CESCR E/1998/22

194. At its 5th and 6th meetings on 30 April 1997, the Committee reviewed the initial report of Guyana on articles 1 to 15 of the Covenant (E/1990/5/Add.27), as well as the written replies to the list of issues formulated by the Committee, and, after a short discussion, decided to postpone its consideration until a future session. This decision was based on the view that the written replies were inadequate, especially in relation to articles 6 to 9, 12 and 13, and did not provide the basis for a satisfactory dialogue. Consequently, the Committee could not proceed with a meaningful examination of the report. In order to provide guidance as to what information is desired in the written replies to the Committee's list of issues, the representative of Guyana was provided on 30 April 1997 with the relevant reference materials, including a recording of comments by the Rapporteur as to what would most assist the Committee.

195. In order to consider the initial report at that future date, however, it will be necessary for the Committee to receive the additional written replies to its list of issues at least six weeks before the beginning of the session in question. The Committee also requests that an expert familiar with the technical matters contained in the report be involved in its presentation to the Committee.

196. The Committee looks forward to a useful and productive dialogue with the Government of Guyana as the preferred basis for the adoption of its concluding observations. Hopefully, the information provided to the representative with respect to the Committee's methods of work will enable the Committee and the Government of Guyana to complete that dialogue.

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