

18 June 1998

Original: ENGLISH

Elections of the Human Rights Committee : . 18/06/98.
CCPR/SP/51. (Meeting of States Parties)

Convention Abbreviation: CCPR
Eighteenth meeting
New York
10 September 1998


Note by the Secretary-General

1. In conformity with articles 30, paragraph 4, and 32 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the eighteenth meeting of States parties to the Covenant will be convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters on Thursday, 10 September 1998, for the purpose of electing nine members of the Human Rights Committee from a list of persons nominated by States parties (annex I), to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 1998 (annex II). The names of the other nine members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 31 December 2000 appear in annex III.

2. In accordance with article 30, paragraph 2, and article 34 of the Covenant, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 10 March 1998, invited the States parties to submit, in conformity with article 29 of the Covenant, their nominations for the election of nine members of the Committee within three months, i.e. by 10 June 1998.

3. Annex IV contains the curricula vitae of the persons nominated.

Annex I


  Name of candidatesNominated by
Mr. Abdelfattah AMORTUNISIA
Mr. Prafullachandra Natwarlal BHAGWATIINDIA
Mr. Driss Idrissi BICHRMOROCCO
Mr. Herman Leonard DE SILVASRI LANKA
Mr. Lebohang Fine MAEMALESOTHO

Annex II


  Mr. Nisuke ANDOJAPAN
Mr. Prafullachandra Natwarlal BHAGWATIINDIA

Annex III



Annex IV


First name: Abdelfattah

Last name: AMOR

Date and place of birth: 4 March 1943 in Ksar-Hellal (Tunisia)


- Assistant University Professor from 1970 to 1979

- University Professor since 1979

- "Agrégé" in Public Law and Political Sciences (1974)

- Doctor of Law (1973), Tunis

- Visiting Professor to: Paris I, Paris V, Nantes, Limoges, Dijon, Annaba, Rabat, Casablanca, Fès, Tokyo, Kyoto, Louvain-La Neuve


- Honorary Dean of the Faculty of legal, political and social sciences of Tunis since 1993

- Dean of the Faculty of legal, political and social sciences of Tunis (1987-1993)

- Member of the Constitutional Council (1987-1992)

- Vice-Dean of the Faculty of law and political sciences of Tunis (1980-1984)

- Director of the Unit of studies and researches in law and political sciences in the Faculty of law of Tunis (1978-1979)


- Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights of the United Nations on religious intolerance since 1993

- Secretary-General Founder (1984-1988) and then President of the International Academy of Constitutional Law since 1996

- Member of the Committee of the network "Fundamental Rights" of l'Aupelf-UREF since 1993

- Vice President (1987-1993) and then Co-President of the International Association of International Law (1993-1995)

- President of the Tunisian Association of Constitutional Law since 1982

- Expert to the League of Arab States (1979-1983)


- Constitutional Law and Political Sciences

- Human Rights and Public Liberties

- History of Political Ideas

- Administrative Law

- International Law and International Relations

- Law of Environment


Author of:

- Many publications of Public Law and especially Constitutional Law

- Many articles in the different branches of Law and especially in Constitutional Law and Human Rights


- Ordre de la République (Tunisia)

- Ordre du mérite de l'éducation (Tunisia)

- Many decorations awarded by foreign universities


Dr. Nisuke ANDO

Date of birth: 6 August 1935

March 1959: LL.B., Department of Law, Kyoto University

March 1961: LL.M., Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University

September 1962- Grantee, All-Expense Graduate Study, Fulbright Commission

June 1964:

June 1963: M.A., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

June 1964: M.A. in Law and Diplomacy, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

April 1965: Lecturer, Faculty of General Education, Kyoto University

August 1968: Associate Professor, Faculty of General Education, Kyoto University

August 1968- Frequently attended conferences and meetings of World

July 1979: Association of World Federalists as its Council and Executive Committee Member

September 1969- Researcher at US National Archives and Records Service,

October 1970: Fulbright Commission

June 1971: Ph.D., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

May 1972: Attended twenty-fourth session of the United Nations International Law Commission as an Observer for the Japanese Government

May 1975: Attended twenty-seventh session of the same Commission in the same capacity

September 1976- British Council Fellow at London School of Economics and

August 1978: Political Science

September 1977: Participant, Research Center of the Hague Academy of International Law

April 1981- Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law,

March 1990 Kobe University

March 1984-1987 Elected Alternate Member, United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities

February 1985: Member, Planning Committee, International Institute for Advanced Studies (Japan)

October 1985: Member, Council, Japanese Society of International Law

January 1987- Elected Member, Rapporteur (1991-1992) and Chairman

(up to now) (1993-1994), Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

April 1990- Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law,

March 1998 Kyoto University

January 1993 Judge, Administrative Tribunal, International Monetary Fund

(up to now)

January 1997 Member, Council for Protection and Promotion of Human

(up to now) Rights, Ministry of Justice, Japan

October 1997 President, Japanese Association of International Law

(up to now)

April 1998 Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law,

(up to now) Doshisha University

Principal publications

1997: Introduction to International Human Rights Law (Co-author, Yushindo, Tokyo)

1996: Digest of Japanese Practice in International Law Part IV: Diplomatic and Consular Relations (Co-editor, Keio University Press, Tokyo).

1995: "Some Critical Observations on the International Law Commission's Draft Articles on State Responsibility", Asian Year-book of International Law, vol. 5, pp. 125-144.

1994: "Achievements and Problems of International Protection of Human Rights", Kokusai Mondai (Japanese Institute of International Relations), No. 404, pp. 36-46.

1993: "Public Welfare as a Restricting Ground on Human Rights", Kyoto Law Review, vol. 132, Nos. 4, 5, 6, pp. 51-66.

1992: "The Future of Monitoring Bodies - Limitations and Possibilities of the Human Rights Committee", pp. 169-176, in University of Ottawa, Canadian Human Rights Yearbook 1991-1992.

1991: Surrender, Occupation, and Private Property in International Law (Oxford University Press).

1990: Digest of Japanese Practice in International Law Part III: Territory (Co-Editor Keio Tsushin, Tokyo).

1989: "The Kokaryo Incident and International Law", pp. 240-279, in Festschrift für Kanae Taijudo (Toshindo, Tokyo).

1988: Digest of Japanese Practice in International Law Part II: Restoration of Official Relations and Recognition of Governments (Co-Editor, Keio Tshushin, Tokyo).

1987: The Tokyo War Crimes Trial: An International Symposium (Co-Editor, Kodan-sha International, Tokyo).

1986: Basic Documents of International Organizations (Co-Editor, Toshin-do, Tokyo).

1985: "The Recognition of Governments Reconsidered", Japanese Annual of International Law, No. 28, pp. 29-46.

1984: The Tokyo Trial after Thirty-Five Years, A Critical Re-Appraisal (Co-Editor, Kodan-sha, Tokyo).

1983: Digest of Japanese Practice in International Law Part I: Recognition of States (Co-Author, Nihon Kokusai Mondai Kenkyu-sha, Tokyo).

1981: "Pollution Prevention in International Rivers and Lakes", L. Caflisch and R. Zacklin (Eds.) The Legal Regime of International Rivers and Lakes (Nijhoff, The Hague), pp. 331-370.

1980: Textbook of International Law (Co-Author, Yuhikaku, Tokyo).

1979: Foundations of International Law (Co-Author, Seirin Shobo, Tokyo).

1977: A Study of International Law (Co-Author, Yuhikaku, Tokyo).

1976: "Recent Works of the International Law Commission", Jurist (Yuhikaku, Tokyo), No. 622, pp. 122-128.

1975: Japanese Association of International Law Dictionary of International Law (Assistant to the Editor, Kashima Shuppan-kai, Tokyo)

1974: "China in the United Nations", China Year Book 1975 (Asian Research Institute, Tokyo), pp. 257-262.

1973: "A Critical Appraisal of Garcia-Amador's Reports on State Responsibility", Festschrift für S. Tabata (Yushin-do, Tokyo), pp. 277-308.

1972: "Japanese Surrender and the Allied Occupation of Japan in International Law", Kokusai Mondai (Nihon Kokusai Mondai Kenkyu-sha, Tokyo), No. 147, pp. 15-25.

1969: Japanese Encyclopaedia of Social Science (Assistant to the Editor, Kashima Kenkyu-sha, Tokyo).

1968: Review of the World Conference of the World Association of World Federalists", Kokusai Seiji (Japanese Association of International Politics, Tokyo), 1967, pp. 165-173.

1967: "The Sino-Indian Boundary Dispute in International Law", ibid., vol. 1, pp. 103-145.

1966: "Chinese Representation in the United Nations", Festschrift für R. Taoka (Yuhikaku, Tokyo), vol. 3, pp. 85-135.

1964: "Indonesian Nationalization of Dutch Property", Taoka and Tabata (Eds.) Nationalization of Foreign Property and International Law (Nihon Kokusai Mondai Kenkyu-sha), pp. 97-141.

1961: "On Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources", Kokusaiho Gaiko Zasshi (Japanese Association of International Law, Tokyo), vol. 60, pp. 137-154.



Date and Place of Birth: 20 August 1939, Georgia

Nationality: Georgian

Family Status: Widow, no children

Languages: English, Russian, German

Current Position: Deputy Secretary of the National Security Council of Georgia on Human Rights

Education: 1961, Tbilisi State University, Diploma in Mathematices;

Degree: Ph.D. in physics and mathematics;


Mrs. Rusudan Beridze is a highly qualified expert in mathematics and has been working as Professor of Tbilisi State University since 1967.

However she is better known as an active participant of the national-liberation movement of Georgia and an avid defender of human rights.

Having grown up in a family repressed by the communist regime (her father was executed in 1942), she was repeatedly intimidated and persecuted by the same system at a later stage. Mrs. Beridze continued her struggle against the violations of human rights during the Soviet regime. Mrs. Beridze carried out dissident activities together with her husband, Mr. Merab Kostava, a well-known dissident and the human rights activist. In 1977, he was arrested and tortured in Soviet labour camps for 10 years. Mrs. Beridze accompanied him in different places of imprisonment and exile.

In 1987, Merab Kostava became a leader of the national-liberation movement of Georgia. After his death, he was proclaimed as a national hero by the Georgian people in 1989. The only son of Mrs. Beridze and Merab Kostava tragically died in 1985.

Since the independence of Georgia, Mrs. Rusudan Beridze has continued her struggle against the gross violations of the rights of oppositional political parties and national minorities.

In May-October of 1992, Mrs. Beridze was a member of the State Council of Georgia and Chief Adviser on Holding of Democratic and Pluralistic Elections.

During the same year Mrs. Beridze was also elected as a member of the Parliament of Georgia and became the Vice-Speaker of this legislative body.

In 1995 Mrs. Beridze worked as Chairman of the Commission for Clemency. At that time the situation in correctional facilities was grave. Mrs. Beridze worked hard for the improvement of the living conditions in these facilities, visiting prisoners and exerting influence for the protection of their rights.

In April of 1997 Mrs. Beridze was appointed Deputy Secretary of the National Security Council of Georgia on Human Rights Issues. Now she supervises the implementation of the Presidential Orders and Decrees related to the human rights situation in law enforcement institutions, executive bodies and in military forces, exposes the cases of violations of human rights, on the basis of complaints of citizens and on her own initiative.

Under Mrs. Berdize's guidance, cases of some 2,000 prisoners were submitted for clemency and were approved by the President of Georgia.

Mrs. Beridze has prepared the drafts of Presidential Orders and Decrees, namely those of the Decrees:

"On the Measures to Strengthen the Protection of Human Rights in Georgia", (3.6.1997)

"On Pardoning 54 Persons Sentenced to Death", (24.7.1997)

"On Measures to Strengthen the Cooperation with the International Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda", (13.8.1997)

"On Measures to Celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" etc. (15.1.1998)

Mrs. Beridze played an important role and significantly influenced the decision on the abolition of capital punishment in Georgia.

Being a widely educated person, Mrs. Beridze performs important educational activities in the field of human rights. She publishes articles and studies in this field, frequently makes broadcasts on this matter. She has supervised the edition of the English version of the Constitution of Georgia. Mrs. Beridze lectures in schools and universities, actively participates at different forums on human rights issues.

The President of Georgia has appointed Mrs. Beridze Chairman of the State Commission for the elaboration of the State Policy on Women. She leads gender policy in Georgia.

Mrs. Beridze is the Coordinator of the National United Nations Project on Strengthening Capacities and Infrastructure for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. (Presidential Order 16.7.1997.)

In the above capacity, Mrs. Beridze has earned a high reputation of the defender of human rights in Georgia, having considered about 500 cases on violation of human rights. Her major contribution is the strengthening of the human rights institution in a newly independent Georgia, where at a time of hardship, the resolution on human rights issues assumed overriding importance.

International Activities

1993 The Head of the Delegation of the Members of the Georgian Parliament to the United States

1995 The Head of the Delegation of Georgia to the Parliament Assembly of Europe, Vienna

1995 The Head of the Delegation of Georgia to the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing

1997 The guest of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva

1997 The member of the Delegation of Georgia to the twenty-ninth session of UNESCO, Paris

1998 The member of the Delegation of Georgia to the Conference on European Convention Compatibility Issues, Helsinki

1998 The member of the Delegation of Georgia to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Geneva

Mrs. Beridze cooperates closely with the United Nations Interim Office in Georgia and other accredited international organizations. Works together with the international organization on human rights issues in Georgia.


Mrs. Beridze is the author of 20 scientific studies in mathematics. Since 1991 Mrs. Beridze has published a number of articles and essays on political issues, as well as human rights questions. She has about 150 publications in the Georgian, Russian and English languages.


As a result of her remarkable career, Mrs. Beridze has gained vast experience of work and become the foremost expert in the human rights field. Her accomplishments in mathematics have greatly contributed to Mrs. Beridze's thoughtfulness, discipline and the preciseness in work.


BHAGWATI, Prafullachandra Natwarlal

- Vice-Chairman and Member, Human Rights Committee

- Member, Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations of the ILO (since 1978)

- Member of the Commission of Inquiry set up by ILO for inquiring into the incidence of forced labour in Myanmar (Burma)

- Chairman, Advisory Board, Centre for Independence of Judges and Lawyers (CIJL), Geneva

- Chairman, Eminent Persons Group for Study of questions relating to refugees in South Asia set up by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

- Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague

- Chairman, Social Audit Panel for Telecommunication and Postal Services in India

- Chairman, National Committee for Social and Economic Welfare, India

- Chairman of the Committee constituted by the Government of India for laying down parameters for negotiations of Mega Power Projects

Justice Bhagawati is at present actively engaged in providing legal advice, opinion and arbitration services as well as public activities in support to voluntary organizations working for the poor and the disadvantaged.


- Chief Justice of India (1985 to 1986)

- Judge, Supreme Court of India (1973 to 1985)

- Chief Justice, Gujarat State High Court (1967 to 1973) (the youngest judge ever in India to become a Chief Justice)

- Judge, High Court, Gujarat (1960 to 1967)

- Practised law before the High Courts and the Supreme Court of India (1948 to 1960)

Justice P.N. Bhagwati, retired as Chief Justice of India in December 1986 after a distinguished career on the bench. During his term, he pronounced several landmark judgements and was responsible for a number of reforms which resulted in improving the access of vulnerable groups to justice.

The most well known of these reforms are the introduction of public interest litigation and enlargement of the doctrine of locus standi to permit NGOs and other social action groups to initiate petitions before the Supreme Court and High Courts on behalf of disadvantaged persons whose human rights are violated.

Justice Bhagwati also championed the cause of workers and labourers and his judgements on "bonded and unorganized" labour as well as "child labour" resulted in the Government initiating a series of measures for improving the social and economic conditions of these vulnerable groups.


- Bachelor of Arts from Bombay University, 1941

- LLB from Bombay University, 1945

- Associated with Baroda University, Bombay University and the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

- Samuel Reubin Fellow at the Colombia Law School (Samuel Rubin Lecture on Judicial Activism and Public Interest Litigation)

- Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Indian Council of Social Science Research for Encyclopaedia of Social Legislation

- Member of the Editorial Board of the Law Reports of the Commonwealth

- Has been consulted by many countries such as South Africa, Mongolia, Nepal, Ethiopia and Cambodia during the framing of their constitutions

- Authored a UNEP study on Avoidance and Settlement of Environmental Disputes

- Organizer/resource person/keynote speaker at the following:


- Closely associated with the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva

- Patron, Indian Chapter of SAARCLAW (an association of lawyers, judges and jurists of the countries in the South Asian region)

- Member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Labour Law and Social Security since 1987

- Member of the Executive Committee of Commonwealth Legal Education Association, London

- Member of the Asian Legal Resource Centre, Hong Kong

- Chairman of the Jury of Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) for selection of individual entrepreneur for FICCI Award

- Chairman of the Jury of Birla Samarak Kosh Award for Outstanding Research in the field of Medical and Allied Sciences

- President, All Indian Body of Consumer Protection Associations

- Chairman of the Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action (ICELA), New Delhi

- Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (ILANA)

- Honorary Member of the Conference of Chief Justices of English Speaking African Countries

- Chairman of the South Asian Task Force on Judiciary

- President of Foundation El Tallier, Spain

- Chairman, Expert Advisory Group, Institute of Company Secretaries of India

- Honorary President, AWARE, one of the largest social action groups engaged in rural development and reconstruction covering more than 8,000 villages in South India


- Former Chairman, National Committee for Implementing Legal Aid Programme

- Former Chairperson, Commonwealth observers team for the elections in St. Kitts

- Former Chairman, Committee for Implementation Legal Aid Schemes, Government of India (1981 to 1985)

- Former Member of the Jury For Templeton Award for Progress in Religion

- President, Indian Law Institute (1985 and 1986)


- Award of the International Bar Association for Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Legal Aid

- Shrimoni Award

- Sir Jehangir Gandhi Medal, Xavier's Labour Institute

- Doctor of Laws, Andhra Pradesh University Award of Bharat Gaurav, (Pride of India)

- Vijay Ratna Award for Enriching Human Life and Outstanding Attainments

- National Citizen's Award 1987 for Eminent Contribution to Jurisprudence

- Fellow of Indian Association for Environment Management for Outstanding Contributions to the Cause of Environmental Protection

- Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Award by Shiromani Institute for Excellence in Judiciary and Human Rights

- Awarded Human Rights Par Excellence Award by Rotary International, New Delhi


- A village where the tribal people benefitted from his judgement, renamed the village after him calling it Bhagwati Nagar

- Numerous documentaries have been made on him and his work including one where he is one of six outstanding Indians on whose life the Indian TV has done a profile

- A whole complex of 100 acres, 24 km. from Hyderabad set up by AWARE has been named "Bhagwatipuram"


- 21 December 1921


- 9-296, Greater Kailash, Part II, New Delhi-110048.


Professor Thomas Buergenthal holds the Lobingier Chair in International and Comparative Law at The George Washington University Law School, Washington, D.C. and is the Presiding Director of its International Rule of Law Center. He is also a member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

He was a judge, Vice-President and President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (1979-1991). He served as Judge, Vice-President and President of the Administrative Tribunal of the Inter-American Development Bank (1989-1994), and was a member of the United Nations Truth Commission for El Salvador (1992-93).

Buergenthal was the Dean of The American University School of Law, Washington, D.C. (1980-85), and a professor of international law at various other universities, including the University of Texas (Austin), Emory University (Atlanta), and the State University of New York (Buffalo). He is the author of more than a dozen books and numerous articles on international law, international tribunals, human rights and comparative law. He serves on the editorial boards of various professional publications, including the Human Rights Law Journal, American Journal of International Law, Revue Universelle des Droits de l'Homme, Europäische Grundrechte Zeitschrift, and Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Buergenthal has lectured at the Hague Academy of International Law and many universities in different parts of the world.

Buergenthal was the President of the Costa Rica-based Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (1980-92) and now serves as its Honorary President. He is an honorary Vice-President of the American Society of International Law, and a member, inter alia, of the Kuratorium of the Max Planck Institute for Public International Law (Heidelberg); International Board of Advisers, Van Asbeck Centre for Human Rights (Leiden); International Council, Foundation for Inter-Ethic Relations (The Hague); Advisory Board, Brazilian Institute of Human Rights; and Board of Directors, African Institute of Human Rights.

Buergenthal earned the following academic degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bethany College, West Virginia; Doctor of Jurisprudence, New York University; Master of Laws and Doctor of Juridical Science, Harvard Law School. He was awarded honorary doctorates in law by Bethany College; the University of Heidelberg, Germany; and the Free University of Brussels (V.U.B.), Belgium. He is admitted to practice in the State of New York and the District of Columbia, as well as before the United States Supreme Court. His most recent professional awards include the Human Rights Prize, Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights, 1997; and the Goler T. Butcher Medal for Excellence in Human Rights, American Society of International Law, 1997.



I. Present positions:

II. Previous positions:



III. Selected professional activities:

B. Private

IV. Editorial Boards

V. Publications

See attached.

VI. Selected awards and honours

VII. Professional organizations

VIII. Academic degrees

IX. Bar memberships


(Thomas Buergenthal)

A. BOOKS (Author or Editor)



Driss Idrissi BICHR (Mr.)

Born on 26 November 1947 in Rabat, Morocco

President of Division at the Supreme Court

Director of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Justice

Bachelor of Law

Working languages: Arabic and French

1970-72: Judge to the Court of Peace, Rabat

1972-74: President of the Social Court, Rabat.

1974-78: President of the Social Division in the Court of First Instance of Rabat.

Judge to the Special Court of Justice.

1978-82: President of the Court of First Instance of Khouribga.

Lecturer in INEJ (National Institute of Judicial Studies)

1982: President of the Court of First Instance of Salé

1982-86: Member elected to the Supreme Council of Judiciary (a constitutional institution)

Since 1988: Nominated Director of the Civil Affairs Department, Ministry of Justice, present post.

Participated in many international conferences and seminars on legal matters.

Since 1993: Expert, representing Morocco to The Hague Conference on International Private Law.

Expert to the Centre of Arab Judicial and Legal Studies, Lebanon.

President of the Moroccan delegation to the Moroccan-French, Moroccan-Belgian and Moroccan-Dutch consultative joint commissions on civil affairs and status of persons.

Presided the Moroccan delegation in bilateral negotiations within the judicial cooperation relating to civil, commercial, administrative and personal status matters with certain Arab, European and Asian countries (Syria, Tunisia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Italy, Spain, China).

Christine CHANET


1968-1970 Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (Legal Service Training College)

1974-1976 Technical advisor to the Secretariat of State for Women's Affairs, then Head of the Minister's office.

1976-1977 Special assistant to the Minister of Culture.

1980-1986 Special assistant to the Director of the Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then Assistant Head for International Civil and Criminal Affairs and Human Rights in the Legal Affairs Department.

1986-1988 Special adviser to the Director of Criminal Affairs and Pardons, Ministry of Justice

1988-1990 Technical adviser in charge of international affairs in the private office of the Minister of Justice.

1992-1996 Advocat général (deputy Director of Public Prosecution) at the Paris Court of Appeal.

Since 1996 Judge in the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation.

Member of the French Society for International Law and the International Law Association.

United Nations appointments

1988-1990 Elected as an expert member of the Committee against Torture.

Languages: French and English.

Herman Leonard DE SILVA

Was born on 28 January 1928 and graduated in law from the University of Ceylon in 1951 and was called to the Bar as an Advocate of the Supreme Court in 1953.

He joined the Department of the Attorney-General in 1955 as Crown Counsel and reverted to the Unofficial Bar in 1970. Thereafter he practised exclusively on the civil appellate side and has appeared as leading counsel in several cases of constitutional importance including violations of human rights and on behalf of many public personalities of different political parties, during his long career at the Bar which extends for over 40 years.

He was appointed President's Counsel in 1980. Adviser to the Sri Lanka Delegation at many sessions of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee. A member of the Constitution Drafting Committee when Sri Lanka became a Republic in 1972. Was a member of the Sri Lanka Law Commission. He was an Adviser to the All-Party Conference and the Political Parties Conference appointed by the President of Sri Lanka to resolve the ethnic problem. A member of the team of negotiators on behalf of the Sri Lanka Government in talks held on devolution and the ethnic problem in New Delhi and Timpu in 1985 and 1986. Elected President of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka in 1986 and 1987.

He was appointed Permanent Representative and Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in New York in January 1995 and currently holds that appointment. Has been the Chairman of the Special Committee of the United Nations to investigate Israeli practices in violation of human rights in Palestine and occupied Arab lands during the period 1995-97.

Publications include Pluralism and the Judiciary in Sri Lanka. An appraisal of the Federal Alternative for Sri Lanka and many articles on political and constitutional subjects of topical interest.

Interests include the study of history, international relations and social problems. Was a Director of several Commercial Companies of Sri Lanka, was at one time the Vice-President of the Methodist Church of Sri Lanka and Chairman of the Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka.

He is married and has two married daughters now resident abroad.


Ambassador Omran EL-SHAFEI

Born in June 1925, widower and has two daughters.

Graduated from Cairo University (1947) from the Faculty of Political Science.

Graduated also from the National Defence College, Nasser's Higher Military Academy (1967).

Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1948 and served in several posts in Egyptian Embassies abroad including the posts of counsellor of the Egyptian Permanent Mission to the United Nations (1961-1965), and the post of Minister Plenipotentiary in the Egyptian Embassy in London (1968-1972).

Appointed Ambassador of Egypt in Pakistan (1974-1976), the Permanent Representative of Egypt to the European office of the United Nations in Geneva (1976-1980).

During his tenure in Geneva, Ambassador El-Shafei served among others as representative of Egypt to the Commission on Human Rights and elected for two years as the Vice-Chairman of the Commission.

Ambassador El-Shafei occupied a number of posts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs including the post of Director of the International Organizations Department and Director of the Political Planning Department.

He then was appointed Under-Secretary of State (1980) and later Assistant Foreign Minister until his retirement (1985).

While in Cairo and Geneva, Ambassador El-Shafei participated in the preparation of the additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

He also served in his individual capacity as a member and Chairman of the United Nations Advisory Board on Arms Control and Security Matters (1978-1988).

He has been a member of the Human Rights Committee since 1987 and Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the last three years. Ambassador El-Shafei also served as a member of the higher administrative tribunal (Conseil d'etat) for three years (1991-1993) nominated by a decree of the Minister of Justice from a list of public personalities.

In June 1993 he was appointed advisor to the Egyptian Delegation to the Vienna International Conference on Human Rights.

At present, Ambassador El-Shafei performs the following functions:


(b) Order of the Republic of Egypt (1978).

(c) Order National De Merte - Italy (1982).

(d) Order National De Merte - France (1983).

(e) Order of Honor - Grand Commandor - Greece (1984).

(f) Order Nationale - Commander - Republic of Mali.

(g) Order De Merte - Grand Officer - Republic Centre Africaine.


I. Personal particulars:


First Name: Maurice

Born: 15 March 1934, at Zinvié (Benin, formerly Dahomey)

II. Diplomas and university degrees:

Baccalaureate (Classics A series: Latin and Greek)

Diploma of the Ecole Nationale de la France d'Outre-Mer (Class of 1958)

Bachelor of Law; Doctor of Law (1967)

III. Works and publications:

(a) Published works:

(i) Naissance d'un État noir (l'évolution politique et constitutionelle du Dahomey, de la colonisation à nos jours), LGDJ, Paris, 1968.

(ii) La République du Dahomey, Série Encyclopédie Politique et Constitutionnelle, Editions Berger-Levrault, Paris, 1970.

(iii) Le Danxomè, Du pouvoir Adja à la Nation Fon, Nubia, Paris, 1975.

(iv) Religion, culture et politique en Afrique Noire, Economica, Présence Africaine, Paris, 1981 (Prix M. et Mme Louis Marin (1982), Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer).

(v) Introduction à l'Organisation de l'Unité Africaine et organisations régionales africaines, LGDJ, Paris, 1986.

(b) Miscellaneous studies:

(i) "Droit public disciplinaire: le secret fiscal peut-il être opposé à l'Administration?" Commentaire d'arrêt: note sous Conseil d'Etat 8 février 1967, Recueil Dalloz Sirey, 14 février 1968.

(ii) "Le recours contre une décision administrative négative" (doctrinal study), l'Actualité Juridique, Droit Administratif, 20 janvier 1970.

(iii) "L'Administration au-dessus de la loi?" (doctrinal study).

(iv) "Théorie et pratique des droits de l'homme dans l'Afrique contemporaine" (Dakar Symposium on teaching and research in international law, Dakar, 11-13 December 1985).

(v) "La Commission africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples" (Symposium organized by the International Commission of Jurists, Dakar, 17-18 July 1987, introductory report by M. A. Glèlè).

(vi) "La Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples. - Ses virtualités et ses limites", Revue de droit africain (Association des juristes africains), January-February-March 1985.

(vii) "Pour une OUA opérationnelle", Revue Juridique et Politique -Indépendance et Coopération, No. 3-4, 1985.

(viii) "La Charte Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples: spécificité et universalité" Symposium on Justice and Peace, Vatican City, Rome, November 1988.

(c) Collective works:

(a) Pour un droit des peuples, Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1978.

(b) "Le Modèle constitutionnel français et son influence sur les Etats Africains liés à la France" La Politique Africaine du Général de Gaulle (1958-1969), Pedone, Paris, 1981.

(c) Co-Director (with Professor P.F. Gonidec) of volume 1 (l'Etat et le Droit: Chapitre 1er: la Constitution comme loi fondamentale), Encyclopédie Juridique de l'Afrique, Editions Nouvelles, Editions Africaines, Istra, Paris, 1983.

(d) "La Charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples", Mélanges C.A. Colliard, Pedone, Paris, 1984.

(e) "La Charte des Nations Unies - Commentaire article par article (art. 26: le régime de tutelle)", under the direction of J.P. Cot and A. Pellet, Economica, Paris, 1985.

(f) "Pour un Etat de Droit en Afrique", Mélanges offerts à P.F. Gonidec: "l'Etat moderne à l'horizon 2000, aspects internes et externes", under the direction of M.A. Glèlè, LGDJ, Paris, 1986.

(g) "Cultures, religions, idéologies", in "Pouvoirs Africains", Revue Pouvoirs, PUF, Paris, 1983.

(h) "Le Vodu" Revue UCS 86/87, UNESCO, Paris.

(i) "Variations sur l'Unité africaine", Mélanges offerts à A. Tevoedjre compagnon d'aventure", B. Levrault, Paris, 1988.

(j) "Le Renouveau démocratique au Bénin", Symposium on Democratic Transition in Africa (University of Paris I, 12 and 13 December 1990).

(k) "L'Etat de droit dans l'espace francophone", International Symposium of French-speaking Countries: Cotonou, 11-14 September 1991, General Rapporteur: M. Glèlè Ahanhanzo.

(l) "Les Parlements dans l'espace francophone: ces nouveaux parlements du Renouveau démocratique", Bicentenary of the Quebec Parliament, Quebec 1992.

(m) "Le Droit à la différence", The United Nations: A family of Nations?, a Seminar on the Address of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to the United Nations - Trusteeship Council Chamber, United Nations Headquarters, New York City, Wednesday, 8 May 1996.

IV. Professional activities:

(i) International official responsible for relations with French-speaking African States, Department of Relations with Member States, UNESCO, Paris, 1961-1962.

(ii) International official, Legal Adviser and Director of Inter-African Technical Cooperation, Secretariat General, African and Malagasy Union, Cotonou, Dahomey, 1962-1963.

(iii) Secretary-General of the Government (successively under Presidents Maga, General Soglo, Apithy-Ahomadegbe, Congacou-Tahirou), from May 1963 to December 1965.

(vi) Chargé de Mission in the Cabinet of General Soglo, Head of State from December 1965 to 1966.

(v) Head, Public Assistance Legal Office, Paris (June 1966 to August 1967).

(vi) International official, Administrator of programmes for the study and dissemination of African cultures, Culture and Communication Sector, UNESCO, 1967-1989, responsible for the UNESCO General History of Africa in 8 volumes.

(vii) Tutor at the Faculty of Law, Paris (Pantheon - Assas) in international law and international institutions (Professor Pinto) and administrative law (Dean Vedel).

(viii) Lecturer in constitutional law and political institutions and public international law, Legal and Economic Studies Department, University of Dahomey, 1964/65, 1972/73, 1973-1989.

(ix) Lecturer at the University of Paris I (Pantheon - Sorbonne) since 1975; visiting lecturer, Faculty of Legal and Economic Science, Dakar (Senegal) and National University of Benin (Cotonou).

(x) Visiting lecturer, International Academy of Constitutional Law, Tunis, "Monitoring the Constitutionality of Laws in Black Africa". Tunis, 1986 and July 1992, Constitution (State) and Political Parties: African Political Parties. Elected Vice-President of the Academy and Member of the Scientific Council. Lecturer on Political Parties in Black Africa (as part of Constitution/State and Political Parties).

(xi) Member of the board of examiners for:

- Agrégation examination in public law organized by France for C_te d'Ivoire (1980);

- First agrégation examination in public law and political science organized by the African and Mauritian Council on Higher Education (CAMES) in 1983;

(xii) Permanent appointment at UNESCO, 1967-1992, Director, Division of Cultural Studies and Policies, and since 1989, Director, Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs (Legal Counsellor). Personal promotion to Assistant Director-General. Legal Counsellor in 1992.

(xiii) One of the drafters of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights.

(xiv) Co-Director with Professors Conac and Gauduson of "La Justice en Afrique", Afrique Contemporaine - La Documentation Française, Paris, December 1990.

(xv) Director of research and theses - member of many Ph.D examining boards in law, history and anthropology (Paris, Dakar).

(xvi) Chairman, Constitutional Commission of Benin, and member, High Council of the Republic (period of transitional government: 1 March 1990-1 April 1991).

(xvii) Vice-President, High Council of the Republic sitting as the Constitutional Court (April 1991-June 1993).

(xviii) Member, Committee of Eminent African Personalities entrusted by the Heads of State of West Africa with the revision of the ECOWAS Treaty.

(xix) Member, International Academy of Constitutional Law, Tunis; Member, French Comparative Law Society; Member, French Association for International Law.

(xx) At present Member of the Constitutional Court, Benin, and President of the Institute for Human Rights and Promotion of Democracy: Democracy in Everyday Life.

(xxi) United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia and related intolerance.

(i) United States of America, 1994

(ii) Brazil, 1995

(iii) Germany, 1995

(iv) France, 1995

(v) United Kingdom, 1995

(vi) Colombia, 1996

V. To be published:

(i) "Du Dahomey au Bénin: de la colonisation à 1975"

(ii) Manuel de droit constitutionnel et des institutions politiques du Bénin (Depuis 1990)

VI. Family status:

Married with four children

VII. Mother tongues:

Fon, Yoruba

VIII. Working languages:

French, English

IX. Honours:

Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres (France)

X. Member, French Comparative Law Society

XI. Member, French Association for International Law

I hereby certify that the information given above is correct.

Cotonou, 24 October 1996

(Signed) Maurice GLELE AHANHANZO


First name and surname Anaclet IMBIKI

Date of birth 18 May 1945

Profession Judge, Grade 1, since 1989

Present position Minister of Justice

Education and courses

1996: International Institute of Public Administration, Paris: certificate of specialization in the role of the public authorities in the establishment of economic law

1993: International School of Bordeaux, certificate issued upon completion of a course on the electoral process and electoral systems

1986: Institute of Advanced Studies on National Defence, Paris: auditor's certificate

1982: Diploma, advanced studies in private law

1971: Graduate, Institute of Judicial Studies

1970: Bachelor of Law

1966: Baccalaureate (secondary education)

Additional certificate

1995: Certificate of English language studies

Posts occupied

1995-1996: Director of Legislation and Litigation

1979-1992: Director of Judicial Administration in the Ministry of Justice

1973-1979: President, Court of First Instance, Diégo-Suarez

1972-1973: President, Section Court, Fort-Dauphin

1971-1972: Examining magistrate, Fianarantsoa

1971: Examining magistrate, Fort-Dauphin

1971: Deputy Procurator, Antananarivo


Officer of the Malagasy National Order

Chevalier of the Malagasy National Order

Conferences and seminars


1997: Eighth International Conference on Corruption, Lima, Peru

1996: International Symposium on Economic and Financial

Delinquency: Stakes and Strategies

1996: International Symposium on the Environment: Safe Local Resource Management, Antananarivo (participated as consultant)

1995: International Symposium on Comparative Business Law,

Maritime Law and Relations Between the Judge and Auxiliary

Specialists, French Ministry of Cooperation, Tamatave

1993: International Seminar on the Judicial Power, Foulpointe,


1990: Member, Malagasy delegation, Negotiations on the scattered islands in the Mozambique Channel and the Indian Ocean, Quai d'Orsay, Paris

1990: International Scientific Symposium on Business Law

Malagasy Academy and EESDEGS, Antananarivo

1990: Interparliamentary Conference on Environmental Protection,

Washington D.C., United States

1988: International Peace Conference: Establishment of a denuclearized

zone in Central Europe, Berlin

1987: Scientific Conference on the Constitutional High Court,

Antananarivo, Madagascar

May 1984: Seminar on Population and Development, Bamako, Mali

1979: Seminar on the Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington D.C.,

United States


1995: Workshop on the Transfer of Competence to Decentralized Authorities, Fondation Friederich Edbert, Antananarivo

1995: Seminar on Business Law and Judicial Reform, World Bank, Mantasoa

1995: Workshop on Implementation of Effective Decentralization,

Fondation Friederich Edbert, Antananarivo

1988: Seminar for Training Trainers in Population and Development,

"Strengthening of Consciousness-raising Activities",

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Publications - papers - other works


1995: "Violation des droits de l'homme", paper delivered at the

Albert Camus Cultural Centre, Antananarivo - Centre for

Technical and Economic Information

1993: "La Démocratie et l'expérience des élections législatives de 1993 à Madagascar", paper published in a document containing contributions by participants, in the course on the electoral process and electoral systems, Directorate General of Education

and Training, International School of Bordeaux


1996: "L'aspect repressif du droit des affaires", paper delivered at the International Symposium on Economic and Financial Delinquency: Stakes and Strategies

1995: "The problem of criminality in Madagascar", deposited with the English Language Institute, Antananarivo

1995: "Droit des affaires à Madagascar: effectivité et contraintes", study for the International Symposium on Business Law, Tamatave

1995: "Defense civile et les collectivités décentralisées", paper delivered on 13 March 1991 to the Military Committee for Development at Tsimbazaza Palace, Antananarivo

Other activities

1996-1997: President of the Madagascar Development Association

1996: Member of the African Public Administration Network

1996: Member of the Administrative Committee of the Centre for Research and Studies on the Development of Law (attached to the Malagasy Academy)

1996: Member of the Commission on Reform of Business Law

1996: Member of the technical group of jurists responsible for follow-up concerning the project on support of judicial reform and reform of business law

1996: Ad hoc technical adviser to the Minister of Justice

1995: Member of the Forestry Legislation Drafting Committee (Swiss intercooperation financing) as consultant

1995: Member of the Independent Commission on Privatization (World Bank financing)

1993-1996: Vice-Chairman, Expert Committee on Effective Decentralization

1990: Member of the delegation to the negotiations on the scattered islands in the Mozambique Channel and the Indian Ocean, Paris

1983-1991: Deputy, Madagascar

Other works

1997: Study on bush fire control prepared in accordance with DINA (local community management of renewable natural resources) (as consultant)

1996: Studies for and preparation of the programme law on the project Environment II (as consultant)

1993-1995: Preparation and drafting of texts on decentralized authorities

1995: Preparation and drafting of draft texts on the privatization of public enterprises

1995: Preparation and drafting of the bill on forestry legislation in Madagascar (as consultant)

1982: Diploma dissertation on decentralized authorities in Malagasy law


English, French, Malagasy (read, speak, write)

I certify that the above information is correct.

Antananarivo, 30 September 1997

[Stamp of the Ministry of Justice]



(Russian Federation)

Born on 7 September 1934 in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) Region, Russia (USSR)

Graduated from the International Law Department of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1959. Has a command of English

1959-1963: Legal adviser, Foreign relations department, USSR Ministry of Civil Aviation

1963-1966: Post-graduate course at Moscow State Institute of International Relations

1966: L.L.D. degree

1966-1970: Diplomatic service, USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs

1970-1973: Senior researcher, State and Law Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences

1973-1987: Diplomatic service, Legal and Treaty Department, Department of Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs, USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs

1976: Ph.D. degree

1982: Professor of International Law

1987- Holder of the Chair of International Law, Moscow State Institute

to date: (University) of International Relations

1995: Award "Merited Scientist of the Russian Federation"

1996: Diplomatic rank - Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Social activities at present

Vice-Chairman, Committee on the Rights of the Child (since 1991, the term expires in February 1999)

Member, Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague (since 1990)

Member, International Academy of Astronautics (since 1985)

Member, International Institute of Space Law (since 1980)

Member, Executive Board, Russian Association of International Law (since 1988)

Vice-President, Moscow Association of International Law (since 1992)

Editor-in-Chief, "Moscow Journal of International Law" (since 1991)

President, Moscow Independent Institute of International Law (since 1992)

Director, UNESCO Chair for Human Rights nd Democracy, Moscow (since 1994)

Member, Board of Governors, Russian Children's Foundation (since 1994)

Member, Governmental Commission of Russia for the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (since 1997)

Participation in international events

Lecturing on different issues of international law in universities of Montreal, Vienna, Thessaloniki, Milano, Florence, Ghent.

Member of Soviet (Russian) delegations in various organs at several sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, the Geneva meeting of the CSCE, the Vienna meeting of the CSCE, United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its Legal Sub-Committee, UNESCO meetings, diplomatic conferences on the Hague and Montreal conventions against unlawful interference into civil aviation, establishment of INMARSAT, Joint Consultative Group on the Reduction of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, etc.

Academic activities

Author of more than 200 publications dealing with international cooperation in the field of human rights, law of treaties, outer space law, air law, law of international organizations, humanitarian law, international responsibility, etc.

Consultant of 15 post-graduates, including foreigners, on writing L.L.D. thesis.

Principal publications

"Responsibility in International Law", Moscow, 1975 (also published in Slavonic in Bratislava)

"Working towards Peaceful Outer Space", Moscow, 1968

"International Space Law", New York, 1984 (co-authorship G. Zhukov)

"Mass Media and International Law", Moscow, 1974 (also published in German in Leipzig)

"International Law", Textbook, Moscow, 1994 (author of several chapters and co-editor-in-chief)

"The USSR and International Cooperation in the Sphere of Human Rights", Moscow, 1989 (Documents and materials with commentary; co-editor)

"International Cooperation in the Sphere of Human Rights", Moscow, 1993 (Documents and materials with commentary; co-editor)

"International Law in Contemporary World", Moscow, 1991 (co-author and editor)

"International Humanitarian Law", Moscow, 1995 (Documents with commentary; co-editor)

"International Law in Action", vol. I-III, Moscow, 1996-1997 (Documents with commentary; co-editor)

Eckart KLEIN


1943: 6 April, born in Oppeln/Upper Silesia

1962-1963: Military Service

1964-1968: Law studies at the Universities of Freiburg, Göttingen, Lausanne, Heidelberg; 1st State Exam.

1968-1971: Practical legal training; 2nd State Exam.

1972-1976: Assistant at the University of Heidelberg

1973: Doctorate (J.D., Heidelberg)

1974-1976: Law clerk at the Federal Constitutional Court, Karlsruhe

1976-1981: Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and Public International Law, Heidelberg

1980: Habilitation

1981-1994: Full Professor (Public Law, Public International Law and European Law) at the University of Mainz

1984-1994: Judge at the Higher Administrative Court of the Land Rheinland-Pfalz (subsidiary appointment)

Since 1987: Member of the Arbitral Tribunal and Mixed Commission for the Agreement on German External Debts

Since 1994: Full Professor (Constitutional Law, Public International Law, European Law) at the University of Potsdam; Director of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Potsdam

Since 1995: Judge at the Constitutional Court of the Land Bremen

Since 1995: Judge at the Higher Administrative Court of the Land Brandenburg (subsidiary appointment)

1995-1998: Member of the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations

Professor David KRETZMER

Academic and professional qualifications:

LL.B., LL.M. (Jerusalem), Dr. Jur (York University, Canada)

Member of the Israeli Bar

Present positions:

Louis Marshall Professor of Environmental Law and Academic Director, Minerva Centre for Human Rights, Hebrew University of Jerusalem;

Member (since 1995) of the Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Academic positions held:

Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University Fellow, Centre for Advanced Engineering Studies, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.;

Visiting Professor, Law Centre, University of Southern California, Los Angeles;

Visiting Professor, School of Law, Tulane University, New Orleans.

Public activities:

- Founding member, Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI);

- Past Chairperson of Board, ACRI;

- Past Member of Board, "HAMOKED", Centre for Defence of the Individual;

- Member of Founding Council, "B'Tselem", the Israel Information Centre for Human Rights in the Territories;

- Legal Commentator, "Jerusalem Post";

- Contributing Editor, "Jerusalem Post".

Selected publications on issues related to human rights:

A. Books:

- "The Rights of the Disabled in Israel - Proposals for Reform" (together with U. Procaccia and A.L. Miller, Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, Jerusalem, 1979) (in Hebrew);

- "The Legal Status of the Arabs in Israel", (Westview Press, 1990).

B. Articles:

- "Demonstrations and the Law", 1984, 19 "IS.L.REV.", 47-153;

- "Racism and Freedom of Speech", 1987, 8 "Cardosa Law Review", 445-513;

- "Racial Incitement in Israel", 1993, 22 "Israel Yearbook on Human Rights", 243-259, reprinted in "Group Defamation and Freedom of Speech. The Relationship between Language and Violence" (Ed. Monroe H. Freedman and Eric M. Freedman, Greenwood Press, 1995), 175-190;

- "Judicial Review over Demolition and Sealing of Houses in the Occupied Territories", in "Klinghoffer Book on Public Law" (Ed. by I. Zamir, Jerusalem, 1993), 305-357 (in Hebrew);

- "Les Droits de l'Homme en Israel", 1995, "Pouvoirs" 72, 37-59;

- "The Supreme Court and the Fourth Geneva Convention: Domestic Enforcement and Interpretation", 1995, 26 "Mishpatim", 49-96 (in Hebrew);

- "The New Basic Laws on Human Rights: A Mini-Revolution in Israeli Constitutional Law?", 1996, 14 "Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights", 173-183;

- "Democracy in the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Israel", 1997, 26 "Israel Yearbook on Human Rights", 267-288.

Personal details:

Born - 1943

Widower with three children.



NAMES: Lebohang Fine

DATE OF BIRTH: 22 July 1957

PLACE OF BIRTH: Maseru, Lesotho

SEX: Male

STATUS: Married (with 3 children)



Dissertation: "The worker, the law and society:

The case of trade unions in Lesotho", 1981.

LL.M (CANTAB) 1984

Cambridge Livingstone Scholar 1983/84

President, Matlama Football Club 1991/92/94

Director, Board of the Central Bank of Lesotho 1991/92/93/94/95/96


1 May 1993- Attorney-General appointed in terms of S98 and S140

to date Constitution of Lesotho

Principal Legal Adviser to Government of Lesotho

Member of the Council of State

13 March 1990- Principal Secretary for Justice and Prisons (in charge of

30 April 1993 Judiciary Department, Legal Aid Department, Prison Department and Probation Unit), Ministry of Justice and Prisons

June 1989- Private Secretary to the King, Director - Practical Law

March 1990 Project

May 1987- Deputy Private Secretary to the King

31 May 1989

August 1984- Lecturer - National University of Lesotho (NUL)

30 April 1987

- Law of Contract

- International Organizations

1986-1987 Part-time Lecturer, Institute of Extra Mural Studies (I.E.M.S.) N.U.L.

1985-1986 Courses - Business Law and Law of Contract

January 1986 Part-time Examiner - Local law Examinations for Warrant Officers and 2nd Lieutenants

June 1982- Crown Counsel - Law Office (civil section)

September 1983


1. International Conference on Trade Unions and National Development in Southern Africa, 27-31 January 1981. Hilton Hotel, Maseru -WUS Representative.

2. Red Cross High Information Seminar on International Humanitarian Law. Lesotho Sun, Lesotho Convention Centre, 31 July-1 August 1986 -Participant.

3. Symposium on International Relations and Third World Development: Focus on Lesotho, 29-31 October 1987 - Participant.

4. Seminar on Another Development for Lesotho, 14-18 December 1987, IEMS, Maseru - Participant.

5. Symposium - Children on the Frontline: Artists, Writers and Intellectuals for Child Survival and Development in the Frontline States and Southern Africa, 1-5 March 1988. Harare, Zimbabwe - Delegate.

6. United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders, 27 August-7 September 1990. Havana, Cuba - Head of Delegation.

7. Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders, 27 August-7 September 1990. Havana, Cuba - Head of Delegation.

8. The Promotion and Protection of International Human Rights: A Seminar for Officials from Small Commonwealth States, 4-14 March 1991, University of Essex, United Kingdom - Participant.

9. United Nations Ministerial Meeting of the Creation of an Effective United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, Versailles, France, 21-23 November 1991 - Alternate Head of Delegation.

10. Forty-eighth Session United Nations Human Rights Commission, 27 January-6 March 1992 - Geneva, Switzerland - Head of Delegation.

11. Seminar on the Protection of Human Rights in Criminal Justice Proceedings for African Jurists - Syracuse, Sicily, Italy, 19-26 July 1992 - Participant.

12. Consultative Meeting of Attorneys-General/Ministers of Justice of East, Central and Southern Africa on Administration of Justice and Human Rights, 5-7 October 1992, Nairobi, Kenya - Delegate.

13. World Conference on Human Rights - Regional Meeting for Africa, 2-6 November 1992, Tunis, Tunisia - Head of Delegation.

14. Forty-ninth Session United Nations Human Rights Commission, 1 February-12 March 1993 - Geneva, Switzerland - Head of Delegation.

15. World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, Austria, 14-25 June 1993 -Deputy Head of Delegation.

16. Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Attorneys-General on COMESA Draft Treaty, Lusaka, Zambia, 1-2 October 1993 - Deputy Head of Delegation.

17. Prime Minister's Special Envoys to Botswana and Zimbabwe - Lesotho Constitutional Crisis, 20-24 September 1994 - Ministerial Delegation.

18. Third Meeting of the P.T.A./COMESA Ministers of Justice/Attorneys-General, 2-4 October 1994, Nairobi, Kenya - Head of Delegation.

19. Consultative Meeting of Ministers of Justice/Attorneys-General of East, Central and Southern Africa on Administration of Justice and Human Rights, 5 October 1994, Nairobi, Kenya - Head of Delegation.

20. Summit Meeting of the Heads of State and of Government of the Frontline States (Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Republic of South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe) - Briefing on Angola, Lesotho, Mozambique - Future Political Projections, 24-25 October 1994, Harare, Zimbabwe - Prime Minister's Delegation.

21. Summit Meeting of Heads of State and Government of the Frontline States (Botswana, Lesotho, Republic of South Africa and Zimbabwe)

22. First African Conference on Economic Crime - Economic Crime in Southern Africa, 5-7 July 1995, Bloemfontein, South Africa - Leader of Delegation.

23. Top Management Workshop - Gender Awareness, 2-4 August 1995, Mohale's Hoek, Lesotho - Participant and Resource Person.

24. Africa Leadership Forum - "Preparing the African Public Service for the 21st Century", Accra, Ghana, 22-24 November 1995 - Participant.

25. 26th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-7 December 1995 - Head of Delegation.

26. Seminar on the Role of the Lesotho Defence Force in a Democracy, Maseru, 29 February-1 March 1996 - Resource Person.

27. Workshop on "Controlling Public Power in Southern Africa", Breakwater Campus, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 8-11 March 1996 -Participant.


Cecilia MEDINA QUIROGA, born 17 November 1935, Concepción, Chile.


1953-1958: Law Faculty, University of Chile, Santiago

1958: Licensed in Law and Social Sciences (summa cum laude)

1958-1959: Legal practice in Civil Law in Santiago (summa cum laude)

1959: Title of lawyer given by the Supreme Court of Chile

1971: Methodology of Legal Teaching and Research, Instituto de Docencia e Investigación Jurídicas, Santiago, Chile

1979: Seventh Session of the International Training Centre for University Human Rights Teaching, Strasbourg, France

1988: Doctor in Law, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

II. LANGUAGES: Spanish: mother tongue


1997: Harvard Law School, visiting professor, Robert F.Kennedy Chair

1997: Academic co-director and organizer of the Second Regional Course on International Human Rights Law for Judges and Lawyers of South America

1996: Academic co-director and organizer of the First Regional Course on International Human Rights Law for Judges and Lawyers of South America

1994-1996: Co-director of a research project on the conformity of Chile's legal order with its international obligations in the field of human rights

1994-1995: Academic co-director and organizer of 14 courses on International Human Rights Law for Chilean Judges and Lawyers

1994: Consultant for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands for the evaluation of two human rights projects carried out by the Colombian Consejería Presidencial de los Derechos Humanos and financed by that Ministry

1993: Professor of Public International Law, University Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile

1992: Guest professor at the Law School, University of Chile

1992-1993: Academic director and professor in two Advanced Training Courses on International Human Rights Law for academics of Law Faculties (Santiago and Concepción)

1991: Organizer, academic co-director and teacher of the Training Course on International Human Rights Law for Judges and Lawyers in South America, under the auspices of the Academy of International Law in The Hague, The Netherlands (Netherlands Institute of Human Rights)

1991 and 1993: Consultant for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands in three human rights projects carried out by the Colombian Consejería Presidencial de los Derechos Humanos and financed by that Ministry

1991: Professor of International Human Rights Law, University Diego Portales

1990-1992: Director and teacher of Training Courses on International Human Rights Law for Judges and Lawyers (Argentina: Buenos Aires and Tucumán; and Uruguay: Montevideo)

1989-1990: Guest professor of the International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France

1986-1990: Guest professor of the International Law Programme at the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands

1989: Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), Law Faculty, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, teacher and researcher

1988: Guest professor at the University of Lund, Sweden

1980-1988: Europa Instituut, Law Faculty, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, teacher and researcher (Human Rights; International Economic Organizations)

1971-1973: Professor of Constitutional Law, Law Faculty, University of Chile, Santiago


1977-1980: Researcher at the Institute for the New Chile, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

1977: Legal research assistant at the Hispanic Law Division, Law Library, Library of Congress. Washington, D.C., United States

1976-1977: Legal consultant, Institute for the Development of Indian Law, Washington, D.C., United States

1974: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1971-1973: Deputy Secretary and rapporteur, Constitutional Court of Chile

1959-1970: Private practice as a lawyer

V. PUBLICATIONS (last 10 years):

- "Chile 1987: Towards Institutionalization of the Authoritarian Rule" (in collaboration with Waldo Fortin), in 19 SIM Newsletter, 1987.

- The Battle of Human Rights. Gross, Systematic Violations and the Inter-American System, Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1988.

- "Procedures in the Inter-American System for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: An Overview" in 6 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (NQHR), No. 2, 1988, pp. 83-102.

- "A 1988 Universal Declaration of Human Rights", Special Edition NQHR, 1989.

- C. Medina (ed.) Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Manual de Enseñanza, Soc. Imp. La Unión Ltda., 1990:

- "Introducción", in ibidem, pp. 13-30.

- "El sistema europeo para la protección de los derechos humanos" (in collaboration with Waldo Fortin), in ibidem, pp. 69-85.

- "El sistema interamericano de promoción y protección de los derechos humanos", in ibidem, pp. 137-180.

- "The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Reflections on a Joint Venture", in Human Rights Quarterly (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, United States of America), No. 4, 1990, pp. 439-464.

- NQHR, vol. 10, No. 2, 1992. Special Issue on The Americas, C. Medina (editor). Also in Spanish: C. Medina (coordinadora), El Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, Cuadernos de Análisis Jurídico, No. 25, Serie Seminarios, 1993, Escuela de Derecho, Universidad Diego Portales:

- "Chile: Obstacles and Challenges for Human Rights", in ibidem.

- "The Right to Reparation for victims of gross, systematic violations of human rights: The experience of Chile", in SIM Special No. 12, Seminar on the Right to Restitution, Compensation and Rehabilitation for Victims of Gross Violations of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, University of Limburg, Maastricht, Human Rights Project Group, 1992, pp. 101-116.

- "Do International Human Rights Laws Protect Women?", in Joanna Kerr (ed.), Ours by Right. Women's Rights as Human Rights, ZED Books in association with The North-South Institute, 1993, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 78-81.

- C. Medina (editor), SIM Special No. 13, Training Course on International Human Rights Law, Selected Lectures, Peace Palace, The Hague, 16 September-4 October 1991. Also in Spanish in Cuadernos de Análisis Jurídico No. 26, Curso de Entrenamiento en Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, Conferencias Escogidas, Palacio de la Paz, La Haya, 16 September-4 October 1991, 1993:

- "The Right of Individual Petition. Some Problems of Law and Practice", in ibidem.

- "El aborto terapéutico y los Derechos Humanos", in Foro Abierto de Salud y Derechos Reproductivos, Simposio Nacional. Leyes para la Salud y la Vida de las Mujeres. Hablemos de Aborto Terapéutico, pp. 117-122, Santiago, 1993.

- "Towards a more effective guarantee of the enjoyment of human rights by women in the inter-American system", in R. Cook (editor), Human Rights of Women. National and International Perspectives, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994.

- Corporación Nacional de Reparación y Reconciliación, Constitución Tratados y Derechos Esenciales, Introduction and selection of texts, Santiago, 1994.

- "La Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos", in M.T. Infante and R. Cave, Solución Judicial de Controversias. El Derecho Internacional ante los Tribunales Internacionales e Internos, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile, Sociedad Chilena de Derecho Internacional, Santiago, 1995.

- C. Medina and J. Mera (editors), Sistema Jurídico y Derechos Humanos.

- "El Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos", in ibidem, pp. 27-84.

- "La Libertad de Expresión", in ibidem, pp. 145-216.

- "Country reports in the Inter-American System", in Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, No. 4, 1997.


- "National Security, Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Chile" (in collaboration with Felipe González), chapter in the book Safeguarding Liberty: National Security, Freedom of Expression and Access to Information, Sandy Coliver (ed.), Article XIX.



Dr. Fasil NAHUM

Date of birth: 5/7/1942

Nationality: Ethiopian

Marital status: Married, with three children

1. Academic qualifications

1.1 Doctor of the Science of Jurisprudence (J.S.D.), Yale University, 1975

1.2 Master of Laws (L.L.M.), Yale University, 1972

1.3 Bachelor of Laws (LL.), (honours) and Chancellor's Gold Medal, Haile Selassie I University, 1968

2. Work experience

2.1 Special Adviser (Ministerial Rank) to the Prime Minister of the Government of Ethiopia, 1991-present

2.2 Member of the Council of Constitutional Inquiry, 1996-present

2.3 Board member and Director of the Ethiopia Justice and Legal System Research Institute

2.4 Founding President of the Civil Service College of Ethiopia, 1993-1995

2.5 Member of Group of International Advisers to the International Red Cross Committee, 1991-1995

2.6 Head of Delegation to the United Nations Human Rights Conference, Vienna, 1993

2.7 Head of Legal and Foreign Relations Division, Council of State, Ethiopian Government, 1987-1991 (Ministerial Rank)

2.8 Head of Constitutional and Legal Studies Division, ISEN Addis Ababa, 1984-1987

2.9 Dean of Faculty of Law and Associate Professor of Law, Addis Ababa University, for over 12 years up to 1984

2.10 Member of the Government delegation for the OAU African Charter of People's and Human Rights, 1982

2.11 Served as Legal Adviser to the Ethiopian Government Constitutional Commission in 1974

3. Conferences and publications

3.1 Constitution for a Nation of Nations - the Ethiopian prospect, Red Sea press, New Jersey, United States of America, 1997

3.2 "Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions" document submitted to UNECA, Addis Ababa, March 1998

3.3 "The Protection of democratic rights pursuant to the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia" paper presented to the Second Constitutional Symposium, Addis Ababa, April 1998

3.4 "Supremacy of the Constitution and the protection of human rights in Ethiopia" paper presented to the First Constitutional Symposium in Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, December 1997

3.6 "The Protection of War Victims" paper presented in Yaounde, Cameroon, 1981

3.7 "The New International Economic Order - African Perspective", United Nations University, Addis Ababa University Seminar paper published in 1982

3.8 Participated in IXth International Penal Law Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 1979

3.9 Participated in Comparative Law Academy IXth Congress in Tehran, Iran, 1974

3.10 Various papers and book chapters published over the years in several academic publications


Dr. Hipólito Solari YRIGOYEN

Born on 23 July 1933 in Buenos Aires. Lives in Puerto Madryn, Chubut. Married, three children

Law degree and Doctorate in Law and Social Sciences (National University of Buenos Aires)

Diploma of Higher Studies in International Economics (University of Paris, Sorbonne)

Diploma of the International Centre for Higher Journalism Studies of Latin America (CESPAL, Quito, Ecuador)

Spanish Information Diploma (Spanish Cooperation Institute, Madrid, Spain)

Senator of the Argentine Nation (1973-1976)

Senator of the Argentine Nation (1987-1995)

Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary acting as Ambassador-at-large of the Argentine Republic (1983-1987)

President of New Human Rights - International (Buenos Aires and Paris), a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council

President of New Human Rights - Argentina (Buenos Aires)

Member of the International Commission of Jurists (Geneva, Switzerland)

Head of Argentine Delegations to the interparliamentary conferences in Guatemala (1988), Budapest (1989) and Canberra (1993) and delegate to the 16 conferences held between 1988 and 1995

Chairman of the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians of the Interparliamentary Union (Geneva, Switzerland) between 1988 and 1993

Chairman of the Committee on Parliamentary, Juridical and Human Rights Questions of the Interparliamentary Union (1993-1995)

Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee to Promote Respect for International Humanitarian Law of the Interparliamentary Union (1993-1995)

Chairman of the Interparliamentary Union's peace mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina and other territories of the Former Yugoslavia (1994)

Attended, chaired one session at and was a reporting member of the Interparliamentary Symposium "Parliament: Guardian of Human Rights" organized by the Interparliamentary Union (Budapest, Hungary, 1993)

Represented and spoke for the Interparliamentary Union at the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (Geneva, 1995)

Was member of the External Relations and Worship Commission of the International Parliamentary Relations Commission of the Senate (1987-1995)

Was Vice-Chairman of the External Relations and Worship Commission of the Senate

Was Vice-Chairman of the Latin-American Interparliamentary Human Rights Commission (Santiago, Chile) between 1991 and 1995

Has undertaken humanitarian missions for Amnesty International (London), the Interparliamentary Union (Geneva) and the International Commission of Jurists (Geneva)

Was Visiting Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center (Washington, United States of America) in 1997 to do research into human rights. On that occasion, wrote the book "Derechos Humanos. Su Evolución Durante El Ultimo Medio Siglo (1948-1998)"

Among other decorations, has been awarded the French Legion of Honour (with the rank of Commander), the Italian Grand Cross (with the rank of Commander), the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, (with the rank of Grand Cross) and the Chilean Order of Bernardo O'Higgins (with the rank of Grand Cross)


Name: Mohammed Saleem AL TARAWNEH

Nationality: Jordanian

Place and date of birth: Karak, 15.8.1959

Marital status: Married

Current job address: Ministry of Justice

Phone No.: 699255-625121

Current residence: Amman - Jordan


Post Period

1. Clerk of Justice 1982-1983

2. Judge of First Instance 1984-1988

3. Judge of Second Instance 1988-present


Cairo University B.A. Law 1978-1982

Jordan University M.A. Human Rights 1986-1989

Lebanon University Ph.D. Human Rights Still studying

Lund University Diploma Human Rights 1995

Research and studies

1. Human Rights in Jordan, comparative study with International Laws, Jordan University, 1989

2. Human Rights in Legislation, a study to be presented to the Lebanon University as a Thesis to Ph.D. programme

3. Studies in Human Rights, 1996

4. Researches presented to the Centre for Human Rights in Geneva about:

- The question of the impunity of perpetrators of violations of human rights (economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights)

- Human rights and bioethics

Conferences and seminars

1. Human Rights International Law, seminar, Amman, 1992

2. Protection of Refugees, seminar, Amman, 1986

3. Human Rights in Islam, seminar, Amman, 1992

4. Relation Between Islam and the Worlds Acts, in Human Rights Affairs, seminar, Amman, 1994

5. Advanced International Programme on Human Rights, LUND, SEDEN, 1995

6. Legal Assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina, seminar, Ankara-Turkey, 1996

7. United States-Jordan Legal Exchange, project ADR mechanisms, Amman, 1995

8. Round table about: "Implementation of the International Humanitarian Law at the National Level", Amman, 1997

9. Human Rights and the Judicial System, Amman, 1996

10. The Role of the Judicial System to Protect Human Rights, Amman, 1995

Memberships (affiliations and association)

1. Arab Human Rights Organization

2. Jordanian Law Society

3. Jordanian Environment Society (JES)

4. Jordanian Society for Human Rights




Born: Gliwice, Poland, 9 April 1947

Nationality: Polish

Family status: married, three children

Address: ul. Grunwaldzka 161a

60-313 Poznan, Poland

Tel. 48 618 675 674


1969 - Master of Law, Adam Mickiewicz University

1973 - Doctor of Political Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University

1984 - Habilitated Doctor of Law, Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences



1969-1973 Assistant Teacher of Theory of Law and Political Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, Pozanan

1974 Graduate of the Spring Session of the International Faculty of Comparative Law, Strasbourg

1975-1985 Assistant Professor, Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences

1978-1979 Research scholar at the London School of Economic and Political Sciences

1980 Participant at the Leyden - Amsterdam - Columbia Summer Programme in American Law

1983 Participant of the Teaching Session of the Hague Academy of International Law

1984 Participant of the XV Study Session of the International Institute of Human Rights and XII Session of the International Centre for University Human Rights Teaching

1986 Participant of the Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations of the Hague Academy of International Law

1987 United Nations Human Rights Fellowship in Norway and Sweden

1988-1992 Visiting research fellow at the Institute of International Law, Ludwig - Maximilian University, Munich

1989-1992 Expert of the Polish Parliamentary Constitutional Committee

1990 Amnesty International Trial Monitoring in Ukraine

1991/92 Participant of the OSCE Human Rights Fact Finding Missions to the Former Yugoslavia

1990-1995 Director of the Foundation - Human Rights Promotion and Research in Poznan




1. Equality of Men and Women in Poland, Poznan 1975 (in Polish) - Japanese edition, Tokyo 1981

2. Basic Rights and Duties of Citizens of the Polish Peoples Republic (co-editor and co-author), Warszawa 1976 (in Polish)

3. Fundamental Duties of Citizens of the Polish Peoples Republic, Warszawa 1984 (in Polish)

4. Human Rights. Legal Model (editor and co-author), Ossolineum 1990 (in Polish)

Main articles

1. L'égalité au droit des femmes et des hommes dans la République Populaire de Pologne, Annuaire de l'URSS et des pays socialistes européens. Université des Strasbourg, 1974

2. The principles of independence of citizens' rights and duties, in: Panstwo i Prawo, 1997, vol. 10 (in Polish)

3. Personal rights, in: Human Rights in Poland (ed. A. Lopatka), Warszawa 1980 (in Polish)

4. Regulation of the state of emergency in Polish Law, in: Polish Reports for the 2nd World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Paris-Aix-en-Provence 1987

5. The evolution of the socialist concept of human rights, in: Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, vol. 6, 1988

6. Constitutional Form of the Principle of Equality and Non-Discrimination in Poland Against Comparative Background, in: Comparative Constitutional Law (M.P. Singh ed.), Delhi 1989

7. The Institution of Ombudsman in Great Britain, in: The Institution of Ombudsman in Contemporary World (L. Garlicki ed.), Warszawa 1989 (in Polish)

8. Application of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law: Individual Complaints, in: Implementation of International Humanitarian Law (F. Kalshoven and Y. Sandoz ed.), Nijhoff 1989

9. Individual complaints as a control mechanism over implementation of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in: State - Law -Citizen (J. Letowski and W. Sokolewicz ed.), Ossolineum 1989 (in Polish)

10. The principle of equality in a Polish constitutional law, in: Studia Prawnicze, 1989 (in Polish)

11. Diskriminierende Quotaregelung bei Vorgabe von Studienplätzen für Medizinerinnen verfassungswidrig - Entscheidung poln. Verfg. In: EuGRZ, No. 16, 1990

12. National Implementation of Human Rights, in: Human Rights in a Changing East/West Perspective (A. Rosas and J. Helgesen ed.), London 1990

13. The principle of Interrelation Between Human Rights and Duties in the light of a socialist concept of human rights, in: Archiv Für Rechts-und Socialphilosophie (arsp), nr. 41/1990

14. The scope and the method of regulation of the citizens' duties in the constitution, in: Rights, freedom and duties of a man and a citizen in the new Polish Constitution (Z. Kedzia ed.), Poznan 1991 (in Polish)

15. The control mechanisms of the European Convention of Human Rights, in: Panstwo i Prawo, Warszawa 1991 (in Polish)

16. Human rights and current constitutional debates in Central and Eastern European Countries, in: The Strength of Diversity (A. Rosas and J. Helgesen eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers 1992

17. Case study on the former Yugoslavia: The international mechanisms, their efficiency and failures, in: Monitoring Human Rights in Europe (A. Bloed et al. eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers 1993

18. International War Crime Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, in: Panstwo i Prawo, Warszawa 1993 (in Polish)

19. International Response to the Human Rights Violations in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia, in: 19 Polish Yearbook of the International Law 1991-1992

20. Some comments concerning the concept of economic and social rights, in: Social Rights and Human Rights, A European Challenge (K. Drzewicki, C. Krause and A. Rosas eds.), Abo Akademi University, Abo 1994

21. The Task of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Former Yugoslavia - The Particular Problems Encountered in the Fulfilment of this Task, Vienna 1995

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland

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