Special Decisions or Action Taken Re: Reporting

CCPR A/48/40

Annex VIII

Letters from the Chairman of the Committee concerning overdue reports

A. Letter dated 12 May 1993 from the Chairman of the Committee to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Haiti, whose initial report was overdue

"On behalf of the Human Rights Committee, which was established under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, I have the honour to draw Your Excellency's attention to a matter to which the Committee attaches the greatest importance.

"Your Excellency will be aware that, by virtue of article 40 of the Covenant, each State party undertakes to submit a report on the measures it has adopted which give effect to the provisions of the Covenant within one year of the Covenant's entry into force. The Covenant entered into force for Haiti on 6 May 1991 and the initial report should therefore have been submitted on 5 May 1992.

"Unfortunately, to the Committee's great regret, the initial report of the Government of Haiti has not yet been received.

"The submission of such reports is not only a solemn legal obligation which each State assumes on ratifying the Covenant, it is also vital to the performance of the Committee's essential function of establishing a positive dialogue with States parties in the field of human rights.

"In view of the great importance of this matter and the difficulties impeding the implementation of the Covenant in Haiti, I earnestly hope that the initial report of Haiti will be submitted as soon as possible.

"I would be most grateful if you would inform me of the intentions of the Government of Haiti in this regard as soon as possible. (...)

                                                                                                            (Signed) Nisuke Ando


                                                                                                            Human Rights Committee"

CCPR A/50/40



B. Special decisions by the Human Rights Committee concerning reports of particular States

1. In view of the special difficulties encountered by Haiti and Rwanda in the implementation of the Covenant, the Committee adopted, at its 1374th meeting (fifty-second session), on 27 October 1994, the following special decisions:


The Human Rights Committee,

Deeply concerned at the difficulties encountered by Haiti in regard to protection of the human rights set forth in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,

Acting under article 40, paragraph 1 (b) of the Covenant,

1. Decides to request the Government of Haiti to submit its initial report without delay for discussion by the Committee at its fifty-third session, to be held from 20 March to 7 April 1995, and, in any event, to submit not later than 31 January 1995 a report, in summary form if necessary, relating in particular to the application of articles 6, 7, 9, 10 and 14 of the Covenant;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to bring this decision to the attention of the Government of Haiti.


C. Reports submitted by States parties in accordance with a special decision of the Human Rights Committee

56. ... Haiti submitted a special report, which was considered at the Committee's fifty-third session (see paras. 55 and 224-241).

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