

6 July 2000

Original: ENGLISH

Election of the Human Rights Committee : . 06/07/2000.
CCPR/SP/56/Add.2. (Meeting of States Parties)

Convention Abbreviation: CCPR
Twentieth meeting
New York
14 September 2000


Note by the Secretary-General

1. In conformity with articles 30, paragraph 4, and of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the twentieth meeting of States parties to the Covenant will be convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters on Thursday, 14 September 2000, for the purpose of electing nine members of the Human Rights Committee from a list of persons nominated by States parties, to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 2000.

2. The curricula vitae of 16 candidates received by 25 May 2000 are reproduced in document CCPR/SP/56.

3. The biographical data of two further candidates, received after 25 May 2000 are reproduced in document CCPR/SP/56/Add.1.

4. The present document contains the biographical data of two further candidates.

Annex I


NameNominated by
Edgar Montaño PardoBolivia
Luis Alberto Varela Quirós Costa Rica

Annex II



(Nominated by Bolivia)

Date of birth: 26 February 1949, Apolo, La Paz, Bolivia.

Address: Calle Campos No. 367. Mobile : 012-43352

E-mail: emontano@ceibo.entelnet.bo Telephone: 373823 Fax: 315047; (res) 430428

P.O. Box M-1003

Primary, secondary and university education

1968 High school graduation, Don Bosco High School, La Paz, Bolivia.

1975 Degree in law, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

Postgraduate studies

1975-1977 Degree in diplomatic studies from the Diplomatic Academy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship).

1977-1979 Degree in international studies from the Institute of International Studies of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.


English: Excellent (diploma from University of Michigan, United States).

French: Fair

Legal career

1989-1991 President, High Court of Justice of La Paz.

1989 Magistrate, High Court of Justice of La Paz.

1981-1983 Fourth criminal examining magistrate, District of La Paz.

1980-1981 Registrar, President's Chambers, High Court of Justice of La Paz.

1979-1980 Registrar of Chambers, First Civil Division, High Court of Justice of La Paz.

1977-1978 Examining magistrate, Franz Tamayo Province, Apolo, La Paz.

1970-1972 Officer of the fourth criminal examining court.

Teaching experience

1998- Chair in Public International Law, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

1997-1998 Coordinator, advanced course in criminal procedure, Andean University.

1997 Chair in Economic and Patrimonial Rights, advanced course in corporation law, Simón Bolívar Andean University.

1997 Lecturer in public international law, Faculty of Law, Universidad Mayor

de San Andrés.

1996 Visiting lecturer, one-week seminar on "Trademark and patent registration and protection", Los Andes de La Paz Business School.

1996 6-9 November. Visiting lecturer, seminar on "Trademark and patent registration and protection", Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Santa Cruz de la Sierra Private University.

1995-1996 Chair, Module V (Corporation law), Business and Administration Training Institute (IDEA).

Visiting lecturer, first Postgraduate Programme on Senior Management, "The social, economic and political context of corporations and current progress in technology and administration", sponsored by IDEA.

1992-1997 Chair in Introduction to Law, course for senior experts in foreign trade and customs policy, IDEA.

Positions held

1997-1999 Deputy Minister for Human Rights, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

1994-1995 Consultant, United Nations. PADUM project Bol/94/11.

1992-1993 Adviser to the Executive Board of the Bolivian State Oil Corporation (YPFB) - Vice-Chairman and Acting Legal Director.

1991-1992 External adviser to the National Council for the Reform and Modernization of the Judiciary (CONARE), Office of the Vice-President of the Republic.

1990 Legal expert and consultant, Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders.

1991-1992 External adviser to the Municipality, contracted to establish a system of urban cadastre based on property rights.

1991 Private legal practice.

1989 Adviser, Senate Commission on the Constitution and Justice.

1988 Adviser, Chamber of Deputies Defence Commission.

1984-1985 External legal adviser, Medical Association of Bolivia.

1980-1981 External adviser, Aseguradora Boliviana Agropecuaria agricultural insurance institution.

1980 Adviser, P.L. 480 programme, title III (USAID/Bolivia).

1979-1980 Legal adviser, Ministry of Finance.

Business consultancies

1994-1996 Consultant and official receiver, Empresa Municipal del Transporte Automotor transport company.

1994-1997 External adviser, Corporación Andina Boliviana S.A.

1994-1996 External adviser, Metrobol S.A.

1994-1997 External adviser, Hilbo S.A.

National and international conferences

1998 9-14 September: Speaker, international seminar on "Human rights in the 21st century", Brasilia.

1998 8-10 July: Guest speaker, International Committee of the Red Cross (Argentine Regional Delegation), Course for instructors in human rights and international humanitarian law, for officers of the National Police, and seminar on international humanitarian law for officers of the National Police, La Paz.

1998 25-27 March: Speaker, international seminar on "The Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court: their competencies and their relationship", organized by the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, University of Talca, Talca, Chile.

1998 12-13 March: Speaker, seminar entitled "Introduction to Act No. 1008 and the regulation of controlled substances", organized by the Vice-Ministry for Social Defence of the Ministry of the Interior and the United Nations project for reinforcement of national control of precursors, Tarija.

1998 2-20 February: Speaker, first Seminar-Workshop on Human Rights, organized by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and the Universidad del Valle, Cochabamba.

1998 8-10 January: Speaker, Meeting of Government Experts on Justice of the Americas - "Recommendations for the second Summit of the Americas", organized by the Ministry of Justice of Chile, Santiago, Chile.

1998 11-12 November: Speaker, legal training seminar, organized by the Ibero-American Training Centre, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

1997 1-4 July: Speaker, eighth international course, "Human rights at the dawn of the 21st century: challenges and forecasts", organized by the Andean Commission of Jurists, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

1996 6-9 November: Speaker, practical seminar on "Trademark and patent registration and protection", sponsored by Santa Cruz Private University.

1996 September: Participant, seventh international course, "Justice and human rights in modernization processes", sponsored by the Andean Commission of Jurists and the International Commission of Jurists, Lima, Peru.

1996 September: Speaker, international humanitarian law seminar on "Human rights and refugees", sponsored by the International Committee of the Red Cross, La Paz.

1996 20 February-30 March: Speaker, international seminar convened by the United Nations on "Crime prevention through effective firearms regulation", Tokyo, Japan.

1995 14-18 August: Speaker, international seminar on "The Bolivian Code of Penal

Procedure - its implementation and prospects for change", sponsored by the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

1993 July: Participated as member and rapporteur of the Bolivian Society for Criminal Sciences in the second Multidisciplinary Symposium on Reproductive Rights, sponsored by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Bolivian Society for Criminal Sciences.

1993 12-17 April: Participant and speaker, Andean subregional seminar on "The role of the United Nations in the new international situation", sponsored by the Simón Bolívar Andean University, under the auspices of UNESCO.

1993 27 January: Special guest and speaker, legal clinic on "Alternative systems of legal training: improving questioning techniques", sponsored by USAID/Bolivia, Santa Cruz District High Court, Santa Cruz.

1993 23 January: Special guest and speaker, legal clinic on "Alternative systems of legal training: improving questioning techniques", sponsored by USAID/Bolivia, the National Bar Association and La Paz Department Bar Association.

1992 October: Lecturer, first national refresher and coordination meeting, "Criminal justice and its practice in Bolivia", sponsored by the National Association of Magistrates of Bolivia, on "The use of oral proceedings in civil cases",

High Court of Justice, La Paz.

1991 November: Speaker in workshop-seminar on "Constitutional protection of individual liberty in the Andean region", convened by the Andean Commission of Jurists, Lima, Peru.

1991 April: Speaker, conference on "Cartagena +1", sponsored by the Andean Commission of Jurists, Lima, Peru.


1997 Fundamentos de la Extradición. Principios Generales y el Contexto Boliviano, EDVIL, La Paz.

Various articles in the press on legal topics and topics of national and international interest.

Essays in Revista Boliviana de Ciencias Penales (Bolivian Criminal Science Review):

1998 "Justicia, seguridad ciudadana y derechos humanos"

1997 "El derecho internacional humanitario y los derechos del refugiado"

1996 "Uruguay actuó sin ética diplomática al excarcelar a miembros del MRTA a fin de lograr la liberación de su embajador en el Perú"

1995 "Legislación boliviana y crímenes que se originan en el uso de armas de fuego"

1995 "El Defensor del Pueblo o una realidad boliviana"

1994 "Principios generales de la extradición y legislación boliviana"

1994 "El juicio oral continuo e inmediato y su aplicación en el procedimiento boliviano"

Official functions and other activities

Member and former Secretary-General, Bolivian Academy of International Studies (1984-1986).

President, Bolivian Society for Criminal Sciences.

Director, La Paz Bar Association.

Director, Office of the Ombudsman.

Member, American Bar Association.

Member, Centre for Graduates in International Studies, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

Member, Internationalists Association of Bolivia.

Current work

Private legal practice: director, Society of Multidisciplinary Consulting Lawyers (SACM).

Lecturer in international public law, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

Coordinator, higher postgraduate course in penal procedure law.

Speaker at national and international seminars on subjects relating to the practice of law and law in general.

Contributor to various Bolivian newspapers (La Prensa, Los Tiempos, El Deber).


(Nominated by Costa Rica)

Date of birth: 25 October 1944

Civil status: Married

University studies

1971 Degree in Law, University of Costa Rica.

1971-1972 Postgraduate degree from Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, United States of America.


English: Complete mastery. Centro Cultural Norteamericano and School for International Training, Vermont, United States of America.

French: Reading and understanding. Alianza Cultural Franco-Costarricense.

Current post

Costa Rican ambassador to Colombia.

Positions held

1968-1971 Assistant Chair, Faculty of Law, University of Costa Rica.

1971-1996 Professor of Contract Law and Public International Law, University of Costa Rica.

1973-1981 Representative, United Nations General Assembly.

1973-1974 Official, Costa Rican Bar Association.

1973-1976 Protocol Attaché for United Nations matters, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship.

1973-1980 Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship.

1974-1976 Adviser, Department of Technical Services, Legislative Assembly.

1978 Director, Costa Rican Institute for Aqueducts and Drains.

1979-1981 Alternate Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations.

1978 Secretary, Commission on the Transfer of Power.

1978, 1990 Tutor in international organizations, pre-university course for senior Foreign Service officials, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship.

1979 Vice-President, Special Political and Decolonization Committee of the United Nations General Assembly.

1980 Head of the delegation of Costa Rica and Vice-President, sixth emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly.

1980-1982 Representative of Costa Rica, Commission on Human Rights.

1981 Member of the delegation of Costa Rica, United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, New York.

1981-1988 Member of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.

1982-1998 External lawyer and notary, Bank of Costa Rica and National Bank of Costa Rica.

1985 Member of the National Preparatory Committee for the Fortieth Anniversary of the United Nations, appointed by the Government.

1986 Special adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship on the response to Nicaragua's claim in the International Court of Justice.

1988 Representative, forty-fourth session of the Commission on Human Rights.

1988-1990 Member, Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.

1988-1991 President, Costa Rican Academy of International Law. Honorary Consul for Pakistan in Costa Rica. President and founder member of Asesores Legales Internacionales, a legal firm specializing in advising foreign investors in Costa Rica.

1989-1990 Tutor in international organizations and human rights, Manuel María de Peralta Institute of the Foreign Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship.

1989-1991 Special Rapporteur, Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.

1990 Vice-Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Costa Rica.

1990-1991 Director, Manuel María de Peralta Institute of the Foreign Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship.

1990-1998 External lawyer and notary, Costa Rican Social Security Fund.

1991 Tutor in human rights, University for Peace.

1995-1998 Tutor in international law, Escuela Libre de Derecho. Member, Costa Rican United Nations Association; Costa Rican International Law Association "Phillipe C. Jessup"; American Society of International Law.


"Derechos del hombre: un nuevo modo de acceso al espacio público", Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas, 1984.

"Consideraciones en torno a la demanda de Nicaragua contra Costa Rica ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia", Revista Fragua, October 1986.

"El Servicio Exterior de Costa Rica", Revista Fragua, November 1986.

"La labor de la Sub-Comisión de Protección a las Minorías durante 1988", Revista del Instituto de Derechos Humanos, No. 10.

"Francisco de Vittoria, precursor del derecho internacional", Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas, No. 66, 1990.

"Los Organos del Estado en sus relaciones internacionales", Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas, No. 69, 1991.

"Posibilidad y esencia del derecho natural", Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas, No. 71, 1992.

"La tortura y otros tratos y penas crueles, inhumanos o degradantes", Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas, No. 77, 1994.

Las Fuentes del Derecho Internacional, Editorial Temis, Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia, 1995.

"El derecho de retención", Boletín Informativo de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, No. 21.

"El Parlamento Centroamericano", Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, No. 31, Universidad Nacional de Heredia.

"Informe para la Comisión Especial que Estudia la Solicitud de Levantamiento del Privilegio Constitucional del Diputado Rodolfo Piza Escalante", Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas.

"La labor del Comité de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas", Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional, Heredia.

Co-authored publications

Eight reports on enforced or involuntary disappearances, submitted to the Commission on Human Rights between 1980 and 1988.

Four reports submitted to the Commission on Human Rights on the question of enforced disappearances in Mexico, Guatemala, Bolivia and Peru.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland

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