
International covenant

on civil and

political rights









                                                 29 June 1994



                                                 Original: ENGLISH/FRENCH/





Fourteenth meeting

New York, 8 September 1994









31 DECEMBER 1994




Note by the Secretary-General


1.   In conformity with article 30, paragraph 4, and article 32, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the 14th meeting of States parties to the Covenant will be convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters on Thursday, 8 September 1994, for the purpose of electing nine members of the Human Rights Committee from a list of persons nominated by States parties, to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 1994 (see annex I). The names of the other nine members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 31 December 1996 appear in annex II.


2.   In accordance with article 30, paragraph 2, and article 34 of the Covenant, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 18 March 1994, invited the States parties to submit, in conformity with article 29 of the Covenant, their nominations for the election of nine members of the Committee within three months, i.e. by 18 June 1994.









GE.94-17295 (E)



3.   In compliance with the provisions of article 30, paragraph 3, of the Covenant, the Secretary-General has the honour to list below, in alphabetical order, the names of the persons nominated for election to the Human Rights Committee, indicating the States parties which have nominated them:


Name of Candidates                               Nominated by


Mr. Stanislau S. Agurtsou                        (Belarus)

Mr. Akram Dawood Al-Witri                        (Iraq)

Mr. Nisuke Ando                                  (Japan)

Mr. T. Olusegun Apata                            (Nigeria)

Mr. Aboudou Assouma                              (Togo)

Mr. Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati           (India)

Mr. Thomas Buergenthal                           (United States of                                                         America)

Mrs. Christine Chanet                            (France)

Mr. Mamadi Diawara                               (Guinea)

Mrs. Ida-Denise Drammeh                          (The Gambia)

Mr. Omran El Shafei                              (Egypt)

Mr. Cornelis Flinterman                          (Netherlands)

Mr. Komi Bouwèmenda Gnondoli                     (Togo)

Mr. Said Arébi Hafiana                           (Libyan Arab                                                         Jamahiriya)

Mr. Kurt Herndl                                  (Austria)

Mr. Zdzislaw Kedzia                              (Poland)

Mr. Eckart Klein                                 (Germany)

Mr. David Kretzmer                               (Israel)

Mr. Mainassara Maidagi                           (Niger)

Mrs. Cecilia Medina Quiroga                      (Chile)

Mr. Seyyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad               (Islamic Republic of Iran)

Mr. Abdalla Idris Mohamed                        (Sudan)

Mr. Birame Ndiaye                                (Senegal)

Mr. Bharat Patel                                 (Zimbabwe)

Mr. Julio Prado Vallejo                          (Ecuador)

Mr. Waleed Sadi                                  (Jordan)

Mr. Martin Scheinin                              (Finland)


Annex I






Mr. Nisuke Ando                                                                                          (Japan)


Mrs. Christine Chanet                                                                                    (France)


Mr. Vojin Dimitrijevic                                                                                   (Yugoslavia)


Mr. Omran El Shafei                                                                                      (Egypt)


Mr. Kurt Herndl                                                                                          (Austria)


Mr. Birame Ndiaye                                                                                        (Senegal)


Mr. Julio Prado Vallejo                                                                                  (Ecuador)


Mr. Waleed Sadi                                                                                          (Jordan)


Mr. Bertil Wennergren                                                                                    (Sweden)


Annex II






Mr. Francisco José Aguilar Urbina           (Costa Rica)


Mr. Tamás Bán                               (Hungary)


Mr. Marco Tulio Bruni Celli                 (Venezuela)


Mrs. Elizabeth Evatt                        (Australia)


Mr. Laurel Francis                          (Jamaica)


Mrs. Rosalyn Higgins                        (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)


Mr. Rajsoomer Lallah                        (Mauritius)


Mr. Andreas V. Mavrommatis                  (Cyprus)


Mr. Fausto Pocar                            (Italy)


Annex III




Mr. Stanislau S. AGURTSOU (Belarus)


I.   Personal Data


     Date of birth:   10 April 1938


     Place of birth:  Gomel District, Belarus


     Nationality:     Belarus


     Marital status:  Married, has two children


II.  Education


     1955-1958        Special technical school, Minsk


     1961-1967        State Institute of International Relations, Moscow


III. Professional Activities


     1975-present     Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus


In March of 1994 was appointed Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs


Has diplomatic rank: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


     1970-1975        Member of the United Nations Secretariat Staff


     1968-1975        Permanent Mission of the Republic of Belarus to the United Nations


     1967-1968        Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus


IV.  Main Areas of Specialization


Human rights issues, including, in particular, rights of minorities, children and women; elimination of all forms of discrimination; international humanitarian cooperation; social development problems, etc.


Participated in the drafting of the new Constitution, Civic and Criminal Codes and other laws of the Republic of Belarus







V.   International Conferences


Several sessions of the United Nations General Assembly (Third Committee), ECOSOC, Commission on Human Rights, Human Rights Committee, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and of other United Nations bodies, dealing with protection and respect for human rights.


     World Conference on Human Rights (1993)


VI.  Publications


     Rights of Children in Belarus


Activities in the Field of Human Rights at the United Nations and others


VII. Languages


     Belarusian, English, Russian


Mr. Akram Dawood AL-WITRI (Iraq)


I.   Personal data


     Born in Faghdad, Iraq, 11 December 1930


Previously Ambassador, Lead of Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Baghdad, Iraq


     Currently Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs


     Married and has three children


II.  Education


     B.A. in law, College of Law, University of Baghdad, 1952


Doctor in Public International Law, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland


III. Career


Member of the Permanent Cover of Arbitration, The Hague, since 1987


Legal Advisor - Vice President of the Legal State Council (Conseil d'Etat). 1970-1978, 1980-1986


Minister Plenipotentiary - Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1978-1989


Ambassador, Head of Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1986


IV.  Activities


Lecturer of Public International Law - High studies - Law College - Baghdad 1982-1986


Representative of Iraq, then head of Iraqi Delegation to the Law of the Sea Conference, 1974-1986


Representative of Iraq at the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee, 1965-1986


Representative of Iraq to the Vienna Conference of Succession of States


Representative of Iraq to the United Nations General Assembly, 1979


Member of the Committee of Arab Experts in the Law of Sea, Cairo - Tunis


Member of Human Rights Committee, Baghdad


V.   Publications


Published a number of books and articles on topics of international law, the list of which may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.

Mr. Nisuke ANDO (Japan)


Date of birth         6 August, 1935


March 1959            LL.B., Department of Law, Kyoto University


March 1961            LL.M., Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University


September 1962-       Grantee, All-Expense Graduate Study, Fulbright

June 1964             Commission


June 1963             M.A. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy


June 1964             M.A. in Law and Diplomacy, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy


April 1965            Lecturer, Faculty of General Education, Kyoto University


August 1968           Associate Professor, Faculty of General Education, Kyoto University


August 1968-          Frequently attended conferences and meetings of World

July 1979             Association of World Federalists as its Council and Executive Committee Member


September 1969-       Researcher at United States National Archives and

October 1970          Records Service, Fulbright Commission


June 1971             Ph.D., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy


May 1972              Attended twenty-fourth session of the United Nations International Law Commission as an Observer for the Japanese Government


May 1975              Attended Twenty-seventh Session of the same Commission in the same capacity


September 1976-       British Council Fellow at London School of Economics and

August 1978           Political Science


September 1977        Participant, Research Centre of the Hague Academy of International Law


April 1981-           Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law,

March 1990            Kobe University


March 1984-1987       Elected Alternate Member, United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities


February 1985         Member, Planning Committee, International Institute for Advanced Studies (Japan)


October 1985          Member, Council, Japanese Society of International Law


January 1987-         Elected Member, Rapporteur (1991-1992) and Chairman

December 1994         (1993 up to now), Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights


April 1990            Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law,

(up to now)           Kyoto University


Principal publications


A full list of the books and articles written by the candidate is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat. The following are recent books and articles concerning human rights and related issues:


1993 "The Reform of the Protection of Human Rights in Asia and the Pacific", pp. 323-336, in La Laguna University, The Reform of International Institutions for the Protection of Human Rights (Bruylant: Bruxelles)


1992 "The Future of Monitoring Bodies - Limitations and Possibilities of the Human Rights Committee", pp. 169-176, in University of Ottawa, Canadian Human Rights Yearbook 1991-1992


1991 Surrender, Occupation, and Private Property in International Law (Oxford University Press)


1990 Digest of Japanese Practice in International Law, Part III: Territory (Co-Editor Keio Tsushin, Tokyo)


Surrender, Occupation and Private Property in International Law: A Critical Analysis of United States Practice in Japan (Oxford University Press, United Kingdom)


1989 "The Kokaryo Incident and International Law" pp. 240-279, in Festschrift für Kanae Taijudo (Toshindo, Tokyo)


1988 Digest of Japanese Practice in International Law, Part II: Restoration of Official Relations and Recognition of Governments (Co-Editor, Keio Tsushin, Tokyo)


"On the Work of the Human Rights Committee", pp. 41-46 Horitsu Jiho (December 1988)

Mr. T. Olusegun APATA (Nigeria)


[Biographical note will be issued as an addendum to the present document when received from nominating Government.]



Mr. Aboudou ASSOUMA (Togo)




Date of birth:       born 1945 in Kara (Kozah)


Marital status:      married, with four children


Higher education:    Law and economics faculties, Toulon (France)


                     Bachelor of Law degree, 1975


                     Optional subject: Judicial functions


Training:            1975 to 1977 - National College of Magistrates, Paris. Diploma




1977 to 1981:        Examining Magistrate, Lomé Court of Minor Jurisdiction


1981 to 1988:        Senior Deputy Procurator


1988 to 1991         Government Procurator


1991 to 1993:        Procurator General of the Appeal Court of Togo


Since 16 June 1993:  Member of the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court




1986 to 1989:        Member of the Togolese delegation to the forty-third, forty-fourth and forty-fifth sessions of the Commission on Human Rights, Geneva


1987 to 1989:        Alternate expert member of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities


1987 to 1993:        First Vice-President of the National Commission for Human Rights


8 November 1993:     President, National Commission for Human Rights


Founder of the Togolese Association for the Defence of Religious Freedom



Mr. Prafullachandra Natwarlal BHAGWATI (India)




Born 21 December 1921


Married, three children




B.A. from Bombay University in 1941


LL.B. from Bombay University in 1945




Engaged in legal work, such as legal advice, opinion and arbitration work.


Practised law before the High Courts and the Supreme Court from 1948 to 1960.


Judge, High Court, Gujarat from 1960 to 1967

Chief Justice, Gujarat from 1967 to 1973

Judge, Supreme Court, India from 1973 to 1985

Chief Justice of India from 1985 to 1986


Professional organizations


Indian Arbitration Council

Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Permanent Court of Arbitration


Public service


Public activities such as providing legal resource and support to voluntary organizations working for the poor and the disadvantaged


International Labour Organisation - Member of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations since 1978


Member of the Executive Committee of Commonwealth Legal Education Association, London


Member of the Human Rights Committee of the International Law Association


Honorary Member of the Conference of Chief Justices of English-speaking African countries


     A full listing of public activities of Mr. Bhagwati is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.





Award of the International Bar Association for Outstanding Contribution in the field of legal aid


Shrimani Award


Awarded Sir Jehangir Gandhi Medal by Xavier Labour Institute.


Awarded Doctor of Laws by the Andhra Pradesh University.


Vijay Ratna Award for Enriching Human Life and Outstanding Attainments


National Citizen's Award 1987 for his eminent contribution to jurisprudence


Honorary Fellow of Indian Association for Environment Management for outstanding contributions to the cause of environmental protection


Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Award by Shiromani Institute for Excellence in Judiciary and Human Rights


Awarded Human Rights Par Excellence Award by Rotary International, New Delhi in April 1993.


Associated with


Baroda University

Bombay University

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan


Mr. Thomas BUERGENTHAL (United States of America)


     Professor Thomas Buergenthal, a United States citizen, born in 1934, holds the Lobingier Chair in International and Comparative Law at the National Law Center of the George Washington University, Washington, D.C., and is the Director of its International Rule of Law Institute. He is also the President of the Administrative Tribunal of the Inter-American Development Bank.


     He served as judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights from 1979 to 1991, and was its vice-president and president in the mid-1980s. In 1992-93, he served as Commissioner on the three-member United Nations Truth Commission for El Salvador.


     Buergenthal was the Dean of the American University School of Law, Washington, D.C. (1980-85), and has been a Professor of International Law at various other American universities, including the University of Texas (Austin), Emory University (Atlanta), and the State University of New York (Buffalo). He is the author of more than a dozen books and numerous articles on international law, human rights and comparative law subjects. Some of his writings have been translated into German, French, Spanish, Korean and Portuguese. He serves on the editorial boards of various professional journals, including The American Journal of International Law, Revue Universelle des Droits d'Homme, Europaische Grundrechte Zeitschrift, International Journal of Group Rights, and The Helsinki Monitor. Buergenthal has lectured at The Hague Academy of International Law and many other institutes and universities in different parts of the world.


     He was the President of the Costa Rica-based Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (1980-92) and now serves as its honorary president. He is a member, inter alia, of the Kuratorium of the Max Planck Institute for Public International Law (Heidelberg), and of the Scientific Councils of the International Institute of Human Rights (Leiden). He is an honorary vice-president of the American Society of International Law; he served two terms as its vice-president and has been a member of its Executive Council on different occasions. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and of The American Law Institute.


     Buergenthal has received the following academic degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bethany College, West Virginia; Doctor of Jurisprudence, New York University; Master of Laws and Doctor of Juridical Science, Harvard Law School. He was awarded honorary doctorates in law by Bethany College and the University of Heidelberg in Germany. In May 1994, he will receive an honorary doctorate from the Free University in Brussels, Belgium. He is admitted to practise before the courts of the State of New York and the District of Columbia, as well as the United States Supreme Court.



Mrs. Christine CHANET (France)




Bachelor of Law degree: DES, Private Law

                        DES, Criminology


Lauréate, Faculty of Law, Paris




1968:      National College of Magistrates


1970:      Deputy Procurator in the Central Administration of the Ministry of Justice


Member of the Committee on Crime of the Council of Europe


1974:      Technical Adviser to the Secretary of State for the Status of Women


1976:      Technical Adviser to the Secretary of State for Culture


1981:      Chargée de mission, Legal Affairs Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1983:      Deputy Director for Human Rights and International Criminal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


1988:      Technical Adviser, Office of the Minister of Justice


Secretary, Criminal Justice and Human Rights Commission


1992:      Advocate General, Paris Appeal Court





1990-1994: Member of the Human Rights Committee


1987-1991: Member of the Committee against Torture




Member of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (France)

Member of INTERPOL's Commission on the Supervision of Justice

Member of the International Law Association

Member of the Extradition and Human Rights Group

Author of several articles in the Annuaire du droit international


Languages: English, French


Mr. Mamadi DIAWARA (Guinea)




Date and place of birth: 28 March 1944 at Hérémakono - Faranah (Republic of Guinea)


Nationality: Guinean




1970:      University studies: Masters degree in law (University of Conakry)




1971-1973: Magistrate with extended jurisdiction


1974-1976: President of the Appeal Court


1977-1983: Government Procurator of the Court of Appeal


1983-1985: Government Procurator of the High Court of Cassation


1985-1986: Government Procurator of the Supreme Court


1987-1989: Deputy Secretary-General of the National Executive


1989-1991: Secretary-General of the Executive


1991-1992: Minister of Education, responsible for Higher Education and Scientific Research


Since 15 January 1993: Director of Political and Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation




Participated in the drafting of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights.


Represented the Government of Guinea at the settlement by the Arbitral Tribunal of The Hague of the "Guinea-Guinea-Bissau maritime frontier dispute".


Represented the Government of Guinea in the settlement by the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) of the "Nominess Establissement v. Republic of Guinea" international maritime dispute.







Represented the Government of Guinea in the settlement by the International Chamber of Commerce of the "Geosurvey (R.F.A.) v. Republic of Guinea" dispute.


Represented the Government of Guinea in the settlement by ICSID of the "Atlantic Triton v. Repubic of Guinea" dispute.


     A full list of missions undertaken by the candidate may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.




From 1981 to 1983, introduced the annual report of the Republic of Guinea on observance of human rights, Commission on Human Rights, Geneva.


Participated in seminars held by the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights.


Participated in OAU conferences: 1980, 1981, 1983.


Participated in General Conference of UNESCO: 1991.


Participated in Cotonou Summit Conference, 1993.


Member of the delegation of Guinea to the forty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly, 1993


     A full list of the conferences in which the candidate has participated may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat.



Mrs. Ida-Denise DRAMMEH (The Gambia)




Profession: Barrister and Solicitor


Date of birth: 23 July 1958


Civil status: Divorced, one child




1983-1984     SIDNEY SUSSEX COLLEGE, Cambridge University, England

Master of Laws

              Thesis: Legal problems involved in setting up a securities market in a less developed country


1979-1980     NIGERIAN LAW SCHOOL, Lagos, Nigeria

              Bar exams


1976-1979     UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS, Nigeria

              Bachelor of Laws




1984-present  Senior Partner in firm of Macaulay and Drameh


Engaged in litigation, writing opinions and giving advice to local and international clients.


1981-1982     Personal Assistant to Special Adviser of The Gambia Government on Constitutional and International Law


Involved in arranging and coordinating criminal cases arising out of attempted coup d'état in The Gambia in 1981.


Involved in international law matters arising in relation to the confederation Treaty between the Republic of Senegal and The Republic of The Gambia.




1985-present  Law Research Officer with Law Reform Commission of The Gambia


Carrying out research on behalf of Commission on selected topics including the Legal Status of Women, Adoption, Maintenance of Children, Land Law and Tenure in The Gambia


1993-present  Governor of Saint Joseph's High School


1990          Member of the Committee appointed to inquire into functioning of District Tribunals in The Gambia




Function and use of Pleadings in civil cases - Workshop on Continuing Legal Education, Banjul, The Gambia, November 1991


The Operation and Role of District Tribunals - Gambia Law Foundation, Basse, The Gambia, March 1992


Assisted in arranging material for Berthan Macaulay Q.C. writer of paper dealing with subject of Human Rights in Africa - African Bar Association Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 1980.




Judicial Independence and Judicial Accountability - Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association, November 1993


WIPO Regional Seminar on Patent Cooperation Treaty - October 1993


Regional Bar Association meetings


Women's Jurists and Legal Officer's Conference - Dakar, Senegal, 1984



Mr. Omran EL SHAFEI (Egypt)


Born in June 1925, widower with two daughters.


Graduated from Cairo University (1947) from Faculty of Political Science.


Graduated also from National Defence College, Nasser's Higher Military Academy (1967).


Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1948 and served in several posts in Egyptian embassies abroad including the posts of Counsellor of the Egyptian Permanent Mission to the United Nations (1961-1965) and the post of Minister Plenipotentiary in the Egyptian Embassy in London (1968-1972).


Appointed Ambassador of Egypt to Pakistan (1974-1976), the Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations Office at Geneva (1976-1980).


During his tenure in Geneva, served, among others, as Representative of Egypt to the Commission on Human Rights and elected for two years as Vice-Chairman of the Commission.


Occupied a number of posts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs including the post of Director of the International Organizations Department and Director of the Political Planning Department.


Appointed Under Secretary of State (1980) and later Assistant Foreign Minister until his retirement (1985)


While in Cairo and Geneva, Ambassador El Shafei participated in the preparation of the Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions of 1949.


He also served in his individual capacity as a member and Chairman of the United Nations Advisory Board on Arms Control and Security Matters (1978-1990).


He has been a member of the Human Rights Committee since 1987 and Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the last three years.


Ambassador El Shafei served as a member of the Higher Administrative Tribunal (Conseil d'Etat) for three years (1991-1993) nominated by a decree of the Minister of Justice from a list of public personalities.


At present, Ambassador El Shafei performs the following functions:


     -    Vice-Chairman of the Egyptian United Nations Association


     -    Member of the Board of Administration of the Egyptian Red Crescent Society, responsible for the Society's international relations


     -    Member of the Egyptian Pugnash society and of the Egyptian Charter of the International Development Society


     -    Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of United Nations Associations


     -    Vice-President of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and Peace


     -    Lectures at the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.


Ambassador El Shafei is holder of the following orders:


     Order of Merit - First Class - Egypt (1979)

     Order of the Republic Egypt (1978)

     Ordre National de Merit Italy (1982)

     Ordre National de Merit - France (1983)

     Order of Honour - Grand Commandor - (Greece, 1984)

     Ordre National - Commandor - Republic of Mali

     Ordre de Merit - Grand Officier République Centre Africaine



Mr. Cornelis FLINTERMAN (Netherlands)




LL.M. Degree, University of Leyden, The Netherlands (1969)


LL.M. Degree, University of Virginia, United States of America (1971)


Visiting Scholar, Yale Law School, United States of America (1973)


Ph.D. Degree, University of Leyden, The Netherlands (1981)




(Senior) lecturer in law (comparative and constitutional law), Leyden University, 1969-1970, 1971-1974, 1976-1978


Visiting lecturer in law (comparative and constitutional law), University of Ghana, 1974-1976


Research associate of the Ghana Law Reform Commission, 1974-1976


Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Legal and Social Affairs Division, The Hague, 1979-1981


Professor of Law (constitutional and international law), University of Limburg, the Netherlands, 1982-present

(1984-1986 Dean of the Faculty of Law)

(1986-1991 Chairman of the International Law Department)

(1991-1993 Chairman Board of Directors, Research Institute, Faculty of Law)

(1992-present Co-director of the University of Limburg Research Centre of Human Rights)






Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Human Rights and Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Member of the Advisory Council of the African Center for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, Banjul, the Gambia


Member of the Editorial Board of the Netherlands International Law Review


Member of the Social Sciences Committee of the National UNESCO Commission for the Netherlands


Member of the Advisory Board of the Netherlands' Foundation for Health and Human Rights




Member of the Board of the Foundation Netherlands Institute for Human Rights (SIM, Utrecht)


Member of the Board of the Foundation Netherlands Helsinki Committee


Member of the Editorial committee of the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidsrecht (Netherlands Review of Health Law)


Member of the Advisory Committee on Questions of Public International Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Past (among others):


Alternate member of the Sub-commission for the Prevention of Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities (1986-1991)


Member of the Editorial Board of the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Rechten van de Mens (Netherlands Review of Human Rights) (1982-1990)


Vice-Chairman of the forty-ninth session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (1993)


Head of the delegation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the forty-ninth and fiftieth sessions of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (1993 and 1994) and the World Conference on Human Rights (1993)




Past (among others):


Guest-lectures at the Universities of Poznan (Poland), Warsaw (Poland), Den Pasar (Indonesia), Colombo (Sri Lanka), Accra (Ghana), Lancaster (United Kingdom), Willemstad (Netherlands Antilles), Cincinnati (United States of America) and at the René Cassin Institute (Strasbourg, France) and Asser College Europe (The Hague)


External examiner: University of Lancaster (United Kingdom) (1987-1990), University of Ghana (Accra, Ghana) (1986-1989)


Present (among others):


Member of the African Society of International and Comparative Law, American Society of International Law, International Law Association, Netherlands Association of International Law, Netherlands Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Netherlands Lawyers Association, German Association for African Law, Association of Alumni of The Hague Academy of International Law and of other professional associations


Substitute-judge at the District Court of Maastricht








De Act of State Doctrine (doctoral dissertation, 1981), Antwerpen, 1981


Human Rights in Ghana, Utrecht, 1985




Articles, reports, etc. on issues of (comparative) constitutional law, international law, law of international organizations and international human rights law in various Dutch and non-Dutch journals and books


     Co-editor of a number of books on topics of international law, in particular on the international protection of human rights.



Mr. Komi Bouwemenda GNONDOLI (Togo)




Date and place of birth: 1958 at Lassa-Houdé (KOZAH)


Nationality: Togolese


Sex: Male


Marital status: Married


Occupation: Judge, grade 3, step 3          Principal Private Secretary to the Minister for Human Rights




University studies:


College of Administrative and            1981-1983: Law degree, third

Legal Studies (ESACJ)                                certificate


                                         1983-1984: Master's degree in Law


Postgraduate studies:


National College of Administration       1985-1987: Third stage diploma

(ENA)                                    Course subject: Judicial service


HURIDOCS Network                         June 1990: Human rights information certificate


International Institute of Human         July 1991: Human rights teaching

Rights, Strasbourg                                   and research certificate


                                         July 1993: Diploma in international human rights law and comparative law


International Labour Office              August 1991: Course at ILO in



     A full list of educational distinctions and fellowships is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.




National Commission for Human Rights     May 1989 to June 1991: Assistant

(CNDH)                                   Administrative Secretary and delegate of CNDH with national responsibilities


Ministry of Human Rights                 Since January 1991: Principal Private Secretary to the Minister for Human Rights


African Commission on Human and          March to April 1993: Head of

Peoples' Rights                          the Togolese delegation to the thirteenth regular session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights


United Nations Commission on             January to March 1994: Alternate

Human Rights                             member of the Togolese delegation to the fiftieth session of the Commission on Human Rights


Languages:                               French and English



Mr. Said Arébi HAFIANA (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)


Present position:     President of the Tripoli Court of Appeal


University studies:   Bachelor of Law degree, Law Faculty of Garyounis University, Benghazi, 1967


Postgraduate diploma in public law, Faculty of Law and Economic Science, Montpellier (France)


Professional career:  1979 to 1984, Libyan Ambassador to France


1984 to 1988, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs


Conference and other activities:


Member of the Libyan delegation to the Conference on Human Rights in Africa, Banjul, 1980


Head of the Libyan delegation to the Elkods Committee meetings, Fez, 1981


Member of the Libyan delegation to the Summit Conference of the Non-Aligned Countries, Harare, 1986


Member of the Libyan delegation to the Conference of African Heads of State, Addis Ababa, 1987


Head of the Libyan delegation to the meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs to make preparations for the Arab Summit Conference, Algiers, 1989


Head of the Libyan delegation to the Conference of Ministers of Justice of States Members of the United Nations, Paris, 1991


Head of the Libyan delegation (preparation and submission of Libya's supplementary report), to the Committee against Torture, 1991, 1992, 1993


Representative and head of delegation of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to the Commission on Human Rights, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994


Representative of the Jamahiriya on the Commission for the preparation of the Arab Charter of Human Rights


Head of the Libyan delegation to the meeting of Arab Ministers of Justice held to consider the draft Arab Charter of Human Rights, Cairo, 1993


Deputy Head of the Libyan delegation to the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 1993


Member of the Libyan delegation to the Conference of African Heads of State, Cairo, 1993



Chairman of the political and juridical committee appointed to consider the problem of Libyan prisoners of war in Chad


Member of the Libyan delegation to the forty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly, 1993


Publications and research:


Papers on political, economic, social and cultural rights in Africa presented at the Banjul Conference, 1980


"Les pays en voie de développement face aux nouvelles données du nouvel ordre international" (Magazines d'études stratégiques, Beirut, 1990)


"Conflits des lois et des systems juridiques (Cadre natural de règlement du problème de 'Lockerbie')", a legal study published in Beirut (El Safir), 1990


"The historical roots of Islamic religious movements. Study of the phenomena of rejection of and revolt against established systems in Arab-Islamic history" (a series of lectures given to students of the Islamic Science Faculty, Tripoli, Libya)


Human rights: discussion - author of principles and compilation of practices (studies in Arabic that were the subject of a lecture to the Human Rights Committee), Libya, 1993



Mr. Kurt HERNDL (Austria)


At present a member of the Human Rights Committee (term of office expires 31 December 1994)


Born 8 November 1932 in Villach, Austria




Baccalaureat, 1950; University of Innsbruck, Law Faculty, 1950-1956, LL.D., 1956. Postgraduate studies at the Law Faculty of the University of Paris (worked with Charles Rousseau, Paul Reuter and Suzanne Bastid), 1959-1960; participated in the Study and Research Centre of The Hague Academy of International Law (with Professors Charlier and Bedia), 1960 and 1962




Assistant lecturer in International Law, Law Faculty, University of Innsbruck, 1956-1962; entered the Austrian Foreign Service, 1962; member of the staff of the Office of the Legal Adviser, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Vienna, 1962-1965; Deputy Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations Office and the Specialized Agencies in Geneva, 1965-1969; seconded to the United Nations Secretariat, New York, 1969; Director, Security Council and Political Committees Division, United Nations, New York, 1969-1975; Director, Executive Office of the Secretary-General, United Nations, New York, 1975-1977; re-entered the Austrian Foreign Service, 1977, Ambassador. Legal Adviser of the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Vienna, 1977-1982; again seconded to the United Nations Secretariat, Geneva, 1982; Head of the United Nations Centre for Human Rights with the rank of Assistant Secretary-General, 1982-1987; re-entered the Austrian Foreign Service, 1987; Director, International Organizations Division, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Vienna, and Deputy to the Director-General for Political Affairs, 1988-1989; Ambassador to Canada, 1989-1993; Special Adviser to the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs for the World Conference on Human Rights, 1993. Currently serving as a member of the EFTA Court based in Geneva


Participated in numerous United Nations meetings and plenipotentiary conferences as adviser, delegate and later head of delegation, representative of the Secretary-General or Committee Secretary, inter alia, the Security Council (1969-1976), 22 sessions of the General Assembly, 10 sessions of ECOSOC, 10 sessions of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, the United Nations Conference on Consular Relations (1963), the United Nations Conference on State Succession in Respect of Treaties (1977-1978), the Conference on the Drafting of a Constitution for UNIDO (1977-1978) and the World Conference on Human Rights (1993)


Attended numerous meetings of the International Labour Organisation, the World Health Organization, the World Meteorological Organization, the Intergovernmental Committee on Migration, the Council of Europe, the European Conference on Nuclear Research (CERN), the Executive Committee of UNHCR, the Legal Sub-Committee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space




Director of Studies (together with Antonio Cassese) of the Study and Research Centre of The Hague Academy of International Law (subject: the Legal Issues of Peace-Keeping), 1975, lectured annually at the Vienna Seminar on Peace-Keeping organized by the International Peace Academy, New York, 1977-1991; lectured at The Hague Academy of International Law, 1985 (one of the main courses, topic: the Role, Functions and Procedures of the Security Council of the United Nations), (see: Recueil des Cours, Tome 206 (1987/VI)); lectured at the Diplomatic Academy, Vienna on the sources of international law, 1981, and on the laws and procedures of international organizations, 1988




Acted as agent for the Austrian Government in all human rights cases brought against Austria before the European Commission of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights between 1977 and 1982; served as United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, directing the United Nations Centre for Human Rights 1982-1987, was elected member of the Human Rights Committee in 1990




     Published a number of books and articles on topics of international law, the list of which may be consulted in the files of the Secretariat. The following are recent publications concerning human rights and related issues:


"The Role of the United Nations in the Development of Human Rights", in Bulletin of Human Rights, No. 86/2 (1986), pp. 1-6


"Recent Developments concerning United Nations Fact-finding in the Field of Human Rights", in Fortschritt im Bewusstsein der Grund- und Menschenrechte, Festschrift für Felix Ermacora, Kehl, Strasbourg, Arlington, 1987, pp. 1-35


"Die Menschenrechte in der Welt von Hente", in 23. Jahrbuch der Diplomatischen Akademie, Vienna, 1987-1988, pp. 77-84


"Reflections on the Role, Functions and Procedures of the Security Council". Recueil des Cours, vol. 206 (1987-VI), pp. 289-395


"Die Vereinten Nationen und die Menschenrechte - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit", in Die Vereinten Nationen und Österreich, vol. 38 (1989), No. 1-2


"The 'forgotten' competences of the Security Council", in Verantwortung in unserer Zeit, Festschrift für Rudolf Kirschlaeger, Vienna, 1990, pp. 83-92


"Bemerkungen zur Effektivität des Menschenrechtsschutzsystems der Vereinten Nationen", in: Menschenrechte als politischer Auftrag, ed. Dr. Heinrich Neisser, Serie Focus, vol. 7, Vienna, 1993, pp. 155-166


Mr. Zdzislaw KEDZIA (Poland)




Born:          Radom (Poland), 2 July 1943

Nationality:   Polish

Family status: Married, one daughter




               Professor of Law




Present position


Since 1991 -  Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations Office at Geneva


Diplomatic career


1989-1991  -  Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on human rights


1990-1991  -  Head, Human Rights Section, Legal Department of the Foreign Ministry, Warsaw


1990-1991  -  Representative of Poland to the Steering Committee for Human Rights of the Council of Europe


1991-1993  -  Rapporteur, Preparatory Committee to the World Conference on Human Rights


1992-1993  -  Vice-Chairman of the Council of Europe Ad Hoc Committee dealing with the preparation to the World Conference on Human Rights


1992       -  Head, Polish delegation to the forty-eighth session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Geneva


1993       -  General Rapporteur, United Nations World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna


1993       -  Rapporteur, forty-ninth session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights


1993       -  Expert, Polish delegation, forty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly, Third Committee, New York


1993       -  Chairman, Drafting Committee of the Working Group on the Draft Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (established by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights)


Since 1992 -  Alternate Member, Venice Commission "Democracy through Law", Council of Europe


Academic career


Since 1973 -  Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences; since 1992 full Professor; 1981-1991 Director of the Poznan Human Rights Centre; (on temporary leave since 1991)



1966-1973  -  Assistant and subsequently Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law and Political Sciences, Adam-Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland)


1969-1970  -  Postgraduate studies in public law, University of Zurich


1982-1983  -  Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, research in human rights law in the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign Public Law and International Public Law, Heidelberg


1988-1991  -  Coordinator of the research project "The Theoretical Foundations of the Individual's Rights, Freedoms and Duties in the Future Polish Constitution", Poznan (Poland)


1989-1992  -  Vice President of the Polish Section of the International Association of Constitutional Law


1983-1993  -  Series of lectures at universities in Austria, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland


1989       -  Independent expert at the "round table" talks between the Government and the Trade Union Solidarnosc, Warsaw


Since 1989 -  Expert of the Polish Parliament (human rights, constitutional law); expert of the parliamentary Constitutional Commission


Since 1987 -  Expert to the Commissioner for Citizens' Rights (Polish Ombudsman)


Since 1993 -  Member of the Curatorium and Lecturer at the Institute for German and European Law on Political Parties (Hagen University, Germany)


Editorial activities


Co-editor of the All-European Human Rights Yearbook (together with P. Leuprecht and M. Nowak), J.P. Engel Publishers


Editor of the journal "Human Rights. Documents" (in Polish and in English)




Polish Section of the International Law Association


     Polish Section of the International Association of Constitutional Law


Polish Section of the International Commission of Jurists


Chairman, Board of the Foundation "Human Rights Promotion: Teaching and Research" (Poland)




1991 -   Award of the Bruno Kreisky Foundation for the Poznan Human Rights Centre for the achievements in the field of human rights


Teaching subjects


International Human Rights Law, Comparative and Domestic Human Rights Law, Constitutional Law




Books, monographs


1.   Die Rechtsstellung von Ausländern nach polnischem Recht, in: The Legal Position of Aliens in National and International Law, (ed. J.A. Frowein, Th. Stein), vol. II, 1987


2.   Rights, Freedoms and Duties of Man and Citizen in the new Polish Constitution (Editor), 1990 (in Polish); author of (i) The Constitutional Concept of Rights, Freedoms and Duties of Man and Citizen, (ii) Criteria for the Construction of the Constitutional Catalogue of Rights, Freedoms and Duties of Man and Citizen, (iii) Principles of the Catalogue of Rights, Freedoms and Duties of Man and Citizen


3.   Human Rights. The Legal Model. Studies in International and Comparative Law, (ed. R. Wieruszewski), 1992, (in Polish); author of: (i) Right to Life, (ii) Freedom of Movement, (iii) The Right to Protection against Arbitrary Expulsion, (iv) The Right to Protection by the State Abroad


4.   Status of Deputies. International Loans, (Editor), 1992; author of: The Legal Status of a deputy to the Sejm (the Polish Diet)


5.   Das Parteienrecht in den zentral- und osteuropäischen Ländern, (ed. Z. Kędzia, D. Tsatsos), 1994, author of: (i) Das Parteienrecht in Polen, (ii) with D. Tsatsos, Gesammtwürdigung


Main articles and essays


     A full listing of articles and essays written by the candidate is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat. The following are recent articles concerning human rights and related issues:


An East European Perspective of an All-European System of Human Rights Protection, in: Perspectives of an All-European System of Human Rights Protection. The Role of the Council of Europe, the CSCE, and the European Communities, ed. Z. Kędzia, A. Korula, M. Nowak; All-European Human Rights Yearbook vol. 1, ed. Z. Kędzia, P. Leuprecht, M. Nowak, Kehl, Strasbourg, Arlington 1991, pp. 157-174


The implementation of Social and Economic Rights in Central and Eastern European Countries, in: The Implementation of Economic and Social Rights. National, International and Comparative Aspects, ed. F. Matscher, Schriften des Oesterreichischen Instituts für Menschenrechte, vol. 3, Kehl, Strasbourg, Arlington 1991, pp. 237-266


The Place of Human Rights Treaties in the Polish Legal Order, European Journal of International Law, 1982, No. 1


The European Convention on Human Rights and Polish Law, in: Der Schutz der Menschenrechte. Materialien aus dem IX. Deutsch-Polnischen Kolloquium, 1992


The Implementation of International Human Rights Agreements in Poland, in: The relationship between international and domestic law, European Commission for Democracy through Law, Council of Europe, 1993




     Numerous expert opinions for different bodies. In 1989, inter alia, a study on "The legal aspects of accession to the European Convention on Human Rights by non-member States of the Council of Europe", for the Legal Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - AS/Jur (42)4.



(major recent conferences)


1.   Organizer of the International Conference "All-European Human Rights Protection" in cooperation with the Council of Europe (Poznan 1990)


2.   Participation in conferences organized by the Council of Europe: "Universality of Human Rights" (1989) and "Human Rights at the Dawn of the XXI Century" (1993) - chairman of one of three working groups


3.   UNESCO Conference "Education for Democracy and Human Rights" (Montreal, 1993) - chairman of one of three working groups


4.   Organizer of the International Seminar on Academic Freedom (Poznan 1993 - satellite meeting to the World Conference on Human Rights)


5.   World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, 1993) - General Rapporteur and Vice Chairman of the Polish Delegation

Mr. Eckart KLEIN (Germany)


1943       Born in Oppeln/Upper Silesia


1949-1962  Attendance of school in Karlsruhe


1962-1963  National Service


1963-1964  Language studies in Paris


1964-1968  Law student at the Universities of Freiburg/Brsg., Göttingen, Lausanne and Heidelberg


1968       Law Degree


1971       Bar Examination


1969-1971  Assistant, Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public and Public International Law, Heidelberg


1972-1976  Assistant, Faculty of Law, University of Heidelberg


1973       Doctorate in Jurisprudence (University of Heidelberg)


1974-1976  Law Clerk at the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe


1976-1981  Research Fellow at the Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public and Public International Law, Heidelberg


1980-1981  Associate Professor. Faculty of Law, University of Mainz


Since 1981 Professor of Public Law, Public International Law and European Law, Faculty of Law, University of Mainz


1984-1994  Judge at the Higher Administrative Court of Rheinland-Pfalz, Koblenz


Since 1987 Member, Arbitration Tribunal and Mixed Commission (under the German External Debts Treaty)


Since 1991 Member of the European Court of Arbitration, Strasbourg


1991       Guest Professor at the University of Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America (September 1991)


1991-1992  Guest Professor at Sorbonne University Paris III


Since 1992 Deputy Member of the Constitutional Court of the Land Bremen


1994       Nominated to the Chair of Constitutional Law, Public International Law and European Law at the University of Potsdam; Director of the first German Human Rights Centre


Member, inter alia, of the International Law Association, American Society of International Law, Society of German Constitutional Lawyers, German Society of Public International Law, International Commission of Jurists


Married since 1969, three children


List of selected published writings


     A full listing of articles written by the candidate is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat. The following are recent articles concerning human rights and related issues:


The United Nations and the right of self-determination, in: Blumenwitz/Meissner (ed.), The Right of National Self-Determination and the German Question, 1984


Protection of individual rights in the Federal Republic of Germany in connection with violations of the human rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in the European Human Rights Convention, in: Mahrenholz/Hilf/Klein, The Development of Human Rights within the States of the Council of Europe, 1987


Human rights of the third generation, in: C. Stark (ed.), Rights, Institutions and Impact of International Law according to the German Basic Law, 1987


The position in international law - human rights in the States of the Warsaw Pact, German Bundestag Document 11/1344


International human rights obligations of the GDR, in: G. Brunner (ed.), Human Rights in the GDR, 1989


The philosophy and implementation of minority protection, in: Reaffirmation and Development of Human Rights and Ethnic Group Rights in Central Europe, 1991



Mr. David KRETZMER (Israel)




1943       Born in Johannesburg, South Africa


1963       Immigrated to Israel


Present position


Louis Marshall Professor of Environmental Law and Director, Center for Human Rights, Hebrew University of Jerusalem




1967       LL.B. (with distinction), Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


1972       LL.M. (with distinction), Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


1975       Dr. Jur., York University, Toronto, Canada

Doctoral Thesis: Aims and Functions of the Tort System of Loss Allocation




1966-1967  Clerk with Justice Z. Berinson, Israel Supreme Court


1967-1968  Clerk with firm of Yigal Arnon, Jerusalem

Teaching Assistant to Professor A. Barak


1968       Accepted as member of Israel Bar


1969-1972  Part-time teacher, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University


1970-1972  Advocate with D.M. Schlosberg, Advocates, Tel-Aviv, Israel


1972-1974  Doctoral Candidate, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, Canada


1975-1978  Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


1976       Appointed to Louis Marshall Chair of Environmental Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


1978       Appointed Senior Lecturer (with tenure), Hebrew University of Jerusalem





1978-1979  Fellow, Center for Advanced Engineering Studies, M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachussetts

Faculty member, Energy Impacts Project, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, M.I.T.


1979       (Summer) Consultant, Office of Policy and Planning, E.P.A., Washington, D.C.


1979       (Fall) David Ben-Gurion Visiting Professor, Law Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California


1981-1984  Vice-Dean for Students' Affairs, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


1984-1985  David Ben-Gurion Visiting Professor, Law Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California


1984       Associate Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


1989       (Fall) Visiting Professor, Tulane Law School, New Orleans


1990       (Spring) Academic Visitor, University College, Oxford


1991       Full Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


1991       Member, Standing Committee of the Senate, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Subjects taught at University: Contracts, Torts, Environmental Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Human Rights




1972       Founding member, Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)


1981-1982  Chairperson of Executive Board, ACRI


1986-1987  Co-Chairperson of Executive Board, ACRI


1987-1989  Vice-Chairperson of Executive Board, ACRI


1990-1992  Chairperson of Executive Board, ACRI


1986-1990  Legal Commentator, "Jerusalem Post"


1990-      Contributing editor, "Jerusalem Report"




1990       Ford Foundation Grant for research on: The Supreme Court of Israel's Jurisprudence on the Occupied Territories




April, 1993


A.   Books


The Rights of the Disabled in Israel - Proposals for Reform (together with U. Procaccia and A.L. Miller, Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, Jerusalem, 1979) (in Hebrew)


Nuisances (Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, Jerusalem, 1980) (in Hebrew)


Assault and False Imprisonment (Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, Jerusalem, 1980) (in Hebrew)


The Legal Status of the Arabs in Israel (Westview Press, 1990)


B.   Articles


     A full listing of articles written by the candidate is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat. The following are recent articles concerning human rights and related issues:


The influence of first amendment jurisprudence on judicial decision-making in Israel, in: The Constitutional Bases of Political and Social Change in the United States (S. Slonim, ed., Praeger, 1990), 295-313


The constitutional and legal status of freedom of speech in Israel, in Israeli Reports to the XIII International Congress of Comparative Law (ed., C. Fassberg), 1990, 120-142


Public law, in: 40 Years of the Israeli Legal System (1990) 24 Is.L. Rev., 341-355


The new basic laws on human rights: a mini-revolution in Israeli Constitutional Law? (1992) 26 Is.L. Rev., 238-246


Political agreements - a critical introduction, (1992) 26 Is.L. Rev., 407-437


Racial incitement in Israel, (1993) 22 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 243-259


Judicial review over demolition and sealing of houses in the Occupied Territories, in: Klinghoffer Book on Public Law (ed. I. Zamir, Jerusalem, 1993), 305-357



Mr. Maïnassara MAIDAGI (Niger)




Born:          1949


Married:       Five children






October 1974:       Certificate of Legal Studies


June 1976:          Diploma of General University Studies (D.E.U.G.)


June 1977:          Bachelor of Law degree


June 1978:          Master of Law degree (Judiciary)


June 1980:          Diploma of the National College of Magistrates, Paris (France)




July 1980:          Presiding Judge, Zinder Court


September 1981:     Presiding Judge, Tahoua Court


October 1984:       Presiding Judge, Maradi Court


October 1986:       Presiding Judge, Niamey Court


October 1988:       Senior Judge, Niamey Appeal Court


March 1990:         Legal Adviser to the Prime Minister


Since August 1990:  Presiding Judge, Niamey Appeal Court


17 January 1992 to 31 March 1993 (while Presiding Judge of the Niamey Appeal Court) Chairman of the commission appointed to prepare the Basic Texts (established following the Sovereign National Conference)


25 August 1992 to 31 March 1993 (while Chairman of the commission appointed to prepare the Basic Texts) Permanent Secretary of the National Commission for Control and Supervision of the Constitutional Referendum and Conduct of Elections


Member of the Bureau (Foreign Relations Secretary) of the Niger Association for the Defence of Human Rights. As such, participated in the Constituent Congress of the Inter-African Union for Human Rights, held at Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).




Seminar-workshop on preparation and submission of national reports called for under the various international human rights conventions, Dakar (Senegal)


Training course on the development of national strategies and machinery for promoting and protecting human rights in Africa, Banjul (Gambia)


International development seminar on the topic "Programme to support democracy", Quebec (Canada)


Nominated by the Government of the Republic of Niger for inclusion in the list of arbitrators maintained by the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes


     A full list of the seminars and workshops in which the candidate has participated is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.


Mrs. Cecilia MEDIAN QUIROGA (Chile)




1953-1958    Faculty of Law, University of Chile, Santiago


1958         Bachelor's Degree in Law and Social Science (Highest honours)


1958-1959    Legal practice (Civil Law)


1959         Appointed as attorney to the Supreme Court of Chile


1971         Certificate in the Methodology of Legal Research and Teaching, Institute of Legal Teaching and Research, Santiago, Chile


1979         Tenth study session, International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France


1979         Seventh study session at the International Training Centre for University Teaching of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France


1982         Thirteenth study session, International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France


1986-1987    Women's leadership training course at ISIS, Amsterdam, Netherlands


1988         Doctorate in International Law, University of Utrecht, Netherlands




Spanish: Mother tongue


English: Fluent (active and passive)


Dutch: Good (active and passive)


             French: Good (passive); poor (active)




1993         Lecturer in public international law, Faculty of Law, Diego Portales University, Santiago, Chile


1992         Guest lecturer in international human rights law, School of Law, University of Chile






1992-1993    Director and lecturer, advanced training course in international human rights law for students in the faculties of law of Santiago and Concepción, the former organized by the Institute of Human Rights of the University of Utrecht (Netherlands), Diego Portales University and Andrés Bello University, and the latter by the same institutions and the University of Concepción


1992         Director and lecturer, course in international human rights law for judges and advocates (Montevideo, (Uruguay); Valparaíso, Valdivia and Antofagasta (Chile))


1991         Organizer, associate academic director and lecturer, course in international human rights law held at the Hague for South American judges and advocates, under the auspices of the Academy of International Law of the Hague and the Netherlands Human Rights Institute


1991         Consultant of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs for three human rights projects in Colombia (human rights in formal education and human rights at the local level)


1991-        Lecturer in international human rights law at Diego Portales University


1990         Director and lecturer, courses for international human rights judges and advocates, Buenos Aires and Tucumán (Argentina); Santiago, Concepción and Valparaíso (Chile). Human Rights Institute of the University of Utrecht


1989-1990    Guest lecturer at the International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France


1988         Guest lecturer at the University of Lund, Sweden


1986-1990    Guest lecturer, international law programme and human rights programme, Institute of Social Studies, the Hague, Netherlands


1989-        SIM (Netherlands Human Rights Institute), Faculty of Law, University of Utrecht, Netherlands - lecturing and research


1980-1988    Europa Instituut, Faculty of Law, University of Utrecht, Netherlands: teaching and research (international economic organizations, human rights)


1971-1973    Assistant lecturer in constitutional law, Faculty of Law, University of Chile, Santiago


1967-1970    Assistant lecturer in constitutional law in the same faculty


1966-1967    Assistant in constitutional law, same faculty






1977-1980    Research work at the Instituto para el Nuevo Chile, Rotterdam, Netherlands


1977         Research work in the Hispanic division of the law library, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., United States of America


1976-1977    Legal adviser, Institute for the Development of Indian Law, Washington, D.C., United States of America


1974         Latin American Council of Social Sciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina


1971-1973    Acting secretary and recording officer, Constitutional Court of Chile


1959-1970    Private practice as advocate




     A full listing of books and articles written by the candidate is available for consultation in the files of the secretariat. The following are recent articles concerning human rights and related issues:


Cuadernos de Análisis Jurídico, No. 25, Serie Seminarios, 1993, School of Law, Diego Portales University, April 1993. El Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, C. Medina (Coordinator), School of Law, Diego Portales University, Santiago, Chile.


"Do international human rights laws protect women?", in: Joanna Kerr (ed.), Ours by Right, Women's Rights as Human Rights, ZED Books in association with the North-South Institute, 1993, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 78-81.


C. Medina (editor), SIM Special No. 13, Training Course on International Human Rights Law, Selected Lectures, Peace Palace, the Hague, 16 September-4 October 1991.


"The right of individual petition. Some problems of law and practice", in ibid.


C. Medina (Coordinator), Cuadernos de Análisis Jurídico, No. 26, Curso de Entrenamiento en Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, Conferencias Escogidas, Peace Palace, the Hague, 16 September-4 October 1991, 1993.


Spanish translation of "The right of individual petition. Some problems of law and practice", in ibid., pp. 149-167.


Since 1988, contributor to the "Human Rights News" section (inter-American system), of the Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights.


Member of the Editorial Council of the Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights.


Forthcoming publications:


"Towards a more effective guarantee of the enjoyment of human rights by women in the inter-American system", paper presented at a seminar held at the University of Toronto, Canada, from 31 August to 2 September 1992, to form a chapter of a volume in the University of Pennsylvania Press Book Series on Human Rights, in 1993.


"The International Human Rights Machinery: A Stock-taking", paper presented at a seminar organized by the American University in Washington, D.C., on 6 and 7 April 1992.


Mr. Seyved Mostafa MOHAGHEGH DAMAD (Islamic Republic of Iran)




Place of birth:       Qum


Date of birth:        1945


Married with 5 children




Completion of Theological Seminary in Islamic Jurisprudence Degree (Mujtahed)


Law and Islamic Philosophy in the University of Tehran


International Public Law, Ph.D. level of Levan University of Belgium, Thesis: "Protection of individuals in time of armed conflict under international and Islamic laws"




Senior Judge - Judicial Rank II


University Professor and Head of the Group of Law


Head of the General Inspectorate Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Head of the Committee for regulating judicial bills of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Head of Department of the Islamic Science and Culture of the Academy of Iran


Head of the S.A.M.T., an academic group for studies and investigation on law books


Head of the Department of Law, University of lecturers' training


Member of the Committee for Civil Law


Member of the Council for Cultural Studies and Investigation


Member of the High Council of Imam Khomeini's International University


Member of the Scientific Council of the Grand Islamic Encyclopaedia


Member of the High Council of Selection of Lecturers for Universities


Member of the Trusteeship Corps of the Universities of the Islamic Republic of Iran




Member of the Corps of Experienced Experts


Member of the High Council of Cultural Studies and Investigation Institute


Member of General Culture Institute of Iran


Member of the Scientific Corps for granting honorary doctorates




Compiled more than 10 books on law, philosophy and religion with the following titles:


Series on Uslul-Al-Figh in Farsi - 3 volumes


Principles on Figh - 2 volumes


Family Law - 1 volume


Juridical Analysis of Bequest - 1 volume


     Juridical Analysis of Redemption - 1 volume


     Juridical Analysis of Pre-emption - 1 volume


Comparative studies on Islamic Philosophy (translated from English) - 1 volume


Evolution of the Alive (translated from English) - 1 volume


Public International Law of Islam (translated from English) - 2 volumes


Development of Philosophy in the World of Islam (translated from English) - 1 volume


More than 30 essays on philosophy, law and religion as follows:


Concept of Islamic Humanitarian Law, in Farsi


Compliance with International Human Law, in Farsi


Ali (AS's) Views on Humanistic Law, in Farsi


Islamic Call, asking all religions to consider the humanistic honour


Religious Minorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran


     Religious Tolerance and Universal Brotherhood in Islam




Has taken part in many international conferences such as:


Judicial conferences, Karachi and Kualampur; Conference on Human Rights, Hamburg and Tehran; Conference on Religions in Malta, Milan, Levan; Conference on Understanding Shiah at Temple University, Philadelphia


Languages: Proficient in English, Arabic, Farsi and fairly familiar with the French language



Mr. Abdalla Idris MOHAMMED (Sudan)




Date of Birth:   1 January 1946


Civil status:    married with children




1965-1970        Faculty of Law


1974-1977        Yale Law School


1970             LL.B. (Honours) Khartoum


1973             LL.M. Khartoum


1975             LL.M. Yale Law School


1977             J.S.D. Yale Law School




1974-1977        Teaching assistant, University of Khartoum


1977-1984        Lecturer


1984-1991        Assistant professor


1993 up to now   Associate professor


1980-1983        Head, Department of Commercial Law


1983-1987        Dean, Faculty of Law


1970-1971        Legal Assistant, Sudan Judiciary


1971-1972        2nd Class Magistrate, Sudan Judiciary


1972-1974        1st Class Magistrate, Sudan Judiciary


1986-1988        Chairman, Legal Aid Centre (Kh.)


1987-1988        Chairman, Human Rights Centre (Kh.)


1989             Member of Sudanese Government delegation to peace talks with SPLA, Ethiopia


1990             Member of Sudanese Government delegation to peace talks with SPLA, Nigeria


1992/1993        Minister of Justice, Attorney General




July 1981        Twelfth session of the University human rights course - Strasbourg, France


July 1983        Courses on American and International Law, Academy of American and International Law


1984             Courses on American Legal Institutions - Salzburg, Austria


1986-1987        Scholar in Residence, University of Madison, Wisconsin


1987             Courses in human rights, Columbia Law School, New York


1986             Short WIPO-sponsored research visits on Intellectual Property Law to Max Planck Institute at Munich in July and November




1980             The use of the corporate form of business organization in Sudan


1980             Stipulations for the benefit of third parties in Islamic Law of Contracts, Journal of the Centre for Islamic Legal Studies, Nigeria


1980             Cases and materials on sale of goods, Faculty of Law, University of Khartoum


1982             Human Rights in Islam, Journal of Comparative Law (U.S.A.)


1984             Cases and materials on partnership


1985             Relevance of Sudan Legal Education to development law and development studies



Mr. Birame NDIAYE (Senegal)




Baccalauréat (Philosophy), 1962


Bachelor's degree in Public Law, 1966, University of Lille


Graduate Studies Diploma in Public Law, 1967


Graduate Studies Diploma in Political Science, 1969


Diploma of the Institute of Human Rights and Comparative Law, Strasbourg, 1975


State Doctorate in Public Law, 1973, University of Bordeaux; thesis defended on 3 July 1973.




Supervisor of work carried out under direction at Lille, 1968-1969;


Assistant, Faculty of Legal and Economic Science, University of Dakar, October 1969 to October 1972;


Assistant, Centre for Black Africa Studies, Political Research Institute, University of Bordeaux;


Research attaché at CNRS;


1973-1979 Assistant lecturer, Faculty of Legal and Economic Science, University of Dakar;


October 1979 to 1981, Assistant lecturer, Faculty of Legal and Economic Science, University of Dakar;


1981 Acting Director, Université des Mutants;


1981 Director, Université des Mutants;


April 1981, Director of Legal and Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs;


Lecturer, National College of Administration and Magistrates, 1969 to 1972 and 1973 to 1983;


Judge on special assignment to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Senegal;


Former member of the African Institute for Strategic Studies, Gabon;


Associate Director for volume 8 of Encyclopédie juridique de l'Afrique (labour legislation, social security, civil service);


Member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee;


Vice-Chairman of the United Nations Human Rights Committee since March 1985;


Training course at the French Institute for Graduate Studies in National Defence (1986);


Minister-Counsellor, Embassy of Senegal in Paris, since 22 June 1992.




Thesis for Doctorate of Law: "The individual and the international bodies for protection and promotion of human rights".




"La place des droits de l'homme dans la Charte de l'OUA" in "Les dimensions internationales des droits de l'homme", UNESCO;


"Droits et obligations des fonctionnaires et agents de l'Etat", Encyclopédie juridique de l'Afrique, volume 8;


La présidence en exercice de l'OUA: l'expérience sénégalaise, 1988;


Forthcoming: Réformes institutionnelles et démocratisation continuée au Sénégal.




     A full listing of articles written, as well as of training and instruction courses given, is available for consultation in the files of the secretariat. The following are recent articles concerning human rights and related issues:


"Protocoles additionnels aux conventions de Genève, colloque international de Dakar, Université des Mutants-Fondation Wollenberg de Suède, mars 1992" in Publications of the Wollenberg Foundation (Sweden);


"Les systèmes de protection des droits de l'homme: ONU Commission africaine" paper presented to the seminar organized by the Ministry of Education, Democracy and Human Rights, at Bamako in March 1993;


"Les Nations Unies et le développement: le cas de l'Afrique", paper presented at the international seminar held by the Institute of Political Studies of Aix en Provence, 3 and 4 December 1993;


"Le Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques: rédaction des rapports et leur analyse par le Comité", paper presented to the regional seminars on periodic reports for French-speaking African countries, Abidjan, 23 June 1994;


"La Convention contre la torture et autres peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants et le Comité contre la torture: rédaction des rapports et leur analyse par le Comité", paper presented to the regional seminar on periodic reports for French-speaking African countries.




Member of the National Committee of Experts appointed to carry out the substantive preparations for the Dakar International Conference on Namibia and Human Rights;


Chairman, Scientific Committee, Dakar and Conakry Seminars on African Integration;


Assistant to the Head of Delegation of the Republic of Senegal at the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea;


Chairman of the Committee of Legal Experts, Dakar;


Member of the delegation to the thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh sessions of the United Nations General Assembly (Sixth Committee);


Member of the Senegalese delegation to the 17th and 18th Summit Conferences of OAU. Preparation of studies on the subject of the law of the sea and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights;


Head of the delegation of Senegal to the Vienna Conference on Succession of States in respect of Property, Archives and Debts;


Co-agent of the Republic of Senegal at the Senegal-Guinea-Bissau arbitral Tribunal and the International Court of Justice;


Co-chairman of the Commission for the Liquidation of the Sénégambie Confederation;


Delegation to the World Conference, Vienna, June 1993.




Chevalier de l'ordre national du Lion, Senegalese National Order;


Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur (France), 29 June 1993.



Mr. Bharat PATEL (Zimbabwe)





    Date of Birth              : 16 April 1952


    Place of Birth             : Harare, Zimbabwe




    1975                       : LLB Bachelor of Laws (University of Rhodesia)


    1976                       : Bar Part I (Council of Legal Education)


    1977                       : LLM Master of Laws (University College, London)


    1978                       : Bar Finals (Inns of Court School of Law)




    August 1976                : Advocate (Zimbabwe)


    July 1978                  : Barrister (Inner Temple)


    May 1982                   : Legal Practitioner (Zimbabwe)




    September 1978 -           : Preparatory and part-time

    April 1982                    research on thesis entitled "The International Legal Protection of Civilians in Situations of Armed Conflict". (University College London)


A full list of educational distinctions, honours and associations is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.




    February 1970 -            : Central Statistical Office (Harare) -

    February 1971                 Administrative Cadet: Statistical research and analysis of distributive sector. Compiling census of distribution.


    December 1974 -            : Legal Aid Centre (Harare) - Part-time

    September 1975                voluntary Legal Adviser under auspices of University Law Department.




    December 1978 -            : National Council for Civil Liberties

    September 1979                (London) - Part-time voluntary Legal Adviser at weekly legal advice sessions.


    March 1979 -               : Greater London Citizens Advice Bureau

    September 1979                Service (London) - Full-time Trainee.


    June 1979 -                : Free Representation Unit (London) - Legal January 1980representation before Industrial Tribunals.


    September 1979 -           : New Cross Citizens Advice Bureau

     April 1982                  (London) -


September 1978 to August 1981


Full-time Advice Worker - Generalist and legal advice. Casework (predominantly on housing, employment and welfare rights). Legal representation before Industrial and Supplementary Benefit Tribunals.


September 1981 to April 1982


Collective Worker and Joint Organiser - Substantive work as above coupled with joint responsibility with colleagues for administration of the Bureau.


    February 1980 -            : South and West London Citizens Advice

    July 1980                     Bureaux (London) - Area Training Tutor: Employment Law. Immigration Law.


    March 1980 -               : Greater London Citizens Advice

    February 1982                 Bureaux Service (London) - Lecturer on Basic Training Course: Immigration Law. Nationality Law.


    June 1980 -                : Lee Centre (London) - Tutor on Citizens

    February 1980                 Rights Course: Employment Law. Immigration Law. Nationality Law.


    September 1980 -           : Citizens Advice Bureaux (Surrey, West February 1981Sussex, Croydon, Reading) - Tutor: Immigration Law. Nationality Law.


    July 1983 -                : University of Zimbabwe (Harare):

    November 1984                 Tutor - International Law.






    July 1983 -                : Mashonaland Rent Board (Harare):

    June 1985                     Chairman: Rent and eviction control. Hearing and determination of applications for rent orders and eviction certificates.


    July 1991                  : Health Professions Council of Zimbabwe (Harare): Legal Member - Advice to Council on matters of law and legal procedure generally and, in particular, with regard to disciplinary matters and inquiries.


    May 1992                   : Mananga Management Centre (Swaziland)

    March 1993                    Training Consultant and Lecturer -

    October 1993                  Preparation and delivery of module on environmental law on environmental management in development course.


    June 1992                  : Zimbabwe Technical Working Group on Regional Integration (Harare): Legal Member - Study and analysis of present extent of regional economic integration. Recommendations on implementation of integration process and promotion of intra-regional economic activity.


    January 1994 -             : European Community/Imani Development: July 1994Legal Consultant - Initiative to facilitate regional investment, trade and payments in Eastern and Southern Africa. Report on governing legal provisions in Zimbabwe and proposed amendments thereto.





    November 1984              : Preferential Trade Area Conference on the Relaxation of Visa Requirements (Lusaka)

                                   Zimbabwe Government Delegate.


    December 1985              : UNESCO Meeting of International Experts on Peoples' Rights (Harare)



    July 1988                  : UNCITRAL Regional Seminar on International Trade Law (Maseru)



    March 1991                 : British Council Seminar on New Directions in Environmental Law (Windsor)







A full list of articles and teaching materials written by the candidate is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat. The following are recent articles concerning human rights and related issues:


December 1985                   : Final Report of UNESCO Meeting of International Experts on Peoples' Rights: Paper: "Human Rights and Peoples' Rights in the Post-Colonial Context".


June 1991                       : Legal Forum (Vol.3 No.2): "Effect in Domestic Law of Treaties to which Zimbabwe is a Party".


September 1993                  : Legal Forum (Vol.5 No.3): "The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development".



Mr. Julio PRADO VALLEJO (Ecuador)


Graduate in Social Sciences and Doctor of Law


Ambassador, Foreign Service of the Republic of Ecuador

Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1967-1968


Chairman of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, 1986-1988


Professional experience


Professor of international law at the Faculty of Law of the Central University of Quito, since 1955


Permanent representative to the Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 1955


Alternate representative to the Organization of American States (OAS), 1955


President of the Inter-American Commission for Co-operation in the Amazon Region


Alternate representative of Ecuador to the United Nations, 1955


Representative of Ecuador to the twelfth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations


Representative of Ecuador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, 1955


Professor, Post-Graduate Institute of International Law, since 1958


Representative of Ecuador to the Board of Governors of the World Bank, 1959


Chairman of the delegation of Ecuador to the Second Conference of the Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA)


Adviser on international agreements to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, 1959


Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the International Centre of Higher Studies in Journalism for Latin America (CIESPAL)


Representative of Ecuador at the Meeting of Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank, 1961


Representative of Ecuador to the Latin American Free Trade Association, 1961


General Secretary of the Ecuadorian Office for the Latin American Free Trade Association, 1962




Chairman of the delegation of Ecuador to the Consultative Meeting of American Ministers for Foreign Affairs, 1967


Member of the delegation of Ecuador to the Meeting of American Presidents, 1967


Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1967


Chairman of the delegation of Ecuador to the Second Meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Latin American Free Trade Association


Chairman of the delegation of Ecuador to the General Assembly of the United Nations, 1967


Chairman of the delegation of Ecuador to the Consultative Meeting of American Ministers for Foreign Affairs, 1967


Director of the Post-Graduate School of International Sciences of the Central University of Ecuador, 1974


President of the Ecuadorian National Committee for the Defence of Human Rights, 1974


Member of the Governing Board of the Faculty of Law of the Central University of Ecuador, 1974


National Deputy of the Republic of Ecuador


Member of the Andean Commission of Jurists, 1980-1990


Member of the Special Commission on International Affairs of the National Congress


Director of the Human Rights Institute of the Central University


Member of the delegation of Ecuador to the Special Conference of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Organization of American States, 1982


Member of the Consultative Committee on Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representative of Ecuador to the Third United Nations conference on the Law of the Sea


President of the Ecology and Environment Commission of the National Congress, 1983







Member of the International Society for Human Rights and President of the National Section for Ecuador


Professor at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Editorialist, El Tiempo, La Hora and El Expreso


Author of Documentos Básicos de Derechos Humanos, Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, published in 1985


Author of Documentos Básicos de Derechos Humanos, Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, published in 1992.

Mr. Waleed SADI (Jordan)




    Date of Birth              : 1937

    Nationality                : Jordanian

    Marital Status             : Married

    Children                   : Four




High School Diploma, Friends Boys School - Quaker School - Ramallah. B.A. Economics, Southern Methodist University, Texas, United States. J.D. - Doctor of Law - University of Chicago Law School, United States


Holder of the National Honor Scholarship for three years, University of Chicago, United States




    Jordan Bar Association

    Rotary Club

    Consumer Association, Amman, Jordan

    Jordanian Red Crescent Society




    Member of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1975-1981

    Chairman of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1980-1981

Member of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of

       Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1978-1981

    Member of the United Nations Board of Trustees of the Fund for Victims of      Torture, 1980-1992

    Member of the Human Rights Committee, 1990-1994

    Member of the Armand Hammer Conferences on Peace and Human Rights,


    Member of the Jordanian Delegation to the Vienna World Conference

      on Human Rights, 1993




    Lawyer, Columnist, Editorialist and Human Rights Expert




    Chief Editor, Jordan Times, 1988-1990

    Lawyer, 1986-1988

    Ambassador to Turkey, 1982-1985

    Ambassador to the United Nations and Other International

      Organizations, 1975-1980




    Diplomat, Jordan Mission to the United Nations, New York,

      United States

    Diplomat, Jordan Embassy in Washington, D.C., United States

    Diplomat, Jordan Embassy in Moscow, USSR

    Diplomat, Jordan Embassy in Paris, France

    Diplomat, Jordan Embassy in London, England





    The Economic Theory in Islam

    Jordanian Foreign Policy



Mr. Martin SCHEININ (Finland)


Born in 1954. Graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of Turku in 1982, Licentiate in Laws (University of Turku) 1987, Doctor iuris (University of Helsinki) 1991. During law studies, served in 1980 as a lay member of the Housing and Tenancy Court in Turku.


1985-1986 Assistant Secretary of Parliament. 1986-1993 Researcher within the Academy of Finland. In 1992, served three months as Special Adviser to the Ministry of Justice. Since 1992 Docent in Constitutional Law and since 1993 Professor of Law (Constitutional Law) at the University of Helsinki. In December 1993 and July 1994, Visiting Professor at the University of Tartu (Estonia) as part of the "EuroFaculty" cooperation programme.


Secretary to three Government Commissions for constitutional reform: the 1982-1983 Constitution Revision Commission, the 1989-1992 Bill of Rights Drafting Commission and the 1992-1993 Constitution Revision Commission.


1988- member of the Finnish Advisory Board on Human Rights Affairs, vice chairman since 1993. 1993- member of a Working Group on Priorities in Health Care and an Expert Group on HIV issues. 1991- Permanent Expert of the Ministry of Justice, in matters relating to constitutional and international law.


Between 1987 and 1994 has assisted several applicants in human rights cases before domestic courts and international bodies. Vice chairman of the Finnish League for Human Rights, board member of the Finnish ICJ Section, founding member of the Finnish Helsinki Committee.


70 scholarly publications in Finnish, English and Swedish, mostly in the field of human rights law but also in constitutional law and legal theory. Doctoral thesis "Human Rights in Finnish Law", 1991.


A full list of articles written by the candidate is available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat. The following are recent articles and textbooks concerning human rights and related issues:


1992    "Article 18; Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion", and "Article 20; Freedom of Assembly and Association". In Asbjørn Eide, Gudmundur Alfredsson, Göran Melander, Lars Adam Rehof and Allan Rosas, with the collaboration of Theresa Swinehart (eds.), The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Commentary. Scandinavian University Press.


1993    "Constitutional Law and Human Rights Law". In Juha Pōyhōnen (ed.), An Introduction to Finnish Law. Finnish Lawyers' Publishing.







1993    "A Comparative Study on the Monitoring Mechanisms and the Important Institutional Frameworks for Human Rights Protection within the Council of Europe, the CSCE and the European Community" (together with Merja Pentikäinen). In Arie Bloed, Liselotte Leicht, Manfred Nowak and Allan Rosas (eds.), Monitoring Human Rights in Europe; Comparing International Procedures and Mechanisms. Kluwer Academic Publishers.


1994    "Direct Applicability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Critique of the Doctrine on Self-Executing Treaties". In Krzysztof Drzewicki, Catarina Krause and Allan Rosas (eds.), Social Rights as Human Rights: A European Challenge. Institute for Human Rights, Ábo Akademi University.


1994    Co-author in Asbjørn Eide, Catarina Krause and Allan Rosas (eds.), Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Textbook. (forthcoming)


