on behalf of the African Women's Organization, published in African Charter for Popular Participation in Development (ECA).


A paper entitled "Uganda Women's Participation in the Constitutional Reform Process", in Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF).


"WILDAF: Origins and issues" (OF International).


"Strategies for increasing women's political participation": Looking at the World Through Women's Eyes (NGO Forum on Women, Beijing, 1995).


"General principles of the draft Constitution", In search of Freedom and Prosperity: Constitutional Reform in East Africa.


Presentations at conferences, workshops and seminars


"Rights of women, children and the disabled under the institution of ombudsman", paper presented at a regional conference on the Ombudsman, Arusha (1990).


"Uganda women's participation in the constitution reform process", paper presented at a regional workshop on women, law and development, Harare (1989).


"Integration of women in development and implementation of the Arusha strategies: A case for Uganda", paper presented at a regional conference, Abuja (1989).


Keynote address presented at the sixth International Forum for the Association of Women in Development at Washington, October 1993, on the theme, "Joining forces to further shared visions".


Paper presented on women and the Constitution - making process in Uganda, South Africa.


"The organization machinery of women's initiatives in Uganda: problems and challenges", Germany (May 1993).


"Participation of women in the democratization process in Uganda", June 1993, Denmark.


Participation in the International Visitor Programme for the United States Information Service, 1991.


"Perspectives on the problems and aspirations of women: the African situation in 1994", Canada.


"Gender and democracy in Africa", paper presented at a workshop organized for the USAID mission in Washington, July 1995.


"Strengthening the dialogue between government and civil society: an integrated approach to development of human rights and democracy", paper presented at a workshop organized by the Commonwealth Secretariat, Sri Lanka, June 1995.


"Strategies to increase women's participation in politics and governance", paper presented at the NGO Forum plenary session, Beijing, September 1995.


Career history


Current position


Member of Parliament (1989-present). Responsibilities include: passing of legislation and presenting the problems and issues concerning my constituency to the Government.


Prior positions


State Attorney in the Ministry of Justice (1979). Duties were compiling summaries of evidence for committing prisoner to the High Court, perusal of Police files and advising the Director of Public Prosecution on the state of cases.


Lecturer in Law at Uganda College of Commerce (1979-1983). Duties were to teach general principles of law and commercial law to students at the post-secondary level.


Senior Lecturer in Law and English at the Chartered Institute of Bankers, Kampala (1983-1989). Duties were teaching general principles of law, law relating to banking and business English to employees of banks studying for the Uganda Certificate in banking courses. It also involved preparing and marking of the examinations.


Commissioner, Uganda Constitutional Commission (1989-1992). Responsibilities were to educate the Ugandan population on the ongoing Constitution-making process in the country, collecting and analysing people's views and production of draft Constitution and Constitutional Report.


Delegate to the Constituent Assembly. Responsibilities are discussion and promulgation of the New National Constitution for Uganda.


Note. I have just been re-elected as a member of Parliament representing the Mbarara District.


I have represented the First Lady, Mrs. Janet Museveni, on a number of occasions. In 1989, I represented Mrs. Museveni in Minnesota and in 1995 I represented her at the meeting of the First Ladies of Africa held at Beijing to discuss the role the First Ladies of Africa can play in conflict resolution in Africa.


In 1996, I represented Mrs. Museveni at the Eleventh International Conference on AIDS, in Vancouver, Canada.


Organizational affiliations


Past Chairperson, Action for Development (ACFODE).


Member of the Uganda Women Lawyers Association (FIDA).


Member of the Uganda Law Society.


Board Member of African Women Development Communication Network (FEMNET).


Member of the University Women's Association.


Secretary of the National Council of Women.


Member of the Human Rights Committee of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.


Founder and Current member of Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF).




(South Africa)


[Original: English]


Personal data


Date of birth:              19 January 1956


Place of birth:            Alexandra, Johannesburg


Marital status:            Married 1980; divorced June 1995


Children:                     One, 12 years old


Address:                     P.O. Box 15

                                    Cape Town



Telephone:                 (011) 642 2647 (H)

                                    (021) 685 7526 (H)

                                    (021) 462 4619 (W)


Academic background


Obtained Standard Six certificate at Leresche Higher Primary School in Orlando, Johannesburg, 1969.


Obtained a Junior Certificate at Bankuna High School, Letaba, Tzaneen, 1972.


Matriculated at Lemana High School in Elim, Louis Trichardt, 1974.


Two-year B.A. course in social work at the University of the North in 1975 and 1976, with majors in social work, psychology and sociology.


B.A. degree in political science, sociology and development studies, University of Zambia, 1979.


Master's degree in development studies, with specialization in women and development, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, 1989.


Work experience


1980-1988      Worked full-time in the Publicity and Information Department of the African National Congress (ANC) and as the ANC Women's Section Editor of "Voice of Women".


1990-1992      ANC Women's League full-time political leader.


1992-1994      Employed as a Senior Researcher by the University of Witwatersrand Centre for Applied Legal Studies Gender Research Project.


Committee activities


Served in the Gender Advisory Committee of the Coalition for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA) and was one of the three chairpersons.


Founding member of the Women's National Coalition.


1981-1995      Member of the National Executive Committee of the ANC Women's League.


1993-1994      Member of the ANC constitutional negotiating team.


1993-1994      Served on the Board of the Land and Agriculture Policy Organization.


Member of the ANC National Executive Committee since 1995 and Secretary of the Constitutional Committee.


Member of Parliament since April 1994. Served as an ANC Parliamentary Whip 1994-1996. Presently Parliamentary Councillor to the executive Deputy President.






[Original: French]


Personal data


Date and place of birth:


Born around 1950 in Mangaika, Firaisana de Vohimasina, Fivondronana de Manakara-Fianarantsoa.


Marital status: Married, four children




          1956-1962               Ambato-Vohimasina public primary school.

          1962-1964               Vohimasina intermediate school.

          1964-1971               Manakara secondary school.

          1971-1975               Faculty of Law, Antananarivo.


University and other degrees


          Doctorat d'État en droit (Doctorate of Law)

Diploma from the Institute of Judicial Studies, Faculty of Law, Antananarivo.

Certificat de fin de stage (Certificate of completion of training course) at the National School of Magistracy, Paris.

Attestation de formation (Certificate of training) in public management from the National School of Public Administration, Quebec, Canada.


Current rank or post


Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Fianarantsoa, Madagascar.


Posts held


          Technical posts

          Judicial posts


          1976-1978                   Examining magistrate, Court of First Instance, Farafangana.

          1978-1980                   President of the Judicial Department of Vatomandry.

          1980-1982                   Examining magistrate, Court of First Instance, Fianarantsoa.

          1982-1985                   Vice-President of the Court of First Instance, Fianarantsoa.

          1985-1992                   Adviser for Supervisory Training, Supreme Court, Antananarivo.

          November 1996-

          March 1997                 Avocat général, Supreme Court, Antananarivo.


          Teaching posts


          1982-1984               Vacataire (temporary teaching post) at the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, Fianarantsoa.

          1985-1989               Vacataire (temporary teaching post) at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Law, Economics, Management and Sociology, Ankatso, Antananarivo.

          1993                        Vacataire (temporary teaching post) at ENAM (branch of the Prison Administration), Androhibe, Antananarivo.

          1995-1996               Vacataire (temporary teaching post) at the National Pedagogical Institute, Mahamasina, Antananarivo.

          April 1997

          to date                    Teacher at the Faculty of Law, Fianarantsoa.




          1992             "Le Fihavanana", in Revue droit et cultures (Édition l'Harmatan).

          1993             Le Dinan'ny Fandriampahalemana, ou Chartes de la sécurité publique (Édition l'Harmatan).

          1994             Le Nom chez les Malgaches de religion traditionnelle (Édition l'Harmatan).

          1995             Le Droit successoral malgache (Édition l'Harmatan).

          1996             Desecration of graves.

          1997             Philosophy of law; law, ethics and justice.


Political posts


          1989-July 1993                                       Technical adviser, Ministry of Population.


          March 1992-November 1993                 Director of the Prison and Reformatory Administration, Ministry of Justice.


          November 1993-3 October 1996           Director of Human Resources, Ministry of Education.


          March 1997 to date                                Minister of Population and Solidarity.


Missions abroad


Representative of Madagascar at an international meeting to prepare a text on international adoption (The Hague, 1992-1993)





[Original: English]


Personal information


          Date of birth:              13 September 1950.


          Nationality:                 Mosotho.


          Place of birth:            Thaba-Tseka, Lesotho.


          Marital status:            Married.


Educational background


          Primary education:                     Paray Primary School, Thaba-Tseka, 1959-1966.


          Secondary education:                St. James Secondary School, 1967-1969.


          High school education:              St. Monica's High School, 1970-1971.


          University education:                 National University of Lesotho, Diploma in Law, 1982-1984; Bachelor of Arts in Law (B.A.Law), 1985-1988; Bachelor of Laws (LLB), 1988-1990.


Present and past employment and experience


Private sector


          Water and Sewerage Authority


1996 to present: Chief Executive (acting).

1993 to present: Corporate Secretary.


Lesotho Telecommunications Corporation

1991-1993 Corporate Secretary.


Public service


1988-1991               Crown Counsel, Civil Section of the Law Office of the Government of Lesotho.

1980-1988               Public Prosecutor.

1977-1980               Interpreter.

1972-1977               Clerk of Court.




1996             Structuring and negotiating legal agreements for infrastructure projects, Washington, D.C. Duration: three weeks.

1996             Gender training of trainers, Nairobi. Duration: one week.

1994             International law and human rights of women, Kampala. Duration: three weeks.

1993             Training workshop on research methods, data collection and report writing, Vienna. Duration: two weeks.

1992             Gender issues in developing countries, Amsterdam. Duration: three weeks.

1991             Training workshop on women, gender and development, Harare. Duration:  three months.


International conferences and presentations


1993             Conference on violence against women, The Hague, presented a paper on violence against women in Lesotho.

1993             World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, presented a paper on women's rights/human rights - Lesotho perspective.

1992             Conference on women's rights, Harare, presented a paper on the effect of culture and tradition on women's rights in Africa.

1994             Dakar Conference on Women, presented a paper on femicide in southern Africa - project prepared for the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing.

1995             Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, Co-leader, NGO delegation, Lesotho chapter, presented a paper on women and environment.


Professional affiliations


Member, the Law Society of Lesotho.

Member, International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA).

Secretary-General, Lesotho Human Rights Alert Group (LHRAG).

Member of Executive Committee, Women and Development in Africa (WILDAF).

Coordinator, Women's Political Empowerment in Lesotho (WOPEL) project.


Current special government appointments


Member, Law Reform Commission (Commissioner).

Member, Advisory Committee for Privatization Unit.

Member, National Task Force on Drafting of Lesotho Gender Policy.

Coordinator, Review of Minority Status of Women (Law Reform Project).

Coordinator, Lesotho's initial report on the Convention on the Elimination of

  All Forms of Discrimination against Women.






[Original: French]


Civil status


Date of birth: 16 November 1956.


Place of birth: Kandé, Togo.


Marital status: Single.


Address: 92, rue Fazao, Cité de l'Union (SITO)

                 B. P. 10048-Lomé.


Telephone: (228) 25-13-27 (home)

                 (228) 22-10-37 or 21-30-53 (office)


Fax: (228) 21-19-73




Studies and specialization


          Sokodé secondary school;


          University of Benin;


          University of Lille II


1978 Baccalauréat (secondary-school-leaving certificate), course B.


1982 Licence en droit (first degree in law); optional subject:

          "Administrative careers".


1983 Maîtrise en droit (second degree in law); optional subject:

          "Administrative careers". (Thesis topic: State-owned companies in Togo).


1984  Diplôme d'études approfondies (diploma of advanced studies) in administrative science. (Thesis topic: Analysis of the legal system governing loans to local authorities and public bodies and the globalization introduced by the Deposits and Consignments Fund).


1989  Doctorat nouveau régime (Doctorate under the new system) in public law (summa cum laude). (Topic: Administration and underdevelopment in Togo).


Professional experience


1990-1992               Chief of Personnel at the Campus University Hospital; lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Benin.


1992-1993               Director of Human Rights Protection and Defence, Ministry of Human Rights.


1993 to date           Director-General of Human Rights, Ministry of Human Rights and Rehabilitation.


Participation in a number of human rights seminars and conferences and in the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing.


Participation in an advanced seminar, held in Bordeaux, France, from 7 to 21 October 1994, on the preparation of national human rights reports.


National coordinator for project TOG/95/AH/18.




English (read and write).


Other activities


Computers (text processing).


Language teaching assistant (1980-1983); French course for (United States) Peace Corps volunteers.


Cooking, reading, jogging.






[Original: English]


Personal data


Date of birth: 15 April 1941.


Address: 11 Avenue Osman, Quatres Bornes, Mauritius.


Telephone: (230) 454-9833 (residence); (230) 212-6973 (office).


Education and appointments


1970             Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln's Inn, England.


1975             Magistrate, District Court.


1981             Magistrate, Intermediate Court.


1984             Magistrate, Industrial Court.


1989             Master and Registrar and Judge in bankruptcy.


1993             Puisne Judge, Supreme Court (First lady judge of the Supreme Court of Mauritius).


Other activities


Life member, Mauritius Family Planning Association.


Member, Sex Discrimination Committee (Mauritius).


Participated in 1994 workshop on human rights held in India.


Long-time advocate for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women in Mauritius.


Participated in training course on the rights of women held in France in 1981.


Participated in 1997 training course on international human rights procedure on the promotion and protection of women in Africa, organized by the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies.






[Original: Spanish]


Argentina (Santa Rosa, La Pampa); married, four children and two grandchildren.


Education and degrees


Doctorate in political science, Columbia University, New York, 1983.


History teacher and geography teacher, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of La Pampa, Argentina, 1970.


Current posts


Under-Secretary for Human Rights and Women's Rights, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Worship and International Trade, Argentina, since 1989.


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic since 1989.


Functions in the area of women's rights


Member of the National Programme for the Democratization of Culture (PRONDEC).


Principal delegate to the Inter-American Commission of Women (IACW) of the Organization of American States (OAS), since 1989.


Argentine representative to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, since 1989.


Personal representative of the President of the Nation at the Summits of First Ladies of the Americas and the Caribbean, since 1992.


Chairperson of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on the Integration of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean, of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), since 1994.


National officer in charge of monitoring the issue of women and poverty in the context of the Summit of the Americas, since 1995.


Member of the National Council for Women and the Federal Council for Women since 1996.


Activities in the area of women's rights


Chairperson of the ad hoc commission for the follow-up of the Fourth World Conference on Women, since 1995.


First Vice-Chairperson of the Main Committee of the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995.


Head of the Argentine delegation to the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995.


Chairperson of the sixth session of the Regional Conference on the Integration of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 1994.


Chairperson of the national coordination centre for the preparations for the Fourth World Conference on Women, 1993-1995.


President of the Executive committee of the Inter-American Commission of Women (IACW), 1992-1994.


Vice-President of the Executive Committee of IACW, 1990-1992.


Activities in the area of human rights


Head of the Argentine delegation to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1990-1993 and since 1997.


Argentine representative to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1990-1993 and since 1997.


Representative of Argentina to the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly since 1989.


Presiding Officer of the Regional Conference on the Integration of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean, since 1989.


Representative of Argentina to the OAS General Assembly since 1989.


Representative of Argentina to the Human Rights Committee for the presentation of periodic reports, 1990 and 1995.


Representative of Argentina to the Committee against Torture for the presentation of the initial report, 1989.


Agent of the Argentine Government at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights since 1995.


Head of the Argentine delegation to the Regional Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean preparatory to the World Conference on Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica, 1993. Elected First Vice-President of the pre-Conference Executive Committee.


Alternate delegate of the Argentine Republic, World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 1993.


Member of the Cabinet of Presidential Advisers (appointed in 1993).


Professional experience in Argentina


Member of the Constituent Assembly for the Province of La Pampa, 1994.


Adviser, National Senate, 1985-1989.


Initiatives on the subject of women


Co-author of the constitutional provisions incorporating 11 human rights instruments in force in Argentina into constitutional law.


While Vice-President of the Executive Committee of IACW, consultations and expert meetings were initiated for the drafting of a preliminary draft convention on violence against women.


While President of the Executive Committee of IACW, the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women was adopted and approved.


Teaching experience


Full professor, Chair of Modern History I and II, National University of La Pampa, 1971-1976.


Teacher of history and geography, national secondary school system, 1958-1976.


Organizational affiliations


Foundation for Integrated Argentine Development.


National Programme for the Democratization of Culture (PRONDEC).


Director, National Council for Women.


National Commission for the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law.


Commission for the Eligibility of Refugees.


Foundation for the Americas.


Argentine IACW/OAS Foundation.


Honours and awards


Second prize, Municipality of Santa Rosa: "Las funciones urbanas de la Ciudad de Santa Rosa", 1989.


"The Argentine Woman" award, National Banking Association, 1990.


Honoured guest of Cartagena, Colombia, 1992.


Saint Lucia, Panama, Analysis of gender issues in public policies, 1993.


"Voz para la Vida" ("Voice for Life") award, National Commission of Argentine Catholic Youth, December 1995.


"Latin American Woman" award at the thirty-third annual Convention of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce of the United States, New York, 1995.


Honoured guest of Quito, Ecuador, 1996.




Cartas de luna llena (in press, 1997).


Marcela Porco: historia de un rescate (in press, Antares).


El pozo del olvido (Antares, 1997).


Las relaciones entre Argentina y Estados Unidos (Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires (EUDEBA), 1991).


Diez años de democracia por 100 años más (Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires (EUDEBA), 1993).


Derechos del Niño - Declaración de La Plata, 1989. Su debate y aprobación.


International journalist accredited to the Senate for El Argentino, 1985.


International journalist for Latin News, New York, 1983-1985.


United States correspondent for Hechos e Ideas, 1983-1984.


Ongoing collaboration with the weekly Impacto, New York, 1982-1983.


On the staff of the newspaper Noticiero Argentino, New York, 1982-1983.


365 Días de Exilio (Bembo, New York, 1981).


Correspondent for the magazine Hechos e Ideas, 1974-1985.


Correspondent for the magazine Mujeres con Mayúsculas, 1974.


El riego y su importancia decisiva para la economía de Mendoza, 1972.


"El Charolais en la Pampa", Don Marcelino Rouco, in the newspaper La Arena, 1970.


"La extracción de la sal en la Colorada Grande", monograph, Centre for Geographical Research (Pampeanas, 1969).


El teatro griego; Eurípides, la mujer en la obra de Eurípides (Pampeanas, 1966).


Staff editor of the magazine Cultura Pampeana, 1957-1970.





[Original: English]


Professional experience


Policy development, Association for Civil Rights in Israel.


1995                            Legal Adviser, Israel Ministry of Health.


1994-present              Expert member, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, United Nations.


1988-present              Adjunct Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University.


1994-1995                   Adviser to the Minister of Health on the National Health Insurance Law.


1991-1994                   Senior Legislation Officer, Israel Ministry of Justice.


1991-1994                   Coordinator, Israel Commission in the matter of in-vitro Fertilization.


1988-1990                   Attorney, private practice (human rights and women's rights), Tel Aviv.


1989-1990                   Board Member, Association for Civil Rights in Israel.


1988-1990                   Legal Advisor, LACHEN - Association for the Promotion of Women's Sports.


1987-1988                   Attorney, Tyler, Cooper and Alcorn, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.


March 1985                 Consultant, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.


Fall 1984                     Visiting Lecturer, Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.


1980-1982                   Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


1978-1979                   Clerk to Deputy President Moshe Landau, Israel Supreme Court.




          Yale Law School, LLM, 1983; JSD, 1989.

          Faculty of Law, Hebrew University, LLB, 1979; LLM, 1984.


Bar admissions


Licensed to practice law in the State of Connecticut and in the United States Federal Courts (Second Circuit), 1986.


Israel Bar Association, 1980.




Editor (with F. Radday and M. Liban-Kobi), Women's Status in Israeli Law and Society (Schocken, 1995).


Birth Power: The Case for Surrogacy (Yale University, 1989).


Other publications


Surrogate Mother Arrangements: Legal and Normative Aspects in Pregnancy of Another Kind (Eds. A. Ben-Zeev and S. Almog), (HaKibbuts HaMeuhad, forthcoming 1996) (in Hebrew).


Women in Israel: Fighting Tradition, in Women's Rights, Human Rights (Eds. J. Peters and A. Wolper) (Routledge, 1995) 89 p.


"On equality, difference and sex discrimination", in: Sefer Landau, vol. 2 (Eds. A. Barak and E. Mazuz), (Boursi, 1995) 893 p. (in Hebrew).


"Highlights of the report of the Commission in the matter of in vitro Fertilization", 4 Hamishpat, 36 (1995) (in Hebrew).


"Reproductive law and the individual right to parenthood", in: Women's Status in Israeli Law and Society (Eds. F. Radday, C. Shalev and M. Liban-Kobi) (Schocken, 1995), p. 593 (in Hebrew).


"Freedom of marriage and cohabitation", in: Women's Status in Israeli Law and Society, (ibid.), p. 459 (in Hebrew).


"Justice in the family and the principle of gender equality", 2 Hamishpat 21 (1994) (in Hebrew).


"Israel: The President of the State", in: Heads of State: A Comparative Perspective (Australia, Constitutional Centenary Foundation, 1993), p. 39.


Collective Punishment in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (B'Tselem, 1990).


The Price of Insurgency: Civil Rights in the Occupied Territories (West Bank Database Project, 1988).


Artificial Reproduction: Report on a Consultation and Research Findings (World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, 1986).


"A man's right to be equal: the abortion issue", 18 Israel law review 391 (1984).


"A method of legal inquiry", 16 Israel law review 329 (1982).




[Original: English]


Education               Tokyo University, 1969 (international relations).


Tokyo University, 1970 (law).


Judicial Institute attached to Supreme Courts, 1974 (judicial training).


University of Paris II, 1976.


Professional experience




          1995                 Member, OSCE mission to Macedonia


          1993-1996        Member, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights



          1993                 Member, Japanese delegation, World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna


          1988                 Chief Administrator, Ship for ASEAN Youth


          1983-1986        Head, Japanese delegation, international conferences for drafting of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer.


          1985                 Member, Japanese delegation, Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Milan.




          1996-present                     Public Prosecutor, Tokyo High Public Prosecutor's Office:


                                                     -     Responsible for planning the restructuring of Public Prosecutor's office;


                                                     -     Supervise and monitor training courses for staff members.


          1993-present                     Professor, Graduate School of International Cooperation, Kobe University:


                                                     -     Lecture on international cooperation for promotion of human rights and protection of global environment.


          1993-1996                         Public Prosecutor, Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office:


                                                     -     Responsible for investigation of environmental crimes, particularly those committed by major corporations;


                                                     -     Also responsible for training officers of Ministry of Justice who work in the field of environmental protection of air, sea, forest and other natural resources.


          1992-1993                         Chief, Research branch of Institute attached to Ministry of Justice:


                                                     -     In charge of editing white paper on crime control through international cooperation, including the adoption of worldwide jurisdictional agreements, conclusion of extradition treaties and enactment of laws against money laundering.


          1988-1991                         Counsellor, Prime Minister's Office:


                                                     -     Organized and administered International Conference on Trends in Public Opinion;


                                                     -     Administered research programme on public opinion in several countries.


                                                     -     Visited ASEAN countries as head of programme for the promotion of understanding and friendship among youth of ASEAN countries and Japan.


          1986-1988                         Legal Counsel, Criminal Affairs Bureau:


                                                     -     Supervised drafting of laws originating in Criminal Affairs Bureau.


          1983-1986                         Legal Attaché, United Nations Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs:


                                                     -     Headed Japanese delegation to international conferences on drafting of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer;


                                                     -     Served as adviser on measures to be taken in connection with the ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.




          1986             Comments on the Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (Tokyo, Yuhikaku).


          1989             Legal Aspects of International Cooperation (Tokyo, Yuhikaku).


          1994             Official Development Assistance for the Promotion of Human Rights and Environment (Tokyo, Yuhikaku).


          1995             International Cooperation for the Reduction of Pollution (Tokyo, Nihon-Hyoronsha).


          1995             The History of Japanese Official Development Assistance (Tokyo, Kokusaimondai Kenkyusha).


          1995             Future Prospects for Japanese Official Development Assistance (Tokyo, Yuhikaku).


          1996             How to Investigate Crimes against the Environment (Tachibanashobo).


          1996             Macedonia, Country on an Active Fault: In Search of Peace and Coexistence (Tokyo, Toshi Shuppan).


