Resumed organizational session for 2000

3 and 4 May 2000

Agenda item 4

Elections, nominations and confirmations




                 Election of nine members of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights



                     Note by the Secretary-General






1.        By its resolution 1985/17, the Economic and Social Council decided to establish a Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to undertake functions relating to the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and to assist the Council in fulfilling its responsibilities under the Covenant.

2.        In accordance with that resolution, the Council, at its resumed organizational session for 1996, elected from a list of persons nominated by States parties to the Covenant, nine experts as members of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, for a four-year term beginning on 1 January 1997 and ending on 31 December 2000 (decision 1996/222). The current membership of the Committee is given in annex I below.

3.        At its present session, the Council is to elect nine members of the Committee for a four-year term, beginning on 1 January 2001. The terms of the following members expire on 31 December 2000: Ivan Antanovich (Belarus), Dumitru Ceausu (Romania), Oscar Ceville (Panama), Abdessatar Grissa (Tunisia), María De Los Angeles Jiménez Butragueño (Spain), Ariranga Govindasamy Pillay (Mauritius), Kenneth Osborne Rattray (Jamaica), Walid M. Sa’di (Jordan) and Philippe Texier (France).

4.        In a note verbale dated 5 November 1999, the Secretary-General invited the States parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to submit their nominations for membership in the Committee. The names of the persons nominated as at 7 February 2000 are set out below, together with the States parties that nominated them.



Proposed by



Mrs. Rocio Barahona Riera

Costa Rica

Mr. Servio Tulio Castaños Guzmán

Dominican Republic

Mr. Oscar Ceville*


Mr. Dumitru Ceausu*


Mr. Abdessatar Grissa*


Mr. Andreas Nicolas Loizou


Mr. Giorgio Malinverni


Mr. Sergei Martynov


Mr. Ariranga Govindasamy Pillay*


Mr. Kenneth Osborne Rattray*


Mr. Waleed M. Sa’di*


Mr. Philippe Texier*




   *  Nominated for re-election.



5.        Biographical information on the persons nominated is contained in annex II below.

6.        As at 10 February 2000, there were 143 States parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The number of States parties by regional group and the number of seats to be allocated to each region under subparagraph (b) of Council resolution 1985/17 are as follows:


Regional group

States parties as at
10 February 2000

Seats allocated




African States



Asian States



Eastern European States



Latin American and Caribbean States



Western European and other States








7.        Accordingly, the number of vacancies in each geographical region to be filled by the Council is as follows:


Regional group

Number of vacancies



African States


Asian States


Eastern European States


Latin American and Caribbean States


Western European and other States




Annex I

                 Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights



                     (18 members; four-year term)




Term expires on
31 December



Mahmoud Samir Ahmed (Egypt)...................................


Ivan Antanovich (Belarus).......................................


Clement Atangana (Cameroon)...................................


Virginia Bonoan-Dandan (Philippines)..............................


Dumitru Ceausu (Romania)......................................


Oscar Ceville (Panama)........................................


Abdessatar Grissa (Tunisia)......................................


Paul Hunt (New Zealand)........................................


María de los Angeles Jiménez Butragueño (Spain)......................


Valeri I. Kouznetsov (Russian Federation).............................


Jaime Alberto Marchan Romero (Ecuador)............................


Ariranga Govindasamy Pillay (Mauritius).............................


Kenneth Osborne Rattray (Jamaica)................................


Eibe Riedel (Germany).........................................


Walid M. Sa’di (Jordan).........................................


Philippe Texier (France)........................................


Nutan Thapalia (Nepal)........................................


Javier Wimer Zambrano (Mexico).................................





Annex II



          a The complete curriculum vitae of each candidate may be consulted in the files of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

                 Biographical information on candidates for election to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightsa



                     Rocío Barahona Riera (Costa Rica)



Date of birth: 26 October 1952

Nationality: Costa Rican


                            University degrees


Bachillerato universitario (Bachelor’s degree) in Political Science, University of Costa Rica, 1978

Licenciatura (Master’s degree) in Law, University of Barcelona, 1982


                            Advanced graduate study


Graduate courses in International Law, University of Costa Rica, 1986

Doctorate in International Law, Universities of Perugia and Rome, 1988-1990

Doctoral courses in Political Science towards a doctorate in Latin American studies, Arcis University, Chile, 1997


                            Other diplomas and courses


Diploma in Criminology, Complutense University, Madrid, 1979

Diploma from the School of Juridical Practices, University of Zaragoza, 1983

Course on transfer of technology and patents, World Industrial Property Organization, Moscow, 1985

Internship in Argentina, Chile and Peru in industrial property and transfer of technology, 1985

Interdisciplinary human rights course, Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIDAH), Costa Rica

Course on globalization, markets and technology in contemporary societies, United Nations Office in Vienna, 1997

Course on gender, education and politics in the countries of the European Community, United Nations Office in Vienna, 1997


                            Professional experience


Project coordinator, Centro de Orientación Familiar (Family Guidance Centre), 1975-1976

Research director, United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD), 1976

Coordinator, Fund for Technological Development and International Affairs, National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICIT), 1984-1986


                            Diplomatic activities


Consul in Moscow, 1978

Minister Counsellor, Chargé d’affaires a.i., Rome, 1992-1993

Consul-General, Milan, 1993-1995


                            Academic activities


Professor of research methods; theory of the State; public international law, University of Costa Rica

Researcher, CERCI Centre for the Study of International Law, National Research Council (CNR), Rome, 1988-1991




External Legislative Assembly consultant on the Constituent Treaty of the Central American Parliament and other Political Forums

Adviser on crisis and modernization of political parties in Latin America

Consultant to the Centre for the Study of International Law, Rome, 1995-1998

Consultant on economic integration systems in the Andean countries, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), 1996-1997




The Central American Parliament, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, (FLACSO), 1987

Economic Integration Systems in the Andean Countries, Quito, Ecuador

“Negotiating Formulas for the Resolution of Conflicts in International Law in Latin America”

Commentaries and contributions to newspapers El Financiero, La Nación, Rumbo, La República

                     Servio Tulio Castaños Guzmán (Dominican Republic)



Date of birth: 12 August 1961

Place of birth: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic




Bachillerato in Physical and Mathematical Sciences (with honours), Colegio Fernando Arturo de Meriño, 1980

Doctor of Laws, (with honours), Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, 1985

Maestría (postgraduate degree) in social thought (sociology, economics and politics), Madre y Maestra Pontifical Catholic University, 1987-1988

Postgraduate studies in Criminal Law, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, 1991

Postgraduate studies in Civil Law, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, 1992

Maestría in Business Law and Economic Legislation, Madre y Maestra Pontifical Catholic University, 1993-1994

Postgraduate studies in Political Science and International Affairs, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, 1995


                            Professional experience


Professor of History, Philosophy and Economics, Yodi Institute, 1985

Assistant Director of the Claims Department, San Rafael Insurance Company, 1987

Legal Counsel, Department of Systems and Standards (DIGENOR), State Secretariat for Industry and Trade, 1991

Visiting Professor, Madre y Maestra Pontifical Catholic University, course on securities (1993)

Director, Castaños & Castaños legal and notarial office

Ambassador and Chargé d’affaires a.i., Director of Division of International Studies of the State Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, March 1997 to date

Chairman, Standing National Commission for the Application of International Humanitarian Law

Secretary, National Foundation for Assistance to Minors




Derechos Humanos, a compilation of treaties, laws, decrees, regulations and resolutions in force in the Dominican Republic

Base Legal de la Secretaría de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores

Recopilación de Todos los Instrumentos Jurídicos de la República Dominicana en Materia de Derecho Humanitario (in publication)



                            Main languages


Spanish, English and Italian

Reading knowledge of French, English and Italian

                     Oscar Ceville (Panama)



Date of birth: 1943




Bachelor of Arts, Javier College, Panama (1961)

Bachelor of Law and Political Sciences, University of Panama (1966)

Master in Business Administration, University of Panama (1994)

Course in Implementation of International Covenants on Human Rights, International Institute of Human Rights, Italy (1988)


                            Present posts


Professor of Economic Law, University of Panama and Latin American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT)


                            Previous posts


Legal Adviser, Programme of Urban Community Development, Ministry of Labour (1968-1969)

Juridical Director of the General Directorate for Community Development (1969-1974)

Vice-President of the Panama Bar Association (1975-1976)

President of the American Association of Jurists (1975-1977)

Legal Adviser, National Legislative Committee (1974-1978)

Vice-Minister of Government and Justice, a.i. (1981)

Chief Legal Adviser of the National Legislative Assembly of Panama (1984-1988)

Deputy Permanent Representative of Panama to the United Nations (1988-1989)

Director General of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Panama (1995)

Vice-Minister of the Ministry of the Presidency of the Republic of Panama (1996-1999)


                            Meetings attended


Second Interamerican Conference on the Legal Aspects of the Economic Independence, Chairman, Panama (1975)

Member, Delegation of Panama to the 64th Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva (1978)

Delegate, Interparliamentarian Symposium on Traffic of Drugs and Narcodependency, Quito (1986)

Special Ambassador, XVIII General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), San Salvador (1988)

Representative of Panama to the Commission on Human Rights (1989)

Delegate of Panama to the XLV session of the Human Rights Commission, Geneva (1989)

Participant in a number of international meetings on human rights, apartheid, Latin American Parliament and United Nations matters




“The Economic Law and its Evolution in Constitutional Law” (1993)

“Economic Liberties and the Social Economic Model” (1993)

Lecturer on “Antecedents of the Penal Reforms”, Panama Bar Association and Panamanian Law Academy (1983)

Author of a number of articles on social, economic and cultural matters

                     Dumitru Ceausu (Romania)



Date and place of birth: 8 May 1937 in Corbu-Olt, Romania


                            University education


1956-1960                         Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest

1966-1969                         Graduate Institute of Advanced International Studies, Geneva




1971                                   Doctorate in Political Science, University of Geneva


                            Professional experience


1960-1966:              Attaché, then Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania

1969-1972                         Second Secretary, then First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1972-1977                         First Secretary, then Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations

1978-1981                         Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1981-1985                         Counsellor, Embassy of Romania in Bonn

1985-1990                         Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1990-1992                         Deputy Director, Legal, Treaties and Human Rights Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1992-1993                         Minister Counsellor, Chargé d’affaires a.i., Embassy of Romania in Oslo

1994-1996                         Director, Legal Affairs and Treaty Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Sept.-Dec. 1996               Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Romania in Paris

Jan.-July 1997                  State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

22 July 1997 to date        Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to France


                            International meetings and conferences


1962 and 1969                  Expert on the Romanian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly

1966                                   Expert on the Romanian delegation to the Economic and Social Council

1965                                   Expert on the Romanian delegation to the General Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO)

1972-1977                         Alternate member of the Romanian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly

1972-1974                         Alternate member of the Romanian delegation to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights

1973 and 1974                  Member of the Romanian delegation to Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (New York and Caracas sessions)

1976-1977                         Alternate representative of Romania to the United Nations Security Council

1978-1983                         Member of the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities

1993 to present                Member and Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, established under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights




Doctoral thesis entitled “Peaceful settlement of international disputes through direct negotiation procedures” (1971, in French)

Articles in Romanian journals on subjects such as the law of the sea, the definition of aggression, the principles of international law and human rights

“Exercises in freedom” (collection of press articles), 1997


Foreign languages: English, French and German

                     Abdessatar Grissa (Tunisia)



Nationality: Tunisian

Date and place of birth: 22 August 1929 at Ouardanine, Tunisia




B.A. in Economics, University of Nottingham, England

Ph.D. in Economics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, United States




1963-1965               Teaching assistant, Brown University, United States

1966-1967               Assistant professor, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, United States

1967-1970               Consultant, Ministry of Planning and Economics, Tunisia

1970-1972               Research consultant, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris

1972                        Professor of Economics, University of Tunis, Tunisia

1982-1984               Director of the Management Institute, Tunis

1984-1985               Consultant, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C.

Since 1992   Expert on the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, United Nations

1998                        Professor Emeritus, Université du Centre, Sousse, Tunisia




“Speculation and the stability of flexible exchange rates: the case of the French and British experience in the 1920s”, Brown University, 1967 (English)

“Agricultural Policies and Employment: The Case of Tunisia” (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, 1973) (English)

“The International Sugar Trade and its Effects on Developing Countries” (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1976) (French)

“International commerce and economic development” (Revue Africaine du Management, 1977) (French)

“Reciprocal trade and economic growth in developing countries”, (United Nations Conference, March 1977) (English)

“Commercial and financial relations between the Arab countries and Japan”, Arab League, 1980 (Arabic)

“The EEC-Maghreb agreements and development aid”, Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques, Tunis, 1981 (French)

“The privatization of state enterprise in Tunisia”, published in Politics of the Tunisian Economy, Paul Zartman, ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991 (English)

“Prospects for Arab economic integration”, World Bank, 1993 (English)

Preparation of annual economic reports for the Arab Institute of Business Managers from 1988 to 1995 (English)

The external debt of Tunisia and its economic impact, Ministry of International Cooperation, Tunis, 1998 (French)

“The evolution of the Tunisian economy and its capacity to absorb foreign investment”, 1999 (Arabic)

                     Andreas Nicolas Loizou (Cyprus)



Former President of the Supreme Court of Cyprus, Former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights. Barrister-at-Law of Gray’s Inn London (1950). Honorary Bencher of Gray’s Inn

Born in Limassol, Cyprus, on 8 June 1926, attended the Limassol Gymnasium, studied law and was called to the Bar at Gray’s Inn in June 1950


                            Judicial service


Appointed in the Judicial Service of Cyprus as a Magistrate 1953

District Judge 1957. In August 1960, he was seconded for duties as Counsellor to the first Permanent Mission of the Republic to the United Nations. Resumed his judicial duties in February 1961

President District Court 1965

Justice of the Supreme Court 1971

President of the Supreme Court 1988-1994, when he retired from the Judiciary of the Republic

Judge of the European Court of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, 1990-1998

Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration since 1985




In 1972, elected by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe for a term of six years, member of the Committee of Independent Experts of the European Social Charter. In 1978 he was re-elected for a second six-year term of office and he was President of the Committee 1978-1984

From 1968 to 1989, Chairman of the Penal and Penitentiary Committee of Cyprus and a National Correspondent to the United Nations in the field of prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders

In 1979, elected Vice-President of the Commonwealth Magistrates’ Association for the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Region; President of the Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association 1985-1991; since 1991, Honorary Life Vice-President

From 1986 to 1989, member of the Steering Committee for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (CDDH)

In 1998, elected by the Benchers of the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, an Honorary Bencher

Chaired several Committees on Law Reform, recently Chairman of the Law Reform Committee on the Protection of Maternity and on Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value, appointed to this office by the Council of Ministers. The reports on Maternity and on Equal Pay, were submitted to the Government and the relevant legislation has already been enacted

Also chaired two Working Groups for the preparation of a draft Scheme for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage within the Commonwealth. At the Meeting of Commonwealth Law Ministers which was held in Mauritius in November 1993, he presented the last draft Scheme which was adopted by the Law Ministers, as a Commonwealth Scheme for the Protection of the Material Cultural Heritage

During the 10th Commonwealth Law Conference which was held in Nicosia, in May 1993, in recognition of his 40 years of service in the Judiciary of Cyprus, and his contribution in the field of justice in the Commonwealth, he was honoured by the Cyprus Bar Association and the Commonwealth Lawyers Association




Published articles and papers and lectured on legal topics. These include:

The Courts and the Administration of Justice in Cyprus (Greek)

Criminal Justice and the Treatment of Offenders in Cyprus (English)

Aspects of the Legal System of Israel (English)

The European Social Charter and Cyprus (Greek)

The Protection of Social and Economic Rights in Europe (English)

The Coup d’etat in Cyprus and its Legal Consequences (Greek)

Shipping Law and Practice (Greek)

The Restriction of the Right to Strike in Essential Services (English)

The European Court of Human Rights and its Approach to Certain Issues (English)

Criminal Justice and the European Convention on Human Rights (English)

Independent and Impartial Tribunal under the European Convention on Human Rights (English)

The Judicial Control of the Constitutionality of Laws and the Legality of Administrative Acts (Greek)

Admiralty Law and Practice in Cyprus (English)

International Human Rights: their domestic application and judicial control (English)

Co-author of the Textbook Criminal Procedure in Cyprus (English)

                     Giorgio Malinverni (Switzerland)



Born 3 October 1941; Swiss national




Licence in Law, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), 1965.

Doctorat from Institut universitaire de hautes etudes internationales, Geneva, 1974


                            Current position


Full Professor of constitutional law and international human rights law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva


                            Other activities


Swiss representative to the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission — Council of Europe), Vice-Chairman from 1995 to 1997;

Swiss expert on the roster of experts on the human dimension mechanism of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe;

International adviser to the Constitutional Court of Croatia (1997-1999)


                            Prior academic positions


Visiting professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Geneva (1980-1982)

Visiting professor, Faculty of Law, University of Lausanne (1982 and 1989)

Visiting professor, Faculty of Law and Economics, University of Neuchâtel (1990-1991)

Head, Department of Constitutional Law, University of Geneva (1983-1989 and 1995-1998)

Chairman, Public Law Section (Assistant Dean) University of Geneva (1989-1993)

Visiting professor, University of Nice (1994)

Visiting professor, University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) (1994)

Visiting professor, University of Strasbourg (2000)

Presented papers at the first (Belgrade 1983) and second (Paris, Aix-en-Provence, 1987) World Congresses of the International Association of Constitutional Law

Presented papers at the Munich (1987) and Belgrade (1989) Congresses of the International Association of Legal Sciences


                            Prior professional activities


Jurist with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (1971-1973)

Member of the ICRC delegation to the Conference of Government Experts and the Diplomatic Conference (Geneva, 1974-1977) on international humanitarian law applicable in armed conflicts (1972-1977)




Member of the International Association of Constitutional Law; member of its Executive Committee

Member of the Swiss Society of International Law

Member of the Swiss Bar Association

Member of the Geneva Society of Law and Legislation

Member of the Editorial Board of the “Swiss International and European Law Review”

Member of the Scientific Committee of the “Quarterly Review of Human Rights”


                            International activities


Statement to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on general observations on article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (November 1999)

Member of missions to China by Swiss human rights experts (December 1991 and July 1994)

Member of a Swiss delegation studying the causes of violence in South Africa (April 1992)

Participant in the International Congresses on Human Rights Teaching, Information and Documentation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (Vienna, 1978; Malta, 1987)

Swiss expert at the Seminar of Experts on Democratic Institutions of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki, 1991)

Chairman of the United Nations group of experts to address the issue of the political status of Abkhazia (Republic of Georgia) (1993 and 1994)




Le règlement des différends dans les organisations internationales économiques Leiden, Sijthoff, Geneva, Institut universitaire des hautes études internationales, 1974, 251 pp.

La liberté de réunion, Geneva, Georg, 1981, 206 pp.

La Suisse et les Pactes des Nations Unies relatifs aux droits de l’homme(in collaboration with W. Kälin and M. Nowak), Basel, Helbing and Lichtenhann, 2nd ed., 1997, 713 pp.

L’indépendence de la Suisse dans un monde interdépendant, report presented to the Swiss Bar Association, Swiss Law Review, Reports and Communications, Basel, 1998, 137 pp.

Droit constitutionnel suisse (in collaboration with Andreas Auer and Michel Hottelier) vol. 1, (L’Etat), 799 pp., vol. 2 (Les droits fondamentaux), 738 pp., Bern, Stampfli, 2000.

About one hundred articles on constitutional law and international human rights law.

                     Sergei Martynov (Belarus)



Date of birth: 1953

Place of birth: Leninakan, Armenia

Nationality: Belarusian




1970-1975                         Moscow State Institute of International Relations


                            Professional background


1975-1980               Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic (BSSR), Department of International Organizations (International Labour Organization, European Economic Commission)

1980-1988               Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of BSSR

1988-1991               Deputy Head, Department of International Organizations, Ministry for Foreign Affairs (responsible for political, social and economic issues)

1991-1992               Deputy Permanent Representative of BSSR to the United Nations, New York (responsible for political, social and economic issues)

1992-1993               Chargé d’affaires of the Republic of Belarus to the United States of America

1993-1997               Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the United States of America

1997-present         First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus (political, social and economic issues)




1978-1999               Sessions of the United Nations General Assembly

                                Sessions of the Economic and Social Council

                                General Conferences of the International Labour Organization

                                Annual sessions of the Economic Commission for Europe

                                Annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank


                            Professional experience


1991-1997               Vice-Chairman of the First Committee of the General Assembly

                                Chairman of Nuclear Disarmament Group of the Disarmament Commission (three times)

                                Vice-Chairman and Rapporteur of the United Nations Disarmament Group (several times)

1991                        Vice-President of the Amendment Conference of the States Parties to the (1963) Treaty Banning Nuclear Tests in the Atmosphere in Outer Space and under Water

1998                        Chairman of the Disarmament Commission


                            Professional membership and publications


Board of the Ramapo Children of Chernobyl Fund

Association on Third World Affairs

Author of numerous publications on different issues of politics, social and economic issues, and so forth




Belarusian (mother tongue), English, Russian, French, Swahili

                     Ariranga Govindasamy Pillay (Mauritius)



Date of birth: 14 June 1945

Place of birth: Mauritius

Language (spoken): English and French


                            Current position/function


Chief Justice of Mauritius




Royal College — Port Louis — Mauritius (1957-1964)

London School of Economics (1966-1968)

Merton College, Oxford (1969-1970)

Lincoln’s Inn (1972)


                            Academic and professional qualification


Bachelor of Science (BSC) Econ. (Hons) (1969)

Bachelor of Arts (BA) (Hons) in jurisprudence (1971)

Barrister-at-law (1972) of Lincoln’s Inn (United Kingdom)


                            Scholarship and fellowship


English Scholarship awarded by the State of Mauritius (1965): came out first at the Higher School Certificate Examinations

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Fellowship on copyright (1974)

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Fellowship on patents and trademarks (1976)

United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Fellowship in International Law (1979)

United Nations Human Rights Fellowship (Constitutional Law and Human Rights) (1981): attended course at the London School of Oriental and African Studies

Fellowship on trademarks awarded by the Government of Australia (1982)

United Nations Fellowship for participation in International Law Seminar (1985)

Fellowship awarded by the United States of America for research study on Minority Rights and the American Judicial System (1994)


                            Professional activities


Appointments in Mauritius


1972-1987                         Legal adviser at the Ministry of Justice, successively as Crown Counsel, Senior Crown Counsel, Principal Crown Counsel, Assistant Solicitor General and Parliamentary Counsel

                                           Advised and appeared for the State in Criminal and Civil matters

                                           Drafted all kinds of legislation

1987-May 1996                Puisne Judge, acting Senior Puisne Judge

1994-1996                         Chairman of the Council of Legal Education of Mauritius

1995-1996                         Member of the Judicial and Legal Service Commission of Mauritius

1996 to this date   Chief Justice of Mauritius

                                           Chairman of the Judicial and Legal Service Commission of Mauritius


                            Work in international field


Negotiated bilateral air services and loan agreements on behalf of the State of Mauritius

Represented Mauritius at international forums in various fields, namely, human rights, intellectual property and international law matters

Drafted human rights reports on behalf of Mauritius for the Human Rights Committee and for the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Chaired moot competitions on human rights

Member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1997-1999)

Appointed adviser by the Governing Council of the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies (1998)

Member of the Court of Appeals of Seychelles (1999)

                     Kenneth Osborne Rattray (Jamaica)



Date of birth: 27 September 1932


                            National honours


Commander of the Order of Distinction (C.D.), 1973

Order of Jamaica (O.J.), 1983


                            Substantive position


Solicitor General and, as such, one of the Principal Legal Advisers to the Government of Jamaica


                            Other posts held


Privy Councillor

Member of the Inter-American Juridical Committee, 1973-1977; 1986-1989; 1998 to date

Member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
1987 to date

                            Academic and professional qualifications


Bachelor of Laws (Honours), London University, 1956

Bar Final Examination, 1959; Buchanan Prizeman (being placed first in Lincoln’s Inn)

First Class in Public International Law

Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln’s Inn, 1960

Master of Laws, London University, 1960

Commonwealth Scholar, 1964

Doctor of Philosophy (Company Law, London University, 1966)

Queen’s Counsel, 1970


                            Legal service


Since 1961, various legal positions, including Crown Counsel, Assistant Attorney General, Senior Assistant Attorney General

1972 to date, Solicitor General

Advocate before the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (United Kingdom) in important civil, criminal, commercial, constitutional and human rights cases

Negotiated wide range of commercial agreements including debt rescheduling, aircraft financing, international loans, natural resources exploration, privatization and public sector reform

Adviser on public sector reform, privatization and telecommunications reform

                            Diplomatic service and international negotiations


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Jamaica, being Ambassador-at-Large since 1974 and representative of Jamaica on several missions and sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations, as well as the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea

Rapporteur-General of the Conference on the Law of the Sea

Rapporteur-General of the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the International Seabed Authority

Wide experience in the field of civil aviation, holding executive positions within the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), including the President of the Assembly in 1977

Chairman of the Group of 77 for Law of the Sea, 1989

Representative of Jamaica in negotiation of the legal instruments establishing the Caribbean Community


                            Commonwealth service


Member of the Commonwealth Expert Group on Good Governance and the Elimination of Corruption in Economic Management

Chairman of the Commonwealth Senior Law Officials Meeting, 1998


                            Experience in the field of international civil aviation


President of the Assembly of ICAO, 1977

Member of the Panel of Experts of ICAO

Leader or member of Jamaica’s delegation to several Assemblies of ICAO

Representative of Jamaica to the Diplomatic Conferences to elaborate the Hague Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft (1970), the Montreal Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation (1971) and the Supplementary Protocol to the Montreal Convention (1988)

Legal Adviser, Air Jamaica, 1981-1994

Member of the Group of Experts on the Future Regulatory Arrangements for International Air Transport (appointed August 1992)

Chairman of the Economic Commission of ICAO, 1992

Chairman of the Legal Commission of ICAO, 1995

President of the International Conference on Air Law for the Revision of the Warsaw Convention — May 1999


                            International honours


Awarded ICAO’s 50th Anniversary Medal of Honour for Eminent Contribution of Civil Aviation (1994)

Awarded the Edward Warner Award by ICAO for outstanding contribution to the development of international civil aviation, particularly in the legal field (1998)


                            Other honours


Recipient of the Gleaner Honour Award on two occasions: first in 1981 as a member of the Jamaican delegation which secured for Jamaica the headquarters of the International Seabed Authority and second in 1985, for the contribution to the bauxite industry through the establishment of Clarendon Alumina Production, Limited

                     Waleed M. Sa’di (Jordan)



Date of birth: 19 August 1939

Nationality: Jordanian




High school diploma, Friends Boys School (Quaker), Ramallah, Jordan

B. A. (Economics), Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas

J. D. (Doctor of Law), University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, Illinois

Scholarship: National Honor Scholarship


                            Human rights profile


Member of the Commission on Human Rights, 1975-1981

Vice-Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, 1979

Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, 1980-1981

Member of the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, 1978-1982

Vice-Chairman of the Subcommission, 1979

Member of the Human Rights Committee (on civil and political rights), 1978-1982, 1990-1994

Member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1996-2000

Member of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Fund for Victims of Torture, 1982-1989

Member of the Jordanian delegation to the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights, 1993

Head of the Jordanian delegation to the Rome United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court

Chairman of the Working Group on Crimes against humanity at the Rome International Criminal Court Conference

Head of the Jordanian delegation to the Diplomatic Conference on the Drafting and Adoption of the two additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions, 1977-1980


                            Other activities


First Secretary at the Jordanian mission to the United Nations, 1966-1969

Counsellor at the Jordanian embassy in Washington, D. C., Moscow,, London and Paris

Ambassador to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva, 1975-1980

Ambassador to Ankara, 1982-1986

Chief Editor, Jordan Times, 1988-1989

Adviser at the Office of the Crown Prince of Jordan, 1997-1999

Columnist and Attorney-at-Law, 1999-




The Economic Theory in Islam

                     Philippe Texier (France)



Born: 24 May 1941 at Nimes (Gard)


                            Professional background and experience


1966-1967               Technical cooperation in Colombia:

                                Technical Cooperation Attaché at the Embassy of France in Bogota; gave a course on the history of political ideas at the Escuela Superior de Administración Pública

1967-1970               Ecole nationale de la magistrature

1970-1971               Examining judge in Chalons-sur-Marne

1971-1972               Deputy to the Procureur de la République in Marseille

1972-1977               Examining judge in Marseille

1978-1983               Examining judge in Paris

1977-1979               Director of the Judicial Division at the Ecole nationale d’administration et de magistrature, Cameroon

1983-1984               Technical Adviser to the Secretary of State for the Family, Population and Immigrant Workers

1984-1985               Vice-President of the Tribunal de grande instance of Paris

1985-1988               President of the Tribunal de grande instance of Melun

1988-1991               President of the Tribunal de grande instance of Evry

1991                        Director of the Human Rights Division of ONUSAL (United Nations Mission in El Salvador)

1992-1996               Presiding judge at the Cour d’appel of Paris

1996                        Adviser to the Cours de cassation (Social division)

1976-1995               Numerous human rights missions in South America, Central America, Africa and Asia, as a consultant of the United Nations Centre for Human Rights or on behalf of non-governmental organizations

1983-1987               Represented the French Government as an expert on the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

1987-1995               Expert member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; re-elected for 4 years in 1988, and again in 1992; re-elected in 1996

1984-present         Member of the National Advisory Commission to the Prime Minister on Human Rights


Foreign languages:       English, Spanish