
Convention on the Elimination

of All Forms of Discrimination

against Women






                                                                                                                             22 December 1994


                                                                                                                             ORIGINAL: ENGLISH







Seventh meeting

New York, 7 February 1994

Item 5 of the provisional agenda*



           Election, in accordance with article 17, paragraphs 4 and 5,

           of the Convention, of 12 members of the Committee on the

           Elimination of Discrimination against Women, to replace those

whose terms are due to expire on 15 April 1994


Note by the Secretary-General





1.       The Secretary-General, in compliance with article 17, paragraph 3, of the Convention on the Elimination on All Forms of Discrimination against Women, invited the States parties to the Convention to submit nominations, by 10 November 1993, for the election of 12 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. The 19 nominations that were received by that date were published in document CEDAW/SP/1994/3. The Secretary-General has now received one additional nomination as follows:


          Charlotte Charity Abaka Ghana


2.       Biographical data concerning the above-mentioned candidate, as furnished by her Government, is annexed hereto.









          *        CEDAW/SP/1994/1.



93-72573 (E) 250194                                                                                                                                 /...






Ms. Charlotte Charity Abaka (Ghana)


Personal data:


Name:                         Charlotte Charity Abaka (Née Obeng).


Date of birth:             15 August 1941.


Nationality:                 Ghanaian.




1960-1965:                  University of Marburg/Lohn, West Germany.


1965-1967:                  University of Frankfurt/Main, West Germany.


Qualification:             Dental Surgeon in February 1967.




1967-1968:                  Department of Dentistry at the University Hospital in Frankfurt am Main, West Germany.


1968-1971:                  Private Dental Practitioner in Nürnberg, West Germany.


1971-1974:                  At the Komfo-Anokye Hospital in Kumasi, Ghana.


1974-1975:                  Dental Surgeon In-Charge at Manhyia Polyclinic in Kumasi.


1976:                           Dental Surgeon In-Charge at Mampong District Hospital in Ghana.


1976:                           Dental Surgeon In-Charge at Dunkwa Hospital in Ghana.


1977-present              A Private Dental Practitioner In-Charge of ENEC Dental Clinic in Kumasi.


International experience:


1989-1991:                  President of African Regional Coordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development (ARCC).


November 1989:         Leader of Ghana's delegation to the fourth Regional Conference of the Africa Regional Coordinating Committee for the Integration of Women in Development in Abuja - Nigeria Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)/Organization of African Unity Conference.


May 1990:                   Eleventh Meeting of the African Regional Coordinating Committee in Tripoli, Libya.


May 1990:                   In my capacity as ARCC President participated at the ECA/Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole Meeting in Tripoli.


October 1990:            Member of Ghana's delegation to the Commonwealth Conference of Ministries responsible for Women's Affairs in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


October 1990:            Workshop for the Heads of Commonwealth National Machineries in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


1990:                           Member of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).


December 1991:         Member of Ghana's delegation to the International Forum on Health in Accra.


March 1992:                Head of Delegation of Ghana to the Thirty-Sixth Session of the Commission on the Status of Women in Vienna.


June 1992:                  Member of Ghana's delegation to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro.


At the national level:


1989-1990:                    Acting Chairperson of the National Council on Women and Development (National Women Machinery).


1990-April 1993:           Chairperson of the National Council on Women and Development.


1987-1989:                    Vice-Chairperson of Ashanti Regional Consultative Council.


1980-1987:                    Chairperson of the Management Board of St. Louis Training College in Kumasi.


1985-present:               Chairperson of Manhyia Polyclinic Interim Management Committee.


1978-1987:                    Member of National Catholic Ethics Commission.


1978-1989:                    Member of National Catholic Justice and Peace Commission.


1978-1984:                    National Treasurer of the National Catholic Laity Council.


Member of 31st December Women's Movement - a Non-Governmental Organization committed to Women's Equality.


1989:                             Member of Kumasi Technical Institute Management Board.


1990:                             Chairperson of the Management Board of the Special School for the Physically and Mentally Disabled in Kumasi.


Lectures and publications:


1.       "Culture as a Unifying Force for National Development".


2.       "The March Towards Popular Participation".


3.       "The Role of Women in Ghanaian Contemporary Art".


4.       "The Program to Constitutional Rule - Youth Awareness & Involvement".


5.       "What is the Legal and Social Situation of the Ghanaian Woman Working in a Family Enterprise?".


6.       "The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women - The Women's Human Rights Convention".


7.       "Women and Environment".


8.       "Violence Against Women - its Relevance to the Ghanian Woman".


9.       "Discrimination Against Women".


10.     "The Woman As a Worker".


11.     "The Informal Sector - Issues in Policy Reform & Programs".


12.     "The Role of Christian Women in the Current Political Process".


13.     "Women and the Insurance Industry".




Horticulture, music and walking.


