CAT A/50/44 (1995)

74. The Committee considered the initial report of Monaco (CAT/C/21/Add.1) at its 195th and 196th meetings, held on 10 November 1994 (see CAT/C/195 and 196 and Add.2), and adopted the following conclusions and recommendations.

A. Introduction

75. The Committee thanks the Government of Monaco for its report, even though it is very brief and not in conformity with the Committee's guidelines. It also listened with interest to the oral report and clarifications presented by the Monegasque delegation. The Committee wishes to thank the delegation for its replies and for the spirit of open-minded cooperation in which the dialogue was conducted.

B. Positive aspects

76. The Committee appreciates the determination of Monaco to guarantee respect for and the protection of human rights through its accession to a number of international and regional instruments for the promotion of such rights.

77. The Committee noted with satisfaction and sets special store by the fact that no government or non-governmental body has affirmed the existence of cases of torture within the meaning of article 1 of the Convention.

C. Recommendations

78. The Committee hopes that a definition of torture as envisaged in the Convention will be incorporated in the legislation of Monaco.

79. The Committee also hopes that the next periodic report, to be submitted by Monaco together with the core document relating to general information on the State party, will be in conformity with the Committee's guidelines regarding the submission of reports.

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