

29 September 1999

Original: ENGLISH

Election of five members of the Committee against Torture to replace those whose terms are due to expire on 31 December 1999 : . 29/09/99.
CAT/SP/23. (Meeting of States Parties)

Convention Abbreviation: CAT
Seventh Meeting
24 November 1999


Note by the Secretary-General

1. In accordance with article 17, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Seventh Meeting of the States parties to the Convention will be convened by the Secretary-General at the United Nations Office at Geneva, on Wednesday, 24 November 1999, to elect five members of the Committee against Torture to replace those whose terms of office are due to expire on 31 December 1999 (see annex I). The names of the other five members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 31 December 2001 appear in annex II.

2. In accordance with article 17, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 22 June 1999, invited the States parties to the Convention to submit their nominations for the election of five members of the Committee within three months, i.e. by 22 September 1999.

3. In compliance with the provisions of article 17, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary-General has the honour to list below, in alphabetical order, the names of persons nominated by 22 September 1999 for election to the Committee against Torture, and the States parties which have nominated them.

  Name of candidateNominated by

Mr. Mohammed Abdullah AL-ANSARIKuwait
Mr. Peter Thomas BURNSCanada
Mr. Guilbril CAMARASenegal
Ms. Felice GAERUnited States of America
Mr. Andreas MAVROMMATISCyprus
Mr. Maria PINIOU-KALLIGreece
Mr. Wilfredo SÁENZ FERNÁNDEZPanama

4. Biographical data on the persons nominated, as provided by the States parties concerned, are contained in annex III. Any further nominations and biographical data which may be received by the Secretary-General will be brought to the attention of the States parties in addenda to the present document.

Annex I


  NameCountry of nationality

Mr. Peter Thomas BURNS Canada
Mr. Guibril CAMARASenegal
Mr. Andreas MAVROMMATISCyprus

Annex II


  NameCountry of nationality

Mr. Sayed Kassem EL MASRYEgypt
Mr. Bent SORENSENDenmark
Mr. Alexander M. YAKOVLEVRussian Federation
Mr. YU MengjiaChina

Annex III


Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ansari (Kuwait)

Date of birth: 10 June 1954

Academic and professional activities

1977-1978: Bachelor of Laws

August 1978: Began work as Legal Researcher at Civil Service Board

September 1985: Diplôme d'études approfondies en droit international (DEA)

January 1990: Doctorat en droit international, Université de Montpellier

May 1992: Began work at the Ministry of Justice as Legal Adviser at the Technical Bureau

1993: Head of International Relations Office

1995-present: Director of International Relations Department

Positions and memberships

International attorney at law/arbitrator

Deputy President of the Arab Association for International Arbitration, Paris

One of the founders of the Arab-European Association for International Arbitration, Paris

Member of the Universal Islamic Committee for Human Rights, Kuwait


Selection of arbitrators, how they are appointed, their qualities and competence (research in French, 142 pages)

Israeli aggression against the sovereignty of Lebanon 1982 (research in French, 192 pages)

Legal and documentary approach to war crimes committed by Iraqi regime against the State of Kuwait (Documentary book in 367 pages) in Arabic

How arbitral rulings are executed in Arab countries (lecture in Arabic, 27 pages)

Conferences and symposia

Preparatory Committee for the World Conference on Human Rights, Geneva, 1993

World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, June 1993

Participated in the work of the Centre for Human Rights in drafting the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, Geneva, October-November 1993

Preparatory meeting of government expert group for the protection of war victims, aiming at discussing the scientific means for securing respect for international humanitarian law, Geneva, September 1994

Expert Committee at the Secretariat General of Gulf States Cooperation Council to discuss the draft Arab charter of human rights, December 1994

Ad hoc committee for the establishment of the International Criminal Court, New York, United Nations Headquarters, April 1995 and August 1995

Preparatory Committee for the establishment of the International Criminal Court, New York, since 1995

World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, and its preparatory meetings

Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, and its preparatory meetings

Roma Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the establishment of an International Criminal Court and its preparatory meetings

He participated in the preparation and organization of symposia and conferences in the State of Kuwait on certain legal issues, including human rights, on the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Humanitarian activities

He participated actively in the provision of services and help to nationals and residents during the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. He was the main initiator of the solidarity committee in the Khaitan area, where he lives, in addition to providing help to a great number of Kuwaiti nationals and non-Kuwaiti workers (Palestinians, Jordanians, Indians, Pakistanis, Iranians, etc.). This committee was in charge of the following services:

Distribution of foodstuffs, clearing the area of leftovers, first-aid services, etc.

He participated in storing foodstuffs for transportation to hospitals and medical centres as a member of the Kuwait Red-Crescent Committee during the occupation period.

He acted as legal advisor to the Kuwait Higher Consultative Committee during the occupation period.

He participated in making available Iraqi currency for distribution to the needy during the occupation period. Moreover, he was a pioneer in paying visits to Kuwaiti prisoners-of-war and detainees in Basra City, Iraq, so as to help them. He participated, together with Mr. Nasser Mohammed Al Nasar Allah, Deputy Minister of Justice in releasing many of the Kuwaiti people detained in Al Haretha prison in Basra, and has paid regular visits to Kuwaiti military prisoners-of-war detained in Ba'kouba prison in Baghdad and Al Mousel prison in order to assist them while in custody.

He participated in the extradition of some military Iraqi prisoners-of-war to the Allied Forces during the war of liberation.

Peter Thomas Burns (Canada)

Date of birth: 13 July 1938

Academic background

LL.B., Otago University, New Zealand, 1962

LL.M., Otago University, New Zealand, 1963 with First Class Honours

Professional activities

Professor of Law at the University of British Columbia, 1968 to present (including appointment as Dean of Law 1981-1982). Primary areas of teaching and research include international criminal law, international human rights, criminal law, torts and victimology. Authored and co-authored five books and over 90 articles and papers in these fields.

Member (1987-1991), Vice-Chair (1991-1998) and Chair (1998 to present) of the Committee against Torture, including involvement in various related United Nations activities:

Workshop on International Human Rights (with the Philippines Human Rights Commission), 1988

Training Course for African Legal Officers on International Human Rights, San Remo, Italy, 1991

Training Course on Human Rights for Police Officers, Malta, 1991

Workshop on International Human Rights, Moscow, 1992

Training Course on Human Rights for Police Officers, Tirana, Albania, 1992

Attendance at the World Conference on Human Rights as member of the International Centre and as a member of the Canadian delegation, Vienna, Austria, 1993

Training Workshop for Senior Government Officials on Reporting Requirements Under the United Nations Human Rights Regime, ILO Training Centre, Turin, Italy, 1994

Attendance at meeting of the Crime Prevention Commission, representing the International Centre and the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, Vienna, Austria, 30 May-9 June 1995

Training Workshop for Senior Government Officials on Reporting Requirements Under the United Nations Human Rights Regime, ILO Training Centre, Turin, Italy, 1996

Barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, 1975-present

Chair, International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, 1993-present

President, International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, 1995-1999

Member, Editorial Board, Criminal Law Forum, Rutgers University School of Law at Camden, New Jersey

Member, Board, The Law Courts Inn, 1992-1997

Member, Board, Continuing Legal Education, 1995-1997

Commissioner, British Columbia Law Reform Commission, 1986-1993

Member of the editorial board of Victimology: An International Journal, Washington

Member of Advisory Group to the Corrections Program to Assist Victims of Crime, Corrections Branch, Ministry of the Attorney-General, January 1982

Executive member of Vancouver Bar Association, 1977-1978

Chair, Advisory Board of British Columbia Police College, 1974-1978

Barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, 1964

Invited lectureships

F.W. Guest Memorial Lecturer, University of Otago, 1983

Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, March-April 1981

Sessional Lecturer, Department of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, May-August 1977

Visiting Professor, University of Otago, June 1973-June 1974


Consulted in a formal professional capacity by the following groups:

Law Reform Commission of Canada

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia

Ministry of the Attorney-General, British Columbia

Department of the Attorney-General, Saskatchewan

Department of Justice, Ottawa

Membership in professional associations and learned societies

Canadian Bar Association

Canadian Association of Law Teachers

International Association of Penal Law

Society of Public Teachers of Law

American Bar Association

Canadian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

International Society for the Reform of the Criminal Law

Academic or professional awards and distinctions

Election to American Law Institute, June 1986

Queen's Counsel, December 1984

Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford, England, June-December 1981

Distinguished Visitor, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, March 1981

Visiting Fellow, Law Department, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, November 1966-February 1967

Guibril Camara (Senegal)

Date of birth: 22 December 1940


Lycée Faidherbe de Saint-Louis (1954-1961), Baccelaureate (Philosophy option); Faculty of Law, Dakar (1961-1965): Bachelor's degree in law

Centre national d'études judiciaires (now the Ecole nationale de la magistrature), Bordeaux (1965-1966) and Paris (1966-1967): Certificate of completion of course

Professional activities

Appointed Judge of Courts and Tribunals, 1 July 1967

Examining magistrate, First Chamber (July 1967-November 1967)

Deputy Government Procurator, Dakar (November 1967-April 1968)

Government Procurator, Court of First Instance, Saint-Louis (April 1968-August 1972)

First Deputy Government Procurator, Dakar (August 1972-September 1973)

Government Procurator, Court of First Instance, Kaolack, (October 1973-November 1976)

Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Planning (December 1976-November 1977)

Director, Department of Supervised Education and Social Protection (1977-1984)

Advocate-General, Court of Appeal (1984-1992)

First Advocate-General, Court of Cassation (1992-1993)

Procurator-General, Court of Cassation, since 29 July 1993

International activities

Participation in many international conferences dealing with questions of law and social problems

Member of the Executive Committee and of the General Council of the International Union of Family Organizations (Paris)

Legal Counsel to the Pan-African Family Organization (Dakar)

Representative of Senegal on the Executive Board of UNICEF (Mexico, 1979)

National correspondent of the United Nations for the prevention of crime, criminal justice and the treatment of offenders

National correspondent of the United Nations Social Defence Research Institute (Rome)

Consultant to the International School, Bordeaux

Representative of the Association sénégalaise d'études et de recherches

juridiques to the Association mondiale de prospective sociale

Consultant to the International Centre for Children (Paris)

Lectures and intellectual activities

1973: World Conference on World Peace through Law (Abidjan, 26-31 August 1973)

1979 (UNESCO, Paris): World Conference on the Family: Paper on policies for children in West Africa

1979 (Milan, 16-19 April; Turin, 19-22 April): Eighth Summit Conference of Mayors of Large Cities: Paper on maladjusted children, violence and social marginalization - role of services for children relating to urban pathology

1998 (Dakar, Senegal, December 1998): Workshop entitled "Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and human rights in the African context"


The right of asylum and article 12, paragraph 3, of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Dakar, 1998)

Article 3 of the OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa: Is it compatible with the human rights instruments?

Preparation of the participation and representation of Senegal in:

Sixth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (Caracas, 1980)

Seventh Congress (Milan, 1985)

Eighth Congress (Havana, 1990)

United Nations Ministerial Summit on the Prevention of Crime and Criminal Justice (Versailles, France, November 1991)

Third session of the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Vienna, April-May 1994)

World Ministerial Conference on organized transnational crime (Naples, November 1994)

Head of the Senegalese delegation to the African Regional Ministerial Workshop on Organized Transnational Crime and Corruption (Dakar, July 1997)

International Workshop on the Independence and Accountability of the Prosecutor of a Permanent International Criminal Court (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, May 1998)

Expert of the Senegalese Human Rights Committee

President of the National Commission on Refugees

Member of the Committee against Torture since 1996

Vice-Chairman of the Committee against Torture since May 1998

Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (Peace Palace, The Hague) since June 1996

Honorary titles

Chevalier de l'Ordre national du Lion

Grand Officier de l'Ordre national du Mérite

Felice D. Gaer (United States of America)

Professional experience

1983-: Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights American Jewish Committee, Director

1991-1992: United Nations Association of the United States of America, Executive Director, European Programmes

1982-1991: International League for Human Rights, Executive Director

1974-1981: The Ford Foundation, Programme Officer International Division (1976-1981); Assistant Programme Officer (1974-1976); Member, Public Policy Committee (1976-1981)

Other service

International Human Rights Council, the Carter Centre, Emory University, 1994-

Chair, Steering Committee, National Coalition on the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1997-1999

Board of Directors, Andrei Sakharov Foundation, 1993-

Steering Committee, Human Rights Watch/Helsinki, 1996-

Founding member, Washington Working Group on the Human Rights of Women, 1994-

Vice-President and Board of Governors, International League for Human Rights, 1991-

President, International Friends of the Chilean Human Rights Commission, 1985-1990

Committee on Human Rights, New York Academy of Sciences, 1982-1992

Board of Directors, International Dispute Resolution Associates, 1995-

Advisory Panel on Ethnic Conflict, Minority and Individual Rights, The Atlantic Council, 1993-1995

Advisory Board, Early Warning, Minorities and Conflict Resolution Project -Minority Rights Group, United States of America, 1994-1997

Council on Foreign Relations, 1991-present

Alumnae Achievement Award, Wellesley College, 1995

Advisory Panel on Housing Rights, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat II), New York, January 1996

Consultant, The Rockefeller Foundation, 1982-1983

Public member of United States delegation to:

World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, June 1993

Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, September 1995

Preparatory Committee, Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II), February 1996

Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, 1994-1999


Wellesley College, A.B. with Distinction, Political Science, 1968 (Honors)

Columbia University, Master of Philosophy, Political Science, 1975; Masters of Arts, 1971

Author of numerous professional articles, chapters in books and human rights reports on human rights issues spanning the issues in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the international institutions engaged in setting and implementing those standards, e.g. the United Nations, the African Commission on Human Rights, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, etc.

Alejandro González Poblete (Chile)

Date of birth: 8 September 1931

Present positions

Vice-Chairman of the Committee against Torture, 1996-1999

President of the Andean Commission of Jurists

Director of the research programme on the circumstances of enforced disappearance, final destination and location of the remains of enforced disappearance victims, and social and legal assistance for the victims' relatives to obtain the reparation benefits granted by the State

Experience in international systems for the protection of human rights

Good knowledge of the human rights protection system of the United Nations and of the Organization of American States

As Head of the Legal Department of the Vicarage of Solidarity of the Archbishopric of Santiago, Chile, during the period of the military dictatorship (1973-1989) he maintained regular contact with the Centre for Human Rights, the Ad Hoc Group and the Special Rapporteurs for Chile of the Commission on Human Rights, and ensured liaison with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and its Executive Secretariat

In March and April 1989 he carried out a mission to Guatemala, as an expert engaged by the Centre for Human Rights, to advise the Government of Guatemala on human rights matters

Member and current President of the Andean Commission of Jurists, and frequent collaborator in initiatives and activities of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights

Appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO as a member of the International Jury for the UNESCO Prize for the Teaching of Human Rights, 1992-1996

Education, first degree

1950-1954: Law studies in the Faculty of Juridical and Social Sciences of the University of Concepción

Post-graduate studies

1974-1975: Course on the methodology of law teaching, Faculty of Juridical Administrative and Social Sciences of the University of Chile, Santiago

Academic posts held

1952-1956: Associate Professor of Economic Policy, Faculty of Juridical and Social Sciences, University of Concepción

1957-1966: Associate Professor of Labour Law in the above Faculty from 1 March 1957 until 30 June 1966

1971-1976: Titular Professor of Labour Law, Faculty of Juridical, Administrative and Social Sciences of the University of Chile

Public appointments

1966-1970: Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Chile

Other public posts held while Under-Secretary of State

Adviser to the National Council for Minors, 1966 to 1970

Executive Vice-President of the National Council for Minors, September 1970 to April 1971

Vice-President of the National Foundation for Nursery Schools, 1968 to 1970

Chairman of the Governing Board of State Experts, 1967 to 1970

President of the National Commission on Penitentiary Policy, 1966 to 1970

Member of the National Commission on the Rationalization of Public Administration, 1966 to 1970

1992-1996: President of the National Corporation for Reparation and Reconciliation

Participation in national human rights bodies

1973-1976: Legal Adviser to the National Committee for Assistance to Refugees, a national body cooperating with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), established in Chile in September 1973

1976-1992: Head of the Legal Department of the Vicarage of Solidarity of the Archbishopric of Santiago from July 1976 to April 1989, and Executive Secretary of the Vicarage of Solidarity from May 1989 to April 1992

Participation as a consultant or expert in missions, research projects, courses, conferences and other events in the field of human rights (only the most important)

Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica:

1. Project "Constitutional Protection of Human Rights in Latin America in the Light of the International Instruments on Human Rights":

(a) Regional Meeting of Experts on Human Rights. San José, Costa Rica, 23-27 August 1982;

(b) Regional Meeting of Experts on Human Rights. San José, Costa Rica, 22-26 August 1983

2. First Interdisciplinary Course in Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica, 12 September-1 October 1983

Professor in charge of course: "Human rights in national protection systems"

3. Fifth Interdisciplinary Course in Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica, 17-28 August 1987

Professor in charge of course: "Constitutional remedies for the protection of human rights; comparative Latin-American law"

4. Consultant for the appraisal and final editing of the publication "International Protection of Human Rights", by Mr. Daniel O'Donnell. Final approval by the meeting of exports in San José, Costa Rica, 20-22 August 1987

5. "Analysis of the Human Rights Reality in Latin America. Present and Future Challenges for the Human Rights Institutions in Latin America", Meeting of Experts, San José, Costa Rica, 29-30 March, 1990

6. XV Interdisciplinary Course in Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica, 16-27 June 1997

Lecture: "Overcoming impunity as a requirement for the rule of law"

International Secretariat of Jurists for an Amnesty in Uruguay:

Round table on the state of exception and human rights in Uruguay, Paris, 15-16 December 1978

Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace:

Round-table on "The Church and Human Rights", Rome, 14-16 November 1988

Centre for Human Rights, Geneva:

Engaged as an expert to provide advisory services to the Government of Guatemala for the enhancement of its human rights protection system and in particular the investigation of situations involving enforced or involuntary disappearances, Guatemala, March-April 1989

The American University, Washington College of Law, Centre for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law:

Panelist in the conference on "Transitions to Democracy and the Rule of Law", Washington, D.C., 8-9 March 1990

Institute for International Studies of the University of Chile and Chilean Society of International Law:

International Seminar "New Dimensions in the Protection of the Individual"

Keynote speaker on: "The application of international procedures for the protection of human rights: some Chilean experiences". Santiago, Chile, 12-13 July 1990


Appointed by the Director-General as a member of the International Jury for the UNESCO Prize for the Teaching of Human Rights, 1992-1996

International Commission of Jurists:

International conference on "The impunity of perpetrators of grave human rights violations"

Keynote speaker on "Treatment of victims and their families. Rehabilitation, reparation, medical treatment", Geneva, 2-5 November 1992

V Latin American Conference on the Rights and Freedoms of Workers and Peoples: Lecture on "The human rights policy of the Government of Chile. Reparation for victims of human rights violations perpetrated during the military regime". San Antonio de Los Altos, Venezuela, 17 May 1993

Andean Commission of Jurists:

1. Seminar on "Human Rights and Democracy in the Andean Region".

Keynote speaker on "The use and efficiency of international systems of protection", Lima, 22-24 July 1993

2. VIII International Course: Cartegena de Indias, Colombia, 1-4 July 1997

Lecture: "The role of non-governmental organizations in the promotion of human Rights"

3. IX International Course: Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 23-26 July 1998

Lecture: "International Human Rights Law and National Law"

Andreas Mavrommatis (Cyprus)

Date of birth: 1932

Educational background

Law studies in the United Kingdom

1954: called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn, London

Professional record

1989-1992: Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cyprus to the United Nations, New York

1983-1989: Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus

1982-1988: Representative of the Greek Cypriot Community at the Intercommunal talks

1979-1982: Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cyprus to the United Nations, New York

1976-1979: Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cyprus to the United Nations, Geneva

1972-1975: Special Legal Adviser at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Published "List of Treaties of the Republic of Cyprus in Force on January 1973"

1970-1972: Cabinet Minister of Labour and Social Insurance

1958-1970: Judge

1954-1958: Practised Law


1973-1975: Head, Cyprus delegation to the second phase of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, held in Geneva

1974: Chairman, International Labour Organization and Economic and Social Council Fact-Finding and Conciliation Commission, which carried out investigations into allegations of violations of trade union and other human rights

1975: Member, Cyprus delegation to the CSCE Summit at Helsinki, August 1975

1977-1978: Head, Cyprus delegation to CSCE at Belgrade

1979-1982: Chairman, Committee on Relations with the Host Country, United Nations

1980: President of the Economic and Social Council

1975-1988: Representative of Cyprus at the Commission on Human Rights

Sept. 1989: Secretary-General of the Non-Aligned Movement Foreign Ministers Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus

1977-1996: Member of the Human Rights Committee

1977-1997: Chairman, Human Rights Committee

1989-1990: Chairman, Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations

Dec. 1992 - Feb.1993: Government Spokesman

1994 - present: Honorary Consul General of Indonesia

1995- present: President of the Federation Internationale des Corps et Associations Consulaires (FICAC)

1997- present: Chairman, Press Complaints Commission of Cyprus

1998: Member, Committee against Torture

Ambassador Mavrommatis has taken part in seminars, round tables and symposia on human rights in several parts of the world, lectured on human rights to lawyers and other professional associations and at universities. He has written several monographs and articles on the same subject and was called upon to assist developing and other countries in their efforts to protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms.

He has taken part in and presented papers on the application of human rights norms at several colloquia organized by the Commonwealth Secretariat for senior judges (chief justices) on human rights jurisprudence

Leonel Pereznieto Castro (Mexico)

Date of birth: 5 September 1943

Languages: Spanish, French, English


National University of Mexico (Law degree, 1968)

Escuela Nacional de Administración Pública, Spain (Master's degree, 1970)

Institut international d'administration publique, France (certificate in international studies, 1972)

Université de droit, d'économie et sciences sociales de Paris (doctorate, 1975)

Fields of specialization

Private International Law, International Trade Law, Comparative Law, North American Trade Agreement, Corporate Law and Antitrust Law

Professional activity

Partner of Ogarrio, Diaz y Asociados, S.C. Mexico City. Corporate and international practice (from 1988 to 1993)

Commissioner of the Federal Antitrust Commission (1993-1996)

Counsel of Von Wobeser & Sierra, S.C. Mexico City. Corporate and international practice (from 1996)

Academic activities

Professor of Law (Private International Law) at National University of Mexico (since 1972), Professor of Antitrust Law and of International Commercial Arbitration at Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (since 1994). National Researcher, level 2 (since 1984), designated by the Mexican Council for Sciences and Technology. Member of the Academic Board of the Post-graduate School at the Law School of the University of Sonora, Mexico (since 1990)

Guest professor at the Hague International Law Academy (1985), Fullbright Scholar at University of California at Davis (1987) and guest professor at University of Valencia, Spain (1992). Lecturer: New York Law School; University of California at Berkeley; Salamanca University (Spain); (Guatemala); Universidad Complutense (Spain), etc.

Author of eight books and articles on private international law, international trade law, comparative law and foreign investments (articles published in: Revue critique de droit international privé, Netherlands International Law Review, Rivista de diritto processuale e internazionale privato, Florida Law Review, New York Law Review, etc.)


Representative of Mexico to UNCITRAL and to the Interamerican Conference on Private International Law. Associate Member of the International Comparative Law Academy (Paris). Member of University of California, Orientation U.S.A.-International Advisory Board. Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, Co-Chairman of the Texas-Mexico Bar Association, etc.

Membership of arbritation institutions

Former chairman and co-founder of the Mexican Association of Mediation and International Commercial Arbitration

International Arbitrator of the American Arbitration Association (New York)

Member of the Mexican Arbitration Chapter of the International Chamber of Commerce (Paris)

Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London)

Maria Piniou-Kalli (Greece)

Date of birth: 6 May 1943

Profession: Medical doctor, dermatologist


Graduated from the Medical School of the University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1966)

Specialization in Internal Pathology and additionally in Dermatology-Venerealogy

Ph.D. from the University of Athens. Thesis title: "Antiproteolytic enzymes in Acne Conglobata"


Greek (mother tongue)

English (good)

French (good)

Italian (good)

Russian (adequate)

Work experience

1968-1974, Practitioner in Internal Pathology

1977-1980, Director of the Skin Department at the "Pammakaristos" Hospital, Athens

1981-1985, Director of the Skin Department at the "Aglaia Kyriakou" Children's Hospital, Athens

Private practice as a Dermatologist since 1974

Medical Director of the Medical Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims, Athens, since 1989

General Secretary of the Balkan Network for the Prevention of Torture and the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, 1993-1996

General Secretary of the Middle East and North Africa Network for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, since 1997

President of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), since 1998

Special social/political contribution

1967-1968, Director of Infirmary, Gyaros Prison, Gyaros Island, Greece. Sentenced by the Greek Junta (1967-1974) to internal exile and imprisonment at Gyaros Island for her anti-dictatorial views, she served as a physician to other inmates who had suffered severe physical abuse at the hands of the prison guards and the police. Her later activism on behalf of human rights is rooted in this experience.

Social and political activities

General Secretary of the Student Association "Hyppocrates" of the Medical School of the University of Salonika (1964-1966)

In charge of the women's division of the Youth Movement "Lambrakis" (1964-1966)

Member of the Board of Directors of the Greek Division of Amnesty International (1982-1988). Coordinator for medical groups

Founding member of the Ecologists-Alternatives Party. In addition, a member of its presiding board three consecutive times, i.e. for the years 1990 to 1992

Participation in the European elections of 1990 as a member of the Ecologists-Alternatives Party on the electoral register

Parliamentary candidate for the Ecologists-Alternatives Party for the years 1989, 1990 and 1993

Member of the Greek Committee of Conscientious Objectors

Founding member of the Committee of "Recycling" and the Committee of "Mediterranean SOS"

Medical Director and member of the Board of Directors of the Medical Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims, Athens, since 1989

Member of the International Council and the Bureau of the Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims, Copenhagen, since 1991

Member of the Greek Committee of "Mir Sada" ("Peace Now")

Founding member of the Committee of Greek-Kurdic Friendship

Member of the Organizing Committee of the European Network for Refugees

Member of the International Society for Health and Human Rights

General Secretary of the Middle East and North Africa Network of Rehabilitation Centers for Torture Victims

Nominated for the Human Rights Award of the French Democracy, 1993

General Secretary of the Balkan Network of Rehabilitation Centers for Torture Victims from 1993 to 1996

Vice-President of the Civil and Scientific Association "POLITIA", 1996

Candidate for the Presidency of Democracy in 1996, proposed by the women parliamentarians of all the parties

Founding Member of the Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims of Thessaloniki, 1997

President of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1998

Participation in national events

26 June 1998, event dedicated to the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, organized by the Medical Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims, Athens. Presentation entitled "The significance of the International Day in Support of the Victims of Torture"

15 December 1997, event dedicated to the forty-ninth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Awards given for the first Panhellenic Poetry Contest organized by the Medical Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims, Athens. Presentation entitled "Human rights now"

Torture in the Middle East and North Africa: Prevention and Treatment Strategies, Athens, 21-23 June 1996

Balkan Conference "Torture and other forms of maltreatment - medical, legal and social dimension", Thessaloniki, 1-3 December 1995, presentation entitled "New clinical views on torture sequelae"

Two-day seminar, "Psychological, medical and legal aspects of torture", Alexandroupolis, 2 and 3 June 1995, presentation entitled "New clinical views on torture victims"

Two-day training seminar, "Medical and legal aspects of torture", Ioannina, 12 and 13 November 1994, presentation entitled "The medical aspect of torture - new clinical views"

Balkan Meeting for "The creation of a Balkan network for the prevention of torture, the evidence of torture and the rehabilitation of torture victims", Athens, 12 November 1993, presentation entitled "The present situation in Greece in relation to the Balkans. Incentives and objectives for the creation of a network"

First training seminar, "The medical and legal aspects of torture - an approach from the diagnostical and therapeutical point of view", Athens, 8 and 9 May 1992, presentation entitled "The medical approach to victims of torture - new clinical pictures"

Participation in international meetings

Fifth Consultative Meeting on Core Human Rights in the Middle East and North Africa, Helsinki, 21-24 May 1998

Statement at the press conference on "Rehabilitation of torture victims: a necessity for democracy", 2 April 1998 during the fifty-fourth session of the Commission on Human Rights, Geneva

World Psychiatric Association Thematic Conference: The Synthesis between Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy, Jerusalem, Israel, 16-21 November 1997

Preparatory meeting for the formation of the Middle East and North Africa Regional Network for the Prevention of Torture and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, Gaza City, 15 and 16 October 1997

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, Third International Conference on Health and Human Rights, Gaza City, 13-15 October 1997, presentation entitled "Regionalization of activities concerning human rights"

World Congress on Rehabilitation in Psychiatry, Belgrade, 27-30 August 1997, presentation entitled "New clinical views on torture sequelae"

Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Health Sector hearings, Cape Town, South Africa, 17 and 18 June 1997

Third Conference on Solidarity and Cooperation in the Mediterranean, Madrid, 24-26 November 1995

Second International Conference on "Palestinians in transition: community rehabilitation and development", Gaza, 13-15 September 1995, presentation entitled "Presentation of the Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims in Athens - Balkan Network of Rehabilitation Centers"

Presentation on the Green European Women's Conference (preparing the Beijing Conference in September 1995) at the Palais de l'Europe in Strasbourg, 18 and 19 May 1995

Fourth International Conference on the Care of Victims of Organized Violence, Tagaylay City, Philippines, 5-9 December 1994, presentation entitled "The psychosomatic development of children from families with members who have been submitted to torture"

South-East European Society for Neurology and Psychiatry, Tenth Thessaloniki Conference, Vienna, 6-8 October 1994, round table discussion "The psychological sequelae to torture victims as an outcome of individual or mass organized violence and its treatment", 8 October 1994, presentation entitled "The present situation in Greece in relation to the Balkans: incentives, objectives and perspectives for the creation of the Network"

Training seminar on the rehabilitation of torture survivors, 2-4 June 1994, Tirana, Albania, presenting four papers: "Clinical views on torture sequelae", "Epidemiology of torture", "Treatment of the somatic sequelae of torture" and "Deontology and conventions: a doctor's position with regard to torture"

Symposium on "Nationalism and racism in Europe", Istanbul, 29 and 30 April 1994, presentation entitled "Human rights and nationalism in Greece today"

Public hearing on "The fight against torture and the role of rehabilitation centers" at the European Parliament, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security, Brussels, 20 and 21 December 1993, presentation entitled "Healing the wounds - correcting the injustice: the issue of impunity"

Medicine and Human Rights Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 5 and 6 November 1993, presentation entitled "The medical approach to torture victims - new clinical views"

Sixth International Symposium on Torture as a Challenge to the Medical and other Health Professions, Buenos Aires, 20-22 October 1993, presentation entitled "Impunity and the tragedy goes on"

XXII Tromso - Seminar in Medicine, "Children, sexuality and abuse, international symposium on the medical, legal and ethical aspects of child sexual abuse", 22-24 June 1993, presentation "Street children in Athens"

World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, Austria, 14-25 June 1993, representing Greece and the Medical Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims at the NGO level. I had the opportunity to make a statement in the Main Committee in order to include torture in the Final Document, which was finally achieved.

Third European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Bergen, Norway, 6-10 June 1993, Symposium "Focus on Eastern Europe", presentation "Developing rehabilitation services for torture victims in Greece and other Balkan countries"

Fourth meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the World Conference on Human Rights, Geneva, 19-30 April 1993

Fifth International Symposium on Torture and the Medical Profession, Istanbul, 22-24 October 1992, "Alopecia as a result of electroshock: traumatic or psychogenic?"

European Healthworkers Network Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 19 and 20 September 1992, presentation entitled "The situation of refugees and asylum seekers in Greece"

"Medical and judicial aspects of torture: a diagnostical and therapeutical approach", Tunis, 1992, presentation entitled "The medical approach to torture victims: new clinical views"

Third International Conference of Centers, Institutions and Individuals concerned with the Care of Victims of Organized Violence: Health, Political Repression and Human Rights, Santiago, Chile, 24-29 November 1991, presentation entitled "Torture and organized violence: torture in police stations"

Fourth International Symposium on Torture and the Medical Profession, Budapest, 24-26 October 1991, presentation entitled "Treatment of somatic consequences of torture"

XIX Tromso Seminar in Medicine, An International Symposium on Torture and the Medical Profession, University of Tromso, Bergen, Norway, 5-7 June 1990

International meeting of Amnesty International, Joy en Jossas, France, 1986

International meeting of Amnesty International, Rimini, Italy, 1983


Fifteen articles that concern my professional specialization were published in Greek medical journals

An article on the subject: "Torturers are not born" was published in the Greek magazine Anti

Articles in the international magazine "Torture" on the medical approach to torture victims: new clinical views

Article in the Chilean magazine "Reflexión" on the torture taking place in police stations

Article entitled "May the nightmare come to an end" in the newspaper Elephtherotipia, 15 January 1995

Article entitled "Lykabettus 9 - The Midnight Express stops here" in the newspaper Ethnos, 2 June 1996

Article entitled "How can we forget the torturers?" in the newspaper Elephtherotipia, 19 April 1997

Various papers presented at national and international meetings, conferences, workshops and symposiums have been published in the press

Wilfredo Sáenz Fernández (Panama)

Date of birth: 28 July 1947

Titles obtained

Bachelor of Sciences, Letters and Philosophy (Colegio Javier).

Graduated, Magna Cum Laude, with Degree in Law and Political Sciences (Universidad Santa María La Antigua, 1972).

Seminars and courses attended

Fellowship from the United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD): special monthly courses on criminology, penal law, administration of criminal justice and human rights, held in 1975 and 1984.

Seminar for the training of judges, 1987.

Professional activity

Representative of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Santa María La Antigua in the United Nations Commission on the Administration of Justice in Latin America.

Representative of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Universidad Santa María La Antigua in the sub-commission established to revise Book Three of the Judicial Code, which entered into force in 1987.

Founding and active member of the Academia Panameña de Derecho Laboral.

Member of the Instituto de Derecho Procesal and of the Instituto Iberamericano de Derecho Procesal.

President of the Academia Panameña de Derecho Procesal Penal.

Member of the National Bar Association.

Founder of the Students' Association of the Universidad Santa María La Antigua.

Represented the judiciary in the programme to strengthen the rule of law and the criminal justice system in Central America and Panama, organized by ILANUD in the cooperation with the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI), and presented a paper providing an overview of Panamanian criminal procedure, which was published in 1992 by ILANUD.

Represented the Republic of Panama at the sixth session of the Committee against Torture, held at the United Nations Office at Geneva from 22 April to 3 May 1991, and prepared a supplementary report.

Represented the Republic of Panama, as Ambassador Plenipotentiary Ad Honorem, at the tenth session of the Committee against Torture, held at the United Nations Office at Geneva during the second half of April 1993. Prepared the report submitted in July 1992, which was accepted without comment by the Committee, and presented the report in April 1993. Extracts from this report were published by the Committee in the original Spanish version.

Honorary member of the Advisory Commission on the Penitentiary System and Human Rights of the Ministry of the Interior and Justice.

Participated in the programme to improve the administration of justice in Panama, in 1990 and 1991.

Former President of the Association of Graduate Professionals of the Universidad Santa María La Antigua.

Former member of the Board of Directors of the Universidad Santa María La Antigua.

Coordinator of the Advisory Sub-Commission on the Penitentiary System, responsible for modernizing the administration of criminal justice with reference to human rights and updating the rules of criminal procedure to simplify criminal proceedings.

Representative of Panama at the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, Cuba, 1991.

Member of the Instituto Panamericano de Derecho Procesal.

Member of the Sociedad Bolivariana de Panamá.

Teaching work

Taught courses on commercial law and criminology in the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and Public Administration of the University of Panama.

Taught courses on the history of law, introduction to law, philosophy of law, criminal law, commercial law and labour law at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences in the Universidad Santa María La Antigua.

Taught a course on political theory at the branch of the University of Panama in the province of Coclé.

Currently Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at the Universidad Santa María La Antigua, responsible for the topics of special criminal law and criminology.

Taught at a seminar for officials of the Public Prosecutor's Office and the judiciary (judges, magistrates of high courts, prosecutors and other staff) on the new Penal Code in 1983.

Taught at a seminar for officials of the Public Prosecutor's Office and the judiciary (judges, magistrates of high courts, prosecutors and other staff) on the new Code of Criminal Procedure which entered into force on 2 April 1987.

Taught at a seminar on criminal procedure law for a group of law students from the Universidad Santa María La Antigua embarking on a legal assistance project for penal centres.

Participated in the work of the commission established to revise Act No. 3 of 1991 for the simplification of criminal proceedings, the promotion of non-institutionalization and depenalization, the implementation of personal security measures and updating of criminal procedure with reference to human rights, and was also called upon to present the bill to the Legislative Assembly.

Lectures and seminars for officials of the judiciary and the Public Prosecutor's Office, law students and lawyers on the philosophy and application of Act No. 3 of 1991.

Participated in the preparation of the draft bill on the new Panamanian penitentiary system.

Publications and lectures

Fishermen and their Work Relations in Panamanian Labour Legislation (1971, graduation thesis).

Honesty as the Essential Foundation for the Administration of Justice (National Bar Association, Revista Lex No. 5, 1976).

Drugs as a Cause of Crime and Positive Legal Treatment (Psychology Days, 1986).

Procedural Aspects of Bail under the Panamanian Criminal Procedure Act (National Bar Association Seminar on the new Code of Criminal Procedure, Santiago, Province of Veraguas, 1986).

Procedural Aspects of Pre-trial Detention in the New Panamanian Code of Criminal Procedure (National Bar Association Seminar on the New Code of Criminal Procedure, David, Province of Chiriquí, 1986).

Notes (information leaflet) on Panamanian labour law for the course given at the School of Finance, Faculty of Administration, Universidad Santa María La Antigua (1978).

Notes (information leaflet) on criminology for the course given in the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Universidad Santa María La Antigua (1993).

Release on Bail with Security in Panamanian Criminal Procedure Legislation (Judiciary Seminar, 1990).

Guiding Principles for Trials (National Bar Association Seminar, 1991).

Penal Action in Panamanian Criminal Proceedings (National Bar Association Seminar, 1992).

Guiding Principles for Evidence in Trials (National Bar Association Seminar, 1992).

Competence and Jurisdiction in Panamanian Criminal Proceedings (Judiciary Seminar, 1992).

Ultra- and Retroactivity and their Scope in Panamanian Criminal Proceedings (National Bar Association Seminar, 1992).

Non-institutionalization and Depenalization (Criminology Seminar, Universidad Santa María La Antigua, 1992).

Responsible for two Criminology Days on criminal proceedings, the administration of justice and human rights, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Universidad Santa María La Antigua, 1999-2000.

Importance of the Court Office (talk at the School of Administration, Universidad Santa María La Antigua, 1993).

Has 26 years' experience of university teaching on criminal law and has directed more than 60 graduation projects in the areas of criminal and criminological science.

"Compendio sobre Derecho Procesal Penal Panameño" (Compendium of Panamanian Criminal Procedure Law). Vol. I, 1987.

Taught courses on criminal justice for the police, 1992.

Taught at training courses for civilian prison warders, 1993.

Views on the Guiding Principles of Criminal Law. Lecture given at the Third Meeting of Law Students from various universities of Panama, El Panamá Hotel, 2 October 1993.

Views on the Principle of Presumption of Innocence in Panamanian Criminal Proceedings. XVI Colombian Congress on Procedural Law, Cali, 6-8 September 1995.

Participation of the Victim in Criminal Proceedings. X Pan-American Congress on Procedural Law, Panama City, 13-17 November 1995.

Lecture on correctional procedure delivered to the chief magistrates, mayors and governors of the provinces of Coclé, Herrera and Los Santos, April-May 1996.

Lecture on offences against property delivered to members of the national police on 29 May 1996

"El proceso penal y sus fases o etapas en los delitos contra la salud pública relacionados con drogas" (Phases and stages of criminal proceedings in connection with drug-related public health offences). Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. 33 pp.

Positions held

Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Trade and Industry

Third Judge of the Colón Circuit, Criminal Division

Seventh Judge of the Panama Circuit, Criminal Division

Second Judge of the Panama Circuit, Criminal Division

Magistrate of the High Court of the Second Judicial District (Civil and Criminal), of which he was President

Magistrate of the High Court of the Fourth Judicial District (Civil and Criminal), of which he was Vice-President

Career Magistrate of the Second High Court of the First Judicial District, where he acted three times as President

Has 26 years' experience as a criminal judge (having served as a circuit judge and high court magistrate)

Teacher in the United Nations regional project for continued training of judges, 1997, 1998 and 1999

Currently President of the Second High Court of the First Judicial District.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland

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