

United NationsE/1998/L.1/Add.16

Economic and Social Council




Distr.: Limited

4 May 1998


Original: English






Resumed organizational session for 1998

7 and 8 May 1998

Agenda item 7

Elections, nominations, confirmations and appointments


Election of nine members of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights



Note by the Secretary-General





1.In accordance with Economic and Social Council decision 1996/222, the Secretary-General has received from the Government of Mexico an additional nomination for election to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The name of the nominee is Mr. Javier Wimer Zambrano.


2.Biographical information on the candidate is contained in the annex below.




Biographical information on Javier Wimer Zambrano (Mexico)



Educational background


University Degree in Law, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1952-1956.


Ph.D. studies in Public Law and Political Science, University of Paris, France, 1956-1957.



Official posts


Adviser to the President of Mexico, 1959-1964.


Adviser to the President of Mexico, 1970-1976.


Adviser to the President of Mexico, 1984-present.


Undersecretary of the Interior, 1982-1984.


General Director of the National Commission established for the elaboration and free distribution of official textbooks used in public elementary schools, since 1984.


Director General of Archives, Library and Publications, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1979-1981.


General Coordinator of Audio-Visual Broadcasting, Ministry of Education, 1976-1978.


General Director of the National Council for the Culture and Leisure of Workers, 1974-1976.


Adviser to the Minister of Education, 1978-1981.


Director of the Multinational Technology Education Project.


Special Ambassador of Mexico to the USSR and Poland, 1980.


Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1981-1983.


Cultural Attaché to the Mexican Embassy in Costa Rica, 1966-1968.


Cultural Attaché to the Mexican Embassy in Argentina and Uruguay, 1968-1970.


Member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the United Nations, 1987-present.