Meeting of States parties

Twentieth meeting

New York

14 September 2000

                 Election, in accordance with articles 28 to 32 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
of nine members of the Human Rights Committee
to replace those whose terms are due to expire on
31 December 2000

                     Note by the Secretary-General

           In connection with the nomination for election to the Human Rights Committee contained in document CCPR/SP/56, Add.1 and Add.2, the Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations informed the Secretariat, in a note dated 29 August 2000, that the Government of Kuwait had decided to withdraw the nomination of Mr. Yakoub Youseef al-Mahini as its candidate for the forthcoming elections to the Human Rights Committee. At the same time, it confirmed that Mr. Adil Talib Sayyid Abdullah al-Tabatab'I remained as its candidate.