
Convention against Torture

and Other Cruel, Inhuman

or Degrading Treatment

or Punishment





Comment                                                                                                             Distr.




                                                                                                            3 October 1995



                                                                                                            Original: ENGLISH/FRENCH/



Fifth Meeting


29 November 1995






                       31 DECEMBER 1995, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 17 OF THE




Note by the Secretary-General


1.         In accordance with article 17, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Fifth Meeting of the States parties to the Convention will be convened by the Secretary-General at the United Nations Office at Geneva, on Wednesday, 29 November 1995, to elect five members of the Committee against Torture to replace those whose terms of office are due to expire on 31 December 1995 (see annex I). The names of the other five members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 31 December 1997 appear in annex II.


2.         In accordance with article 17, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 30 June 1995, invited the States parties to the Convention to submit their nominations for the election of five members of the Committee within three months, i.e. by 30 September 1995.


3.         In compliance with the provisions of article 17, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary-General has the honour to list below, in alphabetical order, the names of persons nominated by 30 September 1995 for election to the Committee against Torture, and the States parties which have nominated them.

GE.95-14295 (E)



            Name of candidate                                                                                         Nominated by


            Mr. Peter Thomas BURNS                                                                             Canada


            Mr. Guibril CAMARA                                                                                      Senegal


            Mr. Ricardo GIL LAVEDRA                                                                            Argentina


            Mr. Alejandro GONZÁLEZ POBLETE                                                           Chile


            Mr. Diomède NAHAYO                                                                                  Burundi


            Mr. Georghios M. PIKIS                                                                        Cyprus


            Mr. Waleed SADI                                                                                   Jordan


            Mr. Olimpo SÁENZ MARCUCCI                                                          Panama


            Mr. Habib SLIM                                                                                     Tunisia


            Mr. Boštjan M. ZUPANČIČ                                                                  Slovenia


4.         Biographical data on the persons nominated, as provided by the States parties concerned, are contained in annex III. Any further nominations and biographical data which may be received by the Secretary-General will be brought to the attention of the States parties in addenda to the present document.



Annex I





            Name                                                                                          Country of nationality


            Mr. Peter Thomas BURNS                                              Canada


            Mr. Fawzi EL IBRASHI                                                    Egypt


            Mr. Ricardo GIL LAVEDRA                                             Argentina


            Mr. Hugo LORENZO                                                        Uruguay


            Mr. Habib SLIM                                                                Tunisia



Annex II





            Name                                                                                          Country of nationality


            Mr. Alexis DIPANDA MOUELLE                                     Cameroon


            Ms. Julia ILIOPOULOS-STRANGAS                                        Greece


            Mr. Mukunda REGMI                                                                 Nepal


            Mr. Bent SORENSEN                                                                Denmark


            Mr. Alexander M. YAKOVLEV                                                  Russian Federation



Annex III





Peter Thomas Burns (Canada)


Academic background


Professor Peter Thomas Burns, Q.C. is aged 57 years and was educated in New Zealand where he obtained his LL.M. degree with First Class Honours at the University of Otago in 1963. From 1968 he has been a Professor of Law at the University of British Columbia where he has held various offices, including that of Dean of Law 1981-1992.


His primary areas of teaching and research include criminal law, torts, victimology, international criminal law and international human rights. His recent publications include Criminal Injuries Compensation, (2d ed. 1993) 373 pp.; and "An international criminal tribunal: the difficult union of principle and politics", (1994) 5 Criminal Law Forum, 341-380.


United Nations activities


Professor Burns was elected to the Committee against Torture in 1987 and was its Rapporteur until his re-election in 1991 when he became a Vice-Chairman.


As well, he has participated in a variety of other activities related to the functions of the Centre for Human Rights at Geneva, including the following:


            (a)       Workshop on International Human Rights (with the Philippines Human Rights Commission), December 1988;


            (b)       Training course for African Legal Officers on International Human Rights Reporting, San Remo, Italy, 1991;


            (c)       Training Course on Human Rights Reporting for Police Officers, Malta, 1991;


            (d)       Training Course on Human Rights Reporting, Moscow, August 1992;


            (e)       Training Course on Human Rights Reporting for Police Officers, Tirana, November 1992;


            (f)        Attendance at the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, June 1993, as a member of the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, the Committee against Torture and as a member of the Canadian delegation;


            (g)       Workshop on Human Rights Reporting: National Capacity Strengthening, Turin, November 1994 (ILO).





Other professional activities


Professor Burns was admitted to the Bar of British Columbia in 1975 and appointed Queen's Counsel in 1984. He has been a consultant to various branches of government, particularly in the field of law reform.


He is the Chair of the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy (Vancouver), one of only two interregional institutes affiliated with the United Nations Crime Prevention Branch in Vienna. As well, he is the President of the Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, an international organization which counts among its purposes the reinforcement of the rule of law and the enhancement of international human right standards.


The list of his (a) membership of professional and learned societies, (b) academic or professional awards and distinctions, (c) activities in professional service, (d) invited lectureships, and (e) professional posts in university, is available for consultation in the files of the Centre for Human Rights.




Five books and in excess of 90 articles, casenotes and book reviews.



Guibril Camara (Senegal)


Personal data


Born 22 December 1940 at Goudiry (Senegal)


Married, with six children




Faculty of Law, Dakar (1961-1965): bachelor's degree in law;


Centre National d'Etudes Judiciaires (now the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature), Bordeaux (1965-1966) and Paris (1966-1967): Certification of completion of course.


Professional activity


Appointed Judge of Courts and Tribunals, 1 July 1967;


Examining magistrate, First Chamber (July 1967-November 1967);


Deputy Procurator-General, Dakar (November 1967-April 1968);


Procurator-General, Court of First Instance, Saint-Louis (April 1968-August 1972);


First Deputy Procurator-General, Dakar (August 1972-September 1973);


Procurator-General, Court of First Instance, Kaolack,

(October 1973-November 1976);


Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Public Works Transport and Planning (December 1976-November 1977);


Director, Department of Supervised Education and Social Protection (1977-1984);


Advocate-General, Appeal Court (1984-1992);


First Advocate-General, Court of Cassation (1992-1993);


Procurator-General, Court of Cassation, since 29 July 1993.


International Activities


Participation in many international conferences dealing with questions of law and social problems;


Member of the Executive Committee and of the General Council of the International Union of Family Organizations (Paris);


Legal Counsel to the Pan-African Family Organization (Dakar);


Representative of Senegal on the Executive Board of UNICEF (Mexico, 1979);


National correspondent of the United Nations for the Prevention of Crime, Criminal Justice and the Treatment of Offenders;


National correspondent of the United Nations Social Defence Research Institute (Rome);


Consultant to the International School, Bordeaux


Representative of the Association Sénégalaise d'Etudes et de Recherches

Juridique to the Association mondiale de prospective sociale


Consultant to the International Centre for Children (Paris)


Lectures and intellectual activities


            The list of Mr. Camara's conferences and intellectual activities is available for consultation at the Centre for Human Rights.


In the context of the United Nations Crime Prevention Unit: Preparation of the participation and representation of Senegal in:


Sixth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (Caracas, 25 August-5 September 1980);


Seventh Congress (Milan, 26 August-6 September 1985);


Eighth Congress (Havana, 27 August-7 September 1990);


United Nations Ministerial Summit on the Prevention of Crime and Criminal Justice (Versailles, 21-23 November 1991);


Third Session of the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Vienna, 28 April-6 May 1994);


World Ministerial Conference on organized transnational crime (Naples, 21-23 November 1994).


President, National Commission on Refugees.

Ricardo R. Gil Lavedra (Argentina)


Date of birth:                          24 July 1949


Marital status:                        Married, four children


Teaching activities


Assistant lecturer, Criminal Law II, Faculty of Law of the University of El Salvador, 1973 and in the Faculty of Law and Social Science, University of Buenos Aires, 1973-1975;


Director of Studies, Faculty of Law, National University of La Plata, 1975;


Director of Practical Studies, Faculty of Law of the National University, 1976;


Acting Deputy Professor, Criminal Law Department, in the Faculty of Law of the National University of Buenos Aires, 1977-1986;


Professor, Department of Graduate Studies of the Faculty of Law of the National University of Buenos Aires, 1986-1988;


Titular Professor, Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires, appointed by competitive examination in 1986;


Director of the course on "Business and Crime" given at the Instituto de Desarollo Empresarial Argentino;


Lecturer at the law teaching course organized by the Institutional Studies Centre and Yale University at the University of Palermo.


Academic activities


Member of the Tax Law Commission of the Argentine Petroleum Institute, 1980-1984;


Member of the Legislative Studies Institute (Criminal Law and Economic Criminal Law Sections) of the Argentine Federation of the College of Advocates, 1980 to date;


Member of the Criminal Law Commission of the State College of Advocates in the Federal Capital;


Member of the International Criminal Law Association since 1985;


Active member of the Centre for Institutional Studies;


Founder member of the Argentine Centre for the Study of Criminal Law in the Field of Taxation;


Full member of the Asociación Argentina del Derecho de las Telecomunicaciones.


Professional activities


Ministerial Reporting Secretary, Supreme Court of the Province of Buenos Aires, 1973;


Professional Court Clerk (First Instance) of the same Supreme Court, 1974 and 1975;


Professional Court Clerk (First Instance) of the Supreme Court of the Nation (Office of the Attorney-General), 1976-1978;


Judge of the National Court of Appeal (Federal Criminal and Correctional Division), City of Buenos Aires, 1984-1987;


Secretary of State for the Interior, 1988-1989;


Member of the Committee against Torture from 1987 to the present.


Publications and lectures


            The list of publications and lectures is available for consultation in the files of the Centre for Human Rights.


Alejandro González Poblete (Chile)


Personal data


Date of birth:                          8 September 1931


Place of birth:                         Concepción (Chile)


Marital status:                        Married (two children)


Present post


            President, National Compensation and Conciliation Board.


Experience in international systems for the protection of human rights


            Good knowledge of the human rights protection systems of the United Nations and the Organization of American States.


            As Head of the Legal Department of the Vicaría de la Solidaridad of the Archbishopric of Santiago de Chile during the period of the military dictatorship (1973-1989), maintained regular contact with the Centre for Human Rights, with the Ad Hoc Group and with the Special Rapporteurs for Chile of the Commission on Human Rights. Also maintained contact with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and its Executive Secretariat.


            Carried out a mission to Guatemala in March and April 1989, as an expert engaged by the Centre for Human Rights to advise the Government of Guatemala on questions of human rights.


            Worked frequently on projects and activities of the Inter-American Institute for Human Rights.


            Member of the International Jury for the UNESCO Prize for the Teaching of Human Rights, appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO.


Pre-graduate studies


1950-1954       Study of law in the Faculty of Legal and Social Science of the University of Concepción.


Postgraduate studies


1974-1975       Course on the methodology of law teaching. Faculty of Legal, Administrative and Social Science of the University of Chile, Santiago.



Academic posts held


1952-1956       Assistant lecturer in Economics in the Faculty of Legal and Social Science of the University of Concepción;


1957-1966       Assistant lecturer in Labour Law in the same Faculty from 1 March 1957. Subsequent teaching work as Director of Studies and Assistant Professor in the same Faculty up to 30 June 1966;


1971-1976       Full Professor of Labour Law, Faculty of Legal, Social and Administrative Science of the University of Chile until 1 March 1971, until dismissal by the Military Government on 2 June 1976.


Public appointments


1966-1970       Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Chile.


Representative of the Government of Chile at international conferences:


            (i)       Head of the delegation of Chile to the World Conference on Children, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1969;


          (ii)        Head of the delegation of Chile to the Fourth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Kyoto, Japan, 1970.


Other public posts held while Under-Secretary in the Ministry of Justice:


            (i)       Member of the National Council for Children from 1966 to 1970;


          (ii)        Deputy Executive Chairman of the National Council for Minors from September 1970 to April 1971;


        (iii)         Vice-Chairman of the National Kindergarten Foundation, 1968-1970;


          (iv)       Chairman of the Executive Council of State Experts, 1967-1970;


            (v)      Chairman of the National Commission on Prison Policy, 1966-1970;


          (vi)       Member of the National Commission on the Rationalization of the Public Administration, between 1966 and 1970.


Participation in national human rights bodies


1973-1976      Legal adviser to the National Committee on Assistance to Refugees, a national body cooperating with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, established in Chile in September 1973.


1976-1992      Head of the Legal Department of the Vicaría de la Solidaridad of the Archbishopric of Santiago from July 1976 to April 1989 and Executive Secretary of the Vicaría from May 1989 to April 1992.


Participation as consultant or expert in missions, research projects, courses, conferences and other events in the field of human rights


The list of these activities is available for consultation in the files of the Centre for Human Rights.

Diomède Nahayo (Burundi)


Personal data


Date of birth                                                                 3 December 1955


Commune                                                                    Makebuko


Province                                                                       Gitega


Marital status                                                               Married, three children.




Secondary education


(a) Lower secondary                                                   1969-1973: Junior seminary, Mugera;


(b) Higher secondary                                                  1973-1976: Intermediate seminary, Burasira;


Higher education                                                         1976-1980: Law Faculty of the University of Burundi


Bachelor's degree in law after defence of a thesis entitled: "The state of need as justification in the law of Burundi.


Positions held


From 10 February to 23 March 1981                          Judge of the Bujumbura Court of Major Jurisdiction;


From 24 March 1981 to 23 August 1983                    Judge of the Ngozi Court of Major Jurisdiction;


From 24 August 1983 to 11 June 1984                      Counsellor at the Bujumbura Court of Appeal;


From 12 June 1984 to 5 November 1985                   Vice-President of the Bujumbura Court of Appeal;


From 6 November 1985 to 15 July 1988                    Counsellor at the Supreme Court;


From 16 July 1988 to                                                   President of the Ngozi Court of

26 September 1989                                                     Appeal;


From 27 September 1989 to                                       Counsellor at the Court of Audit;

22 August 1993


From 23 August 1993 to 31 July 1995                       President of the Supreme Court.






From January 1987 to June 1988: Course of training at the National College of Magistrates (International Section), Paris. Awarded diploma with the distinction "Très bien".


During this period elected Secretary-General of the Association of Trainee Magistrates of the International Section.


Mission abroad


Recently led a Burundi delegation to the Fifth Congress of the Association Internationale des Hautes Juridictions Administratives, held in Rome from 27 to 29 March 1995, which dealt with the topic "Emergency interim measures of protection and accelerated procedures in administrative disputes".


Membership of various commissions


National Electoral Commission appointed to prepare for the presidential election of August 1984;


Commission to verify the conduct of the referendum on the Charter of National Unity, 5 February 1991;


Commission to verify the conduct of the referendum held on 9 March 1992 on the draft constitution for the Republic of Burundi.


Human rights seminars


The list of human rights seminars in which Mr. Nahayo participated may be consulted in the Centre for Human Rights


Georghios M. Pikis (Cyprus)


Born in 1939 at Larnaca


Married with three children


Academic qualifications


1960                 LL.B.

1961                 Barrister-at-Law (of Gray's Inn)




1961                 Enrolled as an advocate in Cyprus


1961-1965        Practised as an advocate

Law Office at Larnaca


Judicial appointments


1966                 District Judge (on an acting basis for the first six months)


1972                 Acting President District Court


1977                 President District Court


1981                 Justice of the Supreme Court of Cyprus


1995                 President of the Supreme Court


Judicial service


1966-1967        District Court, Limassol


1967-1974        District Court, Famagusta. In 1974 he was displaced with his family from Famagusta as a result of the Turkish invasion


1974-1981        President District Court Larnaca-Famagusta


1981                 Justice of the Supreme Court of Cyprus


1995                 President of the Supreme Court of Cyprus




Sentencing in Cyprus (in English) and The English Common Law and Rules of Equity and their Application in Cyprus (in Greek)


Co-author of Criminal Procedure in Cyprus



Papers on several aspects of the law.




1980                 Chaired and wrote the report of a committee set up by the Ministry of Justice to review rent control legislation


1988-1989        Chaired and wrote the report of a committee set up by the Supreme Court to study the functioning of the district courts and other first instance courts and make recommendations for changes and improvements in the rules, procedure, organization and practice of the courts.


Waleed M. Sadi (Jordan)


Personal data


Date of birth: 1937


Married, four children




B.A. Economics, Southern Methodist University, Texas, United States of America


J.D. Doctor of Law, University of Chicago Law School, United States of America




Holder of the National Honor Scholarship for three years, University of Chicago, United States of America




Jordan Bar Association


Rotary Club


Consumer Association, Amman, Jordan


Jordanian Red Crescent Society


Human rights activities


Member of the Jordanian delegation to the Commission on Human Rights, 1975-1981


Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, 1980-1981


Member of the Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1978-1981


Member of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Fund for Victims of Torture, 1980-1992


Member of the Human Rights Committee, 1990-1994


Member of the Armand Hammer Conferences on Peace and Human Rights, 1976-1983


Member of the Jordanian delegation to the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights, 1993


Present employment


Lawyer, columnist, editorialist and human rights expert




Chief Editor, Jordan Times, 1988-1990


Lawyer, 1986-1988


Ambassador to Turkey, 1982-1985


Ambassador to the United Nations and other international organizations, 1975-1980


Diplomat, Jordanian Mission to the United Nations, New York


Diplomat, Jordanian Embassy in Washington D.C.


Diplomat, Jordanian Embassy in Moscow


Diplomat, Jordanian Embassy in Paris


Diplomat, Jordanian Embassy in London




The Economic Theory in Islam


Jordanian Foreign Policy


Olimpo Sáewz Marcucci (Panama)


            Biographical data on Mr. Sáewz Marcucci will be made available in an addendum to the present document when received from the Government of Panama.


Habib Slim (Tunisia)


Date and place of birth                                                              10 July 1938 at Moknine


Present position                                                                         Professor of public law (Agrégé)


Degrees awarded


Bachelor's Degree in public law, 1962, Faculty of Law of Toulouse


Higher Studies Diploma (DES) in public law, 1965, Faculty of Law of Toulouse


State Doctorate in Public International Law, 1978, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Tunis


Agrégation in Public Law, 1982, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Tunis


Present functions


Professor in the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Tunis


Chairman of the Conciliation and Arbitration Centre, Tunis


Director of the Workshop on "Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law" at the Centre for Study, Research and Publications (CERP).


Director of the Observatoire de prospective méditerranéenne at the CERP


Head of the Maghreb Research and Study Unit (UREM) at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Tunis


Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee of Jurists of the African Institute of Private International Law


Member of the Joint Scientific Committee of the American Centre for Maghreb Studies, Tunis.




Former Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Tunis;


Arbitrator of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris;


Advocate, Member of the Bar, Tunis (1971-1978);


Member of the Tunisian delegation to the World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, 14-26 June 1993);


Director-General of the Chambre Tuniso-Française de Commerce et d'Industrie (1983-1986);


Adviser on Export Strategies to the Minister of Agriculture and Food (1986-1988);


Consultant on international trade, international tourism, air transport, foreign investment, partnership projects, transfers of technology and free trade areas;


Associate Professor at the University of Social Science, Toulouse, at the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and at the University of Nice-Sofia-Antipolis;


Adviser to the Chambre Tuniso-Française de Commerce et d'Industrie, Rapporteur of the "Conciliation and Arbitration" Commission and member of the Commission on "Relations between the universities and enterprises".


Other activities


Assistant Secretary-General of the Tunisian Red Cross, responsible for matters connected with the dissemination of international humanitarian law;


Member of the Red Cross, Red Crescent and Peace Commission and Rapporteur of the Working Group on "New factors threatening peace".


The full list of other activities may be consulted in the Centre for Human Rights.


Boštjan M. Zupančič (Slovenia)


Personal data


Date of birth               13 May 1947


Place of birth                                                  Ljubljana, Slovenia


Status                                                             Married, three children




1981                                                                Harvard Law School

                                    Cambridge, Massachussetts


                                    Scientiae Juris Doctor, Professor R.M. Unger, Mentor

                                    Dissertation: "Criminal law, the conflict and the rules"


1976-1977                   Harvard Law School

                                    Research scholar


1973-1974                   Harvard Law School

                                    Scientiae Juris Doctor programme


1972-1973                   Harvard Law School

LL.M. Program (Master's in Law); average grade: A-;

Thesis: "Criminal law and its influence upon normative integration", Professor Lloyd Ohlin, Mentor.

Grade: A. Published in 7 Acta Criminologica, Spring, 1974


1971-1972                   Université de Montreal, École de Criminologie

Ford Foundation research scholar

Specialization in criminology


1970-1971                   University of Zagreb, Law School

Master's in Law program


Summer 1968             Cambridge University, Law School

Cambridge, England, Extra-mural law studies


1966-1970                   University of Ljubljana, Law School

Degree "DIPL.IUR."; average grade: 9 (out of 10) award scholarships: "BORIS KRAIGHER," and "BORIS KIDRIČ"; 1970 "DR. PREŠEREN AWARD" (highest available for students)




1993-present              Justice of the Constitutional Court of Slovenia


1993                            China University of Law and Public Policy, Visiting Professor


1989-1992                   First Vice-President (for academic affairs) University of Ljubljana


1984-present              University of Ljubljana, Law School

Full Professor of Law since 1989

Subjects: Jurisprudence, criminal law, criminal procedure, comparative law


1982-1984                   Seton Hall University, Law School

Full Professor of Law, elected in 1985

Subjects: criminal law, criminal procedure, comparative law, jurisprudence, corrections law, criminology, advanced criminal law


1983-1985                   Athens University and Temple University

(Joint summer programs)

Subjects: comparative constitutional law, comparative criminal procedure


Autumn 1981              Fordham University, School of Law

Visiting Professor of Law


1980-1981                   Seton Hall University, Law School

Visiting Professor of Law


Autumn 1980              Iowa University, College of Law

Visiting Professor of Law


Autumn 1979              Supreme Court of Slovenia



1977-1979                   New York Law School

                                    Assistant Professor of Law


1975-1976                   University of Ljubljana, Law School

Assistant Professor of Law


1976                            Circuit Court of Ljubljana



1974                            Army

Honorary discharge, corporal


1970-1974                   University of Ljubljana

Assistant Professor


LANGUAGES             Fluent in English, French, Slovene, Croatian; can read German, Italian and Latin


Legal expert of the Chinese Government for the reform of criminal procedure


The list of Mr. Zupančič's publications, in English and Slovene, and of his memberships and lectures is available for consultation in the files of the Centre for Human Rights.


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