Resumed organizational session for 2002

29 and 30 April 2002

Agenda item 4

Elections, nominations, confirmations and appointments




                 Election of nine members of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights



                     Note by the Secretary-General



           The Secretary-General has received the following nomination for election to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights:

           From the Government of Egypt: Mahmoud Samir Ahmed

           Biographical information on the candidate is provided below.



                     Mahmoud Samir Ahmed (Egypt)



Date of birth: 1926

BA, MA, PhD, International Affairs, Cairo University and Columbia and Harvard Universities

Fellow at the Center for International Affairs at Harvard University, 1965-1966


                            Professional career


Diplomatic Corps since 1948. Diplomatic postings at Ankara; Washington, D.C.; Tunis; Bogotá; Mexico City; New York, as Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations; Geneva, as Adviser to the delegation of Egypt to the Conference on Disarmament; London, as Minister at the Embassy of Egypt, 1968-1973. Ambassador, Lima (Peru) in 1973; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, 1975; Ambassador to Italy, 1976-1979; Under-Secretary of State at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cairo, 1979-1982; Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the Organization of African Unity; Ambassador to Australia and Fiji. Retired in 1986 at the mandatory age of 60




(In English): The Non-Aligned and the Test Ban Treaty, published by the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, New York, 1965; Nasser’s Arab Socialism: Its Place in International Ideologies (London, 1971); Egypt and Africa on the Road to Cooperation (1982)

(In Arabic): Diplomacy, Theory and Practice (Cairo, 1987); Future Water-induced Conflicts in the Middle East (1991); The World through Diplomatic Eyes (1996)


                            United Nations experience


Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations, New York, 1964-1969

Adviser to the Egyptian delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva, 1963-1964

Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations, New York, 1975-1976

Ambassador to Italy and Permanent Representative to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 1976-1979

Under-Secretary of State in charge of International Organizations, 1979-1981, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cairo

Ambassador to Addis Ababa and Egypt, Permanent Representative to the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, 1982-1984

Member, United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights since 1995



       See E/2002/L.1/Add.10 for information on other candidates nominated by States parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

       Current member of the Committee.