International covenant

on civil and

political rights









5 July 2002







Twenty-first meeting

New York

9 September 2002



31 DECEMBER 2002

Note by the Secretary-General

1.         In conformity with articles 30, paragraph 4, and 32 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the 21st meeting of States parties to the Covenant will be convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters on Thursday, 9 September 2002, for the purpose of electing nine members of the Human Rights Committee from a list of persons nominated by States parties (annex I) to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 2002 (annex II).  The names of the other nine members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 31 December 2004 appear in annex III.

2.         In accordance with article 30, paragraph 2, and article 34 of the Covenant, the Secretary‑General, in a note verbale dated 20 February 2002, invited the States parties to submit, in conformity with article 29 of the Covenant, their nominations for the election of nine members of the Committee within three months i.e. by 20 May 2002.

3.         Annex IV contains the curricula vitae of the persons whose nominations had been received by the Secretariat by close of business on 20 May 2002.  Nominations received after this date will be issued in addenda to the present document.

GE.02-43069  (E)    140802    190802

Annex I

list of candidates nominated by states parties

Name of candidates                                                               Nominated by

Mr. Abdelfattah AMOR                                                         Tunisia

Mr. Nisuke ANDO                                                                Japan

Mr. Prafullachandra Natwarlal BHAGWATI                          India

Mr. Alfredo CASTILLERO HOYOS                                    Panama

Ms. Christine CHANET                                                         France

Mr. Mohamed CHARFI                                                        Algeria

Mr. Walter KALIN                                                               Switzerland

Mr. Raymond LWANBA KATANSI                                    Democratic Republic of the Congo

Mr. Jean Pierre MAVUNGU                                                 Democratic Republic of the Congo

Mr. Hipólito SOLARI YRIGOYEN                                       Argentina

Mr. Eduardo VILLANUEVA                                                Honduras

Ms. Ruth WEDGWOOD                                                       United States of America

Mr. Roman WIERUSZEWSKI                                              Poland

Ms. Yaffa ZILBERSHATS                                                    Israel

Annex II


Mr. Abdelfattah AMOR                                                           Tunisia

Mr. Nisuke ANDO                                                                  Japan

Mr. Prafullachandra N. Natwarlal BHAGWATI                        India

Mr. Louis HENKIN                                                                 United States of America

Ms. Christine CHANET                                                           France

Mr. Eckart KLEIN                                                                   Germany

Mr. David KRETZMER                                                           Israel

Ms. Cecilia MEDINA QUIROGA                                            Chile

Mr. Hipólito SOLARI YRIGOYEN                                         Argentina

Annex III

list of the nine members who will continue to serve

on the committee until 31 December 2004

Mr. Maurice GLELE-AHANHANZO                           Benin

Mr. Ahmed Tawfik KHALIL                                         Egypt

Mr. Rajsoomer LALLAH                                               Mauritius

Mr. Rafael RIVAS POSADA                                         Colombia

Sir Nigel RODLEY                                                         United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Mr. Martin SCHEININ                                                  Finland

Mr. Ivan SHEARER                                                       Australia

Mr. Patrick VELLA                                                        Malta

Mr. Maxwell YALDEN                                                  Canada

Annex IV

curricula vitae of candidates*

1.  Mr. Abdelfattah AMOR (Tunisia)

Date and place of birth:  4 March 1943 (Tunisia)

Titles and degrees

University professor since 1979.

Senior lecturer in Public Law and Political Science (1974-1979).

Assistant lecturer (1973).

Assistant (1970-1972).

Doctorate in Public Law and Political Science (1974).

State doctorate in law (1973), Paris II.

Diploma of Advanced Studies in Public Law (1968), Paris.

Diploma of Advanced Studies in Political Science (1968), Paris.

Law degree (1967), Tunis.

Intermediate diploma of the National School of Administration (1967).

Visiting Professor at Paris I, Paris V, Nantes, Limoges, Dijon, Toulouse, Warsaw, Belgrade, Algiers, Annaba, Rabat, Casablanca, Fez, Tokyo, Kyoto, Louvain-La Neuve, Columbia University, Harvard Law School, etc.

Academic positions

Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Science of Tunis (since April 1993).

Dean of the Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Science of Tunis (1987-1993).

Member of the Constitutional Council (1987-1992).

Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Tunis (1980-1984).

Director of the Study and Research Unit on Law and Political Science at the Law Faculty of Tunis (1978-1979).

Other responsibilities and activities

Member and Deputy Chairperson of the United Nations Human Rights Committee (since 1999).

Member of the UNESCO Human Rights Jury (since 2000).

Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Committee on freedom of religion or

belief (since 1993).

President of the International Consultative Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Tolerance and Non-discrimination (Madrid 2001).

Alternate member at the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights (1992-1995).

President of the International Academy of Constitutional Law (since 1996).

Member of the Bureau of the International Conference of French-Language Deans (since 1987).

Member of the AUPELF-UREF "Fundamental Rights" Network Committee (since 1993).

Co-President of the International Association of Constitutional Law (1993-1995).

Founding Secretary-General of the International Academy of Constitutional Law (1984-1988).

Vice-President of the International Association of Constitutional Law (1987-1993).

President of the Tunisian Association of Constitutional Law (since 1982).

Expert at the Arab League (1979-1983).

President of the Tunisian Aggregation Jury for Public Law and Political Science

(1986 and 1999).

Member of various recruitment panels for the positions of assistant, assistant lecturer, senior

lecturer and professor in public law and political science.

Director of many State doctorate theses.

Member of the Algerian Aggregation Jury for Public Law and Political Science (1984).

Founding Secretary-General of the Tunisian Association of Political and Social Science.

Member of the National Council of Public Liberties in Tunisia (1977).

Founder member of the Union of Arab Jurists (1975).

Founder of several associations, inter alia on the environment, culture, Maghreb cooperation, etc.

Member of the National Jury for the award of the 7 November Prize.

Member of the National Jury to award the prize for administrative innovation.

General Rapporteur of the National Commission on the Protection of Educational

Institutions (1991).

Council member of the Arab Thought Club (Amman).

Principal subjects taught since 1970

Constitutional law and political science.

Human rights and public liberties.

History of political ideas.

Administrative law.

International law and international relations.

Environmental law.

Main publications and research

Handbook of constitutional law, Tunis CERP, 1987 (in Arabic).

Handbook of administrative law (with others) E.N.A. 1975 (in French).

Compendium of Tunisian constitutions and political documents (with K. Saïd), Tunis CERP,

1987 (in Arabic).

Islam et droits de l'homme (edited by G. Conac and A. Amor), Paris, Economica, 1994.

Le suffrage universel (edited by Abdelfattah Amor, Philippe Ardant and Henri Roussillon),

Social Sciences University Press, Toulouse, 1994.

The Tunisian political system, Paris 1973.

Problems and prospects of Maghreb unity, Paris, 1968.

More than 80 research projects, including:

United Nations Human Rights Committee (2002).

The condition of women in relation to religion and traditions (2002).

Prevention of religious intolerance and education (2001).

Religious intolerance and racial discrimination.  Aggravated discrimination (2000).

United Nations reports

Reports on the elimination of all forms of intolerance and racial discrimination, submitted to the Human Rights Committee (26 reports since 1993).

Interim reports on the elimination of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief, submitted to the General Assembly (Third Committee) (eight reports since 1994).


Order of the Republic.

Order of Educational Merit.

National Human Rights Prize (1998).

Spanish Order of Merit.

Many foreign decorations and honorary titles.

2.  Mr. Nisuke ANDO (Japan)

Date of birth:  6 August 1935

March 1959

LL.B., Department of Law, Kyoto University

March 1961

LL.M., Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University

September 1962-June 1964

Grantee.  All-Expense Graduate Study, Fulbright Commission

June 1963

M.A., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

June 1964

M.A. in Law and Diplomacy, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

April 1965

Lecturer, Faculty of General Education, Kyoto University

August 1968

Associate Professor, Faculty of General Education, Kyoto University

August 1968-July 1979

Frequently attended conferences and meetings of World Association of World Federalists as its Council and Executive Committee Member

September 1969- October 1970

Researcher at U.S. National Archives and Records Service, Fulbright Commission

June 1971

Ph.D., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

May 1972

Attended twenty-fourth session of the United Nations International Law Commission as an observer for the Japanese Government

May 1975

Attended twenty-seventh session of the same Commission in the same capacity

September 1976-August 1978

British Council Fellow at London School of Economics and Political Science

September 1977

Participant Research Center of the Hague Academy of International Law

April 1981- March 1990

Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, Kobe University

March 1984-1987

Elected Alternate Member, United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities

February 1985

Member, Planning Committee, International Institute for Advanced Studies (Japan)

October 1985

Member, Council, Japanese Society of International Law

January 1987-(up to now)

Elected Member, Rapporteur (1991-92) and Chairman (1993-94), Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

April 1990-March 1998

Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, Kyoto University

January 1993 (up to now)

Judge, Administrative Tribunal, International Monetary Fund

January 1997-December 2001

Member, Council for Protection and Promotion of Human Rights, Ministry of Justice, Japan

March 1997

Fulbright 50th Anniversary Distinguished Fellow

October 1997-October 2000

President, Japanese Society of International Law

April 1998 (up to now)

Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, Doshisha University

August 1999 (up to now)

Associé. Institut de Droit International

September 2000 (up to now)

Arbitrator, Arbitral Tribunal under Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

April 2001 (up to now)

Director, Kyoto Human Rights Research Institute

September 2001 (up to now)

Judge, Permanent Court of Arbitration

3.  Mr. Prafullachandra Natwarlal BHAGWATI (India)

            Justice P.N. Bhagwati is one of the most distinguished jurists of India since the independence of that country.  He presided over the Supreme Court of India as its Chief Justice until his retirement.  Under his leadership the Indian Supreme Court has developed comprehensive human rights jurisprudence for India.  He, through creative interpretation, expanded the reach and context of human rights embodied in the Constitution.  He developed the strategy of Public Interest Litigation with a view to making human rights meaningful for the large masses of poor and disadvantaged people.  This is a strategy, which has won admiration in many common law jurisdictions.

            He is closely connected with a large number of NGOs, both in India and outside, and has been motivating and inspiring grassroots human rights and development NGOs.  Justice Bhagwati is the Chairman of the South Asian Task Force on Judiciary.  He is Vice‑Chairman of El Taller, an International Human Rights Development Organization located in Tunis.  He has organized a number of judicial colloquia in different parts of the Commonwealth on "Domestic Application of International Human Rights norms" for judges in the Commonwealth.  He has also promoted and participated in numerous workshops of lawyers and judges on the subject of human rights organized by NGOs and was Chairman of the World Congress on Human Rights held in New Delhi in December 1990.

            He has been a member of the Committee of Experts of the ILO for over 15 years.  For over 6 years he was the Vice-Chairman of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, and he is now elected as the Chairman.  The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has taken him as Regional Adviser for the Asia Pacific Region.  He has also carried out several missions for the United Nations Centre for Human Rights, the Commonwealth Secretariat, and the International Commission of Jurists.  His services have been utilized by several countries, including Mongolia, Cambodia, Nepal, Ethiopia, and South Africa in framing their Constitutions and particularly the chapters on human rights.  He was a member of the Goldstone Commission of inquiry in South Africa.  He was also involved in finalizing the draft manual for training of judges in human rights prepared by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

            Justice Bhagwati has been particularly active in the area of women's human rights.  He has been the moderator and the main resource person for at least three judicial workshops of women judges for domestic application of international human rights norms in the jurisprudence of women's human rights, one in Victoria Falls for African judges, the other in Hong Kong for Asia Pacific judges and the third in Guyana for Caribbean judges.  He presided over the Peoples Tribunal for Violence against Women at the Vienna Human Rights congress.  This Tribunal was organized by International Women NGOs.

            He has been responsible for a considerable amount of work in the field of human rights and development among tribals and particularly tribal women in South and East India and has provided leadership to the NGO, AWARE, in making 6,000 villages self-reliant.  Two large complexes in rural areas have been named after him.  He is a household name amongst the poor and underprivileged sectors of Indian society.

            Justice P.N. Bhagwati was responsible for making a large number of innovations with a view to providing access to justice to the poor and disadvantaged.  He enlarged the doctrine of locus standi before the Supreme Court and the High Courts for vindicating the individual and collective rights of those who were denied access to justice on account of poverty or social or economic disability.

            He at the same time worked successfully to build up an elaborate legal aid programme.  He is widely regarded as the originator of India's legal aid programme, including setting up of legal aid camps in rural areas, working with NGOs, establishing legal aid clinics etc.

            Numerous documentaries have been made on him and his work including one where he is one of six outstanding Indians on whose life the Indian TV has done a profile.  He has been the most visible member of India's Judiciary since independence.  His reputation and his impact, through his judicial and legal aid work, is so enormous that the public response has been quite phenomenal, e.g., a village where the tribal people benefited from his judgement, renamed the village after him calling it BHAGWATI PURAM.

            He has championed the cause of workers and labourers.  His thought provoking judgements on bonded and unorganized labour and child labour have resulted in various legislations and government schemes in improving their social and economic conditions.  He is also involved in the programme of sustainable development and has been responsible for developing poverty jurisprudence in India.

            His services have been availed of by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.  He is the Chairman of Eminent Persons Group for Study of questions relating to refugees.  He is also Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Centre for Independence of Judges and Lawyers (CIJL) based in Geneva and as such he is associated with many of the activities of the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva.

            He has also been a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague for the last several years.  He was also a member of the International Mediation Team with Henry Kissinger and Lord Carrington for mediation between Inkatha and ANC before the elections in South Africa.

            He is presently Chairman of the Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of the United Nations.  He is also the Regional Adviser to the High Commissioner for Human Rights for the entire Asia and Pacific Region.  He is also a Member of the International Advisory Council of the World Bank for Legal and Judicial Reforms.  He is also the Honorary Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

            He is Chancellor of the Hyderabad University.

            He is also Chancellor of Shr Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth.

He is also the Honorary Member of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

4.  Mr. Alfredo CASTILLERO HOYOS (Panama)

            Alfredo Castillero Hoyos graduated at the University of Warwick, England, where he obtained a Masters' Degree in Political Studies in 1993.  He then went on to complete post‑graduate studies in the methodology of social sciences and a doctorate in political studies, both at the University of Portsmouth, England, in 1999.

            In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama, he acts as General Director of Foreign Policy.  His tasks include putting forward proposals on foreign policy, coordinating bilateral relations with other States and acting as a communication channel between the ministry and diplomatic missions accredited in Panama.  He is also Honorary Executive Secretary of the National Foreign Relations Council with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

            Ever since his student days, Doctor Alfredo Castillero Hoyos has been linked to humanitarian causes.  He was a university leader of the movement opposing the military dictatorship in Panama from 1968 to 1989.  He was also in charge of the Human Rights Committee of the Cruzada Civilista Nacional, which, under his management, dealt with more than 1,300 complaints for human rights violations.  These complaints were subsequently submitted to the Panamanian Human Rights Committee, and in 1998 Amnesty International used them as a basis to prepare a special report.  In 1996, he took part in the debate on the establishment of an Ombudsman (Defensoría del Pueblo), on behalf of the Institute for Political and International Studies of Panama (IEPI).  As a result of these activities, he was chosen by the committee to set up the Office of the Ombudsman and Human Rights.  While he was in England, he took part in a pioneering effort to set up charity libraries for the third world led by OXFAM.  He is also a member of Amnesty International.

            In humanitarian matters, Doctor Castillero Hoyos gives special priority to his work on refugees, to which he devotes separate attention.  Since November 1999, he has been working in conjunction with the National Office for Refugees (ONPAR) in order to stimulate official policy on Colombian nationals displaced to Panama by the conflict in Colombia.  This cooperation has given rise to initiatives such as the "Declaration on Cross-Border Displacement in Darien", signed on 18 November 2000 by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Panama and Colombia, in which they recognize basic guarantees for displaced persons.  Doctor Castillero Hoyos is part of the follow-up mechanism.

            As Director-General of Foreign Policy, Doctor Castillero Hoyos, in conjunction with ONPAR and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), took part in the project which led to the elaboration of "Recommendations for the Preparation of a Contingency Plan for Panama (for cross-border displacement)".  He led the Panamanian delegation which, on 22 June 2001, participated in the first meeting of Colombian and Panamanian authorities to consider the phenomenon of displacement in cross-border areas, which involved UNHCR in a tripartite mechanism dealing with cross-border displacement.

            He has also taken part in the National Commission on Refugees, whose main function is to determine who qualifies for refugee status.  The Commission has fought successfully to ensure that the refugee issue should be judged according to humanitarian rather than legalistic criteria.

            On his initiative, a protocol is to be established in the near future between institutions regarding the treatment which should be given to displaced persons from Colombia when they enter Panama.  He has also taken an active part in the work done at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in this respect.  He is currently coordinating efforts to restructure the Contingency Plan with the worsening of the Colombian conflict and is actively engaged in the reform process initiated under Decree 23 regulating displacement and refugees.

            In recognition of his humanitarian approach to displaced Colombians, he was sponsored by UNHCR in October 2000 to take part in the Conference of the International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARL) in Geneva and Bern, Switzerland, and then again in Geneva, Switzerland, to take part in the Conference of the International Association of Refugee Law Judges on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the Geneva Conventions on Refugees, when he had the honour to lead the delegation of Panama.

            His activities are not restricted to the area of displaced persons and refugees.  He was also joint organizer and host of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights during its visit to Panama, from 6 to 9 June 2001, which was generously recognized by the mission itself in its preliminary report.

            In 2001, he supervised the drafting of the executive decree setting up the Truth Commission, whose aim is to investigate crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Panamanian military dictatorship between 1968 and 1989.

            He initiated the proposal following which for the first time international humanitarian law was incorporated in a Declaration of Heads of State, on the occasion of the preparatory meetings for the Summit of Heads of States and Government of the Americas for 2001.

            In December 2001, he partly drafted and published the Bambito Declaration, in which the Presidents of Costa Rica and Panama invited the countries of the region to forsake the traditional policies of national security, adopting instead the Human Security Doctrine sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and to cut back expenditure on armament, thereby generating a peace dividend to be used as a social investment.

            He was responsible for drafting two State documents:  the draft Master Plan for Foreign Affairs and Panama's Foreign Policy in relation to International Terrorism, incorporating in those documents the Panamanian Government's undertaking to join the Rome Statute setting up the International Criminal Court.  He played an extremely important part in developing and implementing the policy that led to the approval of this international instrument, thanks to which Panama became the fifty-sixth State to accede to the Instrument, on 21 March 2002.  In so doing, Panama became a founder member of the institution, which aims to establish a universal system of criminal justice, in order to put an end to the impunity of those guilty of crimes against

humanity.  This event may be considered to be the greatest achievement in international humanitarian terms both by the Panamanian Government and by the Director of Foreign Policy, Alfredo Castillero Hoyos.

            Thanks to his initiative, from this year onwards the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Director General of Foreign Policy will meet each year on 10 December, on the occasion of Human Rights Day, with both Panamanian humanitarian organizations and their foreign counterparts present in Panama.  These meetings will serve the double purpose of providing those organizations with a report on the situation in our country in this respect, and of providing an opportunity to note comments from those organizations.

            His term of office as Director General of Foreign Policy has been marked, amongst others, by his systematic denunciation, through the press, of all forms of coups d'état, and of the rise of anti-democratic extremism, as well as by his opposition to the policy of former Panamanian Governments of offering asylum to ex-rulers, even those under the cloud of accusations and complaints of violations of human rights, democracy and good governance.

            As Executive Secretary, he is now part of the government team in charge of organizing the National Day of Black Ethnicity, a legally established celebration, which was created to recognize the scientific, cultural, economic and working contribution of this human group to the build‑up of the Panamanian nation.

            Dr. Castillero Hoyos' future plans include the publication of a history of humanitarian tradition in Panama's foreign relations.

            He is one of Panama's principal humanitarian activists at present.  He has already successfully conducted many projects, although he is looking forward to undertaking a great deal more in this field, which is never short of causes needing persons with true commitment.

5.  Ms. Christine CHANET (France)

Advanced Diploma in Private Law

Advanced Diploma in Criminology

Laureate of the Paris Faculty of Law

Junior magistrate at the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature

Magistrate at the Central Administration of the Ministry of Justice (1970)

Technical adviser to the Secretariat of State for Women's Affairs then head of the Minister's

Office (1974-1976)

Special assistant at the Office of the Minister for Culture (1976-1977)

Special assistant to the Director of the Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then

in 1983 Assistant Head of International Civil and Criminal Affairs and Human Rights in the

Legal Affairs Department.

Member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee and member of the Committee against


Technical adviser in charge of international affairs in the Office of the Minister of

Justice (1988‑1990)

Advocate-General at the Court of Appeal of Paris (1992-1996)

Judge at the Court of Cassation (since 1996)

Chairperson of the United Nations Human Rights Committee (1997-1998)

Chairperson of the ministerial Committee in charge of deliberating on measures of

expulsion (1998)

Chairperson of the Committee in charge of reviewing penal decisions following a ruling by the

European Court of Human Rights (2000)

Member of the Advisory Committee on Human Rights in France

Member of the French International Law Society

Member of the French branch of the International Law Association (ILA)

Chevalier of the Legion of Honour and the National Order of Merit (1997)

Languages:  French and English

6.  Mohamed CHARFI (Algeria)

Date of birth:  15 October 1946



            Primary school certificate

            Secondary education baccalaureate


            Diploma of the National School of Administration, Judicial Section

            Degree in private law

Professional career


            Public Prosecutor

            Public Prosecutor General

            Counsellor at the Supreme Court

            President of the second social section at the Supreme Court

Senior official:

            Secretary-General at the Ministry of Justice (1989-1991)

            Adviser to the President of the Republic, in charge of human rights (1999 to the present)


            Secondary education assistant

            Professor of civil and criminal procedure at the Administrative Training Centre

            Associate professor of social law at the National Institute for the Magistrature


            Arabic (university level)

            French (university level)

            English (university level)

7.  Mr. Walter KALIN (Switzerland)

Born:  20 May 1951 in Zurich, Switzerland


                                        German, English, French


1957-1963                      Primary School at Rickenbach/Schwyz, Switzerland.

1963-1971                      "Gymnasium" (grammar school) at Einsiedeln, Switzerland.

1971-1972                      Legal studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Fribourg/CH.

1972-1976                      Legal studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Bern/CH.

June 1976                        Lic. iur. (summa cum laude)

1976-1977                      Training (at a court and a law firm) for the bar exam (Canton of


Aug. 1979                        Member of the bar (Rechtsanwalt) of the Canton of Schwyz

Feb. 1982                        Dr. iur. (summa cum laude).  Dissertation received Theodor-Kocher

                                        and Walter‑Hug‑Foundation awards.

1983-1984                      Postgraduate studies at Harvard Law School, Cambridge/USA.

June 1984                        LL.M. (Harvard Law School).

1984-1985                      Visiting researcher at Harvard Law School.

June 1985                        "Privatdozent" (university lecturer), Faculty of Law, University of Bern.

Professional activities

1978-1982                      Assistant at the Institute of Public Law of the University of Bern

                                        (Prof. J.P. Müller; part-time) and council for refugees and

                                        asylum‑seekers on behalf of a non‑governmental organization


Since Oct. 1985               Professor of constitutional and international public law at the Faculty of

                                        Law and Economics of the University of Bern (full professor

                                        "Professor ordinarius" since April 1988).

1995-1996                      Dean of the Faculty and Head of Legal Department, respectively.

Nov. 1992-Mar. 1993     Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Fribourg

          and                        (Switzerland).

Nov. 1993-July 1994

Additional professional experience

            On several occasions, served as expert for the Swiss Parliament and the Swiss Federal Administration (on questions of refugee law, human rights, foreign policy including development related topics, total revision of Swiss Constitution), for several cantonal and communal governments (on questions of federalism and local self-government), for non‑governmental organizations (on questions of refugees, internally displaced persons, human rights and development) and for the United Nations (on questions of human rights, refugee law, internal displacement and decentralization), including the following:

Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights on the Situation of Human Rights in Kuwait under Iraqi occupation (1991/92).

Consultant to SDC (Swiss Development Corporation) (in Nepal 1992 - today, in Pakistan since 1998 - today, in India 1999, in Kyrgyzstan 2001).

Consultant to UNDP (decentralization in Jordan 1994 and Lebanon 1997, in Pakistan since 1998).

Expert of the German Constitutional Court in its asylum cases (1995/96).

Consultant to UNHCR (on several occasions, including studies on temporary protection 1996, and on supervisory mechanisms 2001; regular teacher at UNHCR's Refugee Law Courses in San Remo).

Consultant to UNHCHR (in Indonesia 2000, on legislation in East Timor 2001-2002).

Chair of the group of legal experts assisting the United Nations Representative on Internal Displacement, Dr. Francis Deng, in the preparation of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement.  Author of Annotations to the Principles.  Coordinator of studies on compatibility of national legislation with Guiding Principles in South Caucasus (2001‑2002).

Consultant to IOM (2002).

Member of Swiss federal commissions of experts responsible for drafting a new asylum act (1990, 1993-1995), for drafting new legislation on the organization of the Swiss federal judicial system (1993-1995), for developing a new migration policy (1996).  Chairman of commission of experts on the constitutional reform of the Swiss judicial system (1995) and member of the Steering Committee on the Swiss Constitutional Reform (1995-1996).

Consultant to the parliament of the Canton of Bern on a new cantonal constitution; co‑author of the draft articles on human rights (1988-1992).

8.  Mr. Raymond LWANBA KATANSI (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Place and date of birth:  Kanunu, 21 July 1943


Primary education

            Raymond Lwanba Katansi began primary education in the Catholic village close to Lengwe and subsequently in the Catholic Missions of the White Fathers in Makutano and Sola, completing his primary studies in the mountainous eastern region of Katanga, in Lusaka, a village known for having been the venue of the first Petit Séminaire in the Congo at the end of the nineteenth century.

Secondary education

            He began his secondary education in Lusaka, specializing in Greek and Latin.  He studied there for three years, until he passed his Brevet at the end of the fourth Latin year.  He spent the subsequent years, from the third grade to Rhetoric at the Collège Saint‑Grégoire-le-Grand, run by the Benedictine monks, in Elisabethville, now Lubumbashi, from 1961 to 1964, when he obtained his Certificat Homologué (Baccalaureate).

University education

            On 1 December 1964, he left for France, where he joined the Law Faculty of the University of Paris.  He then began a long and brilliant university career, with the following results:

            1.         Law degree at the University of Paris (1964-1968);

            2.         Diploma of advanced studies in public law and political science (1968-1970);

            3.         State doctorate in law:  University of Paris (1970-1973).

Post graduate studies

1.         Certificate of advanced studies of the Technical Banking Institute at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers of Paris (1969-1971);

2.         Diploma of the Institute of Higher International Studies of the University of Paris (1970‑1972);

3.         Studies at the International University of Comparative Science of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (April 1973 session:  "Rural leases"; August 1973 session:  "Corporate groups and multinational companies") (1973);

4.         Visiting Fulbright - Hayes Researcher, Harvard Institute for International Development, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachussetts, United States of America (Public Enterprise in the Developing Countries).

Current occupations

1.         Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN) since 1974;

2.         Barrister at the Court of Appeal of Kinshasa/Gombe since 1974.

Professional experience


(a)        As university professor

1.         Visiting professor at the University of Marien Ngouabi of the Congo and of the Association of Wholly or Partly French Language Universities (AUPELF) (1976‑1977);

2.         Visiting professor at the Harvard Institute for International Development, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (1979).


(b)        As expert

1.         Member of the Standing Committee on Congolese Law (Zaire)/Ministry of Justice;

2.         Member of the Committee for the Reform of Social Security/Ministry of Labour and Social Security;

3.         Member of the Committee against Fraud and Contraband/Ministry of Finance;

4.         Chairperson of the Inter-ministerial Committee responsible for implementing international human rights covenants/Ministry of Citizens' Rights and Liberties.

(c)        As Ministerial Adviser

1.         Senior Adviser at the Ministry of Citizens' Rights and Liberties (1986-1991);

2.         Legal Adviser at the Ministry for the Civil Service (1991);

3.         Adviser on Cooperation at the Ministry of Finance (1992).

(d)        Enterprise management

1.         Trainee at the Crédit Lyonnais de France/Paris (1970);

2.         Legal Adviser for the Economat du Peuple (Public Enterprise) (1974);

3.         Legal Adviser to the Central Bank of the Congo (BCC) (1974);

4.         Chairman and Managing Director at the Banque de Crédit Agricole (BCA) (1992).

(e)        Government posts

1.         Minister for Mining (1980-1982);

2.         Minister for Culture and the Arts (1982).

Specific human rights experience

            (a)        Senior Adviser  at the Ministry of Citizens' Rights and Liberties (1986-1991);

            (b)        Chairperson of the Inter-ministerial Committee responsible for implementing international human rights covenants (1986-1991);

            (c)        Member or Head of the Congolese Delegation to sessions of the:  United Nations Committee on Civil and Political Rights, Geneva (1987-1991); United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva (1987-1991).

9.  Mr. Jean Pierre MAVUNGU (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Date and place of birth:  22 December 1956 in Nsumbi (Lower Congo)


1992-1995:      Public Law Agrégation/University of Fribourg (Switzerland)


                        Visiting researcher at the University of Columbia (New York) and at McGill      University (Montreal)

1992:               Doctorate in Law (special subject:  Public International Law)/University of         Fribourg

1987:               Diploma of Advanced International Studies/University Institute of Advanced      International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland

1980:               Diploma of the National School of Public Administration/Law Degree at the       Mohamed V University of Rabat (Morocco)

1976:               State Degree (Science A Section)

1963-1976:      Primary and secondary education in Boma and Kimpese (Lower Congo).

Professional activities and traineeships

1995-2001:      Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Kinshasa/Department of                  Public International Law and International Relations

1996-2001:      Visiting professor at the Faculty of Political and Administrative Science of the                 University of Kinshasa

1997-2001:      Professor at the Law Faculty of the Protestant University of the Congo/Head of                         Public Law Department

1990-1995:      Assistant-professor then Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University                         of Fribourg (Switzerland)

1989-1990:      Scientific adviser at the Centre for Advanced Studies for Modern Africa and Asia                      (CHEAM), Paris, France

1978:               Trainee at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of                     Morocco

1979:               Trainee at the Ministry of Finance of Morocco

Positions in Morocco

1998-1999:      Director of the Office of the Minister for Human Rights

2000-2001:      Director at REGIDESO

June 2000:        Member of the selection panel for candidates to the Constituent and Legislative              Assembly


April 2001:       Director of the Office of the Minister for Human Rights


March 2001:                Member of the Congolese delegation to the fifty-seventh session of the

United Nations Commission on Human Rights (Geneva)

September 1999:          Member of the Congolese delegation to the fifty-fourth session of the

United Nations General Assembly (New York)

March-April 1999:       Member of the Congolese delegation to the fifty-fifth session of the

United Nations Commission on Human Rights (Geneva)

March 1999:                Adviser for the Democratic Republic of the Congo at the African

                                    Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (Dakar)

March 1998:                Resource person at the ICJ/ADB Regional Seminar on the promotion of

economic, social and cultural rights in Africa (Abidjan)


10.  Mr. Hipólito SOLARI YRIGOYEN (Argentina)

Born 23 July 1933 in Buenos Aires

Lawyer (University of Buenos Aires)

PhD in Law and Social Sciences (University of Buenos Aires)

Degree in Superior Studies in International Economy (Paris University, Sorbonne)

Degree from International Centre for Superior Studies of Journalism of Latin America (CIESPAL, Quito, Ecuador)

Degree in Spanish Information (Institute of Spanish Cooperation, Madrid, Spain)

National Senator of the Argentine Republic (1973-1976 and 1987-1995)

Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary acting as ambassador-at-large of the Argentine Republic (1983-1987)

Secretary of State and Presidential Adviser (1983-1987)

Member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.  Elected for the period 1999-2002 (New York and Geneva)

Vice-Chairman of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.  Elected for the period 2001‑2002

Member of the Committee for the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, second session that will be held in September 2001

Representing the Human Rights Committee; attended and was speaker at the Preparatory Committee for the World Conference against Racism.  Geneva, May 2000 and May 2001 and during the Preparatory Conference of the Americas, Santiago, Chile, December 2000

President of "Nuevos Derechos del Hombre - Internacional" (Buenos Aires and Paris), ONG in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council

President of "Nuevos Derechos del Hombre"- Buenos Aires - Argentina

Member of the International Commission of Jurists (Geneva, Switzerland)

Head of the Argentine Delegations to the Inter-Parliamentary Conferences held in Guatemala (1988), Budapest (1989) and Canberra (1993); attending as delegate to the 16 conferences held between 1988 and 1995

President of the Human Rights Committee of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (Geneva, Switzerland) between 1988 and 1993

President of the Legal, Legislative Affairs and Human Rights Commission of the Inter‑Parliamentary Union (1993-1995)

President of the Humanitarian Law Commission of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (1993-1995)

President of the Peace Commission of the Inter-Parliamentary Union for Bosnia-Herzegovina and other territories of the former Yugoslav Republic (1994)

Chaired the session of the Inter-Parliamentary Symposium "The Parliament, guardian of the human rights", organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (Budapest, Hungary, 1993)

Representative of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and was speaker at the World Human Rights Conference, United Nations, Vienna, 1994.  At the same Assembly was head of delegation of New Men's Rights

Representative of the Inter-Parliamentary Union at the Red Cross World Conference (Geneva, 1995)

Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Argentine Senate (1987-1995)

Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate

Vice-Chairman of the Latin American Inter-Parliamentary Commission on Human Rights (Santiago, Chile) (1991-1995)

While Senator was victim of two attempts against his life by the terrorist organization "Alianza Anticomunista Argentina" ("Triple A").  Both with bombs.  The first one destroyed his car and caused serious injuries.  While the second destroyed his house and provoked light injuries

After the military coup in 1976, he suffered a third attack.  Was "declared missing" and finally detained as a political prisoner without judgement until he was expelled from his country.  He lived exiled in Paris, France during six years.  Persecutions suffered were as a consequence of his parliamentary and extra-parliamentary fight for the enjoyment and respect of human rights

Accomplished humanitarian missions for Amnesty International (London), for the Inter‑Parliamentary Union (Geneva) and for the International Commission of Jurists (Geneva)

Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson Center (Washington) in order to write an inquiry about Human Rights.  On that occasion he wrote the book "Human Rights.  Evolution in the last half century (1948-1998)"

Awarded with the Legion of Honour of the Republic of France (class Commander)

Grand Cross of the Italian Republic (class Commander)

Order to the Merit, Federal Republic of Germany (class Grand Cross)

Order Bernardo O'Higgins, from the Chilean Republic (class Grand Cross)

Order de Infante Dom Henrique de Portugal (class Grand Official)

11.  Eduardo VILLANUEVA SAGASTUME (Honduras)

Place and date of birth:  Honduras, 15 March 1947

Higher education

            Degree in legal and social sciences

            Independent National University of Honduras (UNAH), 26 March 1976

Positions Held

1.         Deputy Director-General of the Honduran Department of Public Prosecution (1999 to date)

            Supervisor of Honduran public prosecutors

            Administration, coordination and supervision of the activity of public prosecutors for ordinary offences and for the specialized sections of human rights, the environment, ethnic groups and cultural heritage, the rights of women, children, the disabled and the elderly, consumers' rights, anti‑corruption, organized crime and defence of the Constitution.

            Representative of the Department of Public Prosecution on behalf of the Attorney‑General of the Republic on the:  National Council for Internal Security (CONASIN); Bi-national Commission on frontier affairs between Honduras and El Salvador, Honduran section; Committee on the monitoring of national reconstruction and transformation; sectoral efficiency and transparency round table (STOCKHOLM Group); member of the negotiating team for cooperation programmes between the Inter‑American Development Bank (IDB) and the Public Prosecution Department; delegate at the Foro Nacional de Convergencia (FONAC); liaison between civil society organizations and the Department of Public Prosecution.

            Representative of Honduras to deposit the instrument of ratification of the Convention concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries, at the ILO, Geneva, Switzerland (1995); to lodge a request for the return of cultural assets illegally transferred abroad, at the headquarters of UNESCO, Paris, France (1996); and to submit the progress report of the State of Honduras under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1999).

2.         Special Procurator for the protection of ethnic minorities and the preservation of the archaeological and cultural heritage of Honduras (1994-1999).

            Activities included:

            Investigation and prosecution of persons guilty of offences against indigenous members of the Tolupan people, part of the Federation of Indigenous Xicaques de Yoro tribes (FETRIXY); legal action to defend the land rights of Garifuna black people in Triunfo de la Cruz, department of Atlántida, and in Cristales and Rio Negro in Trujillo,

department of Colón, belonging to the Black Honduran Brotherhood Association (OFRANEH); and legal action for the defence of the human rights of other indigenous peoples belonging to the Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Honduras (CONPAH).

            Enquiry into the cultural roots of the Chortí, Lenca and Tawahka indigenous peoples, who portrayed their position in Honduran society through the documentaries "Compostura del Maiz Común" (Lencas), "The Maya yesterday and today" (Chortís) and "In the heart of the Tawahka Forest" (Tawahkas).

3.         National Agrarian Institute:  adviser to the management (1992):  Chief of the land assignment and adjudication division (1988-1991); regional chief of agrarian affairs, Aguán River district 1987; agrarian procurator (peasants' Ombudsman), 1983-1986.

4.         Supreme Court of Justice (1979-1983):  Sectional Judge, La Ceiba, department of Atlántida; Departmental Judge, Ocotepeque, department of Ocotepeque; Departmental Judge, Nacaome, department of Valle; Departmental Judge, Puerto Lempira, Gracias a Dios.


Participation at:

Regional Conference against money laundering, 6-9 March 2002, Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala, Central America.

XII Integrated Seminar on the Public Prosecution Department and the Citizen's Council,

Ocotepeque, Ocotepeque, 29-30 January 1999.

Aspects of Investigation into Environmental Cases (16 hours), Choluteca,

Choluteca, 14 September 1999. 

Aspects of Research into Environmental Cases, Ocotepeque, Ocotepeque, 29 October 1999.

Participation of judges in the enforcement of environmental law, Tegucigalpa,

M.D.C., 25 February 1999.

International Congress of Criminal Sciences, Havana, Cuba, 17-20 November 1998. 

Organizational development (30 hours), Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., 23-25 July 1998.

Project Management (40 hours), Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., 16-24 October 1998.

Meso-American Meeting of leaders and authorities on local government and indigenous rights,

Quezaltenango, Guatemala, 3-6 July 1998.

Consumer Rights in the Framework of Democracy, Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., 19 March 1998.

First International Summit of Mayan Dignitories, Cancún, Q. Roo, Mexico,

23‑25 November 1997.

Indigenous Peoples and the State in Latin America, Andean University Simón Bolivar, Quito,

Ecuador, July 1997.

Aspects of Case Monitoring and Management Organisation, Centre for the Administration of

Justice, Florida International University, U.S.A., August 1996.

Intellectual Property Supervision, Secretariat for Economic Integration, Department of Public Prosecution and Regional Centre for Book Publication in Latin America and the Caribbean,

Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., 31 March-2 April 1998.

Environment and Corruption, Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., 24-25 September 1997.

Criminal Law and Forensic Medicine, Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., 12-13 June 1997.

Case Handling and Organizational Aspects (24 hours), Centre for the Administration of Justice,

Florida International University, U.S.A., Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., 22 September 1995.

New Criminal Trial (20 hours), Department of Public Prosecution, Tegucigalpa,

M.D.C., 12 May 1995.

Logical Framework and Drafting (16 hours), Department of Public Prosecution, Tegucigalpa,

M.D.C., 12 May 1995.

Modernization of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Honduras, College of Barristers, Supreme Court of Justice, Department of Public Prosecution and UNAH Law Faculty,

19‑20 October 1994.

First Central American Congress of Central American Anthropology in the Face of Global Change:  Identities, Ethnicity and Violence (40 hours), University of Costa Rica,

3‑7 October 1994.

Access to Land, Security of Tenure and Investment in the Sustained Productive Use of Natural

Resources, Centre for Land Tenure, University of Wisconsin, U.S.A., 27-29 August 1990.

Agrarian Reform and Rural Development, National Agrarian Institute, Tegucigalpa,

M.D.C., 8 April 1989.

Law and Agrarian Justice, Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD), National Agrarian Institute, Tegucigalpa,

M.D.C., 21 June 1989.

12.  Ms. Ruth WEDGWOOD (United States of America)

Languages      English and French

Key qualifications

Yale University Law School, Professor of International, Constitutional and Criminal Law

John Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Edward Burling Professor

of International Law and Diplomacy

Hague Academy of International Law, Netherlands, Co-Director of Studies

Council on Foreign Relations, Senior Fellow for International Law and Organizations

United States Institute of Peace, Washington D.C., Guest Scholar

American Society of International Law, Chair of Research Committee

International Law Association, American Branch, Vice-President

United Nations Association-U.S.A., International Policy Advisory Committee

Board of Editors, American Journal of International Law

Board of Editors, World Policy Journal (New School for Social Research)

Former law clerk to Mr. Justice Harry A. Blackmun, Supreme Court of the U.S.

Former law clerk to Judge Henry J. Friendly, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

Former prosecutor and chief of staff, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice

Specialist in criminal justice reform

Independent expert for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Academic expert on peacekeeping, international criminal court, post-conflict reconstruction

Details of professional experience

Edward B. Burling Professor of International Law and Diplomacy, and Director, Program on International Law and Organizations, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies,

John Hopkins University, Washington D.C., 2001-2003 (on leave from Yale)

Professor of International, Constitutional and Criminal Law, Yale Law School, since 1986

Professor, United Nations Studies Programme

Faculty Adviser, Academic Council on the United Nations System

Faculty Fellow, Institution on Social and Political Studies

Provost's Review Committee, Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Writing Casebook on International Criminal Law, Foundation Press

Courses taught at Yale:

Public International Law; International Human Rights Law; International Criminal Law; International Arbitration; United Nations and International Security; Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice; Constitutional Control of Foreign Affairs Power; Federal Criminal Procedure

13.  Mr. Roman WIERUSZEWSKI (Poland)

Born:  Gliwice/Poland, 9 April 1947


1969                Master of Law, Adam Mickiewicz University

1973                Doctor of Political Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University

1984                Habilitated Doctor of Law, Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy

                        of Studies

professional and academic position
Associated Professor in the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Director of the Poznan Human Rights Centre

Member of the Polish Refugee Board

OSCE Human Rights Expert

Member of the Poznan Bar

previous academic and professional experiences

1969-1974       Assistant Teacher of Theory of Law and Political Sciences,

                        Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan

1974                Graduate of the Spring Session of the International Faculty of Comparative Law,


1975-1985       Assistant Professor, Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences

1978-1979       Research scholar at the London School of Economic and Political Sciences

1980                Participant at the Leyden-Amsterdam-Columbia Summer Programme in

                        American Law

1983                Participant of the Teaching Session of the Hague Academy of International Law

1984                Participant of the XV Study Session of the International Institute of

                        Human Rights in Strasbourg and XII Session of the International Centre

                        for University Human Rights Teaching

1986                Participant of the Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and

                        International Relations of the Hague Academy of International Law

1987                United Nations-Human Rights Fellowship in Norway and Sweden

1988/1992       Visiting research fellow at the Institute of International Law,

                        Ludwig‑Maximilian University Munich

                        Lectures at Marbourg, Mainz and Bochum Universities

1989-1992       Expert of the Polish Parliamentary Constitutional Committee

1990                Amnesty International Trial Monitoring in Ukraine

1991/1992       Participant of the OSCE Human Rights Fact Finding Missions

                        to the former Yugoslavia

1990-1995       Director of the Foundation - Human Rights Promotion and Research in Poznan

1992-1995       Head of the Former Yugoslavia Unit in the United Nations Centre

                        for Human Rights - Geneva

1996-1998       Chief of the Mission of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

                        Field Operation in the former Yugoslavia - Sarajevo

1998-2000       Member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee


English, Russian, German, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian.

14.  Ms. Yaffa ZILBERSHATS (Israel)

Born in Tel-Aviv in 1953

Academic education

1998                Tenured at Bar-Ilan University

1992                Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University

1985                Member of the Israeli Bar

1980                LL.M. N.Y.U. International Legal Studies

1977                LL.B. Bar-Ilan University (Cum Laude)

Professional experience - work and public activity

2001-2002       Vice-Dean of the faculty of law at Bar-Ilan University

1988-2002       Teaching International Law, Constitutional Law and Human Rights Law

                        at Bar-Ilan University

1996-1997       Teaching Constitutional Law at the National Security Academy of the

                        Israeli Defense Forces

1995-2002       Academic Adviser of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists


*  The full curricula vitae, containing the addresses of the candidates, lists of publications, lists of decorations and membership in professional and other associations are available in the files of the secretariat.