United Nations                                                                                                                         E/1998/L.1/Add.1



Economic and Social Council




Distr.: General

24 March 1998


Original: English/French/Spanish







Resumed organizational session for 1998

7 and 8 May 1998

Agenda item 7

Elections, nominations, confirmations and appointments




Election of nine members of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights



                     Note by the Secretary-General



1.        By its resolution 1985/17, the Economic and Social Council decided to establish a Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to undertake functions relating to the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and to assist the Council in fulfilling its responsibilities under the Covenant.


2.        In accordance with that resolution, the Council, at its resumed organizational session for 1994, elected by secret ballot, from a list of persons nominated by States parties to the Covenant, nine experts as members of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, for a four-year term beginning on 1 January 1995 and ending on 31 December 1998 (decision 1994/222). The current membership of the Committee is given in annex I below.


3.        At its present session, the Council is to elect nine members of the Committee for a four-year term, beginning on 1 January 1998: Ade Adekuoye (Nigeria), Mahmoud Samir Ahmed (Egypt), Philip Alston (Australia), Virginia Bonoan-Dandan (Philippines), Valeri I. Kouznetsov (Russian Federation), Jaime Alberto Marchan Romero (Ecuador), Eibe Riedel (Germany), Nutan Thapalia (Nepal), Javier Wimer Zambrano (Mexico).


4.        In a note verbale dated 4 December 1997, the Secretary-General invited the States parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to submit their nominations for membership in the Committee. The names of the persons nominated as at 15 March 1998 are set out below, together with the States parties that nominated them.












Proposed by


Mr. Mahmoud Samir AHMED*




Mr. Mario Michele ALESSI




Mr. Clement ATANGANA




Mr. El Ghali BENHIMA




Mrs. Virginia BONOAN-DANDAN*








Mr. Mohamed Lamine FOFANA




Mr. Paul HUNT


New Zealand


Mrs. Luvsandanzan IDER






Russian Federation


Mr. Jaime Alberto MARCHAN ROMERO*




Mr. Bharat PATEL




Mr. Eibe RIEDEL*









                                * Nominated for re-election.



5.        Biographical information on the persons nominated is contained in annex II below.  Any further nominations received by the Secretary-General will be brought to the attention of the Council in addenda to the present note.


6.        As at 15 March 1998, there were 137 States parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The number of States parties by regional group and the number of seats to be allocated to each region under subparagraph (b) of Council resolution 1985/17 are as follows:




Regional group


States parties as at 15 March 1998


Seats allocated


African States






Asian States






Eastern European States






Latin American and Caribbean States






Western European and other States














7.        Accordingly, the number of vacancies in each geographical region to be filled by the Council is as follows:




Regional group


Number of vacancies


African States




Asian States




Eastern European States




Latin American and Caribbean States




Western European and other States









Annex I


Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights



(18 members; four-year term)



Term expires on 31 December


Ade ADEKUOYE (Nigeria)*......................................................................................................... 1998


Mahmoud Samir AHMED (Egypt)*............................................................................................. 1998


Philip ALSTON (Australia)*......................................................................................................... 1998


Ivan ANTANOVICH (Belarus).................................................................................................... 2000


Virginia BONOAN-DANDAN (Philippines)*............................................................................. 1998


Dumitru CEAUSU (Romania)....................................................................................................... 2000


Oscar CEVILLE (Panama)............................................................................................................. 2000


Abdessatar GRISSA (Tunisia)..................................................................................................... 2000


María de los Angeles JIMÉNEZ BUTRAGUEÑO (Spain)....................................................... 2000


Valeri I. KOUZNETSOV (Russian Federation)*......................................................................... 1998


Jaime Alberto MARCHAN ROMERO (Ecuador)*.................................................................... 1998


Ariranga Govindasamy PILLAY (Mauritius)............................................................................. 2000


Kenneth Osborne RATTRAY (Jamaica).................................................................................... 2000


Eibe RIEDEL (Germany)*.............................................................................................................. 1998


Walid M. SA=DI (Jordan).............................................................................................................. 2000


Philippe TEXIER (France)............................................................................................................ 2000


Nutan THAPALIA (Nepal)*......................................................................................................... 1998


Javier WIMER ZAMBRANO (Mexico)*.................................................................................... 1998


Annex II


Biographical information on candidates for election to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights*



Mahmoud Samir AHMED (Egypt)**


Date of birth: 1926


B.A., M.A., Ph.D., International Affairs, Cairo University and Columbia and Harvard Universities. Fellow at the Center for International Affairs at Harvard University, 1965-1966.




Diplomatic Corps since 1948. Diplomatic postings at Ankara; Washington, D.C.; Tunis; Bogotá; Mexico City; New York, as Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations; Geneva, as Adviser to the delegation of Egypt to the Conference on Disarmament; London, as Minister at the Embassy of Egypt, 1968-1973. Ambassador, Lima (Peru) in 1973; Deputy Permanent Representative to the united Nations, 1975; Ambassador to Italy 1976-1979; Under-Secretary of State at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cairo, 1979-1982; Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the Organization of African Unity; Ambassador to Australia and Fiji. Retired in 1986 at the mandatory age of 60.




(In English): AThe Non-Aligned and the Test ban Treaty@, published by the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, New York, 1965. ANasser=s Arab Socialism; its place in international ideologies@ (London, 1971). AEgypt and Africa on the road to cooperation@ (1982).


(In Arabic): ADiplomacy, theory and practice@ (Cairo, 1987). AFuture water-induced conflicts in the Middle East@ (1991). AThe world through diplomatic eyes@ (1996).


United Nations experience


Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations, New York, 1964-1969.


Adviser to the Egyptian delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva, 1963-1964.


Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations, New York, 1975-1976.


Ambassador to Italy and Permanent Representative to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 1976-1979.


Under-Secretary of State in charge of International Organizations, 1979-1981, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cairo.


Ambassador to Addis Ababa and Egypt, Permanent Representative to the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, 1982-1984.


Member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights since 1995.


Mario Michele ALESSI (Italy)




1948-1952: University of Palermo, Faculty of Law (degree in international law).


1954-1955: Postgraduate course in Political Science, Kansas University, United States.


Journalistic work


1950-1960: Journalist and correspondent for various newspapers and periodicals.


Diplomatic career


1956-1970: Served in different diplomatic and consular posts (France, United Kingdom and Yugoslavia).


1970: Director of the United Nations Office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


1973-1975: Delegate at the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Geneva and Helsinki).


1974: Minister-Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the International Organizations in Geneva.


1979: Ministry of Foreign Affairs B Coordinator of European Community affairs.


1981-1984: Geneva, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament; 1982-1983: Chargé d=affaires at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the International Organizations in Geneva.


1994-present: Ministry of Foreign Affairs B Cabinet of the Minister.


1995: Secretary-General of the Italian National Committee for the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations.


1996: Head of the Italian National Committee for the FAO World Food Summit.


1997: Chairman of the Italian interdepartmental committee for human rights. Member of the delegation of Italy to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and to the Third Committee of the General Assembly. Member of the Commission for Human Rights of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Member of the Italian National Committee for the European Year against Racism.


1998: Chairman of the Italian National Committee for the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Participated in numerous international conferences as head or member of the Italian delegations: acted as Vice-Chairman of the General Assembly special session on disarmament (New York, 1980), of the Third Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Geneva, 1985) and the World Conference for the Promotion of International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (Geneva, 1987).


Member of the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Geneva.


International career


1988-1994: Served at FAO in Rome as assistant Director-General, Head of the Department of General Affairs and Information and secretary-general of the Conference and Council.




Various publications on international affairs.



Clément ATANGANA (Cameroon)


                            Date of birth: 1941


                            Current position:   Supreme Court judge and Acting President of the                             Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court.


                            Certificates and diplomas


                            Diploma, National School of Administration and Magistrature.


                            Diploma, Institut international d=administration publique (International Institute of Public Administration), Paris.


Professional experience


1980-1981:   President of the Court of First Instance of Yaoundé.


1981-1988:   Deputy Director of Legal Affairs and of the Seal, Ministry of Justice.


1988-1989:   Procurator-General, the Court of Appeal of Garoua.


1989-1991:   President of the Court of Appeal of the Centre province.


Since 1991:  Supreme Court judge and Acting President of the Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court.


Positions of responsibility


President of the National Election Commission for the elections to the National Assembly of 17 and 18 July and the special elections of 3 August 1997.


President of the National Election Commission for the presidential election of 12 October 1997.


International seminars and conferences


1986:                       Seminar at the International Law Institute, Rome, on the conclusion of international contracts.


1987:                       Colloquium on human rights, Lomé (Togo).


1993 and 1995:      Sessions of the Committee against Torture, Geneva.


1996:                       Seminar on human rights, New York.



El Ghali BENHIMA (Morocco)


                            Date of birth: 1934.


Educational background


Bachelor=s degree in Letters, Universities of Toulouse and Bordeaux, France.


Training Course on Multilateral Diplomacy (Institute of International Studies, Geneva).




1962-1963: In Charge of East European Affairs at the Direction of European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


1963-1965: First Secretary, Embassy of Morocco, Switzerland and Austria.


1965-1969: Counsellor, Embassy of Morocco, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


1969-1972: First Counsellor, Embassy of Morocco, Italy and Greece.


June 1972-February 1974: Chief of Europe-America Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


March 1974-October 1976: Ambassador to Tunisia.


3 November 1976-28 April 1979: Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran.


September 1979-30 August 1985: Director of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.


October 1985-September 1994: Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations, Geneva.


August 1989-February 1990: Chairman of the Conference on Disarmament.


1990: Chairman, Committee on Trade and Development, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).


October 1991-July 1994: Coordinator of Developing Countries, GATT.


June 1995-December 1997: Director-General of Multilateral Relations and Global Cooperation.


Member of the Moroccan delegation to the General Assembly in 1972, 1973, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1989, 1996 and 1997.


Member of the Moroccan delegation to the Non-Aligned Summits of Algiers, 1973; New Delhi, 1983; Harare, 1986; Belgrade, 1989; and Cartagena, 1995.



Virginia BONOAN-DANDAN (Philippines)*


Date of birth: 1941.




Ph.D. anthropology candidate, University of the Philippines.


M.A. in anthropology, University of the Philippines.


Bachelor of Fine Arts, University of the Philippines.


Current positions


Professor of Fine Arts, College of Fine Arts, University of the Philippines.


Chairperson, Department of Theory, College of Fine Arts, University of the Philippines.


Expert, United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.


Summary of activities related to human rights issues and the work of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


Member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights since 1991.


Vice-Chairperson of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1991-1992, and Rapporteur since 1993.


Participated in the Regional Meeting on Universal Adherence to the Principal International Human Rights Instruments, in Amman, Jordan.


Participated in drafting the Maastricht Guidelines on Violations of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Maastricht, the Netherlands.


Represented the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at the UNFPA Roundtable of Human Rights Treaty Bodies on Women=s Rights to Health in New York.


Addressed a workshop in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on women=s rights are human rights at the invitation of NOVIB (Netherlands Organization for International Development Cooperation).


Visited Hong Kong,a at the invitation of the government to observe the State party=s compliance with its obligations as set forth in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; a major concern of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was the post-handover continuation of the reporting obligation on human rights in Hong Kong.


Participated as keynote speaker and as discussant in the First and Second Symposiums on Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region at the United Nations University in Tokyo, at the invitation of the Government of Japan.


Represented the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and spoke in its behalf at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing and Huairou, China.


Served as Chairperson at the Meeting of Experts on Developing a Gender Perspective in the United Nations System.


Represented the Centre for Human Rights, and spoke on its behalf on human rights education, at the International Conference on Education of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.


Addressed as keynote speaker, at the invitation of Asian Forum, a gathering of Asian human rights lawyers on the topic of democracy, development and human rights, in Jakarta, Indonesia.


Has written and published on topics related to human rights, tradition, culture and art.



Mercedes PULIDO DE BRICEÑO (Venezuela)




1978-1982:   Studies in the Doctoral Programme in Political Science, Central University of Venezuela.


1988:            Doctorate honoris causa in Legal and Social Sciences, John Dewey University, United States of America.


Teaching experience


1966-1985:   Professor of Psychology in the Schools of Economic and Social Sciences, Social Communication and Psychology, Andrés Bello Catholic University, Caracas.


Guest lecturer


1986-1988:   Psychosociology of Subversion in Latin America, Inter-American Defense College, Washington D.C., United States of America.


1986:            Perspectives in North-South Dialogue, Pine Manor College, Newton, Massachusetts, United States of America.


1987:            Latin American Development, 1960-1980, Hubert Center, University of Minnesota, United States of America.


1987:            Policies to promote women=s participation, Erbhart Foundation, Columbia University, New York.


1988:            Management of Social Program Assessment, Advanced School of Management, Arizona University, United States of America.


1988:            Eleanor Roosevelt Caucus: Democracy and participation, San Francisco, California, United States of America.


Professional experience


1979-1984:   Minister of State for the Participation of Women in Development, Office of the President of the Republic, Caracas.


1985-1994:   Member of the Presidential Commission for State Reform, Caracas.


1989-1994:   Senator of the Republic, representing the Federal District, National Congress, Caracas.  Director of the Commission of Culture, Domestic Policy and Health. Member of the Commission on the Study of Constitutional Reform.


1990-1994:   Director of the National Council for the Follow-up to Social Programmes. Programmes to offset the structural adjustment process, National Congress, and executive branch of the national Government, Caracas.


1994-1996:   Minister of the Family, executive branch of the national Government (2 March 1994 to 15 March 1996), Caracas.


Professional experience (international)


1969-1974:   Head of the International Commission of Women, Organization of American States, Washington, D.C.


1985-1988:   Assistant Secretary-General, Coordinator for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat, United Nations, New York.




Regional Preparatory Conference for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women, Havana, 1984.


World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace, Nairobi, 1985.


World Conference on Peace and Strategies of Conflict Management and Negotiation, Leningrad, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1987.


Specialized Technical Meeting on Social and Economic Indicators relating to Women, Vienna, 1987.


European Conference on Monitoring of Social Development Indicators, Paris, 1988.


Technical Seminar on the Funding of Development Programmes and Regional Cooperation Strategies, Vienna, 1988.


Latin American and Caribbean Regional Conference on Population and Development, Mexico, D. F., 1993.


International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 1994, Head of the Venezuelan delegation.


World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, 1995, Head of the Venezuelan mission and member of the delegation to the meeting of Heads of State and Government.


Commission on follow-up to the Declaration adopted at the Copenhagen World Summit for Social Development, Buenos Aires, 1995.


Lecturer and coordinator, Conference on formal and informal employment policies within the framework of Ibero-American cooperation, Madrid, 1995




Order of Francisco de Miranda, Second Class, 1973.


Grand Cross of the Armed Forces, 1981.


Order of the Navy, First Class, 1982.


Order of the Cooperative Armed Forces (reserve forces), First Class, 1982.


Legion of Honour of the French Republic, Second Class, 1982.


Order of Andrés Bello, First Class, 1983.


Order of the Liberator, Grand Sash, Venezuela, 1984.


Order of Francisco de Miranda, First Class, 1984.


Order of Diego de Lozada, First Class, Caracas, 1984.


Special Decoration of the University of Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1988.



Mohamed Lamine FOFANA (Guinea)


Date of birth: 1943.




Gamal Abdel Nasser Polytechnic Institute (IPGAN), Conakry, 1963 to 1967: university studies for which he earned the diplôme d=études supérieures (diploma of higher education) of IPGAN (Higher School of Administration), Magistrature section.


Postgraduate work in particular at the International School, Bordeaux, 1993, and Clark Atlanta University, 1994.


Participation in numerous training seminars organized by the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation, established by the French-speaking countries, the International Institute of Law of the French-speaking countries and the Centre for Human Rights in Geneva.


Professional experience


Judicial assistant, Court of Appeal of Conakry, 1968 to 1971.


Presiding Judge of the Court of First Instance of Kindia, 1971 to 1973.


Public Prosecutor, Court of Appeal and Criminal Court of Conakry, 1973 and 1974.


President of the High Court of Cassation of the Republic of Guinea, 1974 to 1985.


Attorney-General with the Supreme Court, 1985 and 1986.


Member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1987 to 1992.


Counsellor and official representative of the Ministry of Justice on missions, 1991 and 1992.


Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice, 6 March 1992 to 3 November 1994; Counsellor and official representative since 1995.




Mémoire en matière de droit de la famille: le problème de divorce en Guinée de lege ferenda


Réflexions sur l=intérêt d=un rapport national en matière d=application du Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels en Guinée


Contribution à l=élaboration du rapport additif de la Guinée en matière d=application du Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques au titre de l=année 1989



Paul HUNT (New Zealand)


Date of birth: 1955.




Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Law, Cambridge University, England (awarded 1979).


Master of Arts, Cambridge University, England (awarded 1995).


Master of Jurisprudence (First Class Honours), University of Waikato, New Zealand (awarded 1995).


Employment history


1992-present:        Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Waikato, New Zealand, teaching international human rights law and public international law.


1996-1997:   Harvard Law School Human Rights Program Visiting Fellow.


1990-1992:   Associate Director of the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, Gambia.


1987-1990:   Legal Officer and then Acting General Secretary of the National Council for Civil Liberties (Liberty), London.


1985-1987:   As a human rights researcher, working with Palestinian groups in the territories occupied by Israel.


1982-1985:   Practised as a civil and criminal litigation solicitor in London.


Recent additional human rights experience


December 1997:    Invited to participate in a United Nations Expert Group meeting on Promoting Women=s Enjoyment of their Economic and Social Rights (Turku/Abo, Finland).


January 1997:        One of the experts invited to a meeting in the Netherlands which drafted the Maastricht Guidelines on Violations of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.


July 1996:               Human Rights Consultant to the Commonwealth Secretariat, London, for a Commonwealth Regional Workshop on Human Rights Education and Training in the Pacific, held in Vanuatu.


October 1995:        As a New Zealand member of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), attended the ICJ conference which agreed the Bangalore Declaration and Plan of Action on the role of lawyers and economic, social and cultural rights.


October 1994:        One of three experts invited by the United Nations to participate in a seminar on human rights and extreme poverty, held in New York.


July 1992:               International human rights instructor at Commonwealth Human Rights Training Course, held in Samoa, for senior public officials from Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea.


Recent professional and community work


May 1994-1995: Elected member of the National Council of the United Nations Association (New Zealand)


July 1994-present: Member of New Zealand Law Society=s Human Rights Committee.


September 1992-present: Appointed member of the Executive Committee of the United Nations Association (Waikato Branch, New Zealand).


Publications and papers


Over 40 books, articles and papers on human rights, including:


Reclaiming Social Rights: International and Comparative Perspectives (Dartmouth Publishing Company, London) 1996.


AReclaiming Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: the Bangalore Declaration and Plan of Action@, New Zealand Law Journal, 1996, 67.


AThe International Law Dimension of Human Rights in New Zealand@, in Huscroft and Rishworth, eds., Rights and Freedoms: The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the Human Rights Act 1993 (1995) 37 (co-author with Professor Margaret Bedggood).


ATowards the International Protection of Indigenous Peoples= Rights@, in Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, December 1994, 405 (co-author with Dr. Julian Burger).


AChildren=s Rights in West Africa: The Case of The Gambia=s Almudos@, in Human Rights Quarterly, August 1993, 499.


National Human Rights Institutions in Africa (African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, Occasional Paper No. 1, 1991) (co-author with Richard Carver).


AIDS and the African Charter on Human and Peoples= Rights (African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, Occasional Paper, 1991) (co-author with the Hon. Hassan Jallow, Minister of Justice, Gambia).


ANorthern Ireland=s Emergency Laws and International Human Rights@, in Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, June 1993, 173 (co-author with Prof. Brice Dickson).


Justice? The Military Court System in the Israeli-Occupied Territories (al-Haq/Gaza Centre, 1987).


ASome Aspects of Law and Practice in the Occupied Territories@, in Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 2, No. 1, 1989, 152.



Luvsandanzan IDER (Mongolia)




1963:  Institute of International Relations, Moscow.


1981:  Diplomatic Academy, Moscow.


Professional experience


1963-1972:   Officer, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia.


1973-1976:   Second Secretary, Embassy of Mongolia, London.


1977-1979 and

1981-1986:   Director, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


1986-1989:   Counsellor, Embassy of Mongolia, Paris, Permanent Delegate of Mongolia to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.


1989-1992:   Director, Department of Treaty and Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


1992-1993:   Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


1993-present:        Adviser, Supreme Court, Mongolia.


Holds the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.


Participation in international meetings


1962-1985:   Attended regular sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations in the capacity of expert, adviser and later member of the Mongolian delegation.


1972:            Rapporteur, Third Committee of the General Assembly.


1977:            Vice-Chairperson, Third Committee of the General Assembly and Chairperson, Working Group of the Third Committee.


1977-1986:   Attended sessions of the Commission for Social Development.


1979:            Vice-Chairperson, Commission for Social Development.


1985:            Chairperson, Commission for Social Development.


1982-1984:   Chairperson, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.


1984-1986:   Member, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.


1991-1994:   Member, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Member, Sessional Working Group (twice).


1991:            Member, Working Group of Experts on Drafting a New Constitution of Mongolia (specifically on chapters II and III on Fundamental Human Rights and Judicial Power).


1991:            Initiated the application for the consultancy services of the United Nations Centre for Human Rights in drafting human rights-related provisions of the new Constitution of Mongolia.


1993:            XIIIth Lawasia Conference and 5th Chief Justices= Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

1995:            XIXth Lawasia Conference and 6th Chief Justices= Conference, Beijing, China.


1997:            XXth Lawasia Conference and 7th Chief Justices= Conference, Manila, Philippines.




1995             Award of the Association of Advocates of Mongolia in recognition of the contribution made to the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Mongolia.


1997             Medal of Labour (on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution).



Valeri I. KUZNETSOV (Russian Federation)*


Date of birth: 1940.


Present position: Head, International Law Chair, Moscow Diplomatic Academy.




1963:  Graduated from the Law Department, Moscow State University.


1968:  Candidate of law (International law).


1981:  Doctor of law (International law).


Professional experience


1968-1983:   Assistant Professor and thereafter Professor (since 1982), International Law Chair, Moscow State Institute of International Relations; Deputy Dean of the International Law Department.


1983-present:        Professor, Head of the International Law Chair, Diplomatic Academy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Dean of the Preparatory Department; First Vice-Director of the Academy.


International membership


1988-present:        Member, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Elected Chairman of the fifth session of the Committee.


1990-present:        Member, Permanent Chamber of Arbitration.


International activities


1960s:          Legal Adviser to the delegation of the USSR to the United Nations Special Committee on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.


1974:  Vice-Chairman of the delegation of the USSR to the United Nations Special Committee on the Question of Defining Aggression.


1988:  Legal Adviser to the delegation of the USSR to the Soviet-American Consultations at the level of foreign ministers.


For several years took part in the activities of the Danube Commission as a Legal Adviser to the delegation of the USSR.

Member of the Executive Committee of the International Law Association of Russia.


Has rank of Counsellor of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.




Author of several books and over 100 articles in periodicals on various aspects of international law.


Among recent publications: co-editor (with Prof. Tuzmukhamedov) and co-author of the Short Encyclopedia of Human Rights and Rights of Peoples (1993); co-editor (with Prof. Kolosov) and co-author of the Textbook on International Law (1998).



Jaime Alberto MARCHÁN ROMERO (Ecuador)*




Higher education:           Law, Catholic Pontifical University, Quito, Ecuador.


Postgraduate studies:    Space law, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.


Special courses:              International Economic Policy, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Santiago, Chile.


Course on Middle Eastern politics, Tel Aviv, Israel.


Positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Political Under-Secretary, 1988-1989.


Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1992-1994.


Minister for Foreign Affairs, Chargé d'affaires, 1994.


Assignments abroad


Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1989-1990.


Ambassador accredited to (but not resident in) Greece, 1989-1990.


Ambassador accredited to (but not resident in) Albania, 1989-1990.


Ambassador to Italy, 1990-1992.


Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 1990-1992.


Ambassador to Austria, 1994-1997.


Ambassador accredited to (but not resident in) Slovakia, 1994-1997.


Ambassador accredited to (but not resident in) Poland, 1994-1997.


Has been appointed Ambassador to Chile.


Principal missions abroad


Member of the Special Ministerial Mission to the Holy See, Rome, 1992.


Consultative Mission on Andean Integration with the Governments of Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela, 1993.


Chairman of the Special Consultative Mission with the Governments of Barbados, Jamaica and St. Lucia, 1994.


Vice-President of the Second Conference of the Americas on Outer Space, Santiago, Chile, 1994.


Head of the Ecuadorian delegation to the Meeting of Deputy Ministers for Foreign Affairs at the Summit of the Americas, Washington, D.C., 1994.


Head of the Ecuadorian delegation (Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs) to the General Assembly of the United Nations at its forty-ninth session, 1994.


Head of the Ecuadorian delegation to the Review Conference of the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed To Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects, Vienna, 1995, and Geneva, 1996.


Head of the Ecuadorian delegation to the Consultative Meeting on the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction, Vienna, 1997.


Head of the Ecuadorian delegation to the Twelfth Non-Aligned Ministerial Meeting, New Delhi, 1997.






Derecho Internacional del Espacio (Quito, Central Bank of Ecuador, 1987).


Régimen Jurídico de la Órbita Sincrónica Geoestacionaria (Quito, Central Bank of Ecuador, 1987).


Derecho Internacional del Espacio: Teoría y Política (Madrid, Editorial Civitas, 1990, second edition).


La Otra Vestidura (Madrid, Editorial Verbum, 1991).


Honourable Mention, Pegasus Prize for Latin American Literature, 1994.




AAspectos metafísicos del derecho espacial@, Revista AFESE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Quito, 1991).


AMas allá de la órbita sincrónica geoestacionaria@, Revista AFESE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Quito, 1993).


ALos derechos económicos, sociales y culturales en el derecho internacional contemporáneo@ (paper delivered at the First Seminar on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, organized by the National Congress of Ecuador and the Centre for Social and Economic Rights of New York, held in Quito, 1997).




Professor of space law at the Diplomatic Academy, Quito.


Life member of the International Institute of Space Law, Paris.


Member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Geneva.


Academic member of the Inter-American Commission of Jurists Specializing in Air and Space Law.




Decoration from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 1977.


AEncomienda de numero@ (High and very select honour bestowed in various fields) of the Order of Civil Merit of His Majesty King Juan Carlos of Spain, 1980.


Grand Cross of the Order of Antonio José Frisarri, Guatemala, 1993.


Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit, Asunción, 1993.


Grand Cross of the National Order of the Southern Cross, Brasilia, 1994.


Grand Cross of the Order of the Liberator San Martín, Buenos Aires, 1994.



Bharat PATEL (Zimbabwe)


Date of birth: 1952.


Academic qualifications


1974:  Bachelor of Law, University of Rhodesia.


1975:  Bachelor of Laws, University of Rhodesia.


1976:  Bar Part I, Council of Legal Education.


1977:  Master of Laws, University College, London.


1978:  Bar Finals, Inns of Court School of Law.


Work experience


July 1983-June 1985:         Chairman, Mashonaland Rent Board (Harare) dealing with rent and eviction control; hearing and determination of applications for rent orders and eviction certificates.


July 1991-June 1995:         Legal member, Health Professions Council of Zimbabwe (Harare).


June 1992-present:            Legal member, Zimbabwe Technical Working Group on Regional Integration (Harare).


Sept. 1982-present:            Attorney-General=s Office of Zimbabwe (Harare).


Sept. 1982-Nov. 1986:        Senior Legal Officer.


Nov. 1986-Oct. 1993:         Chief Law Officer.



Eibe RIEDEL (Germany)*


Date of birth:        1943.


Education and professional experience


1963-1967:   Studies in Law and Theology, King=s College, London.


1967:            LL.B. Honours, Associate of King=s College (A.K.C.) (Theology).


1967-1971:   Studies in Law, University of Kiel.


1971:             First State Examination in Laws, Schleswig.


1972-1973:   Lecturer in German Law, University of Surrey, and Assistant in Comparative Law and Jurisprudence, King=s College, London.


1974:            Summa Cum Laude. Dr. juris, Kiel, with thesis entitled AControl of administration in English administrative law@ (State Prize for thesis, 1975; published, 1976).


1975:            Second State Examination in Laws, Hamburg.


1975-1980:   Research Assistant, Institute of International Law, University of Kiel.


                            1980-1983:   Senior Research Assistant, University of Kiel.


1983:            Honours in Public and International Law, for thesis entitled ATheory of Human Rights Standards@, published in 1986.


1983-1986:   Professor of Public and International Law, University of Mainz.


1986:            Called to the Chair of Public and International Law, University of Marburg; Director of the Institute of Public Law and of the Department of International Law, Marburg.


1989/90:                  Dean of the Faculty.


February 1993:      Called to the Chair of German and Comparative Public Law, European and International Law, University of Mannheim.


1989-present:        Director of Studies for International Law and Examiner for Foreign Service Entrance, Foreign Office, Bonn/Berlin.


1993-present:        Committee Member, German Association of Comparative Law, and Chairman, Section on Comparative Public Law.


1991-1995:   Council Member, International Association of Comparative Constitutional Law.


1993-present:        Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the German Red Cross.


1997-present:        Member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.


1997-present:        Vice-Chancellor, University of Mannheim.



Nutan THAPALIA (Nepal)*


Date of birth:        1932.


Education:  Master of Arts (1968), Tribhuvan University.

Baccalaureate of Law (1972), Nepal Law College.


Professional experience


1968-1974:   Editor, Vasudha (monthly English language magazine).


1969-1975:   Lecturer, Mahendra Ratna College.


1976-present:        Advocate, Supreme Court, Nepal.


1990-present:        Associate Professor, Tribhuvan University.


1996-present:        Head of Political Science Department, Padma Kanya Campus, Tribhuvan University.


Public positions


1991-1994:   Chairman, Nepal Press Council.


1994:            Vice-Chairman, World Association of Press Councils.


1995-present:        Elected member of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.


Social organizations and social activities


1967:            Organized Symposium on Human Rights at Tribhuvan University.


1967:            Founder member, Service Civil International/Nepal (an international organization for peace).


1969:            First volunteer from Nepal to the International Volunteer Service (United Kingdom).


1969:            Founder of Amnesty International/Nepal Section.


1971-1975:   Secretary General, Nepal Council of World Affairs.


1981:            Founder executive member of South Asia Coalition for Legal Action.


1984:            Founder member of Servas/Nepal (an international living together movement for understanding).


1986:            Organized the South Asia Regional Seminar on Legal Aid in Kathmandu.


1987-1988:   President, Supreme Court Bar Association.


1988:            Founder member of the Human Rights Organization of Nepal.


1989:            Presented seminar paper on the abolition of the death penalty, organized by Amnesty/Nepal.


1994:            Organized the Asia Pacific Regional Conference of World Association of Press Councils in Kathmandu.


1994:            Presented seminar paper on AHuman Rights, Development and Democracy@. In P. K. Campus, Kathmandu.


1997:            Presented seminar paper on AThe Role of Intellectuals to Promote Democracy@. In P. K. Campus, Kathmandu.


Participation in conferences/meetings


1983:            Attended seminar on legal aid in Dhaka.


1984:            Attended the International Conference of Service Civil International in Madras (India).


1987:            Attended a workshop and meeting of Service Civil International in Malaysia.


1988:            Attended meetings of Service Civil International in Colombo, Sri Lanka.


1988:            Attended a Workshop on Humanitarian Law in Moscow.


1989:            Attended the International Conference of Servas in Quebec (Canada).


1995:            Attended the First Asia Pacific Civil Society Forum in Seoul, Republic of Korea, as a founder member.


1995:            Attended an Amnesty International Workshop in London.


Imprisonment and penalty


1947:            Detained for one week for participation in Nepal=s first civil disobedience movement for civil rights.

1947:            Imprisoned for six months for belief in freedom and fundamental rights.


1948-1951:   Imprisoned for pro-democracy campaign; released after establishment of democratic rule.


1960-1964:   Imprisoned for human rights and pro-democracy campaign.


1965-1966:   Imprisoned for 15 months for pro-human rights campaign.


1975-1990:   Dismissed as lecturer by the Government for belief in democracy and human rights.


1977:            Imprisoned for three months for pro-human rights campaign.




                         * Retiring member.

                         * The complete curriculum vitae of each candidate may be consulted in the files of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

                        ** Current member of the Committee.

                         * Current member of the Committee.

                         a On 1 July 1997, Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region of China.

                         * Current member of the Committee.

                         * Current member of the Committee.

                         * Current member of the Committee.

                         * Current member of the Committee.


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