
Convention on the Elimination

of All Forms of Discrimination

against Women






                                                                                                                           11 January 1994


                                                                                                                           ORIGINAL: ENGLISH







Seventh meeting

New York, 7 February 1994

Item 5 of the provisional agenda Footnote



        Election, in accordance with article 17, paragraphs 4 and 5, of the

        Convention of 12 members of the Committee on the Elimination of All

        Forms of Discrimination against Women, to replace those whose terms

are due to expire on 15 April 1994


Note by the Secretary-General





1.       The Secretary-General, in compliance with article 17, paragraph 3, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, invited the States parties to the Convention to submit their nominations by 10 November 1993, for the election of 12 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. The 19 nominations that were received by that date were published in document CEDAW/SP/1994/3. One additional nomination was published in document CEDAW/SP/1994/3/Add.1. The Secretary-General has now received two additional nominations as follows:


          Suprabha Ghimire - Nepal


          Carmel Shalev - Israel


2.       Biographical data concerning the above-mentioned candidates, as furnished by their Governments, are annexed hereto.








Ms. Suprabha Ghimire (Nepal)


Date of Birth and Place: 7 October 1941, Kathmandu, Nepal


Nationality: Nepali


Qualification: MA in English Literature,

                          Tribhuvan University, Nepal (1966)


Diploma: TEFL, UWIST, Cardiff, UK (1971)

                          DUEEF, University of Clermont-Ferrand, France (1989)


Post: Associate Professor, Central Department of English,

                          Tribhuvan University, Kritipur, Nepal


Professional experience: 26 years of teaching and social works


          Ex-General Secretary, Nepal Women's Association (1990-91)

          Ex-President, Nepal University Teachers Association (1991-93)

          Ex-Member, National Education Council, HMG, Nepal (1991-92)




             I.      Member, National Development Council, HMG, Nepal (since 1991)


          II.       Chairperson, Board of Governors, Budhanilkantha School (The National School of Higher Secondary Education of International Standard)


        III.        Member, Fulbright Board of Directors, USEF, Nepal (since 1991)


          IV.      Member, Nepal Women's Association


             V.     Member, Nepal University Teachers Association


          VI.      Member, Amnesty International


Research Work:                               One of the four co-workers of the UNESCO-sponsored project, "The Participation of Women in Higher Education in Nepal", submitted in 1988.


Conferences and Seminars:           Active participation in various national and international seminars and conferences on linguistics and literature; and also the Quakers International Conference held in Nepal on the "Human Factors in Development during the 70s".


Political Participation:                    Active participation during the People's Movement for the Restoration of Democracy, 1990


Keen on:                                           Women's development and child welfare


Travel:                                              USA, UK, France, India, Indonesia, Thailand



Carmel Shalev - Israel


Curriculum Vitae


Current position: Senior Legislation Officer, Israel Ministry of Justice - areas of responsibility include women's rights, family law, adoption, human rights and constitutional law, health administration and medicine; coordinator of commission of inquiry into the regulation of reproductive medicine and technology.


Academic expertise: feminist legal theory; law of reproduction




1991-                           Department of Legislation, Israel Ministry of Justice - see above


1988-                           Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University - feminist legal theory, women in the law, law of reproduction and parenthood, legislation clinic


1988-1990                   Private law practitioner, Tel Aviv - sex discrimination, equal opportunities in employment, family relations, adoption, rights of the mentally ill


1986-1987                   Associate Attorney, Tyler Cooper and Alcorn, New Haven, Connecticut, USA


Fall 1985                     Yale Law School, New Haven, Connecticut, USA - coordinator, feminist legal theory workshop


March 1985                 Consultant, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark - legal aspects of reproductive medicine and genetic counselling


Fall 1984                     Visiting Lecturer, Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut, USA - reproduction, society and the law


1980-1982                   Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University, Jerusalem - jurisprudence, legal process, legal research


1978-1979                   Clerk to Deputy Chief Justice Moshe Landau, Israel Supreme Court, Jerusalem




1982-1986                   Yale Law School, New Haven, Connecticut, USA - LLM, 1983; JDS, 1989


1975-1982                   Faculty of Law, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel - LLB, 1979; LLM, 1984


Bar Membership


1987                            State of Connecticut, and USA Federal Second Circuit


1980                            Israel


Public Activity


1991-                           Israel Women's Network, member


1989-1990                   Association for Civil Rights in Israel, national board, Tel Aviv branch secretariat


1988-1990                   Lachen for the Promotion of Women's Sport, legal counsel


Publications and Papers


"Equality, Difference and Sex Discrimination", in The Landau Book (Boursi, forthcoming, 1994) (in Hebrew)


"Freedom of Cohabitation and Alternatives to Marriage", in Women in the Law (eds. Raday, Shalev and Liban, Schocken, forthcoming, 1994) (in Hebrew)


"The Law of Reproduction and the Right to be a Parent", in Women in the Law (eds. Raday, Shalev and Liban, Schoken, forthcoming, 1994) (in Hebrew)


"Israel - The President of the State", in Heads of State - A Comparative Perspective (Constitutional Centenary Foundation, Australia, 1993)


Law, Religion and Women (International Legal Conference on Women in Law, Jerusalem, 1991)


Collective Punishment in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (B'Tselem, Jerusalem, 1990)


Sanctity of Life and Human Dignity: the Mother-Fetus Relationship (Jerusalem, 1990)


The Status of Palestinian Women (West Bank Database Project, Jerusalem, 1990)


Birth Power: The Case for Surrogacy (Yale University Press, 1989) (Italian translation, Nascere per Contratto, Giuffre, 1992)


The Price of Insurgency - Human Rights Under the Intifada (West Bank Database Project, Jerusalem, 1988)


Artificial Reproduction - Report on a Consultation and Research Findings (WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 1986), rapporteur


"A Man's Right to be Equal: The Abortion Issue", 18 Israel L Rev 391 (1984)


"Spousal Consent to Sterilization", 3 Civil Rights (1982) (in Hebrew)


"A Method of Legal Inquiry", in The Philosophy of Morris R. Cohen - A Symposium, 16 Israel L Rev 329 (1982)


