




Convention on the Elimination

of All Forms of Discrimination

against Women






                                                                                                                  24 January 1996


                                                                                                                  ORIGINAL: ENGLISH/FRENCH






Ninth meeting

New York, 29 February 1996

Item 5 of the provisional agenda*



           Election, in accordance with article 17, paragraphs 4 and 5,

           of the Convention, of 11 members of the Committee on the

           Elimination of Discrimination against Women, to replace

those whose terms are due to expire on 15 April 1996


Note by the Secretary-General



1.       In accordance with article 17, paragraph 4, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Secretary-General will convene the ninth meeting of States parties at United Nations Headquarters on 29 February 1996, for the election of 11 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women from a list of persons nominated by States parties to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 15 April 1996 (see annex I). The names of the other 12 members, who will continue to serve on the Committee until 15 April 1998, appear in annex II.


2.       In compliance with article 17, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 7 November 1995, invited the States parties to submit their nominations for the election of 11 members of the Committee within two months of the invitation. The Secretary-General has prepared the following list, in alphabetical order, of all persons nominated by

20 January 1996, indicating the States parties that had nominated them.







          *        CEDAW/SP/1996/1.



96-01733 (E) 080296 140296                                                                                                                  /...



Candidate                                            Nominated by


Ayse Feride Acar                                     Turkey


Irena Boruta                                         Poland


Carlota Bustelo García del Real                      Spain


Silvia Cartwright                                    New Zealand


Yolanda Ferrer Gómez                                 Cuba


Aída González                                        Mexico


Salma Khan                                           Bangladesh


Yung-Chung Kim                                       Korea


Awa Léni Nana                                            Togo


Emilienne Ngo Basse                                      Cameroon


Ahoua Ouedraogo                                      Burkina Faso


Béatrix Gisèle Ratanga                               Gabon


Anne Lise Ryel                                       Norway


Hanna Beate Schöpp-Schilling                         Germany


Kongit Sinegiorgis                                   Ethiopia


Mamadou Traore                                       Mali



3.  The curricula vitae of the above candidates, as furnished by their Governments, are contained in annex III.



Annex I






Member Country of nationality


Gül Aykor                                            Turkey


Carlota Bustelo García del Real                      Spain


Silvia Cartwright                                    New Zealand


Liliana Gurdulich de Correa                          Argentina


Evangelina García-Prince                             Venezuela


Salma Khan                                           Bangladesh


Pirkko Anneli Mäkinen                                Finland


Elsa Victoria Muñoz-Gómez                            Colombia


Ahoua Ouedraogo                                      Burkina Faso


Hanna Beate Schöpp-Schilling                         Germany


Kongit Sinegiorgis                                   Ethiopia



Annex II






Member  Country of nationality


Charlotte Abaka                                      Ghana


Emna Aouij                                           Tunisia


Tendai Ruth Bare                                     Zimbabwe


Désirée Patricia Bernard                             Guyana


Miriam Yolanda Estrada Castillo                      Ecuador


Ivanka Corti                                         Italy


Aurora Javate de Dios                                Philippines


Sunaryati Hartono                                    Indonesia


Ginko Sato                                           Japan


Carmel Shalev                                        Israel


Lin Shangzhen                                        China


Mervat Tallawy                                       Egypt



Annex III





Ayse Feride ACAR


[Original: English]


Date of birth: 1948


Place of birth: Bursa, Turkey


Nationality: Turkish


Marital status: Married, one child


Languages: Turkish, English and French (medium level)


Permanent address: Iran Çaddesi 29/3

                    Gazi Osman Paşa, Ankara




1976     Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Bryn Mawr College,

         Bryn Mawr, PA, United States of America


1973     M.A., Department of Sociology, Bryn Mawr College,

         United States


1970     B.S., Department of Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University,



1966     Darien High School,

         Darien, Connecticut, United States


Scholarships and grants


1994-1995     Research Grant, World Bank


1991-1992     Research Grant, Family Research Institute, Republic of Turkey


1987-1988     Middle East Research Competition (MERC) Award, the Ford Foundation


1971-1976     Turkish Ministry of Education Scholarship for Graduate Study



1965-1966     American Field Service Exchange Student





1995-         Professor,

              Department of Political Science and Public Administration,

              Middle East Technical University, Ankara


1994-         Chairperson,

              Gender and Women's Studies Graduate Programme

              Institute of Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University


1989-1995     Associate Professor,

              Department Political of Public Administration,

              Middle East Technical University, Ankara


1986-1987     Assistant Chairperson,

              Department of Political Science and Public Administration,

              Middle East Technical University


1984-1986     Assistant Professor (part-time),

              Department of Political Science and Public Administration,

              Irbid, Yarmuk University, Irbid, Jordan (on sabbatical leave from

                Middle East Technical University)


1977-1989     Assistant Professor,

              Department of Political Science and Public Administration,

              Middle East Technical University, Ankara


1976-1977     Instructor,

              Department of Political Science and Public Administration,

              Middle East Technical University, Ankara


1974-1975     Instructor (part-time),

              Department of Sociology,

              Widener University, Chester, PA, United States


Research projects completed and ongoing


1994-         "Gender-based discrimination and attitudes towards women

              employees: the case of the education sector in Turkey", ongoing

              research supported by the World Bank Development of Women's

              Employment in Turkey Project


1994-         "Patterns of female solidarity in patrilineal society" ongoing

              research supported by the UNDP project National Programme for

              the Improvement of Women in Participation in Development


1991-1992     "Interpersonal relations and gender roles in families in Turkish

              shantytowns", research supported by the Family Research

              Institute, Republic of Turkey


1988-1989     "Women in academia", research supported by the International Social Science Council, International Centre, and UNESCO


1987-1988     "Women and Islamic fundamentalism in Turkey", research project supported by the Ford Foundation


Membership in professional organizations and committees


European Network for Women's Studies (ENWS) - National contact for Turkey


International Sociological Association - member


European Sociological Association - member


Middle East Studies Association - member


Member of International Organizing Committee for the European symposium "Gender approaches to emergency situations: women's realities", Council of Europe, ENWS and Mediterranean Women's Studies Centre (REGME), Athens, 4-7 May 1995


Member of International Organizing Committee for the European Conference "Gender approaches to health in emergency situations: women's realities", Council of Europe, ENWS and Ministry of Health of the Republic of San Marino, San Marino, 8-9 December 1995


Women's Research and Education Centre of Istanbul University - member, Board of Consultants


Turkish Social Science Association - member


Turkish Sociological Association - founding member


M.S. theses supervised


"The participation of women in the Government sector in Jordan", Hanan Ahmad Haj Ismail, June 1987


"The solidarity movement in Poland", Pinar Akçal, February 1991


"The career and role characteristics of Turkish female top managers", Esin Gül Atabek, July 1994


National and international conferences participated in and papers presented


Member of Turkish Official Delegation at the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 4-15 September 1995


"Women's labour force participation in Turkey", paper presented at the UNIDO Expert Group Meeting on Women in Industry, Vienna, 9-12 July 1995


"Women in Turkey: between secularism and the Islamic movement", paper presented at the Aspen Institute-Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Conference on Women in Muslim Societies-Women's Rights as Human Rights, Berlin, 21-23 May 1995


Session Chairperson at the European Symposium "Gender approaches to emergency situations: women's realities", Council of Europe, ENWS, REGME, Athens, 4-7 May 1995


"Yeni kentli ailelerde bireylerarasi İlişkiler ve cinsiyet rollerine İlişkin beklenti ve tutumlar" (Expectations and attitudes towards gender roles and interpersonal relations in newly urbanized families), paper presented at the Social Science Congress organized by the UNESCO National Committee, Bolu, Turkey, 14-16 December 1995


"Yüksek Ögrenim Kurumlarinda Kadinlar: Tarihani ve Gürcel Durumlar" (Women in higher education institutions: historical and contemporary situation), paper presented at the International Symposium on Women in Academic Life: Comparison of Women's Careers in Turkish and German Universities, Ankara, 22-24 September 1994


"Men and Women in the Turkish 'Gecekondu': Gender Differences in Attitude, Expectations and Behaviour of Rural-Urban Migrants", paper presented to the Thirteenth World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany, 17-23 July 1994


"Turkish women in academe", paper presented to the Seventh Annual International Conference on Women in Higher Education, Orlando, Florida, 6-8 January 1994


"Life histories and career patterns of women of academe in Turkey", paper presented to the International Seminar, Gender and Professional Trajectory of the University Staff, Madrid, 7-8 October 1993


"Women's education in Turkey: the gold bracelet syndrome", paper presented at the International Conference; "From Dictatorship to Democracy: Women in Mediterranean, Central and Eastern Europe", Barcelona, 16-18 September 1993


"Reasons for and implications of women's high participation in academe in Turkey", paper presented at the International Education Conference, The Netherlands University Students' Association, Delft, 15 May 1993


"Turkish women's participation in higher education", paper presented at the International Conference on the State of Women in the Mediterranean World: A Contemporary Evaluation, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, Ankara, 5-11 October 1992


"Women and university education in Turkey", paper presented at the International Conference Building - A Europe Without Frontiers: The Role of Women, Mediterranean Women's Studies Association, Athens, 27-30 November 1991


"Culture, political change and women in the university: glass ceiling in Turkish academe", paper presented at the Workshop on Gender Stratification in Academe: A Cross-cultural Study, Rasso, Sweden, 10-17 August 1991


"Islamic fundamentalist movements and women in a secular State: the case of Turkey", paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Helsinki, 1-5 July 1991


"Women and education in Turkey: the situation of female students in higher education", paper presented at the International Conference on Women and Socio-economic Development, Turkish Ministry of Labour and the General Directorate of Women's Status and Problems, Ankara, 20-21 Nisan 1991


"Conditions of Turkish women and the appeal of conservative religious ideologies", paper presented at the International Seminar on Women's Studies and the Social Position of Women in Eastern and Western Europe, European Network for Women's Studies, The Hague, 22-28 November 1990


"Turkish women in academic science careers", paper presented in the session on Women in science: problems and perspectives", Twelfth World Sociological Congress, Madrid, 9-13 July 1990


"Gender stratification in academe: the Turkish case", paper presented at the Workshop on Gender Stratification in Academe, Paris, 2-7 July 1990


"A dimension in the political discourse of the Islamic fundamentalist movements: women's Islam in Turkey", paper presented at the Third National Political Science Congress, the Political Science Association and Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, November 1989


"Women and science careers: Turkish women in academe", paper presented at the International Conference on Improving Employment Prospects for Women in a Changing Society: The Years Ahead, Turkish Employment Agency and the OECD, Istanbul, 7-8 November 1989


"Women in academic science: Turkey, 1989", paper presented at the third meeting of the UNESCO-Vienna International Centre joint project on "Women's participation in positions of responsibility in careers of science and technology: obstacles and opportunities", Lisbon, 28-30 September 1989


"Social movements in Turkey in the 1980s", paper presented at the Second National Social Science Congress, Turkish Social Science Association and Middle East Technical University, Department of Sociology, Ankara, 31 May-2 June 1989


"Women and the Islamic movement in Turkey: a study on Islamic women's magazines and a group of women university students", paper presented at the International Conference on Women's Position in Turkey in the 1980s, University of Kassel, Kassel, Federal Republic of Germany, 17-21 April 1989


"A proposal for a research project on women in sciences and technology", paper presented the second meeting of the UNESCO-Vienna International Centre joint project on "Women's participation in positions of responsibility in careers of science and technology: obstacles and opportunities", Suzdal-Moscow, 6-11 March 1989


"The True Path party", paper presented at the International Conference on Continuity and Change in Turkish Political Party Life, Bilkent University, Ankara, 10-12 November 1988


"Alternative responses to role conflict as forces in women's career advancement: a study of Turkish academic women's career patterns", paper presented to the first meeting of the UNESCO-Vienna International Centre joint project on "Women's participation in positions of responsibility in careers of science and technology: obstacles and opportunities", Zagreb, 21-23 July 1988


"Women in the ideology of Islamic revivalism in Turkey: three Islamic women's journals", paper presented at the Conference on Islam in Turkey, Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 11-12 May 1988


"Role priorities and career patterns of women in academe: a cross-cultural study of Turkish and Jordanian university teachers", paper presented at the Third International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, Dublin, 6-10 July 1987




"Women's education in Turkey: a history of paradoxes", in Turkish women, A. Ayata and Ç. Balim (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 1995 (forthcoming).


"Women and Islam in Turkey", in Women in Modern Turkish Society: a reader, Ş. Tekeli (ed.), Zed Publishers, London, 1995.


"Higher education in Turkey: a gold bracelet for women", in World Yearbook of Education, 1994. The Gender Gap in Higher Education, Kogan Page Publishers, London, 1994, pp. 160-170.


"Turkish women in academia", in Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Women in Higher Education, Orlando, Florida, 6-8 January 1994, pp. 1-7.


"Women and university education in Turkey", in Higher Education in Europe, vol. XVIII, No. 4, 1993, pp. 65-77.


"Islamci ideoloji ve kadin", in Cagdaş Türkiye'de Islam, R. Tapper (ed.), Sarmai Yayinevi, Istanbul, 1993, pp. 205-236.


"Bireylearsa ilişkeler ve Cinslyet Kolleri", in Geçekondularda Atelerarasl Geleneksel Dayanişmanin Cağdaş Organizasyonlara Dönüşilmü, Kadin ve Sosyal Hizmetler Müsteşarligi Yayinlari, Ankara, 1993, pp. 195-247.


"Islam in Turkey", in Turkey and Europe, C. Balkir and A. M. Williams (eds.), Pinter Publishers, Ltd., London and New York, 1993, pp. 219-238.


"Women in academic science careers in Turkey", in Women in Science: Token Women or Gender Equality?, Veronica Stolte-Heiskanen, Feride Açar, Nora Ananieva, Dorothea Coudart (eds.), ISSC-UNESCO Publication, Berg Publishers, Oxford University Press, 1991, pp. 147-171.


"Life histories and career patterns of women of academe: the Turkish experience", Proceedings of the Conference on Gender and Professional Trajectory of the University Staff, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1994 (in print).


"Turkiye'de Kadin ve Egitimi: Yüksek Ögrenimde Kiz Öğrencilerin Konumu", in Kadin ve Sosyo-Ekonomik Gelişme, Başbakanlik, Kadinin Statüsü ve Sorunlari Genel Müdürlügü Yayru, Ankara, 1992, pp. 11-22.


"Women in the ideology of Islamic revivalism: three Islamic women's journals", in Islam in modern Turkey: religion, politics and literature in a secular State, Richard Tapper (ed.), I.B. Tauris and Co., Ltd., Publishers, London, 1991, pp. 280-303.


"The True Path party", in Political Parties and Democracy in Turkey, Matin Heper and Jacob M. Landau (eds.), I. B. Tauris and Co., Ltd., Publishers, London, 1991, pp. 188-201.


"Was die islamische Bewegung für Frauen so anziehend macht: eine Untersuchung der Frauenzeitschriften und eine Gruppe von Studentinnen, in Frauenforschung aus der Turkei: Aufstand im Haus der Frauen, Ayla Neusel, Şirin Tekeli and Meral Akkend (eds.), Orlanda Frauenverlag, Berlin, 1991, pp. 73-92.


"Role priorities and career patterns: a cross-cultural study of Turkish and Jordanian university teachers", in Storming the tower: women in the academic world, Suzanne S. Lie and Virginia E. O'Leary (eds.), Kogan Page, London, 1990, pp. 129-143.


"Frauen und Akademische Bildung in der Turkei", in Zeitschrift Fur Turkeistudien, fall-winter 1990, pp. 77-91.


"Turkish women in academia: status and trends in 1989", in Improving employment prospects for women in a changing society: the years ahead, Turkish Employment Agency Publication, Ankara, 1990, pp. 83-103.


"Working women in a changing society: the case of Jordanian academics", in METU studies in development, 13(3-4), 1986, pp. 307-324.


"Turkish women in academia: roles and careers", in METU studies in development, 10(4), 1983, pp. 409-446.


Notes on Political Sociology: Alternative Approaches to Power Distribution (Mimeo), Middle East Technical University, Department of Public Administration, 1980.


"The Geçekondu: rural migration and urbanization by Kemal Karpat", book review, METU studies in development (13), fall 1976.


"Élitism vs. pluralism: a study of the social background characteristics of Bursa's political elite", unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Sociology, Bryn Mawr College, 1976.


"Political process and political élite in Turkey: 1923-1960: unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Sociology, Bryn Mawr College, 1973.





[Original: French]


Date and place of      18 May 1950, Żgierz, Poland



Address:               ul. Wdzieczna 4/33

                       93-326 Łodź



Languages:             French, English


Place of employment:                          University of Łodź

                       Faculty of Law and Administration

                       Department of European Law

                       ul. Uniwersytecka 3

                       90-137 Łodź


Position:                                     Lecturer




1972                   University of Wrocław, master's degree in law


1982                                          University of Łodź, doctorate in law


1976-1977              University of Paris X Nanterre, studied French labour law


1978                   University of Strasbourg, diploma in comparative law


1991-1992              University of Nantes, studied French labour law



1.   The main area of Ms. Boruta's research is the question of equality between men and women in employment. This is the subject of her thesis, entitled "Equality between men and women at work as defined under European Community law - implications for Poland", which she is writing in order to gain an accreditation to supervise research. The thesis, which is nearing completion, will be published in 1996. She has published various articles in connection with the thesis (see list below). She has wide experience of the problem of discrimination against women in the workplace.


2.   In her work, Ms. Boruta examines the legal and comparative aspects of equality between men and women in employment. This interpretation of the problem is based upon her international activities - she is one of the experts representing "Solidarność" at the International Labour Organization. She is collaborating with Directorate-General X of the Commission of the European Union and is participating in the work of the Council of Europe's Documentation Unit in Warsaw. She is employed by various university centres. She is also involved with the Europa Institute of the University of Utrecht.


3.   Ms. Boruta also works in the public sector. She is an expert chargé d'affaires working for the Government on women's and family issues in cooperation with the chargé d'affaires responsible for integration and the Legislative Commission of the Ministry of Employment and Social Policy.




1.   "Quelques réflexions du jour sur l'interdiction du travail de nuit des femmes" ("Some current reflections on the prohibition on night working by women") (współaut), Derecho comercial comparado-trabajos en homenaje a Ferran Valls i Taberner, November 1989.


2.   "La situation juridique des femmes au travail" ("The legal situation of women in employment"), Ethos du travail, Warsaw, 1989.


3.   The Contractual Position of Minors and the Prohibition on Employment (współaut) of Children and the Law, Hull University Press, 1990.


4.   "Le droit des employées a une rémunération identique" ("The right of women workers to equal pay"), Travail et assurance sociale, November-December 1991, pp. 7-15.


5.   "L'égalité de traitement et l'égalité des chances des femmes au travail" ("Equal treatment and equal opportunities for women in employment"), Travail et assurance sociale, July, 1992, pp. 8-17.


6.   "Les fonctions des droits accordés aux travailleuses liés à la maternité" ("Functions of the maternity rights granted to women workers"), Acta Universitatis Lodziensis "Folia iuridica", 58:1993, pp. 50-62.


7.   "La définition de l'égalité" ("The definition of equality"), Etudes juridiques, March 1993, pp. 135-158.


8.   "Le concept d'égalité professionnelle" ("The concept of professional equality"), Lettre d'information, Centre de documentation du mouvement ouvrier et du travail en Vendée, March 1993, pp. 8-18.


9.   "La nécessaire harmonisation du droit social polonais dans une perspective d'intégration dans la Communauté Européenne - recherche en gestion" ("The need to harmonize Polish social law with a view to entering the European Community"), Cahiers franco-polonais, July 1993, pp. 20-35.


10.  "La discrimination au travail à cause du sexe selon une conception juridique et comparative" ("Gender discrimination in the workplace from a legal and comparative viewpoint"), Etudes juridiques et économiques, vol. XI, September 1994, pp. 44-74.


11.  "Interdiction de la discrimination en question des salaires en fonction du sexe dans le droit des Communautés Européennes" ("Prohibition of wage discrimination on grounds of gender under the legislation of the European Communities"), Travail et assurance sociale, November 1995.


12.  Commentary on paragraphs 5 and 6 of the conclusions on the proposed convention on outworking - expert assessment for the International Labour Organization.


13.  "Le programme européen des chances identiques pour les hommes et les femmes, 1991-1995" ("The European equal opportunities programme, 1991-1995"), L'Etat et le droit, 14:1995.


14.  "Le harcèlement sexuel comme symptôme de la discrimination liée au sexe selon la juridiction des Communautés Européennes" ("Sexual harassment as a symptom of gender discrimination under the legislation of the European Communities"), accepted for publication by the Bulletin, Information and Documentation Unit of the Council of Europe, Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw.





[Original: English]


Date and place of birth: 1 November 1939, Madrid


Marital status:          Married, three children


Home address:            Claudio Coello 108, 28006 Madrid




Diploma (for foreigners), Institute of Political Sciences, Paris, 1961


Licenciate degree in Political Science, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1969


Professional experience in the private sector


    Held different management positions in various publishing companies (España Económica magazine, Tecnos S.A., Librería-Galería Antonio Machado), import-export companies (Intracafé S.A., subsidiary of Tate and Lyle Ltd.) and consultancies (Arthur Andersen S.A.).


Political and social activities


1965-1977 Founding member of the following women's associations: Housewives Association, University Women's Association and the group "Women and socialism". Responsible for promoting activities within the Socialist Party aimed at countering discrimination against women.


1977-1979 Member of the Spanish Parliament that approved the Constitution of 1978. Member of several parliamentary committees (Budget, Health and Prisons). Actively involved in the reform of the Penal Code. Proposed the lifting of sanctions for the sale and distribution of contraceptives and promoted the creation of family planning centres. Rapporteur of the Prison Investigation Committee Report, which served as the basis for the Prison Reform Bill. Responsible for the supervision of the Ministry of Culture budget.


1983-1988 First Director General of the Women's Institute, responsible for outlining and promoting government policy towards equal opportunities for men and women. Directorship achievements include:


          -   A series of publicity campaigns aimed at informing and educating the public about women's rights;


          -   The creation of information and care centres;


          -   The promotion of women's associations;


          -   International cooperation activities;


          -   The report on the social situation of Spanish women;


          -   The first Programme for Equal Opportunities for Women (1988-1990). The programme, with 122 measures, included important legal reforms and was passed by the Spanish Government in 1987.


Chairman of the Spanish delegation, 1985 Nairobi World Conference on Women, and Spanish representative at several meetings held by the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Community.


Vice-President (1986-1987) and later President (1987-1988) of the European Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities.


1988-1990 Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Affairs


Apart from sitting on the Commission of Secretaries of State and Under-Secretaries which prepares the Cabinet meetings, she coordinated and supervised:


          -   The Legal Protection of Children Board;


          -   The Social Action Board;


          -   The Women's Institute;


          -   The Youth Institute;


          -   The National Institute of Social Services;


          -   The Royal Society for the Care of Disabled People and the Prevention of Disabilities.


Present activities


Member, since 1992, of the Spanish Social and Economic Council, a government advisory body on economic, social and labour matters. As member of its Commission on Social Security and Social Affairs, she has acted as rapporteur of the Social Security Bill and the Unemployment Protection Reform Bill reports. She is in charge of the section on social protection and life conditions of the annual report on the social and economic situation of Spain.


Member, since 1988, of the United Nations Committee on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. Very actively involved in the preparation of the Committee's recommendations on violence against women and on equality in the family. Formed part of the working group that, at the request of the Commission on the Status of Women, drafted the Declaration on Violence against Women.


Member of the European Network on "Women in Decision-making" whose task is to carry out the measures of the Third Programme of the European Community for equal opportunities between men and women, aimed at promoting a greater presence of women at top management levels.


Chairperson of the Foundation "Mujeres", whose main activity is the creation and management of employment promotion centres for young women.


Member of the Spanish Delegation to the IV World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995).




Spanish, French, English




Author of many articles published in newspapers, magazines and books on the social situation of women.


Member of the following organizations and associations


PSOE, Spanish Socialist Workers' Party


UGT, General Workers' Union


Spanish Red Cross


Amnesty International


International Solidarity


Spanish Association for Human Rights


European Women Foundation


Awards and prizes


Officer of the National Order of Merit of the French Republic (1986)


Gold Master, Top Management Forum (1986)


Constitutional Order of Merit of Spain (1988)


Agora Feminist Prize (1990)



Madrid, August 1995





[Original: English]


Personal:       Born 1943; married, no children


Education:      LL.B, Otago University, 1967


Career resume




1992-      Membership of Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women


           -  Elected in 1992.


           -  Has had wide experience in the work of the Committee during her term.


           -  At the first session following election, was a member of the pre-session working group which prepares for the Committee's analysis of second or subsequent reports to it.


           -  In the 1993 and 1994 sessions served as Rapporteur to Working Group 1 which developed General Recommendation 21 on equality in marriage and family relations, and in that role took primary responsibility for completion of the text.


           -  In 1994, served as a member of an expert group convened to draft an optional protocol to the Convention.


           -  In September 1995 participated in the Fourth World Conference on Women as a Committee member.




1993-      Judge of the High Court of New Zealand

           The first woman High Court Judge.


1989-1993  Chief Judge of the District Courts of New Zealand

The District Courts are the courts of first instance for all family and environmental law, youth offenders and the majority of civil and criminal litigation. The Chief Judge is responsible for the professional development and education of all (100) judges of the District Courts and for communication with Government on issues concerning the District Court judiciary. The first woman to hold this position.


1987-1988  Commissioner of Inquiry

As sole Commissioner, conducted an inquiry into the treatment of and research into cervical cancer in women at the National Women's Hospital. Issues for determination were wide-ranging and included standards of treatment and research for gynaecological malignancy, informal consent to treatment or research, ethical and teaching standards for the medical profession, particularly in relation to women.


1981-1989  Family Court and District Court Judge


1967-1981  Private legal practice

Primarily in the field of litigation. From 1975 practised almost exclusively in family law, developing a deep understanding of issues of particular concern to women: violence, custody of children and division of matrimonial property.


Honours and awards


1989       Dame Commander British Empire, for services to women


1990       New Zealand Commemoration Medal


1993       Honorary Doctor of Laws, University of Otago


1993       Suffrage Centennial Medal


1994       Honorary Doctor of University of Waikato


           Various other community awards and recognitions


New Zealand appointments


1977-1981  Member, Commission for the Future


1986-1987  Chair, inquiry into Social Science Research Fund Committee


1993       Convenor, International Conference of Women Judges, held to mark the centennial of women's suffrage in New Zealand




1975       Lawasia Conference Invited Address - "Social and legal factors affecting women in the family: the effects of marriage on the legal status of women". Reprinted in Malaysian Law Journal.


1985       Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Country Monograph Series No. 12, "Population of New Zealand", vol. 2, chapter on "Law and population".


1986       Commonwealth Law Bulletin: two chapters on "The procedure and philosophy of the New Zealand Family Court".


1987       Report to the New Zealand Minister of Social Welfare and the Minister of Science of the Committee appointed to review the Social Science Research Fund Committee.


1988       Report to the New Zealand Minister of Health into allegations concerning the Treatment of Cervical Cancer at National Women's Hospital and other related matters.


1989       Commonwealth Law Conference - report of speech in session - "Judging the judges".


1990       Reprint of speech to Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Long Beach, California, on "Judicial perspectives for the twenty-first century".


1991       New Zealand Law Journal - report of speech at opening of Waikato University Law Faculty.


1993       F. W. Guest Memorial Lecture, University of Otago, on "Violence and water: women's issues and the law".




1989-1993  District and County Court Judges' Conferences, Australia


1991       Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges' Conference, Australia


1993       Asian Development Bank Annual Meeting, Auckland


1995       Liberty Symposium, London


Numerous speaking engagements in New Zealand on women's issues and the law.





[Original: English]


Citizenship: Cuban.


Civil state: Married.


Address:     Paseo No. 260, esquina a 13, Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana.


Telephone:   3-4001.



occupation:  General Secretary of the Federation of Cuban Women, 1990.


Representative of Cuba to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.


Representative of Cuba to the ECLAC Board of Directors (theme: Women).


Representative of Cuba to the Network of Government Mechanisms for Women.


Education:   Graduate in Political Sciences, 1971.


Expert on:   Women's Movement in Cuba.


Situation of women in contemporary society.


Working experience


1960-1964    Volunteer collaborator of the National Headquarters of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC).


1964         Member of the Commission of International Work of FMC.


1973-1976    Joint Secretary to the President of FMC.


1976-1980    Secretary of Political Studies of FMC.


1980-1990    Secretary of Ideological Orientation of FMC.


1990         General Secretary of FMC.


Other national responsibilities

1980         Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.


1985         Member of the National Assembly (Parliament).


Teaching experience and lectures

1979-1982    National Training School for Women "Fe del Valle" in courses for foreign students.


1979         Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, on "Cuban Women".


San Jose University, California, on "The rights of women".


Fort Collins University Complex, Colorado, on "Democracy in socialism".


University of Michigan, United States, on "Women and the Revolution".


Madison University of the Methodist Church, Wisconsin, on "Women in present society: Cuba's experience".


University of Wisconsin, on "The family code".


University of Pennsylvania, on "The experience of the women's movement in Cuba".


"The situation of women in Socialist Cuba", New Jersey, United States.


Consultant of the National Training School for Women "Fe del Valle", on "The women's movement".


1980         United Nations/UNDP seminar, New York: "The role of the mass media". Theme: "Women's image in the mass media".


Seminar on "The influence of the mass media on women, the family and the child", Panama, sponsored by the Women's International Democratic Federation. Theme: "The image of women in the mass media".


1985         Women's studies seminar at the Autonomous University of Madrid: "Women in Ibero-American culture, Madrid.


Seminar on the issue of peace, sponsored by the International League of Women for Peace and Freedom, San Jose, Costa Rica.



Consultancy and Tutorship

Documentation and Information Centre on Women.


She has worked as an expert in the following areas of social research:


1973         Young women in Cuba. 


1974         Ideological penetration through Latin American magazines oriented towards women.*


1985         The Cuban working woman.*

Cuban women in the People's Government.*


Women's magazines in Cuba and their contribution to women's awareness.


1987-1989    Women's equality in the Cuban Revolutionary process: social thinking and practice.


Consultant for the creation in Cuba of women's studies units at universities and on the issue of women and the family.


1990         Cuban women in figures.*


Study on women in leadership positions within the Federation of Cuban Women in the period 1980-1994.


As Consultant of the Research Team she has participated in the following studies


1988         The incorporation and permanency of peasant women in agricultural cooperatives.*


1989         Effects of the double shift on Cuban women.


The Special Period and daily life.*


1992         Research for the book on Cuba for the series "Latin American Women in Figures" FLACSO, Santiago de Chile.*


1995         Women and power: Cuban women in the People's Government.









     * Books and pamphlets have been published.




She headed the commissions in charge of the drafting of the thesis on "Women in Cuba" in the following Congresses of FMC:


1974         Second Congress


1980         Third Congress


1985         Fourth Congress


1990         Fifth Congress


1995         Sixth Congress


1975         Participated in the drafting of the thesis on "The full exercise of women's equality", adopted at the First Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba.


1985         Women facing crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico.


Participation in events


1965-1995    Congresses, council meetings, conferences, bureau meetings, executive committees of the Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF) in various countries.


1973         Congress of Mexico, Central America and Panama on Peace, held in Panama City.


             World Congress on Peace, held in the USSR.


1975         Women and development (United Nations/UNDP), held in the United States.


First World Conference on Women, International Year for Women, Mexico City.


Rapporteur of the Economic Commission at the World Congress for the International Year for Women. Berlin, German Democratic Republic.


1976         Meeting of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, Sweden.


Preparatory Meeting of the ECLAC Conference on the Integration of Women into Development, Mexico City.


1977         Seminar on Women and Socialism, Moscow.


ECLAC Conference, Guatemala.


Regional Conference on the Integration of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America, Havana, Cuba.


1978         Preparatory Meeting of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries on the Role of Women in Development, Baghdad.


Tenth Congress of the Pan African Women's Organization, Luanda.


Conference of the Non-Aligned Countries on the issue of Women.


1980         Second World Conference on Women, Copenhagen, Denmark.


1985         Women and the Economic Situation of Latin America.


UNESCO General Conference, twenty-third meeting, Sofia.


Third World Conference on Women, Nairobi.


1992         United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro.


Twenty-sixth Congress of the Union of French Women, Paris.


Representative of the Head of State at the Meeting of First Ladies of America, Colombia.


1993         Thirty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women.


General Assembly of the Latin American Parliament.


Regional Preparatory Meeting of Latin America and the Caribbean for the International Year of the Family, Colombia.


Sixteenth meeting of the ECLAC Board of Directors on the integration of women in economic and social development, Caracas.


Meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Paris.


Third meeting of First Ladies of Latin America and the Caribbean, Costa Rica.


1994         ECLAC Board of Directors Meeting, Argentina.


Second Regional Conference of the Regional Office of WIDF for America, Argentina.


Third meeting of the Subregional Network of Central America for the Government Offices for Women.


Government Meeting of the Caribbean Countries members of ECLAC in preparation for the Beijing Conference, Curaçao.


Eleventh Congress of WIDF, Paris.


Thirty-eighth session of the Commission on the Status of Women.


1995         Fourteenth meeting of the Board of Trustees of INSTRAW, Santo Domingo.


Twenty-first meeting of the Board of Directors of ECLAC, Santiago de Chile.


NGO Forum of the World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Fourth annual meeting of the Subregional Network of the Government offices for Women of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, Nicaragua.


First encounter of women ministers of Latin America, Chile.


Meeting of the women's commission of the Latin American Parliament, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Thirty-ninth session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, New York.


Retreat on Conference Diplomacy and Negotiations sponsored by UNIFEM, CARICOM and ECLAC, Barbados.


Deputy head of the delegation of the Government of Cuba to the Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women, Beijing.





[Original: English]


Coordinator for Women's Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since 1993.


Adviser to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, since September 1990.


Member of the Board of Trustees of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women, 1992-1995.


Assistant Under-Secretary for Migration and Human Rights, 1989-1990.


Representative of Mexico to the Bureau of the Regional Conference on the Integration of Women in Economic and Social Development, of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.


Inspector General of Mexican Foreign Missions, 1982-1988.


Oficial Mayor (Secretary General) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from July 1979 to December 1982.


Director General of International Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, from May 1977 to June 1979.


Ambassador of Mexico since May 1978.


Since 1964, participated in several conferences, assemblies and meetings of the United Nations, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and various regional forums and has had prominent commissions, among them the following:


    -   Delegate of Mexico to regular sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, from 1968 to 1976.


    -   Liaison Officer between the Government of Mexico and the United Nations for the United Nations human environment Conference, the World Population Year and the human settlements Conference. Alternate delegate of Mexico at different United Nations meetings related to those three items, 1971-1976.


    -   Liaison officer between the Government of Mexico and the United Nations for International Women's Year, Mexico City, 1975.


    -   Executive Secretary with responsibility for the organization of the World Conference and NGO Forum of International Women's Year (Mexico City, June 1975.


    -   Delegate of Mexico at the World Conference of International Women's Year, Mexico City, June 1975.


    -   Representative of Mexico at the United Nations Regional Seminar on the Participation of Women in Social, Economic and Political Development, Buenos Aires, May 1976.


    -   Representative of Mexico at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, 1975-1976.


    -   Head of the Mexican delegation at the Technical Consultative Meeting preparatory to the Latin American Conference on the Integration of Women into Economic and Social Development, Mexico City, January 1977.


    -   From 1977 to 1983, she was a representative of the Mexican Government to the ILO Governing Body.


    -   Representative of Mexico to the Tripartite Working Group on the Structure of the ILO, 1977-1979.


    -   Representative of Mexico at the Sixty-third, the Sixty-fourth and the Sixty-fifth International Labour Conference, Geneva, 1977, 1978 and 1979.


    -   Elected Chairman of the Government Group of the ILO Governing Body for the period 1978-1981 and re-elected for the period 1981-1984.


    -   Elected Chairman of the ILO Governing Body for the period from June 1982 to July 1983.


    -   Member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, 1982-1992.


    -   Member of the Board of the International Institute for Labour Studies, 1987-1990.


    -   Representative of Mexico to the Commission on Human Rights, 1989-1990.


    -   Representative of Mexico to the fifth and the sixth Regional Conference on the Integration of Women into Economic and Social Development, 1991 and 1994.


    -   Representative of Mexico to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, for the presentation of the report on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1993.


    -   Representative of Mexico to the intergovernmental meetings for the elaboration of the Inter-American Convention on Violence against Women, convened by the Inter-American Commission on Women of the Organization of American States (1993).


    -   Representative of Mexico to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, for the presentation of the initial report on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1994.


    -   Head of the Mexican delegation to the 81st session of the ILO General Assembly, 1994.


    -   Representative of Mexico to the thirty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, 1995.


She has been awarded decorations by the Governments of France, Italy, Panama, Poland, Sweden and Yugoslavia.



Salma KHAN


[Original: English]


1.  Date of birth: 5 December 1941


2.  Nationality: Bangladesh


3.  Education


University of London, Certificate in gender planning.


University of Connecticut, United States of America, Postgraduate diploma in Public Service Management.


University of Chicago, Postgraduate study in advanced economics.


University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, B.A. Honours, and M.A. in Economics.


4.  Professional experience


    Director General, Bangladesh Management Development Centre.


Divisional Chief Economist, General Economic Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh, 1993-1994.


    Joint Chief, Women's Wing, Ministry of Planning, 1983-1992.


Deputy Chief, Women's Wing, Ministry of Planning, 1977-1983.


Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, 1967-1977.


Professional duties and responsibilities performed specifically related to WID


    -   Formulation of national development perspectives and policies on WID, determination of goals and objectives, priorities and strategies, allocation of resources, review of macroeconomic policies and their impact on women, coordination of women's programmes under various ministries and NGOs, preparation of technical documents as a basis for aid negotiation, etc.


    -   Integration of gender perspectives in management training.


    -   Represented Government at various international meetings to reflect national policy on women's development.





    -   Initiation of Women's Wing in the National Planning Commission, incorporating WID issues in the macro-framework of the five-year development plans, convener of National Task Force on WID to identify major areas of concern and intervention strategies as a basis for preparation of national plan of action, etc.


5.  Membership in United Nations bodies, national and professional associations


    -   Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), 1992-1996.


    -   National Council on Women and Development, a national body to formulate women's development policies and monitor WID activities, chaired by the Prime Minister.


    -   Bangladesh Economic Association.


    -   Women for Women - a research and study group.


    -   Chittagong Economic Association.


    -   Women's Economic Association (Bastabayan).


    -   Business and Professional Women's Club.


    -   Bangladesh Federation of University Women.


    -   Grameen Trust - A trust created by the Grameen Bank to undertake empirical research on poverty-related issues leading to practical solutions.


    -   Adviser, Bangladesh Mohila Parished (Women's Council).


6.  Awards and citations


    1.  Recipient of Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship, United States, 1992.


    2.  Recipient of Fulbright scholarship, 1963-1964.


    3.  Recipient of USAID scholarship, 1981-1982.


    4.  Received National Professor Atwar Hossain Gold Medal, 1990, for research contribution in humanities and social science, awarded by the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.


    5.  Listed as an expert on women's employment in the Directory of Women Experts in Asia and the Pacific, ESCAP, 1987.


    6.  Listed in International Who's Who of Professional and Business Women (second edition), International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England 1990.


    7.  Listed as women and development expert in the Directory of Experts, Centre for Women's Studies, University of Karachi, Pakistan, 1990.


    8.  Listed as WID resource person in the Directory of Resource Women in Bangladesh, Department of Women's Affairs, Government of Bangladesh, 1990.


    9.  Listed as rural development expert in the Directory of Rural Development Experts in the South Asia Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region, 1991.


7.  Major involvement in CEDAW work


    1.  Founder of CEDAW Forum, as international organization working towards full implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.


    2.  Participated in the independent expert meeting to draft an optional protocol on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, held at Lindburg University, Maastricht, Netherlands, September 1994.


    3.  UNIFEM-CEDAW Task Force member. The Task Force is working towards implementation of the provisions of CEDAW.


8.  Involvement in NGO activities


    1.  CEDAW Forum. Founder of an NGO to create awareness about the legal rights of women and implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.


    2.  Banchte Shekha - An NGO working for rural women in extreme poverty - Board member.


    3.  Bangladesh National Women's Programme Formulation and Implementation Committee, Board member.


    4.  Assistance For Blind Children (ABC), Founding Member and Senior Vice-President.


    5.  South Asian Partnership (SAP), former Council member.


    6.  Ramna Innerwheel Club, Dhaka, Founding President.


    7.  Association of British Council Scholars (ABCS) Founder, Vice-President.



9.  Research and publications




    1.  The fifty percent: women in development and policy in Bangladesh, University Press Ltd., Dhaka, 1988 (in second printing).


    2.  Integration of women in the macro-framework of the fourth Five-Year Plan, UNICEF, Dhaka, 1990.


    3.  Evaluation of Grameen Bank trainers' training programme, Grameen Bank, Dhaka, 1987.


    4.  Female labour force in Bangladesh: a few reflections on census data (co-author), Centre for Women and Development, Dhaka, 1984.


    5.  Inventory for women's organizations in Bangladesh (co-editor), UNICEF, 1983, Dhaka.


    6.  Situation of Women in Bangladesh: Decade of Women 1976-1985 (co-editor), Ministry of Social Welfare and Women's Affairs, May 1985.


    7.  Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women - how does Bangladesh measure up to it? (in press).


    Major articles published


    1.  "Women's education programme in Bangladesh" - Paper presented at the Seminar on the Role of Women in Socio-economic Development in Bangladesh, held at Dhaka in 1976. Later published in: Role of Women in Socio-economic Development in Bangladesh.


    2.  "Manpower planning and utilization" - Background paper for the seminar of the Third Annual Economic Conference of the Chittagong Economic Association, 1977; published in the proceedings.


    3.  "Role and status of Bangladeshi women" - Country paper published by the Asian and Pacific Centre for Women and Development, Bangkok, 1978.


    4.  "Planning for children in Bangladesh" - Paper presented at the All China Women's Association Conference, Beijing, 1979.


    5.  "China Today" - Article on the women and children of China, published in Weekly Bichitra, July 1997.


    6.  "Women in Bangladesh" - Country paper presented at a regional seminar at the United Nations mid-Decade Conference on women, Copenhagen, 1980.


    7.  "Mid-Decade Conference on Women: the Bangladesh perspective", UNICEF, Dhaka, 1981.


    8.  "A suggested model to improve the training programme of Bangladesh Jativa Majila Sangstha".


    9.  "Female economic activities in Bangladesh" - Paper presented at a seminar jointly sponsored by ILO and the Manpower Training and Development Institute, Dhaka, 1983; published in ADAB News, December 1983.


    10. Women's development and public policies, United Nations Information Centre and Women For Women, Dhaka, 1985.


    11. "Development of Women in Bangladesh" - Country paper prepared in connection with the Workshop on Bank Credit for landless women - A Study Tour of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, organized by ESCAP, Bangkok, 1984; published by ESCAP in Bank credit for rural women, 1985.


    12. "Role of credit in women's development" - Theme paper of Women in Development Seminar organized by Rotary International Ladies' Committee, Dhaka, January 1987.


    13. "Overseas contract workers of Bangladesh: some issues of concern" - Paper prepared for the Regional Workshop on Maximizing Development Benefits from Overseas Migration, ARTEP, ILO, Bangkok, December, 1987; published in Journal of the Planning Commission, 1988.


    14. "The nature of the development crisis in South Asia and its impact upon women" - Theme paper for the Regional Seminar organized by DAWN and Women for Women Bangladesh, September 1988.


    15. "Women and Bureaucracy: the Bangladesh perspective", Women for Women 1995.


    16. "Cooperation between government agencies and non-governmental organizations in the planning and delivery of social services in Bangladesh" - paper presented at the Regional Seminar organized by ESCAP and the Hong Kong Council of Social Services, Hong Kong; UNDP, New York, 1990.


    17. "Women's perspective and participation in reproductive health: focus on adolescent girls" - Paper presented at the National Seminar on Strategies for International Collaboration for a Population Programme in Bangladesh, April 1983.


    18. "The impact of environment on women's health status" - Paper presented at the International Conference on Women and the Environment, Hight Institute of Public Health, Alexandria, Egypt, 1992.


    19. "Women through the democratization process: the Bangladesh perspective" - Paper presented at the International Round Table on Debt and Structural Adjustment, Punjab University, India, August 1993.

    20. "Strength and potential of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and obstacles to implementing it" - Paper presented at the NGO Symposium Workshop, Manila, November 1993.


10. International seminar participation relating to WID issues (Papers presented/participation as discussant)





UNICEF Team member to China

for studying the situation of children


April-May 1979

United Nations mid-Decade Conference on Women


July 1980

Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the World Conference on Women


March 1984

Triennial Conference of

the International Federation

of University Women on the

Decade for women's planning towards 2000


New Zealand

September 1986

World NGO Symposium Focus on

WID issues


October 1986

SAARC Conference on South Asian Children

New Delhi

October 1987

Planning for Women, organized

by the National Council for Women, Philippines


November 1989

Cooperation between Government and NGOs in Social Service Delivery, organized by ESCAP

Hong Kong

December 1990

ILO Regional Seminar on diversification of women's employment and training


March 1992

Shelter, Women and Development: First and Third World Perspectives

University of Michigan, United States

May 1992

En/Gendering Environmental Thinking

Massachusetts Institute

of Technology,

United States

May 1992

The Earth Summit/UNCED

Rio de Janeiro

June 1992 (Bangladesh delegate)

United Nations Seminar on

Women in Extreme Poverty


November 1992

International Seminar on Women

and the Environment

University of Alexandria, Egypt

December 1992

International Women's Rights Action Watch - IWRAW



January 1993

World Conference on Human



June 1993

International Round Table

on Debt and Structural Adjustment: Impact on Women

Punjab University, India

August 1993

Association For Women in Development, USA, Forum on joining forces to further

shared vision


October 1993

Preparatory meeting of NGOs

for the Fourth World

Conference on Women


November 1993

Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on women and development


June 1994

United Nations Conference on traditional practices

affecting the health of



July 1994

Nordic Women's Forum

Turku, Finland

August 1994

Expectations of the Global

South from the Social Summit


October 1994

Conference on intra-familial violence against women

Phnom Penh

December 1994

Fourth World Conference on

Women (NGO Forum and the Conference)


August-September 1995



Yung-Chung KIM


[Original: English]


Date of birth:   5 October 1929


Present address: 255-2 Sungsan-Dong, Mapo-Ku, Seoul 121-250 Korea




1950         Ewha Woman's University, B.A. in English


1954         University of Toronto, Canada, M.A. in History


1965         Indiana University, United States, Ph.D. in History


1990         University of Toronto, Canada, Doctor of Law, honoris causa


Professional positions


1954-1985    Professor of History, Ewha Woman's University


1965-1972    Dean of the Graduate School, Ewha Woman's University


1977-1983    Director of the Korean Women's Institute, Ewha Woman's University


1983-1985    President, Korean Women's Development Institute


1985-1988    Member of the National Assembly and the Foreign Affairs Committee


1988-1990    State Minister for Political Affairs in charge of women's affairs


1992-present Vice-President of the Republic of Korea National Red Cross


1993-present Adviser to the Board of Unification


Social affiliations


1976-present Executive Board Member of the National YWCA of Korea


1979-1983    Executive Committee Member of the World YWCA


1979-1981    President of the Korean Association of University Women


1981-1987    Board member of the Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea


1984-1985    Member of the Korea Broadcasting Commission


1988-1989    Member of the Korea-Japan Twenty-first Century Committee


1993-present Board member of the Korean Committee for UNICEF


1994-present Member of the Korean Committee for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations


1994-present Member of NGO Council on Environmental Policies


Major international activities


1957         National delegate to the United Nations Seminar on civic responsibilities and increased participation of Asian women in public life, Bangkok


1972         United States YWCA Consultation on Asian women and leadership, New York


1975         World YWCA Council meeting, Vancouver, Canada


1980         National delegate to the United Nations mid-Decade for women Conference, Copenhagen


1983         Elizabeth Luce Moore Distinguished Lecturer in the Philippines and North America


1984         APDC Regional Conference on the identification of priority research issues on women in Asia and the Pacific, Kuala Lumpur


1984         Official visit to the United Nations specialized agencies and institutions responsible for women in development, Geneva, Vienna, New York, Santo Domingo


1985         Seminar on "Korea: past, present, future", Aspen Institute, Aspen


1985         National delegate to the Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women, Nairobi


1986         Government representative for reporting to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Vienna


1986         National assembly delegate to the seventy-fifth Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference, Mexico City


1989         UNICEF Expert Group Meeting for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok


1991         World YWCA Council Meeting, Stavenage, United Kingdom


1994         Panellist at the Global Summit of Women, Taipei


1994         Korea-Japan Consultations on YWCA Activities and Cooperation, Tokyo


1994-        Member of the Preparatory Committee for the Centennial Anniversary of the World YWCA, Geneva


1994         UNHCR Global Conference on Partnership in Action, Oslo


1994         UNDP round table on "Global change: social conflict or harmony", Stockholm


1995         National delegate to the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing


Major publications


-   "Great Britain and Korea, 1883-1887", Ph.D. dissertation, 1965.


-   Women of Korea: a history from ancient times to 1945, Ewha Woman's University Press, 1976.


-   Change and challenge: status and policies of Korean women, Ewha Woman's University Press, 1989


-   "The rise and impact of the John Wilkes Movement", Journal of western history, 1972.


-   "The feminist movement during the industrial revolution in England", History Research Centre, Ewha Woman's University, 1979.


-   "The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and women's advancement in Korea", Ministry of State for Political Affairs, 1993.


-   "Multilateral diplomacy and the role of NGOs", Foreign relations. vol. 28, 1993.


Translation: Henry Pelling, Modern Britain, 1885-1955 (in Korean), 1981.



Awa Léni NANA


[Original: French]


Date and place of   5 January 1949, Togo



Family situation:   3 children


Education and qualifications


1957-1962           Primary school, Certificat d'études (certificate of primary education)


1963-1970           Secondary school, Brevet (certificate of secondary education) and Baccalauréat philosophie (high school diploma with specialization in philosophy)


1971-1974           University, Licence en Droit Public (first degree in public law) (international relations), Cameroon


1974-1976           Postgraduate studies, Diplôme d'études approfondies, (private family law), Sorbonne


1974-1976           Professional training, Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature de Paris, France


Experience in the legal profession


1977-1980           Examining judge, Lomé Court


1986-1989           President of the Lomé Court and judge for matrimonial affairs


1989-1994           Counsellor to the Court of Appeal


Since February 1995 President of the Togo Court of Appeal


Other professional experience


1978                Member of the Togo delegation to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women


1980                Delegate of Togo to the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women, Copenhagen


1980-1985           Ambassador of Togo to Brazil


1987-1992           Secretary-General of the Togo National Women's Union


Since 1987          Rapporteur of the Togo National Human Rights Commission


Other activities


Participation in various subregional, regional and international meetings on:


-   The status of women;


-   Family planning;


-   The Universal Declaration of Human Rights;


-   The Convention on the Rights of the Child;


-   The World Summit for Children, New York, September 1990;


-   The World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 1993.




French - very good


English, Portuguese - average


Haoussa - fairly good.



Emilienne NGO BASSE


[Original: French]


Date and place of                       10 July 1945, Edéa, Cameroon



Nationality:                            Cameroonian


Civil status:                           Married, 4 children


Education and qualifications


1953-1958           Ecole Catholique St. André, Pouma, CEPE (certificate of primary education)


1958-1962           Collège St.-Esprit, Douala, BEPC (certificate of secondary education)


1962-1965           Lycée Général Leclerc, Yaoundé,

Baccalauréat sciences expérimentales (high school diploma with specialization in experimental sciences)


1965-1968           Université Fédérale du Cameroun, Yaoundé,

Niveau licence sciences économiques (first degree standard in economics)


1968-1969           Institut International d'Administration Publique, section Economie et Finances, Paris, Diplôme de l'IIAP (diploma of the International Institute of Public Administration, Economics and Finance Section)


1970                Ecole Nationale d'Administration et de Magistrature, section Economie et Finances, Diplôme de l'ENAM (diploma of the National School of Administration and Public Office, Economics and Finance Section).


Training courses


1974                Belgium, industrial information


1979                University of Chicago, population studies


1990                Université de Laval, Ecole Nationale d'Administration, (Quebec), integrated management programme (Merit Prize).


Career summary


Since 1988          Inspector General, Ministry of Social Affairs and the Status of Women - supervised administrative and financial matters; evaluated performance and the provision of central and outside services.


1984-1988           Director of Family Advancement - formulated and implemented family policy: domestic conflict resolution, population measures, infant welfare.


1978-1984           Director of Social Development - family advancement (see above), plus prevention of juvenile delinquency, advancement of women.


1974-1978           In charge of research at the Board of Industry

(Ministry of Economic Affairs and Planning) - carried out research on major industrial questions, responsible for industrial development.


1972-1974           Chief, Foreign Debt Service (Programming Office of the Ministry of National Development and Planning (MINPAT)) - negotiated loan agreements, monitored foreign debt repayment.


1970-1972           Chief, Research and Documentation Service (MINPAT) - responsible for the use, distribution and conservation of economic and financial documentation.


Seminars and conferences


1974                Seminar on industrial information, Brussels


1976                Participated in the revision of the regulations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva


1979                Meeting on the International Year of the Child, Tangier


1980                Third Conference of African Ministers of Social Affairs (AMSA III), Addis Ababa


1984                Seminar on juvenile delinquency in Central Africa, Brazzaville


1984                International Conference on Population, Mexico


1988                Seminar on research on the family in Cameroon


1988                African Population Congress, Dakar


1988                Seminar on women and savings in Africa, Porto-Novo (Benin)


1989                Fifth Conference of African Ministers of Social Affairs, Arusha (United Republic of Tanzania)


1990                Seminar on popular participation in development, Arusha


1990                UNICEF Executive Board, New York


1992                Seminar on women and health, Accra


1993                Seminar on human resources development, Addis Ababa


1993                World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna


1994-1995           Vice-Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the World Summit for Social Development, New York


1994                Fifth African Regional Conference on Women, Dakar


1995                World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen


1995                Meeting of women leaders preparatory to the Fourth World Conference, Addis Ababa


1995                Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing.



Founding member of the African Centre for Applied Research and Training in Social Development (CAFRADES) and member of the Steering Committee in 1981, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1993, Tripoli and Addis Ababa.


Participated on several occasions in the African Regional Coordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development.


Participated on several occasions in the Technical Committee of Experts (TREPCO) of the Conference of Ministers of the African Economic Community (1984 and 1994).





[Original: French]


Date and place of birth:   2 March 1948, Bobo-Dioulasso, (Burkina Faso)


Nationality:               Burkina Faso


Professional title:        Adviser on social affairs


Position held:             Director for the Advancement of Women and the Family


Address:                   01 BP 942 Ouagadougou 01


Education                  BEPC (Certificate of secondary education), 1965


                           Baccalauréat (high school diploma), 1968


                           Diploma in community development, 1970


State diploma as infant teacher, Centre Pédagogique France, 1977


Masters degree in philosophy (social and political philosophy), University of Central Africa, 1984


Areas of specialization    Community development Israel, 1972


Management of social services, Ecole Internationale de Bordeaux, 1973


Teaching France, 1975


Gender and development/integration of women in development, 1990


Areas of competence        Adult education


Community development


Integration of women in development/gender and development


Formulation and evaluation of projects and programmes for vulnerable groups (women, children)


Specific technical/sectoral studies


Design of development strategies


Professional activities    Twenty years of experience in social work.


     1971-1974             Official in charge of the Zecko Mané Women's Centre, Province of Sanmatenga, Burkina Faso. Training and guidance of women for grass-roots development.


     1974-1977             Social worker at the Ouidi Social Centre, Ouagadougou. Social assistance to the family, advancement of women and reintegration of social cases.


     1978-1981             Official at the Child Protection Service of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Status of Women.


     1982-1984             Teacher at the Bangui Social Service School, Central African Republic.


     1986-1989             Research assistant with UNDP, Ouagadougou for the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).


Since May 1989 Director for the Advancement of Women and the Family. Study of the socio-economic situation of women in Burkina Faso with a view to the formulation of a national action plan. Identification and elimination of social and cultural bottlenecks impeding the welfare of families, with particular emphasis on the advancement of women.


                           - Design of programmes to promote income-generating activities for women.


                           - Design of a policy for alleviating women's domestic tasks in order to promote their participation in other activities.


                           - Design of family life information and education programmes; protection of the rights of women.


                           - Design of strategies to combat practices harmful to the health and development of women.


Publications               Juvenile Delinquency in Upper Volta, June 1977.


The Situation of Preschool Education, Ouagadougou, 1979.


Analysis of the Socio-Economic Situation of Women in Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, UNDP/UNIFEM, 1987.


Survey of the Nutritional Situation in Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, FAO, 1988.


International seminars     Seminar on the development of day nurseries in Africa, Tunis, 1979.


Seminar on the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies, Abuja, November 1989.


Training seminar on the promotion of the role of women in drinking water supply and sanitation, Abidjan, October 1990; Bamako, June 1990.


World Congress on the Promotion of the Family in Arab and African Societies, Benghazi, March 1990.


Commemorative seminar on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Kiev, September 1990.


Presentation of the initial report of Burkina Faso to the tenth session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Vienna, January 1991.


Consultant to the Ministry for the Advancement of Women of Guinea-Bissau for the drafting of that country's initial report on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, October 1991.


Training seminar on gender and development in Botswana, October 1992.


Fifth African Regional Conference on Women, November 1994.


Fourth World Conference on Women, September 1995.


National seminars          Organization of a seminar lasting several days on the subject "What Kind of Training for Young People?", Ouagadougou, January 1989.


Organization of a seminar "One Woman, One Income", Ouagadougou, November 1990.


Participation in two seminars on the UNDP regional project "Strengthening of the role of women in the informal sector", Ouagadougou, July 1990.


Participation in several workshops on family planning and women's rights.


Membership of national and Member of the Commission on the Creation of a

international bodies       Women's Bank, 1990-1992.


Member of the Commission on the Plan of Action for Women, 1989-1991.


Member of the Commission on the Social Dimension of the Structural Adjustment Programme (PAS), 1991-1992.


Member of the National Population Council since 1991.


Participation in the national meetings on the PAS and the preliminary draft of the Constitution.


Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) since 1992.


President of the National Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women since 1992.


Member of the Economic and Social Council of Burkina Faso since 1993.


President of the Interministerial Commission on Information, Education and Communication (IEC) since 1993.


National Director of the project on support for social and health activities in rural areas (UNFPA) since 1993.


Director of the Population IEC project (UNFPA) 1994.


National Director of the Family Code project since 1994.


Director for the Advancement of Women and the Family.


Béatrix Gisèle RATANGA


[Original: French]


Date and place of birth:      18 January 1944, Fort de France, Martinique


Marital status:               Married, 4 children


Address:                      B.P. 13385, Libreville, Gabon. Tel: 73-13-24


Education                     Baccalauréat philosophie (High school diploma with specialization in philosophy)


Licence en Droit Sciences Juridiques (first degree in law and juridical sciences)


International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg (intensive three-month training course).


Professional experience


1964 to June 1972             Technical writer, Disputed Claims Unit, caisse allocations familiales (Family Allowance Fund), Paris.


1972 to July 1974             Legal writer, URSSAF, Paris.


October 1974 to December 1990 Director of Public Administration, Republic of Gabon


Director for the Advancement of Women and, later, technical adviser to the Minister for the Advancement of Women.


January 1991 to 1995          Technical adviser on social affairs to the Minister for the Civil Service.


March 1995 to present         Technical adviser on administrative affairs to the Minister of Finance.


Participation in international activities


     -   Mexico - World Conference of the International Women's Year, 1975


     -   Regional preparatory conference, Nouakchott, 1976


     -   Preparatory meeting, Vienna, 1978


     -   Correspondent for the National Committee for the International Year of the Child, 1978-1979


     -   World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women, Copenhagen, 1980


     -   Franco-African summit on the status of women, Paris, 1981


     -   Commission on the Status of Women, Vienna, 1983


     -   Regional preparatory meeting for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women, Arusha, 1984


     -   World Assembly on Ageing, Vienna


     -   World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women, Nairobi, 1985


     -   Meeting of American women in public life, 1985


     -   Fifth African Regional Conference on Women, Dakar, 1994


     -   Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995.


Other activities


     -   Member of the Association of Gabonese Women Jurists since 1978


     -   Secretary-General of the above Association since 1986


     -   Member of the Association for the Defence of the Rights of Women and Children since 1990


     -   Founding member of the Association for Risk-free Motherhood since 1989


     -   Member of the National Committee for the Advancement of Women.



Anne Lise RYEL


[Original: English]


Biographical data


     Born 1958 in Tromsø, Norway


     Married, one daughter (born 1990)




     Bachelor of Laws, 1987, Oslo, Norway


     Attorney at law/Licence at counselling, 1990




Gender Equality Ombudsman, appointed by the Government for a term of six years (1994-2000)


     Previous professions


          Assisting lawyer, Hjort DA Law Firm, January 1988-May 1992


          Company lawyer, Hydro Power Grid Company, May 1992-June 1994


Senior Executive Officer and Acting Head of Division, with the Secretariat of the Council for Preventing Criminality (one year)




     Head of the Board of the Association of Norwegian Lawyers, 1993-1995


     Member of the Board of the Lawyers Education Centre, 1994-1996


Head of the Board of the Association of Norwegian Lawyers Publishing Firm, 1994-


     Member of the Board of the Female Lawyers Confederation, 1991-1993


Member of the Board of the Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations, 1993


     Alternate member of the Board of Directors, Polytechnical Association, 1995


     Member of different commissions appointed by the Government


International experience


Observer to the Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities between Women and Men, GD 5, European Union (autumn 1994)


Member of the Norwegian delegation to the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, September 1995



[Original: English]


Address: Ziegeleiweg 4

D-21251 Wohltorf, Germany


Current position          Director, AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V. (American Field Service)


Personal data             Born in Duisburg, 19 August 1940, married, German nationality


Educational background 


March 1960                Abitur (upper secondary school leaving certificate) from the Schillerschule, Bochum, a secondary school for girls emphasizing modern languages


High School Diploma, Oakland High School, Oakland, California, United States, within the framework of a one-year student exchange scheme (American Field Service), 1959


1960-1970                 Studies in English and German philology and literature, and American Studies at the University of Munich, the Free University of Berlin, Yale University, United States


July 1970                 Academic degree - Dr. phil. (Ph.D.) (magna cum laude), Free University of Berlin


1968-1975                 Acquisition of knowledge in depth psychology, group dynamics and group therapy in the Berliner Arbeitskreis für Tiefenpsychologie, Gruppendynamik und Gruppentherapie


Activities and positions


1964-1965                 Student assistant at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University of Berlin (bibliographical work)


Summer 1966               Lecturer in German language and German studies at the Southern Connecticut State College, New Haven, Connecticut, United States


1966-1970                 Auxiliary research assistant, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University of Berlin (editor's assistant: Year Book of American Studies)


1970-1976                 Research assistant; from 1972 onwards, Assistant Professor at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University of Berlin (teaching and research in the fields of American literature and culture; member of academic education commissions of the Free University)


Summer semester of 1975, Guest Professor in the Department of American Studies, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, United States


1976-1978                 Free-lance activity as a:


                          - Research adviser at the Aspen Institute, Berlin


                          - Temporary lecturer with the Culture and Literature departments at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University of Berlin


                          - Temporary lecturer appointed by the Senator für Schulwesen (Senator for Education) in Berlin under the scheme for the in-service training of teachers


1979-1987                 Project Coordinator; from 1982 onwards, Assistant Director and Manager of the Aspen Institute, Berlin (planning and organization of international and German conferences, management)


1987-1992                 Head of the Directorate General on Women's Affairs at the Federal Ministry for Youth, Family Affairs, Women and Health, later the Federal Ministry for Women and Youth


National and international boards/Committees


1987-1992                 Member of the Advisory Council on Equal Opportunities between Women and Men of the European Commission for the Federal Ministry of Youth, Family Affairs, Women and Health, later the Federal Ministry for Women and Youth


1988-1992                 Deputy member, Board of Governors, and Committee on Vocational Guidance, the Promotion of Vocational Training and Vocational Rehabilitation (Committee II), Federal Labour Office, appointed by the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs for the Federal Ministry of Youth, Family Affairs, Women and Health (later the Federal Ministry for Women and Youth)


1989-                     German expert on the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)


Scientific advisory boards/Selection Committee


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien (German Society for American Studies) (1976-1980); European Centre for Work and Society, Maastricht, Netherlands (1980-1986); Institut Frau und Gesellschaft (Institute Woman and Society), Hanover (1983-); Institute für Innovation im System der Arbeit, Nürtingen (Institute for Innovation in the Labour System at the College for Higher Professional Training in Nürtingen) (1990-); McCloy Academic Scholarship Program (Volkswagen Foundation, Harvard University, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) (1987-).


Editorial committees


Equal Opportunities International, Editorial Advisory Board, Manchester, United Kingdom (1981-); Radius: Die Kulturzeitschrift zum Weiterdenken, Editorial Committee, Stuttgart (1984-1989); "Ergebnisse der Frauenforschung an der Freien Universität Berlin" (Publication series on research on women), Editorial Committee (1984-1992); Berlin-New York, Advisory Board, Berlin/New York (1986-1990).




Berliner Frauenbund 1945 (Berlin Women's Union) - Vice-Chairwoman (1977-1987); Centre européen féminin de recherche sur l'évolution de la société, member of the Conseil exécutif, Paris (1980-1981); European Women's Foundation, Founding Member and member of the Board of Trustees, Luxembourg (1990-).


Foreign languages


English (spoken and written fluently)


French (comprehension of written texts, conversation)




"Cotton Mather's 'Politics and Sainthood'", Jahrbuch für Amerikastudien, XI (1966), 251-255.


"The role of the brothers Schlegel in American literary criticism as found in selected periodicals, 1812-1833. A critical biography", American literature, 43 (1972), 563-579.


"The yellow wallpaper: a rediscovered 'realistic' story", American literary realism, 8 (1975), 284-286.


"Women's studies: Ein neuer Schwerpunkt in den Amerikastudien", in Amerikastudien - Theorie, Geschichte, interpretatorische Praxis, Martin Christadler und H. G. Lenz, eds., Stuttgart, 1977.


Loytved, Dagmar und Hanna Beate Schöpp-Schilling (Eds.), A bibliographic guide to women's studies, based on the holdings of the Library of the John F. Kennedy-Institut for North American Studies. With an Introduction by H. B. Schöpp-Schilling, vols. I, II (Berlin 1976, 1977).


"Productions- und Rezeptionsbedingungen amerikanischer Schriftstellerinnen: Neue Ansätze einer feministischen Literaturkritik", in Frauen und Wissenschaft (Berlin, 1977).


"Frauenstudien, Frauenforschung und Frauenforschungszentren in den USA: Neuere Entwicklungen", Neue Sammlung, 2 (1978), 158-173.


"'Amerika, du hast es besser'. Die Frauenbewegung im Ausland - beispielgebend für uns?" in Frauen heute - Jahrundertthema Gleichberechtigung, Willy Brandt, ed., Köln, 1978.


"Frauen", in Wörterbuch der Sozialarbeit/Sozialpädagogik, Weinheim 1979.


"Women's studies, women's studies research and women's research centres: recent developments in the U.S.A. and in the F.R.G.", Women's studies int. quarterly, 2 (1979), 103-116.


"Nachwort" zu Tillie Olsen, Yonnondio (Roman), Darmstadt, 1979.


"Women's Studies in den USA" in Feminismus und Weiblichkeit, Claudia Opitz, ed., Weingarten, 1984.


"Women workers, their advocates, and the law in West Germany" in Women workers in fifteen countries, Essays in Honour of Alice Hanson Cook, Jennie Farley, ed., Ithaca, N.Y., 1985.


"Frauenforschung in den USA und in der Bundesrepublik", in Frauen in Forschung und Lehre, Hg. Der Bundesminister für Bildung und Wissenschaft, Bad Honnef, 1985.


"Der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen - Amerikas Frauen und die Politik", Frauenforschung, 4 (1986), 87-100.


"Gleicher Lohn für gleichwertige Arbeit: Neuere Entwicklungen in den USA" in Rechtsalltag von Frauen, Hg. Ute Gerhard, Jutta Limbach, Frankfurt am Main, 1987.


"Frauenforschung" in Frauenlexikon: Wirklichkeit und Wünsche von Frauen, Hg. A. Lissner, R. Süssmuth, K. Walter, Freiburg, 1988.


"German unification: gains and losses for women", in Women in politics, Alida Brill, ed., New York, 1995.


Publications in the series of the Aspen Institute Berlin.


Articles in newspapers on women's and human rights issues.


Since 1987, articles on women's issues in numerous conference publications.




     [Original: English]


Personal information


     Date of birth: 18 November 1940


     Nationality: Ethiopian


     Marital status: Single




B.A. International Affairs, Institute of World Affairs, University College, London, 1962


Postgraduate course at the School of International Affairs, Columbia University, New York, 1971 (Carnegie Fellowship for six months)


Professional experience


1962-1965     Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Ethiopia


1965-1970     Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Ethiopia to the United Nations, New York


1970          Second Secretary, African Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1970-1973     Second Secretary, International Organizations and Non-Aligned Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1974-1976     First Secretary, Acting Head of United Nations and Non-Aligned Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1976-1980     Counsellor, Head of the United Nations and Non-Aligned Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1980-1990     Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Ethiopia to the United Nations Office at Geneva


1990 (Feb)    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (designate)


1990-1992     Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland


1990-1992     Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia to Austria (non-resident)


1991-1992     Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the United Nations Office at Vienna and other international organizations in Vienna (non-resident)


1992-1993     Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia to Canada


1993          Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia to Mexico (non-resident)


1993-1995     Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia to Israel


1995-         Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the Organization of African Unity


Participation in conferences and meetings


Member of the Secretariat of the First Conference of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), May 1963


Participant in the United Nations seminar on women, Lomé, 1964


Representative to the Special Committee on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, 1966-1970; served as Chairperson of Subcommittees 1 and 2 respectively of the Special Committee


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the seventh and tenth ordinary sessions of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of OAU


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the thirty-sixth session of the Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly from the twentieth to the thirty-second sessions, and during the thirty-fourth and forty-third sessions; served as alternate representative in the Plenary and the First, Third, Fourth and Fifth Committees


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the Ministerial and the Fifth Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries, Colombo, 1976


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the Coordinating Bureau of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, New Delhi, 1977


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the Ministerial and the Sixth Conference of the Heads of State or Government of the Non-Aligned Countries, Havana, 1979


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the First Special session of the General Assembly devoted to Disarmament, 1978


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women, Copenhagen, July 1980


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa, Geneva, April 1981


United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Geneva:


Thirty-seventh to thirty-eighth sessions, Deputy head of delegation,


Thirty-ninth to forty-first sessions, head of observer delegation,


Forty-second to forty-fourth sessions, deputy head of delegation,


Forty-fifth to forty-eighth sessions, head of delegation, 1989-1992

Forty-sixth session, Vice-Chairperson


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the Economic and Social Council, summer sessions, 1981, 1982, 1983


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, 1981-1992


Acting head of the Ethiopian delegation to the General Conference of the International Labour Organization (sixty-eighth session, 1982)


Head of the Ethiopian delegation to the annual sessions of the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1982-1991


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the General Conference of the International Labour Organization, sixty-ninth session, 1983


Representative to the Working Group on Slavery, United Nations Centre for Human Rights, Geneva, August 1983


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the Second World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, August 1983


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the International Conference on the Question of Palestine, Geneva, August-September 1983


Member of the Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Right to Development, 1981-1987


Observer to the seventy-first Inter-Parliamentary Conference, Geneva, April 1984


Elected as expert member to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), 1985-1988, 1989-1992 and 1992-1996


Elected Vice-Chairperson of the fourth and fifth sessions of CEDAW


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa, July 1984


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the Conference on the Emergency Situation in Africa, March 1985


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the Conference on the United Nations Decade for Women, Nairobi, July 1985, and Vice-Chairperson of Committee II


Member of the observer delegation to the thirty-sixth, thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth sessions of the Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNHCR), Geneva, 1985, 1986 and 1987


Representative to the Conference on Security and Prospects for Disarmament in Europe, Geneva, December 1985


Deputy head of delegation to the Second Review Conference of the Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention, Geneva, September 1986


Member of the Government delegation to the twenty-fifth Conference of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 1986


World Congress devoted to the International Year of Peace, Copenhagen, October 1986


Head of delegation to the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Global Convention on the Control of the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes, Basel, March 1989


Head of delegation to the Government Industry Conference against Chemical Weapons, Canberra, September 1989


Adviser to the parliamentary delegation of Ethiopia to the Symposium on the participation of women in the political and parliamentary decision-making process, Geneva, November 1989


Head of the Ethiopian delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva, 1991


Represented the host country (Ethiopia) at a round-table discussion in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations. "The United Nations: past, present and future", Addis Ababa, 18 October 1995


Chairperson of the monthly meetings at the ambassadorial level of the central organ of the OAU Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution, since October 1995


Leader of the high-level OAU mission to the Comoros, October 1995


Chairperson of the OAU Subcommittee on programmes, October 1995


Chairperson of the sixty-third session of the OAU Advisory Committee on Administrative, Budgetary and Financial Matters, November-December 1995


Leader of the OAU Troika delegation to the third consultative meeting between OAU and the European Union, Brussels, 7 December 1995


Member of the Ethiopian delegation to the fifth regular session of the Central Organ of OAU at the ministerial level, December 1995




Asian and Pacific Workshop on human rights issues - on the role and machinery of the United Nations in the Field of Human Rights, 1990, Manila.

The Ambassador also lectures on the United Nations system and the specialized agencies at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Diplomatic Training Course in Addis Ababa.


Human Rights reporting: national capacity-strengthening with particular reference to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. International Training Centre of ILO, Turin, Italy, November 1995.



Mamadou TRAORE


[Original: French]


Date and place of birth: 14 March 1955, Ségou, Mali


Professional title: Civil administrator


Marital status: Married, one child


Qualifications: 1972 Diplôme d'études fondamentales (certificate of elementary


                 1975 Baccalauréat (High School Diploma)

                 1978 Diploma, National School of Administration (ENA)


Professional training courses


     Centre pédagogique supérieur (ENA), 1989



     Centre pédagogique supérieur (ENA), 1990

     Grass-roots development management and decentralization


     MATD-Friedrich. Ebert Foundation, 1991

     Associations and management bodies of local authorities


     Centre for Human Rights, Geneva, and Ecole Institut de Bordeaux, 1993

Training and advanced training courses in the handling of human rights information technology


     Experience in the advancement of women


April 1994: Coordination official and head of mission at the Commission for the Advancement of Women.


     -   Prepare meetings of the Interministerial Committee responsible for the advancement of women and the joint Government/Association's/Women's Non-Governmental Organizations Committee.


     -   Government representative for the implementation of the UNDP/International Labour Office project MLI/94/006 "Support for the advancement of women".


     -   Design of preliminary institutional support projects at the Commission for the Advancement of Women with UNFPA and UNICEF.


     -   Supervised drafting of national report on women for the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing.


     -   Took part in the Fifth Regional Conference on Women, Dakar, as part of the preparations for the Beijing Conference.


     -   Took part in the thirty-ninth session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.


     -   Took part in a seminar on the institutional framework for the integration of women in development, Cotonou.


     -   Proposed and ran training seminars on women's rights.


     -   Took part in the women leaders regional forum in preparation for the Fourth World Conference on Women, Addis Ababa, 1995.


     -   Preparation of a women's civic education project to facilitate women's participation in the democratization process taking place in the country, financed by the Embassy of the United States of America.


     -   Member of Mali's official delegation to the Beijing Conference.


