Resumed organizational session for 2002

29 and 30 April 2002

Agenda item 4

Elections, nominations, confirmations and appointments




                 Election of nine members of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights



                     Note by the Secretary-General



1.        By its resolution 1985/17, the Economic and Social Council decided to establish a Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to undertake functions relating to the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and to assist the Council in fulfilling its responsibilities under the Covenant.

2.        In accordance with that resolution, the Council, at its resumed organizational session for 1998, elected from a list of persons nominated by States parties to the Covenant, nine experts as members of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, for a four-year term beginning on 1 January 1999 and ending on 31 December 2002 (decision 1998/202 B). The current membership of the Committee is given in annex I below.

3.        At its present session, the Council is to elect nine members of the Committee for a four-year term, beginning on 1 January 2003. The terms of the following members expire on 31 December 2002: Mahmoud Samir Ahmed (Egypt), Clément Atangana (Cameroon), Virginia Bonoan-Dandan (Philippines), Paul Hunt (New Zealand), Yuri Kolosov (Russian Federation), Jaime Alberto Marchan Romero (Ecuador), Eibe Riedel (Germany), Nutan Thapalia (Nepal), Javier Wimer Zambrano (Mexico).

4.        In a note verbale dated 1 November 2001, the Secretary-General invited the States parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to submit their nominations for membership in the Committee. The names of the persons nominated as at 1 March 2002 are set out below, together with the States parties that nominated them.





Proposed by



Mr. Clément Atangana*


Mrs.Virginia Bonoan-Dandan*


Mrs. Maria Virginia Bras Gomes


Mr. Azzouz Kerdoun


Mr. Yuri M. Kolosov*

Russian Federation

Mr. Jaime Marchan Romero*


Mr. Eibe H. Riedel*


Mrs. Krassimira Sredkova


Mr. Alvaro Tirado Mejia



   *  Nominated for re-election.



5.        Biographical information on the persons nominated is contained in annex II below.

6.        As at 1 March 2002, there were 145 States parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The number of States parties by regional group and the number of seats to be allocated to each region under subparagraph (b) of Council resolution 1985/17 are as follows:


Regional group

States parties as at 1 March 2002

Seats allocated




African States



Asian States



Eastern European States



Latin American and Caribbean States



Western European and other States








7.        Accordingly, the number of vacancies in each geographical region to be filled by the Council is as follows:


Regional group

Number of vacancies



African States


Asian States


Eastern European States


Latin American and Caribbean States


Western European and other States




Annex I


                 Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights



                            (18 members; four-year term)



                     Membership in 2002




Term expires on
31 December



Mahmoud Samir Ahmed (Egypt)*.............................................


Clément Atangana (Cameroon)*


Rocío Barahona Riera (Costa Rica)*


Virginia Bonoan-Dandan (Philippines)*  


Dumitru Ceausu (Romania).................................................


Abdessatar Grissa (Tunisia)................................................


Paul Hunt (New Zealand)*


Yuri Kolosov (Russian Federation)* 


Giorgio Malinverni (Switzerland).............................................


Jaime Alberto Marchan Romero (Ecuador)*   


Sergei Martynov (Belarus)


Ariranga Govindasamy Pillay (Mauritius)


Kenneth Osborne Rattray (Jamaica) 


Eibe Riedel (Germany)*....................................................


Walid M. Sa’di (Jordan)....................................................


Philippe Texier (France)....................................................


Nutan Thapalia (Nepal)* 


Javier Wimer Zambrano (Mexico)* 



   *  Retiring member.

Annex II




          a The complete curriculum vitae of each candidate may be consulted in the files of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

                 Biographical information on candidates for election to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightsa



                     Clément Atangana (Cameroon)



Date of birth: 20 September 1941

Occupation: Judge

Current position: Supreme Court judge




Graduate of the National College of Administration and Magistrates (Yaoundé)

Graduate of the International Institute of Public Administration (Paris)


                            Professional activities


1971-1981               successively President of the Court at: Eséka; Bafia; Mora; Sangmélima; Yaoundé

1981-1988               Deputy Director of Legal Affairs and Justice

1988-1989               Procurator-General of the Court of Appeal of the Northern District

1989-1991               President of the Court of Appeal of the Central District (Yaoundé)

1997-1999    President of the Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court


                            Seminars and conferences abroad


1986             Seminar at the International Law Institute, Rome

1987             Colloquium on human rights, Lomé (Togo)

1993-1995               Observer on the Committee against Torture, Geneva

1996                        Seminar on human rights, New York

1999-2002               Member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


                     Virginia Bonoan-Dandan (Philippines)



                            Current positions


Professor of Fine Arts, University of the Philippines

Chairperson, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights since 1999

Chairperson, President’s Committee on Culture and the Arts, University of the Philippines




Bachelor of Fine Arts-Sculpture, cum laude, University of the Philippines, 1978

Master of Arts, cultural anthropology, University of the Philippines, 1989

PhD, anthropology, University of the Philippines, 1995


                            Past position and appointments


Research Fellow for Human Rights, University of the Philippines, 1997-2000

Commissioner, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization National Commission

Director for Publications, University of the Philippines, 1989-1992

Research Programme Leader, University of the Philippines, 1987-1991

Training Director, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Projects for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SPAFA), 1980-1985


                            Selected completed research


Dimensions of the right to take part in cultural life

Violations of article 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Traditional art forms in Luzon

Peace and human rights education through art

In-depth study of international education in South-East Asia

Philippine icons and the concept of worship

Human rights education through popular theatre, University of the Philippines, 1986

Peace and art, National Research Council of the Philippines, 1986


                            Selected publications


Virginia B. Dandan, “Monitoring supervision and dialogue in the human rights system: challenges for the United Nations development agencies”, SCN News, No. 18, pp. 34-38 (Geneva, WHO, 1999)

Virginia B. Dandan “A view beyond Beijing”, in Symposium on Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region Toward Partnership for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (Tokyo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1995)

Virginia Bonoan Dandan, “The work of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”, in Hong Kong and the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Hong Kong, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, 1994)

Virginia B. Dandan, “Profile of the Samoki woman”, Review of Women’s Studies, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 2-14 (Quezon City, University of the Philippines, 1990); The Philippines at the Dawn of the 21st Century (Manila, Office of the Press Secretary, Republic of the Philippines, 1989); ed., Readings on the Tasaday (Pasig, Tasaday Community Care Foundation, 1989); “Traditional art forms in Luzon”, Research Gems (Quezon City, University of the Philippines, 1988)

Virginia Dandan and R.D.F. Defeo, The University Art Collection General Catalogue,vol. Two, The Jorge Vargas Collection(Quezon City, Art Inventory Committee, Office of the President, University of the Philippines System, 1987); The University Art Collection General Catalogue, vol. One (Quezon City, Art Inventory Committee, Office of the President, University of the Philippines System, 1987)

Virginia B. Dandan, “Images of the Filipino woman”, Woman, Policy and Action (Manila, National Commission on the Status of Woman, March 1987)


                            Papers read in international conferences as keynote speaker, guest speaker or resource speaker


Remedies available for victims of acts of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance

Economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development

Universal values in cultural rights

Culture, sports and human rights

Cultural imperatives in human rights education

Monitoring violations of economic, social and cultural rights

The Limburg Principles on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Defining the role of non-governmental organizations

Human rights of women

Human rights approaches to women’s health

The rights of women and the work of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Economic and political empowerment of women

A view beyond Beijing

Developing a gender perspective in the United Nations

Development policy and human rights

The United Nations and human rights education: towards universal human rights values

Intellectual property rights in the context of the community

                     Maria Virginia Bras Gomes (Portugal)



Date and place of birth  10 March 1951, Goa, India

Current position                    Head of the Department for Social Research and International Relations of the Directorate General of Solidarity and Social Security of the Ministry of Labour and Solidarity, in charge of activity planning and evaluation and staff monitoring and supervision in the fields of social research and analysis, and international cooperation


                            Main professional activities: coordination of and/or participation in


The preparation of reports on the implementation of international instruments (European Union (EU), Council of Europe, United Nations)

Interdepartmental and multidisciplinary groups on several aspects of social security and social action

Participation as national expert in conferences, seminars and meetings

Ministerial appointments to carry out special missions

Oral presentations and written papers on themes related to social policies and practices


                            Supervision and training activities


Bachelor of Arts (English Special)/Bombay University, recognized by the Portuguese Ministry of Education

Seventh year of the Course, Diplôme d’Etudes Françaises (eight years), University of Toulouse

Four-month training in the field of social services, part of which at University of Western Michigan


                            Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned


Member of the delegations to the session for the consideration of the reports submitted by Portugal on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Participant in the preparatory process and in the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly, as negotiator, on behalf of EU, in respect of further initiatives on poverty eradication, full employment, social integration, health and education, equality between men and women, and international, and regional and subregional cooperation for social development

Oral presentations and papers on social and multicultural issues




Crianças e Jovens em Risco: Integraçã de Serviços (Integrated Services for Children and Young People at Risk), 1997

Situar a Accão Social numa Lógica de Intervençã (The Logic of Intervention for Social Action), 1998.

Por deniro das negociações (The negotiations seen from within), 2000.

                     Azzouz Kerdoun (Algeria)



Date of birth:         17 July 1947 at Constantine, Algeria


                            Prior academic position


Professor of Public International Law and Political Science

Chairman of the Laboratory on the Maghreb and the Mediterranean (LERMM)


                            Educational background


General Certificate of Education (advanced level), Baccalaureat ès-liettres, secondary school in Paris, 1969-1970

Bachelor’s degree in law, University of Constantine, 1975

General Certificate in Human Rights, International Centre of Human Rights, University of Strasbourg, 1977

Master of Arts in international law, University of Montpellier, 1978

Master of Arts in political science, University of Montpellier, 1979

PhD, doctorate in public law, University of Montpellier, 1981

Professor of International Law, Algiers, 1993


                            Professional background


Director of Research since 1992

Professor (full) in Public International Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Constantine since 1993

Chairman of Laboratory on the Maghreb and the Mediterranean since 2000

Visiting Professor at the Multidisciplinary Chair of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization/Association des Études Internationales, Tunis, 1991 and 1992

Visiting Professor at the University of Toulouse (France), 1993 and 1995

Visiting Professor at the University of Aix-Marseille (France), 1996, 1997 and 1999

Visiting Professor at the University of Strasbourg (France), 2001

News Reporter of Maghreb-Magazine (Morocco), 1992-1993

Expert in the African Biotechnology Agency, Algiers, since 1998

Expert in the Permanent Conference on Historical Towns in the Mediterranean (Italy) since1999

Member of the Juridical and Economical Commission of the High Algerian National Council of Environment and Sustainable Development, 1997-1999

Consultant to the National Institute of Global Strategic Studies (Algiers), 1987-2001

Consultant to the Mediterranean Foundation of Strategic Studies (France), 1995‑2000

Barrister at the Supreme Court of Justice since 1984


                            Prior administrative occupations


Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law, 1989-1992

Founder and Chairman of a Research Unit on Africa and the Arab World, 1987-2000

Founder and Chairman of publication and review Annals of URAMA, 1997-1998

Founder and Chairman of Laboratory of Studies and Research on the Maghreb and the Mediterranean since 2000


                            Membership in professional associations and learned societies


Member of the ISPROM (Italian Institute of Mediterranean Studies) since 1992

Founder and member, Board of the Algerian Association of International Relations since 1997

Member, Board of Scientific Council of the Academy of the University of Constantine, 2000

Member of the International Association of Mediterranean Historians (SIHMED), Italy, since 1998

Member of the International Association of Consumers Law (Belgium) since 1999

Member of several working groups on the Maghreb and the Mediterranean

Member of the Editorial Board of Human Science Review (University of Constantine) since 1992

Director of publication, Annals of LERMM review since 2000

Member of the National University Commission for promoting Lecturers and Professors (Algiers) since 1999

Member of the Commission of the National Research Programme in Law and Justice (Algiers) since 1999

Chairman of the National Inter-sectorial Research Programme (Algiers) since 2000


                            Linguistic knowledge


French, Arabic, English


                            List of scientific publications





Arab-African Cooperation: Dimensions and Prospects (Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1987), 251 pp.

The Technology Transfer to Developing Countries: Juridical and Institutional Aspects (Algiers, University Publications Office, 1991), 381 pp.

The Security in the Mediterranean: Challenge and Strategy (Paris, Publisud, 1995), 200 pp.

Environment and Sustainable Development: Stake and Challenge (Paris, Publisud, 2000), 229 pp.

Environment in Algeria: Impacts on Ecological System and the Strategy of Protection, edited by A. Kerdoun and others (Constantine, University Editions, 2001), 341 pp.

More than 40 contributions in books edited by several authors and articles

                     Yuri M. Kolosov (Russian Federation)



Born on 7 September 1934 in Saint Petersburg (Leningrad) region, Russian Federation (former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)). Graduated from the International Law Department of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1959.

Has a command of English


                            Educational and professional activities


1959                        Graduate of Moscow State Institute of International Relations

1959-1963               Legal Adviser of the Department for Foreign Relations, USSR Ministry of Civil Aviation

1963-1966               Postgraduate course at Moscow State Institute of International Relations

1966                        PhD degree

1966-1970               Diplomatic service, USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs

1970-1973               Senior Researcher, State and Law Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences

1973-1987               Diplomatic Service, Legal and Treaty Department, Department of Humanitarian and Cultural Relations, USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs

1987                        Head, Department of International Law, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)

1976                        LLD degree

1982                        Professor of International Law

1986-87                   Deputy Chief, Department of Humanitarian and Cultural Relations, USSR Ministry for Foreign Affairs

1995                        Award: “Merited Scientist of the Russian Federation”

1996                        Diplomatic rank: Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

1991-1999               Member, United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child

2002                        Elected to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to fill the vacancy in the Committee for the remainder of the term of office of the resigning member (Mr. V. Kouznetsov, Russian Federation)


                            Professional activities at present


Member, Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague (since 1990)

Member, International Academy of Astronautics (since 1985)

Member, International Institute of Space Law (since 1980)

Member, Executive Board, Russian Association of International Law (since 1988)

Vice-President, Moscow Association of International Law (since 1992)

Editor-in-Chief, Moscow Journal of International Law (since 1991-1997), President of the editorial board (since 1998)

Director, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chair for Human Rights and Democracy, Moscow (since 1994)

Member, Board of Governors, Russian Children’s Foundation (since 1994)


                            Participation in international events


Lecturing on different issues of international law at the universities of Montreal, Vienna, Thessaloniki, Milan, Florence, Ghent

Member of Soviet (Russian) delegations in various organs at several sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, the Geneva meeting of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Vienna meeting of CSCE, the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its Legal Subcommittee, UNESCO meetings, diplomatic conferences on the Hague and Montreal conventions against unlawful interference in civil aviation, the establishment of the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT), the Joint Consultative Group on the reduction of conventional armed forces in Europe, the Third Hague Peace Conference of 1999 etc.


                            Academic activities


Author of more than 200 publications dealing with international cooperation in the field of human rights, law of treaties, outer space law, air law, law of international organizations, humanitarian law, international responsibility etc.

Supervisor of 17 postgraduates, including foreigners, on writing of PhD thesis


                            Principal publications


Responsibility in International Law, Moscow, 1975 (also published in Slavonic in Bratislava)

Working towards Peaceful Outer Space, Moscow, 1984

International Space Law, New York, 1984 (co-authorship: G. Zhukov)

Mass Media and International Law, Moscow, 1974 (also published in German in Leipzig)

International Law, textbook, Moscow, 1994 (author of several chapters and co‑editor-in-chief); 1998, 2nd ed., amended and revised

The USSR and International Cooperation in the Sphere of Human Rights, Moscow, 1989 (documents and materials with commentary co-editor)

International Cooperation in the Sphere of Human Rights, Moscow, 1993 (documents and materials with commentary co-editor)

International Law in Contemporary World, Moscow, 1991 (co-author and editor)

International Humanitarian Law, Moscow, 1995 (documents with commentary co‑editor)

Current International Law, vols. I-III, Moscow, 1996-1997 (documents with commentary; co-editor)

International Law, textbook, Moscow, 2000 (author of several chapters and co‑editor)

                     Jaime Marchan Romero (Ecuador)



Place of birth:        Quito, Ecuador

Date of birth:         15 March 1947


                            Academic studies


Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Faculty of Law (1966-1972)

George Washington University Space Law (1986)


                            Positions held


Within the Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Head of Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (1978-1980)

Administrative Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1987-1988)

Political Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1988-1990)

Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs (1992-1995)

Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs (January 2001)




Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Belgrade (1989-1990)

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Rome (1990-1992)

Extraordinary and plenipotentiary Ambassador to Vienna (1995-1997)

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Santiago de Chile (1997-2000)


                            Other activities


Ordinary Member of the Hispano-Luso-American Institute of International Law (Madrid)

Life Membership of the International Institute of Space Law (Paris)

Member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Geneva)

Academic Member of the Inter-American Commission of Legal Experts in Air and Space Law (Lima)


                            Publications (books)


Derecho Internacional del Espacio (International Space Law) (Quito, Central Bank of Ecuador, 1987)

Régimen Jurídico de la Orbita Sincrónica Geoestacionaria (Legal Regulations of Synchronic Geo-Stationary Orbits) (Quito, Central Bank of Ecuador, 1987)

Derecho Internacional del Espacio: Teoría y Política, 2nd. ed. (International Space Law: Theory and Politics) (Madrid, Editorial Civitas, S.A, 1990)

La Otra Vestidura (The Other Dress) (Madrid, Editorial Verbum, 1991) novel

Special mention on occasion of the “Pegaso Award of Literature for Latin America, 1994”

Destino Estambul (Destination Istambul) (Madrid, Editorial Verbum, 1997), novel

Itinerario de Trenes (Railway Timetable) (Madrid, Editorial Verbum, 2000), novel


                            Publications (articles)


“Los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales en el derecho internacional” (Economic, social and cultural rights in international law), lecture at the First Seminar on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, organized by Ecuador’s National Congress (Quito, Ecuador, 1997)

“El sentido de las obligaciones de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales” (The sense of obligations of economic, social and cultural rights) Asociaciónde Functionarios Ecuatorianos del Servicio Exterior (AFESE) magazine (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Quito, Ecuador 1998)

“La justiciabilidad de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales” (The actionability of economic, social and cultural rights), lecture at the workshop on “Elaborating Strategies for the promotion of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2001)




“Encomienda de Número de la Orden del Mérito Civil de Su Majestad el Rey Juan Carlos de España” (Madrid, 1980)

Great Cross of the “Orden Antonio José de Frisarri” of Guatemala (Guatemala, 1993)

Great Cross of the “Orden Nacional al Mérito” of Paraguay (Asuncion, 1993)

Great Cross of the “Ordem Nacional Do Cruzeiro Do Sul” of Brazil (Brasilia, 1994)

Great Cross of the “Orden del Libertador San Martín” of Argentina (Buenos Aires, 1994)

Great Cross of the National Order to the Merit “Bernardo O’Higgins” of Chile (Santiago, 2000)

Great Cross of the “Orden de San Carlos” of Colombia (Bogota, 2001)

                     Eibe H. Riedel (Germany)



Date and place of birth: 26 January 1943, Zwittau

Working languages:                  English, French, German


                            Current position/function


Professor of German and Comparative Public Law, European and International Law, University of Mannheim, Germany


                            Main professional activities


Public international law, European law, German constitutional law, comparative public law, particularly human rights law, international peacekeeping, environmental law; Board Member, National German Institute of Human Rights


                            Educational background


Degrees in law and theology, King’s College London; first and second State examination in German Law, Kiel; Doctor of Jurisprudence dissertation, 1974, on comparative administrative law; postdoctoral dissertation (Habilitation), 1983, on theory of human rights standards in economic, social and cultural rights; professorships in Mainz, Marburg, Jena and Mannheim (at present); Honorary Professor, University of Adelaide, Australia


                            Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty
body concerned


Member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Vice-Chair); Rapporteur of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on right to health, General Comment No. 14

Currently writing on General Comment concerning intellectual property rights (article 15.l (c) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) and revision of working methods of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


                            List of most recent publications in the field


“Universality of human rights and cultural pluralism”, in Ch. Starck, ed., Constitutionalism, Universalism and Democracy: Studien und Materialien zur Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit, vol. 75 (1999), pp. 25-52

“Negotiation solutions under the Social Covenant of the United Nations” (in German), in J. Ipsen and E. Schmidt-Jortzig, eds., Recht-Staat-Gemeinwohl (2001), pp. 441-456; “Commentaries to article 55 (c) and article 68 of the United Nations Charter”, in B. Simma, ed.: The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, 2nd ed. (forthcoming); “Global responsibilities and bioethics: reflections on the Council of Europe’s Bioethics Convention”, in Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, vol. 5 (1997), pp. 179-190

                     Krassimira Sredkova (Bulgaria)



Date and place of birth: 17 October 1952, Tcherven brjag, Bulgaria

Working languages:                  English, Russian, German and Spanish


                            Current position/function


Professor in Labour Law and Social Security, Sofia University (since 1996);
1990-1996: Associate Professor; 1976-1990: Assistant Professor, Senior Assistant Professor and Chief Assistant Professor

Expert in labour law and social security, Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BCIC) (employers’ organization) (since 1989); practising lawyer (attorney), Sofia Bar Association (since 1992)


                            Main professional activities


President of the Labour Arbitration Committee, Sofia University (1977-1984); Vice-Dean of Law Faculty, Sofia University (1991-1995); President of the Supervising Board, Sofia University (since 1999); Consultative Legislation Committee of the President of the Parliament (since 2001); co-editor of Contemporary Law journal (since 1997)


                            Educational background


Sofia University, Master of Law; Sofia University, PhD in law specialization in Moscow (USSR): labour law; Vienna (Austria): labour law; Szeged (Hungary): international and comparative labour law; Hamburg (Germany): international labour law, labour-market law, European social law, social law in Germany; Leuven la Neuve (Belgium): consumer protection law etc.


                            Other main activities in the field relevant to the mandate of the treaty body concerned


Expert in drafting legal acts (since 1978)

Council for the European Social Charter (since 1999)

Governing Council of Bulgarian Scientists Association (1989-1993)

National Council for Employment Promotion and Protection of Unemployment (since 1998)

National reporter for the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (since 1999)

Eight international or European projects related to the social policy

More than 25 international conferences, seminars etc.


                            List of most recent publications in the field


One hundred and sixty-eight books, studies and articles in Bulgaria, Germany, the Russian Federation, Switzerland and the United States of America

                     Alvaro Tirado Mejia (Colombia)



Date and place of birth             Medellín, Colombia, 10 December 1940

Working languages                             Spanish, French, English

Current position/function                   United Nations consultant, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project, Colombia

                            Main professional activities


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Colombia

President of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States (OAS), 1995

Full professor at the National University of Colombia, Institute of International Relations

Ambassador on special mission to present the report of Colombia to the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Presidential Adviser on Human Rights in Colombia

Permanent member of the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights in Colombia


                            Academic studies


Law and political science, University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia

Postgraduate studies in agricultural development and planning, Institute of Economic and Social Development Studies (IEDES), Paris

Doctorate in history (mention très bien), University of Paris


                            Other main activities in the field relevant to the body concerned


Delegate of Colombia to the forty-fifth session of the Commission on Human Rights, 1989

Participant at the preparatory meeting for the World Conference on Human Rights, held in Costa Rica, and participant at the United Nations World Conference on Human Rights, held at Vienna in 1993, as a member of IACHR

Presentation, in the capacity of President of IACHR, of report on Haiti at the meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs held during the General Assembly of the OAS in Haiti

Participant at the Regional Conference on Extreme Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean, Cartagena, Colombia, 1988


                            Most recent publications in the field


Introducción a la Historia Económica de Colombia (Introduction to the economic history of Colombia), National University of Colombia, 1971

Integración y Democracia en América Latina y el Caribe (Integration and democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean) (Buenos Aires, Institute for Latin American and Caribbean Integration (INTAL), 1997)

Sobre Historia y Literatura (On history and literature) (Bogotá, Simón and Lola Guberek Foundation, 1991)