



1 October 1993










Fourth Meeting


24 November 1993









Note by the Secretary-General


1.In accordance with article 17, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Fourth Meeting of the States parties to the Convention will be convened by the Secretary-General at the United Nations Office at Geneva on Tuesday, 24 November 1993, to elect five members of the Committee against Torture to replace those whose terms of office are due to expire on 31 December 1993 (see annex I below). The names of the other five members who will continue to serve on the Committee until 31 December 1995 appear in annex II.


2.In accordance with article 17, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary-General, in a note verbale dated 15 June 1993, invited the States parties to the Convention to submit their nominations for the election of five members of the Committee within three months, i.e. by 15 September 1993.


3.In compliance with the provisions of article 17, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Secretary-General has the honour to list below, in alphabetical order, the names of persons nominated by 15 September 1993 for election to the Committee against Torture, indicating the States parties which have nominated them:

GE.93-85311 (E)



Name of candidateNominated by


Mr. Alexis Dipanda MouelleCameroon


Mrs. Julia Iliopoulos-StrangasGreece


Mr. Zdenek KarabecCzech Republic


Mr. Wolfram KarlAustria


Mr. Mohamed OucharifMorocco


Mr. Mukunda RegmiNepal


Mr. Waleed SadiJordan


Mr. Bent SørensenDenmark


Mr. Alexander M. YakovlevRussian Federation


4.Biographical data on the persons nominated, as furnished by the States parties concerned, are contained in annex III below. Any further nominations and biographical data which may be received by the Secretary-General will be brought to the attention of the States parties in addenda to this document.



Annex I






Mr. Alexis Dipanda MouelleCameroon


Mr. Yuri A. KhitrinRussian Federation


Mr. Dimitar N. MikhailovBulgaria


Mr. Bent SørensenDenmark


Mr. Joseph VoyameSwitzerland


Annex II






Mr. Hassib Ben AmmarTunisia


Mr. Peter Thomas BurnsCanada


Mr. Fawzi El IbrashiEgypt


Mr. Ricardo Gil LavedraArgentina


Mr. Hugo LorenzoUruguay


Annex III





Alexis Dipanda Mouelle (Cameroon)


Work experience:Since 30 May 1990: Senior President of the Supreme Court of Cameroon;


6 December 1986 - 30 May 1990: Public Prosecutor in the Supreme Court of Cameroon;


26 September 1980 - 6 December 1986: Secretary-General, Ministry of Justice;


2 September 1975 to 26 September 1980: Public Prosecutor in the Littoral Court of Appeal, Douala;


19 October 1972 - 2 September 1975: Chief, Judicial Professions Service, Department of Judicial Supervision, Ministry of Justice;


14 August 1971 - 19 October 1972: President of the Court of First Instance, Foumban;


7 August 1970 - 14 August 1971: Deputy Public Prosecutor in the Yaoundé Court of Appeal;


17 September 1969 - 7 August 1970: Public Prosecutor in the Court of First Instance, Ebolowa;


14 February 1968 - 17 September 1969: First Deputy Public Prosecutor in the Special Court, Yaoundé;


7 December 1965 - 14 February 1968: Court judge (Yaoundé), responsible for investigation in the Special Criminal Court, and deputy judge and special counsellor in the former Federal Court of Justice.


OtherProfessor at the National College of Administration and

activities:Magistrates (ENAM), Judicial Division;


President of the Jury for examinations in the Judicial Division (ENAM);


Member of the board of governors of ENAM;


Member of the board of directors of the Société Nationale des Droit d'Auturs (National Copyright Company).


InternationalSince 1988: Vice-Chairman of the United Nations Committee of experience:Experts for the Application of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment;


January 1987: Head of the delegation of Cameroon to the Symposium on African Supreme Courts, Paris;


November 1985: Head of the delegation of Cameroon to the Congress of the Institut International de Droit d'Expression et d'Inspiration Française (IDEF), United States;


1982: Three-month study tour to learn about the United States judicial system;


September 1980: Head of the delegation of Cameroon to the IDEF Congress, Paris;


March 1981: Head of the delegation of Cameroon to the meeting of experts on the organization of the legal data bank, Paris.


HigherBachelor of Law and Economics, University of Yaoundé;


Diplôme d'études supérieures (DES) and diplôme d'études approfondies (DEA) in judicial studies, University of Paris II.


Other relevantDate and place of birth: 25 March 1942 at Bonakou Bwapaki



Civil status: Married, five children;


Languages: French, English, Spanish, Latin;


Decorations: Knight of the Order of Merit

Officer of the National Order of Merit.


Julia Iliopoulos-Strangas (Greece)


1967-1972Studied in the Faculty of Law, Athens University (Top Honours in first year examinations and Honours in the examinations for other years).


1973Master's Degree in the Faculty of Law, Athens University, with the mark "excellent" (9).


1974Appointment to the Athens Court of First Instance as an advocate, after passing the relevant competitive examination with the mark "very good" (8).


1975-1978Holder of a German Government scholarship (DAAD scholarship) for post-graduate study at the University of Hamburg. Attended lectures, tutorials and seminars on constitutional law, comparative law, public finance law, administrative law and European law. Presented three written works, all of which obtained the mark "very good" or "excellent".


1979An EEC five-month fellowship, which could not be accepted because of obligations with the Europa Kolleg Hamburg Research Institute.


1980-1981Fellow and professional consultant at the Europa Kolleg Hamburg Research Institute (participating in research programme on human rights in member States of the European Community and in the United States).


1982-1984Senior Lecturer in Public Law, University of Hamburg (research and teaching).


Helped with the organization of four symposia on European law and with the publication of books relating to them.


1984Doctoral thesis at the University of Hamburg, with the mark "magna cum laude - top category". The thesis was published by Nomos Verlag in Baden-Baden and was financed by the University of Hamburg and the German Society for Comparative Law.


1990Appointed Professor of Constitutional Law in the Faculty of Law, Athens University.




1.Statement made at the Symposium on democracy and human rights, sponsored by the Council of Europe at Thessaloniki, 24-26 September 1987, editions N.P. Engel, Kehl - Strasbourg - Arlington, 1990, pp. 88 and 89.


2."Conscientious objectors and the constitutional order", article in the newspaper I Kathimerini, 12 June 1988, pp. 6 and 9.


3.Responsibility for the publication of seven books of the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights:


(a)Annals 1986, Athens, 1988.


(b)Expérimentation biomédical et Droits de l'Homme (Biomedical Experimentation and Human Rights), PUF, Paris, 1988.


(c)Der Missbrauch von Grundrechten in der Demokratie (The Abuse of Fundamental Rights in a Democracy), Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1989.


(d)La Déclaration Française des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen: un rayonnement bicentenaire (The French Declaration of Human Rights and the Rights of Citizens: a Bicentennial Radiance), Athens, 1991.


(e)Xronika-Annales-Annals, editions Sakkoulas, Athens, 1991, p. 353.


(f)La protection des droits de l'homme dans le cadre européen - L'adhésion des Communautés Européennes à la Convention Européenne des Droits de l'Homme (The Protection of Human Rights within the European Framework - The Accession of the European Communities to the European Convention on Human Rights), Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1993.


4."La participation des femmes aux listes électorales - Questions constitutionnelles" (The Participation of Women in Electoral Rolls - Constitutional Questions), article in the newspaper I Kathimerini, 31 March 1989, p. 7.


5."L'abus des droits fondamentaux et la démocratie" (The Abuse of Fundamental Rights and Democracy), in EEN (Journal of Greek Jurists), 1989, pp. 85-94.


6."Pourcentage de participation (quota) des femmes aux listes électorales" (Percentage Participation (quota) of Women in Electoral Rolls), in the journal La lutte de la femme (The Struggle of Women), No. 41, January-June 1989, pp. 26-28.


7.Der Missbrauch von Grundrechten in der Demokratie (The Abuse of Fundamental Rights in a Democracy), Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1989, p. 173 (general editor) - Article in the same book on the subject "Bedrohung und Verteidigung der Demokratie - Ein rechtvergleichender einführender Überblick" (Threat to and Defense of Democracy - a comparative introduction), pp. 77-101.


8.La "Drittwirkung" des droits individuels et sociaux de la Constitution hellénique de 1975 dans la théorie et la pratique helléniques (The "Drittwirkung" of individual and social rights of the Greek Constitution of 1975 in Greek theory and practice), (foreword by Ph. Vegleris), Public Law Publications, Athens, 1990, p. 189.


9."La théorie de la 'Drittwirkung' des droits individuels et sociaux (The Theory of "Drittwirkung" of individual and social rights), in Xronika-Annales-Annals, No. 121, pp. 249-278.


10.La protection des droits de l'homme dans le cadre européen - L'adhésion des Communautés Européennes à la Convention Européenne des Droits de l'Homme (The Protection of Human Rights within the European Framework - The Accession of the European Communities to the European Convention on Human Rights), p. 392, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1993 (general editor) - Article in the same book on the subject "The Accession of the European Communities to the European Convention on Human Rights: the points of view of the member States of the EEC", pp. 343-373.


A full list of publications may be consulted in the secretariat files at the United Nations Centre for Human Rights.


Teaching and research activities


1982-1984Teaching and tutorials in German constitutional law at the University of Hamburg.


1984-1985Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Hamburg. Teaching of comparative constitutional law (German, French and Greek) and tutorials in German constitutional law.


1988, 1989Associate Professor of International and National Protection of Human Rights at Panteios University.


1988, 1989,Associate Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law

1990(German, French and Greek) at the University of Hamburg.


1990Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the National School of Public Administration.


1990Member of a group of experts from Strasbourg University, led by Professor J.-P. Jacqué, which worked on the preparation of an opinion requested by Mr. J. Delors, President of the EEC Commission, concerning the accession of the European Communities to the European Convention on Human Rights.


1991Organized a five-week seminar in Athens on the protection of human rights within the European framework, for lawyers and judges.


1992Organized a six-week seminar in Athens on the protection of social rights within the European framework, for lawyers and judges.




In Greek, German and French (see attached list).


Foreign languages


German, French (with formal qualifications), English, Italian


Membership of professional societies


German Society for Comparative Law


German Society for European Law


German-Greek Association of Jurists


Greek Association for European Law


Green Association for Constitutional Law


Greek-German Association of Jurists


Civil status


Married since 1973 to Constantin Iliopoulos, Doctor of Law, lawyer.

One son, born in 1986.


Zdenek Karabec (Czech Republic)


Born:14 February 1932, Prague




Education:1951-1955, Faculty of Law of Charles' University, Prague, Graduated as Doctor of Law (JUDr.);


1963-1964, postgraduate studies of management at Institute of University of Economy, Prague;


1969-1970, postgraduate studies at Institute of Criminology of University of Cambridge, England;


1968-1973, scientific practice at Faculty of Law of Charles' University, Prague, subject penal law-criminology. Gained scientific degree of Law Sciences (CSc. - PhD.).


Professional practice:1955-1958, aspirant to court and prosecutor's office, in position of public prosecutor;


1958-1966, Head of Law Department of University Library, Prague;


1966-30 June 1990, scientific officer at Research Institute of Criminology, Prague, aimed at survey in development of criminality, etiology and prevention of crime, and treatment of offenders;


Since 1 July, 1990, Director of Corps of Correctional Education, at present Director General of Prison Service of the Czech Republic;


Cooperation with professional authorities of Council of Europe (Committee for Penological Cooperation).


Scientific and

professional activities: Publication activities in domestic and foreign professional periodicals focused on criminology, penology and penal law;


Participation in scientific (also international) conferences and seminars;


Lecture activities, external lecturer at Faculty of Law of Charles' University, Prague;


Membership in scientific institutions (sociological association, etc.).


Language skills:Spoken English and Russian, some German.

Mr. Wolfram Karl (Austria)


Date of birth:6 May 1941




Marital status:Married, three children


Degrees:Doctor of Law (Vienna 1964) LL.M. (Cambridge 1967)


Current appointments:Professor of Public International Law, University of Salzburg (since 1989); Head of Department and Human Rights Section;


Deputy-Director of Austrian

Human Rights Institute;


Practical activities:CSCE observer mission to Belarus,

Ukraine and Moldova (March 1992);


Fact-finding missions in 1985 and 1988, to Iranian and Iraqi prisoner-of-war camps (appointment by United Nations Secretary-General, together with Prof. Opsahl, Norway);


Alternate delegate to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in 1989 and 1990;


Interim Chief of Human Rights Division, Austrian Foreign Office, in 1988/89;


Occasionally legal adviser to Austrian Red Cross;


Assistant to Legal Adviser to European Free Trade Association (EFTA) from 1969 to 1971).


Academic activities:Lecturer of Public International Law in Salzburg since 1968, professor since 1989;


Visiting Professor, McGeorge School of Law (Sacramento, United States of America/Salzburg externship) from 1984 to 1989;


Professor of ICRC Summer School on International Humanitarian law (Warsaw) in 1987 and 1990;


Member of Austrian UNESCO Commission;


Winner of Paul Guggenheim Award in 1983.



Publications:Monograph on "Treaty and Subsequent Practice" published by Max-Planck-Institute Heidelberg in 1983;


Editor of "International Commentary to the ECHR" (Heymanns Verlag 1986, 1992);


Editor of Newsletter of Austrian Human Rights Institute;


Numerous articles on subjects of international law, including human rights (international procedures, minorities, State responsibility, settlement of disputes, United Nations Charter, regionalism in Europe, sources of law).

Mohamed Oucharif (Morocco)






Civil status:Married, three children


Position within the

magistracy:Judicial magistrate in the Supreme Court;


Current functions:Deputy Director of Criminal Affairs and Pardons;


Chief of the Division of Criminal Studies and Human Rights Issues;


Professor at the National Institute of Legal Studies;



experience:Five years as a secondary-school teacher;


25 years in the magistracy;



qualifications:Bachelor of Law (1968);


Postgraduate degree in Private Law;


Certificate in philosophy and sociology (Faculty of Letters);


Expert in criminology and international criminal law;


Expert on the subject of detainees and prisons;


Certificate of merit from the United Nations Institute for the Prevention of Crime in Tokyo


Seminars and study courses, in the United States and at the Arab Centre for Studies in the Field of Safety, on the fight against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs.


Participation in international

conferences and meetings:


Member of the Moroccan delegation at:


The periodic assemblies of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice;


The preparatory regional meeting for the World Conference on Human Rights at Tunis;


The World Conference on Human Rights at Vienna;


The United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.


Previous functions: 1965:Teacher of Philosophy at secondary school;


    1969:Joined the magistracy;


    1973:Chief of the Civil and Commercial Department of the Regional Court of First Instance, Rabat;


    1975:Advocate-General of the Court of Appeal of Agadir;


    1977:Chief of the International Penal Cooperation Service at the Ministry of Justice;


    1978:Professor at the National Institute of Legal Studies;


    1985:Deputy Director of Criminal Affairs and Pardons;


Head of the Division of Criminal Studies and Human Rights Issues.


Mukunda Regmi (Nepal)


Date of birth and place:15 February 1941, Syanja Western, Nepal




Marital status:Married, three sons


Academic background:B.A. (Pol.Science), Gujarat University, India, 1961;


M.A. Sanskrit, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, 1963;


B.L. Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, 1964.


Professional experience:Advocate, Supreme Court 1966-1976;


Senior Advocate, Supreme Court 1976 to date;


Central President, Nepal Bar Association, 1979-1982;


Member, Constitution Recommendation Commission 1990 (Present Democratic Constitution);


Member, Judicial Council 1992-1993;


Member, Editorial Board, Nyayadut (Law Journal) 1978-1981.


Publications:Various legal articles concerning constitution, human rights;


Abolition of capital punishment, capital punishment and human rights, article on "No Human Rights Under the Former Panchayat System in Nepal"; and administration of criminal justice;


Nepali Nibandha Mala (A Compilation of Various Essays in Nepali).


Human rights activities:As a human rights activist for the last 30 years, involved in various activities concerning human rights and administration of criminal justice;


Received certificate of appreciation for the promotion of democracy and human rights from the Supreme Court Bar Association.

Waleed Sadi (Jordan)


Place and date of birth:Jerusalem, 19 August 1937


Marital status:Married, four children




Education:Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas (B.A., Economics)

University of Chicago, Law School, Chicago, Ill. (J.D.)


Associations:Member of the Jordanian Bar Association


Experience:Columnist and editorialist, Jordan Times, 1991-...


Member, Human Rights Committee, 1991-1994


Editor-in-Chief, Jordan Times, 1989-1991


Attorney at Law


Former Ambassador of Jordan to Turkey, 1982-1985


Former member of the Working Group of the Armand Hammer Conference to establish an Academy of Human Rights at Versailles, 1984-1985


Former Rapporteur at the Armand Hammer Conference, Madrid, 1984 to submit the project for the creation of a United Nations High Commission for Human Rights


Former Ambassador at Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amman, 1980-1982


Former Ambassador to the United Nations and other International Organizations at Geneva, 1975-1980:


Chairman of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1980-1981


Member of the Human Rights Committee, 1978-1982


Member of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1977-1980


Attended the ICRC Conferences in Manila, the Philippines


Attended the UNDP and UNCTAD conferences in Geneva


Attended the diplomatic conferences which adopted Additional Protocols I and II to the Geneva Conventions


Attended the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva


Attended ILO and WHO annual conferences in Geneva


Member of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, 1979-1981


Head of the Department of International Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1974-1975


Minister Plenipotentiary, Jordanian Embassy in Paris and London


Head of the Political Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amman, Jordan, 1970-1971


Counsellor, Jordanian Embassy, Moscow


Associate Professor, Loyola University, Montreal, 1969-1970


Counsellor, Jordanian Embassy, Washington, D.C., 1968-1969


First Secretary, Jordanian Mission to the United Nations, New York, 1964-1968


Assistant Chief of Royal Protocol, Royal Palace, 1963-1964



Bent Sørensen (Denmark)


Born:8 March 1924


Education:MD 1949

DMSc 1958


Trained in general surgery, pathology, orthopaedic surgery, gynaecology and obstetrics


Specialist in General Surgery 1960


Trained in plastic surgery in Denmark and the United Kingdom


Specialist in plastic surgery 1964


Top positions within the Danish Medical Health System:


Chief of Staff, Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns Unit, Københavns Kommunes Hvidovre Hospital, University of Copenhagen, 1965-1990


Retired September 1990 after 41 years as a medical doctor and 25 years as Chief of Staff, in order to work for the United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT), and the European Council Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT)


Full professorship in surgery from 1971 at the University of Copenhagen


Scientific production:


Thesis 1958: Late Results of Radium Therapy in Cervical Carcinoma


200 papers on surgery, plastic surgery and medical training


100 papers on burns


25 papers on torture, medical ethics


Reviewer for the editor of Burns until 1990


Reviewer for the editor of The Danish Medical Bulletin until 1988


Reviewer for the editor of The Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation until 1990






Administrative work - national:




Member of the Board of the Medical Faculty of the University of Copenhagen and Member of the Board of the University (Konsistorium), 1970-1975


Vice-Dean, 1972-1973


Dean, 1974-1975


Vice-Chairman and Chairman of the Advisory Board on Health Education to the Minister of Education, 1975-1981




Member of the Danish Medical Research Council, 1976-1984


Administrative work - international:


1.European Communities




Together with the late Professor Robson brought up the idea of an Advisory Committee on Medical Training (ACMT) of the Commission of the European Communities in 1973


Member of this Committee from its start in 1976, and one of the three Chairmen in the first period 1976-1979, and in the second period from 1979-1983




Member of the Comité de Recherche en Médécine et en Santé Publique (CRM) of the European Communities, 1977-1984


Chairman of this Committee 1980-1984 and responsible for Medical Programme No. 2, Medical Programme No. 3, and for the incorporation of these programmes in the Framework Programme for research


Member of the Northern Medical Research Council, 1977-1984


2.World Health Organization


Temporary advisor on burns, 1964-1990


Temporary advisor on the prevention of torture, 1986






Co-founder of the International Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI), 1964


Member of the Action Committee on Nurses' Training of the ISBI, 1968-1975


Chairman of the Disaster Planning Committee of the ISBI, 1978-1986


Regional Representative for Europe of the ISBI, 1986-1990


President of the 5th International Congress on Burn Injuries, Stockholm, 1978


Co-founder of the European Burns Association (EBA), 1981


Founder of the Danish Burns Association and of the Association of Burn Patients, 1981


President of the Symposium on Burns, Copenhagen, 1981


Co-founder of the Danish Society for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 1964


Co-founder of the Danish Organization of Plastic Surgeons, Chairman, 1983-1988


4.Work on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of punishment


The Danish Medical Association's (Den Almindelige Danske Lægeforening - DADL) representative to the Board of the Research and Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (RCT), Copenhagen


Chairman of the Board from 1984 to 1 January 1990


Vice-Chairman of the Board of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) to 1 January 1990


Member of the United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT), 1988, re-elected 1990


First Vice-President of the European Council Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), 1989-1993, re-elected September 1993


European Expert at EC's Multiannual Programme for the Promotion of Human Rights in Central America


Representative of CAT and CPT at the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, June 1993


Teacher at training courses on torture and medical ethics:




Medical doctors, nurses, police, civil servants, political parties




Washington, London, Izmir, Islamabad, Lahore, Sydney, Melbourne, San Salvador, Guatemala City, Tromsø, The Hague, Gothenburg, Geneva, Strasbourg, Firenze, Budapest


Honours:Honorary Prize from the Red Cross, (ICRC), Congo, 1961


The N.C. Nielsen Prize, 1973


Honorary Member of the American Burn Association, 1975 (Everett I. Evans Lecture)


General Consul Ernst Carlsen's Prize, 1976


Honorary Citizen of the Town of Fredericia (birth town), 1979


Honorary Prize from the Christensson-Ceson Fund, 1981


Honorary Member of the British Burn Association, 1982, (A.B. Wallace Memorial Lecture)


Honorary Member of the Indian Burns Association, 1984


Awarded the G. Whitaker International Burns Prize in Palermo, Italy, 1984


Honorary Member of the Hungarian Burns Association, 1985


Honorary Member of the Australian and New Zealand Burns Association, 1987


The August Krogh Lecturer, University of Copenhagen, 1988


Awarded the Barfred-Pedersens Honorary Prize (The Danish Medical Association), 1988


Honorary Member of the British Association of Plastic Surgeons, 1990


Honorary Member of Dansk Kirurgisk Selskab (Danish Association of Surgeons), 1992


Knight of the Dannebrog, 1978, of the First Grade, 1990

Alexander M. Yakovlev (Russian Federation)


Date of birth:August 1927


Place of birth:Leningrad, USSR




Marital status:Married


Languages:Russian, English, French




1957Moscow Juridical Institute, Master of Law


1964Defended the dissertation of the candidate of criminal law Ph.D. in the area of sociology of crime


1991Honorary Doctor of Laws, Alberta University, Canada


Professional history:


1957-75Senior Researcher at the Institutes of Ministry of Interior, Procuracy and Ministry of Justice


1975-presentHead of the Department Institute of State and Law, Academy of Sciences of the USSR/RF, Professor of Law


1989-91Elected People's Deputy of the USSR, Member of the People's Congress of the USSR. Member of the Standing Committee on the Legislature of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR


1990, 1992Visiting Professor, Alberta University, Canada


1991Visiting Professor, Rutgers University, USA


1992Visiting Professor, University of Toronto, Canada

Visiting Professor, University of North York, Canada

Laureate of the State Prize for the development of the Theoretical Foundations in the field of criminology


International activities:


1975-presentMember, Board of Directors, International Society of Social Defence (Paris)

Member, Board of Directors, Institute of Sociology of Law for Europe

International Sociological Association

International Society of Criminal Law

International Criminological Association


1978-presentSenior Adviser of the United Nations Helsinki Institute of Crime Prevention


Sphere of scholarly interests:


Constitutional law; court reform; sociology and social psychology; sociology of crime, political science


Publications:More than 100 articles in scholarly periodicals, including


1. "The Rationality of Criminal Justice: Its Meaning and Social Function" in Effective, Rational and Humane Criminal Justice, HEUNI, Helsinki, Finland, 1984


2. "The Social Functions of the Criminalization Process", in Selected Issues in Criminal Justice, HEUNI, Helsinki, Finland, 1985


3. "Criminal Justice as an Alternative in Dispute Settlement" in Selected Issues in Criminal Justice, HEUNI, Helsinki, Finland, 1985


4. "Constitutional Socialist Democracy: Dream or Reality" - Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 28, 1 November 1990


5. "Epistemological Problems in Criminology" in Advances in Criminological Treaty. USA, Transaction Publishers, 1990


6. "Transforming the Soviet Union to a Rule of Law Democracy: A Report from the Front Lines". The Record of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Vol. 46, Number 2, March 1991


7. Sentencing Policies as Expression of the Purposes of Criminal Punishment. Coexistence. A Review of East-West and Development Issues. Justice and Comparative Law, Martinus Nijhoff Pub. 1986


A full list of selected articles published in scholarly periodicals may be consulted in the secretariat files at the United Nations Centre for Human Rights


Published books in Russian:


1. Concurrent of Crimes, Moscow, Pub. House "Urid. Lit.", 1960


2. Struggle Against Recidivism, Moscow, Pub. House "Nauka", 1964


3. Crime As a Way of Life. Pub. House "Urid. Lit.", 1967


4. Crime and Social Psychology, Pub. House "Urid. Lit."


5. Law and Sociology, Crisis of Legality in the United States of America. Pub. House "Urid. Lit.", 1975


6. Individual Prophylaxy of Criminal Behaviour. Gorky, 1977


7. Grounds for the Criminalization (contributor). Pub. House "Nauka", 1985


8. Criminological Theory and Social Practice. Moscow, Pub. House "Nauka", 1985


9. Sociology of Economic Crimes, Moscow, Pub. House "Nauka", 1988


Published books in English:


1. The Bear that Wouldn't Dance: Failed Attempts to Reform the Constitution of the former Soviet Union (with Dale Gibson). Legal Research Institute, University of Manitoba, 1992.


Social activities:


1. As a member of the Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences acting as a legal expert for the Russian Parliament and Government in the sphere of constitutional law, courts reform, rights and freedoms, development of the democratic institutions, drafting of the constitutional norms.


2. Commenting on the television and the Russian Radio programmes on the current events in politics and law.


3. Consulting the law-enforcement agencies on the interpretations of law.


4. 1993-present. Expert of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation


