CRC A/49/41 (1994)

12. Preliminary observations

227. The Committee began consideration of the initial report of Rwanda (CRC/C/8/Add.1) at its 97th and 98th meetings (CRC/C/SR.97-98), held on 5 October 1993, and adopted at the 103rd meeting, held on 8 October 1993 the following preliminary observations.

228. The Committee appreciates the willingness of the Government of Rwanda to present a report to the Committee and to engage in a dialogue with it, especially in view of the serious difficulties faced by the State party in recent years. The Committee, having considered the information contained in the initial report and the oral replies to the questions raised, decides to recommend to the State party that it prepare a new and more comprehensive initial report, in accordance with the Committee's guidelines on reporting (CRC/C/5) and the comprehensive list of issues previously transmitted to the State party. The Committee also suggests that the new report should take into account the points raised during its dialogue with the delegation.

229. The Committee wishes to draw attention to the provisions of article 45 (b) of the Convention relating to technical advice and assistance in the context of the preparation of the report by the State party.

230. The Committee suggests that the State party consider establishing a national coordinating committee or similar mechanism composed of members of different ministries and bodies dealing with matters relating to the implementation of the rights of the child, including budgetary resources, which could also assist in the preparation of the report.

231. In view of recent developments in Rwanda, the Committee would welcome the preparation of the new report in the light of the changing realities. The Committee considers that such a report would permit it to engage in a more constructive and fruitful dialogue with the State party and requests that the report be submitted to it within one year with a view to the resumption of the Committee's dialogue with representatives of the State party.

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