




Convention on the Elimination

of All Forms of Discrimination

against Women






                                                                                                                    2 February 1996


                                                                                                                    ORIGINAL: ENGLISH/SPANISH







Ninth meeting

New York, 29 February 1996

Item 5 of the provisional agenda*



Election, in accordance with article 17, paragraphs 4 and 5,

of the Convention, of 11 members of the Committee on the

Elimination of Discrimination against Women, to replace those

whose terms are due to expire on 15 April 1996


Note by the Secretary-General





1.       The Secretary-General, in compliance with article 17, paragraph 3, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, invited the States parties to the Convention to submit their nominations by 15 January 1996 for the election of 11 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. The 17 nominations that were received by that date were published in document CEDAW/SP/1996/3. The Secretary-General has now received one additional nomination as follows:


          Raquel Macedo de Sheppard - Uruguay


2.       The curriculum vitae of the above-mentioned candidate, as furnished by her Government, is annexed hereto.








          *        CEDAW/SP/1996/1.



96-02469 (E) 130296                                                                                                                                 /...




[Original: Spanish]




Ms. Raquel Macedo de Sheppard




- Doctor of Law and Social Sciences


    -   Procuradora universitaria




- Chief of Division, Legislature (1953 to 1977, 1985 to 1990, 1995)


    -   Director of the Department of Women, Ministry of Labour and Social Security (1977 to 1980)


    -   Senator (alternate) of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay (1985)


    -   Ambassador of Uruguay to the Republic of Costa Rica (1990-1994)


    -   Ambassador of Uruguay to the Republic of Belize (concurrent) (1991-1994)




    -   Independent lawyer, specializing in civil law and, in particular, family law. Legal counsel to corporations (1973-1990).


    -   Member of the Committee of Experts on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, United Nations (1983-1987).


    -   Participant in numerous international conferences, congresses and seminars, including:


ECLAC/FAO conference on rural social development in Latin America (Montevideo, 1978).


FAO Fifteenth Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (Montevideo, 1978).


National Insurance Institute, Costa Rica. Regional meeting on the general welfare of disabled minors in Central America and Panama (July 1991).


Annual Inter-American course on elections, Inter-American Human Rights Institute, San José, Costa Rica (14-18 November 1991).


Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)/Organization of American States (OAS), San José, Costa Rica, delegate to the preparatory meeting of the Americas Committee of the International Office of Epizootics (25 November 1991).


Seminar on the Inter-American conference on free trade - an exploration of the dynamics of regional integration beyond the North American Free Trade Agreement (San José, Costa Rica, March 1992).


Lecture on the common market of knowledge - a proposal of former President, Luis Alberto Lacalle, in the Manuel María Peralta Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica (4 April 1992).


Seminar on effective measures to combat drug-related crimes and to strengthen the administration of criminal justice, United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (20-25 July 1992).


Delegate to the Latin American and Caribbean regional preparatory meeting for the World Conference on Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica (18-22 January 1993).


Delegate to the eighteenth Panamerican Congress on Children, San José, Costa Rica (18-22 November 1993).




Member of the group "Concertación de Mujeres", as representative of the National Party (1984-1988).


Member of the Executive Committee of the Consejo Nacional Herrerista (1984-1986).


Member of the Commission on the Status of Women of the National Party (1985-1988).


Member of the Executive Committee of the "Renovación y Victoria" movement of the National Party (1987-1995).


Candidate for Vice-President of the Republic of the "Renovación y Victoria" movement of the National Party (on the Gonzalo Aguirre Ramírez-Raquel Macedo de Sheppard ticket) (1994).




In addition to those already mentioned:


Member of the Honorary Advisory Committee of the above-mentioned Department (1976-1977).


Director of the Women's Department of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (1977-1980).


Delegate of Uruguay to the Inter-American Commission of Women of the Organization of American States (1977-1990).


Lecturer, publisher and coordinator of many studies in this field. Recipient of fellowships from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and from the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) to attend courses in social planning and in women, planning and development in Latin America and the Caribbean (Santiago, Chile, 1986).


Coordinator of numerous seminars, conferences and courses on the status of women and women in rural areas, including:


    -   National seminars on rural women (Tacuarembo, 1977).


    -   Course on project formulation for women (Montevideo, 1979).


    -   "The media and their influence on the image of women" (Montevideo, 1981).


    -   Training course in cooperativism for women artisans in the Department of Colonia (Colonia, 1984).


    -   Training course for teachers in the Department of Cerro Largo as part of the project on the participation of women in rural areas of Uruguay (Melo, Cerro Largo, December 1987).


    -   Member of the Bureau of the Second Regional Conference on Integration of Women in Economic and Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (Caracas, 1979).


    -   Head of the Uruguayan delegation to the Inter-American seminar on the participation of women in cooperation for development, Inter-American Commission of Women/OAS (Montevideo, 1981).


    -   "Political Participation of Women in the Southern Cone", Nauman Foundation-Latin American Centre for Democracy in Uruguay (Montevideo, 1986).


    -   "Women in politics and in service organizations", Ministry of Education of Argentina - Inter-American Commission of Women (Buenos Aires, December 1986).


    -   "Women in management" (San José, Costa Rica, March 1991).


    -   Delegate of Uruguay to the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace (Nairobi, July 1985).



    -   From 1978 to 1985, liaison officer between the United Nations and Uruguay for the implementation of the World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Women's Year; from 1977 to 1993, alternate delegate of Uruguay to the Inter-American Commission of Women.


    -   Member since its establishment in 1982 until 1987 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (Vienna 1982; New York 1983-1984; Vienna 1985; New York 1986).


    -   First senator of the National Party. During the Party's term in the legislature, took the following actions relating to women:


Introduced a motion to establish an ad hoc subcommittee within the framework of the Constitutional and Legislative Committee of the Senate to draft a family code. The motion was unanimously approved.


Delivered a speech on the status of women and introduced a motion for the establishment of a special standing senate committee to review draft legislation on the status of women. The motion was unanimously approved. Appointed adviser to the committee upon its establishment.


Drafted and introduced draft legislation on equality of opportunities and treatment for both sexes in the field of labour. This draft law was adopted by unanimous vote of the Senate and ratified as national law on 18 June 1988.


Drafted and introduced jointly with Dr. Sofia Alvarez de Demicheli a draft law on retirement and work-related accident benefits for housewives.


Introduced a motion to update and publish the work done in 1975 by a group of staff members of the Library of the Legislature entitled "Contribution of Uruguayan women to culture, 1825-1975." This motion was also unanimously adopted.


    -   Designed and coordinated the project on "Participation of women in rural areas", which was implemented by the Council for Primary Education and funded by the Inter-American Commission of Women (1985-1988). The productivity component of this project constitutes a new project entitled "Promotion, training, technical assistance and credit to productive groups of rural women", whose executing agency is the Institute for Rural Economic Development in Uruguay and which is currently being implemented with funding from the Inter-American Development Bank (1990-1995).


    -   Radio broadcast on the programme "Sarandi Review" (CX Radio Sarandi) entitled "Viewpoint by Dr. Raquel Macedo de Sheppard" (1986-1987).


    -   Columnist on the fortnightly women's page of the newspaper El País (1985-1987).


    -   Participated in numerous radio and television programmes in the capital and in the interior of the country.


    -   Charged by the Uruguayan parliament with the establishment of a database on women in Uruguay (1987-1988).


    -   Permanent adviser to the Special Commission of the Senate on the Status of Women (1987-1989).


