
Convention on the Elimination

of All Forms of Discrimination

against Women






                                                       25 January 1994


                                                       ORIGINAL: ENGLISH/FRENCH







Seventh meeting

7 February 1994

Item 5 of the provisional agenda*



              Election, in accordance with article 17, paragraphs 4

              and 5, of the Convention on the Elimination of All

              Forms of Discrimination against Women, of 12 members

              of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination

              against Women, to replace those whose terms are due

to expire on 15 April 1994


Note by the Secretary-General





1.       The Secretary-General, in compliance with article 17, paragraph 3, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, invited the States parties to the Convention to submit their nominations by 10 November 1993, for the election of 12 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. The 19 nominations that were received by that date were published in document CEDAW/SP/1994/3. One additional nomination was published in document CEDAW/SP/1994/3/Add.1 and another two nominations were published in document CEDAW/SP/1994/3/Add.2. The Secretary-General has now received four additional nominations as follows:


          Slavomíra Filipová Slovakia

     Lin Shangzhen China

     Kissem Walla Tchangai Togo

     Ludmila N. Zavadskaya Russian Federation


2.       Biographical data concerning the above-mentioned candidates, as furnished by their Governments, is annexed hereto.



          *        CEDAW/SP/1994/1.


94-04128 (E) 310194 280194                                                                                                          /...






Personal information:


Title:             Assistant professor, MD., Ph.D.


Date of birth:                             18 June 1953


Place of birth:                            Bratislava (Slovakia)


Nationality:                                Slovak


Present position:                      Assistant professor of internal medicine






  1971-1977                                 Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava


  1977                                          Graduation from University as paediatrician


Postgraduate training:


  1978-1979                                 Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague


  1978-1982                                 Academic and scientific postgraduate study (cardiovascular patho-physiology)


  1983-1986                                 Licence and board certification in internal medicine


  1986-1990                                 Licence and certification in clinical cardiology


  1992                                          Postgraduate electrocardiogram seminar: arrhythmia, Vienna (Prof. Steinbach)


Academic graduation:


  1983                                          Graduation (Ph.D.) in normal and pathological physiology


  1989                                          Assistant professor of internal medicine


Foreign languages:                  English, Russian


Employment record:


  1977                                          Appointed junior registrar, Department of Clinical Patho-physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava


  1977-1980                                 Junior registrar


  1980-1983                                 Senior registrar


  1984-1989                                 Senior registrar, Department of Internal Medicine IV, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava


  Since 1989                                Assistant professor, Department of Internal Medicine IV, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava, teaching medical students (lectures and seminars in internal medicine and cardiology)


Head of students' national and international scientific activities


Head of scientific projects in clinical cardiology and non-invasive electrocardiology


Non-academic professional activities:


  Since 1984                                Teaching in the Postgraduate Medical School (Bratislava): education for physicians before certification in cardiology and internal medicine


  Since 1990                                Teaching in the Postgraduate Institute for Nurses (Bratislava): postgraduate education and training for nurses in coronary care units and intensive care units


  1980-1988                                 Advancement of public health and social lectures and seminars for schoolgirls, adolescents and seniors


Committee appointments:




  1990-1993                                 Member of the Committee of the Slovak Society of Cardiology


  Since 1993                                General Secretary of the Slovak Society of Cardiology


International:                             Member of the Working Group of the International Council on Electrocardiology


Professional societies:




 1990-1993                                  Member of the Committee of the Slovak Society of Cardiology


 Since 1993                                 General Secretary of the Slovak Society of Cardiology


International:                             Member of the Working Group of the International Council on Electrocardiology


Scientific publications and presentations:


Published articles (1978-1993):


Author of 95 published articles and book chapters in monographs and handbooks (53 in Czecho-Slovak and 42 in international journals and books).


Scientific presentation which she has made to national and international forums (at 60 national and 24 international meetings and congresses).




Born:                Shanghai, China, 1930


Graduated:      BA, Department of Literature, University of Shanghai, July 1951. After graduation, she was engaged in teaching for a few years and has remained active in women's issues to this day.


Since 1953, worked in the International Liaison Department of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) and has held responsible posts in the Department throughout the years. She was a member of the Executive Committee of ACWF from 1988 to 1993.


In the 1950s and 1960s, sent by ACWF to work with the secretariat of the Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF) for different periods of time and participated in many meetings of the leading bodies of WIDF, such as its congresses, bureau and council meetings. In 1964, she attended the All-African Women's Conference, held in Monrovia.


Since the 1970s, she has participated in a number of meetings within the United Nations system, such as the Economic and Social Council (1972), the twenty-fifth (1974), twenty-eighth (1980), thirtieth (1984), thirty-third (1989) and thirty-fifth (1991) sessions of the Commission on the Status of Women, the United Nations World Conference of the International Women's Year in Mexico City (1975), the Asian-Pacific Regional Preparatory Conference for the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women (1989), the Workshop organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (1980), the Latin American regional conference of the International Federation of University Women (1981), the Asian-Pacific Regional Preparatory Conference (1984) for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women (1985), the World Conference on Education for All (1990), the commemorative seminar on the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1990) and the 1990 session of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund.


She was a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) (1985-1988), and a council member of the China Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (1989-1991).


She has been on or head of quite a number of delegations to countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and America to study issues affecting women and children.





Civil status:


Name and first names: Dr. Kissem WALLA, wife of TCHANGAI


Date and place of birth: 21 June 1948, Yade (Kozah prefecture)


Family status: Married with three children


Academic background:


          Certificat d'étude primaire (Certificate of

primary education)1962


          Brevet élementaire du premier cycle (Elementary

     certificate, first cycle)                                                                                                   1967


          Probatoire (first part of baccalauréat) série D                                                    1969


          Baccalauréat série D (School-leaving certificate)                                             1970


Start of medical studies at the University of Dakar1970


Enrolment for certificat d'étude supérieur

     (certificate of higher education) in

     Dermatology-Venereology, University of Marseilles                                                  1978


Defence of thesis for Doctorat d'Etat, University

     of Dakar, mention très honorable (with distinction),

     félicitations du Jury (highly commended), nominated

     for thesis prize                                                                                                               1979


Concours national de Paris (national competitive

     exam) for certificat d'étude supérieur, in



          Passed Concours d'agrégation (competitive exam for

     teachers)                                                                                                                        1986


Professional situation and activities:


Togolese Civil Service, Ministry of Public Health1979


Appointed Chief Physician of the

     Dermatology-Venereology Service, Lomé


Appointed Assistant Chief of the

     Dermatology-Venereology Clinic at the

Faculty of Medicine of the University of Benin1980


Elected to the post of Under-Secretary-General of

     the African Union against Venereal Diseases and

     Treponematosis                                                                                                 1983


Congress of the Pan-African Women's Organization

     (Algeria)                                                                                                                         1983


Training Workshop on the methodology of health

     sciences instruction, WHO, Lomé                                                                              1984


International Seminar on human fertility and

     sexually transmitted diseases (STD),

     Franceville, Gabon                                                                                                        1984


International Court on STD, WHO, Paris1984


Training Workshop on applied research methodology

     in health sciences, WHO, Lomé                                                                                  1985


World Congress on Sexually Transmitted Diseases,

     Paris                                                                                                                               1986


Foreign corresponding member of the Société

     de dermatologie et syphiligraphie                                                                               1986


          Member of the "Médecins du Monde" association                                             1987


Participation in the preparation of the national

     programme for AIDS control                                                                                        1990


Participation in the preparation of the national

     programme for STD control


Participation in the workshop/seminar on the

     planning and administration of programmes for

     AIDS/STD control, WHO, Yaoundé, June                                                                   1992


Participation in the first international

     French-language course on the planning and

     organization of STD/AIDS control in developing

     countries, Dakar, September                                                                                       1992


Participation in the epidemiology course for

     district health personnel, WHO, Lomé,

     October-November                                                                                                        1992


National officer for the STD/AIDS Technical



Extraprofessional activities:


Member of CEDAW1988


Vice-President of the National Women's

     Union of Togo                                                                                                                1987-1992




          Scientific works:


Publication of works on sexually transmitted diseases in Médecine d'Afrique Noire, Afrique Médicale and Société Médicale de Côte d'Ivoire


Publication of works on nutritional and other dermatoses in Médecine d'Afrique Noire, Afrique Médicale and Société Médicale de Côte d'Ivoire


Statements on AIDS and ethics at the Paris Regional AIDS Conference and at Athens (Onassis Prize)


          General works:


Statement on girls' education at the National Conference of the Women's Union of Togo


Preparation and working document on "maternity-linked health problems"


A number of publications and lectures on African women




Date of birth:                21 May 1949


Place of birth:               Ramenskoye City, Moscow region


Nationality:                   Russian


Sex:                               Female


Marital status:              Married


Employment:                Federal Assembly of Russian Federation, member of the State Duma (Lower Chamber of Parliament, 1994)


Past employment:


1992-1993                     Head, Theory and Sociology of Law Department, Institute of State and Law, Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation


1974-1993                     Senior Research Fellow, Theory and Sociology of Law Department, Institute of State and Law, Academy of Sciences. Principal areas of research: civil procedure, sociology of law, law enforcement and implementation, rule-of-law state, human rights


1969-1974                     Analyst, All-Union Juridical Institute, Moscow


1974-1984                     Adjunct Professor, All-Union Juridical Institute, Moscow


1982-1983                     Adjunct Professor, Institute of International Affairs, Moscow




1979                              LLD, Institute of State and Law, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow


1973                              LLM, All-Union Juridical Institute


1971                              JD, All-Union Juridical Institute




1993-present                Presidential Commission on Family, Motherhood and Childhood Protection, expert


1992                              Constitutional Assembly, participant


October 1992                Parliamentary hearings on compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation


1991-present                Union of Women of Russia, member


1991-present                European Network for Women's Studies, member


1989-present                Global Education Associates, New York, N.Y., United States of America, associate


1985-1991                     Moscow Peace Committee, Board member


1984-1991                     Soviet-American Relations Public Commission, Soviet Women's Committee, member


1984-1990                     Soviet Association of Lawyers (SAL), member


1984-1988                     Committee of Youth Organizations, consultant


1986-1988                     People's Judge, Court of Kiev region, Moscow


International conferences and meetings:


1991                              Participant, Soviet delegation, Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), parallel activities, Moscow


1987                              Consultant, Soviet delegation, International Women's Congress, Moscow


October 1990                Panelist, International Conference on Rule-of-Law State and Economic Development, Beijing, China


1990                              Participant, Soviet delegation, CSCE, parallel activities, Copenhagen, Denmark


Selected publications:


Implementation of Court decisions, Moscow, Nauka, 1982


Mechanism of law enforcement, Moscow, Nauka, 1992


Socialist legal system, vol. 2 "Functions and Development", co-author, Moscow, Nauka, 1987


Socialist Concept of Personal Rights, co-author, Moscow, Nauka, 1986


Democracy and legal status of the person in developed socialism, co-author, Moscow, Nauka, 1985


and more than 30 articles and commentaries in various Soviet and Russian professional journals.



Foreign language proficiency:


English - fair


