

15 June 2000

Original: ENGLISH

List of persons nominated by States Parties : . 15/06/2000.
CCPR/SP/INF.1. (Meeting of States Parties)

Convention Abbreviation: CCPR
Twentieth meeting
New York
14 September 2000


Note by the Secretary-General

1. In conformity with articles 30, paragraph 4, and 32 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the twentieth meeting of States parties to the Covenant will be convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters on Thursday, 14 September 2000, for the purpose of electing nine members of the Human Rights Committee from a list of persons nominated by States parties (annex I) to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 2000 (annex II). The names of the other nine members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 31 December 2002 appear in annex III.

2. In accordance with article 30, paragraph 2, and article 34 of the Covenant, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 25 February 2000, invited the States parties to submit, in conformity with article 29 of the Covenant, their nominations for the election of nine members of the Committee within three months, i.e. by 25 May 2000.

3. Annex IV contains the curricula vitae of the persons whose nominations had been received by the Secretariat by close of business on 25 May 2000. Nominations received after this date will be issued in addenda to the present document.

Annex I


        Name of candidates
Nominated by
        Mr. Adil Talib Sayyid Abdullah-AL-TABATABA'I
        Mr. Levan ALEXIZE
        Mr. Tamás BAN
        Mr. Hector CUADRA-MORENO
        Ms. Violeta DUMA
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
        Mr. Maurice GLÈLÈ AHANHANZO
        Mr. Ahmed Twafik KHALIL
        Mr. Rajsoomer LALLAH
        Mr. Rafael Rivas POSADA
        Sir Nigel RODLEY
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
        Mr. Martin SCHEININ
        Ms. Marija TASEVA
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
        Mr. Patrick VELLA
        Mr. Roman WIERUSZEWSKI
        Mr. Maxwell YALDEN
        Mr. Abdallah ZAKHIA

Annex II


        Lord COLVILLE
        United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
        Mrs. Elizabeth EVATT
        Mrs. Pilar GAITAN DE POMBO
        Mr. Rajsoomer LALLAH
        Mr. Fausto POCAR
        Mr. Martin SCHEININ
        Mr. Roman WIERUSZEWSKI
        Mr. Maxwell YALDEN
        Mr. Abdallah ZAKHIA

Annex III


        Mr. Abdelfattah AMOR
        Mr. Nisuke ANDO
        Mr. Prafullachandra Natwarlal BHAGWATI
        Mrs. Christine CHANET
        Mr. Louis HENKIN
        United States of America
        Mr. Eckart KLEIN
        Mr. David KRETZMER
        Mrs. Cecilia MEDINA QUIROGA
        Mr. Hipólito SOLARI YRIGOYEN

Annex IV


Mr. Adil Talib Sayyid Abdullah AL-TABATABA'I

(Nominated by Kuwait)

General information

Academic branch: Public law/Faculty of Law

Nationality: Kuwaiti

Present address: Surra, Area 6, Street No. 7, House No. 19

Telephone: Home: 533 29 76 - 533 29 78
Office: 242 51 57 - 242 51 58

Marital status: Married

Academic qualifications

Highest academic degree: doctorate in law.

General specialization: public law.

Field of specialization: constitutional law - administrative law.

Academic ranks

Teacher: 1978-1983.

Assistant professor: 1983-1988.

Professor: 1988.

Academic and professional posts

Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Law: 1982-1986.

Dean of the Faculty of Law: 1986-1992.

Chairman of the Higher Advisory Committee on Promotions at the Faculties of Sociology and Social Sciences: 1994 to date.

Member of the Supreme Planning Council during the period 1996-1999.

Chairman of the Higher Committee on Awards of Merit at Kuwait University: 1999-2000.

Barrister at the Constitutional Court and the Court of Cassation.

Membership of academic bodies

Member of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Belgrade.

Member, until 1992, of the Writing, Translation and Publication Committee of the Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Progress.

Academic experience

Chairman of the national committee established by order of the Council of Ministers to draft the Copyright Protection Act.

Member of the committee established to consider the revision of the Constitution.

Chairman of the committee established by the Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Progress to select the best research work published in scientific fields in 1989, 1990 and 1991.

Participation in the drafting and discussion of numerous bills of law in the Legislative, Cultural and Educational, Human Rights and Public Utilities Committees of the National Assembly.

Participation in the discussion of the draft amendment to the Constitution before the National Assembly.

Constitutional Adviser to the Minister of Justice, 1992-1996.

Chairman of the committee established by order of the Council of Ministers to draft the Standardized Code of Military Justice, 1993.

Member of the committee established at the Ministry of Justice to amend the Organization of the Judiciary Act, 1993.

Member of the committee established at the Ministry of Justice to amend the Code of Civil and Commercial Procedure, 1994.

Member of the committee established at the Ministry of Justice to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1994.

Member of the committee established at the Ministry of Justice to amend the Human Skills Management Act, 1994.

Member of the committee established at the Ministry of Justice to develop personnel management systems, 1992-1994.

Member of the Evaluation Committee at the Kuwait Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies, 1999-2000.


Thirteenth Arab Book Exhibition prize for the book Future Functions of the Government: a Comparative Study.

Prize awarded by the Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Progress for the best academic research paper published in respected scientific magazines, 1994.

Academic production prize awarded by the Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Progress in 1995.

Academic works (published in Arabic)

(a) Research works

The new personnel management systems in Kuwait, Law magazine, No. 3, 3rd year, 1979.

Study on the autonomy of the states of federal unions (published in the Law magazine, No. 1, 4th year, 1980).

Study on the provisions of Kuwaiti legislation concerning reappointment (published in the Law magazine, No. 3, 4th year, 1980).

Study on the judicial control of the constitutionality of laws and regulations in the Gulf States (published in the Gulf Studies magazine, 1980).

Study of the scope of application of the Kuwaiti Civil Service Act in terms of persons and time (published in the Law magazine, 1981).

Judicial control of the principle of proportionality between the disciplinary penalty and the infraction committed by a civil servant (published in the Law magazine, No. 4, 5th year, 1982).

The constitutionality of article 114 of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, commentary on ruling No. 2 of 1981 handed down by the Constitutional Court on 11 July 1981 (published in the Law magazine, 1982).

Commentary on ruling No. 1 of 1979 handed down by the Constitutional Court on 12 May 1979 concerning constitutional appeals (published in The Lawyer magazine, 1979).

When transfer can be regarded as a disguised disciplinary penalty (commentary on the ruling handed down by the Cassation Division of the Higher Court of Appeal on 27 May 1981 in case No. 129 of 1980 (published in the Law magazine, 1982).

The constitutional and legal aspects of the establishment of a board of arbitration, Law magazine, No. 4, 7th year, 1983.

The legal nature of the explanatory note on the Kuwaiti Constitution (published in the Law magazine, No. 1, 8th year, 1984).

The "ministerial co-signatory" rule in the parliamentary system (published in the Law magazine, No. 3, 9th year, 1985).

The parliamentary agenda (published in the Law magazine, No. 3, 10th year, 1986).

The civil servant's obligation to maintain a decent standard of general conduct (published in the Law magazine, No. 4, 10th year, 1986).

Contestation overrides authority in the field of administrative contracts (published in the Law magazine, No. 3, 11th year, 1987).

Commentary on the ruling of the Higher Court of Appeal entitled "The competence of the Constitutional Court to consider the legality of regulations" (published in The Lawyer magazine, 1987).

The legal provisions concerning the use of industrial zones (published in the Law magazine, No. 1, 12th year, 1988).

Compensation for damage caused by the war of aggression against Kuwait (published in the Law magazine, No. 1, 15th year, 1991).

Political control of governmental activities when Parliament has been dissolved (published in the Law magazine, No. 2, 15th year, 1991).

The Gulf mother and the nationality of her children in the nationality laws of the States of the Cooperation Council (published in the Cooperation magazine, No. 26, 1992, issued by the Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council).

The extent to which administrative contracts can be terminated for reasons of force majeure as a result of the iniquitous Iraqi occupation of Kuwait (Law magazine, Nos. 3-4, 16th year, 1992).

Towards the development of a system of parliamentary questions in Kuwait (published in The Lawyer magazine, October, November and December issues, 1993).

The constitutionality of voting abstentions and the blocking of resolutions in the Kuwaiti National Assembly (published in The Lawyer magazine, April, May and June issues, 1994).

The origins and legal characteristics of adverse administrative decisions, the Administrative Sciences magazine published by the Egyptian branch of the International Institute for the Administrative Sciences, No. 1, 36th year, 1994.

The power of the National Assembly to amend legislative decrees before the vote thereon, published in the Law magazine, No. 3, 18th year, 1994.

The competence of the National Assembly to consider legislative decrees promulgated during its dissolution, published in the Law magazine, December 1994.

The legal effects of ruling No. 1/1994 of the Constitutional Court, published in The Lawyer magazine, July, August and September issues, 1994.

The unconstitutionality of a retroactive vote on budgetary proposals, The Lawyer magazine, July and September issues, 1995, 19th year.

The concept of "ministerial programme" in the Kuwaiti Constitution, the Law magazine, No. 1, 20th year, 1996.

The concept of "absolute majority" in regard to the election of the President of the National Assembly, the Law magazine, No. 3, 22nd year, 1998.

The concept of "direct challenge" in the Kuwaiti constitutional system, a practical study of the rulings of the Kuwaiti Constitutional Court, the Law magazine, No. 1, 23rd year, 1999.

The legality of legislative correction of an unconstitutional administrative decision, Law magazine, No. 4, 23rd year, 1999.

"Interest" as a requirement in constitutional actions, accepted for publication in the Law magazine.

The Advisory Board of the Supreme Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council - an analytical legal study, published in the book The Abu Dhabi Summit: The Gulf Cooperation Council on the Threshold of the 21st Century, UAE Centre for Strategic Studies and Research, 1998, pp. 165-179.

(b) Books

The Federal System in the Arab Emirates: a comparative study, Cairo, 1978 (out of print).

General Constitutional Principles, Kuwait, 1978 (out of print).

The New Kuwaiti Civil Service Act: a comparative study, Kuwait University publications, 1983.

The Legislative Authority in the Arab Gulf States, Arabian Gulf and Peninsula Studies magazine, 1985 (out of print).

The Constitutional System in Kuwait: a comparative study, Dar al-Ulum Bookshop, 1985, 1994, third edition 1998.

Future Governmental Functions, 1986, Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Progress.

Parliamentary Questions, Their Origin, Types and Purposes: a comparative practical study with emphasis on the State of Kuwait, 1987, published by the Law magazine.

The "Agent" in the Kuwaiti Civil Service Act, 1998, published by the Writing, Translation and Publication Unit at the Faculty of Law, Kuwait University.

The Constitutional Borderlines Between the Legislative and Judicial Authorities, a comparative study published by the Writing, Translation and Publication Committee of Kuwait University, Scientific Publication Council, 2000.

A Compendium of Kuwaiti Constitutional Documents, 1961-1962, annex to the Law magazine, No. 1, 2000.

(c) Current research

The general theory of administrative decisions.

Unpublished reports, articles and studies

The right of pardon within the context of the death penalty (study submitted to H.H. the Amir of the country).

Legal opinion concerning the fate of bills of law submitted by the Government after the end of the legislative session, submitted to the Legislative Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, 1986.

Memorandum concerning the scheduling of sessions of the National Assembly, submitted to the Legislative Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, 1986.

Legal opinion concerning the interpretation of article 174 of the Constitution, submitted to the President of the National Assembly, April 1983.

Memorandum concerning the constitutional situation of the Prime Minister during the absence of H.H. the Amir from the country, submitted to the Legal and Legislative Advisory Department.

Memorandum concerning the constitutionality of the Decree concerning public education promulgated on 27 February 1984, submitted to the Minister of Education.

Commentary on the Symposium on the Development of Legislation and Laws in Kuwait, submitted within the context of the work of the Symposium on Administrative Development in Kuwait.

Contribution to the working group established to evaluate the performance of the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation and its companies, Research and Advisory Studies Unit at the Office of the Amir.

Memorandum concerning permanent residence in Kuwait, Research and Advisory Studies Unit at the Office of the Amir.

Study on the constitutionality of the Attorney-General's decision to prohibit publication in local newspapers of news concerning the Spanish investments affair and the Oil Tankers Company affair (Ministry of Justice, submitted to the Legislative Committee of the National Assembly, 1993).

Study on the constitutionality of the bill of law concerning the Department of Administrative Prosecutions (Ministry of Justice, submitted to the Legislative Committee of the National Assembly, 1993).

Study on the bill of law concerning the prosecution of ministers (Ministry of Justice, submitted to the Legislative Committee of the National Assembly, 1993).

Study on the constitutional limits of parliamentary immunity, prepared at the request of the Legislative Committee of the National Assembly, 1993.

The admissibility of retroactive voting on the State's public budgetary proposals, submitted to the Minister of Justice and the President of the National Assembly, 1994.

The legislative regulation of alternative medicine, Conference on Alternative Medicine: between Science and Myth, November 1999, Kuwait.

The legal nature of contracts for the development of Kuwaiti oil fields, study submitted to the Director of the Kuwaiti Oil Fields Development Department, Ministry of Petroleum, 1999.

Sabbatical leave, study visits and conferences

The Fourth International Academic Symposium, held at Basra University on 29 March 1981, on the topic of the future of the Arabian Gulf and the joint Arab action strategy.

Symposium on the development of public transport in Kuwait, Kuwait, 1981, Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Progress in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications.

Development of the administrative apparatus in Kuwait, Kuwait, 1982, under the auspices of the Office of the Amir and the Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Progress.

UNESCO General Conference, Paris, 1983.

Symposium on popular justice and arbitration, Morocco, organized by the Secretariat of the League of Arab States, 1985.

Specialized training course on middle management in the social welfare sector, 31 March-19 April 1984.

Specialized training course on middle management in the labour sector, 6-27 April 1985.

Second training course for Customs clearance agents (organized by the Social Service Centre).

Participation in the first seminar for serving diplomats in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the States of the Gulf Cooperation Council, 6-15 April 1985 (Social Service Centre).

Member of the board of arbitration set up to hear the dispute between the Directorate-General for Shu'aiba and the United Construction Company (Legal and Legislative Advisory Department).

The first conference of the International Association of Constitutional Law, 1987, Belgium.

Symposium on international commercial arbitration, Bahrain, 1987.

The second conference of the International Association of Constitutional Law, 1989, Geneva.

The First Kuwait Conference on Law and the Computer, Faculty of Law, Kuwait University, 1989.

Conference on human rights in civil service and penal legislation, Syracuse, Italy, 1990.

Symposium on commercial arbitration, organized by the Ministry of Justice in 1992.

Member of the delegation of the State of Kuwait to the Conference of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice, 1993, 1994, Cairo.

Participation in training courses organized by the Faculty of Law and the Faculties of Commerce, Economics and Political Science (tenders, commercial arbitration, civil service, administrative contracts).

Sabbatical leave 1992-1994.

Chairman of the Higher Committee on Promotions at the Faculties of Sociology and Social Sciences, Kuwait University, in the academic years 1994 and 1995.

Conference on the role of the Supreme Constitutional Court in the Egyptian constitutional system, Mansoura University, 1996.

Conference on the development of Kuwaiti oil fields, organized by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Petroleum, 1999.

Conference on Alternative Medicine: between Science and Myth, Kuwait, November 1999.

Chairman of the Higher Committee on Awards of Merit at Kuwait University during the academic year 1999-2000.


(Nominated by Georgia)

Date and year of birth: 5 August 1926, Tbilisi, Georgia

Legal education and teaching and academic activity

1946 Graduated from Tbilisi State University, Faculty (Department) of Law.

1947-1950 Postgraduate student in International Law at the Institute of State and Law, Moscow Academy of Sciences.

1950 Candidate of Juridical Sciences, International Law.

1964 Doctor of Juridical Sciences, International Law, Tbilisi State University; Professor of International Law.

Since 1985 Member of the Georgian Academy of Science.

Has given lecture courses and individual lectures on the theory of international law, ethnic conflict and international law, international criminal law, protection of individuals before the State under international law, at the main universities and academic institutes of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Azerbaijan as well as universities in the United States of America (Emory and Boston Universities), Germany (Humbold University) and others.

In 1981 delivered lectures on Legal Notion of Jus Cogens in Contemporary International Law at the Hague Academy of International Law.

Previous positions held

Tbilisi State University

1964-1965 Associate Professor (Docent) of International Law, Faculty of Law.

1965-1969 Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law.

1969-1970 Chief, Chair of International Law, Faculty of Law.

1985-1993 Vice-Rector (Vice-President) of Tbilisi State University.

Governmental and legislative structures of Georgia

1991-1992 Member of the Parliament of Georgia.

1992-1993 Member of the State Council of Georgia;

Head of the International Relations Committee.

1994-1995 Chief, Unit dealing with International Law and Human Rights Issues, State Committee for Drafting a New Constitution of Georgia.

1994-1997 Chairman, Commission for Investigation of the Policy of Ethnic Cleansing/Genocide against the Georgian population in Abkhazia, Georgia.

Activity in the field of human rights within the United Nations system and the Council of Europe

1970-1977 Senior Human Rights Officer, Division of Human Rights, United Nations

Secretariat (New York, Geneva).

1970-1975 Secretary, Sub-commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, Commission on Human Rights.

1975-1977 Chief, Section of Advisory Services and Special Assignments. Division of Human Rights; involved in organizing United Nations seminars on various human rights issues; represented the United Nations Secretary-General at several United Nations seminars on human rights.

1993 (June) Deputy head of the Georgian delegation to the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights.

1994-1999 Representative of Georgia at the sessions of the Commission on Human Rights.

1993-1995 Legal expert of the Georgian delegation to the forty-seventh to forty-ninth sessions of the United Nations General Assembly.

1993-1995 Member of the Georgian delegation to the Geneva negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations aimed at resolving the conflict in Abkhazia, Georgia.

1997 (March) Head of the delegation of Georgia to the session of the Committee on Human Rights.

Since 1999- Member of the European Commission against Racial Discrimination and Intolerance.

Current academic, professional and diplomatic activities

Chief, Chair of International Law, Faculty of International Law and International Relations, Tbilisi State University.

Member, Committee of Experts on bringing the Georgian Legislation into line with the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (14 November 1950).

Member, State International Commission on elaborating measures to provide effective protection of human rights in Georgia.

Editor-in-chief and member of the editorial board of several leading Georgian legal periodical publications: Constitution and Human Rights (editor-in-chief), published by the Constitutional Court of Georgia; Journal of International Law (member of the editorial board), Faculty of International Law, Tbilisi State University (under the auspices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Office in Tbilisi, Georgia).

Membership in international non-governmental organizations

1958-present: Member, Russian (former Soviet) Association of International Law.

1962-1970; 1981-1990: Executive Board Member, Soviet Association of International Law.

1962-1990: Member, International Law Association.

1970-1976: Member, American Society of International Law.

1970-present: Member, Georgian Association of Lawyers.

1995-present: Member, Scientific Board of the International Research Center for East-West Relations.

1995-present: President, Club of Rome in Georgia.

1997-present: President, the Georgian Association for the United Nations.

Awards and decoration

Winner of the Georgian State Prize in 1986 for the monograph "Some theoretical aspect of contemporary international law", Tbilisi, 1992. "The Order of Honors", Georgia 1996.


Author of 158 publications, including 20 books, monographs, manuals of international law, other publications covering the United Nations human rights activities, ethnic cleansing/genocide and other relevant issues, published in German, Russian, English, Spanish languages, among them:

"Legal status of foreigners and heterodoxies in Europe, the Middle East, Russia and Georgia in the Middle Ages", Proceedings of Tbilisi State University, 1967, No. 125/6.

Manual of Contemporary International Law, Tbilisi, 1968, 1982, 1986, 1994, 1997, 1998.

International Protection of Human Rights, Tbilisi, 1981.

"Legal notion of jus cogens in contemporary international law", Receuil des Cours, The Hague Academy of International Law, vol. 172, Part III, 1981.

Some International Aspects of Contemporary International Law, Tbilisi, 1982.

The United Nations and Contemporary World, Tbilisi, 1984.

"Conflict in Abkhazia, Georgia and some new aspects of international humanitarian law", Journal of International Law, Tbilisi State University, vol.1, No. 1, 1996.

"Legal aspects of the Abkhazian problem in the light of documentary proved historical experience and contemporary international law", Moscow Journal of International Law, vol. 3, 1998.

More than 500 fundamental articles published in leading newspapers and magazines of Georgia, the former Soviet Union and the Russian Federation covering human rights problems including the inhumane treatment of detained persons, ethnic conflicts, principles of a democratic society, etc.


Georgian, Russian, English, French.

Tel/Fax (995-32) 93 42 11

Mr. Tamás BÁN

(Nominated by Hungary)

Date of birth: 1 March 1932

Place of birth: Budapest, Hungary

Nationality: Hungarian

Education and qualifications

University Eötvös Lorand Law Faculty, Doctor of Laws, 1955.

Comparative law studies with Professor René David, Law Faculty of the Sorbonne, Paris, 1960-1961.

Summer sessions of the International Comparative Law Faculty, Strasbourg, France, 1963-1965.

Diploma in Comparative Law, 1966.

Professional activities

1955-1959: Assistant clerk in various courts and prosecution offices.

1962-1997: Service in the Ministry of Justice:

1962-1972: Member of the legislative section, drafting laws, mostly in the civil law field.

1972-1990: Director of International Law Division: preparation of laws in the field of private international law, international trade law, international criminal law.

Regularly participates in the preparation of the Hungarian periodic reports to the United Nations treaty bodies.

Currently adviser in human rights matters.

Activities and experience in the field of human rights

Since 1990 he has dedicated his activities entirely to human rights issues, inter alia:

He played a leading role in the ratification by Hungary of the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;

Represented Hungary in proceedings before the European Commission of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights established within the framework of the Council of Europe;

On behalf of the Council of Europe provided assistance - by holding seminars for human rights lawyers and preparing expert opinions on draft laws - for a number of countries, such as Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Georgia, Estonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Lithuania, Russia, Slovenia and Ukraine, to bring about changes in their legal systems for the effective protection of human rights;

Gives lectures in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo to acquaint NGOs and persons involved in the administration of justice with the internationally recognized human rights norms and standards, in the light of the jurisprudence of the treaty bodies of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

1993-1996: Member of the Human Rights Committee.

In 1996: Vice-chairman of the Human Rights Committee.


French, English.

Main publications on human rights

Hungary and the European human rights convention (Hungarian Law Review, 1990/1).

Preparatory steps for the ratification of the European human rights convention (Acta Humana 1991/2).

Prohibition of discrimination under the European human rights convention (Acta Humana 1991/5).

Impact of the European human rights convention on the Hungarian legal system (Hungarian Law Review 1992/3).

Summary of the findings of the research conducted to bring into line the Hungarian legal system with the requirements of the European human rights convention as interpreted by the Strasbourg organs (Acta Humana 1992/6-7).

Freedom of expression in the European human rights convention (Hungarian Law Review 1994/7).

Effective remedies in criminal, civil and administrative proceedings (Acta Humana 1995/15-16).

Right to a fair trial (Acta Humana 1995/18-19).

Cooperation of the United Nations Human Rights Committee with the International Labour Organization to improve the protection of human rights (Acta Humana 1996/22-23).

International instruments for the protection of minorities (Review of the Hungarian Minority, Romania II. volume, 1996/4 (6)).

What is the United Nations Covenant of Civil and Political Rights about? (Review of the Hungarian Bar Association, 1997).

Civil law aspects of human rights (Review of the Hungarian Bar Association, 1997).

Kulomin v. Hungary: a complaint against Hungary before the United Nations Human Rights Committee (Review of the Judiciary, 1998/1).

Jurisprudence of the United Nations Human Rights Committee pertaining to alleged discrimination in compensation - the Simunek and others case (to be published in the near future).

The de facto life sentence and the international human rights treaties (Fundamentum, 1998/4).

Review of some of the recent judgements of the European Court of Human Rights (Fundamentum, 1998/4).

Jurisprudence of the United Nations Human Rights Committee pertaining to article 26 of the Covenant - prohibition of discrimination (Fundamentum, 1998/3).

Denial of the Holocaust; the Faurisson case before the United Nations Human Rights Committee (Fundamentum, 1999/1).

The first Hungarian case before the European Court of Human Rights: the Rekvényi judgement (Fundamentum, 1999/2).


(Nominated by Mexico)

Born: 3 September 1935; Mexico City, Mexico

Nationality: Mexican

Address: Edificio 9 "Hestia", Depto. 503; Villa Olímpica, Insurgentes Sur 3493, Tlalpan, 14020 México, D.F.

Telephone: (5) 665 5724

Fax: (5) 665 6164

Office tel.: (5) 622 9412 and 13

E-mail: cuadra@planet.com.mx

Education, university studies

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales (1953-1958).

University of New York, Comparative Law Institute (1960-1961).

Université de droit, d'économie et de sciences sociales de Paris (1962-1964).

University degrees

Bachelor of Law (Licenciado en Derecho) National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) (1953-1959).

Diploma of Comparative Law (University of New York) (1960).

Ph.D. (Docteur en Science Politique), University of Paris (1962-1964).


Spanish, English and French (translate, write and speak).

Present professional activities

Lecturer, International Studies Department, Universidad Iberoamericana.

Senior Researcher at International Relations Centre (CRI), Faculty of Political Sciences, UNAM.

Tutorial Committee Member, Ph.D. Program on International Law and International Human Rights, Law Faculty, UNAM.

Academic advisor, Research programme on Asia Pacific, University of Colima, Mexico.

Academic, Mexican Diplomatic Academy (IMAR).

Visiting Professor at Université de Strasbourg and at Université de Nice.

Visiting Professor also at Santa Clara University, California, United States of America.

Panelist of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), since 1994.

Books and essays

La proyección Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, IIJ, UNAM.

La Polémica sobre el Colonialismo en las Naciones Unidas, IIJ, UNAM.

Editor of three volumes of Studies on Economic Law, IIJ, UNAM.

Editor of Utopias Chronicles, UAM-Xochimilco.

Numerous essays and articles in specialized Mexican and foreign reviews.

Civic activities

Founding member, Amnesty International, Swiss Branch, Geneva, 1966.

Founding member and first President of Amnesty International, Mexican Branch, 1968.

Founding member, Interamerican Institute of Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica, 1982.

Founding member, Mexican Academy of Human Rights (AMDH), 1985. Its current Vice-President, since 1997.

Scientific associations

Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados, Mexico City, since 1962.

International Commission of Jurists, Geneva, since 1963.

Société genevoise de droit et législation, Geneva, since 1964.

Cercle des juristes internationaux, Geneva, since 1965.

Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios Jurídicos de la Integración, Buenos Aires, Argentina, since 1970.

International Law Association, Mexican branch, since 1970.

American Society of International Law (ASIL), Washington D.C., since 1974.

Instituto Hispano-Luso-Americano of International Law, Madrid, since 1976.

Academia de la Investigación Científica, now the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, México City, since 1976.

Association internationale de droit économique, Leuven, Belgium, since 1982.

International Studies Association (ISA), since 1988.

Consultative Council Member, Mexican National Research Network on the Pacific Rim, Colima, Mexico, since 1990.

Ms. Violeta DUMA

(Nominated by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)

Address: (Home) Vasil Gjorgov 26/40, 91000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Tel: 38991 125-035

(Office) Basic Court II - Skopje, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Tel/Fax: 38991 120-171

E-Mail: drduma@yahoo.com

Date of birth: 24 September 1951

Place of birth: Skopje

Citizenship: Republic of Macedonia

Marital status: Married, two children, two grandchildren

Languages spoken

Macedonian, English, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian


1975: Graduated from School of Law, SS. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje

1977: Passed the Judiciary Examination.

Professional functions and activities

May 1997: The Hague, the Netherlands, conference on industrial property protection.

March 2000: Budapest, Hungary, Council of Europe for independent justice - a guarantee for stability in South-Eastern Europe.

1977- Participant of the Association of Penology of the Republic of Macedonia.

Participant of the Association of Judges of the Republic of Macedonia.

1975-2000: Participated in many professional seminars, workshops, conferences and lectures in Macedonia.

Positions held

1976-1983: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia.

1983: Appointed judge at Basic Court II, Skopje. Specialist in criminal law.

1983-present: Judge at Basic Court II, Skopje.


(Proposé par le Bénin)

Né le 15 mars 1934 à Zinvié (Bénin ex-Dahomey).

Études et stages divers

Études secondaires au Lycée Van Vollenhoven à Dakar.

Préparation au Lycée Louis-le-Grand à Paris du concours d'entrée à l'École nationale de la France d'outre-mer.

Licence en droit, diplôme d'études supérieures et doctorat d'État en droit à la Faculté de droit de Paris (Panthéon), 1967.

Cycle de trois ans à l'École nationale de la France d'outre-mer de stages de spécialisation :

Un an au Cabinet du Préfet du Calvados.

Six mois de stage au Conseil d'État à Paris (4ème sous-section – contentieux).

Trois mois à l'Ambassade de France près de la République fédérale d'Allemagne (M. François Seydou de Clausonne).

Cours d'été à l'Académie de droit international de La Haye (juin 1961).

Diplômes et titres universitaires

Bachelier (série classique A : latin-grec).

Breveté de l'École nationale de la France d'outre-mer (promotion 1958).

Licencié en droit : docteur d'État en droit.

Professeur agrégé des facultés de droit (de droit public et de sciences politiques : concours 1974).

Travaux et publications

a) Ouvrages

Naissance d'un État noir (l'évolution politique et constitutionnelle du Dahomey, de la colonisation à nos jours), L.G.D.J., Paris, 1968.

La République du Dahomey, in série Encyclopédie politique et constitutionnelle, éditions Berger-Levrault, Paris, 1970.

Le Danxome du pouvoir Adja à la Nation Fon. Nubia, Paris, 1975.

Religion, culture et politique en Afrique noire. Économica. Présence africaine, Paris, 1981. Ouvrage couronné par l'Académie des sciences d'outre-mer (Prix M. Mme Louis Marin, 1982).

Introduction à l'Organisation de l'unité africaine et organisations régionales africaines, L.G.D.J., Paris, 1985.

Le vieillard et le cocotier, in Les droits de l'homme à l'aube du XXIe siècle, Karel Vasak, Amicorum Liber Bruylant, 1999.

Le renouveau constitutionnel du Bénin. Une énigme ? in Liber Amicorum de Michel Alliot, Paris, 1999.

Pour une culture de la démocratie, in Federico Mayor, Amicorum Liber Bruylant, Bruxelles, 1995.

b) Études diverses

Commentaire d'arrêt : note sous Conseil d'État 8 février 1967, in Recueil Dalloz Sirey du 14 février 1968. "Droit public disciplinaire : le secret fiscal peut-il être opposé à l'administration ?"

Le recours contre une décision administrative négative (étude doctrinale), in l'Actualité juridique. Droit administratif : 20 janvier 1970.

L'administration, au-dessus de la loi ? (étude doctrinale).

Théorie et pratique des droits de l'homme dans l'Afrique contemporaine (Colloque de Dakar sur l'enseignement et la recherche en droit international, Dakar, 11-13 décembre 1985).

La Commission africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples (Colloque organisé par la Commission internationale de juristes, Dakar, 17-18 juillet 1987, rapport introductif).

La Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples : ses virtualités et ses limites, in Revue de droit africain (Association des juristes africains), janvier-février-mars 1985.

Pour une OUA. opérationnelle, in Revue juridique et politique – indépendance et coopération, No 3-4, 1985.

La Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples : spécificité et universalité. Colloque : justice et paix, Cité du Vatican, Rome, novembre 1988.

c) Ouvrages collectifs

Pour un droit des peuples. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1978.

Le modèle constitutionnel français et son influence sur les États africains liés à la France, in La politique africaine du Général de Gaulle (1958-1969), Paris, Pedone, 1981.

Codirecteur du volume I (l'État et le droit : article : la Constitution comme Loi fondamentale) de l'Encyclopédie juridique de l'Afrique, Éditions nouvelles, Éditions africaines, Istra, Paris, 1983.

La Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples, in Mélanges, C.A. Colliard, Ed. Pedone, Paris, 1984.

La Charte des Nations Unies : commentaire article par article (art. 26 : le régime de tutelle) sous la direction de J.P. Cot et A. Pellet. Economica Paris, 1985.

Pour un État de droit en Afrique in Mélanges offerts à P.F. Gonidec : "l'État moderne à l'horizon 2000, aspects internes et externes" sous direction M.A. Glèlè, L.G.D.J., Paris, 1986.

Cultures, religions, idéologies in "Pouvoirs africains" in Revue pouvoir, PUF, Paris, 1983.

"Variations sur l'unité africaine". Mélanges offerts à "A. Tevoedjré - compagnon d'aventure". Berger-Levrault, Paris, 1988.

Le renouveau démocratique au Bénin. Colloque sur la transition démocratique en Afrique (Paris I, 12 et 13 décembre 1990).

L'État de droit dans l'espace francophone : Colloque international de la francophonie, Cotonou, août 1991, Rapporteur général.

Les parlements dans l'espace francophone : ces nouveaux parlements du renouveau démocratique. Le Bicentenaire du parlement du Québec. Québec, 1992.

Le droit à la différence in "The United Nations: A family of Nations?" A seminar on the address of his holiness Pope John Paul II to the United Nations, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 8 May 1996.

Activités professionnelles

Fonctionnaire international (UNESCO, Paris, 1961-1962) chargé des relations avec les États africains d'expression française, Département des relations avec les États membres.

Fonctionnaire international, au Secrétariat général de l'Union africaine et malgache (Cotonou, Dahomey), Conseiller juridique et Directeur de la coopération technique interafricaine (1962-1963).

Secrétaire général du Gouvernement de mai 1963 à décembre 1965.

Chargé de mission au Cabinet du Général Soglo, Chef de l'État, de décembre 1965 à 1966.

Chef du Bureau du contentieux de l'assistance publique à Paris (juin 1966 à août 1967).

Fonctionnaire international à l'UNESCO. Administrateur des programmes d'étude et de diffusion des cultures africaines, secteur de la culture et de la communication (1967 à 1989), responsable de l'ouvrage de l'UNESCO L'histoire générale de l'Afrique, en huit volumes.

Chargé de travaux dirigés à la Faculté de droit de Paris en droit international et institutions internationales, et en droit administratif.

Chargé de cours au Département d'études juridiques et de sciences économiques de l'Université du Dahomey : droit constitutionnel et institutions politiques; droit international public; années scolaires 1964/65, 1972/73 et de 1973 à 1989.

Enseignant à l'Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) depuis 1975 : missions d'enseignement à la Faculté des sciences juridiques et économiques de Dakar (Sénégal) et à l'Université nationale du Bénin (Cotonou), 1973 à 1992.

Mission d'enseignement à l'Académie internationale de droit constitutionnel à Tunis : "Le contrôle de constitutionnalité des lois en Afrique noire". Tunis, 1986 et juillet 1992 : élu vice-président de l'Académie et membre du Conseil scientifique; cours sur la partis politiques en Afrique noire (dans le cadre constitution/État et partis politiques).

A été membre du jury :

Du concours d'agrégation de droit public organisé par la France, pour la Côte d'Ivoire (1980);

Du premier concours d'agrégation de droit public et de science politique organisé par le Conseil africain et mauricien de l'enseignement supérieur (CAMES) en 1983.

Président du jury de la section droit public et sciences politiques et coordonnateur de tous les jurys (troisième concours du CAMES), Dakar, novembre-décembre 1987).

Fonctionnaire de l'UNESCO 1967-1992, Directeur de la Division des études et des politiques culturelles et depuis 1989 Directeur de l'Office des normes internationales et des affaires juridiques (Conseiller juridique) à l'UNESCO. Promu à titre personnel Sous-Directeur général de l'UNESCO, Conseiller juridique en 1992.

L'un des rédacteurs de la Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples.

Codirecteur avec MM. les professeurs Conac et Gauduson de l'ouvrage "La justice en Afrique" (Afrique contemporaine – La documentation française, Paris, décembre 1990).

Directeur de recherches et de thèse – membre de nombreux jurys de thèse en droit, en histoire et en anthropologie (Paris, Dakar).

Président de la Commission constitutionnelle du Bénin et membre du Haut Conseil de la République (période de gouvernement de transition : 1er mars 1990 au 1er avril 1991).

Président de la Commission constitutionnelle qui a rédigé la Constitution du 11 décembre 1990.

Vice-Président du Haut Conseil de la République siégeant en qualité de cour constitutionnelle (avril 1991-juin 1993).

Membre du Comité des "Éminentes personnalités africaines" chargé par les chefs d'État de l'Afrique de l'Ouest de la révision du Traité de la Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest.

Membre de l'Académie internationale de droit constitutionnel (Tunis) : Vice-Président et membre de la Société française de législation comparée; membre de l'Association française pour le droit international.

Actuellement membre de la Cour constitutionnelle (Bénin) et Président de l'Institut des droits de l'homme et de promotion de la démocratie : la démocratie au quotidien.

Rapporteur spécial pour l'examen des formes contemporaines de discrimination raciale et de la xénophobie et de l'intolérance qui y est associée : Commission des droits de l'homme, Nations Unies, Genève (1993-1995-1996-1999). Rapports sur :

Les États-Unis d'Amérique (1994);

Le Brésil (1995);

L'Allemagne (1995);

La France (1995);

Le Royaume-Uni (1995);

La Colombie (1996);

L'Afrique du Sud (1997);

La République tchèque, la Roumanie, la Hongrie (La question des Roms) (1999);

Mandat renouvelé en juillet 1999 pour trois ans.

Vice-Président du Tribunal administratif de la Banque africaine de développement.

Membre du Comité consultatif international pour la culture de la paix et la non-violence.

À paraître sous presse

"Du Dahomey au Bénin : de la colonisation à 1975".

Manuel de droit constitutionnel et des institutions politiques de l'Afrique (série francophonie).

Le renouveau démocratique en Afrique : l'expérience du Bénin.

Situation de famille

Marié, quatre enfants.

Langues maternelles

Fon, yoruba.

Langues de travail

Français, anglais.

Distinctions honorifiques

Chevalier des arts et des lettres (France).

Officier de la Légion d'honneur française.

Membre de la Société française de législation comparée.

Membre de l'Association française pour le droit international.

Mr. Ahmed T. KHALIL

(Nominated by Egypt)


B.A. Commerce (1946), Cairo University

LLB (1992), Cairo University

1967-1968, Fellow at the Center of International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Diplomatic career

1982-1985 Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations, New York Representative of Egypt to the Security Council (1984-1985) Chairman of the Group of 77 (October 1984-1985)

1979-1982 Ambassador to the then European Economic Community and to the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

1977-1979 Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cairo

1974-1977 Ambassador to Finland (where he closely followed the later phases of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe)

1972-1974 Head of Egypt's Interest Section, Washington, D.C.

1969-1974 Director of the Department of International Organizations, Specialized Agencies, Technical Assistance and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cairo

1971-1973 Member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ)

1962-1968 Deputy Director of the Department of International Organizations, Cairo. First Secretary then Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations, New York (served on the First Committee, the Special Political Committee and the Third Committee of the General Assembly). Joined the diplomatic service in 1948 as attaché to the Cabinet of the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Served in London, Rome and South Africa. During his diplomatic career, he participated in numerous international meetings and conferences. Lectured at the Diplomatic Institutes in Cairo and Nairobi and took part in specialized seminars and workshops in several United States universities and in Europe, Egypt and elsewhere in Africa

Other United Nations functions

1993-1999 Alternate expert in the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights , as it is now called. Served as a member of the Working Group on Minorities

Related functions and activities

Adviser to the Arab Organization of Human Rights (AOHR), which enjoys NGO consultative status with the Economic and Social Council

Represented AOHR at several regional and international meetings and seminars

Served in that capacity as a member of the group of experts designated by the International Commission of Jurists to participate in the Third Government Legal Experts' Meeting on the Establishment of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights (Addis Ababa, 1996)

Served as Principal Rapporteur of the Third NGO Conference on Solidarity and Cooperation in the Mediterranean, which was held in Madrid in November 1995 on the eve of the Barcelona Ministerial Meeting on Euro-Mediterranean Partnership


Arabic, English, French, Italian

Mr. Rajsoomer LALLAH

(Nominated by Mauritius)

Born September 1933 in Mauritius

Address: Office: 301, St. James' Court, St. Denis Street, Port Louis, Mauritius

Tel: (230) 211 6750 (230) 211 7870

Fax: (230) 211 6883

E-mail: rslallah@intnet.mu

Home: Higginson Street, Curepipe, Mauritius

Tel: (230) 675 1669

Fax: (230) 670 1792

Academic and professional qualifications

BA (Honours) in Jurisprudence at Oxford University, United Kingdom (1957)

Barrister-at-Law, the Middle Temple, London, United Kingdom (1958)

MA at Oxford University (1960)


UNITAR Fellowship at Hague Academy of International Law (1970)

United Kingdom Law Officers Fellowship (1968)

Anderson Scholar, Oxford University (1954-1957)


Grand Officer of the Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean (GOSK) (1995)

International Gold Mercury Award and personam for contribution to development and human rights law (1985)

Honorary Professor of Law, University of Mauritius (1980)

Queen's Counsel (1976)

Functions in Mauritius

Judge of the Supreme Court and retired as Chief Justice (1980-1995)

Parliamentary Counsel (1978-1980)

Assistant Solicitor General (1976-1978)

Chairman of the Council of Legal Education of Mauritius (1988-1994)

Chairman of the Commission on the Review of Legal Studies leading to the establishment of a law school at the University of Mauritius and of the Council of Legal Education (1983)

Chairman of the Commission of Enquiry in connection with the General Elections (1982)

Pro Chancellor and Chairman of the Council of the University of Mauritius (1977-1980)

Seconded from the Ministry of Justice to the Electoral Commission as Deputy to the Electoral Commissioner for the registration of electors, the drafting of electoral regulations and the administration of the general elections leading to independence. Worked in close collaboration with the Commonwealth Team of Observers appointed following the Lancaster House Constitutional Conference, London (1965-1967)

International work in the human rights field

Member of the Human Rights Committee since 1977: Vice-Chairman (1977-1978), Rapporteur (1978-1982) and Chairman (1989-1991)

Member of the High-Powered Commission appointed by Commonwealth, Heads of State and Government for setting up human rights machinery for the Commonwealth (1980-1981)

Member of the Advisory Council of Inter-rights, London (1988-1994)

Member of the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva (1988-1998)

Has addressed colloquies for chief justices and other judges on the domestic application of internal human rights norms, under the auspices of the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom, at Oxford (1992)

Has addressed many seminars organized by governmental and non-governmental organizations in the field of human rights, including on Islam and human rights in the Middle East and North Africa

Has addressed seminars on the creation of an international criminal court (1997 and 1998)

Other international work

Chaired a three-day workshop on National Integrity Systems organized by Transparency International and the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank with financial support from the Governments of Mauritius and Norway (1998)

Appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations as a member of a group of three eminent persons to assess existing material relating to genocide in Cambodia and to recommend appropriate measures (1998)

Appointed by the Governing Body of the ILO to chair a Commission of Enquiry to investigate certain industrial complaints in Nigeria (1990)

Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Chile (1983 and 1984) and Myanmar (Burma) (1996 to the present day with responsibility to report to the Commission on Human Rights and the General Assembly of the United Nations)

Member of the London Court of International Arbitration since 1995

Appointed by the International Labour Organization as one of a three-member commission to investigate industrial complaints made by COSATU against the then Government of South Africa (1991-1992)

Participated in work on a post-apartheid Constitution for South Africa at the invitation of the Constitutional Committee of the African National Congress, the University of Witwatersrand and the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights under Law of Washington (1991)

Special Adviser at the Commonwealth Secretariat and lawyer member of resources team of experts advising Commonwealth Governments in all matters of resources development (petroleum, minerals, geothermal energy, agriculture and other resources), assisting them in negotiations with multinational companies, drafting agreements and implementing legislation, setting up central banking institutions and drafting of fiscal and tax legislation for various Commonwealth Governments and assisting Commonwealth Governments in independence negotiations and the drafting of their Constitutions (1970-1975)

Legal Adviser in the delegation of Mauritius at the United Nations Law of the Sea Conference and negotiations with International Financial Institutions (World Bank and African Development Bank), and with other Governments for double taxation agreements and air services (Madagascar, Malawi, Zambia, United Kingdom and Germany) (1968-1970, 1976-1980)

Present law practice

Now engaged in arbitrations; legal advice in negotiations concerning power projects; telecommunication agreements and resources; exploitation generally and other commercial and industrial undertakings; advice and options and constitutional matters and court-oriented work


English, French, Hindi and Creole


(Nominated by Colombia)

Place and date of birth: Santafé de Bogotá, 5 April 1932

Marital status: Married, two children

Foreign languages: English, French

University studies

Universidad Nacional, Law, Santafé de Bogotá, 1950-1954

Master of Law and Political Science, 1956, Final dissertation: "General Theory on Legal Transactions", for which he was awarded the Medalla del Mérito Universitario José Félix de Restrepo, 1957

Postgraduate studies

Université de Paris, Department of Law, Paris, 1956-1958, Civil Law courses (within the Ph.D. curriculum) Scholarship of the French Government

Université de Paris, Institut de droit comparé, Paris, 1956-1958

Institute for Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands, 1961-1963, Masters Degree in Public Administration. Final dissertation: "Regional development corporations: a method for administration"

Princeton University, United States of America, 1965-1968, Ph.D. studies in Political Science. Ph.D. candidate; final dissertation: "The Colombian political party system: models of political competition"; Ford Foundation scholarship

Professional background

Municipal Judge at Utica (Cundinamarca), 1955-1956

Minister of Public Finance, Bogotá, 1958

Attorney of the Province of Cundinamarca, 1958-1960

Private practice as lawyer - Bogota, 1971-1975

National Coordinator of the UNDP/UNESCO Programme, Bogotá, 1975

Minister of National Education, 1977-1978

General Manager of Empresa Colombiana de Producción y Distribución de Bienes Culturales, Procultura S.A., Bogotá, 1981-1982

Member of the Peace Commission of the Colombian Government, 1982-1985

Assistant Director of the Colombian Liberal Party, 1985-1986

Academic experience

Professor at Escuela Superior de Administración Pública (ESAP), Bogotá, 1963-1965

Professor at Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia), 1965-1970

Head of the Political Science Department, Universidad del Valle, 1968-1969

Dean of the Department of Economic and Social Science, Universidad del Valle, 1970

Dean of the Department of Arts and Sciences, Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá), 1970-1971

Professor at Universidad de Los Andes, 1970-1975

Head of University, Universidad de Los Andes, 1982-1985

Director, Center for International Studies, Universidad de Los Andes, 1996-1997

Diplomatic background

Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations, New York, 1975-1977

Vice-President, Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, New York, 1976

Vice-President of the Economic and Social Council. President of the Social Committee and the Economic Committee of the Council

Chairman of the Ad-hoc Intergovernmental Working Group on the Problem of Corrupt Practices, United Nations, 1976-1977

President of the Intergovernmental Conference of UNESCO on Cultural Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, Bogotá, 1978

Chief of the Colombian delegation to the tenth special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, devoted to disarmament, New York, 1978

Regional Coordinator of UNESCO for Latin America and the Caribbean, Caracas, Venezuela, 1979-1981

Delegate of Colombia to the World Conference on Culture, organized by UNESCO, Mexico, 1982

Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for the study of the human rights situation in Uruguay, 1982-1985

Independent resource person of the Commission on Human Rights for the study of the human rights situation in Paraguay

Colombian Ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Communities, Brussels, 1986-1988

Member of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, Geneva, 1988-1991

Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Colombia at the United Nations Office and other international bodies based in Geneva, 1989-1991

Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the human rights situation in Cuba, 1991-1992

Member of the Consultative Group of International Experts for the International Committee of the Red Cross, 1992-1995

Commissioner member for Panel A on the study of reparations concerning the Gulf War, United Nations Compensation Commission, Geneva, 1994-1996

Member of the National Group of the Permanent Court of Arbitration of The Hague

Sir Nigel RODLEY

(Nominated by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

Born: 1 December 1941

Education: University of Leeds (United Kingdom), New York and Essex (Ph.D.)

Marital status: Married

Foreign languages

French, German, Spanish

Current positions

1990 - Professor of Law (Reader 1990-1994) University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom (Subjects taught: International Law; International Human Rights; Jurisprudence)

Dean of the School of Law (1992-1995)

Director, LLM in International Human Rights Law (1991-1993)

1993 - Commission on Human Rights Special Rapporteur on torture. (Main responsibilities: reviewing conception of mandate: ensuring transmission of suitable information to Governments and processing of following-up replies: visiting selected countries: reporting annually to the Commission on Human Rights and the United Nations General Assembly: liaising with the Committee against Torture)

Professional experience

1973-1990 - Legal adviser, Head of Legal and Intergovernmental Organisations Office, International Secretariat of Amnesty International (AI). (Main responsibilities: representing AI at meetings and conferences of major United Nations and other intergovernmental bodies concerned with drafting new international legal standards, establishing machinery to monitor their implementation and promoting and protecting human rights: providing information and taking comparative law aspects of human rights information and publications: research and negotiation missions to specific countries)

Part-time Lecturer in International Law, London School of Economics and Political Science

1983 - Academic Visitor, London School of Economics and Political Science. (Wrote The Treatment of Prisoners under International Law, first edition)

1970-1972 - Research Fellow: Centre for International Studies, New York University (Research and writing in international law and political science)

1969-1972 - Visiting Lecturer of Political Science, Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, New York (Subjects taught: International Law: United Nations Secretariat; Law and Practice of the United Nations)

1968-1969 - Associate Economic Affairs Officer, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York (drafting discussion documents and servicing international meetings on legal and organizational aspects of international economic cooperation)

1965-1968 - Assistant Professor of Law, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (Subjects taught: International Law; International Economic Transactions: Contracts; Legal Research, Writing and Bibliography)

Training programmes

Henry-Dunant Institute (Geneva), Seminar for Francophone Heads of Prison Administration, Bujumbura (1990)

University of Lund (Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights, 1991, 1992 and 2000)

African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, Banjul (1991)

United Nations Human Rights Training Course for Law Enforcement Officials, Malta (1991)

University of Essex Training Programme for Senior Administration of Justice Officials from Small Commonwealth Countries (1991)

United Nations Human Rights Training Course for Law Enforcement Officials, Albania (1992)

University of Essex Human Rights Training Sessions for the British Bar, London (1993)

African Commission on Human and People's Rights, Training Programmes for African Officials responsible for Reporting under the African Charter on Human and People's Rights, Harare (1993)

University of Essex Human Rights Centre Training Programmes for East European Lawyers (1999)

Lord Chancellor's Department Judicial Studies Board, Human Rights Act Training Seminar (2000)


Member, Board of the European Human Rights Foundation

Founding member and former Executive Committee Vice-Chairman of INTERIGHTS - International Human Rights Law Centre

Member, Council of "Justice" (British branch of the International Commission of Jurists)

Member, Executive Committee, David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies

Member, International Human Rights Council, Carter Centre, Emory University

Rapporteur, first and second annual meetings of Commission on Human Rights special procedures (1994, 1995): Chairman, sixth meeting (1999)

Main books (written/edited or co-authored)

The Treatment of Prisoners under International Law, 1987, 1999

International Law in Western Hemisphere, 1974

Enhancing Global Human Rights, 1979

To Loose the Bands of Wickedness - International Intervention in Defence of Human Rights, 1992

International Response to Traumatic Stress, 1996

Conference on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Acute Crisis, 1998

Main shorter works

Immunities of Officials Associated with Permanent United Nations Establishments, 1972

Monitoring Human Rights by the United Nations System and the Role of Non-Governmental Organisations, 1979

On the Necessity of United States Ratification of the International Human Rights Conventions, 1981

Direct Intervention at the United Nations: NGO Participation in the Commission on Human Rights and its Sub-Commission, 1982

The Development of United Nations Activities in the Field of Human Rights and the Role of Non-Governmental Organisations, 1983

Torture, Extra-Legal Execution and "Disappearance" as Crimes under International Law, 1985

United Nations Action Procedures against "Disappearances", Summary or Arbitrary Executions and Torture, 1986

Human Rights and Humanitarian Intervention: The Case Law of the World Court, 1989

The International Legal Consequences of Torture, Extra-Legal Execution and "Disappearance", 1989

The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, 1991

United Nations Non-Treaty Mechanisms for Protecting Human Rights, 1992

Conceptual Problems Concerning Minorities - International Legal Developments, 17 Human Rights, 1995

Rights and Responses to Terrorism in Northern Ireland, 1995

International Human Rights Law and Machinery for Monitoring its Implementation in Situations of Acute Crisis, 1998

Impunity of Human Rights, 1998

Official publications

Toward a More Effective Integrated System of Human Rights Protection by the United Nations, 1993

Ninth to Fourteenth Reports of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture, 1994-1999

Various official reports on visits to individual countries in role of United Nations Special Rapporteur


(Nominated by Finland)

Professor of Law, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Born 4 November 1954 in Helsinki, Finland

Professional career (full-time positions)

1985-1986 Assistant Secretary of the Finnish Parliament

1986-1992 Researcher, the Academy of Finland

1992 Special Adviser to the Ministry of Justice (drafting an amendment to the Constitution)

1993-1998 Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Helsinki

1997-1998 Visitor, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, Canada (sabbatical funded by the Academy of Finland)

1998- Armfelt Professor of Constitutional and International Law and Director of the Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi University

University education

1982 Graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of Turku

1987 Licenciate in Laws, University of Turku

1991 Doctor iuris, Univeresity of Helsinki

Academic positions and part-time teaching duties

1992 Docent of Constitutional Law, University of Helsinki

1993-1994 Visiting Professor at the University of Tartu (Estonia), as part of the "EuroFaculty" cooperation (two intensive courses)

1995 Docent of Constitutional and International Law, Åbo Akademi University

1996 Member of an evaluation board for the Danish Centre for Human Rights

1996- Chairperson of the Finnish Association of Constitutional Law

1998- Chairperson of the Nordic Association of Constitutional Law

1996- Member of the Academic Advisory Board of the EuroFaculty

1996- Member of the Advisory Board of the Latvian Institute of Human Rights

1998- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Ernest Ametistov Foundation for Human Rights Protection (Moscow)

1999 Member of an Evaluation Board for the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights

1999 Adjunct Professor, Cardozo Law School, New York, United States of America

Other positions of trust and part-time functions

1982-1983 Secretary to three government commissions for constitutional reform,

1989-1992 including the Bill of Rights Commission that drafted new chapter II

1992-1993 of the Finnish Constitution Act, effective as of 1 August 1995

1988-Finnish Advisory Board on Human Rights Affairs, member 1988-1993, vice-chairman 1993-1997, permanent expert 1997-

1991-1994 Permanent External Expert of the Ministry of Justice in matters relating to constitutional and international law

1994-1996 Expert to the Finnish National Commission against Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism and Intolerance

1995-1997 Chairperson of the Finnish League for Human Rights

1997-2000 Member of the Human Rights Committee, established under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

1997- Chairperson of the International Law Association Committee on Human Rights Law and Practice

1997- Expert opinions or studies upon request to the Council of Europe, United Nations and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

1997-2000 Project leader in a joint Nordic research project "Welfare State and Constitutionalism in the Nordic Countries", financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers

Selected publications

1991 Ihmisoikeudet Suomen oikeudessa [Human Rights in Finnish Law, Doctoral thesis]. (With an English summary). Finnish Lawyers' Association

1991 "European integration and international protection of human rights - the end of domestic constitutions". In Maija Sakslin (ed.), The Finnish Constitution in Transition. The Finnish Society of Constitutional Law

1993 "A comparative study on the monitoring mechanisms and the important institutional frameworks for human rights protection within the Council of Europe, the CSCE and the European Community" (together with Merja Pentikäinen). In Arie Bloed, Liselotte Leicht, Manfred Nowak and Allan Rosas (eds.), Monitoring Human Rights in Europe; Comparing International Procedures and Mechanisms, Kluwer Academic Publishers

1994 "Direct applicability of economic, social and cultural rights: a critique of the doctrine on self-executing treaties". In Krzysztof Drzewicki, Catarina Krause and Allan Rosas (eds.), Social Rights as Human Rights: A European Challenge. Åbo Akademi Institute for Human Rights

1994 Co-author in A. Eide, Catarina Krause and Allan Rosas (eds.), Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Textbook, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers

1994 Editor and co-author in Martin Scheinin and Taina Dahlgren (eds.), Euroopan unioni ja ihmisoikeudet [The European Union and Human Rights]. Åbo Akademi University Institute for Human Rights

1995 "Les libertés fondamentales figurant dans la constitution finlandaise" (together with Allan Rosas). Revue international de droit comparee 1995: 643-658.

1996 General editor and co-author in Martin Scheinin (ed.), International Human Rights Norms in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers

1997 "Finland" (together with Tuomas Ojanen) in Joël Rideau (dir.), Les états membres de l'union européenne; Adaptations - mutations - résistances. LGDJ, pp. 185-213

1997 EMU ja Suomen valtiosääntö [EMU and the Finnish Constitution]. Finnish Lawyers' Publishing Company

1999 Co-author in Raija Hanski and Markku Suksi (eds.), An Introduction to the International Protection of Human Rights: A Textbook. Åbo Akademi University Institute for Human Rights, second edition (first edition 1997)

1999 Co-editor and co-author in Pekka Hallberg et al., Perusoikeudet [Finnish Constitutional Rights Commentary], Werner Söderström Lakitieto Oy

2000 Co-editor and co-author in Theodore S. Orlin, Allan Rosas and Martin Scheinin (eds.), The Jurisprudence of Human Rights Law: A Comparative Interpretive Approach (forthcoming)

Ms. Marija TASEVA

(Nominated by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)

Date of birth: 24 December 1940

Home: Devol - 20 Skopje 91 000 R. Makedonija

Office: Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Sociology, Ul "Krste Mieirkov" b.b., 91 000 Skopje

Tel: (389 91) 116-620

Fax: (389 91) 222 019


1991 Ph.D. in Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje. Dissertation title: "The Social Change in Functionalist Sociology"

1972 - 1977 Institute for Sociological, Political and Law Research, Skopje. MA in General Sociology

1968-1972 Faculty of Philosophy - Skopje. BA in Philosophy

1959-1964 Faculty of Medicine - Skopje. BA in Stomatology

Professional positions

1995-present Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, Macedonia

1991-1995 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

1987-1991 Senior lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

1978-1987 Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

1975-1978 Assistant, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

1972-1975 Assistant, Institute for Sociological, Political and Law Researches, Skopje

Research interests

Sociological theory

Sociology of ethnic groups

Sociology of religion


(in Macedonian)


1999 Sociological theories, University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje

1998 The Ethnic Groups in R. Macedonia: Contemporary Circumstances, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

1998 Qualitative Analysis of the Living Standard of the Population of the Republic of Macedonia, Institute for Sociological and Political Legal Research, Skopje (in English) (co-author)

1997 The Ethnic Groups in R. Macedonia: Historical View, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

1996 Sociological Dictionary, MANU, Skopje, co-author

1995 The Family Life of Macedonians in Canada, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje (co-author)

1993 Sociology, Prosvetno delo, Skopje (co-author)


Articles published since 1991 are listed below:

1999 "Church or sect?", in Readings: Religion and Education, Faculty of Teachers and Educators, Bitola

1998 "Emil Durkheim and contemporary sociological theory", in Readings: Emil Durkheim and Contemporary Sociological Theory, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

1998 "Ethnocentrism in sociological theory", in Annual of Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

1997 "Ethnic groups in Macedonia - language question", in Readings: Education and Society, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

1996 "Ethnic groups and the processes of adaptation and assimilation - American experiences", Sociological Review, 3, Skopje, Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

1996 "Ethnic Identity and Ethnic Status: American Experiences" Sociological Review, 2, Skopje

1995 "Churches in the Acculturation Processes on the Balkans", Sociological Review, 1, Skopje

1995 "Islamization and its Current Consequences", Dialogue, 9, Skopje

1995 "Migrations and Interethnic Contacts: the Macedonian case", Dialogue, 10, Skopje

1994 "The Language and the Nation", Dialogue, 5, Skopje

1982 Erik Hobbesbaum: the nation from the historical viewpoint, prologue in E. Hobbesbaum, Nations and Nationalisms, Kultura, Skopje

1992 "Nations, Nationalities, Nationalisms", Dialogue, 1, Skopje

1992 "The Macedonian ethnic community in Canada", Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

1991 "Stratification and mobility: the functionalist theory of changes in social structure", Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

Other professional involvement

Member of Steering Committee for Multi-Country Projects, UNESCO - CEPES

National coordinator for UNESCO Republic of Education

Under-Secretary, Ministry of Education, 1999

Review Team member, Dialogue, 1992

Vice-Dean, Faculty of Philosophy, 1994

Principal Researcher, Sociological Aspects of Inter-ethnic Co-existence in R. Macedonia, project funded by Department of Science, Government of R. Macedonia

Investigator, the Family Life of Macedonians in Canada, project funded by Department of Science, Government of R. Macedonia

Investigator, the High and Low Natality of the Population in Macedonia, project funded by Department of Science, Government of R. Macedonia

Mr. Justice Patrick VELLA

(Nominated by Malta)

Academic degrees

Bachelor of Arts (Cum Laude) in English, Italian, History, University of Malta, 1964

Notary Public, University of Malta, 1966

Doctor of Laws, University of Malta, 1967

Magister Juris in European Law, University of Malta, 1996

Membership in professional organizations

Chamber of Advocates (Malta)

Maltese Bench of Judge, Superior Court

Casino Maltese

Associate Member of the International Commission of Jurists (Geneva)

Associate Member of the Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers (Geneva)

Member in the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law (Vancouver, Canada)

Professional activities

Member of the Committee of Legal Experts for the Improvement of Procedures for the Protection of Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France

Actively involved in the formation and setting-up of the new Single and Permanent Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg to replace the old European Court and Commission of Human Rights, including drafting, discussing and reporting on rules of procedure to be adopted by the new court

Involved in discussing and finalizing reports regarding post-judgement procedures of the new court, e.g. re-examination of certain cases at the domestic level following judgements of the new court. Implementation/execution of judgements of the new court, publication and circulation of the case-law of the European Convention organs among member States

Member of a restricted 18-member Committee of Legal Experts on Criminal Law and Criminological Aspects of Organized crime, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France

Participated as member (observer) in the Committee on Crime Problems, the Committee on Criminal Justice and Co-operation and the Steering Committee on Human Rights - all under the auspices of the Council of Europe

Member of a three-person delegation chosen by the Legal Directorate of the Council of Europe to organize and carry out study visits in various member States (and report thereafter) with a view to reporting on ways and measures intended to combat transnational organized crime

Member of various local committees and groups dealing in legal matters in general


Appointed magistrate in 1986 to sit in magistrates courts (Malta) as well as in Gozo courts in both inferior and superior jurisdictions

Appointed judge of the Superior Courts of Malta in February 1998

Presides in the Court of Criminal Appeals

Presides in the Criminal Court (trials by jury)

Presides in the first Hall, Civil Court in its constitutional jurisdiction

Appointed "ad hoc" judge in May 1999 to sit in the European Court of Human rights of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg)


Actively participated in public discussions and talks regarding various legal topics, especially regarding human rights and criminal law

Occasionally has been guest speaker in seminars and conferences on the subjects referred to above

Examiner in criminal law, University of Malta


Has prepared a study on the new Single and Permanent Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, dealing with the old two-tier judicial system, and what led the Council of Europe to depart therefrom and decide to set up this new court of a permanent nature along the lines of the court in Luxembourg. The study deals with the set-up of this court, its functions and its hoped for results.


(Nominated by Poland)


Born: Gliwice, Poland, 9 April 1947

Nationality: Polish

Family status: Married, three children


1969 Master of Law, Adam Mickiewicz University

1973 Doctor of Political Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University

1984 Habilitated Doctor of Law, Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Science

Professional and academic position

Associated professor in the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Director of the Poznan Human Rights Centre

Member of the Polish Refugee Council

Member of the Poznan Bar

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) human rights expert

Member of the Human Rights Committee

Previous academic and professional experience

1969-1973 Assistant Teacher of Theory of Law and Political Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan

1974 Graduate of the Spring Session of the International Faculty of Comparative Law Strasbourg

1975-1985 Assistant Professor, Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences

1980 Participant in the Layden-Amsterdam-Colombia Summer Programme in American Law

1983 Participant in the Teaching Session of the Hague Academy of International Law

1984 Participant in the XV Study Session of the International Institute of Human Rights and XII Session of the International Centre for University Human Rights Teaching

1986 Participant at the Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations of the Hague

1987 United Nations human rights fellowship in Norway and Sweden

1988-1992 Visiting research fellow at the Institute of International Law, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich
Lectures at Marbourg, Mainz and Bochum Universities

1989-1992 Expert of the Polish Parliamentary Constitutional Committee

1990 Amnesty International trial monitoring in Ukraine

1991-1992 Participant in OSCE human rights fact-finding missions to the former Yugoslavia

1990-1995 Director of the Human Rights Promotion and Research Foundation in Poznan

1992-1995 Staff member of the Centre for Human Rights of the United Nations, responsible for the former Yugoslavia mandate

1995-1998 Chief of mission of the field operation in the former Yugoslavia of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


English, Russian, German, French, Serbian, Croatian

List of main publications


Equality of Men and Women in Poland, Poznan 1975 (in Polish) - Japanese edition, Tokyo 1981

Basic Rights and Duties of Citizens of the Polish People's Republic (co-editor and co-author) Warszawa 1976 (in Polish)

Fundamental Duties of Citizens of the Polish People's Republic, Warszawa 1984 (in Polish)

Human Rights, Legal Model, (editor and co-author), Ossolineum 1990 (in Polish)

Main articles

L'égalité en droit des femmes et des hommes dans la Republique, Populaire de Pologne, Annuaire de l'URSS et des pays socialistes europeens, Université de Strasbourg, 1974

The principles of interdependence of citizens' rights and duties, in: Panstwo i Prawo, 1977, vol. 10 (in Polish)

Personal rights, in Human Rights in Poland (ed. A. Lopatka, Warszawa 1980 (in Polish)

Regulation of the state of emergency in Polish Law, in Polish Reports for the second World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Paris, Aix-en-Provence 1987

The evolution of the socialist concept of human rights, in: Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, vol. 6, 1988

Constitutional Form of the Principles of Equality and Non-Discrimination in Poland Against Comparative Background, in: Comparative Constitutional Law (M.P. Singh, ed), Delhi, 1980

The institution of Ombudsman in Great Britain, in: The Institution of Ombudsman in the Contemporary World, (L. Garlicki, ed.), Warszawa 1989 (in Polish)

Application of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law. Individual Complaints, in Implementation of International Humanitarian Law (F. Kalshoven and Y. Sandoz, ed.), Nijhoff 1989

Individual complaints as a control mechanism over implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in State-Law-Citizen, (J. Lotowski and W. Sokolewicz, ed.) Ossolineum 1989 (in Polish)

The principle of equality in Polish constitutional law, in: Studia Prawnicze 1989 (in Polish)

Diskriminierende Quotaregelung bei Vorgabe von Studienplatzen für Medizinerinnen verfassungswidrig-Entscheidung poln Verfg. In EuGRZ. No. 16. 1990

National Implementation of Human Rights in Human Rights in a Changing East/West Perspective (A. Rosas and J. Helgesen, ed.), London 1990

The principle of interrelation between human rights and duties in the light of a socialist concept of human rights, in Archiv Für Rechts - und Sozialphilosphie (ARSP) nr 41/1990

The scope and the method of regulation of citizens' duties in the constitution, in Rights, freedoms and duties of a man and a citizen in the new Polish Constitution (Kedzia, ed.), Poznan 1991 (in Polish)

The control mechanisms of the European Convention on Human Rights in Paristwo i Frawo, Warszawa 1991 (in Polish)

Human rights and current constitutional debates in Central and Eastern European countries, in The Strength of Diversity (A. Rosas and J. Helgesen, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992

Case study on the former Yugoslavia: the international mechanisms, their efficiency and failures, in Monitoring Human Rights in Europe (A. Blood et al, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers 1993

International War Crime Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, in Paristwo i Prawo, Warszawa 1993 (in Polish)

International Response to the Human Rights Violations in the Territory of the former Yugoslavia, in 19 Polish Yearbook of International Law 1991-1992

Some comments concerning the concept of economic and social rights, in: Social Rights as Human Rights. A European Challenge (K. Drzewicki, C. Kause and A. Rosas, eds.), Åbo Akedemi University, Åbo, 1994

The Task of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the former Yugoslavia - The Particular Problems Encountered in the Fulfilment of this Task, Vienna 1995

The International Community and Mass Violations of Human Rights in the former Yugoslavia, in Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, Summer 1998

Maxwell YALDEN

(Nominated by Canada)

Date and place of birth: 12 April 1930, Toronto, Canada

Marital status: Married, two children

Education: 1958 Russian Language Studies, Cambridge University 1956 Ph.D. University of Michigan

1954 MA. University of Michigan

1952-1953 Graduate Studies, University of Paris

1952 BA (Hons.), University of Toronto

Scholarships, Fellowships, Awards

1999 Companion, Order of Canada

1998 LL.D. (Hon.causa), Carleton University

1995 Good Servant Medal, Canadian Council of Christians and Jews

1993 The International Human Rights Award, International Association of Official Human Rights Agencies

1992 The Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada

1988 Officer, Order of Canada

1986 Commandeur, Ordre de la Pléiade (Association des Parlementaires de langue française)

1982 D.U. (Hon. causa), University of Ottawa

1977 Queen's Silver Jubilee Medal

1967 Centennial Medal

1956 Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows, Harvard University

1955-1956 Rackham Fellow, University of Michigan

1954-1955 University Fellow, University of Michigan

1952 Gold Medal in Philosophy, University of Toronto

Kennedy Scholarship in Philosophy, University of Toronto

Barber Traveling Scholarship, University of Toronto

French Government Fellowship

1951 University of Toronto Alumni War Memorial Scholarship, Victoria College Alumni Scholarship in Philosophy

Professional experience

1996 Member, Human Rights Committee

1987 Chief Commissioner, Canadian Human Rights Commission, Mandate under the Canadian Human Rights Act to provide leadership to the Canadian Human Rights Commission; responsible for the implementation of human rights legislation and for ensuring even-handed treatment of individual cases before the Commission; principal spokesman for the Commission in relations with Parliament, government departments and institutions, responsible for education and information programmes relating to the legislation

1984 Canadian Ambassador to Belgium and Luxemburg

1977 Commissioner of Official Languages, Mandate from Parliament as language ombudsman, auditor of the Government's performance in the implementation of federal language rights policies, and spokesman on language rights

1973 Deputy Minister of Communications, Department of Communications, Responsible for a department of some 2,000 people, a research centre, five regional offices and numerous local offices; responsible for federal-provincial negotiations on communications; head of Canadian delegations to international communications conferences in Canada, Spain, the United States, Sweden and Kenya; numerous appearances and presentations before parliamentary committees and public bodies on matters relating to communications policy

1969 Assistant Under-Secretary of State. Department of the Secretary of State, Responsible for official language programmes, post-secondary education, arrangements with the provinces, and department administration

1967 Special Adviser to the Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs, Department of External Affairs, Ottawa

1965 Counsellor, Canadian Embassy, Paris

1963 First Secretary, Canadian Embassy, Paris

1960 Department of External Affairs, Ottawa

1958 Second Secretary, Canadian Embassy, Moscow

1956 Joined the Department of External Affairs, Ottawa


As Chief Human Rights Commissioner and as Commissioner of Official Languages, Dr. Yalden was responsible for a series of annual reports to Parliament which represent a comprehensive evaluation of progress achieved in those areas by governmental authorities and the private sector. As Deputy Minister of Communications, he was closely associated with the preparation of policy studies entitled Proposals for a Communications Policy for Canada and Communications: Some Federal Proposals. During is career in the Department of External Affairs, he was the author of a white paper on Federalism and International Relations, and the principal author of a second white paper on Federalism and International Conferences on Education.

An extensive list of articles, addresses and lectures by Dr. Yalden is available on request

Abdallah ZAKHIA

(Proposé par le Liban)

Amchit (Jbeil)


Tél. : +961-9-540659/944529

Fax : +09-944726

Né en 1932, deux enfants.

Nationalités libanaise et française.

Avocat spécialisé dans les droits de l'homme et la législation de l'environnement.

Avocat à la Cour de Beyrouth

Licence de droit français et de droit libanais, Université Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth, 1956.

Délégué du Liban auprès de l'UNESCO pour le patrimoine mondial (Paris-Mexique).

Membre permanent de la Fondation nationale du patrimoine et responsable de l'environnement.

Responsable de l'environnement dans l'Association libanaise des droits de l'homme et membre du Comité administratif.

Conseiller juridique et consultant (droit et environnement) :

Ordre des ingénieurs de Beyrouth.

Centre de recherche marine-CNRS de Batroun.

Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) (Programme capacité 21).

Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE).

Banque mondiale (Étude de la zone côtière du Liban ECODIT-Institut d'aménagement et d'urbanisme de la région Île-de-France (IAURIF)).

FAO (The biodiversity Study project GF/6105-92-72).

Différentes ONG.

Membre du Comité national pour la lutte contre la désertification.

Conseiller juridique auprès de la Direction de l'Accord PNUD-Ministère de l'environnement sur les trois réserves (Chouf, Ehden, Îles des Palmiers).


Chargé de cours du droit à l'environnement et du droit rural à l'Université Saint-Esprit Kaslik/Faculté des sciences agronomiques.

Chargé de cours du droit à l'environnement à l'Université Saint-Joseph Beyrouth/Faculté de géographie.

Chargé de cours du droit à l'environnement à l'Université Saint-Joseph Beyrouth/École sociale.

Communications et participation à des congrès internationaux

Participation à des congrès sur les réserves naturelles et la protection de la faune et de la flore : Liban, Amman (1995), Tunisie (1996).

Patrimoine mondial : Paris et Mexique (1996).

Activités diverses au sujet des droits de l'homme

Des centaines de conférences, articles, publications, études, programmes télévisés, débats, congrès nationaux, journées d'étude, workshop, etc., sur les droits de l'homme en général et de la femme en particulier depuis 1956 et le droit à l'environnement comme partie intégrante des droits de l'homme depuis 1972.

Axes de travail sur le terrain

Pression pour réglementer et appliquer les lois aux installations pétrolières sur la côte libanaise.

Création de deux réserves naturelles : Horch Ehden et les Îles des Palmiers.

Préservation de la côte, des forêts, de la biodiversité, des sites naturels et du patrimoine culturel, notamment de Byblos.

Problèmes des carrières.

Lutte contre la pollution, spécialement de l'eau.

Lutte pour la sauvegarde de la vallée de Nahr Ibrahim et de Kadisha.

Œuvrer pour la sauvegarde de la biodiversité et la préservation des forêts.

Préparation ou participation à l'élaboration de lois ou décrets

Loi No 964/1988 sur les déchets dangereux.

Loi pour la création des deux réserves d'Ehden et des Îles des Palmiers.

Projet de loi sur les antiquités.

Projet de loi donnant aux associations de l'environnement le droit d'intervention juridique et administratif.

Projet de loi pour inciter les particuliers à la plantation d'arbres près de toute construction.

Projet de loi pour lever le secret sur les dossiers administratifs.

Décret No 5616/1994 sur les carrières.

Projet de loi pour la sauvegarde de la côte.

Consultant auprès du Ministère de l'environnement pour les projets de lois en cours, notamment

Projet du code de l'environnement.

Projet de décret des impacts sur l'environnement.

Projet de loi pour les réserves naturelles.

Projet de loi pour la révision du statut du Ministère de l'environnement.

Plusieurs projets de lois pour de nouvelles réserves naturelles.

Langues parlées et écrites

Arabe et français.

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